Miro Camera thumbnails 204900-204999

Lane Roquemore is the Responsible Physicist on this Diagnostic.

mirothumbnails.pro was used to create these pages

e.g., to create 5 html pages of 100 shots each between shots 130200 and 130799:

IDL> for j=130200, 130799, 100 do mirothumbnails, j, /verbose

As of Nov., 2009, these pages are not generated automatically.

(The times are from the findpeaks.pro routine, with more times added from the Survey Database, if needed.)

Shot 204937, at 73, 243, 357, 409, 467 ms:

Shot 204938, at 273, 544, 837, 1285, 1342 ms:

Shot 204939, at 117, 482, 889, 1248, 1353 ms:

Shot 204940, at 472, 778, 1037, 1215, 1305 ms:

Shot 204941, at 93, 675, 858, 1147, 1268 ms:

Shot 204942, at 64, 480, 735, 789, 1292 ms:

Shot 204943, at 78, 204, 250, 418 ms:

Shot 204944, at 125, 228, 271, 328, 435 ms:

Shot 204950, at 78, 112, 127, 317, 384 ms:

Shot 204951, at 124, 264, 323, 353, 396 ms:

Shot 204952, at 74, 97, 248, 250, 290 ms:

Shot 204953, at 84, 262, 340, 370, 439 ms:

Shot 204954, at 71, 121, 368, 392, 562 ms:

Shot 204955, at 103, 131, 246, 284, 329 ms:

Shot 204956, at 104, 186, 260, 317, 349 ms:

Shot 204957, at 68, 108, 127, 275, 325 ms:

Shot 204958, at 50, 71, 116, 135, 244 ms:

Shot 204960, at 65, 250, 461, 673, 804 ms:

Shot 204961, at 250, 446, 656, 790, 791 ms:

Shot 204962, at 55, 250, 634, 666, 781 ms:

Shot 204963, at 120, 432, 806, 1332, 1401 ms:

Shot 204964, at 73, 584, 781, 1396, 1494 ms:

Shot 204965, at 121, 250, 517, 1003, 1057 ms:

Shot 204966, at 118, 274, 965, 1246, 1343 ms:

Shot 204967, at 250, 262, 503, 693, 961 ms:

Shot 204968, at 66, 108, 135, 336, 382 ms:

Shot 204969, at 70, 469, 767, 1190, 1386 ms:

Shot 204982, at 250, 263, 451, 661, 1053 ms:

Shot 204983, at 118, 250, 278, 771, 1264 ms:

Shot 204984, at 62, 147, 250, 1022, 1164 ms:

Shot 204985, at 121, 407, 1185, 1306, 1382 ms:

Shot 204986, at 86, 250, 299, 473, 704 ms:

Shot 204987, at 250, 454, 541, 776, 868 ms:

Shot 204988, at 102, 123, 310, 409, 479 ms:

Shot 204989, at 250, 429, 526, 622, 623 ms:

Shot 204990, at 250, 346, 443, 635, 636 ms:

Shot 204991, at 250, 406, 541, 635, 769 ms:

Shot 204992, at 85, 250, 514, 1054, 1260 ms:

Shot 204993, at 536, 661, 874, 978, 1166 ms:

Shot 204994, at 209, 493, 689, 1019, 1083 ms:

Shot 204995, at 76, 206, 250, 303, 1197 ms:

Shot 204996, at 0 ms:

Shot 204997, at 84, 250, 273, 647, 1133 ms:

Shot 204998, at 83, 264, 537, 1170, 1305 ms:

Shot 204999, at 250, 579, 703, 771, 916 ms:

page created by Bill Davis, PPPL Thu Nov 17 15:24:18 2016.