The .H include file and the code template are produced from this file using the foreign command GEN_DEVICE
In the following example, "test.gen" was a copy of mpb__decoder.gen with module names changed. There is only one routine (method) that will be dispatched by MDSplus during the shot cycle for this module, the initialization routine TEST$INIT .
BIRCH$ gen_device/single/suffix=_gen testmpb_decoder.gen Parsing device description Building TESTMPB_DECODER_GEN.C Building TESTMPB_DECODER.H Parsing interface description BIRCH$
BIRCH$ verb gen_device define verb GEN_DEVICE image MDS$ROOT:[SYSEXE]GEN_DEVICE.EXE parameter P1, label=DESCRIPTION, prompt="Description" value (required,type=$file) qualifier DIAGNOSTICS value (type=$file) qualifier LIBRARY qualifier SINGLE qualifier DEBUG, syntax=DEBUG_GEN_DEVICE qualifier SUFFIX value (required) qualifier ADD define syntax DEBUG_GEN_DEVICE image MDS$ROOT:[SYSMAINT]GEN_DEVICE.EXE
The generated node-identifier constants from the .H include file need to be transferred to the "value" section of the Motif .UIL file for the device. Additionally, the line
needs to be added in the "value" section.
After coding the device-specific code, in this case as TEMPMPB_DECODER.C, and compiling the C modules, link them into a sharable image. (When building the sharable image, only the entry points made visible as globals will be available to TRAVERSER.) Update the library MDS$ROOT:[SYSLIB]MDS$DEVICES.OLB:
BIRCH$ cc testmpb_decoder_gen BIRCH$ cc testmpb_decoder BIRCH$ @pppl$deviceslnk BIRCH$ copy pppl$devices.exe mds$root:[syslib] BIRCH$ librar/replace/share mds$root:[syslib]mds$devices pppl$devices