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List Last updated: Tue Jul 7 13:06:27 2015.
NOTE: Non-PPPL employees may access these routines by following procedure GEN-034 .
Category: 2-D Plotting
[List of Routines]
NAME: drawcircle PURPOSE: draw a circle centered on [x0, y0]. YOU HAVE TO HAVE YOUR AXES ESTABLISHED BEFORE CALLING THIS. Return out arrays for later drawing on a surface, too. These are in two parts, so you won't have a line down the middle when drawing. CATEGORY: 2-D Plotting, CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> (some plot command to estable coordinates) IDL> drawcircle, x0, y0, radius INPUTS: x0,y0 - origin of circle radius - radius of circle KEYWORDS: Inputs: color - dashed - if set, will draw curve with dashed line angle1 - angle in radians to start drawing arc angle2 - angle in radians to stop drawing arc deg1 - angle in degrees to start drawing arc deg2 - angle in degrees to stop drawing arc bottom - draw arc in bottom of circle Outputs: outX1 - X1 output for other ploting outY1 - Y1 " outX2 - X2 " outY2 - Y2 " npts - # of points to use for drawing circle (all the way around) (default may be too coarse, so curve not smooth) EXAMPLE: IDL> x = findgen(100) & y = x IDL> Right_Aspect, x, y, IN_POS=[.1,.1,.9,.9], POSITION=position IDL> plot, findgen(100), /nodata, POSITION=position IDL> drawcircle, 40, 60, 20 IDL> drawcircle, 40, 60, 15, /dashed IDL> drawcircle, 40, 60, 15, deg1=-60,deg2=-30, /bot LIMITATIONS: angle1 & angle2 can't cross over 0 or !PI ANGLES NEED FIXING (determine where starting from) 04-Feb-2010 - added angle1 & angle2 keywords (in radians), bottom and npts WRITTEN by Bill Davis
NAME: drawellipse PURPOSE: draw an ellipse centered on [x0, y0]. YOU HAVE TO HAVE YOUR AXES ESTABLISHED BEFORE CALLING THIS. CATEGORY: 2-D Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> (some plot command to estable coordinates) IDL> drawellipse, x0, y0, radius1, radius2, tilt=tilt INPUTS: x0,y0 - origin of circle/ellipse radius1 - Ellipse semi axis 1 radius2 - Ellipse semi axis 2 KEYWORDS: Inputs: tilt - Ellipse rotation angle (radians, unless /deg set) Clockwise; zero is horizontal, to the left degrees - if set, tilt is in degrees convention - if set, zero is to the right, CCW is positive, with 90 straight up and -90 down color - an index into the color table, or 'red', 'blue', etc. dashed - if set, will draw curve with dashed line npts - # of pts used in drawing (will be made > 100) Outputs: xout - x pts in outline yout - y pts in outline EXAMPLE: IDL> x = findgen(100) & y = x IDL> Right_Aspect, x, y, IN_POS=[.1,.1,.9,.9], POSITION=position IDL> plot, findgen(100), /nodata, POSITION=position IDL> drawellipse, 40, 60, 20, 10 IDL> drawellipse, 40, 60, 15, 10, /dashed IDL> drawellipse, 40, 60, 15, 10, tilt=-1 IDL> drawellipse, 40, 60, 15, 10, tilt=60, /deg IDL> drawellipse, 40, 60, 15, 10, tilt=30, /deg IDL> drawellipse, 40, 60, 15, 10, tilt=10, /deg IDL> drawellipse, 40, 60, 15, 10, tilt=-10, /deg IDL> drawellipse, 40, 60, 15, 10, tilt=60, /deg, /conv IDL> drawellipse, 40, 60, 15, 10, tilt=30, /deg, /conv IDL> drawellipse, 40, 60, 15, 10, tilt=10, /deg, /conv IDL> drawellipse, 40, 60, 15, 5, tilt=20, /deg, /con IDL> drawellipse, 40, 60, 15, 5, tilt=30, /deg, /con IDL> drawellipse, 40, 60, 15, 5, tilt=40, /deg, /con IDL> drawellipse, 40, 60, 15, 5, tilt=50, /deg, /con IDL> drawellipse, 40, 60, 15, 5, tilt=60, /deg, /con IDL> drawellipse, 40, 60, 15, 5, tilt=-10, /deg, /con IDL> drawellipse, 40, 60, 15, 5, tilt=-30, /deg, /con IDL> tilt = 10 IDL> tilt = tilt+20 & drawellipse, 40, 60, 15, 10, tilt=tilt, /deg to get the points back: IDL> drawellipse, 40, 60, 15, 10, tilt=1, /noPlot, xout=xout, yout=yout LIMITATIONS: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 30-Oct-2013 added height keyword 15-Jan-2013 added "convention" keyword to have tilt angle be like Jr. High 19-Sep-2012 used polyfill for filled ellipses 12-Sep-2012 added thick and fill keywords (fill is faked) WRITTEN by Bill Davis, 30-Aug-2011
NAME: findRatZ PURPOSE: find the r of desired Z, but on the outer part of curve, if there is more than one point that would cross Z=desiredZ. Use spline interpolation. CATEGORY: 2-D Plotting, EFIT CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> desiredR = findRatZ( r, z, desiredZ ) INPUTS: r - radius of plasma edge, (can be an array) z - Z of plasma edge, (can be an array of same dimension as r) desiredZ - Z at which you want R value on the outer edge returned can be KEYWORD PARAMETERS: inner - if set, will return the inner value rather than the outer plot - if set, will plot inputs and results test - if set, will restore test values for inputs verbose - if set, will print many informational messages debug - if set, debug output will be printed EXAMPLE: IDL> desiredR = findRatZ( r, z, desiredZ, /test, /debug, /plot ) WRITTEN 18-Feb-2010 by Bill Davis
NAME: followcontour PURPOSE: Follow a contour line to find where it intersects a desired Y and return the X value. I.e., where the 2D input array has the same value as at specified coordinates. This is used to find the R value at Z=0 with the same Psi value as a specified point on the flux surface. So, it can be used for plotting things in relation to flux surfaces. CATEGORY: 2-D Plotting, Normalized Psi CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> xWant = followcontour( data2d [, x, y], xpt=xpt, ypt=ypt [, yWant=yWant]) INPUTS: data2d - 2D array, e.g., flux values x - X values (defaults to indices) y - Y values (defaults to indices) xpt - X value at which to get flux (will linearly interpolate) ypt - Y value at which to get flux (will linearly interpolate) yWant - Y value at which to determine X with same flux value [Def=0] KEYWORD PARAMETERS: outer - if set will return largest value, else will return all (closed contours may intersect a constant Y line in two, or more, locations) inner - if set will return smallest value, else will retrun all level - contour/value you want to follow (else determined by xpt & ypt) exact - if set will interpolate to get level, rather than use nearest data pt plot - if set will plot contours and input point and found point _extra - passed to the contour routine verbose - if set, will print many informational messages debug - if set, debug output will be printed OUTPUTS: xWant - X value where Y=yWant and data2D has same value as at [xpt,ypt] (finds the nearest point) EXAMPLE: IDL> restore, '/u/bdavis/contfollowtest.sav' IDL> xWant = followcontour( data2d, x, y, xpt=xpt, ypt=ypt, /plot ) ; where psiRZ, R, Z are from EFIT/LRDfit at a particular time: IDL> RatZ0 = followContour( psiRZ, R, Z, xpt=Rwant, ypt=Zwant, $ yWant=0.0, /OUTER, /EXACT ) 19-Nov-2010 added SAME keyword for speed when looking up a lot of points WRITTEN 15-Feb-2010 by Bill Davis
NAME: oplotdash PURPOSE: Overplot a variety of dashed lines, even if terminal emulator doesn't for different linestyles CATEGORY: 2-D Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> oplotdash, x, y, dashfracdashfrac=, blankfrac=blankfrac INPUTS: x - x data to overplot y - y data to overplot KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Optional: dashfrac - fraction of distance (0-1) dash will be (def=0.01) blankfrac - fraction of distance (0-1) blank will be smallFrac - fraction of distance (0-1) for a small dash, or a dot. OUTPUTS: COMMON BLOCKS: NONE NOTES: This will probably be slow for large numbers of points. EXAMPLE: x = findgen(100) y = sin(x/5) plot, x, y, title='My Plot', xtitle='Seconds', ytitle='Function', $ charsize=1.5 oplotdash, x, y/2, dashfrac=.02, blankfrac=.01 TVIMAGE, bytscl(dist(100,50)), x, y, POSITION=thisPosition, $ /KEEP_ASPECT_RATIO oplotdash, x, y/2, dashfrac=.02, blankfrac=.01 MODIFICATION HISTORY: 06-Mar-2013 made to work when other graph type drawn first 16-Apr-2012 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: plot3_mpts PURPOSE: Make 3 Multi-point Thomson Scattering Plots: 2-D plots of electron Temp and Density and a time history. CATEGORY: 2-D Plotting, MPTS, GPI CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> plot3_mpts, shot INPUTS: shot = NSTX shot number KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Inputs: Plot_IP - if=0, do not have Ip plot on graph Tplot = vector of times to plot profiles (default = all times) (if multiple shots only first time point is used) Temax = value of maximum Te to plot [ keV] Nemax = value of maximum Ne to plot [1e13 /cm^3] Pemax = value of maximum Pe to plot [kPa] Nelmax = value of maximum NeL to plot [1e15 /cm^2] Temin = value of minimum Te to plot [ keV] Nemin = value of minimum Ne to plot [1e13 /cm^3] Pemin = value of minimum Pe to plot [kPa] Nelmin = value of minimum NeL to plot [1e15 /cm^2] CHI = if set, changes plotting defaults to values appropriate to lower temperature plasmas Nospline = set to connect data with straight lines instead of splines. Rrange = two element vector to set radial range of plot [Rmin, Rmax] Fancy = sets Font to Triplex Roman Tmin = minimum time to plot (def=0) Tmax = set maximum value of time in plot Pk = set Te(t) to peak value of spline Efit = value of EFIT tree to use '1,2,3,4,5' GPI = if set, will add trace of average light vs. time from GPI camera frames. NB = if set, add neutral beam power to time history plot RF = if set, add HHFW power to time history plot MHD = if set, add Mirnov trace to time history Vloop = if set, add loop voltage to time history plot Mld = if set, add microwave line density to time history HA = if set, add hydrogen alpha signal to time history USXR = if set, add ultra-soft x-ray signal to time history Wmhd = if set, add EFIT Total energy (Wmhd) to time history Tf = if set, add TF current to time history Qmin = if set, add qmin to time history Q95 = if set, add q95 to time history noTimeLines - if set, will draw dotted lines on color contours showing times of Thomson data box - c_colors - contour colors charsize - sets size of characters in plot contour - draw contour lines over color contours ctb - the IDL color table (defaults to 3, hot metal) deltaT - efileType - emailPsAddress - fit - type of fit for separatrix plot GPI - if set, plot GPI average in bottom plot interp - lastPoint - lastTime - mailPsFile - nospline - PlotsDesired - psFileName - r1 - r2 - rescale - rf - sep - sh2 - surf - t1 - t2 - tRange - xmargin - sent to plot command XOR_cont - use XOR for color of contour lines xpos -sent to plot command xRange - xsize - ymargin - sent to plot command ypos - sent to plot command ysize - OUTPUTS: opt = returned value out COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: To add GPI average to lowest plot: IDL> plot3_mpts, 138846, /GPI,/box IDL> wset, 32 IDL> plot3_mpts, 138846, /GPI,tmin=.45, tmax=.85, r1=1.2,r2=1.56, $ /contour, Plot_ip=0 ; for Stewart's paper Fig. 3: IDL> !p.font=0 IDL> setup_ps,'', printer='postscript color' IDL> plot3_mpts, 138844, /GPI,tmin=.45, tmax=.85, $ Temax=1.2, Line_TeMax=2, Nemax=8, /NoBigLabels, $ /contour, Plot_ip=0, /Plot_NeL, /Plot_Te, $ charsize=1.5, BARSZ_CHARS=3, /magAxis IDL> unsetup_ps IDL> !p.font=0 IDL> setup_ps,'', printer='postscript color' IDL> plot3_mpts, 138843, tmin=.45, tmax=.85, $ Temax=1.2, Line_TeMax=2, Nemax=8, /NoBigLabels, $ /contour, Plot_ip=0, /Plot_NeL, /Plot_Te, $ charsize=1.5, BARSZ_CHARS=3, /magAxis IDL> unsetup_ps IDL> for shot=138844,138847 do plot3_mpts, shot, /GPI, $ tmin=.45, tmax=.85, r1=1.2,r2=1.56, /contour, Plot_ip=0, $ efile='PDF' IDL> for shot=138844,138847 do $ plot3_mpts, shot, /GPI, /Sep, $ tmin=.3, tmax=.9, r1=1.25,r2=1.5, /contour, $ Plot_ip=0, c_colors=[115,110,100,50,30,20,10], /debug IDL> for shot=138844,138847 do $ plot3_mpts, shot, /GPI, /Sep, $ tmin=.45, tmax=.85, r1=1.35,r2=1.5, /contour, $ Plot_ip=0, c_colors=[115,110,100,50,30,20,10], /debug to make a post script plot: IDL> !p.font=0 IDL> setup_ps,'', printer='postscript color' IDL> plot3_mpts, 138846, /GPI,tmin=.45, tmax=.85, r1=1.2, r2=1.56, $ /contour IDL> unsetup_ps NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 06-May-2014 added MagAxis keyword to allow like for magnetic axis 10-Oct-2013 EFIT keyword was not getting to sepvstime for edge 09-Oct-2013 if just GPI in bottom frame, make smaller than other 2 30-May-2013 added GPI option for Stewart Zweben 31-Aug-2010 moved PNB read to end, because opening tree takes ~12s ! 29-Jul-2010 added LastPoint and lastTime keywords 15-Jul-2010 added xmargin keyword for wall display 05-Nov-2009 handle no times or deltaT entered. 14-Apr-06 Added default to mail PDF file if e-mail checked and user specified. 26-Jan-06 No longer e-mail to 'USER' if username not specified Tidy up screen message for postscript output 19-Jul-04 Added emailPsFile and emailPsAddress keywords WRITTEN November, 2003, by Bill Davis.
NAME: plotdash PURPOSE: Plot a variety of dashed lines, even if terminal emulator doesn't for different linestyles CATEGORY: 2-D Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> plotdash, x, y, dashfracdashfrac=, blankfrac=blankfrac INPUTS: x - x data to plot y - y data to plot KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Optional: dashfrac - fraction of distance (0-1) dash will be (def=0.01) blankfrac - fraction of distance (0-1) blank will be smallFrac - fraction of distance (0-1) for a small dash, or a dot. OUTPUTS: COMMON BLOCKS: NONE NOTES: This will probably be slow for large numbers of points. EXAMPLE: x = findgen(100) y = sin(x/5) plotdash, x, y plotdash, x, y, dashfrac=.02, blankfrac=.01 oplotdash, x, y/2, dashfrac=.02, blankfrac=.01, color=mk_color('red') y = randomu(seed,100) plotdash, x, y plotdash, x, y, dashfrac=.02, smallFrac=0.005, blankfrac=.002 plotdash, x, y, dashfrac=.02, smallFrac=0.002, blankfrac=.005 MODIFICATION HISTORY: 17-Apr-2012 added smallFrac keyword, so can have dot-dash style lines 16-Apr-2012 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: shade_surfrange PURPOSE: make SHADE_SURF plots with x & y ranges (correctly) CATEGORY: 2-D Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: shade_surfrange, f, x, y, XRANGE=xrange, YRANGE=yrange, _EXTRA =_extra INPUTS: f, x & y are just as for surf in KEYWORD PARAMETERS Input: XRANGE - array containing min x & max x YRANGE - array containing min y & max y ZRANGE - array containing min y & max y _EXTRA - standard idl EXTRA keyworrd OUTPUTS: none EXAMPLE: x=findgen(100) y=x f=DIST(100) _EXTRA = { title: 'My Title', $ ; pass any extra SHADE_SURF keywords here xtitle: 'seconds', $ ax : 40 } shade_surfrange, f, x, y, xrange=[20,40], yrange=[50,70], _EXTRA =_EXTRA COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: If your are using color tables with reserved colors at the the top, e.g., if you use mk_color, you should first call: IDL> dum=mk_color(n_nonfixed=ncolors) IDL> set_shading, values=[0,ncolors-1] skirt doesn't seem to work MODIFICATION HISTORY: 09-Jul-02 Handle when yrange or xrange reversed (i.e., first > last) 17-Aug-01 Handle correctly when !z.range set 17-Oct-00 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: SHOW3m PURPOSE: Show a 2D array three ways in a display that combines SURFACE, CONTOUR, and an image (color/gray scale pixels). CATEGORY: 2-D Plotting, Graphics, Image Processing. CALLING SEQUENCE: SHOW3m, Image [, INTERP = Interp, SSCALE = Sscale] INPUTS: Image: The 2-dimensional array to display. OPTIONAL INPUTS: X = a vector containing the X values of each column of Image. If omitted, columns have X values 0, 1, ..., Ncolumns-1. Y = a vector containing the Y values of each row of Image. If omitted, columns have Y values 0, 1, ..., Nrows-1. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INTERP: Set this keyword to use bilinear interpolation on the pixel display. This technique is slightly slower, but for small images, it makes a better display. SSCALE: Reduction scale for surface. The default is 1. If this keyword is set to a value other than 1, the array size is reduced by this factor for the surface display. That is, the number of points used to draw the wire-mesh surface is reduced. If the array dimensions are not an integral multiple of SSCALE, the image is reduced to the next smaller multiple. E_CONTOUR: a structure containing additional keyword parameters that are passed to the CONTOUR procedure. See the example below. E_SURFACE: a structure containing additional keyword parameters that are passed to the SURFACE procedure. See the example below. TITLE: Top plot title XTITLE: x-axis title YTITLE: y-axis title FLOOR: if = 0, will not show color contours on floor CHARTHICK; character thickness on color bar DRAWLINES: draw lines to indicate a region of interest DRAWBOX : draw box around region of interest BOXYMID: y-mid point of box, an line location (default=0.1) BOXXMID: x-mid point of box, an line location (default=1) BOXWIDTH: width of box (default=0.1) BAR: if = 0, will not draw color bar C_COLOR: colors for contours OUTPUTS: No explicit outputs. EXAMPLE: IDL> gp, '/u/bdavis/MarthRedi/kineticballooning.txt' SIDE EFFECTS: A new plot is generated. RESTRICTIONS: The display gets too "busy" when displaying larger (say 50 by 50), images, especially if they are noisy. It can be helpful to use the SSCALE keyword or the SMOOTH and/or REBIN functions to smooth the surface plot. You might want to modify the calls to CONTOUR and SURFACE slightly to customize the display to your tastes, i.e., with different colors, skirts, linestyles, contour levels, etc. PROCEDURE: First, do a SURFACE with no data to establish the 3D to 2D scaling. Then convert the coordinates of the corner pixels of the array to 2D. Use POLYWARP to get the warping polynomial to warp the 2D image into the area underneath the SURFACE plot. Output the image, output the surface (with data) and then output the contour plot at the top (z=1). EXAMPLES: A = BESELJ(SHIFT(DIST(30,20), 15, 10)/2.,0) ;Array for example SHOW3, A ;Show it with default display. SHOW3, A, SQRT(FINDGEN(30)) ;Make X axis proportional to sqrt SHOW3, A, E_CONTOUR={C_CHARSIZE:2, DONW:1} ;Label CONTOUR lines with double size characters, and include downhill tick marks. SHOW3, A, E_SURFACE={SKIRT:-1, ZRANGE:[-2,2]} ;Draw a surface with a skirt and scale Z axis from -2 to 2. MODIFICATION HISTORY: DMS. Jan, 1988. Added fudges for PostScript, April, 1988. Fixed bug where contour plot was occasionally clipped. Dec, 1990. Added optional axis variables, and _EXTRA keywords for CONTOUR, and SURFACE. Jan, 1996. DD. Added code to ignore !ORDER for the TV of the image. Mar 1997. SJL Fixed bug from scaling with polywarp. July, 1998. DD. Add better support for TrueColor devices. Honor !P.BACKGROUND (rather than assuming black or white background). Sept, 2000. Feb/2005 hacked by Bill Davis for Martha Redi: better scaling of bottom image. Added lines and a square to indicate region. When bottom values are zero, make white (transparent). Add color bar.
NAME: surfrange PURPOSE: make SURF plots with x & y ranges (correctly) CATEGORY: 2-D Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: surfrange, f, x, y, XRANGE=xrange, YRANGE=yrange, _EXTRA =_extra INPUTS: f, x & y are just as for surf in KEYWORD PARAMETERS Input: XRANGE - array containing min x & max x YRANGE - array containing min y & max y ZRANGE - array containing min y & max y _EXTRA - standard idl EXTRA keyworrd OUTPUTS: none EXAMPLE: x=findgen(100) y=x f=DIST(100) _EXTRA = { title: 'My Title', $ ; pass any extra SURF keywords here xtitle: 'seconds', $ ax : 40 } surfrange, f, x, y, xrange=[20,40], yrange=[50,70], _EXTRA =_EXTRA COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: logic is still not perfect. See, e.g., AUSER4:[BDAVIS.TEST.NDD]NDD3D.PRO for a working example of overlaying surface plot on a shaded surface plot with ranges set. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 09-Jul-02 Handle when yrange or xrange reversed (i.e., first > last) 17-Aug-01 Handle correctly when !z.range set 17-Oct-00 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: TH_IMAGE_CONT PURPOSE: Plot contours of Images with both contour lines and colors CATEGORY: 2-D Plotting USAGE: ******************** HIGH FREQUENCY RADAR DIVISION, SRL ********************** *************************** Ionospheric Effects ****************************** HELP 1 TH_IMAGE_CONT Overlays an image and a contour plot and optionally adds a scale bar. Based on the IDL USERLIB routine IMAGE_CONT. This routine supersedes the USERLIB one, having far more functionality, yet capable of EXACTLY reproducing the effect of IMAGE_CONT. Scale bar appears on the right-hand-side unless /NOBAR is set. NB: the scale bar is automatically created by a recursive call to this routine using the same color and image parameters Format: In its simplest form (allowing all parameters to default) IDL> TH_IMAGE_CONT, IMAGE or, IDL> TH_IMAGE_CONT, IMAGE, X, Y And in its most complex form, specifying ALL parameter IDL> TH_IMAGE_CONT, IMAGE, $ ASPECT=aspect, $ BADPTS=badpts,$ BAR_LABEL_LENGTH=bar_label_length, $ BAR_RANGE=bar_range, $ BAR_SEPARATION=bar_separation, $ BAR_TICKLEN=bar_ticklen, $ BAR_TICKNAME=bar_tickname, $ BAR_TICKS=bar_ticks, $ BAR_TICKV=bar_tickv,$ BARSZ_CHARS=barsz_chars, $ BOTTOMcolor=bottomcolor,$ C_COLORS=c_colors,$ C_LINESTYLE=c_linestyle, $ C_THICK=c_thick, $ CONGRID=congrid, $ CONT=cont, $ CRANGE=crange, $ CT=ct, $ CUBIC=cubic, $ DEBUG=debug, $ EXACT=exact, $ RAISE_PTITLE=raise_ptitle IMAGE_WINDOW=image_window, $ INTERP=interp,$ LEVELS=levels,$ MAX_VALUE=max_value, $ NLEVELS=nlevels, $ NOBAR=nobar, $ NOCONT=nocont, $ NOERASE=noerase,$ TOPcolor=topcolor,$ TSIZE=tsize, $ WINDOW_SCALE=window_scale, $ XRANGE=xrange, $ YRANGE=yrange 2 IMAGE 2-dimensional array to display as an image. 2 /ASPECT set to retain image's aspect ratio. Assumes square pixels. If /WINDOW_SCALE is set, the aspect ratio is retained. 2 BADPTS indices into IMAGE data which define the bad points. These will not be contoured 2 BAR_LABEL_LENGTH the space, in characters (default = 2), for the bar label 2 Btitle Bar title 2 BAR_RANGE set the range limits for the color scale bar (same as CRANGE, defaults to autoscaling if BAR_TICKV not set) 2 BAR_SEPARATION the separation, in characters (default = 2), between the scale bar and the image. Note that the |y-ticklength| will be added to this value if y-ticklength < 0. Both the image and the color bar need to fit into the space allowed for the plot window, otherwise an informative message will be printed and unpredictable results may occur for the displayed image 2 BAR_TICKS set the number of tick intervals for the labelling of the scale bar (defaults to !z.ticks) 2 BAR_TICKV the values to label on the scale bar. If this is set then the scale bar will have AT LEAST this range (defaults to !z.tickv) 2 BAR_TICKNAME the labels to use on the scale bar (defaults to !z.range) 2 BAR_TICKLEN the length of the ticks on the scale bar in fractions of tick bar window, (defaults to !z.ticklen) 2 BARSZ_CHARS the size of the scale bar in characters (default = 2). Both the image and the color bar need to fit into the space allowed for the plot window, otherwise an informative message will be printed and unpredictable results may occur for the displayed image. If the value of this keyword is <=0 then no bar will be displayed BUT the scaling and window size will be calculated as those a color bar is to be used. This is useful when doing multiple plots per page where only some scale bars are not required but you want the plots to all be the same size. Set BARSZ_CHARS = -#chars to allow room for a bar of #chars size but not to put a scale bar on the plot. Then set BARSZ_CHARS = +#chars to plot the bar on alongside another plot, to end up with images of the same size. Useful in collaboration with the SIDES procedure (which will set flags for when the plot is on the Left,Right,Top and Bottom of the plot window). 2 BOTTOMcolor Set this keyword to the color index of the desired bottom color (range from 0 to TOPcolor-1). Note that the default value for this keyword is 1, which allows the color of the image to be independent of the background and axes colors (!P.background and !P.color). If the user sets this keyword then allowance should be made for these colors as they are generally swapped for POSTSCRIPT and X-Window devices 2 /CONGRID if the image has to be resampled then use the USERLIB CONGRID routine 2 /CONT only do the contouring (no image) 2 CRANGE set the range limits for the color scale bar (same as BAR_RANGE, defaults to autoscaling if BAR_TICKV not set) 2 CT load a color table (uses LOADCT via MK_COLOR) 2 /CUBIC if the image has to be resampled AND interpolated then use the CUBIC interpolation rather than the bi-linear (see INTERP Keyword) 2 /DEBUG write out some inforamtion as it goes 2 /EXACT When set this will force the contour routine to fit to the exact positions relative to the image. When data is displayed as an image each datum is expanded out to fill a pixel of finite dimensions. The assignment of where the "data value" resides within this space is open to debate, but is most appropriately (to this author) assigned to the geometric centre of the pixel. Most defaults assign this position to be at the bottom left-hand corner of the pixel. Contour will fit to the 2-d plane assuming that the data value is associated with the bottom left-hand corner. To reconcile this with the notion of the value being in the middle of the pixel the contour call is made with the x/y values and ranges for the image adjusted (effectively by half a pixel in the x/y directions). This is the EXACT mapping. By default, the mapping will be the default contour one. 2 RAISE_PTITLE Raise the plot title by this many character units above the plot to allow room to put a label on the top x-axis. Default is raise by 1 char. If not called then the default y-position is 1 char unit above plot (allowing room for xticks, and scaled by !P.charsize) 2 IMAGE_WINDOW the position of the image window. Can be used to set !p.position so you can over-plot the image. (Only useful when the scale-bar has been used) 2 /INTERP set to bi-linear interpolate if image is resampled. (see also the CUBIC keyword) 2 /NOBAR dont put a scale bar on the right-hand-side 2 /NOCONT only do the imaging (no contours) 2 /NOERASE dont erase the previous plot /NOLOAD if set, do not load color table 2 TOPcolor Set this keyword to the color index of the desired bottom color (range from BOTTOMcolor+1 to !D.n_colors-1). Note that the default value for this keyword is !D.n_colors-2, which allows the color of the image to be independent of the background and axes colors (!P.background and !P.color). If the user sets this keyword then allowance should be made for these colors as they are generally swapped for POSTSCRIPT and X-Window devices 2 TSIZE size of the plot title (default = 1) 2 /WINDOW_SCALE set to scale the window size to the image size, otherwise the image size is scaled to the window size. Ignored when outputting to devices with scalable pixels. 2 XRANGE will set the ranges for the x-axes labelling 2 YRANGE will set the ranges for the y-axes labelling 2 Contour most of the CONTOUR parameters are passed directly 2 Examples IDL> th_image_cont, image IDL> th_image_cont, image, /nocont, /nobar IDL> !p.title = "!17 This is an example of what can be done!3" IDL> !x.title = "X Title" & !y.title = "Y Title" & !z.title = "Z Title" IDL> !x.ticklen = -0.02 & !y.ticklen = -0.02 & !z.ticklen = -0.02 IDL> !p.charsize = 1.5 IDL> levels = findgen(5)*2 IDL> image = findgen(20,20)/40. IDL> th_image_cont, image, crange=[0,10], /follow, level=levels, $ tsize=1.5*!p.charsize, bar_tickv=levels 2 Error_responses Returns to the calling procedure on an error 2 Limitations/Assumptions The currently selected display is affected. If the device has scalable pixels then the image is written over the plot window. As with all TV style image displays, the axes range is independent of the image, so it is up to the user the ensure correct labelling of the axes. NOTE: if the user aborts while this routine is processing then the system variables (in particular !p.position) will have been changed, causing subsequent plots to appear different. Issue the command "resetplt,/all" to reset all the system variables back to the startup state. NOTE: if x or y does not have a constant interval, the image will be wrong. Instead, use contour, /fill... 2 References See USERLIB IMAGE_CONT 2 Keywords Graphics images contours 2 MODIFICATIONS: ------------- 12-Dec-2013 added barlabel keyword 05-Sep-2013 if /NoLoad set, use values in common block from mk_colors (if set) for max values 07-Jun-2013 make /EXACT the default 27-Jul-2012 tweeked color table handling. Add rainbow keyword. 07-Jan-2010 print error if input not 2-D array 06-Jun-2006 several changes including adding x & ytickformat keywords 06-Apr-2006 limit max dimension of interpolated postscript plots to 2000 pixels 14-Mar-2006 added zrange keyword [BD] 25-Oct-01 Made Contours work when /ASPECT set. Made Contours work when XRANGE or YRANGE set. 18-Apr-00 Made interpolated image align with data. /EXACT does not give an exact representation. Warn if style=2 06-Dec-99 Added another pixel to TV image size, so it fills the grid square 23-Aug-99 Allow Contour, Z, X, Y format. Use MK_COLOR 07-Jan-98 BD allow more space at the bottom and right-hand side for text (keyword BAR_LABEL_LENGTH added) 07-Aug-97 Bill Davis- v. 2.24 [1] added _extra call to main CONTOUR and removed it from those making the bar. (more modifications in file)
NAME: TVIMAGE_CONGRID PURPOSE: Shrink or expand the size of an array by an arbitrary amount. This IDL procedure simulates the action of the VAX/VMS CONGRID/CONGRIDI function. This function is similar to "REBIN" in that it can resize a one, two, or three dimensional array. "REBIN", however, requires that the new array size must be an integer multiple of the original size. CONGRID will resize an array to any arbitrary size (REBIN is somewhat faster, however). REBIN averages multiple points when shrinking an array, while CONGRID just resamples the array. CATEGORY: 2-D Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: array = TVIMAGE_CONGRID(array, x, y, z) INPUTS: array: A 1, 2, or 3 dimensional array to resize. Data Type : Any type except string or structure. x: The new X dimension of the resized array. Data Type : Int or Long (greater than or equal to 2). OPTIONAL INPUTS: y: The new Y dimension of the resized array. If the original array has only 1 dimension then y is ignored. If the original array has 2 or 3 dimensions then y MUST be present. z: The new Z dimension of the resized array. If the original array has only 1 or 2 dimensions then z is ignored. If the original array has 3 dimensions then z MUST be present. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INTERP: If set, causes linear interpolation to be used. Otherwise, the nearest-neighbor method is used. CUBIC: If set, uses "Cubic convolution" interpolation. A more accurate, but more time-consuming, form of interpolation. CUBIC has no effect when used with 3 dimensional arrays. MINUS_ONE: If set, will prevent CONGRID from extrapolating one row or column beyond the bounds of the input array. For example, If the input array has the dimensions (i, j) and the output array has the dimensions (x, y), then by default the array is resampled by a factor of (i/x) in the X direction and (j/y) in the Y direction. If MINUS_ONE is present (AND IS NON-ZERO) then the array will be resampled by the factors (i-1)/(x-1) and (j-1)/(y-1). HALF_HALF: If set, will tell CONGRID to extrapolate a *half* row and column on either side, rather than the default of one full row/column at the ends of the array. If you are interpolating images with few rows, then the output will be more consistent with this technique. This keyword is intended as a replacement for MINUS_ONE, and both keywords probably should not be used in the same call to CONGRID. OUTPUTS: The returned array has the same number of dimensions as the original array and is of the same data type. The returned array will have the dimensions (x), (x, y), or (x, y, z) depending on how many dimensions the input array had. PROCEDURE: IF the input array has three dimensions, or if INTERP is set, then the IDL interpolate function is used to interpolate the data values. If the input array has two dimensions, and INTERP is NOT set, then the IDL POLY_2D function is used for nearest neighbor sampling. If the input array has one dimension, and INTERP is NOT set, then nearest neighbor sampling is used. EXAMPLE: ; vol is a 3-D array with the dimensions (80, 100, 57) ; Resize vol to be a (90, 90, 80) array vol = TVIMAGE_CONGRID(vol, 90, 90, 80) MODIFICATION HISTORY: DMS, Sept. 1988. DMS, Added the MINUS_ONE keyword, Sept. 1992. Daniel Carr. Re-wrote to handle one and three dimensional arrays using INTERPOLATE function. DMS, RSI, Nov, 1993. Added CUBIC keyword. Craig Markwardt, Dec, 1997. Added halfhalf keyword to more evenly distribute "dead" pixel row Use uniformly spaced grid points for half_half W. Landsman Feb. 2000 (and slightly modified by C. Markwardt 14 Feb 2000) DWF, FSC, 22 Apr 2007. Modified the program so that 3D arrays use nearest-neighbor interpolation unless the INTERP keyword is set. DWF, FSC, 22 Apr 2007. Function renamed from CMCONGRID to TVIMAGE_CONGRID on recommendation of Craig Markwardt as he wants no part of this. :-)
NAME: vectorsurf PURPOSE: Shows a fancy way to plot irregulary spaced data from x,y & z vectors. CATEGORY: 2-D Plotting, Example CALLING SEQUENCE: vectorsurf, x, y, z INPUTS: tag - MDSplus tag or node name in KEYWORD PARAMETERS Input: DRAWXSIZE = drawXsize DRAWYSIZE = drawYsize BG_COLOR = bg_color OUTPUTS: none EXAMPLE: IDL> x=[4,6,1,7,1,8,5,2,4] IDL> y=[3,3,1,6,4,5,6,8,1] IDL> z=sqrt((x-3)^2+(y-2)^2)+randomn(seed)+2 IDL> vectorsurf, x, y, z MODIFICATION HISTORY: 05-Sep-97 Written by Bill Davis from IDL's in the IDL 5.0 release Written by: DC, RSI, 1995
Category: Animation
[List of Routines]
NAME: alphamovie10 PURPOSE: Plot every 10th frame in time, and overlay 10 d-alpha traces. Have a marching vertical line indicating time in a plot indicating the Strike Point Radius. CATEGORY: Animation, NSTX CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> d=alphamovie10( 138000, tStart=tStart, tEnd=tEnd ) INPUTS: shot = NSTX shot number KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Inputs: tStart - tEnd - rMin - minimum time to display (DEFAULT: 25 ) rMax - minimum time to display (DEFAULT: 85 ) inc - how many D-alpha traces to put on a plot efit - xsize - horizontal size of X window (DEFAULT: 600 ) ysize - vertical size of X window (DEFAULT: 450 ) xpos - initial X position of lower left of X window in pixels ypos - initial Y position of lower left of X window in pixels charsize - size of characters on plot (Default: 1.5) verbose - if set, will print many informational messages debug - if set, will stop before returning OUTPUTS: MPEGS can be saved from the IDL Animation Widget interface EXAMPLE: IDL> d=alphamovie10( 138000, /verb ) NOTES: This routine uses X-memory, so too many frames can cause X errors. Try reducing the number of frames or xsize and ysize. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 19-Jul-2010 put into xinteranimate by Bill Davis 20-Apr-2010 written by Josh Kallman. cam4_fy10 written by Vlad.
NAME: anim2cine PURPOSE: Create an mpeg or avi movie from two .cin files from Phantom Cameras. The data can be color or monochrome CATEGORY: animation CALLING SEQUENCE: anim2cine, CineFile1, CineFile2, movieFile=movieFile, t1=t1, t2=t2 INPUTS: CineFile1 - cine file CineFile2 - (optional) - OPTIONAL KEYWORD PARAMETERS: movieFile - name of output MPEG or QuickTime file (will default to a nice name), or prefix - what would precede _shot_t1_t2 (in msec) in the output filename t1 - start time of animation in seconds t2 - end time of animation in seconds VIEW - if set, just displays images, and does not make an mpeg ndups - if given means repeat every image 'ndups' times despeckle - if set call despeckle routine (slow, but less "intrusive" than median) nSmooth - number input to median smoothing routine for camera data sigSmooth - number input to median smoothing routine for signal data topPixels - botPixels - charsize - character size for plots. Default=2 ctb - color table for non-color image label1 - label on plot for CineFile1 (default='Monochrome') label2 - label on plot for CineFile2 (default='Color') gamma1 - gamma setting for camera 1 gamma2 - gamma setting for camera 2 saturation1 - saturation setting for camera 1, if color saturation2 - saturation setting for camera 2, if color min1 - minimum value for bytescaling camera 1 min2 - minimum value for bytescaling camera 2 max1 - maximum value for bytescaling camera 1 max2 - maximum value for bytescaling camera 2 region1 - crop region to display for camera 1 region2 - crop region to display for camera 2 byteScale - if set, will scale sigName - if set, will not show Fast Camera images, but this signal vs. time (defaults to \passivespec::BAYC_DALF_HAIFA) sigT1 - starting time of signal vs. time plot sigT2 - ending time of signal vs. time plot sigTitle - if set, will be displayed above sigName plot, else tries to get label from MDSplus verbose - if set will print out info as it works OUTPUTS: an MPEG file named by movieFile keyword EXAMPLE: anim2cine,camera1="Phantom710-9206", camera2="Phantom73-6663", shot=138767, $ sig1='\wf::ip',sig2='\wf::nel', t1=.405, t2=.406, $ gamma1=.37, min1=20, max1=1442, $ gamma2=.8, sat2=.3, max2=1440, rot2=1 ,/debug anim2cine,camera1="Phantom710-9206", camera2="Miro2-7988", shot=138767, $ sig1='\wf::ip',sig2='\wf::nel', t1=.405, t2=.406, $ gamma1=.37, min1=20, max1=1442, $ gamma2=.3, sat2=.3, max2=255 ,/debug f1=findcamfiles('nstx_1_135258.cin') f2=findcamfiles('Miro_135258.cin') anim2cine,f1,f2,t1=.17,t2=.53, inc=10, mag1=2, mag2=3, $ region1=[.08,.05,1,1], region2=[.1,.0, 1.0,.9], $ sig1='\operations::mi_h908_01:input_03*(-1.6)', sig2='\wf::prf', $ Units1='mTor', /QUICKTIME, sigLabel1='Antenna Power', /debug anim2cine, camera1='Phantom710-9206', camera2='Miro2-7988', $ shot=140000, t1=0.2, t2=0.3, sigT1=0.0, sigT2=1.0, $ sig1='\wf::ip', sig2='\wf::pnb', nSmooth=5, /verbose , /debug anim2cine, 'NSTX_130387.cin', $ 'MIRO_130387.cin', $ t1=0.1, t2=1.4, sig1='\wf::ip', sigTitle='Plasma Current', /verbose anim2cine, shot=130370, t1=0.5, t2=0.58, /verbose, /view , /debug f1=findcamfiles('nstx_1_135254.cin') f2=findcamfiles('Miro_135254.cin') anim2cine,f1,f2,t1=.180,t2=.580, inc=10, $ movieFile='NSTX_135254_180-580ms.mpg', mag1=2, mag2=3 , /debug f1='/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom71-5040/2009/nstx_1_135254.cin' f2='/p/nstxcam-archive/Miro2-7988/2009/Miro_135254.cin' anim2cine,f1,f2,t1=.180,t2=.580, inc=10, $ region1=[.08,.05,1,1], region2=[.1,.0, 1.0,.9], $ movieFile='NSTX_135254_180-580ms.mpg', mag1=2, mag2=3 , /debug f1=findcamfiles('nstx_1_136159.cin') ; fastest one f2=findcamfiles('Miro_136159.cin') anim2cine, f1,f2, mag2=2, $ label1='Full', label2='Dropper View', $ gamma1=0.096, min1=65, max1=4095, $ gamma2=1.188, min2=1114, max2=11075 , /debug mv files to /w/ (or whatever year) for web viewing at MODIFICATION HISTORY: 08-Dec-2011 added flip1 and flip2 keywords (also made work with just 1 file) 31-Aug-2010 lots of changes to allow to work off web tool nstxmovie.html 01-Jul-2010 added region1 and region2 keywords and allow different magnifications for different cameras 08-Oct-2009 updates for 2009 cameras. Extract shot # from filenames, if not input 12-Nov-2008 mods because cineload now assuming frame 0 is beginning of data 16-Jul-2008 Use Z-buffer, even when viewing, for smoother displays 15-Jul-2008 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: animxyplot PURPOSE: Animate X-Y plot of a 2-D array CATEGORY: Animation CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> animxyplot, data2d, x, time [, ....] INPUTS: data2d - 2 d array (1st dimension like x, 2nd like time) x - array for x-axis of x-yplot time KEYWORD PARAMETERS: (can have any keywords used in PLOT command -- will be passed on) mpeg - if set, will create an mpeg of animation filename - name of mpeg file (default = 'plotanimation.mpg') rep - # number of times to repeat frames (to slow down mpeg) default=0 t1 - time to start animation (indexes into time array) (default=start) t2 - time to end animation (default=end) xtitle - ytitle - xsize - xsize of window in pixels ysize - ysize of window in pixels flip - if set, will flip mpeg image timeTitle - appended to indication of time on plot (def='Sec.') pause - # of seconds to pause between plotted frames when creating verbose - if set, will print many informational messages debug - if set, debug output will be printed OUTPUTS: NONE; just the mpeg file, if specified EXAMPLE: nframes = 20 nPts = 1000 data2d = fltarr(npts, nframes) time = findgen(nFrames)/1000 +0.2 x =findgen(npts)/npts*150 + 50 for i=0,nframes-1 do data2d[0,i]=sin(x*5/max(x)+i/10.)*exp(1.-x/100-i/10.) animxyplot, data2d, x, time, xtitle='Radii', ytitle='Value', /mpeg NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 18-Jan-2008 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: cine2mpeg PURPOSE: Create a movie from a .cin files from Phantom Fast Cameras. Will default to writing jpegs and spawning jmovie to create a QuickTime movie. If /MPEGout keyword set, will write an MPEG. The data can be color or monochrome, CATEGORY: animation CALLING SEQUENCE: cine2mpeg, CineFile1, outFile=outfile, t1=t1, t2=t2, ndups=ndups or cine2mpeg, shot=shot, t1=t1, t2=t2, /verbose INPUTS: CineFile1 - a cine filename shot - if used instead of filename, it will search appropriate directories. OPTIONAL KEYWORD PARAMETERS: outFile - name of output MPEG file (will default to a nice name), or prefix - what would precede _shot_t1_t2 (in msec) in the output filename t1 - start time of animation in msec t2 - end time of animation in msec MPEGout - if set will create an MPEG movie FramesOut - if=0, will not create QuickTime movie VIEW - if set, just displays images, and does not make an mpeg ndups - if given means repeat every image 'ndups' times despeckle - if set call despeckle routine (slow, but less "intrusive" than median) badValue - if data is this or above, replace with median of surrounding pixels nSmooth - number input to median smoothing routine gamma - gamma correction. (Default=1, which is no correction). 0.5 probably better for Miro saturation - As in HSV color representation, for color camera. Default is 0.3. topPixels - botPixels - AveT1 - start time of range for Average Frame in msec AveT2 - end time oof range for Average Frame in msec manifold - if set, will draw line for manifold positon charsize - character size for labels. Default=1.5 ctb - color table for non-color image label - label on plot horizontal_flip - if set, flip images horizontally vertical_flip - if set, flip images vertically byteScale - if set, will scale minVal - if this and byteScale set, will use this as minimum value maxVal - if this and byteScale set, will use this as maximum value inc - default 1o 1; use every "inc"th frame noCaption - do not put text on or above image Rotate - integer from 0-3, passed to IDL ROTATE function verbose - if set will print out info here and there OUTPUTS: an MPEG file named by outFile keyword NOTES: *** you have to be careful with MAXVAL. If too big, all frames will be black EXAMPLE: cine2mpeg, '/p/nstxcam-archive/Miro2-7988/2008/MIRO_130389.cin', $ t1=0.02, t2=0.0300, /verbose , /debug cine2mpeg, shot=130277, t1=0.100, t2=0.200, /verbose, /view , /debug cine2mpeg, GETENV("NSTXUSR")+'/phantom4/GDNex10usFps27000DC110maP1.98torr-1.cin', $ outfile='Ne110us.mpg', t1=.0007, t2=0.0017, ndups=4, mag=3 minHt and maxChi2 are the most useful to adjust: blobCriteria = { minHt : 1.2, $ maxChi2 : 3., $ maxFrames : 1, $ maxJump : 10, $ minArea : 9, $ minLifetime : 3, $ maxAreaChange : 100, $ minRise : 0.02 $ } cine2mpeg,'/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_138234.cin',$ aveT1=0.530, aveT2=0.550, t1=0.532, t2= 0.5326, /blobs, $ blobCriteria=blobCriteria, $ colorTable=3, min=256, /surface, /RotCC, /arrow , /view,/debug cine2mpeg,'/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_138234.cin',$ aveT1=0.530, aveT2=0.550, t1=0.530, t2= 0.5302, /blobs, $ colorTable=3, minWidth=256, /surface, /horiz, /RotCC, /arrow , /view,/debug ; to test drawing plasma EDGE and limiter shadow: cine2mpeg,'/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_138234.cin',$ aveT1=0.530, aveT2=0.550, t1=0.530, t2= 0.5301, $ colorTable=3, minWidth=256, /horiz, /RotCC, /arrow, /EDGE , /view,/debug mv files to /w/ for web viewing at for Stewart's FY15 GPI paper: IDL> cinethumbnails, /edge, $ nSmooth=3, Rotation=1, /horiz, xSize=668*10./8+80, ySize=652*.666, $ '/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_140395.cin', $ /rainbow, border=3, /ellip, nWanted=10, nrows=2, howFar=.1, /norm, $ bytescale=0, aveT1=.5505, aveT2=.5515, minVal=0.405, maxVal=2.159, $ /colorbar, t1=.550929, t2=.551029, label=0,/verbose cine2mpeg,'/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_140395.cin', $ aveT1=550.5, aveT2=551.5, t1=550.929, t2=550.95, $ ;;;t2= 551.019, $ /ellip, /horiz, /rotccw, howFar=0.1, $ ctb=3, minWidth=256 ;;;, /view MODIFICATION HISTORY: 09-Apr-2015 added ellipses keyword for Stewart Zweben GPI paper 04-Feb-2015 using cgImage and cgSnapshot instead of TV and TVRD so color JPEGS easy. 12-Mar-2014 added Fit keyword for separatrix calculation 15-Oct-2013 BIG CHANGE: Bytescale with minVal & maxVal, unless showMax defined 08-Oct-2013 added manifold-showing option. New limiter position 06-Mar-2013 black out top and bottom after drawing separatrix 05-Mar-2013 if bytescale set, don't use maxVal and minVal to scale image 25-Oct-2012 added showNumbers, xvals, and yvals, for suppressing blob #s and having surface axes in cm. 27-Mar-2012 use fastcam_times and fastcam_frame so can support HDF files from simulation 12-mar-2012 moved smoothing out of cine2mpeg, and let be done in findblobs, like other apps doing. Have time inputs in msec. Default to Gaussian smoothing 24-Feb-2012 added gaussian smoothing option 23-Feb-2012 many adjustments for showing CMOD data, especially when window size not optimal. 31-Aug-2011 added Surface option for better Blob tracking 07-Apr-2011 added NoCaption keyword for NOVA work. 10-Aug-2010 added option to make .mov files from Eliots Java code that uses jpegs 09-Jun-2010 made do loops start with LONG so can handle > 32K frames 27-Aug-2009 added /horizontal_flip and /vertical_flip 22-Jul-2009 if not MIRO, and maxVal not specified, scale each frame to it's max. added NORMALIZE keyword (default) to read through all frames and get the max value for use in BYTSCL. 24-Jun-2009 added showMin and showMax keywords. 12-Nov-2008 mods because cineload now assuming frame 0 is beginning of data 18-Sep-2008 mods to magnify keyword 05-Aug-2008 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: cineave PURPOSE: Produce an average frame from a time ranged from .cin files from Phantom Fast Cameras. This frame is typically used to divide GPI images by to get normalized image. CATEGORY: animation CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> a=cineave( CineFile, aveT1=aveT1_in, aveT2=aveT2_in, aveInt=aveInt ) INPUTS: CineFile - a cine filename aveT1 - start time for averaging (seconds) aveT2 - end time for averaging nsmooth - # of points for median smoothing on individual frames despeckle - if set call despeckle routine (slow, but less "intrusive" than median) badValue - if data is this or above, replace with median of surrounding pixels inc - default 1o 1; use every "inc"th frame FrameOffset - if set, subtract this (like a baseline) from all pixels FrameAveMin - if set, make close-to-zero pixels this number, so when dividing into data, as in normalizing, result is near zero OUTPUTS: maxInt - the maximum intensity anywhere in the frame vs. time aveInt - the average intensity anywhere in the frame vs. time maxVal - maximum value over interval minVal - minimum value over interval maxNorm - max value of normalized images over that the same time range times - times used to create this average frame status - odd if OK EAXMPLES: filename='/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom_Data/2009_Phantom_data/1091216/shot_1091216029.cin' or filename='/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_142000.cin' IDL> t0=systime(1) & a=cineave( filename, aveInt=aveInt ) & print, systime(1)-t0 Without finding AveInt, took 6.5 sec for nstx_1_142000.cin. When finding average, 33.6 seconds . MODIFICATION HISTORY: 05-Mar-2014 added keywords fr1 & fr2 for files with whacky times 05-Sep-2012 added keywords FrameOffset and FrameAveMin 04-Sep-2012 fixed bug where was dividing by n-1 rather than n. 27-Mar-2012 use fastcam_times and fastcam_frame so can support HDF files from simulation 01-Sep-2011 added nsmooth, inc, despeckle & badvalue keywords 27-Jul-2011 made max intensity at a pixel be the 99.9% pixel value so bad pixels don't form max (as Ricky Macqueda did) 25-Jul-2011 added keyword maxInt to return maximum intensity vs. time 22-Jul-2011 default aveT1 and aveT2 to entire file and option to return average intensity vs. time [BD] 18-Jan-2011 added minAll and maxAll keywords WRITTEN Jan-2011 by Bill Davis for Stewart Zweben
NAME: displayfctiffs PURPOSE: Animate Fast Camera images with the time overlayed CATEGORY: Animation CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> displayfctiffs, shot INPUTS: shot = nstx shot number KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Keywords: minmsec - min time in msec to include maxmsec - max time in msec to include loop - number of times to loop through animation (default=1) pause - time in seconds to pause between frames (default=0) minToPlot - min value for bytscl of image maxToPlot - max value for bytscl of image skip - frames to skip between those displayed (default=0) magnify - magnification factor ( note that bigger movies are slower) charThick - charsize - debug - mpg - mds - if set, look for data in MDS plus (little there as of Jul/04) OUTPUTS: none LIMITATIONS: MPEG movies created from widget are poor. EXAMPLE: IDL> displayfctiffs,shot=113723,minms=140,maxms=170 MODIFICATION HISTORY: 16-Mar-05 Only read in times within times requested 29-Jul-04 access /v/kodak area from Unix 22-Jul-04 Added mpg creation [DM] Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: fcdcmovies PURPOSE: Plot Fast Camera and Divertor Camera images along with EFIT field lines, and, optionally, Thomson Scattering Density and Temperature. You may also plot H-alpha (or another) signal vs. time. CATEGORY: Animation, NSTX, EFIT, Thomson Scattering CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> fcdcmovies, 114333,time=[.008,.012],thom=0, sigT1=.005,sigT2=.020 To get a postscript frame printed: IDL>fcdcmovies,114333,time=0.01,thom=0,sigT1=.005,sigT2=.02,anim=0,/postscript if the FC images are too light, you can make them 4 times as bright: IDL> fcdcmovies, 112608, FCimgScale=4 to get an animation with no more than 40 frames between 50 and 317 msec: IDL> fcdcmovies, shot, time=[0.05,0.317],max=40 INPUTS: shot = nstx shot number diverter camera data must be moved manually to linux. Examples are at $NSTXUSR/uppercam/114333 and $NSTXUSR/divcam/114333. A .cih file must also be in each directory for the timing information KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Keywords: half - if set, only show left half of fast camera image time - 2-element array for animation; single value for one frame thomson - if set to 0, will NOT plot Thomson Te and Ne below EFIT contours animate - if set to 0, will NOT make a movie in an IDL XINTERANIMATE window. maxFrames - max # of frames over time range -- necessary if X-memory imSmooth - amount to median smooth images (default=3) is limited (default is 200). sigName - if set, will not show Fast Camera images, but this signal vs. time (defaults to \passivespec::BAYC_DALF_HAIFA) sigT1 - starting time of signal vs. time plot sigT2 - ending time of signal vs. time plot sigTitle - if set, will be displayed above sigName plot, else tries to get label from MDSplus OUTPUTS: none LIMITATIONS: MPEG movies created from widget are poor. All Fast Camera data is on VMS, but can be mounted from petrel084 to petrel092. Only what has been moved manually is on Unix. NOTES: you need to use /save to get Mpeg quality=100 (but it's not clear there's any improvement in the Mpeg. to get tiff files from the fastcamera system into the right taurus directory: scp them from the KODAK directory, or one of it's subdirectories, on VMS Postscript files can be huge; may try making separate one with only Fast Camera image. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 05-Jan-2015 BD added shot, so can draw NSTX-U tiles Devon Battaglia modified code in plot_tiles_nstxu 03-Sep-04 Fixed bug in times of Thomson when animating partial shot 05-Aug-2004 Added two Hiroshima cameras 23-Jul-04 added ExtendEFITtime keyword to continue animation after efit 15-Jul-04 Make default to do animation and include Thomson data 13-Jul-04 Made the default be to show whole fast camera image 05-May-04 Adapted from EfitMovies for Fast Camera data plus x-y plots Original EFIT animation written by Dave Gates
NAME: fctiffsvcr PURPOSE: animate Fast Camera tiffs with VCR-like controls. from the resulting widget, you may write an Mpeg file CATEGORY: Animation CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> fctiffsvcr, shot INPUTS: shot = nstx shot number (Optional - you can navigate for a shot) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Keywords: minmsec - min time in msec to include maxmsec - max time in msec to include minToPlot - min value for bytscl of image maxToPlot - max value for bytscl of image skip - frames to skip between those displayed (default=0) magnify - magnification factor ( note that bigger movies are slower) InitPath - Initial Path of Fast Camera data rate - initial display rate verbose - if set, will print info as it progresses charThick - charsize - debug - mds - if set, look for data in MDS plus (little there as of Jul/04) OUTPUTS: none LIMITATIONS: as of 29-Jul-2004, FC data just available on NSTX Petrels, the VMS cluster. MPEG movies created from widget are poor. EXAMPLE: IDL> fctiffsvcr,shot=113723,minms=140,maxms=170 IDL> fctiffsvcr, frame1=1000, skip=5, maxframes=100, $ files='/p/camdata/dust/120325_TIFF/*.tif', mag=3, /debug MODIFICATION HISTORY: 29-Jul-2004 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: fcvcr PURPOSE: Plot Fast Camera images with a VCR-like interface CATEGORY: Animation, Fast Camera CALLING SEQUENCE: to get an animation with a maximum of 40 frames (spaced with time selection): IDL> fcvcr, 128030, time=[0.05,0.317], max=40 to see what shots have fast camera data in the tree: IDL> MDSnodeChanges,'\fc3d', shot1=119120, shot2=119330, tree='cameras' INPUTS: shot = nstx shot number KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Keywords: sigName - MDSplus signal name of 3-D signal tree - MDSplus tree of signal (defaults to cameras2) bytescale - if set, will scale each frame to 0-255 ndups - number of times each frame of movie is duplicated (default=0) time - 2-element array for animation; single value for one frame animate - if set to 0, will plot individual frames instead of movie. maxFrames - max # of frames over time range -- necessary if X-memory is limited (default is 200). pixMap - if set, will not send each frame to the screen (faster) maxVal - maximum value to use when byte scaling minVal - minimum value to use when byte scaling camt0 - time of first frame (overrides what is in MDSplus) camdt - time between frames (overrides what is in MDSplus) OUTPUTS: calls XIA, from which you can save pictures of frames, or an mpeg file EXAMPLES: IDL> fcvcr, 138116, signal='\', mag=2 IDL> fcvcr, 138178, signal='\cameras2::fastsoftxray:frames', ndecimals=5, mag=5 LIMITATIONS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 08-Jun-2010 use amedian, so edges of images get filtered 03-Jun-2010 added handling of time outside of shot, and overrides 02-Jun-2010 added keywords maxVal, minVal, bytescale (does all data at once) 28-Mar-2008 written by Bill Davis
NAME: mk_mpeg PURPOSE: Write a sequence of images from a 3-D array, or a series of tiff files, as an mpeg movie. CATEGORY: animation CALLING SEQUENCE: mk_mpeg, 'movie.mpg' ,ims or mk_mpeg, 'movie.mpg', files=files INPUTS: ims: sequence of images as a 3D array with dimensions [sx, sy, nims] where sx = xsize of images sy = ysize of images nims = number of images OPTIONAL INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: delafter: if set delete temporary array after movie was created you should actually always do it otherwise you get problems with permissions on multiuser machines (since /tmp normally has the sticky bit set) rep: if given means repeat every image 'rep' times (as a workaround to modify replay speed). i.e., if = 2, make 2 copies of each frame. files: file list. If just one value, needs to include a wild card justone: just plot D-alpha despeckle : if set call despeckle routine (slow, but less "intrusive" than median) OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: creates some files in TMPDIR which are only removed when the delafter keyword is used RESTRICTIONS: depends on the program mpeg_encode from University of California, Berkeley, which must be installed in /usr/local/bin PROCEDURE: writes a parameter file based on the dimensions of the image array + the sequence of images in ppm format into a temporary directory; finally spawns mpeg_encode to build the movie EXAMPLE: IDL> shot = 111840 IDL> f = file_search( GETENV("NSTXUSR")+'/divcam/'+strtrim(shot,2)+'/*.tif') IDL> mk_mpeg, strtrim(shot,2)+'_divcam'+'.mpg',files=f,shot=shot,/fliphoriz LIMITATIONS: mpeg_encode must be in your path (not currently on PPPL Linux) MODIFICATION HISTORY: 22-Apr-04 lots of kludges to make nice movies of camera data from Hiroshima University on NSTX. [BD] 29-Apr-02 Modified write_mpeg to accept a filelist or wildcard spec [BD]. Mon Nov 18 13:13:53 1996, Christian Soellergrabbed original from the net and made slight modifications
NAME: mpeg_from_screen PURPOSE: Example of creating a color Mpeg animation with text overlayed. Works on both 8-bit and 24-bit monitors. Can read from files, but those returning 24-bit data will not have the text overlaying option. CATEGORY: Animation CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> mpeg_from_screen or IDL> mpeg_from_screen, data3d=data3D, mpeg_filename='mymovie.mpg' or IDL> mpeg_from_screen, ndups=5, $ files=['out1.jpg','out2.jpg','out3.jpg','out4.jpg','out5.jpg'] INPUTS: none required KEYWORD PARAMETERS: All optional inputs: data3D - optional 3-D array ( nx, ny, nFrames ) nFrames - # of frames when using dummy data. files - a string array of filenames. Can be of type 'jpg','tif','tif','bmp','jpeg,'png', or 'gif' mpeg_filename - output filename for mpeg movie ndups - number of times each frame of movie is duplicated (default=3) showFrame - if =0, will not show frame around image (irrelevant for rgb files) useScreen - if=0, don't bother using screen for output (i.e., no text to overlay) (irrelevant for rgb files) border - # of pixels around data (default=25) ctb - color table to use (default=39) charsize - character size (default=1.5) charthick - character thickness (default=2) pixMap - if = 0, will write and read each frame from screen (much slower) OUTPUTS: mpeg file MODIFICATION HISTORY: 20-Oct-2004 Optionally operate off a list of files 15-Oct-2004 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: mptscam PURPOSE: Animate several plots, including MPTS variables CATEGORY: Animation, MPTS CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> mptscam, shot, xSize=xSize, ySize=ySize, sideSigs=sideSigs, $ MAX_COLORS_TO_USE = max_colors_to_use, dirs=dirs, $ noSides=noSides, colortable=colortable, $ mpegFile=mpegFile, rf=rf, nb=nb, pixMap=pixMap, $ gaps=gaps INPUTS: shot - NSTX shot # to display KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Optional Inputs: ... dirs - directories to search. If not set, typical NSTX camera is set to 'none', no camera file will be used directories will be searched. defPath - path to find most recent "Miro*.cin" file for default selection first - if set, will just return the first match (for speed) pick - if set, and more than one match found, will pop a dialog box for user to pick one. bigger - DEFAULT=1, so will reduce other graphs on left, so camera image is bigger. nSmooth - # of pixels to median smooth over (3 is great for bit noise) verbose - if set, will print many informational messages debug - if set, debug output will be printed OUTPUTS: VCR-like widget; can create mpegs EXAMPLE: for output example, see IDL> mptscam, 130376, dir='/p/nstxcam-archive/Miro2-7988/2008/' IDL> mptscam, 140300, dir='/p/nstxcam/Phantom73-8032/2010/' IDL> f=findcamfiles(141833, /pick) ; select camera from those available IDL> fdecomp, f, disk, dir, name IDL> mptscam, 141833, dir=dir IDL> mptscam, 141833, dir='/p/nstxcam/Phantom4-6878/2010/' NOTES: This routine has not been tested for many combinations of signals Logic for making movies with less than the full time needs improving. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 12-Oct-2010 cleaned up for new camera searching, and added /bigger keyword 18-Aug-2009 limit radial plots from 18-160 cm per Adam McLean. 14-Aug-2009 major changes for new camera data locations 16-Nov-01 Fine tuned for xsize=600, ysize=400 (for publication) Written by Bill Davis
+ NAME: WRITE_MPEG PURPOSE: Write a sequence of images as an mpeg movie CATEGORY: animation CALLING SEQUENCE: WRITE_MPEG,'movie.mpg',ims INPUTS: ims: sequence of images as a 3D array with dimensions [sx, sy, nims] where sx = xsize of images sy = ysize of images nims = number of images OPTIONAL INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: delaft: if set delete temporary array after movie was created you should actually always do it otherwise you get problems with permissions on multiuser machines (since /tmp normally has the sticky bit set) rep: if given means repeat every image 'rep' times (as a workaround to modify replay speed) OUTPUTS: None OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: creates some files in TMPDIR which are only removed when the DELAFT keyword is used RESTRICTIONS: depends on the program mpeg_encode from University of California, Berkeley, which must be installed in /usr/local/bin PROCEDURE: writes a parameter file based on the dimensions of the image array + the sequence of images in ppm format into a temporary directory; finally spawns mpeg_encode to build the movie EXAMPLE: IDL> s=openmdsshot('efit',112800) IDL> data3d=mdsvalue('\efit01::psirz') IDL> write_mpeg, 'efit_112800.mpg', bytscl(congrid(data3d,65*8,65*8,128)) or IDL>write_mpeg,'test.mpg',reform([[dist(100)],[dist(100)],[dist(100)]],100,100,3) MODIFICATION HISTORY: 15-Jul-04 warn if file not 3d [BD] Mon Nov 18 13:13:53 1996, Christian Soellergrabbed original from the net and made slight modifications
NAME: XanimJpeg PURPOSE: animate jpegs (or other image files) in a VCR-like widget, which can make an MPEG Movie. CATEGORY: Animation, MPEG, jpegs KEYWORDS: jpegDir - directory containing files to animate ext - extension of files to animate (DEFAULT='jpg') showTime - if set, try to show time on image times - times of images in msec increment - for file list, ie., to skip frames, set > 1 maxFrames - max # of frames to load (to many can cause an X-window problem) prefix - prefix of files for search. Default='*' byteScale - if set, will scale individual frames from 0-255 minVal - if this and byteScale set, will use this as minimum value maxVal - if this and byteScale set, will use this as maximum value ctb - color table to load (not sure makes a difference) DEFAULT=3 mag - magnification factor for images EXAMPLE: IDL> xanimjpeg, jpegDir='~bdavis/ShockWaveOutput/Output' IDL> jpegDir='/p/gyro/wgutten/gyro-9.0wg/sim/NSTX_120968A02_560/nonlin/ra60/franklin_runs/x80y60_n8r200ob8v6/jpeg_files/' IDL> xanimjpeg, jpegDir=jpegDir, prefix='frame06', maxframes=10 IDL> xanimjpeg, jpegDir='~bdavis/DustTracking/Data/130388/Cam2_NO' NOTE: this routine requires substantial "X memory" so, Exceed on a Mac, may need more memory; an X-terminal may give a "toolkit error". MODIFICATIONS: 13-Jul-2010 use XIA & other features WRITTEN by Bill Davis
NAME: XeasyAnim PURPOSE: animate 3-D array and optionally make MPEG Movie CATEGORY: Animation, MPEG KEYWORDS: nreps - number of frames to repeat when creating mpeg (1 means no dups) xSize - ySize - rate - MAX_COLORS_TO_USE - magnification - xpos - ypos - colortable - color table for movie ctbFile - color table file (for personal color tables) noLoad - if set, do not load any color table SCALEEACHFRAME - bottom - if set, then position window at bottom of screen despeckle - XWIN - YWIN - STDEV_MULT ctbfile - color table file (for personal color tables) EXAMPLE: IDL> Array3D_In = [DIST(200,200),DIST(200,200)*1.2,DIST(200,200)*1.4] IDL> Array3D_In = bytscl(reform( Array3D_In, 200, 200, 3 )) IDL> XEasyAnim, Array3D_In, /bottom you may wish to the following: IDL> dum=MK_COLOR(N_NONFIXED=ncolors) IDL> Array3D = BYTSCL( Array3D, TOP=ncolors ) IDL> XEasyAnim, Array3D Modifications: 12-May-2008 added noLoad and ctbFile keywords 02-Aug-2007 add gamma keyword [BD] 02-May-06 added nreps keyword 14-Apr-06 added xpos & ypos keywords 06-Mar-02 Added printing, resizing of array, added despeckling [BD]
NAME: XIA PURPOSE: Display an animated sequence of images using X-windows Pixmaps. The speed and direction of the display can be adjusted using the widget interface. CATEGORY: Animation, Image display, widgets. CALLING SEQUENCE: To initialize: XIA, SET = [Sizex, Sizey, Nframes] To load a single image: XIA, IMAGE = Image, FRAME = Frame_Index To load a single image that is already displayed in an existing window: XIA, FRAME = Frame_index, $ WINDOW = [Window_Number [, X0, Y0, Sx, Sy]] (This technique is much faster than reading back from the window.) To display the animation after all the images have been loaded: XIA [, Rate] To close and deallocate the pixmap/buffer (which also takes place automatically when the user presses the "Done With Animation" button or closes the window with the window manager): XIA, /CLOSE OPTIONAL INPUTS: Rate: A value between 0 and 100 that represents the speed of the animation as a percentage of the maximum display rate. The fastest animation is with a value of 100 and the slowest is with a value of 0. The default animation rate is 100. The animation must be initialized using the SET keyword before calling XIA with a rate value. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: BOTTOM: If set, window will be at bottom of screen or parent window CLOSE: Set this keyword to delete the offscreen pixwins and Widget, freeing storage. CYCLE: If set, cycle. Normally, frames are displayed going either forward or backwards. If CYCLE is set, reverse direction after the last frame in either direction is displayed. Provide this keyword with the SET keyword. FRAME: The frame number when loading frames. This keyword only has an effect when used in conjunction with the SET keyword. FRAME must be set to a number in the range 0 to Nframes-1. GROUP: The widget ID of the widget that calls XIA. When this ID is specified, the death of the caller results in the death of XIA. IMAGE: A single image to be loaded at the animation position given by FRAME. The keyword parameter FRAME must also be specified. KEEP_PIXMAPS: If TRUE, XIA doesn't destroy the animation pixmaps when it is killed. Calling it again without going through the SET and LOAD steps will cause the same animation to play without the overhead of creating the pixmaps. BLOCK: Set this keyword to have XMANAGER block when this application is registered. By default the Xmanager keyword NO_BLOCK is set to 1 to provide access to the command line if active command line processing is available. Note that setting BLOCK for this application will cause all widget applications to block, not only this application. For more information see the NO_BLOCK keyword to XMANAGER. ORDER: Set this keyword to display images from the top down instead of the default bottom up. This keyword is only used when loading images. MODAL: If set, then XIA runs in "modal" mode, meaning that all other widgets are blocked until the user quits XIA. MPEG_FILENAME: Set this keyword equal to a string for the desired MPEG filename. If not set, idl.mpg is used. MPEG_CLOSE: Set this keyword to write the MPEG file. NREPS - number of frames to repeat when creating mpeg (1 means no dups) SHOWLOAD: Set this keyword (in conjunction with the SET keyword) to display each frame and update the frame slider as frames are loaded. SET: This keyword initializes XIA. SET should be equated to a 3-element integer vector containing the following parameters: Sizex, Sizey: The width and height of the images to be displayed, in pixels. Nframes: The number of frames in the animated sequence (since XIA is an animation routine, Nframes must be at least 2 frames). TITLE: A string to be used as the title of the widget. If this keyword is not specified, the title is set to "XIA" This keyword has an effect only when used in conjunction with the SET keyword). TRACK: If set, the frame slider tracks the current frame. Default is not to track. Provide this keyword with the SET keyword. WINDOW: When this keyword is specified, an image is copied from an existing window to the animation pixmap. When using X windows, this technique is much faster than reading from the display and then calling XIA with a 2D array. The value of this parameter is either an IDL window number (in which case the entire window is copied), or a vector containing the window index and the rectangular bounds of the area to be copied, for example: WINDOW = [Window_Number, X0, Y0, Sx, Sy] XOFFSET: The horizontal offset, in pixels from the left of the frame, of the image in the destination window. YOFFSET: The vertical offset, in pixels from the bottom of the frame, of the image in the destination window. OUTPUTS: No explicit outputs. COMMON BLOCKS: XIA_COM: a private common block. SIDE EFFECTS: A pixmap and widget are created. RESTRICTIONS: Only a single copy of XIA can run at a time. PROCEDURE: When initialized, this procedure creates an approximately square pixmap or memory buffer, large enough to contain Nframes of the requested size. Once the images are loaded, using the IMAGE and FRAME keywords, they are displayed by copying the images from the pixmap or buffer to the visible draw widget. EXAMPLE: Enter the following commands to open the file ABNORM.DAT (a series of images of a human heart) and animate the images it contains using XIA. For a more detailed example of using XIA, see the example in the "Using IDL Widgets" chapter of "IDL Basics". Read the images into the variable H by entering: OPENR, 1, FILEPATH('abnorm.dat', SUBDIR = 'examples/data') H = BYTARR(64, 64, 16) READU, 1, H CLOSE, 1 H = REBIN(H, 128, 128, 16) XIA, SET=[128, 128, 16], /SHOWLOAD FOR I=0,15 DO XIA, FRAME = I, IMAGE = H[*,*,I] XIA MODIFICATION HISTORY: 02-May-06 added nreps keyword 14-Apr-06 added xpos & ypos, bottom & right keywords 02-Aug-01 modified XInterAnimate to have printing [Bill Davis]
NAME: xyanim PURPOSE: Animate a series of X-Y plots. Makes an animation in a XINTERANIMATE window. An MPEG file can then be saved, or the movie can be played with VCR-like controls CATEGORY: Animation CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> xyanim, Radii, YvsT, times, xSize=xSize, ySize=ySize INPUTS: Radii - 1-D array of Radii (for example) YvsT - 2-D array of Independent axis vs. time times - times for which an x-y plot will be made (defaults to 1/frame) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Keywords: xSize - x size of resulting output frame (default=400) ySize - y size of resulting output frame (default=xSize) OUTPUTS: just the XinterAnimate window. MPEGs can be made from that widget. COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: See /u/bdavis/cvs/idl_cvs/ MODIFICATION HISTORY: 12-Jun-01 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
Category: Bits
[List of Routines]
NAME: bits PURPOSE: Given a byte or integer, return a vector of 8 or 16 values which are the binary representation of the value. CATEGORY: bits, hardware INPUT: invalue - The byte or integer value to check OUTPUT: bitarr - The 8-element array with values set if the bit is set EXAMPLE: IDL> BITS, invalue, BITARR HISTORY: Written 1988 by M.Morrison 13-Nov-92 (MDM) - Modified to allow integer*2 values and to allow an array of values. 7-Apr-94 (MDM) - Allow integer*4 values 15-Aug-94 (MDM) - Corrected error from 7-Apr-94 mod which did not allow an array of inputs
NAME: BTEST PURPOSE: To test bit N in FIX(X) CATEGORY: Bits, Hardware CALLING SEQUENCE: YesNo = btest( X, N ) PARAMETERS: Inputs: X (REQ) (I) (0 1) (I F) X is the variable to be tested N (REQ) (I) (0) (I) The bit of X to be tested Returned: YESNO (REQ) (O) (0 1) (I) The result of the test. 1(true) if bit N is set, 0(false) otherwise. EXAMPLES: YESNO = btest( !X.STYLE, 4 ) IF YESNO THEN PRINT,'X-axis suppressed' $ ELSE PRINT,'Draw X-axis' To find points in NEWSIPS which are outside calibrated region: YESNO = btest( ABS(NU),1 ) ; look for nu flag = -2 IND = WHERE (YESNO EQ 0) ; keep points where yesno = 0 PLOT,W(IND),F(IND) ; plot calibrated points NOTES: Note that negative integers are stored in twos complement form. Therefore, the left-most bits are ON rather than OFF as they are for positive numbers. Input the absolute value of X is negative numbers to avoid this problem. This procedure can be used to check the values of complex IDL system variables such as ![XYZ].STYLE. PROCEDURE: Checks whether (FIX(X) OR (NOT 2^N)) = -1 to set the output flag YESNO. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 26-Oct-99 Convert from btest to make a function (like FORTRAN) Mar 6 1983 RJP GSFC initial program Aug 24 1987 RWT GSFC add PARCHECK Mar 7 1988 CAG GSFC all VAX RDAF-style prolog Jul 13 1990 RWT GSFC Sun mods: use examples pertinent to SUN IDL and add listing of procedure call statement Jun 19 1991 PJL GSFC cleaned up; tested on SUN and VAX; updated prolog Mar 8 1993 RWT GSFC modify to allow X & YESNO to be vectors and add documentation about negative numbers.
NAME: DECODE_GRAY PURPOSE: Convert a gray-code value to an integer CATEGORY: Bits, CAMAC, Hardware, Stepper Motor Control CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> int = DECODE_GRAY(grayCode) INPUTS: grayCode = number in gray code. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Optional Input: NBits - # of bits to decode; defaults to 8 OUTPUTS: int = returned integer out COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLES: IDL> print,DECODE_GRAY(1) 1 IDL> print,DECODE_GRAY(2) 3 IDL> print,DECODE_GRAY(255) 170 IDL> print,DECODE_GRAY(255+512) 170 IDL> print,DECODE_GRAY(255+512,nbits=16) 853 NOTES: This can probably be sped up considerably. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 26-Oct-99 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: mk_bitarray PURPOSE: Create an array of 1's & 0's corresponding to input bits set (works for negative numbers, too, unlike similar routines) CATEGORY: Bits CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> array= mk_bitarray( input ) IDL> array= mk_bitarray( input, nbits=5 ) INPUTS: input = whatever; might be something like !X.STYLE KEYWORD PARAMETERS: NBITS=nbits - length of returned array (default to input type) PRINT - if set, will print bits in groups of fours. OUTPUTS: Byte array containing 1's and 0's out COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> print,mk_bitarray(3, nbits=8) 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 IDL> dum = mk_bitarray( 1025, /print )' 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 LIMITATION: Only works on a scalar. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 05-Jun-00 default nbits to input type. add print keyword. 30-Mar-99 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: showbits PURPOSE: Given a byte or integer, return a vector of 8 or 16 values which are the binary representation of the value. CATEGORY: Bits, Hardware USAGE: bitarr = SHOWBITS( invalue, /print ) INPUT: invalue - The byte or integer value to check OUTPUT: bitarr - The 8-element array with values set if the bit is set KEYWORDS: (Optional) NtoShow - # of bits to show HISTORY: 29-Oct-99 Converted to Function by Bill Davis, ntoshow added Written 1988 by M.Morrison 13-Nov-92 (MDM) - Modified to allow integer*2 values and to allow an array of values. 7-Apr-94 (MDM) - Allow integer*4 values 15-Aug-94 (MDM) - Corrected error from 7-Apr-94 mod which did not allow an array of inputs LIMITATIONS: Only works for non-negative, fixed-point numbers
Category: blobs
[List of Routines]
NAME: blobbinranges PURPOSE: plot bins of one variable vs another from blob database and draws ranges, of say 90%, in Y for each binned point. Uses color filled contours for square bin values. See for an explanation of variables and units of database variables. CATEGORY: Blobs CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> blobBinRanges, filename INPUTS: ------ filename - file saved from DbAccess KEYWORDS: -------- xVar - Column in DbAccess for independent variable (default='topNorm') yVar - Column in DbAccess for dependent variable (default='xVel') Note: velocities are in Km/sec. Most other things are in pixels. x1 - starting pixel in horizontal direction to consider x2 - ending pixel in horizontal direction to consider t1 - starting pixel in vertical direction to consider t2 - ending pixel in vertical direction to consider percent - % of data points to draw bars over (Default=90, but 95% might be better) binSize - length of bin (on X axis) nBins - if set, will set binsize so this # of bins cover range of X data minHt - min value of topNorm maxHt - max value of topNorm saveFile - if=1, will save a JPEG file plotFile - file name to save JPEG to position - bounding box in normalized coords (def=[.1,.1,.95, .9]) xrange - the x limits of the plot (set ! before running for exact) yrange - the y limits of the plot (set ! before running for exact) explain - include in the legend an explanation of bars and numbers ctb - color table for color contours (default=3, hot metal) interp - if set, will interpolate colors indicating blobs per bin EXAMPLES: -------- IDL> blobBinRanges, '/u/bdavis/cvs/database/DBoutSH141741.txt', $ x1=10, x2=50, charsize=1.5, $ xtitle='Normalized Blob Brightness', $ ytitle='Radial Velocity (Km/s)', $ title='Shot 141741; 212-216 msec', $ percent=90, yrange=[-2,4], xrange=[1,7], /contours, /rainbow IDL> blobBinRanges, '/u/bdavis/cvs/database/DBoutSH139286.txt', $ x1=10, x2=50, charsize=1.5, $ xtitle='Normalized Blob Brightness', $ ytitle='Radial Velocity (Km/s)', $ title='Shot 139286; 312-316 msec', $ percent=90, yrange=[-2,4], xrange=[1,7], /contours, /rainbow IDL> blobBinRanges, '/u/bdavis/cvs/idl_cvs/DBoutSH142000.txt', /debug IDL> blobBinRanges, '/u/bdavis/cvs/idl_cvs/DBoutSH142000.txt', $ x1=40, charsize=1.5, $ xtitle='Normalized Blob Brightness', $ ytitle='Radial Velocity (Km/s)', $ title='Shot 142000; 240-270 msec', legend='Outside Separatrix', $ percent=90, yrange=[-2,4], xrange=[1,7], /contours, /rainbow IDL> blobBinRanges, '/u/mko/testfile_142000.txt', x1=40, charsize=1.5, $ xtitle='Normalized Blob Brightness', $ ytitle='Radial Velocity (Km/s)', $ title='Shot 142000; 240-270 msec', legend='Outside Separatrix', $ percent=90, yrange=[-2,4], xrange=[1,7], /contours, /rainbow MODIFICATION HISTORY: -------------------- 29-Oct-2013 change order of columns read to fit (new?) DbAccess files. WRITTEN 26-Jul-2012 by Bill Davis
NAME: blobtrails PURPOSE: draw trails of blob trajectories that go through a certain region of the image. Data comes from a database of blob characteristics for a given shot, and perhaps just part of a shot (see CATEGORY: Blobs CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> blobtrails, table=table, xpt=xpt, ypt=ypt, box=box, minht=minht INPUTS: ------- database - SQL database (server maintained by Tom Carroll) for blobs, DEF='BLOBS' table - table name in database of blobs for a period within a shot, or shot - will assume table is named 'SH'+shot xpt - horizontal center of region from which trajectories start ypt - vertical center of region from which trajectories start boxradius - # of pixels around [xpt, ypt] to allow for start of trajectories minHt - min height of blob in normalized image. (when blob passes through box) lifeRequired - lifetime required in seconds (after passing through box) , or needed - number of frames needed (after passing through box) to bother with t1 - (optional) 1st time to consider (seconds) t2 - (optional) last time to consider (seconds) timeOffSet - amount needed to be added to camera time to get to shot time rainbow - if set, will use "betterrainbow" pallette, rather than hot metal. nSmooth - smoothing to be applied before track is plotted (default=3) maxJump - max # of pixel to change per frame to be considered same blob (DEF=10) msec - if set, display times in millisec ellipse - if set, draw ellipses where fit was made symWidth - if <=0 then draw ellipses in realistic shapes scale - if realistic blob sizes drawn, scale their size by this factor xplot1 - starting x pixel for plot xplot2 - ending x pixel for plot yplot1 - starting y pixel for plot yplot2 - ending y pixel for plot verbose - if set, lots of information output listed debug - if set, will output even more and may stop at some spots "rise" was the difference from the max of a blob (after normalizing frame) and the lowest closed contour line that enclosed it. EXAMPLES: IDL> blobtrails, 32,32, box=2, /rainbow, minht=1.1, /list, /debug IDL> blobtrails, 25,25, box=2, /rainbow, shot=138234, ny=80, /list , /debug IDL> maxJump=5 IDL> blobtrails, table='SH138234',xpt='32',ypt='32',boxRadius='2',minHt='2', $ maxJump=maxJump, needed='3',t1='0',t2='20', ctb='-1', ListTimes='on', $ eFileType='None',psfilename='blobtrails',emailPsAddress='', /deb IDL> blobtrails, table='SH1091216028', x1=39, x2=41, y1=2,y2=62, psym=4, minHt='1.5', $ maxJump=10, needed='3',t1='0',t2='20', ctb='-1', ListTimes='on', $ xplot1=30, xplot2=60, /msec, chimax=5, nSmooth=3, $ eFileType='None',psfilename='blobtrails',emailPsAddress='', /deb blobtrails, table='SH138234',xpt='20',ypt='20',boxRadius='3', minHt='2', $ maxJump=maxJump, needed='3',ctb='-1', $ t1=530, t2=550, $ xplot1=10, xplot2=50, yplot1=10, yplot2=80, charsize=1.5, /ellip , /deb blobtrails, table='SH138234',x1=15, x2=30, y1=20, y2=22, minHt='2.5', $ maxJump=maxJump, needed='3',ctb='-1', $ t1=530, t2=550, $ xplot1=15, xplot2=50, yplot1=10, yplot2=80, charsize=1.5, /ellip , /deb blobtrails, 20, 20, boxRadius=3, shot=138234, $ minHt=2.2, t1=530, t2=550, xSize=500, ySize=600, $ /ListTimes, charsize=1.8, psym=4, symSize=2,$ xplot1=10, xplot2=40, yplot1=0, yplot2=30 to get a track of just one blob: blobtrails, 8, 40, boxRadius=4, shot=138234, $ minHt=2.2, t1=534, t2=535, xSize=500, ySize=600, $ /ListTimes, charsize=1.6, psym=4, symSize=2,$ xplot1=-10, xplot2=40 ;;;, yplot1=0, yplot2=30 to make plots for Stewart's 2014 paper: IDL> !p.font=0 IDL> setup_ps, '', printer='postscript', /color IDL> blobtrails, shot=140395, t1=549.25, t2=550.75, minHt=1.5, $ x1box='0',x2box='63', y1box='0',y2box='79', $ limiter='on', charsize=1.8, symbol='none', $ yplot1='', yplot2='', $ efitVersion='EFIT02', $ /noYellow, /rainbow, /first, symwidth=3 IDL> unsetup_ps IDL> setup_ps, '', printer='postscript', /color IDL> blobtrails, shot=141746, t1=213.5 ,t2=214.5, minHt=1.5, $ x1box='0',x2box='63', y1box='0',y2box='79', $ limiter='on', charsize=1.8, symbol='none', $ yplot1='', yplot2='', $ efitVersion='EFIT02', $ /noYellow, /rainbow, /first, symwidth=3 IDL> unsetup_ps to make plots for Stewart's 2014 paper, but with times printed: IDL> blobtrails, shot=140395, t1=549,t2=551, minHt=1.5, $ x1box='0',x2box='63', y1box='0',y2box='79', $ limiter='on', charsize=charsize, symbol='none', $ yplot1='', yplot2='', $ efitVersion='EFIT02', $ noYellow=noYellow, rainbow=rainbow, $ titleChrSz=titleChrSz, /first, symwidth=3, $ /ListTimes, Xplot1=-40, Xplot2=50 to make plot for Stewart's 2014 paper, but with just one blob: IDL> blobtrails, shot=140395, t1=550.92 ,t2=550.96, minHt=1.5, $ x1box='0',x2box='63', y1box='0',y2box='79', $ limiter='on', charsize=1.5, $ yplot1='', yplot2='', first=0, $ efitVersion='EFIT02', $ noYellow=noYellow, rainbow=rainbow, $ /ellipse, symwidth=3, $ /ListTimes, Xplot1=0, Xplot2=50, nskip=3 IDL> blobtrails, shot=141746, t1=213.192 ,t2=213.195, minHt=1.5, $ x1box='0',x2box='63', y1box='0',y2box='79', $ limiter='on', charsize=1.5, $ yplot1='', yplot2='', first=0, $ efitVersion='EFIT02', $ noYellow=noYellow, rainbow=rainbow, $ /ellipse, symwidth=3, /ListTimes, $ Xplot1=-20, Xplot2=50, nskip=3 MODIFICATION HISTORY: 29-Jul-2014 add /degrees to call to drawellipse, since the tilts in the database are degrees (zero left, 90 straight up, 180 to right). Also added nskip factor for when drawing all locations for a single track 16-Jul-2014 add noYellow keyword 01-Oct-2012 colors for single tracks was broken; fixed. Now, both blob positions and separatrix (and limiter) are plotted physical coordinates when plotting in cm. Previously, and still when plotting vs. pixels, the "rhomboid" shape of the fiber bundle is not accounted for. 28-Sep-2012 when axesInCm set, use actual R & Z values for blob positions, and plot separtrix from actual R & Zs. 13-Sep-2012 added EveryOther, suppress, noTitle keywords 18-Jul-2012 adjust for plot area not all the pixels 26-Mar-2012 option to draw separatrix 22-Mar-2012 Use HM values for ellipse shapes (have an option for size, too) 01-Dec-2011 fixed duplication of first and last blob indices 17-Jun-2011 fixed for Database time in msec 08-Mar-2011 added wholeLife field to database, so "needed" makes more sense (the blob has to have persisted for that many frames to be considered) WRITTEN 2-Feb-2011 by Bill Davis for Stewart Zweben
NAME: gennetcdfblobs PURPOSE: Write NetCDF files of dummy Blob data for code validation. Files with known blob velocities are generated. This code prints out these average x- and y-velocities, as as writing the averages to a variable in the file (although, as of Nov. 4, 2013, an array was written for those variables and only the first value represents the averages). CATEGORY: Blobs CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> gennetcdfblobs, type, nframes=nframes, speed=speed, $ plot=plot, radius1=radius1, radius2=radius2, $ tilt=tilt, noise=noise, x0=x0, y0=y0, $ base=base, top=top, nblobs=nblobs, $ times=times OUTPUTS: files The files have an _#, where # ends up being the shot number in the database table. filenames --------- '' one circular blob moving upwards xVel & yVel = 0 3 pixels/frame 0.000 0.009489 Km/s '' one circular blob moving outwards xVel & yVel = 3 0 pixels/frame 0.01116 0.00000 Km/s '' many circular blobs moving in different directions xVel & yVel = 0.60 0.378 pixels/frame 0.00223 0.001195 Km/s '' one circular blob moving upwards and slowly outwards xVel & yVel = 1 3 pixels/frame 0.00372 0.009489 Km/s '' many eliptical blobs moving outwards, but up and down xVel & yVel = 1.50 0.333 pixels/frame 0.00558 0.001054 Km/s (note that these speeds are much smaller than typical blobs, because the time between frames is only 1ms instead of 2.2usec.) EXAMPLES -------- IDL> gennetcdfblobs, 2, /plot, /debug IDL> for i=1,5 do gennetcdfblobs, i files can be read by IDL> img = readnetcdfblobs(filename, framenumber) Once they are loaded into a database (with, speeds can be checked by running MODIFICATION HISTORY: WRITTEN 31-Oct-2013 by Bill Davis, PPPL, for Stewart Zweben
NAME: gpicont PURPOSE: plot GPI data (an average of a center strip vs. time) as a color contour with the separatrix overlayed CATEGORY: Blobs, Cameras, GPI, MDSplus, NSTX, edge CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> gpicont, shot INPUT PARAMETERS: shot - MDSplus shot # KEYWORD PARAMETERS: t1 - start time (Def=0.3 s) t2 - end time (Def=0.9 s) maxtimes - max number of points in time to plot (def=100000) nTimes - the final number of times on the color contours moreSmooth - after smoothing is done in the time dimension when reducing the # of times plotted, this is used for the whole image (with edges handled) fit - e.g., 'LRDfit04'. Defaults to "EFIT02" XSIZE - initial horizontal size of graphics window YSIZE - initial vertical size of graphics window charsize - size of characters on plot (Def=2) sep - if=0, will not show separatrix jpeg - if set, will make a jpeg of a screen dump ps - if set, will save a postscript file pdf - if set and ps set, will save a pdf file new - forces rereading and saving data, even if times have been done before frac - if = 1, then plot the fraction inside the separatrix verbose - if set, will print many informational messages debug - if set, debug output will be printed EXAMPLE: IDL> gpicont, 138844 IDL> gpicont, 138846, /new, t1=0.59, t2=0.67 IDL> for i=138844, 138846 do gpicont, i, t1=0.59, t2=0.67, $ /psout, /pdf MODIFICATION HISTORY: 02-Dec-2013 option to draw +/- 5ms band around peak GPI data (if bandCenter present) 28-Oct-2013 if times not specified, get from file containing peak time 10-Oct-2013 added fit keyword, so doesn't always use "best fit" 18-Sep-2013 from efit edge points was using nearest point to the camera middle. Now interpolate edge values using sepatmidgpi. 14-Aug-2013 Written by Bill Davis for Stewart Zweben.
NAME: gpimountain PURPOSE: plot GPI data (an average of a center strip vs. time) as a surface with the separatrix overlayed CATEGORY: Blobs, 3-D Plotting, MDSplus, NSTX, GPI, edge CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> gpimountain, shot INPUT PARAMETERS: shot - MDSplus shot # KEYWORD PARAMETERS: t1 - start time (Def=0.3 s) t2 - end time (Def=0.9 s) maxtimes - max number of points in time to plot (def=1000) az - degrees to rotate around Z axis (def=30) ax - degrees to rotate around X axis (def=30) XSIZE - initial horizontal size of graphics window YSIZE - initial vertical size of graphics window charsize - size of characters on plot (Def=2) sep - if=0, will not show separatrix nudge - amount to nudge separatrix line up, so shows above surface Def=30 fence - height to draw top of fence where separatrix is. Def=100. If=0, no fence will be drawn. verbose - if set, will print many informational messages debug - if set, debug output will be printed LIMITATIONS: To show the separatrix on the surface, you have to find the right Z, which is hard without lots of interpolation. The work around is to nudge the Z values up so they will show above the surface even if it isn't quite right. EXAMPLE: IDL> gpimountain, 138844, az=50, ax=40, nudge=10, $ position=[.15,.1,.85,.85], nSmooth=5, nTimes=100 IDL> gpimountain, 138846, az=50, ax=40, nudge=10, /new, $ position=[.15,.1,.85,.85], nSmooth=5, nTimes=1000 MODIFICATION HISTORY: 11-Jun-2013 Written by Bill Davis for Stewart Zweben.
NAME: loadblobs PURPOSE: calls many routines used for loading blob tracking info into a database and making plots and output files CATEGORY: blobs CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> loadblobs, filename if you want to load many shots from a list in a file, use something like /u/bdavis/GPI/ INPUTS: filename - a .cin or .hdf file containing plasma images KEYWORD PARAMETERS: filename - cine file to analyze outfilename - output of text with blob info (default formed from inputs) t1 - start time desired in terms of times in .cin file (in sec) t2 - end time desired in terms of times in .cin file (in sec) aveT1 - start for averaging frame (DEF=t1) if normalize=1 aveT2 - ending time for averaging frame (DEF=t2) horiz - if=0, do not flip frames horizontally RotCCW - if set, will rotate frame Counter-clockwise (after horizontal flip) default for NSTX, but not for CMOD BlobCriteria - structure for blob criteria, like min normalized height, etc. normalize - normalize images (divide by average frame) before looking for blobs. deleteFirst - if = 0, will NOT first delete the existing database table. dbOut - if=0, will not write to an SQL database outDBfile - if set, will write database info to this filename, rather than db table - if not set, will write to table SH+database - if not set, will write to database 'BLOBS' nSmooth - amount to smooth image before looking for blobs GaussSmooth - if set, will do "gaussian" smoothing (sort of a double smooth) instead of boxcar smoothing velSmooth - amount to smooth velocity tracks before putting into database FrameOffset - if set, subtract this (like a baseline) from all pixels FrameAveMin - if set, make close-to-zero pixels this number, so when dividing into data, as in normalizing, result is near zero AveFrameSmooth - smoothing for the averaged frame(s) verbose - if set, lots of information output listed debug - if set, will output even more and may stop at some spots NOTES: see CheckBlobVel.txt for validation case see /u/bdavis/w3_html/swdoc/Blob_Tilt_Calcs.txt for other facts. reads a file of blob characteristics created from or, which is usually called, together with populateblobs, from I.e., --loadblobs --saveblobs --findblobs --fcfitellipse (returns tilts in radians, clockwise from zero to left) --mpfitellipse --blobfilewrite (writes file with tilts in radians, CW zero to left) --populateblobs (reads file, and converts tilts to degrees) EXAMPLES: ; for test blobs loadblobs, '', t1=0., t2=0.010, horiz=0, norm=0 loadblobs, '', t1=0., t2=0.010, horiz=0, norm=0 loadblobs, '', t1=0., t2=0.010, horiz=0, norm=0 loadblobs, '', t1=0., t2=0.010, horiz=0, norm=0 loadblobs, '', t1=0., t2=0.010, horiz=0, norm=0 camDir = '/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/' loadblobs, camdir+'nstx_5_139286.cin', t1=0.312, t2=0.316 ; NB scan loadblobs, T1=0.500, T2=0.510, /verb, $ '/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_139481.cin' loadblobs, T1=0.500, T2=0.510, /verb, $ '/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_139482.cin' loadblobs, T1=0.500, T2=0.510, /verb, $ '/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_139483.cin' ; Li scan loadblobs, T1=0.580, T2=0.590, /verb, $ '/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_141319.cin' loadblobs, T1=0.580, T2=0.590, /verb, $ '/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_141326.cin' loadblobs, T1=0.530, T2=0.540, /verb, $ '/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_141320.cin' loadblobs, T1=0.530, T2=0.540, /verb, $ '/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_141324.cin' loadblobs, T1=0.530, T2=0.540, /verb, $ '/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_141322.cin' loadblobs, T1=0.480, T2=0.490, /verb, $ '/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_141307.cin' ; two CMOD cameras for same shot (when data retrieved from MDSplus at MIT, times are shot times): loadblobs, T1=1.089, T2=1.091, /verb, table='SH1120224030x', $ ; cam near X-pt /horiz, minHt=0.5, minRise=0.06, Chi=5, velSmooth=0, $ nSmooth=3, /GaussSmooth, outFile='shot_1120224030x_blobs_1116-1118ms.txt', $ AveFrameSmooth=0, FrameAveMin=25, $ 'shot_1120224030.cine' loadblobs, T1=1.089, T2=1.091, /verb, table='SH1120224030m', $ ; cam near mid-plane /horiz, minHt=0.5, minRise=0.06, Chi=5, velSmooth=0, $ nSmooth=3, /GaussSmooth, outFile='shot_1120224030m_blobs_1116-1118ms.txt', $ AveFrameSmooth=0, FrameAveMin=25, $ 'shot_1120224030.cin' shot='1120224009' & t1=0.701 & t2=t1+0.005 shot='1120224015' & t1=0.801 & t2=t1+0.004 shot='1120224022' & t1=1.044 & t2=t1+0.004 ; shot='1120224023' & t1=1.113 & t2=t1+0.003 shot='1120224024' & t1=1.130 & t2=t1+0.005 shot='1120224027' & t1=1.144 & t2=t1+0.004 shot='1120712026' & t1=1.144 & t2=t1+0.004 shot='1120712027' & t1=1.144 & t2=t1+0.004 shot='1120712028' & t1=1.144 & t2=t1+0.005 ; shot='1120712029' & t1=1.144 & t2=t1+0.003 shot='1120815018' & t1=1.270 & t2=t1+0.004 shot='1120815021' & t1=1.190 & t2=t1+0.003 shot='1120815030' & t1=1.260 & t2=t1+0.004 shot='1120815034' & t1=1.150 & t2=t1+0.003 st1 = strtrim( string(t1*1000,format='(I4.4)'), 2) st2 = strtrim( string(t2*1000,format='(I4.4)'), 2) loadblobs, T1=t1, T2=t2, table='SH'+shot+'x', $ ; cam near X-pt /horiz, /RotCW, minHt=0.5, minRise=0.06, Chi=5, velSmooth=0, $ nSmooth=3, /GaussSmooth, outFile='shot_'+shot+'x_blobs_'+st1+'-'+st2+'ms.txt', $ AveFrameSmooth=0, FrameAveMin=25, FrameAveDeltaMS=0, $ 'shot_'+shot+'.cine', /verb loadblobs, T1=t1, T2=t2, table='SH'+shot+'m', $ ; cam near midplane /horiz, minHt=0.5, minRise=0.06, Chi=5, velSmooth=0, $ nSmooth=3, /GaussSmooth, outFile='shot_'+shot+'m_blobs_'+st1+'-'+st2+'ms.txt', $ AveFrameSmooth=0, FrameAveMin=25, FrameAveDeltaMS=0, $ 'shot_'+shot+'.cin', /verb ; midplane camera file does not end in e ; for fake blobs covering whole center of image: ; and tilts .r getfakeblobs loadblobs, T1=0.080, T2=0.080+.002, /verb, table='FakeShotXall', $ nSmooth=3, /GaussSmooth, outFile='shot_1120815021FakeX_blobs_80-80ms.txt', $ norm=0, horiz=0, minHt=3, velSmooth=0, $ '/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom2_Data/2012_shots/1120815/shot_1120815021.cine' loadblobs, T1=0.080, T2=0.080+.0055, /verb, table='FakeShotM', $ nSmooth=3, /GaussSmooth, outFile='shot_1120815021FakeM_blobs_80-80ms.txt', $ norm=0, horiz=0, minHt=3, velSmooth=0, $ '/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom_Data/2012_data/1120815/shot_1120815021.cin' loadblobs, T1=0.080, T2=0.080+.0055, /verb, table='FakeShotXT', $ nSmooth=3, /GaussSmooth, outFile='shot_1120815021FakeXT_blobs_80-80ms.txt', $ norm=0, horiz=0, minHt=3, velSmooth=0, $ '/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom2_Data/2012_shots/1120815/shot_1120815021.cine' loadblobs, T1=0.080, T2=0.080+.0055, /verb, table='FakeShotXT30', $ nSmooth=3, /GaussSmooth, outFile='shot_1120815021FakeXT30_blobs_80-80ms.txt', $ norm=0, horiz=0, minHt=3, velSmooth=0, $ '/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom2_Data/2012_shots/1120815/shot_1120815021.cine' ; two CMOD cameras for same shot: loadblobs, T1=1.086, T2=1.088, /verb, table='SH1120224029x', $ ; cam near X-pt /horiz, minHt=0.5, minRise=0.06, Chi=5, velSmooth=0, $ nSmooth=3, /GaussSmooth, outFile='shot_1120224029x_blobs_1086-1088ms.txt', $ AveFrameSmooth=0, FrameAveMin=25, $ 'shot_1120224029.cine' loadblobs, T1=1.086, T2=1.088, /verb, table='SH1120224029m', $ ; cam near X-pt /horiz, minHt=0.5, minRise=0.06, Chi=5, velSmooth=0, $ nSmooth=3, /GaussSmooth, outFile='shot_1120224029m_blobs_1086-1088ms.txt', $ AveFrameSmooth=0, FrameAveMin=25, $ 'shot_1120224029.cin' ; two CMOD cameras for same shot (stewarts Movie is from 1.116-1.118, but stuff starts happening at 1.117): loadblobs, T1=1.115, T2=1.117, /verb, table='SH1120224022x', $ ; cam near X-pt /horiz, minHt=0.5, minRise=0.06, Chi=5, velSmooth=0, $ nSmooth=3, /GaussSmooth, outFile='shot_1120224022x_blobs_1116-1118ms.txt', $ AveFrameSmooth=0, FrameAveMin=25, $ 'shot_1120224022.cine' loadblobs, T1=1.115, T2=1.117, /verb, table='SH1120224022m', $ ; cam near X-pt /horiz, minHt=0.5, minRise=0.06, Chi=5, velSmooth=0, $ nSmooth=3, /GaussSmooth, outFile='shot_1120224022m_blobs_1116-1118ms.txt', $ AveFrameSmooth=0, FrameAveMin=25, $ 'shot_1120224022.cin' loadblobs, T1=0.080, T2=0.090, /verb, table='SH1120815021xN', $ ; cam near X-pt /horiz, minHt=0.5, minRise=0.06, Chi=5, velSmooth=0, $ nSmooth=3, /GaussSmooth, outFile='shot_1120815021xN_blobs_80-90ms.txt', $ AveFrameSmooth=0, FrameAveMin=25, $ '/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom2_Data/2012_shots/1120815/shot_1120815021.cine' loadblobs, T1=0.080, T2=0.090, /verb, table='SH1120815021mN', $ ; midplane cam /horiz, minHt=0.33, minRise=0.04, Chi=5, velSmooth=0, $ nSmooth=3, /GaussSmooth, outFile='shot_1120815021mN_blobs_80-90ms.txt', $ AveFrameSmooth=0, FrameAveMin=25, FrameOffset=25, $ '/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom_Data/2012_data/1120815/shot_1120815021.cin' loadblobs, T1=0.080, T2=0.090, /verb, table='SH1120224022xN', $ ; cam near X-pt /horiz, minHt=0.5, minRise=0.06, Chi=5, velSmooth=0, $ nSmooth=3, /GaussSmooth, outFile='shot_1120224022x_blobs_80-90ms.txt', $ AveFrameSmooth=0, FrameAveMin=25, $ '/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom2_Data/2012_shots/1120224/shot_1120224022.cine' loadblobs, T1=0.080, T2=0.090, /verb, table='SH1120224022mN', $ ; midplane cam /horiz, minHt=0.33, minRise=0.04, Chi=5, velSmooth=0, $ nSmooth=3, /GaussSmooth, outFile='shot_1120224022m_blobs_80-90ms.txt', $ AveFrameSmooth=0, FrameAveMin=25, FrameOffset=25, $ '/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom_Data/2012_data/1120224/shot_1120224022.cin' ; two CMOD cameras for same shot -- try without normalization loadblobs, T1=0.020, T2=0.040, /verb, table='SH1120815021x', $ ; cam near X-pt /horiz, minHt=20, norm=0, minRise=4, Chi=8, velSmooth=0, $ nSmooth=3, /GaussSmooth, outFile='shot_1120815021x_blobs_20-40ms.txt', $ '/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom2_Data/2012_shots/1120815/shot_1120815021.cine' loadblobs, T1=0.020, T2=0.040, /verb, table='SH1120815021m', $ /horiz, minHt=20, norm=0, minRise=4, Chi=8, velSmooth=0, $ nSmooth=3, /GaussSmooth, outFile='shot_1120815021m_blobs_20-40ms.txt', $ '/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom_Data/2012_data/1120815/shot_1120815021.cin' ; try that shot with normal params loadblobs, T1=0.020, T2=0.040, /verb, table='SH1120815021', $ /horiz, outFile='shot_1120815021_blobs_20-40ms.txt', $ '/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom_Data/2012_data/1120815/shot_1120815021.cin' ; defaults work pretty well when normalizing: loadblobs, T1=0, T2=0.020, /verb, $ '/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom_Data/2009_Phantom_data/1091216/shot_1091216017.cin' '/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom_Data/2009_Phantom_data/1091216/shot_1091216018.cin' '/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom_Data/2009_Phantom_data/1091216/shot_1091216019.cin' '/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom_Data/2009_Phantom_data/1091216/shot_1091216023.cin' '/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom_Data/2009_Phantom_data/1091216/shot_1091216025.cin' '/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom_Data/2009_Phantom_data/1091216/shot_1091216026.cin' '/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom_Data/2009_Phantom_data/1091216/shot_1091216028.cin' '/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom_Data/2009_Phantom_data/1091216/shot_1091216029.cin' '/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom_Data/2009_Phantom_data/1091216/shot_1091216030.cin' loadblobs, T1=0.050, T2=0.070, /verb, $ '/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom_Data/2010_data/1100120/shot_1100120025.cin' '/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom_Data/2010_data/1100120/shot_1100120026.cin' '/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom_Data/2010_data/1100120/shot_1100120027.cin' loadblobs, T1=0.050, T2=0.070, /verb, $ '/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom_Data/2010_data/1100803/shot_1100803005.cin' '/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom_Data/2010_data/1100803/shot_1100803008.cin' '/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom_Data/2010_data/1100803/shot_1100803011.cin' '/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom_Data/2010_data/1100803/shot_1100803015.cin' loadblobs, T1=0.060, T2=0.080, /verb, $ '/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom_Data/2010_data/1100824/shot_1100824017.cin' '/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom_Data/2010_data/1100824/shot_1100824019.cin' '/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom_Data/2010_data/1100824/shot_1100824021.cin' loadblobs, T1=0, T2=0.020, /verb, $ '/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom_Data/2011_data/1110114/shot_1110114023.cin' '/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom_Data/2011_data/1110114/shot_1110114026.cin' '/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom_Data/2011_data/1110114/shot_1110114027.cin' loadblobs, T1=0.017, T2=0.027, /verb, $ '/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom_Data/2011_data/1110114/shot_1110114032.cin' For Matt: loadblobs, T1=0.24, T2=0.27, /verb, $ '/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_142000.cin' loadblobs, T1=0.219, T2=0.229, /verb, $ '/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_138120.cin' loadblobs, T1=0.225, T2=0.235, /verb, $ '/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_138114.cin' ; APS NB loadblobs, T1=0.280, T2=0.300, /verb, $ '/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_138119.cin' loadblobs, T1=0.290, T2=0.300, /verb, $ '/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_138128.cin' loadblobs, T1=0.280, T2=0.300, /verb, $ '/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_142220.cin' loadblobs, T1=0.530, T2=0.550, /verb, FrameAveDeltaMS=0, table='SH138234z', $ '/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_138234.cin' loadblobs, T1=0.268, T2=0.288, /verb, table='SH139432', $ '/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_139432.cin' loadblobs, T1=0.258, T2=0.278, /verb, table='SH139444', $ '/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_139444.cin' loadblobs, T1=0.200, T2=0.220, /verb, $ '/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_141751.cin' loadblobs, T1=0.210, T2=0.230, /verb, $ '/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_141752.cin' , /deb loadblobs, T1=0.021, T2=0.031, /verb, '/p/nstxcam/CMOD/shot_1120223031.cin' , /deb to load a file, but not a database: loadblobs, '/u/bdavis/Blobs/solt_012_3.5b.hdf', shot=99901203, dbout=0, $ outDBfile='solt_012_3.5b.txt', normalize=0, minHt=0.01, minRise=0.01 27-Feb-2012 added smoothing options, since default in findblobs now=0 MODIFICATION HISTORY: 30-Jun-2015 changed default of velSmooth to 0, so manual checks work had no effect since 28-Mar-2014 added camera keyword 12-Mar-2014 made EFIT02 the default for separatrix calc 12-Nov-2012 made default GaussSmooth=1, to be consistent with FCplayer. 17-May-2012 several updates to pass parameters to saveblobs for file output WRITTEN by Bill Davis, PPPL, for Stewart Zweben
NAME: plotblobvyvsbin PURPOSE: plot a series of vertical velocity traces vs. time from the blob database. Each trace will be from a horizontal range CATEGORY: Blobs CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> plotblobvyvsbin, shot=shot KEYWORDS: shot - shot (has to be in the database) table - table in the database (name can be created from shot) database - SQL database (default='blobs') xBinSize - # of pixels to bin over in X (default=6) tBinSize - time width over which to average velocities (default=0) nSmooth - number of time points to smooth over before plotting (default=21) minHt - minimum normalized height for blobs to count (default=1.2) needed - # of frames for which blob exists to count (default=2) x1 - pixel location to start binning (defaults to min of center in data) x2 - pixel location to stop binning t1 - time to start data bining (default to start of times in database) t2 - time to end binning (default to end of times in database) VyMin - plot min (auto scales otherwise) VyMax - plot max colors - color indices for lines charsize - character size for plot labels yTitle - title for vertical axis timeOffSet - time to add to camera times to get shot times (ms) (can be automatically read from file for some shots) jpeg - if set makes a jpeg in your home directory and prints the name OUTPUTS: just plotting NOTES: keywords for the PLOT command will be passed along EXAMPLE: IDL> plotblobvyvsbin, shot=1110114032, nSmooth=21 IDL> colors=[49,53,51,56,50,52] IDL> plotblobvyvsbin, shot=1110114032, xbinsize=6, tBinSize=0.025, $ VyMin=-2, VyMax=3, xrange=[21,23],colors=colors, x1=25 IDL> plotblobvyvsbin, shot=1110114032, xbinsize=7, nsmooth=5, tbin=0.025, $ VyMin=-1, VyMax=1, xrange=[21,23],colors=colors, x1=25 IDL> plotblobvyvsbin, shot=1120223031, xbinsize=8, nsmooth=31, x1=32, /jpeg WRITTEN 03-May-2012 by Bill Davis, PPPL, for Stewart Zweben
NAME: populateblobs PURPOSE: Read a file created from with columns of blob characteristics vs time. compute frame-to-frame statistics like x & y velocity and duration, based on "reasonableness" factors, like maximum movement per frame allowed. Velocities are recomputed after parent-child relationships determined, so the velocity tracks can be smoothed. ( can be used for all the steps needed to populate the database.) CATEGORY: Blobs CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> populateblobs, filename=filename, table=table INPUTS: ------- filename - name of input file produced from FCplayer. database - SQL database (server maintained by Tom Carroll) for blobs, DEF='blobs' make - if set, will try to create datbase table (if already exists, will complain, but no harm done) table - table name in database of blobs for a period within a shot, or shot - will assume table is named 'SH'+shot maxJump - max # of pixel to change per frame to be considered same blob (DEF=10) minFrames - minimum # of contigous frames blob must be identified to be considered (DEF=3) maxArea max area change (sq. pixels) per frame to be considered same blob outFileName - if present, will write data to a table-delimited file rather than an SQL database BlobCriteria - structure for blob criteria, like min normalized height, etc. (just for writing to the output "database" file.) verbose - if set, lots of information output listed debug - if set, will output even more and may stop at some spots EXAMPLES: filename='shot_1120815034m_blobs_1150-1153ms.txt' outfile='shot_1120815034m_out.txt' populateblobs, filename=filename, table=table, /deletefirst, $ timeoffset=0, shot=1120815034, outfile=outfile, $ /verb, doRhos=0 filename='shot_1120224022x_blobs_1044-1048ms.txt' table = 'SH1120224022x' populateblobs, filename=filename, table=table, /verb, /deletefirst, $ timeoffset=0, shot=1120224022 filename='/u/bdavis/cvs/idl_cvs/shot_1120815021Fake_blobs_80-80ms.txt' table = 'FakeShot' populateblobs, filename=filename, table=table, /verb , /make filename='/u/bdavis/cvs/idl_cvs/shot_1091216028_blobs_0-20ms.txt' table = 'SH1091216028' populateblobs, filename=filename, table=table, /verb , /make filename='/u/bdavis/cvs/idl_cvs/shot_1091216029_blobs_0-20ms.txt' table = 'SH1091216029' populateblobs, filename=filename, table=table, /verb , /make filename='nstx_5_138234_blobs_530-550ms.txt' table = 'SH138234' populateblobs, filename=filename, table=table, /verb , /make filename='nstx_5_138128_blobs_280-300ms.txt' table = 'SH138128' populateblobs, filename=filename, table=table, /verb, /deleteFirst , /debug filename='nstx_5_142200_blobs_280-300ms.txt' table = 'SH138128' populateblobs, filename=filename, table=table, /verb , /make filename='nstx_5_141751_blobs_200-220ms.txt' table = 'SH141751' populateblobs, filename=filename, table=table, /verb , /make --- to write out a file that Stewart can read in Kalideograph: filename='nstx_5_138234_blobs.txt' populateblobs, filename=filename, out=filename+'OUT', /verb NOTES see CheckBlobVel.txt for validation case. see /u/bdavis/w3_html/swdoc/Blob_Tilt_Calcs.txt for other facts. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 29-Jun-2015 BD mk_blobtable now makes the blob # the primary key (Identity) was getting warnings on this. Changed. 24-Jun-2014 BD "wholelife" was -1 for last occurence of blob. Also, when blob just seen in one frame, make wholelife = delta time 10-Oct-2012 BD compute XfromSep at each time step 20-Sep-2012 BD back to no negative ellipticity. Tilt stored in degrees, from PI/2 (straight up) to -Pi/2 (down) and zero tilt is horizontal 04-Sep-2012 BD changed def of ellipticity, so can have < 1. ellip = Major Radius/Minor Radius, if tilt between pi/4 and 3pi/4, then make ellipticity negative. 29-Aug-2012 BD added ellip, ellipHM and Rho (R-Rsep at midplane) 17-May-2012 BD several updates to receive parameters to output to file 06-Jan-2012 BD changing velocities from pixels/frame to Km/s. Adding column in databases for x distance to the separatrix. WRITTEN 2-Feb-2011 by Bill Davis for Stewart Szweben
NAME: saveblobs PURPOSE: Save blob tracks, just like FCplayer, but easier and faster. Usually called from CATEGORY: blobs CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> saveblobs, filename INPUTS: filename - a .cin or .hdf file containing plasma images KEYWORD PARAMETERS: filename - cine file to analyze outfilename - output of text with blob info (default formed from inputs) t1 & t2 - time range to load (in sec) aveT1 - start for averaging frame (DEF=t1) (in sec) aveT2 - ending time for averaging frame (DEF=t2) horiz - if=0, do not flip frames horizontally RotCCW - if set, will rotate frame Counter-clockwise (after horizontal flip) default for NSTX, but not for CMOD BlobCriteria - structure for blob criteria, like min normalized height, etc. nSmooth - amount to smooth image before looking for blobs GaussSmooth - if set, will do "gaussian" smoothing (sort of a double smooth) instead of boxcar smoothing FrameOffset - if set, subtract this (like a baseline) from all pixels FrameAveMin - if set, make close-to-zero pixels this number, so when dividing into data, as in normalizing, result is near zero AveFrameSmooth - smoothing for the averaged frame(s) FrameAveDeltaMS - make frames used for normalizing an average of this many millisec EXAMPLES: saveblobs, T1=0, T2=20, /verb, $ '/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom_Data/2009_Phantom_data/1091216/shot_1091216030.cin' '/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom_Data/2010_data/1100120/shot_1100120025.cin' saveblobs, T1=90, T2=92, /verb, $ '/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom_Data/2009_Phantom_data/1110114/1110114026.cin' saveblos, '/u/bdavis/Blobs/solt_012_3.5b.hdf', shot=99901203, norm=0 MODIFICATION HISTORY: 12-Nov-2012 added FrameAveDeltaMS keyword and feature to have an average for a particular frame just be over this # of milliseconds.q 17-May-2012 several updates to receive parameters to output to file 01-Mar-2012 decided not to smooth average frame WRITTEN 09-Feb-2012 by Bill Davis, PPPL, for Stewart Zweben
Category: Colors
[List of Routines]
NAME: betterrainbow PURPOSE: Loads a rainbow color palette with 6 evenly-spaced (roughly) colors CATEGORY: Colors, Graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> betterrainbow INPUTS: NONE KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Optional Keywords: BAR - if set, will draw a color bar on plot nColors - # of colors to load (Defaults to !D.TABLE_SIZE) lessRed - if set, rainbow will have a smaller red region WhiteBottom - if set, there will be a white region at the bottom topColor - can be an index or 'white' or 'black' botColor - can be an index or 'white' or 'black' linePlots - if set, top color will be black and bottom color will be white noYellow - if set, don't have yellow (because doesn't show up well on white) OUTPUTS: NONE (color table changed) EXAMPLE: IDL> betterrainbow, botColor='white', /bar IDL> LIMITATIONS: always starts at the bottom of color palette. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 13-Aug-2012 mucked with white bottom 04-Nov-2011 smoothed out corners in green between 180 & 240, so discontinuity not seen in organge 26-Aug-2011 added smooth parameter, default it to 50. Round off purple to blue transition. 18-Jun-2008 added NoYellow keyword 02-Aug-2007 fix bug for /lineplot and ncolors<256; if /linePlots keyword set, reset !p.color & !p.background 30-Apr-2007 added linePlots keyword 26-May-2006 added ncolors and whiteBottom keywords 14-Feb-2005 add topColor and botColor keywords 15-Jul-2002 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: colorSearch PURPOSE: Return color index (or closest available) from the color name. CATEGORY: Colors, Graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: index = colorSearch( colorName ) INPUT: colorName: A string with the name of the color. 'WHITE','BLACK','YELLOW', 'RED','GREEN','BLUE','MAGENTA','YELLOW','ORANGE', 'PURPLE', 'DarkGreen','LTBLUE', 'GREY', 'GOLD','GreenYellow','PaleGoldenrod','BROWN', 'LightSeaGreen', 'SALMON', 'MediumVioletRed' (colorName is NOT case sensitive) Synonyms are handled as follows: 'GREY' = 'GRAY' 'DARKGRAY' = 'GRAY' 'CHARCOAL' = 'GRAY' 'AQUAMARINE' = 'GREEN' 'SKYBLUE' = 'LTBLUE' 'LT_BLUE' = 'LTBLUE' 'CYAN' = 'LTBLUE' 'DKBLUE' = 'BLUE' 'DARKBLUE' = 'BLUE' 'DK_BLUE' = 'BLUE' 'VIOLET' = 'MAGENTA' or, if colorName = 'FOREGROUND' then simply return, !p.color 'BACKGROUND' then simply return, !p.background KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INIT - if set, will load color table 39 (rainbow with Black and white), and !p.color will be set to black, and !p.background to white. *** NOTE that the SET_PLOT command can change !p.color and !p.background. debug - if set, will print informational messages quiet - if set, will not warn if color found is not close to that asked for status - if = 1, then color was found, else 0 RESTRICTIONS: If match is not found it will return the index of the "closest" table location, and status=0, and, if /quiet is not set, it will print a warning. Note that the SET_PLOT command (from IDL Help): "sets the default color !P.COLOR to the maximum color index minus one or, in the case of devices with white backgrounds, such as PostScript, to 0 (black)." After calling SET_PLOT,'X' or SET_PLOT,'Z' you will have to re-call a=colorSearch( /init ) to return to plotting black lines on a white background. EXAMPLES: plot, indgen(10), color=colorSearch( /init ) oplot, indgen(10)/2, color=colorSearch('red') names = colorsearch( /RETURNnames ) dum = mk_color(table=32) plot, indgen(280), ystyle=3, /nodata for i=0, n_elements( names )-1 do oplot, [0,255], [colorsearch(names[i]),colorsearch(names[i])], $ color=colorsearch(names[i]) for i=0, n_elements( names )-1 do xyouts, 256,colorsearch(names[i]), names[i], color=colorsearch(names[i]) MODIFICATION HISTORY: 26-Jan-2007 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: DECOMPOSEDCOLOR PURPOSE: This function is used to determine, in a device independent way, if the current graphics device is using color decomposition. The function returns a 1 if color decomposition is turned on, and a 0 if it is turned off. When color decomposition is turned on, we say the device is using a true-color display. If color decomposition is turned off, we say the device is using an indexed color display. AUTHOR: FANNING SOFTWARE CONSULTING David Fanning, Ph.D. 1645 Sheely Drive Fort Collins, CO 80526 USA Phone: 970-221-0438 E-mail: Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming: CATEGORY: Colors CALLING SEQUENCE: result = DecomposedColor() RETURN VALUE: result: A 1 if color decomposition is turned on. A 0 if color decomposition is turned off. ARGUMENTS: device: The IDL graphics device whose color decomposition state you wish to know the current value of. If undefined, the current graphics device is used. KEYWORDRS: DEPTH: An output keyword that returns the depth of the graphics device. Normally, either 8 for index color devices, with color decomposition turned off, or 24 for true-color devices with color decomposition turned on. EXAMPLE: IDL> Print, DecomposedColor() ; Color decomposition state of current graphics device. 1 IDL> Print, DecomposedColor('PS') ; Color decomposition state of PostScript graphics device. 0 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: David W. Fanning, May 24, 2009. Modified the way decomposition was obtained for PostScript devices IDL 7.1 and higher. 12 Dec 2010. DWF. Fixed a problem in the CASE statement with ELSE clause and added a NULL device segment. 4 Jan 2011. DWF. It now appears 24-bit PostScript support was added in IDL 7.1, although the Get_Decomposed keyword didn't work until IDL 7.1.1. 13 January 2011. DWF
NAME: mk_color PURPOSE: Create color tables with 12 fixed colors at the top. These colors can be referenced by name. CATEGORY: Colors, Graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: index = mk_color( color ) index = mk_color( color, TABLE=5, MAX_COLORS_TO_USE = 128 ) OPTIONAL INPUTS: COLOR: A string with the name of the color. 'WHITE','BLACK','YELLOW', 'RED','GREEN','BLUE','MAGENTA','LTBLUE', and (if device supports more than 8 colors) 'GREY' are allowed. Alternately, COLOR may be an integer from 0 - 8. If the COLOR input is anything else, or not present, an index for yellow is returned. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: LOAD: If set, return a structure containing all 8 colors. e.g. IDL> c=MK_COLOR(/load) IDL> plot,x,y, MAX_COLORS_TO_USE: The maximum number of colors to use for all of IDL . The default is 64 so IDL doesn't grab all the colors on a 256-color monitor. If an IDL window, or a call to LOADCT, was made before the first call to mk_color, the number of colors will already have been allocated. TABLE: The number of the pre-defined color table to load, from 0 to 40. The same as for LOADCT. The default is 0. FILE: If present, will load color table from this file. These colors will be squeezed into the number of colors used for the palette (N_NONFIXED colors). N_NONFIXED (returned) number of colors other than the nine fixed ones. e.g., MAX_COLORS_TO_USE-12. SILENT: If this keyword is set, the Color Table message is suppressed. SEARCH - if set, will do a least squares fit to color table to find closest index to color -- good if color table was set outside of mk_color GAcolors - if set, create a color table with colors beginning at zero, in the same order as GA color_setup routine. COMMON BLOCKS: mk_color_local SIDE EFFECTS: Limits the maximum number of colors for this IDL session. (The default is 64 colors). RESTRICTIONS: Reserving the right number of colors only works if this is called before any IDL window is drawn, and before LOADCT is called. Good Luck if you try and run with 24-bit color. If a device allows less than 12 colors (like Tek), the colors beyond the number allowed will not be available. EXAMPLES: Simply: plot,indgen(100),color=mk_color('red'),background=mk_color('white') or: plot,[0,1],[0,10]-1 for i=0,8 do oplot,[i,i],color=mk_color(i) ; to see all colors x-y overlays: PLOT,INDGEN(100),/NODATA, COLOR=MK_COLOR('blue') ; axes in blue PLOT,INDGEN(100), COLOR=MK_COLOR('red') ; data in red OPLOT,INDGEN(100)/2, COLOR=MK_COLOR('yellow') ; overlay yellow Using color contours AND x-y plots: array_2D = DIST(150) ; generate a test array yellow_index = mk_color( TABLE=5, MAX_COLORS_TO_USE = 128, $ N_NONFIXED = n_nonfixed) WINDOW, XSIZE=400, YSIZE=250 ; make wide window TV, BYTSCL( array_2D, TOP = n_nonfixed-1 ), 25, 50 ; plot scaled 2-D image PLOT, HISTOGRAM(array_2D), COLOR=mk_color('LtBlue'), $ ; lt. blue axes POSITION=[0.55, 0.15, 0.95, 0.95], /NOERASE, /NODATA OPLOT, HISTOGRAM(array_2D) > 10, COLOR=mk_color('Magenta') ; data in magenta whatever = mk_color(TABLE=39) ; change colors of contours, but not lines NOTES: Tek Colors are 0=black, 1=white, 2=red, 3=green, 4=blue, 5=cyan, 6=magenta, 7=yellow, 8=orange. default Green is [0,192,0] so it won't be so light. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 29-Sep-2009 made dark green actually forest green, so shows up better. make green [0,192,0] rather than [0,255,0], so not so bright. 24-May-04 moved creation of X-window when Z-buffer the device (necessary when mk_color first called with PS or Z.) 22-Apr-2004 fixed bug when Z-buffer set on first call. 14-Nov-03 - fixed new bug for Tek colors. 13-Mar-03 - if requested color not found, try to find black (instead of yellow) if ask for 'FOREGROUND' or 'BACKGROUND' return !p values. GAcolor Keyword for doing colors like GA (same order and position) 20-Aug-02 - set !p.color & !p.background to previous colors (closest r,g,b value), when called the first time, or when changing color tables. Add FILE keyword 07-Mar-02 - Change !d.n_colors to !d.table_size 08-May-01 - When in Tek, make !p.color=black (was going to index 15) 23-Apr-01 - added three more colors (orange, purple, darkgreen) 26-Jan-01 - limit structure returned to !d.n_colors (e.g., when=2). 28-Sep-00 - Added bottom keyword (passes straight through to loadct) 24-Jan-00 - If color found at multiple indices, return highest valid one 02-Jan-00 - Both /LOAD and individual colors return valid indices in 24-bit mode. 05-Oct-99 - BD Synonyms & Structure return as in new D. Fanning routine. 09-Jun-99 - BD If desired color not found, return index of nearest color. 11-May-99 - BD make return valid values for 24-bit (decomposed) color 28-Jan-99 - BD handle device with less than 9 colors. 14-Dec-98 - BD allow COLOR input to be an integer from 0-8. Return index of 0 when color not found in table. 04-Dec-98 - Bill Davis changed GETCOLORS to load color table, return color index, etc. Colors were added. GETCOLORS Written by: David Fanning, 10 February 96.
NAME: stretchsteps PURPOSE: stretch parts of the color tables into steps. CATEGORY: Colors, Image processing CALLING SEQUENCE: stretchsteps, Low, High, steps=n [, /CHOP] INPUTS: Low: The lowest pixel value to use. If this parameter is omitted, 0 is assumed. Appropriate values range from 0 to the number of available colors-1. High: The highest pixel value to use. If this parameter is omitted, the number of colors-1 is assumed. Appropriate values range from 0 to the number of available colors-1. OPTIONAL INPUTS: Gamma: Gamma correction factor. If this value is omitted, 1.0 is assumed. Gamma correction works by raising the color indices to the Gamma power, assuming they are scaled into the range 0 to 1. steps: number of steps/colors of the resulting color table (default=16) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: CHOP: If this keyword is set, color values above the upper threshold are set to color index 0. Normally, values above the upper threshold are set to the maximum color index. OUTPUTS: No explicit outputs. COMMON BLOCKS: COLORS: The common block that contains R, G, and B color tables loaded by LOADCT, HSV, HLS and others. SIDE EFFECTS: Image display color tables are loaded. RESTRICTIONS: Common block COLORS must be loaded before calling stretchsteps. PROCEDURE: New R, G, and B vectors are created by linearly interpolating the vectors in the common block from Low to High. Vectors in the common block are not changed. If NO parameters are supplied, the original color tables are restored. EXAMPLE: Load the STD GAMMA-II color table by entering: LOADCT, 5 Create and display and image by entering: TVSCL, DIST(300) Now adjust the color table with stretchsteps. Make the entire color table fit in the range 0 to 70 by entering: stretchsteps, 0, 70 Notice that pixel values above 70 are now colored white. Restore the original color table by entering: stretchsteps MODIFICATION HISTORY: 26-May-2006 Fixed green & blue switch & get color table rather than relying on common block [BD] 18-Dec-2002 Modified RSI STRETCH.PRO [BD] DMS, RSI, Dec, 1983. DMS, April, 1987. Changed common. DMS, October, 1987. For unix. DMS, RSI, Nov., 1990. Added GAMMA parameter.
NAME: whiteout PURPOSE: white-out a portion of the color table -- defaults to the 5 lowest locs. CATEGORY: Colors, Graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> whiteout INPUTS: NONE KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Optional Keywords: loc - index within color table to start whiting out (Default=0) nlocs - number of locations to whiteout (Default=5 OUTPUTS: NONE (color table changed) LIMITATIONS: Reloading color table will undo this. MODIFICATION HISTORY: May-2006 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
Category: Compound widgets
[List of Routines]
NAME: CW_BGROUP3_6 PURPOSE: CW_BGROUP3_6 is a compound widget that simplifies creating a base of buttons. It handles the details of creating the proper base (standard, exclusive, or non-exclusive) and filling in the desired buttons. Events for the individual buttons are handled transparently, and a CW_BGROUP3_6 event returned. This event can return any one of the following: - The Index of the button within the base. - The widget ID of the button. - The name of the button. - An arbitrary value taken from an array of User values. CATEGORY: Compound widgets. CALLING SEQUENCE: Widget = CW_BGROUP3_6(Parent, Names) To get or set the value of a CW_BGROUP3_6, use the GET_VALUE and SET_VALUE keywords to WIDGET_CONTROL. The value of a CW_BGROUP3_6 is: ----------------------------------------------- Type Value ----------------------------------------------- normal None exclusive Index of currently set button non-exclusive Vector indicating the position of each button (1-set, 0-unset) ----------------------------------------------- INPUTS: Parent: The ID of the parent widget. Names: A string array, containing one string per button, giving the name of each button. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: BUTTON_UVALUE: An array of user values to be associated with each button and returned in the event structure. COLUMN: Buttons will be arranged in the number of columns specified by this keyword. EVENT_FUNCT: The name of an optional user-supplied event function for buttons. This function is called with the return value structure whenever a button is pressed, and follows the conventions for user-written event functions. EXCLUSIVE: Buttons will be placed in an exclusive base, with only one button allowed to be selected at a time. FONT: The name of the font to be used for the button titles. If this keyword is not specified, the default font is used. FRAME: Specifies the width of the frame to be drawn around the base. IDS: A named variable into which the button IDs will be stored, as a longword vector. LABEL_LEFT: Creates a text label to the left of the buttons. LABEL_TOP: Creates a text label above the buttons. MAP: If set, the base will be mapped when the widget is realized (the default). NONEXCLUSIVE: Buttons will be placed in an non-exclusive base. The buttons will be independent. NO_RELEASE: If set, button release events will not be returned. RETURN_ID: If set, the VALUE field of returned events will be the widget ID of the button. RETURN_INDEX: If set, the VALUE field of returned events will be the zero-based index of the button within the base. THIS IS THE DEFAULT. RETURN_NAME: If set, the VALUE field of returned events will be the name of the button within the base. ROW: Buttons will be arranged in the number of rows specified by this keyword. SCROLL: If set, the base will include scroll bars to allow viewing a large base through a smaller viewport. SET_VALUE: The initial value of the buttons. This is equivalent to the later statement: WIDGET_CONTROL, widget, set_value=value SPACE: The space, in pixels, to be left around the edges of a row or column major base. This keyword is ignored if EXCLUSIVE or NONEXCLUSIVE are specified. UVALUE: The user value to be associated with the widget. XOFFSET: The X offset of the widget relative to its parent. XPAD: The horizontal space, in pixels, between children of a row or column major base. Ignored if EXCLUSIVE or NONEXCLUSIVE are specified. XSIZE: The width of the base. X_SCROLL_SIZE: The width of the viewport if SCROLL is specified. YOFFSET: The Y offset of the widget relative to its parent. YPAD: The vertical space, in pixels, between children of a row or column major base. Ignored if EXCLUSIVE or NONEXCLUSIVE are specified. YSIZE: The height of the base. Y_SCROLL_SIZE: The height of the viewport if SCROLL is specified. OUTPUTS: The ID of the created widget is returned. SIDE EFFECTS: This widget generates event structures with the following definition: event = { ID:0L, TOP:0L, HANDLER:0L, SELECT:0, VALUE:0 } The SELECT field is passed through from the button event. VALUE is either the INDEX, ID, NAME, or BUTTON_UVALUE of the button, depending on how the widget was created. RESTRICTIONS: Only buttons with textual names are handled by this widget. Bitmaps are not understood. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 15 June 1992, AB 7 April 1993, AB, Removed state caching.
NAME: CW_PDList PURPOSE: A compound widget that simplifies creating pulldown menus. It has a simpler interface than the XPDMENU procedure, which it is intended to replace. Events for the individual buttons are handled transparently, and a CW_PDList event returned. This event can return any one of the following: - The Index of the button within the base. - The widget ID of the button. - The name of the button. - The fully qualified name of the button. This allows different sub-menus to contain buttons with the same name in an unambiguous way. CATEGORY: Compound widgets. CALLING SEQUENCE: widget = CW_PDList(Parent, Desc) INPUTS: Parent: The ID of the parent widget. Desc: An array of strings or structures. Each element contains a menu description with two fields, a flag field, and the name of the item. If a structure, each element is defined as follows: { CW_PDList_S, flags:0, name:'' } The name tag gives the name of button. The flags field is a two-bit bitmask that controls how the button is interpreted: Value Meaning ------------------------------------------- 0 This button is neither the beginning nor the end of a pulldown level. 1 This button is the root of a sub-pulldown menu. The sub-buttons start with the next button. 2 This button is the last button at the current pulldown level. The next button belongs to the same level as the current parent button. If none or empty string is specified as a the name, the button is not created, but the next button belongs to the upward level. 3 This button is the root of a sub-pulldown menu, but it is also the last entry of the current level. 4 Same as 0, above, except that this button will be preceeded by a separator as with the SEPARATOR keyword to WIDGET_BUTTON. 5 Same as 1, above, except that this button will be preceeded by a separator. 6 Same as 2, above, except that this button will be preceeded by a separator. 7 Same as 3, above, except that this button will be preceeded by a separator. If Desc is a string, each element contains the flag field followed by a backslash character, followed by the menu item's contents. See the example below. EVENT PROCEDURES: An event procedure may be specified for an element and all its children, by including a third field in Desc, if Desc is a string array. Events for buttons without an event procedure, are dispatched normally. See the example below. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: DELIMITER: The character used to separate the parts of a fully qualified name in returned events. The default is to use the '.' character. FONT: The name of the font to be used for the button titles. If this keyword is not specified, the default font is used. HELP: If MBAR is specified and one of the buttons on the menubar has the label "help" (case insensitive) then that button is created with the /HELP keyword to give it any special appearance it is supposed to have on a menubar. For example, Motif expects help buttons to be on the right. IDS: A named variable into which the button IDs will be stored as a longword vector. MBAR: if constructing a menu-bar pulldown, set this keyword. In this case, the parent must be the widget id of the menu bar of a top-level base, returned by WIDGET_BASE(..., MBAR=mbar). RETURN_ID: If present and non-zero, the VALUE field of returned events will be the widget ID of the button. RETURN_INDEX: If present and non-zero, the VALUE field of returned events will be the zero-based index of the button within the base. THIS IS THE DEFAULT. RETURN_NAME: If present and non-zero, the VALUE field of returned events will be the name of the selected button. RETURN_FULL_NAME: If present and non-zero, the VALUE field of returned events will be the fully qualified name of the selected button. This means that the names of all the buttons from the topmost button of the pulldown menu to the selected one are concatenated with the delimiter specified by the DELIMITER keyword. For example, if the top button was named COLORS, the second level button was named BLUE, and the selected button was named LIGHT, the returned value would be COLORS.BLUE.LIGHT This allows different submenus to have buttons with the same name (e.g. COLORS.RED.LIGHT). UVALUE: The user value to be associated with the widget. UNAME: The user name to be associated with the widget. XOFFSET: The X offset of the widget relative to its parent. YOFFSET: The Y offset of the widget relative to its parent. OUTPUTS: The ID of the top level button is returned. SIDE EFFECTS: This widget generates event structures with the following definition: event = { ID:0L, TOP:0L, HANDLER:0L, VALUE:0 } VALUE is either the INDEX, ID, NAME, or FULL_NAME of the button, depending on how the widget was created. RESTRICTIONS: Only buttons with textual names are handled by this widget. Bitmaps are not understood. EXAMPLE: The following is the description of a menu bar with two buttons, "Colors" and "Quit". Colors is a pulldown containing the colors "Red", "Green", Blue", "Cyan", and "Magenta". Blue is a sub-pulldown containing "Light", "Medium", "Dark", "Navy", and "Royal": ; Make sure CW_PDList_S is defined junk = { CW_PDList_S, flags:0, name:'' } ; The description desc = [ { CW_PDList_S, 1, 'Colors' }, $ { CW_PDList_S, 0, 'Red' }, $ { CW_PDList_S, 0, 'Green' }, $ { CW_PDList_S, 5, 'Blue\BLUE_EVENT_PROC' }, $ { CW_PDList_S, 0, 'Light' }, $ { CW_PDList_S, 0, 'Medium' }, $ { CW_PDList_S, 0, 'Dark' }, $ { CW_PDList_S, 0, 'Navy' }, $ { CW_PDList_S, 2, 'Royal' }, $ { CW_PDList_S, 4, 'Cyan' }, $ { CW_PDList_S, 2, 'Magenta\MAGENTA_EVENT_PROC' }, $ { CW_PDList_S, 2, 'Quit' } ] The same menu may be defined as a string by equating the Desc parameter to the following string array: desc =[ '1\Colors' , $ '0\Red' , $ '0\Green' , $ '5\Blue\BLUE_EVENT_PROC' , $ '0\Light' , $ '0\Medium' , $ '0\Dark' , $ '0\Navy' , $ '2\Royal' , $ '4\Cyan' , $ '2\Magenta\MAGENTA_EVENT_PROC' , $ '2\Quit' ] The following small program can be used with the above description to create the specified menu: base = widget_base() menu = CW_PDList(base, desc, /RETURN_FULL_NAME) WIDGET_CONTROL, /REALIZE, base repeat begin ev = WIDGET_EVENT(base) print, ev.value end until ev.value eq 'Quit' WIDGET_CONTROL, /DESTROY, base end Note that independent event procedures were specified for the multiple Blue buttons (blue_event_proc), and the Magenta button (magenta_event_proc). MODIFICATION HISTORY: 18 June 1992, AB 16 Jan 1995, DMS, Added MBAR keyword, event procedures, and menu descriptor strings. 2 July 1995, AB, Added HELP keyword. 3 September 1996, LP, Added button-less end of current level Apirl, 2003 copied from CW_PDMENU. added xsize & event_pro keywords. setting showSelection keyword will cause the menu selection to be displayed as the title of the button [BD]
NAME: CW_PDMENU PURPOSE: CW_PDMENU is a compound widget that simplifies creating pulldown menus. It has a simpler interface than the XPDMENU procedure, which it is intended to replace. Events for the individual buttons are handled transparently, and a CW_PDMENU event returned. This event can return any one of the following: - The Index of the button within the base. - The widget ID of the button. - The name of the button. - The fully qualified name of the button. This allows different sub-menus to contain buttons with the same name in an unambiguous way. CATEGORY: Compound widgets. CALLING SEQUENCE: widget = CW_PDMENU(Parent, Desc) INPUTS: Parent: The ID of the parent widget. Desc: An array of strings or structures. Each element contains a menu description with two fields, a flag field, and the name of the item. If a structure, each element is defined as follows: { CW_PDMENU_S, flags:0, name:'' } The name tag gives the name of button. The flags field is a two-bit bitmask that controls how the button is interpreted: Value Meaning ------------------------------------------- 0 This button is neither the beginning nor the end of a pulldown level. 1 This button is the root of a sub-pulldown menu. The sub-buttons start with the next button. 2 This button is the last button at the current pulldown level. The next button belongs to the same level as the current parent button. If none or empty string is specified as a the name, the button is not created, but the next button belongs to the upward level. 3 This button is the root of a sub-pulldown menu, but it is also the last entry of the current level. 4 Same as 0, above, except that this button will be preceeded by a separator as with the SEPARATOR keyword to WIDGET_BUTTON. 5 Same as 1, above, except that this button will be preceeded by a separator. 6 Same as 2, above, except that this button will be preceeded by a separator. 7 Same as 3, above, except that this button will be preceeded by a separator. If Desc is a string, each element contains the flag field followed by a backslash character, followed by the menu item's contents. See the example below. EVENT PROCEDURES: An event procedure may be specified for an element and all its children, by including a third field in Desc, if Desc is a string array. Events for buttons without an event procedure, are dispatched normally. See the example below. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: DELIMITER: The character used to separate the parts of a fully qualified name in returned events. The default is to use the '.' character. FONT: The name of the font to be used for the button titles. If this keyword is not specified, the default font is used. HELP: If MBAR is specified and one of the buttons on the menubar has the label "help" (case insensitive) then that button is created with the /HELP keyword to give it any special appearance it is supposed to have on a menubar. For example, Motif expects help buttons to be on the right. IDS: A named variable into which the button IDs will be stored as a longword vector. MBAR: if constructing a menu-bar pulldown, set this keyword. In this case, the parent must be the widget id of the menu bar of a top-level base, returned by WIDGET_BASE(..., MBAR=mbar). RETURN_ID: If present and non-zero, the VALUE field of returned events will be the widget ID of the button. RETURN_INDEX: If present and non-zero, the VALUE field of returned events will be the zero-based index of the button within the base. THIS IS THE DEFAULT. RETURN_NAME: If present and non-zero, the VALUE field of returned events will be the name of the selected button. RETURN_FULL_NAME: If present and non-zero, the VALUE field of returned events will be the fully qualified name of the selected button. This means that the names of all the buttons from the topmost button of the pulldown menu to the selected one are concatenated with the delimiter specified by the DELIMITER keyword. For example, if the top button was named COLORS, the second level button was named BLUE, and the selected button was named LIGHT, the returned value would be COLORS.BLUE.LIGHT This allows different submenus to have buttons with the same name (e.g. COLORS.RED.LIGHT). UVALUE: The user value to be associated with the widget. UNAME: The user name to be associated with the widget. XOFFSET: The X offset of the widget relative to its parent. YOFFSET: The Y offset of the widget relative to its parent. OUTPUTS: The ID of the top level button is returned. SIDE EFFECTS: This widget generates event structures with the following definition: event = { ID:0L, TOP:0L, HANDLER:0L, VALUE:0 } VALUE is either the INDEX, ID, NAME, or FULL_NAME of the button, depending on how the widget was created. RESTRICTIONS: Only buttons with textual names are handled by this widget. Bitmaps are not understood. EXAMPLE: The following is the description of a menu bar with two buttons, "Colors" and "Quit". Colors is a pulldown containing the colors "Red", "Green", Blue", "Cyan", and "Magenta". Blue is a sub-pulldown containing "Light", "Medium", "Dark", "Navy", and "Royal": ; Make sure CW_PDMENU_S is defined junk = { CW_PDMENU_S, flags:0, name:'' } ; The description desc = [ { CW_PDMENU_S, 1, 'Colors' }, $ { CW_PDMENU_S, 0, 'Red' }, $ { CW_PDMENU_S, 0, 'Green' }, $ { CW_PDMENU_S, 5, 'Blue\BLUE_EVENT_PROC' }, $ { CW_PDMENU_S, 0, 'Light' }, $ { CW_PDMENU_S, 0, 'Medium' }, $ { CW_PDMENU_S, 0, 'Dark' }, $ { CW_PDMENU_S, 0, 'Navy' }, $ { CW_PDMENU_S, 2, 'Royal' }, $ { CW_PDMENU_S, 4, 'Cyan' }, $ { CW_PDMENU_S, 2, 'Magenta\MAGENTA_EVENT_PROC' }, $ { CW_PDMENU_S, 2, 'Quit' } ] The same menu may be defined as a string by equating the Desc parameter to the following string array: desc =[ '1\Colors' , $ '0\Red' , $ '0\Green' , $ '5\Blue\BLUE_EVENT_PROC' , $ '0\Light' , $ '0\Medium' , $ '0\Dark' , $ '0\Navy' , $ '2\Royal' , $ '4\Cyan' , $ '2\Magenta\MAGENTA_EVENT_PROC' , $ '2\Quit' ] The following small program can be used with the above description to create the specified menu: base = widget_base() menu = cw_pdmenu(base, desc, /RETURN_FULL_NAME) WIDGET_CONTROL, /REALIZE, base repeat begin ev = WIDGET_EVENT(base) print, ev.value end until ev.value eq 'Quit' WIDGET_CONTROL, /DESTROY, base end Note that independent event procedures were specified for the multiple Blue buttons (blue_event_proc), and the Magenta button (magenta_event_proc). MODIFICATION HISTORY: 18 June 1992, AB 16 Jan 1995, DMS, Added MBAR keyword, event procedures, and menu descriptor strings. 2 July 1995, AB, Added HELP keyword. 3 September 1996, LP, Added button-less end of current level Apirl, 2003 added xsize & event_pro keywords. [BD] July, 2003 removed setting ids in structure in UVALUE
Category: Database
[List of Routines]
NAME: create_locus_table PURPOSE: Create a table in the Locus database following the convention of data columns named xx0, xx1, xx2, etc. CATEGORY: Database, SQL CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> create_locus_table, table, nvars INPUTS: table - table name to create in Locus database nvars - number of variable in table (not counting shot & times) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Optional Inputs: database - if not present, will default to 'locus' columns - if not present, will be named 'xx0', 'xx1', 'xx2', etc. as needed by Locus. These are in addition to the required columns, shot, time, etc. verbose - if set, will print many informational messages debug - if set, debug output will be printed Outputs: status - if odd, then success OUTPUTS: EXAMPLE: IDL> create_locus_table, 'metals', 7 or IDL> columns=['Zn','Ar','Li','Al','C'] IDL> create_locus_table, 'metals', n_elements(columns), columns=columns NOTES: You need to have permission to create tables in the database (else send email to dbadmin). You will need a file called locus.sybase_login in your home directory -- it can be created with commands similar to those in /p/nstxusr/util/setup/mkmdsplusdbfile.csh MODIFICATION HISTORY: 19-Oct-2009 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: db_columns PURPOSE: list database tables and columns in which the column name contains a string. CATEGORY: Database USE: IDL> info = db_columns( wildCard='te') or IDL> info = db_columns( 'te', /print) KEYWORDS: wildCard - string to match (do not include *'s or other wildcard strings) dataBase - database to search. Defaults to nstxlogs. print - if set, will print tables and columns fitting criteria WRITTEN Oct-2002 by Bill Davis
NAME: db_list PURPOSE: List info from an NSTX Database Table; especially to be displayed in output from a Web Tool database, like Searches from a database will be MUCH faster than from MDSplus trees. CATEGORY: Database, NSTX, Web Tools CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> db_list, shot1=shot1, shot2=shot2, runID=runID, $ rundate=rundate, username=username, $ str1=str1, str2=str2, str3=str3, logical1=logical1, logical2=logical2, $ database=database, include=include, outFile=outFile INPUTS: (none required) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: (all optional) shot1 - beginning shot, e.g., 120200 shot2 - ending shot (if missing, will just search 100 shots before shot1) database - database to query; defaults to 'NSTXLOGS' table - table in database to query; defaults to 'EFIT02' outFile - string (if not present, data listed to screen) _extra - contains all the (arbitrary) parameters for the query. These must be the column names in the table; e.g., gapin1=gapin1 qualifiers ending with 1 or 2 are limits for that parameter if value = '*', want to list parameter, but not include in qualifier OUTPUTS: data to screen or file, if specified. File can be displayed in the calling web page. COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> db_list, shot1=120200 IDL> db_list, rundate=20060426 ; all shots from Apri. 25, 2006 IDL> db_list, shot1=120200, shot2=120500, pnbi1=600000 MODIFICATION HISTORY: 20-Dec-2007 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: logbook_list_plus PURPOSE: List info from the NSTX logbook (to a screen or file) CATEGORY: Database, NSTX CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> logbook_list_plus, shot1=shot1, shot2=shot2, XP=XP, $ rundate=rundate, username=username, $ str1=str1, str2=str2, str3=str3, logical1=logical1, logical2=logical2, $ database=database, include=include, outFile=outFile INPUTS: (none required) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: (all optional) shot1 - beginning shot, e.g., 120200 shot2 - ending shot (if missing, will just search shot1) XP - Typically the XP #, e.g., 5 rundate - run date (YYYYMMDD), e.g., 20060426 username - computer username of person who made the entry, e.g. 'KAYE' str1, str2, str3 - strings that must be in the comments for a shot to be included logical1, logical2, 'AND' or 'OR' between str1, 2, & 3 include - if NOT=0 and USERNAME specified then include any entries satisfying other criteria for which TOPIC='PHS OPS' or 'SESSION LEADER' database - defaults to 'NSTXLOGS' break - if set, lines longer than 72 characters will be broken at an earlier space outFile - string (if not present, data listed to screen) xsize - horizontal size of plot summary ysize - vertical size of plot summary OUTPUTS: data to screen or file, if specified COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> logbook_list_plus, shot1=120200 IDL> logbook_list_plus, rundate=20060426 ; all shots from April 25, 2006 IDL> logbook_list_plus, shot1=120200, shot2=130000, username='PAUL' IDL> logbook_list_plus, shot1=120200, /verb, /debug, outfile='temp.html' MODIFICATION HISTORY: 29-Jan-2015 moved JPEG directory to /w/ so it wouldn't get searched from the software web page 09-Jan-2014 added "lastrundate" keyword, so can get a range of days. 09-Aug-2013 don't set shot # if blank, but rundate specified. 11-Jul-2012 make work if just username specified (didn't use %) and allow strings of shot numbers. 24-Aug-2010 included 'RF' as default entries. 26-Jul-2010 addes for having checkboxes for topics on weblogplus.html 15-Jul-2010 made lightning fast by searching subdirectories like 138000s for plot summary files. See to make these directories and move files. 08-Apr-2010 allow pre-existing jpegs to be in subdirectories 08-Dec-2009 added keywords charsize, xsize, ysize 14-Jul-2009 Return error if no entries found 25-Jul-2008 Removed RunID keyword, and added XP [BD] 10-Jul-2008 Added "order by shot" to query, so all shots shown 29-Nov-2007 Had to change supersep to wrap long lines 28-Nov-2007 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL (some code from Josh Stillerman)
NAME: logbook_list PURPOSE: List info from the NSTX logbook (to a screen or file) CATEGORY: Database, NSTX CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> logbook_list, shot1=shot1, shot2=shot2, runID=runID, $ rundate=rundate, username=username, $ str1=str1, str2=str2, str3=str3, logical1=logical1, logical2=logical2, $ database=database, include=include, outFile=outFile INPUTS: (none required) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: (all optional) shot1 - beginning shot, e.g., 120200 shot2 - ending shot (if missing, will just search shot1) runID - Typically the XP #, e.g., 5 rundate - run date (YYYYMMDD), e.g., 20060426 username - computer username of person who made the entry, e.g. 'KAYE' str1, str2, str3 - strings that must be in the comments for a shot to be included logical1, logical2, 'AND' or 'OR' between str1, 2, & 3 include - if NOT=0 and USERNAME specified then include any entries satisfying other criteria for which TOPIC='PHS OPS' or 'SESSION LEADER' database - defaults to 'NSTXLOGS' break - if set, lines longer than 72 characters will be broken at an earlier space outFile - string (if not present, data listed to screen) OUTPUTS: data to screen or file, if specified COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> logbook_list, shot1=120200 IDL> logbook_list, rundate=20060426 ; all shots from Apri. 25, 2006 IDL> logbook_list, shot1=120200, shot2=130000, username='PAUL' MODIFICATION HISTORY: 07-Apr-2009 made response better when nothing found 29-Nov-2007 Had to change supersep to wrap long lines 28-Nov-2007 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL (some code from Josh Stillerman)
NAME: logbook_options (copied from logbook_options) PURPOSE: List info from the NSTX logbook (to a screen or file) CATEGORY: Database, NSTX CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> logbook_options, shot1=shot1, shot2=shot2, XP=XP, $ rundate=rundate, username=username, $ str1=str1, str2=str2, str3=str3, logical1=logical1, logical2=logical2, $ database=database, include=include, outFile=outFile INPUTS: (none required) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: (all optional) shot1 - beginning shot, e.g., 120200 shot2 - ending shot (if missing, will just search shot1) XP - Typically the XP #, e.g., 5 rundate - run date (YYYYMMDD), e.g., 20060426 username - computer username of person who made the entry, e.g. 'KAYE' str1, str2, str3 - strings that must be in the comments for a shot to be included logical1, logical2, 'AND' or 'OR' between str1, 2, & 3 include - if NOT=0 and USERNAME specified then include any entries satisfying other criteria for which TOPIC='PHS OPS' or 'SESSION LEADER' database - defaults to 'NSTXLOGS' break - if set, lines longer than 72 characters will be broken at an earlier space outFile - string (if not present, data listed to screen) xsize - horizontal size of plot summary ysize - vertical size of plot summary OUTPUTS: data to screen or file, if specified COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> logbook_options, shot1=120200 IDL> logbook_options, rundate=20060426 ; all shots from April 25, 2006 IDL> logbook_options, shot1=120200, shot2=130000, username='PAUL' IDL> logbook_options, shot1=120200, /verb, /debug, outfile='temp.html' MODIFICATION HISTORY: 24-Aug-2010 included 'RF' as default entries. 26-Jul-2010 addes for having checkboxes for topics on weblogplus.html 15-Jul-2010 made lightning fast by searching subdirectories like 138000s for plot summary files. See to make these directories and move files. 08-Apr-2010 allow pre-existing jpegs to be in subdirectories 08-Dec-2009 added keywords charsize, xsize, ysize 14-Jul-2009 Return error if no entries found 25-Jul-2008 Removed RunID keyword, and added XP [BD] 10-Jul-2008 Added "order by shot" to query, so all shots shown 29-Nov-2007 Had to change supersep to wrap long lines 28-Nov-2007 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL (some code from Josh Stillerman)
NAME: SYB_ENTRY PURPOSE : Display/modify/create entries in the NSTX logbook database. CATEGORY: Database CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> SYB_ENTRY IDL> syb_entry, font=find_font(/courier,/bold, size=12) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: DEFAULT='save_file' to restore settings. FONT = a font FSIZE = font size (default=14) WARNING - if=0, will not display intial warning of "RUN_INFO has not been run today" INITAL_QUERY - the initial query of the database, e.g. 'rundate=20070523 and VOIDED IS NULL' defaults to current user, last day with entries, topic in ('PHYS OPS','SESSION LEADER')) and VOIDED IS NULL LIMITATIONS About - ENTRY_DISPLAY is a widget based IDL procedure for looking at entries in the LOGBOOK database. Its primary purpose is to display an up-to-date set of logbook entries during a run. The user specified the record selection criteria (Options->Display Options). Whenever a new logbook entry is made, the display is automatically updated to include the new record(s) if they meet the criteria (unless one is in a blocking entry widget). This tool allows the user to create new logbook entries. Chose 'Make Final Entry' from the Entry menu. In addition this tool can be used to void and edit existing logbook entries. Select part of an entry in main display, and then choose 'Edit Entry' or 'Void Entry' from the Entry menu. NOTE: you may only void or edit entries which you have entered into the database! Send email to dbadmin to have other entries changed. NOTES To get a white background on text, you need certain commands in a .Xresources file. You can have these loaded under the file menu in syb_entry. use to add topics. to void a topic: IDL> cmd = "DELETE FROM topics WHERE topic='BOLOMETERS'" IDL> count = DSQL(cmd, stat=stat) MODIFICATION HISTORY: 10-Oct-2013 fill in rundate automatically for entries when shot entered 02-Aug-2010 added timer to refresh every n seconds (DEFAULT=60) 04-Jun-2010 increased default max rows to 300 02-Apr-2010 added help on pattern matching syntax 12-Mar-2009 use common to pass display options, because structures within structures have bugs, and are too convoluted. [BD] 02-Oct-2008 only do an mdsconnect if mds_event_server not defined. 20-May-2008 fixed Make Entry Options. 12-May-2008 calling mdssetevent breaks the connection needed for the widget to recognize events, so now just spawn "setevent". Requires that environmental variable mds_event_target be set. (e.g. to Tidied up several other issues like consistancy of "Auto Updates" checkbox. 27-Jul-2007 Added WARNING and INITIAL_QUERY keywords. Added UPDATE button to MAKE_ENTRY widget, so entries can be made in steps. Help added to CUSTOM QUERY window to aid searches. 02-May-2007 changed default printing to your default printer. Added debug printing 30-Apr-2007 fixed auto updates on Linux 09-Apr-2007 Get Current shot from MDSplus, rather getting the largest shot number from the database [BD] 05-Mar-2007 Allow text with special characters ('%', '^', '$', '*', '@', '#', '(', '!', ')', '?', ';') to go into the logbook. added some color buttons. [BD] 22-Jan-2007 Make sure connect to an event server (default to europa:8501). 18-Jul-2005 change !version.os to !version.os_family to pick up linux 05-Mar-2004 Upon startup update the screen with a query [BD] 02-Mar-2004 Font keyword added, and changed options to ascending order and auto scroll = off (Bill Davis) Josh Stillerman 9/20/96 initial version Lew Randerson 1999-11-04 Convert from ENTRY_DISPLAY to SYB_ENTRY by mimicking Stan Kaye's mods to create VMS SYB_ENTRY ... Convert entry_display to syb_entry (*** default file = $HOME/SybEntry.dat ***) (*** strayed from sk default file handling ***) ... Add GetCurrentDate Lew Randerson 1999-11-08 Change 'logbook' to 'nstxlogs' Lew Randerson 1999-11-16 Check for os when handling print options Lew Randerson 1999-11-17 Add event handling stuff Lew Randerson 2000-01-11 Fix typo in get_entry_text parameters Lew Randerson 2000-01-11 Put back 'RUN_INFO' check Lew Randerson 2000-01-11 Handle unix printing Check hand.key exists
Category: Dates
[List of Routines]
NAME: addDate PURPOSE: Add days to a date. Tries to return string in same form as input CATEGORY: Dates CALLING SEQUENCE: newDate = addDate(date, ndays) INPUTS: date = date string, e.g., '6/17/1951', '1951/6/17', or 19510617 17 Jun, 1951 Jun 17 1951 1951 Jun 17 17/Jun/85 17-Jun-1951 85-Jun-17 17 June, 1951. nDays - number of days to add (negative number OK) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: JULIAN - if set, return as Julian day LONGYEAR - if set, return year as 4-digits OUTPUTS: newDate = Returned date string EXAMPLES: IDL> print, addDate('6/17/1951', 13) 06/30/1951 IDL> print, addDate('June 17, 1951', 13) June 30, 1951 IDL> print, addDate('6/17/51', 365) 06/16/52 IDL> print, addDate('6-17-1951', -30) 05-18-1951 IDL> print, addDate('17-Jun-1951', -30) 18-May-1951 IDL> print, addDate('20110520', -30) 20110420 IDL> print, adddate(systime(),-2) 28 Jun 11 COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 20-May-2011 fix for longdates 19-Feb-2010 add LONGYEAR keyword so 4-digit year returned 17-Aug-2009 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: DATE2JD PURPOSE: Convert a date string to Julian Day number. CATEGORY: Dates CALLING SEQUENCE: jd = date2jd(date) INPUTS: date = date string, e.g., '6/17/1951', '1951/6/17', or 19510617 KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: jd = Returned Julian Day number. out COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: Note: date must contain month as a name of 3 or more leeters. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 18-Aug-2009 return 0 if date blank 12-Feb-2008 handle input date of form 19510617 (yyymmdd) 27-Nov-2006 Handle date of form 2006/4/28 [Bill Davis, PPPL] R. Sterner, 1996 Sep 15 Copyright (C) 1996, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.
NAME: DATE2YMD PURPOSE: Date text string to the numbers year, month, day. CATEGORY: Dates CALLING SEQUENCE: date2ymd,date,y,m,d, dateString=dateString INPUTS: date = date string. in KEYWORD PARAMETERS: dateString - (OPTIONAL OUTPUT) of form yyyymmdd (e.g., 20030613) OUTPUTS: y = year number. out m = month number. out d = day number. out COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: Notes: The format of the date is flexible except that the month must be month name. Dashes, commas, periods, or slashes are allowed. Some examples: 23 sep, 1985 sep 23 1985 1985 Sep 23 23/SEP/85 23-SEP-1985 85-SEP-23 23 September, 1985. Doesn't check if month day is valid. Doesn't change year number (like 86 does not change to 1986). Dates may have only 2 numeric values, year and day. If both year & day values are < 31 then day is assumed first. systime() can be handled: date2ymd,systime(),y,m,d For invalid dates y, m and d are all set to -1. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 29-Jul-2011 handle strings like 7/25/2011-04:46:0-6.538 12-Feb-2008 handle input date of form 19510617 (yyymmdd) 17-Apr-2006 - added keyword longDate for return of 20051014. 14-Oct-2005 - fix to allow dates like 10/14/2005 13-Jun-2003 - added keyword output of composite string of form yyyymmdd (e.g., 20030613) R. Sterner, 1994 Mar 29 --- Modified to handle arrays. RES 18 Sep, 1989 --- converted to SUN. 25-Nov-1986 --- changed to REPCHR. Written by R. Sterner, 29 Oct, 1985. Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. Copyright (C) 1985, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.
NAME: fileshotdate PURPOSE: Print time and date of an NSTX shot, but get data from a file CATEGORY: Dates, MDSplus, Tree Status CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> date = fileshotdate( shot, time=time ) INPUTS: shot = MDSplus shot number KEYWORDS: optional output: time = time of shot, e.g., 12:25:02.00 OUTPUT: date - e.g., '18-Mar-2010' EXAMPLE: IDL> date=fileshotdate(136942,time=time) IDL> print, date, ' ', time 18-Mar-2010 13:51:00.00 COMMON BLOCKS: fileshotdate_local NOTES: LIMITATIONS: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 08-Jul-2013 converted from mdsshotdate by Bill Davis
NAME: fileTime2dbTime PURPOSE: Return times in filetimes format in database format CATEGORY: Dates, times CALLING SEQUENCE: seconds = filetime2dbtime( time ) INPUTS: time - string in military style '11:04' or '23:59' (no double quotes!) KEYWORDS addminutes - minutes to add (can be negative, but cannot cross midnight) OUTPUT time - string with AM or PM after it (no space between). This is the format SQL queries want. EXAMPLE: IDL> print,filetime2dbtime( '6:08',addminutes=-10) 5:58AM IDL> print,filetime2dbtime( '13:35') 1:35PM MODIFICATION HISTORY: WRITTEN by 27-Nov-2006 Bill Davis
NAME: fromidlseconds PURPOSE: Convert from IDL-syle time (output from SYSTIME(1), to form of '06/14/2004 11:04:52' CATEGORY: Dates CALLING SEQUENCE: date_time = fromIdlSeconds( secondsSince ) INPUTS: secondsSince - seconds since 1/1/1970 KEYWORD PARAMETERS: monthString - if set, return dateString as 1-Jan-1970 optional output: datestr - just the date string OUTPUTS: date_time - string line '06/14/2004 11:04:52' (no double quotes!) NOTES: EXAMPLE: IDL> print,fromIdlSeconds(1129295443) 10/14/2005 09:28:10 MODIFICATION HISTORY: WRITTEN 27-Mar-2009 by Bill Davis
NAME: fromidltime PURPOSE: Convert from IDL-syle time (output from SYSTIME(0), to form of '06/14/2004 11:04:52' CATEGORY: Dates CALLING SEQUENCE: date_time = fromidlTIME( idldatetime ) INPUTS: idldatetime - like Fri Oct 14 09:28:10 2005 (DEFAULTS to now) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: monthString - if set, return dateString as 1-Jan-1970 optional output: secondsSince - seconds since 1/1/1970 datestr - just the date string OUTPUTS: date_time - string line '06/14/2004 11:04:52' (no double quotes!) NOTES: EXAMPLE: IDL> print,fromidltime('Fri Oct 14 09:28:10 2005') 10/14/2005 09:28:10 MODIFICATION HISTORY: 12-Feb-2008 added secondsSince and monthString keywords WRITTEN 14-Oct-2005 by Bill Davis
NAME: getfiletime PURPOSE: return creation date and time of a file (not sure atime and ctime are right, for files from a PC) CATEGORY: Dates, files CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> times = getfiletime(files=files) INPUT KEYWORDS: files - string array of filenames, needed unless list used list - alternate way: filename containing a list of files dir - if present, is prepended to filenames before finding KEYWORD PARAMETERS: print - if present, will print results atime - access time in seconds since 1 January 1970 UTC ctime - creation time in seconds since 1 January 1970 UTC mtime - modification time in seconds since 1 January 1970 UTC OUTPUTS: times - string array of creation date and times of files, e.g., COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: % /bin/ls -1 * > list.txt idl IDL> times = getfiletime( list='list.txt',/print ) camerasbig Tue Oct 2 11:35:37 2007 cpp Fri Nov 9 16:28:02 2007 dothis.csh Tue Oct 2 11:33:37 2007 ... NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 03-Mar-2009 added atime, ctime & mtime keywords 16-Apr-2008 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: hours2time PURPOSE: Return time string like 23:59:05 from floating point hour value CATEGORY: Dates, times CALLING SEQUENCE: timeStr = hours2time( hours ) INPUTS: hours - floating pt., from 0-23.9999 KEYWORDS optional outputs: hours - integer hours minutes - integer minutes seconds - floating point seconds OUTPUT timeStr - string like 23:59:05.123, 03:01:59.777, etc. EXAMPLE: IDL> print,hours2time( 3.333333 ) 03:19:59.999 NOTES: use rgatime2hr() to go the other way MODIFICATION HISTORY: 07-Jul-2011 WRITTEN by Bill Davis
NAME: ISOtime PURPOSE: Return time in ISO 8601 standard, assuming US East Coast. (handles Daylight Savings time) CATEGORY: Dates CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> timeStr = ISOtime( DateTime ) INPUTS: DateTime - like "06/14/2004 11:04:52" KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Keywords: OUTPUTS: timeStr - like 2004-06-14T11:04:52.0-4:00 COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> print,isotime('06/14/2004 11:04:52') 2004-06-14T11:04:52.0-4:00 NOTES: The ISO standard includes the adjustment to Grenwich Mean Time, so you need to know whether Daylight Savings time is in affect. This includes routines to find last and first Sunday of a month. Assumes no fractions of seconds. MODIFICATION HISTORY: WRITTEN 19-Jan-2005 by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: JD2DATE PURPOSE: Convert a Julian Day number to a date string. CATEGORY: dates CALLING SEQUENCE: date = jd2date(jd) INPUTS: jd = Julian Day number. in KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Keywords: FORMAT = format string. Allows output date to be customized. The following substitutions take place in the format string: Y$ = 4 digit year. y$ = 2 digit year. N$ = full month name. n$ = 3 letter month name. m$ = 2 digit month number. d$ = day of month number. 0d$ = day of month number as a 2 digit number. W$ = full weekday name. w$ = 3 letter week day name. OUTPUTS: date = returned date string. out COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: Notes: The default format string is 'd$-n$-Y$' giving 24-Sep-1989 Example: FORMAT='w$ N$ d$, Y$' would give 'Mon MODIFICATION HISTORY: 17-Aug-2009 added $m option so can get dates like 17-8-2009. R. Sterner, 27 Feb, 1991 Copyright (C) 1991, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.
NAME: JD2YMD PURPOSE: Find year, month, day from julian day number. CATEGORY: Dates CALLING SEQUENCE: jd2ymd, jd, y, m, d, dateString=dateString INPUTS: jd = Julian day number (like 2447000). in KEYWORD PARAMETERS: dateString - (OPTIONAL OUTPUT) of form yyyymmdd (e.g., 20030613) OUTPUTS: y = year (like 1987). out m = month number (like 7). out d = day of month (like 23). out COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 12-Feb-2008 added dateString optional output keyword Theo Brauers, 21 Sep, 1997 long loop index i R. Sterner, 30 Apr, 1993 --- cleaned up and allowed arrays. R. Sterner. 21 Aug, 1986. Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab. Copyright (C) 1986, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.
NAME: long64date2str PURPOSE: Return date from a 64-bit longword, like 1112308040, as returned from file_info, in a more conventional format. CATEGORY: Dates CALLING SEQUENCE: dateString = long64date2str( long64date ) INPUTS: long64date returned from file_info, e.g., 1112308040 RETURNED: dateString - conventional date string, e.g. 02/18/2006 KEYWORDS delim - (string) delimeter used for output (Default is /) twoDigitsForYear - if set, year will be last two digits of year filetime - time of day of file, e.g. 14:32:59 year - year of file month - numerical month of file day - numerical day of file EXAMPLES: IDL> print,long64date2str( 1112308040 ) 03/31/2005 IDL> print,long64date2str( 1112308040, /twoDigitsForYear ) 03/31/05 MODIFICATION HISTORY: WRITTEN 3-Jan-2007 by Bill Davis
NAME: longdate2str PURPOSE: Return date from a longword, like 20060218, in a more conventional format CATEGORY: Dates CALLING SEQUENCE: dateString = longdate2str( longDate ) INPUTS: date in form yyyymmdd, e.g., 20060218 RETURNED: dateString - conventional date string, e.g. 02/18/2006 KEYWORDS delim - (string) delimeter used for output (Default is /) twoDigitsForYear - if set, year will be last two digits of year EXAMPLES: IDL> print,longdate2str( 20060218 ) 02/18/2006 IDL> print,longdate2str( 19951229, /twoDigitsForYear ) 12/29/95 MODIFICATION HISTORY: WRITTEN by 1-May-2006 Bill Davis
NAME: MDSshotDate PURPOSE: Print time and date of an NSTX shot. CATEGORY: Dates, MDSplus, Tree Status CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> date = MDSshotDate( shot, time=time ) INPUTS: shot = MDSplus shot number KEYWORDS: optional output: time = time of shot, e.g., 12:25:02 longDate - returned date in form of yyyymmdd, e.g., 20030613 optonally returned: year month day OUTPUT: date - e.g., '11-FEB-2003 15:09:37.60' EXAMPLE: IDL> date=mdsshotdate(110109,time=time) IDL> print, date, ' ', time 11-FEB-2003 15:09:37.60 COMMON BLOCKS: none NOTES: This runs fairly quickly, but SQL access is quicker. Also see SURVEYDB to quickly see first & last shot of day. LIMITATIONS: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 10-Oct-2013 fixed keyword longdate 22-Apr=2010 added noOpen keyword 06-Apr-2009 fixed bug with new date format coming from MDSplus & introduced slash keyword, to get date in the form 03-Apr-2009 allow for missing value 14-Jan-2009 Changed node read to be \NSTX::TOP.ACQ_INFO.STATISTICS:STORE_START 04-Sep-2008 replace openMDSshot with mdsopen 09-Feb-2004 Added status (shots before around 104611 don't work) 03-Jun-02 use \WF::ACQ_START 03-Oct-00 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: mdsTime2dbTime PURPOSE: Convert date & time from MDSplus to database format CATEGORY: Dates, times CALLING SEQUENCE: sqltime = mdsTime2dbTime( time ) INPUTS: time - from MDSplus, e.g. '10-MAR-2008 09:50:46.36' KEYWORDS OUTPUT sqltime - in SQL format, e.g., Mar 10 2008 09:50AM EXAMPLE: IDL> print,mdsTime2dbTime( '10-MAR-2008 09:50:46.36') MAR 10 2008 09:50AM MODIFICATION HISTORY: WRITTEN by 10-Mar-2008 Bill Davis
NAME: mdsTime2vsTime PURPOSE: Convert date & time from MDSplus to Visual Studio format CATEGORY: Dates, times CALLING SEQUENCE: vstime = mdsTime2vsTime( time ) INPUTS: time - from MDSplus, e.g. '10-MAR-2008 09:50:46.36' KEYWORDS OUTPUT vstime - in SQL format, e.g., Mar 10 2008 09:50AM EXAMPLE: IDL> print,mdsTime2vsTime( '10-MAR-2008 09:50:46.36') MAR 10 2008 09:50AM MODIFICATION HISTORY: WRITTEN by G. Zimmer Feb '15
NAME: MONTHNAMES PURPOSE: Returns a string array of month names. CATEGORY: Dates CALLING SEQUENCE: mnam = monthnames() INPUTS: monthNum - if present, just the name for this month returned KEYWORD PARAMETERS: nchars - max number of characters in month names OUTPUTS: mnam = string array of 13 items: out ['Error','January',...'December'] COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 28-Jan-2009 Added nchars keyword 22-Feb-2006 Added monthNum optional input [BD] R. Sterner, 18 Sep, 1989 Copyright (C) 1989, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.
NAME: monthnumber PURPOSE: Returns a month number given a month name. CATEGORY: Dates CALLING SEQUENCE: monthNum = monthnumber(monthStr) INPUTS: monthStr - e.g., 'Dec', or 'MAR' KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: monthNum = number of month, 1-12, or -1 if not found out COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 09-Jul-2013 made to work with an array 29-Jan-00 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: shotAtTime PURPOSE: find the NSTX shot number closest to a certain time CATEGORY: Dates, MDSplus CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> shot = MDSshotDate( date, time ) INPUTS: date - e.g. '2009/2/10' or '15-Oct-2010' time - e.g., '12:13' OUTPUT: shot - NSTX shot number, probably 6 digits NOTES: Looks up shot range for the year and then does a binary search to find the nearest shot number to the input time. EXAMPLE: IDL> date='2009/2/10' & time='12:13' IDL> print, shotattime( date, time ) 131441 31-May-2011 WRITTEN by Bill Davis, PPPL, for Doug Darrow
>> TIMES RETURNED FROM FILE_INFO AREN'T CORRECT!!!!!!!! NAME: shotsOfFiles PURPOSE: Return MDSplus shots (based on creation time) of files CATEGORY: dates, MDSplus CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> shots = shotsOfFiles( rundate ) INPUTS: files - array of files, or scalar string which may contain wild cards KEYWORD PARAMETERS: dates - dates (LONG) of files in YYYYMMDD (e.g., 20061231) times - time of day of file, e.g., 23:59:59 seconds - seconds since midnight of time of file creation delta_seconds - time of shot minus time of file creation outfiles - files corresponding to shots out (useful when wild cards used) beforeSeconds - seconds before shot to count as that shot (Default=60) verbose - if set, will print informational output OUTPUTS: shots - array of shot numbers associated with files EXAMPLE: IDL> shots=shotsOfFiles( '*.dat',dates=dates,times=times,out=outfiles ) IDL> d=read_cih(filename, shot=120337, filedate=filedate2,filetime=filetime2) IDL> print,shotsoffiles( filename) NOTES: On Windows, in IDL v. 6.2 and before, when running during Daylight Savings time, for files created before DST, use keyword addSeconds=-3600 MODIFICATION HISTORY: 31-Mar-2006 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: time2Sec PURPOSE: Return seconds since midnight, if no date given. Otherwise, since Jan. 1, 1970. CATEGORY: Dates, times CALLING SEQUENCE: seconds = time2Sec( time ) INPUTS: time - string in military style '11:04' or '23:59' (no double quotes!) or '6:08PM' or IDL style, like 'Oct 16 2013 12:56:24' KEYWORDS none OUTPUT seconds - seconds (double precision) since midnight, if no date given. Otherwise, since Jan. 1, 1970. EXAMPLE: IDL> print,time2Sec( '6:08') 22080.000 IDL> print,time2Sec( '6:08PM') 65280.000 IDL> print,time2Sec( 'Oct 16 2013 12:56:24') 1.3819282e+09 MODIFICATION HISTORY: 28-Oct-2013 handle array input, and do since 1970, if date specified WRITTEN by 03-Mar-2009 Bill Davis
NAME: timesofshots PURPOSE: return dates and times, like 12:26PM, of NSTX shot CATEGORY: dates, MDSplus CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> times = timesofshots( shot1, shot2, dates=dates ) IDL> times = timesofshots( year=2010, dates=dates ) INPUTS: shot1 - starting shot shot2 - ending shot KEYWORD PARAMETERS: year - if set, will find the shots for that year dates - dates of files in dd-mon-yyyy (e.g., 07-Jul-2007) longDates - dates (LONG) of files in YYYYMMDD (e.g., 20061231) times - time of day of file, e.g., 23:59:59 verbose - if set, will print informational output OUTPUTS: times - time of day of file, e.g., '12:05PM' EXAMPLE: IDL> times = timesofshots( year=2010, dates=dates, shots=shots, longd=longd ) IDL> for i=0,4 do print, shots[i], ' ', dates[i], ' ', times[i] 136730 23-Feb-2010 12:05PM 136731 23-Feb-2010 12:17PM 136732 23-Feb-2010 12:23PM 136733 23-Feb-2010 12:30PM 136734 23-Feb-2010 12:40PM NOTES: you will need database setup done, as for the NSTX logbook. E.g., source /p/nstxusr/util/setup/mkmdsplusdbfile.csh MODIFICATION HISTORY: 08-Jul-2013 added year keyword WRITTEN by Bill Davis, 27-Feb-2009
NAME: toIdlTime PURPOSE: Convert a date string to IDL time (output from SYSTIME(1), i.e., seconds since 1/1/1970 CATEGORY: Dates CALLING SEQUENCE: seconds = TOIDLTIME( date_time ) INPUTS: date_time - string line '06/14/2004 11:04:52' (no double quotes!) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: seconds since 1/1/1970 (type long64) NOTES: EXAMPLE: IDL> print, systime(0), long64(systime(1)) Fri Oct 14 09:10:43 2005 1129295443 IDL> print, toIdlTime('10/14/2005 09:10:43') 1129295443 IDL> print, fromIdlSeconds(1129295443) 10/14/2005 09:10:43 IDL> print, toIdlTime('20 Jun 11') MODIFICATION HISTORY: 17-Mar-2010 Handle dates like 'Fri Feb 5 17:04:55 2010', and inputs of Julian dates and Long dates (like 20091231) WRITTEN 14-Oct-2005 by Bill Davis
NAME: WEEKDAY PURPOSE: Compute weekday given year, month, day. CATEGORY: Dates CALLING SEQUENCE: wd = weekday(y,m,d,[nwd]) INPUTS: y, m, d = Year, month, day (Like 1988, 10, 31). in KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: wd = Returned name of weekday. out nwd = optional Weekday number. out COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: R. Sterner. 31 Oct, 1988. Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. RES 18 Sep, 1989 --- converted to SUN Copyright (C) 1988, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.
NAME: YMD2DATE PURPOSE: Convert from year, month, day numbers to date string. CATEGORY: Dates CALLING SEQUENCE: date = ymd2date(Y,M,D) INPUTS: y = year number (like 1986). in m = month number (1 - 12). in d = day of month number (1 - 31). in KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Keywords: FORMAT = format string. Allows output date to be customized. The following substitutions take place in the format string: Y$ = 4 digit year. y$ = 2 digit year. N$ = full month name. n$ = 3 letter month name. m$ = 2 digit month number. d$ = day of month number. 0d$ = day of month number with leading 0 if < 10. W$ = full weekday name. w$ = 3 letter week day name. dateStr - alternate input, like '20070931' OUTPUTS: date = returned date string (like 24-May-1986). out COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: Notes: The default format string is 'd$-n$-Y$' giving 24-Sep-1989 Example: FORMAT='w$ N$ d$, Y$' would give 'Mon MODIFICATION HISTORY: 19-Mar-2010 fixed bug for $m meaning minutes in called routines 17-Aug-2009 added $m option so can get dates like 17-8-2009. 28-NOV-2007 Added DateStr keyword [ Bill Davis, PPPL ] ... RES 18 Sep, 1989 --- converted to SUN R. Sterner. 16 Jul, 1986. Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. Copyright (C) 1986, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.
NAME: YMD2JD PURPOSE: From Year, Month, and Day compute Julian Day number. CATEGORY: Dates CALLING SEQUENCE: jd = ymd2jd(y,m,d) INPUTS: y = Year (like 1987). in m = month (like 7 for July). in d = month day (like 23). in KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: jd = Julian Day number (like 2447000). out COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: R. Sterner, 23 June, 1985 --- converted from FORTRAN. Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. RES 18 Sep, 1989 --- converted to SUN Copyright (C) 1985, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.
NAME: yrmonthday PURPOSE: Return a string of YYYYMMDD from a date string. CATEGORY: Dates CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> dateNumberString = yrmonthday(dateString) INPUTS: dateString = date in one of these formats: '7-jun-2001' 'Mon Jan 14 15:22:05 2002' '08Aug2002' 'Jun 30 2005' (defaults to today) OUTPUTS: dateNumberString = 8-character string of numbers: YYYYMMDD KEYWORDS time - returns time like 08:41:55 year - year number as string month - month number as string day - day number as string EXAMPLE: IDL> print,yrmonthday() 20020114 IDL> print,yrmonthday('5-jun-2001') 20010605 NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 19-Nov-2009 fixed bug returning month number 31-Mar-06 allow form of 'Jun 30 2005' or 'June 30, 2005' 16-Nov-04 added time keyword 15-Aug-02 Modified for UNIX date format by Stan Kaye 15-Jan-02 Allow for 2-digit years 14-Jan-02 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
Category: EFIT
[List of Routines]
NAME: calcbtbp PURPOSE: Calculates toroidal and poloidal magnetic field values (Bt & Bp) at desired R & Z and desired time by reading data from the EFIT (or similar) MDS+ tree. (Bt is also refered to as B-phi.) CATEGORY: EFIT, LRDFIT CALLING SEQUENCE: calcbtbp, shot, index, time, Rwant, Zwant, tree=tree, $ BpWant=Bp, BtWant=Bt ; returned INPUTS: shot - NSTX shot number index - number of the run, 1,2,... etc. time - time wanted in seconds Rwant - Major radius in meters at which Bt & Bp wanted Zwant - Height in meters at which Bt & Bp wanted RETURNED: keywords: BpWant - Poloidal magnetic field at desired R & Z at desired time BtWant - Toroidal magnetic field at desired R & Z at desired time EXAMPLE: IDL> .r /u/jmenard/idl/efit/ IDL> .r IDL> calcbtbp, 139444, 4, .27, 1.44, 0., BP=Bp, Bt=Bt (will see lots of errors for LRDfits) IDL> mdsopen,'LRDFIT04', 139444 IDL> BTAXP = mdsgetsig( '\BTAXP', xaxis=fittime ) IDL> print, BTAXP( nearesti( fitTime, 0.27 ) ) NOTES: To see what fits are available, you could: IDL> print, fitsrun(shot) or IDL> print, bestFitAvail(shot) MODIFICATION HISTORY: WRITTEN 19-Jan-2012 by Bill Davis with Stefan Gerhardt's help see /u/sgerhard/NSTX/idl/lib/ Uses many routines from Jon Menard.
NAME: efitmovies PURPOSE: Plot EFIT field lines, Thomson Scattering Density and Temperature and, optionally, Fast Camera images. Instead of Fast Camera, can plot H-alpha (or another) signal vs. time. CATEGORY: EFIT, Animation, 2-D Plotting, NSTX, Thomson Scattering CALLING SEQUENCE: for a nice animated display of the latest shot, with a pick-list displayed for movies: IDL> efitmovies, /thom, /summary for a movie with a camera looking at the RF limiter and the RF power plotted: IDL> efitmovies, 'nstx_1_134625.cin', signame='\wf::prf', time=[.05,.45], $ sigt1=0.1, sigt2=.3, maxframes=1000, $ /framesOut, QTmovie='', /verbose to see the strike point plot with EFIT: IDL> efitmovies,138000,signame='\EFIT02::RVSOUT',/nofc, sigTitle='Strike Point' to get a single frame (with camera image): IDL> shot=138000 IDL> efitmovies, shot, time=0.2, /thom, signame='\wf::ip', $ sigt1=0, sigt2=.4 to get a single frame with just EFIT IDL> efitmovies, 136159,time=.2, /noFC to get a single frame with flux surfaces on both sides: IDL> efitmovies, 121048, time=.2, /double to get a single frame with fast camera (determined from dialog box) image on the left: IDL> efitmovies, 138000, time=.2, /pick to get an IDL Animation Widget, from which you can write an MPEG: IDL> efitmovies, 138000, time=[0.05,0.317], /thom, max=40 to get an animation with H-alpha time trace instead of Fast Camera images: IDL> efitmovies,107314, /thom, time=[.05,.5], /noFC, $ /signame, sigtitle='H-alpha',max=40 to see limiter camera (with Lithium dropping): IDL> efitmovies, '/p/nstxcam/phantom4/NSTX_135060.cin', /thom, time=[.1,.2] to see miro camera (would use nstx_2*138000 in 2010): IDL> efitmovies, 'miro*135060', /thom, time=[.1,.12], /summary for the Open House: IDL> efitmovies, 'miro*135260', /thom,/summ, /noEfit, time=[.18, .55], $ maxFrames=400, /press, /fahren, /HMODE for full rotation, with just 3 contours outside of plasma: IDL> efitmovies, 136159,time=.2, /noFC, outlevels=3, /double, /pdf, /emailPsFile for zooming into plot for a single frame: IDL> efitmovies, 136159,time=.2, /noFC,xmin=.25,xmax=1.25,ymin=-2,ymax=-1 to make a movie using jmovie: IDL> efitmovies, 138497, time=[.1,.5], /thom, /framesOut, /nofc, anim=0, $ QTmovie='' to see what shots have fast camera data in the tree: IDL> MDSnodeChanges,'\fc3d',shot1=119120,shot2=119230,tree='cameras',/after INPUTS: shot = nstx shot number KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Keywords: noEfit - if set, do not display EFIT contours ndups - number of times each frame of movie is duplicated (default=0) time - 2-element array for animation; single value for one frame thomson - if set, will plot Thomson Te and Ne below EFIT contours animate - if set to 0, will plot individual frames instead of movie. maxFrames - max # of frames over time range -- necessary if X-memory is limited (default is 200). nDecimalTime - # of decimals to display for time (if in seconds) pixMap - if set, will not send each frame to the screen (faster) double - plot efit color contours on both sides of center stack sigName - if set, will not show Fast Camera images, but this signal vs. time (defaults to \passivespec::BAYC_DALF_HAIFA) sigT1 - starting time of signal vs. time plot sigT2 - ending time of signal vs. time plot sigTitle - if set, will be displayed above sigName plot, else tries to get label from MDSplus overlayTe - overlay Thomson Te and Ne, instead of on left and right window - starting window number (default=0) efitVersion - the efit version to display. Defaults to the highest available less than 5. LRDfitVersion - the LRDfit version to display. If non-blank, will override efitVersion keyword used. Summary - if set will include a plot summary (Ip, Pinj, D-alpha, Wmhd) save - if set, create the MPEG file, but don't bring up the widget pick - if set, will let you pick from a menu when more than one Fast Camera file matches the specification of the first argument warning - if set to 0, will not pop dialog up for messages OUTPUTS: none LIMITATIONS: Some reds are green on printer. NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 17-Aug-2010 added WARNING keyword so popping dialog windows can be surpressed 10-Aug-2010 added option to make MPEGs from Eliots Java code that uses jpegs 13-Jul-2010 fixed auto-save of mpeg files. Default name has whole time range. Improved finding of camera files. Default to showing Fast Camera when SIGNAMES set. 01-Jul-2010 added group keyword, and pass to XIA so can be destroyed by a calling program, like 04-Jun-2010 many improvements when using frames from MDSplus; have interpolated Thomson profiles extend to adjacent EFIT times before and after 12-May-2010 added nLevels keyword for # of flux contours 07-Apr-2010 added noEfit option for Masa 02-Apr-2010 provided for color movies 16-Mar-2010 fix for selecting file after no data found for input shot 17-Dec-2009 made to work with Cine files. Include plot summaries. 02-May-06 added ndups keyword 26-Jan-06 No longer e-mail to 'USER' if username not specified. Tidy up screen message for postscript output 27-Sep-2005 fix bug for sub-msec timing for single plots 19-Aug-2005 improve selection of efit version 17-Jul-2005 Assure black lines on plots 03-Sep-04 Better logic for missing Thomson data. 15-Apr-04 Fixed bug for full time with lots of frames made default max frames 200. 23-Oct-03 Use spline Te and Ne from Thomson 23-Aug-03 Adds for efitflux.html 23-May-03 Added keywords for Web Plotting 01-May-03 Added /double keyword 28-May-02 Added /signame keyword and overlayTe Original written by Dave Gates
NAME: efit_times PURPOSE: Return EFIT times in MDSplus for a shot CATEGORY: EFIT CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> etimes = efit_times(shot, tree=tree) INPUTS: shot = nstx shot number KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Keywords: tree - defaults to EFIT02, then tries EFIT01. RETURNED: returns EFIT times in seconds for this shot for particular tree LIMITATIONS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 06-Jul-2015 written by Bill Davis
NAME: GETEFIT PURPOSE: Procedure to get efit data from A0 and G0 file or from MDSPLUS. This can be used as a front end to the usual reada and readg. It prints out a message if the efit data does not occur for the desired value of DELTIME. It does not return any data unless time window requirements are met. CATEGORY: EFIT CALLING SEQUENCE: getefit, shot, time, aaa, ggg [,DELTIME=DELTIME] $ [,ERR=ERR] [,MODE=MODE] [,runID=runID] INPUTS: shot shot number time shot time (sec) KEYWORDS: DELTIME - maximum allowable time (sec) for the data to deviate from time. If two values [t0,t1] are input, the time window is from (time - t0) to (time + t1), otherwise, the time window is from (time - t0) to (time + t0). ERR - set to 0 for successful return of efit data; a non-zero value means there was a problem getting the efit data MODE - read a mode parameter, file or mdsplus runID - choose EFIT01 (JT snap file) or EFIT02 (MSE snap file) from MDSPlus efit data. Default is EFIT01, the non-MSE automatic control room EFIT OUTPUTS: aaa structure from reada routine holds data from A0 file ggg structure from readg routine holds data from G0 file err error code returned from reada ok if err=0 RESTRICTIONS: User can specify source of data as MDSPLUS or a file in the current directory, or in a directory given by the environment variable MY_EFIT_DIR. PROCEDURE: CODE TYPE: modeling, analysis, control CODE SUBJECT: operation, edge, rf, transport, equilibrium, other EASE OF USE: can be used with existing documentation OPERATING SYSTEMS: UNIX of all flavors EXTERNAL CALLS: READA, READG TO TEST: IDL> getefit, 138000, 0.2, aaa, ggg IDL> getefit, 141010, runID='LRDFIT06', 0.2, aaa, ggg MODIFICATION HISTORY: Created by Gary D. Porter 1998.10.20: Allow for data from a file or MDSPLus by G.D. Porter 1998.11.03: Change DELTIME check to allow for 2 values by R.A. Jong 1999.04.01: Added runID and removed BLESSED optional keywords 1999.05.06; Reset aaa.error=1 when our err parameter=1 2000.01.03; Change check on aaa.time and ggg.time to accept data if both are in the acceptable time range, when not equal 2000.10.19; Do not cd to MY_EFIT_DIR and send message if mode=MDSPLUS 2001.10.16; Fix missing time_range flag in readg call (RAJ) 06-Aug-2010 [BD] adapted for NSTX for Jose Boedo (note EFIT times on NSTX are in seconds, rather than milliseconds) 27-nov-2012 [BD] added aaa.shot and ggg.shot tags when getting LRDfit trees.
NAME: getsep PURPOSE: Get the separatrix (last closed flux surface) R & Z values from EFIT or LRDfit for a particular NSTX or CMOD shot. Interpolate surfaces in time. Can also return R & Z of limiter interior. Also works for CMOD shots (tree opened elsewhere). CATEGORY: EFIT, 2-D Plotting, NSTX, CMOD CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> getsep, shot, outTime, r_edge=r_edge, z_edge=z_edge, $ xLim=xLim, zLim=zLim INPUTS: shot - shot number for MDSplus call outTimes - times desired in seconds KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Optional Inputs: efitVersion - 1-6. Defaults to "Best Fit" LRDfitVersion - alternate to above BestFit - (DEFAULT) if set, will call bestFitAvail, which has preference of LRDFIT04, any other LRDFIT, EFIT02, then highest EFIT. outer - if set will just return edge values > median value (default) inner - if set will just return edge values <= median value interp - if=0, will not interpolate in time (just take nearest time) noOpen - if set will not try to open a tree (assumes already open) verbose - if set, will print many informational messages debug - if set, debug output will be printed Returned: r_edge - r values of separatrix (edge) points z_edge - z values of separatrix points rLim - r values of limiter points zLim - z values of limiter points EXAMPLE: ; get R & Z of separatrix for CMOD shot IDL> getsep, 1120224029, 1.08800, $ r_edge=r_edge, z_edge=z_edge, $ /debug to get get R & Z data and limiter location: IDL> getsep, 135036, .589, R_edge=R, Z_edge=Z, $ rLim=rLim, zLim=zLim MODIFICATION HISTORY: 05-Mar-2014 added interp keyword, so could get specific points WRITTEN Aug-2012 by Bill Davis for Stewart Zweben
NAME: highestEfitRun PURPOSE: find highest efit version run (in the MDSplus tree) Checks up to 5, and contigously after that CATEGORY: EFIT, MDSplus CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> run = highestEfitRun(shot) INPUTS: shot = shot # KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FITTYPE= fit type. Defaults to 'EFIT'. Works for 'LRDFIT', too. min2Check - will always check up to this number, and contigously after that. E.g. if there is a EFIT05 and EFIT07, 5 will be declared the highest unless this keyword is 6 or higher. max2Check - will stop checking at this fit number OUTPUTS: integer # representing highest EFIT run in tree EXAMPLES: IDL> print,fitsrun(123001) EFIT01 EFIT02 EFITRT IDL> print,highestefitrun(123001) 2 IDL> print,fitsrun(117707) EFIT01 EFIT02 EFIT03 EFIT06 EFITRT LRDFIT04 LRDFIT06 IDL> print,highestefitrun(117707) 6 IDL> print,highestefitrun(117707,FIT='LRDFIT') 6 NOTES: When the routine is called with no parameters, or with the keyword hlp set, help information is printed. MODIFICATIONS: 13-Apr-2010 added max2Check keyword 29-Aug-2008 make min2check=20 for LRDfit 27-Aug-2007 check at least 5 runs. Add keyword for fit type and min2Check. Aug-2005 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: interpEdge PURPOSE: Interpolate separatrix in time. From EFIT or LRDfit, find R and Z values of last closed flux surface (separatrix) for a particular NSTX or CMOD shot. Can also return R & Z of limiter interior. Also works for CMOD shots (tree opened elsewhere). CATEGORY: EFIT, 2-D Plotting, NSTX, CMOD CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> interpEdge, shot, outTime, r_edge=r_edge, z_edge=z_edge, $ xLim=xLim, zLim=zLim, $ /plot, /debug INPUTS: shot - shot number for MDSplus call outTimes - times desired in seconds KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Optional Inputs: efitVersion - 1-6. Defaults to 2 LRDfitVersion - alternate to above BestFit - (DEFAULT) if set, will call bestFitAvail, which has preference of LRDFIT04, any other LRDFIT, EFIT02, then highest EFIT. outer - if set will just return edge values > median value inner - if set will just return edge values <= median value interp - if=0, will not interpolate in time (just take nearest time) noOpen - if set will not try to open a tree (assumes already open) plot - if set will plot data verbose - if set, will print many informational messages debug - if set, debug output will be printed Returned: r_edge - r values of edge points (in meters) z_edge - z values of edge points xLim - r values of limiter points zLim - z values of limiter points EXAMPLE: IDL> interpEdge, 130376, .2, $ r_edge=r_edge, z_edge=z_edge, $ /plot, /debug to get get R & Z data and limiter location: IDL> interpEdge, 135036, .589, R_edge=R, Z_edge=Z, $ xLim=xLim, zLim=zLim IDL> interpEdge, 1120815021, 1.15, r_edge=Rsep, z_edge=Zsep, /outer, /plot IDL> interpEdge, 138846, .615,r_edge=Rsep,z_edge=Zsep,/outer,/plot, /deb MODIFICATION HISTORY: -------------------- 12-Mar-2014 added fit keyword 05-Mar-2014 added interp keyword, so could get specific points 16-Sep-2013 always have noOpen=0 (bug somewhere) 04-Mar-2013 don't stop if no radii found greater than average 30-Aug-2012 add MDSconnect for CMOD; do not assume shot is open 21-Aug-2012 fixed bug for CMOD 05-Jan-2012 account for time being first dimension in r & z from CMOD EFITs 21-Dec-2011 added CMOD support 15-Dec-2011 added outer and inner keywords WRITTEN 12-Dec-2011 by Bill Davis
NAME: PECOMP PURPOSE: Interactively compare PCS and EFIT signals for a shot CATEGORY: EFIT, PCS CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> pecomp, shot=shot INPUTS: shot = shot number KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Keywords: print - print rather than display on screen data - can pass in data xsize ysize xrange - of plots debug bigCharSize OUTPUTS: COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: ; for NSTX: IDL> pecomp2010, shot=130000, bigCharSize=3 ; for NSTX-U: IDL> pecomp, shot=200005, bigCharSize=2, frac=0.6, /debug NOTES: Use middle mouse button to select zoom region MODIFICATION HISTORY: 30-Apr-2015 more NSTX-U changes for Dan Boyer 24-Mar-2015 updating for NSTX-U per Stefan Gerhardt. 18-Jul-2011 fixed bug in SPA plotted times 14-Jul-2011 added "SPA Current" and "Loop Voltage Diff" buttons 14-Jul-2011 removed ["RAI_PF4", "\IPF4"] coils plotting, since bombs 10-Nov-2008 made to work with skylark defs. don't keep reading data when not there. [BD] 21-Feb-2008 Added "RAF_FLPPPU4" & "\F_FLPPPU4" per Dennis & Dave 14-Feb-2008 Add upper-lower loop voltage difference signals per Dennis Mueller [BD] 04-Feb-2008 add switch to allow using eng_dev tree [Dana Mastrovito] 21-Jan-2008 Don't do an MDSconnect (use mdsopen instead of openMDSshot()) [BD]sigs like \pcs.ra:RAB_LSPPGU1 12-Feb-2007 Always read shot number field before plotting, sonot necessary. Fix recently introduced errors. Written by Bill Davis, PPPL, for Dave Gates
NAME: plasmaedge PURPOSE: From EFIT or LRDfit, find R and Z values of last closed flux surface (separatrix) for a particular NSTX shot and time. Optionally save to a file.Also will plot limiters and last closed flux surface with axes. Can also return R & Z of limiter interior. CATEGORY: EFIT, 2-D Plotting, NSTX CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> plasmaEdge, shot, time, /plot, /debug INPUTS: shot = nstx shot number time - time desired in seconds (will pick closest in tree) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Optional Inputs: efitVersion - 1-6. Defaults to 2 LRDfitVersion - alternate to above BestFit - (DEFAULT) if set, will call bestFitAvail, which has preference of LRDFIT04, any other LRDFIT, EFIT02, then highest EFIT. noOpen - if set will not try to open a tree (assumes already open) outfile - Defaults to 'PlasmaEdge__ _ms.txt', unless='NONE' limiter - if set, will print R & Z values for limter shell plot - if set will plot data verbose - if set, will print many informational messages debug - if set, debug output will be printed Returned: r_edge - r values of edge points z_edge - z values of edge points xLim - r values of limiter points zLim - z values of limiter points actualTime - actual time used, i.e., nearest EFIT or LRDfit time to that requested EXAMPLE: IDL> plasmaEdge, 130376, .589, /plot, /debug to get get R & Z data and limiter location: IDL> plasmaEdge, 135036, .589, outfile='NONE', R_edge=R, Z_edge=Z, $ xLim=xLim, zLim=zLim 08-Dec-2011 BD added keyword BestFit, and made that the default! default output file to 'NONE' WRITTEN 03-Feb-2010 by Bill Davis
NAME: psiinterp PURPOSE: From EFIT or LRDfit, get psi of a flux surface contour at a particular shot and time and R & Z. Then, find the R position of that same psi value at Z=0. CATEGORY: EFIT, 2-D Plotting, NSTX CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> PsiWant = psiinterp( shot, time, Rwant=Rwant, Zwant=Zwant ) INPUTS: shot = nstx shot number time - time desired in seconds (will pick closest in tree) OUTPUTS: PsiWant - psi at Rwant & Zwant KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Inputs: Rwant & Zwant - arrays of R & Z at which Psi is wanted efitVersion - 1-6. Defaults to 2 (if not available, the highest of contiguous versions will be used. E.g., if 1,2,5 are available and 3 is requested, 2 will be used). LRDfitVersion - alternate to above noOpen - if set will not try to open a tree (assumes already open) plot - if set will plot data verbose - if set, will print many informational messages debug - if set, debug output will be printed Output: RatZ0 - R value at Z=0 of Psis at input R & Z EXAMPLE: IDL> Rwant = findgen(5)/4*0.5 + 1.1 IDL> Zwant = findgen(5)/4*0.5 + 0.3 IDL> PsiWant = psiinterp( 135036, .589, Rwant=Rwant, Zwant=Zwant, $ RatZ0=RatZ0, /plot, /debug ) IDL> XYOUTS, RatZ0, 0, 'X', align=center to get get R & Z data: IDL> PsiWant = psiinterp( 135036, .589, Rwant=1.4, Zwant=0.4 ) LIMITATIONS: Takes the EFIT/LRDfit at the nearest time. Perhaps an interpolation should be done when the desired time is between computed times. 06-Sep-2013 set /exact in call to followContour (was getting choppy results) WRITTEN 12-Feb-2010 by Bill Davis
NAME: sepvstime PURPOSE: Get the separtrix (last closed flux surface) R & Z values vs. time. from EFIT or LRDfit for a particular NSTX or CMOD shot. Can also return R & Z of limiter interior. CATEGORY: EFIT, NSTX CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> sepvstime, shot, trange=trange, Redge=Redge, Zedge=Zedge INPUTS: shot - shot number for MDSplus call KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Optional Inputs: tRange - range of times desired (defaults to all available) fit - fit desired. Default is "best fit" outer - if set will just return edge values > median value (default) inner - if set will just return edge values <= median value verbose - if set, will print many informational messages debug - if set, debug output will be printed Returned: RedgeVsTime - r values of separatrix (edge) points ZedgeVsTime - z values of separatrix points used_fit - the fit used tFit - times of the fit nPerTime - # of good values in corresponding time element of arrays EXAMPLE: to get get R & Z data: IDL> sepvstime, 138847, RedgeVsTime=R, ZedgeVsTime=Z MODIFICATION HISTORY: 14-Oct-2013 allow fit_desired to be 'BEST' WRITTEN 05-Jun-2013 by Bill Davis for Stewart Zweben
Category: EPICS Channel Access Interface
[List of Routines]
NAME: caGetCountAndType PURPOSE: This function returns the number of elements and data type of a Channel Access process variable. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: Status = caGetCountAndType(pvname, count, type) INPUTS: pvname: The name of the process variable for which information is to be returned. OUTPUTS: count: The number of elements in the process variable. This is 1 for scalar process variables and more than 1 for arrays. type: This is a 3 element array containing information about the data type of the process variable. type(0) = Channel access data type as defined in "cadef.h" type(1) = EZCA data type as defined in "ezca.h" type(2) = IDL/PV-WAVE data type as defined in size() These data types are as follows: Name Channel Access EZCA IDL/PVWAVE String 0 1 7 Short 1 2 2 Float 2 4 4 Enum 3 2 (short) 2 (short) Byte 4 0 1 Long 5 3 3 Double 6 5 5 The function return value of caGetCountAndType is a status value. The status is 0 if the routine was successful (i.e. the process variable exists) and non-zero if the routine failed. SIDE EFFECTS: This routine will cause a Channel Access search to take place if this is the first time this process variable has been referenced. RESTRICTIONS: The channel access data type enum is mapped to EZCA and IDL short data types. However, application programs can use this routine to determine if the native channel access data type is enum, and then use caGet(pvname, value, /string) to read the string equivalent of the process variable. Programs can also use caGetEnumStrings(pvname, strings) to read the strings for the all of the possible values of an enum process variable. PROCEDURE: This routine uses ezcaPvToChid() and then ca_element_count() and ca_field_type(). Note that this routine always returns its values "immediately", even if it is called between a caStartGroup and caEndGroup. EXAMPLE: IDL> status = caGetCountAndType('test_mca1.VAL', count, type) IDL> print, status 0 ; Status = success IDL> print, count 2048 ; Array with 2048 elements IDL> print, type 5 3 3 ; Long data type MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995
NAME: caGet PURPOSE: This function reads the value of a Channel Access process variable. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: Status = caGet(pvname, value, /string, max=n) INPUTS: pvname: The name of the process variable for which the value is to be returned. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: STRING: Set this flag to force caGet to return a string, rather than a number. This flag is particularly useful when the native channel access data type is ENUM (3), since the string is more descriptive than the number. MAX: This keyword parameter is used to limit the number of values returned by caGet. caGet normally returns the native element count for a process variable. Setting MAX to a number less than this will cause caGet to return only the first MAX values in the array. OUTPUTS: value: The value of the process variable. By default, caGet returns "value" with the native data type and number of elements of the process variable. It determines this information by calling caGetCountAndType(). Note that if caGet is called after calling caStartGroup but before calling caEndGroup then the IDL variable "value" is created, but will not actually contain the data until caEndGroup is called. The function return value of caGet is a status value. The status is 0 if the routine was successful (i.e. the process variable exists) and non-zero if the routine failed. If caGet is called from within an asynchronous group then the status return only indicates whether the operation was successfully queued. COMMON BLOCKS: EZCA_COMMON contains a flag (ingroup) which indicates if we are currently in an asynchronous group. This routine tests that flag. SIDE EFFECTS: This routine will causes a channel access search to take place if this is the first time this process variable has been referenced. It performs a ca_get, unless called as part of an asynchronous group. RESTRICTIONS: There are two important restrictions which must be kept in mind when calling caGet from inside a "group", i.e. after calling caStartGroup and before calling caEndGroup. 1) The IDL "value" variable (i.e. the second parameter passed to caGet) must not be "re-used" or deleted before the call to caEndGroup. The reason for this is that EZCA has been passed the address of this variable as the location in which the data is to be copied when caEndGroup is called. Thus, this location must still point to a valid memory location when caEndGroup is called. If the "value" variable is re-used then IDL's behavior is unpredictable, and bus errors/access violations could occur. 2) When using caGet to read strings, the data type returned will be a byte array, rather than a string. The reason has to do with the manner in which IDL passes strings, which requires that EZCA actually be passed pointers to byte arrays. When caGet is called outside of a group it automatically converts the byte array to a string before returning the value. However when caGet is called inside of a group it cannot perform this conversion, since it cannot be done until after the data is read, which does not occur until caEndGroup is called. Thus, it is the user's responsibility to convert the data from a byte array to a string after calling caEndGroup. This is done very simply with the string() function. For more information see the example below. PROCEDURE: This routine uses ezcaGet(). EXAMPLES: IDL> ; The following is an example of a single caGet IDL> status = caGet('test_mca1.VAL', value) IDL> ; The following is an example of a valid grouped operation IDL> ; It also shows how to handle strings. IDL> caStartGroup IDL> status = caGet('test_mca1.VAL', mca_value) IDL> status = caGet('test_vme1.DESC', vme_desc) ; This is a string PV IDL> status = caEndGroup() IDL> vme_desc = string(vme_desc) ; Convert from byte array to string IDL> ; The following is an example of an INVALID grouped operation IDL> caStartGroup IDL> status = caGet('test_mca1.VAL', mca_value) IDL> status = caGet('test_vme1.VAL', vme_value) IDL> mca_value=0 IDL> ; We have redefined mca_value, so the previous location is IDL> ; undefined. NO NOT DO THIS! IDL> status = caEndGroup() MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995
NAME: caGetTimeout PURPOSE: This function returns the value of the EZCA Timeout parameter. This value determines the time parameter passed to ca_pend_io() in EZCA. In conjunction with the EZCA RetryCount parameter it determines how long EZCA will try to connect to a process variable before giving up. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: timeout = caGetTimeout() INPUTS: None. OUTPUTS: The function return value of caGetTimeout is the floating point value of the EZCA Timeout parameter, in seconds. PROCEDURE: This routine uses ezcaGetTimeout(). EXAMPLES: IDL> print, caGetTimeout() 0.0500000 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995
NAME: caSetTimeout PURPOSE: This procedure sets the value of the EZCA Timeout parameter. This value determines the time parameter passed to ca_pend_io() in EZCA. In conjunction with the EZCA RetryCount parameter it determines how long EZCA will try to connect to a process variable before giving up. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: caSetTimeout, timeout INPUTS: Timeout: The timeout value in seconds (floating point). OUTPUTS: None PROCEDURE: This routine uses ezcaSetTimeout(). EXAMPLES: IDL> caSetTimeout, .001 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995
NAME: caGetRetryCount PURPOSE: This function returns the value of the EZCA retry count parameter. In conjunction with the EZCA Timeout parameter it determines how long EZCA will try to connect to a process variable before giving up. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: RetryCount = caGetRetryCount() INPUTS: None. OUTPUTS: The function return value of caGetRetryCount is the integer value of the EZCA RetryCount parameter. PROCEDURE: This routine uses ezcaGetRetryCount(). EXAMPLES: IDL> print, caGetRetryCount() 599 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995
NAME: caSetRetryCount PURPOSE: This procedure sets the value of the EZCA RetryCount parameter. In conjunction with the EZCA Timeout parameter it determines how long EZCA will try to connect to a process variable before giving up. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: caSetRetryCount, retrycount INPUTS: RetryCount: The integer retry count. OUTPUTS: None PROCEDURE: This routine uses ezcaSetRetryCount(). EXAMPLES: IDL> caSetRetryCount, 100 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995
NAME: caPut PURPOSE: This procedure writes a new value to a channel access process variable. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: status = caPut(pvname, value) INPUTS: pvname: The name of the process variable for which the new value is to be written value: The new value to be written. In general this can be a scalar or array of any data type. There are of course restrictions in that certain strings cannot be written to certain process variables, and some process variables cannot be passed arrays. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: WAIT: Set this flag to force caPut to wait for a channel access callback. The default is not to wait for a callback, using the ezca function ezcaPutOldCa. The WAIT keyword results in a call to ezcaPut, which uses channel access callbacks. OUTPUTS: The function return value of caPut is a status value. The status is 0 if the routine was successful (i.e. the process variable exists and a valid value was written) and non-zero if the routine failed. PROCEDURE: This routine uses ezcaPut(). The "nelem" and "type" parameters passed to ezcaPut are determined from the IDL data type and number of elements of the "value" parameter passed to caPut(). Strings are converted to to byte arrays before being passed. RESTRICTIONS: None. caPut can be called inside a group, i.e. after calling caStartGroup and before calling caEndGroup. The "value" variable passed to caPut can be immediately re-used when inside a group, since EZCA copies it to a private location. EXAMPLES: IDL> ; Put a linear ramp (findgen()) to a waveform process variable. IDL> status = caPut('my_waveform.VAL', findgen(100)) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995 Sept. 16, 1998 Mark Rivers Added WAIT keyword, made non-callback version of caput the default
NAME: caStartGroup PURPOSE: This procedure starts an "asynchronous group". Within an asynchronous group all calls to caGet and caPut are asynchronous, i.e. they queue a request and return immediately without waiting for a reply from the channel access servers. Calling caEndGroup causes the queue to be flushed and waits for the replies. The use of asynchronous groups can greatly improve the efficiency of channel access. The user must be aware of the restrictions on caGet outlined under the description of that routine. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: caStartGroup INPUTS: None. OUTPUTS: None COMMON BLOCKS: EZCA_COMMON contains a flag (ingroup) which indicates if we are currently in an asynchronous group. This routine sets that flag. PROCEDURE: This routine uses ezcaStartGroup(). EXAMPLES: IDL> caStartGroup IDL> status = caget('test_ao1.SCAN', scan) IDL> status = caget('test_mca1.ERTM', ertm) IDL> ; Print out values - they will be zero. IDL> help, scan, ertm IDL> status = caEndGroup() IDL> ; Print out values after executing caEndGroup, they are non-zero IDL> help, scan, ertm Output: SCAN INT = 0 ERTM FLOAT = 0.000000 SCAN INT = 6 ERTM FLOAT = 7.10000 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995
NAME: caEndGroup PURPOSE: This function ends an "asynchronous group". See caStartGroup for more information on asynchronous groups. caEndGroup flushes the queue of caGet and caPut calls and waits for replies from the channel access servers. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: stat = caEndGroup(status) INPUTS: None. OUTPUTS: The function return value is 0 if the operation was successful, otherwise it is the first encountered non-successful return code. The optional status parameter can be used to return the status code of each operation in the group. OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: status: If this optional parameter is present then it returns a array of status information, one for each channel access call in the group. COMMON BLOCKS: EZCA_COMMON contains a flag (ingroup) which indicates if we are currently in an asynchronous group. This routine clears that flag. PROCEDURE: If the status parameter is present then this routine uses ezcaEndGroupWithReport(). If the parameter is not present then the routine calls ezcaEndGroup(). RESTRICTIONS: When the status parameter is present, and ezcaEndGroupWithReport() is called, there is no way to know in advance how many status values will be returned. This routine passes a status array with 1024 elements, and then truncates it to the actual length. The maximum number of status values which can be retrieved is thus 1024. No errors will occur if an asynchronous group has more than 1024 calls, but only the first 1024 status values can be obtained. This is probably sufficient for most applications! EXAMPLES: IDL> caStartGroup IDL> status = caget('test_ao1.SCAN', scan) IDL> status = caget('test_mca1.ERTM', ertm) IDL> ; Print out values - they will be zero. IDL> help, scan, ertm IDL> status = caEndGroup() IDL> ; Print out values after executing caEndGroup, they are non-zero IDL> help, scan, ertm Output: SCAN INT = 0 ERTM FLOAT = 0.000000 SCAN INT = 6 ERTM FLOAT = 7.10000 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995
NAME: caSetMonitor PURPOSE: This procedure sets a monitor on the specified process variable. This causes a channel access callback to execute whenever the value of that process variable changes. Subsequent calls to caGet() after calling caSetMonitor will read the values provided by the callbacks, rather than reading from the IOC. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: status = caSetMonitor(pvname) INPUTS: pvname: The name of the process variable on which to set the monitor. OUTPUTS: The function return value of caSetMonitor is a status value. The status is 0 if the routine was successful (i.e. the process variable exists) and non-zero if the routine failed. PROCEDURE: This routine uses ezcaSetMonitor(). The "type" parameter required by ezcaSetMonitor is the native EZCA data type as determined by caGetCountAndType(). EXAMPLES: IDL> status = caSetMonitor('test_ao1') IDL> status = caGet('test_ao1', value) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995
NAME: caClearMonitor PURPOSE: This procedure clears a monitor on the specified process variable. It cancels the effect of caSetMonitor(). CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: status = caClearMonitor(pvname) INPUTS: pvname: The name of the process variable on which to clear the monitor. OUTPUTS: The function return value of caClearMonitor is a status value. The status is 0 if the routine was successful (i.e. the process variable exists) and non-zero if the routine failed. PROCEDURE: This routine uses ezcaClearMonitor(). The "type" parameter required by ezcaClearMonitor is the native EZCA data type as determined by caGetCountAndType(). EXAMPLES: IDL> status = caClearMonitor('test_ao1') MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995
NAME: caCheckMonitor PURPOSE: This function returns a non-zero value if there is a new (unread) monitor for this process variable, otherwise it returns zero. This function is particularly useful when a caGet() operation is expensive in time, e.g. reading large arrays. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: state = caCheckMonitor(pvname) INPUTS: pvname: The name of the process variable on which to check the monitor. OUTPUTS: The function return value is zero if no new monitor value is available, and non-zero if a new monitor value is available. PROCEDURE: This routine uses ezcaNewMonitorValue(). The "type" parameter required by ezcaNewMonitorValue() is the native EZCA data type as determined by caGetCountAndType(). EXAMPLES: IDL> state = caCheckMonitor('test_ao1',event) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995
NAME: caDebug PURPOSE: This procedure turns the EZCA debugging flag on or off. Turning on the debugging flag prints lots of information, which is mainly useful to developers. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: caDebug, state INPUTS: state: state=1 turns debugging on, state=0 turns debugging off. OUTPUTS: None PROCEDURE: This routine uses ezcaDebugOn() and ezcaDebugOff(). EXAMPLES: IDL> caDebug, 1 ; Turn on debugging setting Debug IDL> status = caGet('test_ao1', value) ca_pend_event(0.000010) --start end-of-prologue() report ****** Start State: AutoErrorMessage T InGroup F Debug T Trace F ErrorLocation LastOnly ListPrint LastOnly TimeoutSeconds 0.050000 Workp : 9cf970 trashme F (nxt 0) Channel_avail_hdr 0 : ... ... IDL> caDebug, 0 ; Turn off debugging MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995
NAME: caTrace PURPOSE: This procedure turns the EZCA trace flag on or off. Turning on the trace flag prints lots of information which is mainly useful to developers. Setting the trace flag results in less verbose output than setting the debug flag (see caDebug). CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: caTrace, state INPUTS: state: state=1 turns trace on, state=0 turns trace off. OUTPUTS: None PROCEDURE: This routine uses ezcaTraceOn() and ezcaTraceOff(). EXAMPLES: IDL> caTrace, 1 ;Turn on trace setting Trace IDL> status = caGet('test_ao1', value) ca_pend_event(0.000010) find_channel() found >test_ao1< get_channel(): was able to find_channel() ca_pend_event(0.000010) ... ... IDL> caTrace, 0 ; Turn off trace MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995
NAME: caGetEnumStrings PURPOSE: This function returns all of the choice strings associated with a Channel Access "enum" process variable. It is particularly useful for building menus of options. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: Status = caGetEnumStrings(pvname, strings) INPUTS: pvname: The name of the process variable for which the enum strings are to be returned. The native channel access data type of this process variable must be enum (3). OUTPUTS: strings: A string array containing the strings for each possible value of the enum variable. The function return value of caGetEnumStrings is a status value. The status is 0 if the routine was successful (i.e. the process variable exists and is of type enum) and non-zero if the routine failed. SIDE EFFECTS: This routine causes a channel access read. It does not use the grouping mechanism of EZCA, i.e. it always executes immediately. RESTRICTIONS: There must be less than 16 enum strings and they must each be less than 26 characters. PROCEDURE: This routine uses ezcaPvToChid and then ca_get() with a request type of DBR_GR_ENUM. The functionality required by this routine is not presently provided directly in EZCA, although it should probably be added. EXAMPLES: IDL> status = caGetEnumStrings('test_mca1.SCAN', strings) IDL> for i=0, n_elements(strings)-1 do print, strings(i) Passive Event I/O Intr 10 second 5 second 2 second 1 second .5 second .2 second .1 second MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995
NAME: caGetControlLimits PURPOSE: This procedure reads the control limits for the specified channel access process variable. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: status = caGetControlLimits(pvname, low, high) INPUTS: pvname: The name of the process variable from which to read the control limits. OUTPUTS: low: The low control limit (double). high: The high control limit (double). The function return value of caGetControlLimits is a status value. The status is 0 if the routine was successful (i.e. the process variable exists) and non-zero if the routine failed. PROCEDURE: This routine uses ezcaGetControlLimits(). EXAMPLE: IDL> status = caGetControlLimits('test_ao1', low, high) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995
NAME: caGetGraphicLimits PURPOSE: This procedure reads the graphic limits for the specified channel access process variable. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: status = caGetGraphicLimits(pvname, low, high) INPUTS: pvname: The name of the process variable from which to read the graphic limits. OUTPUTS: low: The low graphic limit (double). high: The high graphic limit (double). The function return value of caGetGraphicLimits is a status value. The status is 0 if the routine was successful (i.e. the process variable exists) and non-zero if the routine failed. PROCEDURE: This routine uses ezcaGetGraphicLimits(). EXAMPLE: IDL> status = caGetGraphicLimits('test_ao1', low, high) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995
NAME: caGetPrecision PURPOSE: This procedure reads the precision for the specified channel access process variable. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: status = caGetPrecision(pvname, precision) INPUTS: pvname: The name of the process variable from which to read the precision. OUTPUTS: precision: The precision (short). The function return value of caGetPrecision is a status value. The status is 0 if the routine was successful (i.e. the process variable exists) and non-zero if the routine failed. PROCEDURE: This routine uses ezcaGetPrecision(). EXAMPLE: IDL> status = caGetPrecision('test_ao1', precision) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995
NAME: caGetStatus PURPOSE: This procedure reads the status parameters for a channel access process variable. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: status = caGetStatus(pvname, timestamp, status, severity) INPUTS: pvname: The name of the process variable from which to read the status parameters. OUTPUTS: timestamp: The timestamp of the last time the record was processed lonarr(2). status: The status flag (int). severity: The severity flag (int). The function return value of caGetStatus is a status value. The status is 0 if the routine was successful (i.e. the process variable exists) and non-zero if the routine failed. PROCEDURE: This routine uses ezcaGetStatus(). EXAMPLE: IDL> status = caGetStatus('test_ao1', timestamp, status, severity) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995
NAME: caGetUnits PURPOSE: This procedure reads the units string for the specified channel access process variable. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: status = caGetUnits(pvname, units) INPUTS: pvname: The name of the process variable from which to read the units. OUTPUTS: units: The units (string). The function return value of caGetUnits is a status value. The status is 0 if the routine was successful (i.e. the process variable exists) and non-zero if the routine failed. COMMON BLOCKS: EZCA_COMMON contains a flag (ingroup) which indicates if we are currently in an asynchronous group. This routine tests that flag. PROCEDURE: This routine uses ezcaGetUnits(). EXAMPLE: IDL> status = caGetUnits('test_ao1', units) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995
NAME: caError PURPOSE: This procedure controls error printing and returns error strings. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: caError, err_string, /ON, /OFF, /PRINT, prefix=prefix INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /ON Setting this switch turns on automatic error message printing on stdout. Automatic printing is initially enabled. /OFF Setting this switch turns off automatic error message printing on stdout. /PRINT Setting this switch prints the last error message on stdout. prefix=prefix The prefix keyword can be used to pass a string which is prefixed to error messages printed with /PRINT or fetched via the optional output parameter. OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: err_string: If this parameter is present then it will contain the text of the last error message. COMMON BLOCKS: EZCA_COMMON contains a flag (ingroup) which indicates if we are currently in an asynchronous group. This routine tests that flag. PROCEDURE: This routine uses ezcaPerror(), ezcaAutoErrorMessageOn(), ezcaAutoErrorMessageOff(), and ezcaGetErrorString() EXAMPLE: IDL> ; Define a prefix and turn on error messages IDL> caError, prefix='My program', /ON IDL> ; Fetch the last error message IDL> caError, err_string MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Mark Rivers June 28, 1995
NAME: caVersion PURPOSE: This function returns the string of current version information about ezcaIDL CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: string = caVersion() INPUTS: None. OUTPUTS: Return the string which gives the version information about ezcaIDL, ezca, Ezca, and EPICS base verion number. PROCEDURE: This routine uses Ezca_version() from the ezcaScan library. EXAMPLE: IDL> print, caVersion() MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Ben-chin Cha Dec, 1995
NAME: caInit PURPOSE: This routine sets the channel access timeout used by list array functions defined in ezcaScan library. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: caInit [,flag] [,help=help] INPUTS: flag: Optional flag, if set to -1 ezcaScan library default timeout settings will be used. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: HELP: If ,/HELP is set, on-line help will be displayed. OUTPUTS: None. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: This routine set the channel access timeout values used in the ezcaScan library. This routine set the timeout to 3 seconds for lists of process variables, and sets the timeout for ca_pend_event to 0.001 second. If a value of -1 is specified for the flag, the default value of 10 seconds for lists of process variables will be used. RESTRICTIONS: None. PROCEDURE: This routine uses Ezca_init() from the ezcaScan library. EXAMPLES: IDL> caInit MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Ben-chin Cha Dec, 1995
NAME: caPendEvent PURPOSE: This function causes the Ezca to call channel access ca_pend_event function. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: caPendEvent [,time=0.001] [,help=help] INPUTS: None. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: TIME: This keyword parameter is used to reset the timeout in seconds used by ca_pend_event in ezcaScan library. HELP: If ,/HELP is set, on-line help will be displayed. OUTPUTS: None. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: This routine sets the timeout for event monitor routines used in ezcaScan library and calls the ca_pend_event. RESTRICTIONS: Positive time must be used. PROCEDURE: This routine uses Ezca_setPendTime() from the ezcaScan library. EXAMPLES: IDL> caPendEvent, time=0.0001 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Ben-chin Cha Dec, 1995
NAME: caPendIO PURPOSE: This routine sets the timeout used by ca_pend_io in array get/ put used in ezcaScan library. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: caPendIO, time=time, list_time=list_time INPUTS: None. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: TIME: Use the TIME=time keyword to set the timeout waiting for channel access I/O for single process variable name. LIST_TIME: Use the LIST_TIME=list_time keyword to set the timeout waiting for channel access I/O for a list of PV names. HELP: If ,/HELP is specified, on line help will be displayed. OUTPUTS: None. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: These times will be used in array get/put from then on in all ca_pend_io calls in ezcaScan library. RESTRICTIONS: Positive real times should be used in those keywords. PROCEDURE: This routine uses Ezca_setPendTime() from the ezcaScan library. EXAMPLES: IDL> caPendIO, time=0.1, list_time=3. IDL> caPendIO, /help MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Ben-chin Cha Dec, 1995
NAME: caTimeStamp PURPOSE: This function returns the time stamp of corresponding value for the specified record name. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: string = caTimeStamp(pvname) INPUTS: pvname: The name of the process variable for which the timestamp is to be returned. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None. OUTPUTS: string: The function returns the time stamp string for the requested PV name. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: This routine will causes a channel access search to take place if this is the first time this process variable has been referenced. RESTRICTIONS: Only single PV name is allowed in input. PROCEDURE: This routine uses Ezca_timeStamp() from the ezcaScan library. EXAMPLES: IDL> print,caTimeStamp('chademoai1') MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Ben-chin Cha Dec, 1995
NAME: caSearch PURPOSE: This function searches for a list of process variable names. It returns 0 if successful, returns -1 if failed. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: Status = caSearch(pvname) INPUTS: pvname: The variable for a list of process variables for which the channel access search to be done. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None. OUTPUTS: None. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: This routine will causes a channel access search to take place if this is the first time pvnames has been referenced. RESTRICTIONS: None. PROCEDURE: This routine uses Ezca_search_list() from the ezcaScan library. EXAMPLES: IDL> print,caSearch('chademoai1') IDL> x = ['chademoai1','chademoai2'] IDL> status = caSearch(x) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Ben-chin Cha Dec, 1995 04-11-96 bkc Fix typo error names to name
NAME: caGetError PURPOSE: This function get CA return codes for a list of process variable names. Return code can be 0 or -1, 0 for success, -1 for failure. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: Status = caGetError(Pvname,Err) INPUTS: Pvname: The variable for a list of process variables for which the channel access return code to be checked. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None. OUTPUTS: Err: The corresponding return code(s) for the Pvname(s) are returned. Returns array of 0 or 1. 0 indicates success, 1 indicates failed. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: This routine will causes a channel access search to take place if this is the first time pvnames has been referenced. RESTRICTIONS: None. PROCEDURE: This routine uses Ezca_get_error_array() from the ezcaScan library. EXAMPLES: IDL> print,caGetError('chademoai1') IDL> x = ['chademoai1','chademoai2'] IDL> status = caGetError(x) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Ben-chin Cha Dec, 1995
NAME: caGetArray PURPOSE: This function reads values for a list of Channel Access process variable. It returns 0 if successful, returns -1 if failed. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: Status = caGetArray(names,pdata,max=no,type=i,/TYPE,/EVENT) INPUTS: names: The variable for a list of channel access PV names for which the array of data is to be returned. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: MAX: Default to 1 for a list of PV names. If more than one values to be returned for a list of array type PV names, this keyword must be specified. If the `no' specified is greater than the native count, zeros will be padded in the output array. If only one PV name is input, then caGetArray returns the native element count for the process variable. Setting MAX to a number less than the native count this will cause caGetArray to return only the first MAX values for the PV. TYPE: This keyword specifies the IDL data type to be returned by the output array. If not specified, it defaults to 5, i.e. double precision type of data will be returned by the output array. 1 - byte 2 - short 3 - long 4 - float 5 - double 7 - string /TYPE Instead of type=i a user can use the IDL data type keyword directly, the data type keyword supercedes the type=i specification. Valid types given below /double /float /string /long /short /byte /EVENT If specified use the ca_array_get_callback otherwise use the ca_array_get OUTPUTS: pdata: The output variable, pdata(max,noNames), returns the data array for the requested list of PV names. The `max' is the no of values specified by the keyword MAX, the `noNames' is the number of PV names in the input variable names. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: This routine will causes a channel access search to take place if this is the first time this process variable has been referenced. RESTRICTIONS: Only one type of data can be requested for a list of PV names. PROCEDURE: This routine uses Ezca_getArray() from the ezcaScan library. EXAMPLES: Three examples are given below. The first caGetArray call returns only the first value for each PV name, the second and third caGetArray call both returns 10 float values for each PV name IDL> names=['chademowf7','chademowf8'] IDL> st = caGetArray(names,pdata) IDL> st = caGetArray(names,pdata,max=10,/float) IDL> st = caGetArray(names,pdata,max=10,type=4) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Ben-chin Cha Dec, 1995 04-11-96 bkc If array get failed, only the pvnames not found are reported 04-22-96 bkc Replace caError by caGetError
NAME: caPutArray PURPOSE: This function writes an array of data to a list of Channel Access process variable. It returns 0 if successful, else retuns -1. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: Status = caPutArray(pvname, pdata, /event) INPUTS: pvname: The variable specifies a list of process variables for which the input array of data is to be written to IOC. pdata: Input data array. The data array must be consistant with the number of PV names defined in the pvname. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: EVENT: If specified use the ca_array_put_callback otherwise use the ca_array_put. OUTPUTS: None. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: This routine will causes a channel access search to take place if this is the first time this process variable has been referenced. RESTRICTIONS: Thus, it is the user's responsibility to make sure the adequate pdata is provided for the pvname. PROCEDURE: This routine uses Ezca_putArray() from the ezcaScan library. EXAMPLES: In the following example write a string value '11' to two PV names: chademomask1.VAL and chademoai2.VAL IDL> x = ['chademomask1', 'chademoai2'] IDL> y = make_array(1, 2, /string) IDL> y(0) = '11' IDL> y(1) = '11' IDL> status = caPutArray(x,y) In the following example write values [1,2,3] to two waveform records names: chademowf2 and chademowf5 IDL> x = ['chademowf2','chademowf5'] IDL> y = make_array(3, 2) IDL> y(0,0) = [1,2,3] IDL> y(0,1) = [1,2,3] IDL> print,caPutArray(x,y) IDL> print,caGetArray(x,pd,max=10) IDL> print,pd MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Ben-chin Cha Dec, 1995
NAME: caScan PURPOSE: This function provides add/get/zero/clear monitor features on a scan record and a set of PV names. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: Status = caScan(name,pvnames,nonames,npts,vals,op_keyword,max=no) INPUTS: name: The name of the process variable which has control of triggering scan, e.g. the scan record name. pvnames: A list of detector process variables for which the values are to be monitored by the trigger name. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ADD: Set this flag /ADD to add a complete set of monitor for name and pvnames. Return 0 if successful, -1 if failed, 1 if old monitor already existed. If succeeds, the output variable npts is set to the number of data to be detected, and the nonames is set to the number of PVs in pvnames. CLEAR: Set this flag /CLEAR to clear the monitor set by add. Return 0 if successful, -1 if failed. GET: Set this flag /GET to get scan array of monitor values back. Return -1 if failed, return 1 if scan is properly set up but not triggered yet, return >1 if real data detected. If succeeds, the npts is set to the number of data so far detected. ZERO: Set this flag /ZERO to zero the allocated space. Return 0 for success, -1 for failure. MAX: Specifies the max number of monitor values to be returned. If the trigger name is not a scan record, the max=no must be provided for this function. OUTPUTS: nonames: This variable returns the number of PVs in pvnames. npts: This variable returns the current number of data points detected by the scan record. vals: This detector data array buff, vals(nonames,max), stores the detected data so far captured. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: This routine will causes a channel access search to take place if this is the first time this process variable has been referenced. RESTRICTIONS: None. PROCEDURE: This routine uses Ezca_scanAddMonitor(), Ezca_scanClearMonitor(), Ezca_scanGetMonitor(), and Ezca_scanZeroMonitor() from the Ezca library. EXAMPLES: For scan record type triggered scan IDL> print,caScan('name',pvnames,/add) IDL> print,caScan('name',pvnames,nonames,npts,vals,/get) IDL> print,caScan('name',pvnames,/zero) IDL> print,caScan('name',pvnames,/clear) For non-Scan record type triggered scan IDL> print,caScan('name',pvnames,/add,max=100) IDL> print,caScan('name',pvnames,nonames,npts,vals,/get,max=100) IDL> print,caScan('name',pvnames,/zero,max=100) IDL> print,caScan('name',pvnames,/clear,max=100) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Ben-chin Cha Dec, 1995
NAME: caMonitor PURPOSE: This function provides Add/Get/Check/Clear monitor features on a single PV or a list of PV names. CATEGORY: EPICS Channel Access Interface CALLING SEQUENCE: Status = caMonitor(name, vals, num, overflow, op_keyword,type_keyword, max=no) INPUTS: name: The variable for a PV or a list of PV names. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ADD: Set /ADD to add CA monitor for the specified name. Return 0 for success, -1 for failure. CLEAR: Set /CLEAAR to clear CA monitor for the specified name. Return 0 for success, -1 for failure. CHECK: Set /CHECK to check for new event for the specified name. Return 0 for success, -1 for failure. The ouput variable 'vals' contains the return event flags. 0 - flags no new event detected 1 - flags new event detected GET: Set /GET to get monitor values back for the specified name. Different type of monitor returns different vals array. If non queue type monitor set, the vals array returns a single value for each PV in the name variable. If the kewword /QUEUE is specified, in addition of vals, both num and overflow variables are also returned. QUEUE: Set /QUEUE flag to queue the value change event for the monitored single channel until the user gets them. MAXQUEUE: The MAXQUEUE=no must be specified if /QUEUE is specified. MODE: This flag indicates what type of monitor queue is desired. The MODE=i where i can be 1/2/3, it defaults to 1. The MODE=1 or 2 monitor fills the QUEUE buff until it is fulled. If MODE=1, the /GET will clear the QUEUE buff. IF MODE=2, the /GET will not clear the QUEUE buff. The MODE=3 uses the circulat buffer, it keeps the most current MAXQUEUE values in the queue buffer. Default Vals returned in double precision form. /INT Return Vals converted to integer /LONG Return Vals converted to long integer /BYTE Return Vals converted to byte type /FLOAT Return Vals converted to float type /STRING Return Vals converted to string type OUTPUTS: vals: Returns the array of data if either keyword /GET or /CHECK is specified num: Returns the real number of data in the vals array for the /QUEUE mode overflow: Returns the buffer full indicator for the /QUEUE mode 0 - vals queue buff is not full 1 - vals queue buff is full COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: This routine will causes a channel access search to take place if this is the first time this process variable has been referenced. RESTRICTIONS: All the PVs are monitored as double values in this function unless the PV is a DBR_STRING type then monitored as string type. For getting the monitored queue array, only a single PV name can be specified. For non queue type monitor, only the first value for a PV can be returned by this function. Use caGet to get array type of values back. PROCEDURE: This routine uses Ezca_monitorArrayAdd(), Ezca_monitorArrayGet(), Ezca_monitorArrayCheck(), Ezca_monitorArrayClear(), Ezca_queueAdd(), Ezca_queueGet(),Ezca_queueZero(), and Ezca_queueClear() from the ezcaScan library. EXAMPLES: Single value monitor IDL> print,caMonitor('chademoai1',/add) IDL> print,caMonitor('chademoai1',vals,/get) IDL> print,caMonitor('chademoai1',/clear) Use queue array monitor with maxqueue=100 IDL> print, caMonitor('chademoai1',/add,/queue,maxqueue=100) IDL> print, caMonitor('chademoai1',vals,num,overflow,/get,/queue,maxqueue=100) IDL> print, caMonitor('chademoai1',/clear,/queue) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Ben-chin Cha Dec, 1995 04-12-96 bkc Modified on line help syntax 04-07-99 bkc Return monitor values specification: /byte,/int,/long,/float,/string
Category: Events
[List of Routines]
NAME: execonevent PURPOSE: Widget to spawn an executable (with shot as argument) when an MDSplus event occurs. An IDL routine can also be spawned with shot as the only argument, or any IDL command string executed. CATEGORY: Events, MDSplus CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> execOnEvent, kickOffEvent='bdtest', executable='/u/bdavis/cvs/idl_cvs/echoarg.exe' IDL> execonevent, events=['NSTX_SOC', 'my_event' ] IDL> execonevent, emailTo=[','], $ events=['NSTX_ACQ_DONE', 'CAM1_DONE', $ 'CAM2_DONE','CAM3_DONE','CAM4_DONE' ] to get e-mail when really important events are missed, e.g., : IDL> execonevent,add=['TS_RAW_READY','PHOENIXGO_P1','MPTS_FIT_DONE', $ 'TFMON_ACQ_DONE'], emailTo='' INPUTS: none. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: (optional) kickOffEvent - event at which to kick of executable executable - executable to spawn idljob - spawns subprocess, with current shot number as the only input cmd - IDL command string to execute (will wait until returns) TEST - if set, appends TEST to all events EVENTS_WANTED - Character array of events to watch for. defaults to ['NSTX_SOC', 'CAM1_DONE', 'CAM2_DONE','CAM3_DONE','CAM4_DONE' ] EMAIL - email address for message if all events listed not set before next shot.. NOCLEAR - if set, will not clear events when first event is recognized noBox - if set, will not create color box for events (can conflict with plot windows spawned from cmd) PRINT - if set, will print messages when events are recognized TIME - if set, will display time-of-day when event was declared add_events - if set, will add these event(s) to the default BIG - if set, fonts are big WALL - if set, events of interest for display wall, and big font GROUP_LEADER - Group_Leader ID OUTPUTS: none. NOTES: The time of day will be printed for the first event, and the other times will be cleared. Then the time difference will be printed as mm:ss, so :12 would mean it came 12 seconds after the first event. TESTING IDL> execonevent, EVENTS_WANTED=['MY_TEST_EVENT_1','MY_TEST_event_2'], $ /Shots and from a VMS computer: IDL> SetMDSShotEvent,'MY_TEST_EVENT_1', 999999 IDL> execonevent, EVENTS='bdtest', cmd='print, "Hi Mom"', /verbose ROUTINES USED: MK_COLOR, usingXwindows, MDSEVENT EXAMPLE: to automatically have MPTS plots come up on Display Wall: IDL> execonevent, EVENTS='MPTS_REFRESH', cmd='plot_mpts,shot=0,chrsz=1.5, xmargin=[7,3]' LIMITATION: Shot numbers are only returned when running on VMS currently. NOTES: As the events are declared, the boxes turn color. When the first event in the list is recognized, the other boxes are set to yellow (unless /noClear was set). Shot numbers declared with the events may optionally be displayed. The status fields are initially the background color. A program calling this routine, might want to save !D.WINDOW before the TV commands and restore it immediately afterwards. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 15-Jun-2010 added cmd keyword [BD] 01-Oct-2008 Removed MDSconnect 06-Mar-2006 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: monevents_noxmanager PURPOSE: monevents version to run in batch mode. Widget to monitor occurrence of MDSplus events & optional Shot #, if passed with the event declaration. The time of the event can also be displayed. EXPLANATION: Lists various events related to an NSTX shot cycle (as a default). As the events are declared, the boxes turn color. When the first event in the list is recognized, the other boxes are set to yellow (unless /noClear was set). Shot numbers declared with the events may optionally be displayed. CATEGORY: Events, MDSplus, Monitoring Widget CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> monevents to get a small # of key events: IDL> monevents, EVENTS_WANTED=['NSTX_SOC', $ 'NSTX_TMINUS60', 'NSTX_SOD', $ 'NSTX_ACQ_STARTED' ,'PC_908C16N08_ACQ', $ ; Digitizer that EFIT needs 'MPTS_FIT_DONE', 'NSTX_ACQ_DONE' , $ 'SFLIP_IN_TREE' ], $ /SHOT, /NoClear to get Diagnostic events and labels: IDL> monevents_noxmanager, file_input='/u/bdavis/cvs/idl_cvs/eventlabelsdiags.txt', $ tabs=0, maxper=12, /shot, /noclear, /WebGifs, $ outFile='NSTX_Diagnostic_Status.gif' IDL> monevents_noxmanager, file_input='/u/bdavis/cvs/idl_cvs/eventlabelssmall.txt', $ tabs=0, maxper=12, /shot, /noclear, /WebGifs, $ outFile='NSTX_Diagnostic_Status_Example.gif' to get all MPTS-relevant events: IDL> monevents,/shot,add=['NSTX_ABC', 'MPTS_FORCEFIT', $ 'NSTX_ABS','NSTX_KLC','TS_RAW_READY'] to see all QCS at once: IDL> monevents,/qcs,tabs=0,maxper=22, /shot, clear_event='NSTX_SOC' ,/noclear for QCS testing: IDL> monevents,/shot,add=['sflip_files','test2','qcs_test'],tabs=0,/nocle, $ logfile='$HOME/ShotCycleEvents.log' for watching TF timing: IDL> monevents,/shot,tabs=0,/nocle, $ EVENTS_WANTED=['NSTX_SOD','PC_908C36N02_ACQ','PC_908C36N06_ACQ', $ 'PC_908C36N10_ACQ','PC_908C36N14_ACQ','TFMON_ACQ_DONE']; for monitoring TF joint events, with a logfile in your home directory: for watching EFIT timing: IDL> monevents,/shot,/noclear,tabs=0, $ EVENTS_WANTED=['NSTX_SOD','PC_908C16N08_ACQ', 'FDIA_CALC_DONE', $ 'OP_H908_01_ACQUIRED', 'OP_H908_02_ACQUIRED', 'OP_H908_04_ACQUIRED', $ 'OP_H908_05_ACQUIRED', 'OP_H908_07_ACQUIRED', 'OP_H908_08_ACQUIRED', $ 'OP_H908_09_ACQUIRED', 'OP_H908_11_ACQUIRED', 'OP_H908_13_ACQUIRED', $ 'PHOENIXGO_P1', 'MPTS_FIT_DONE', 'PHOENIXGO_P2V1', $ 'phoenixDone_p1', $ 'NSTX_ACQ_DONE', $ 'phoenixDone_p2' ], $ logfile='$HOME/EfitEvents.log' INPUTS: none. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: (optional) EVENTS_WANTED - String array of events to watch for LABELS - strings array to display instead of events FILE_INPUT - a text file of events to watch for (labels can follow each, in quotes) format like: NSTX_SOC "Start of Cycle" BA_L8212_01_ACQ "Bolometers" GS_908C28N14_ACQ "Gas Injection" ... CLEAR_EVENT - event to clear green lights on (default to EVENTS_WANTED[0] ADD_EVENTS - these events will be added to default events. QCS - if set, will read the file for QCS events, and use all there. LogFile - will log events to this file. LogEvents - if set, and LogFile not set, will log events to MonEvens.log nCols - number of columns wanted. Will default to 15 per column maxPerCol - another way to determine # of columns. Default=15. tabs - will default to tabs if more than one column. if=0, all on 1. NOCLEAR - if set, will not clear text boxes when first event is recognized PRINT - if set, will print messages when events are recognized SHOWSHOTS - if set, will display shot numbers declared with the events TIME - if set, will display time-of-day when event was declared BIG - if set, fonts are big WALL - if set, events of interest for display wall, and big font GIFseconds - seconds between writes of GIF file of window contents (good for making web-accessible displays). If not present, don't make files WebGifs - if set, will create a gif (to be read from the web) whenever widget is updated (DEFAULT=0) GROUP_LEADER - Group_Leader ID VERBOSE - if set, lots of information is output OUTPUTS: none. TESTING IDL> monevents, EVENTS_WANTED=['MY_TEST_EVENT_1','MY_TEST_event_2'], $ /Shots and from a VMS computer: IDL> SetMDSShotEvent,'MY_TEST_EVENT_1', 999999 COMMON BLOCKS: none ROUTINES USED: MK_COLOR, usingXwindows, MDSEVENT EXAMPLE: IDL> monevents LIMITATION: Shot numbers are only returned when running on VMS currently. NOTES: The time of day will be printed for the first event, and the other times will be cleared. Then the time difference will be printed as mm:ss, so :12 would mean it came 12 seconds after the first event. The status fields are initially the background color. A real program might want to save !D.WINDOW before the TV commands and restore it immediately afterwards. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 01-Oct-2008 Removed mdsconnect [BD] 18-Aug-2008 Added labels to be displayed instead of events, if desired. added WebGifs & GifSeconds keywords. Add 10-Jul-2008 made logging of events clearer 21-Feb-07 added /logevents and logfile as keywords 08-Feb-06 Added clear_event keyword, and made it show up 1st in list 09-Nov-05 added tabs and QCS keyword 03-Feb-04 added wall keyword 10-Feb-03 added keyword add_event [BD] 14-Jun-01 Default to showing time 20-Jul-00 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: monevents PURPOSE: Widget to monitor occurrence of MDSplus events & optional Shot #, if passed with the event declaration. The time of the event can also be displayed. EXPLANATION: Lists various events related to an NSTX shot cycle (as a default). As the events are declared, the boxes turn color. When the first event in the list is recognized, the other boxes are set to yellow (unless /noClear was set). Shot numbers declared with the events may optionally be displayed. CATEGORY: Events, MDSplus, Monitoring Widget CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> monevents to get a small # of events for Dummy Load testing: IDL> monevents, EVENTS_WANTED=[ $ 'NSTX_SOC', $ 'nstx_initphase_done', $ 'NSTX_SOD', $ 'NSTX_ACQ_STARTED', $ ; Digitizer that EFIT needs 'PC_908C16N08_ACQ', $ 'NSTX_ACQ_DONE' , $ 'efitdb_done' ], $ /SHOT, /NoClear, tabs=0 to get a small # of key events, starting at SOC: IDL> monevents, EVENTS_WANTED=['NSTX_SOC', 'NSTX_TM60', $ 'NSTX_SOD', 'PC_908C16N08_ACQ', $ ; Digitizer that EFIT needs 'MPTS_FIT_DONE', 'NSTX_ACQ_DONE' , $ 'phoenixDone_p1' ], $ /SHOT, /NoClear to get Diagnostic events and labels: IDL> monevents, file_input='/u/bdavis/cvs/idl_cvs/eventlabelsdiags.txt', $ tabs=0, maxper=12, /shot, /noclear, /WebGifs to get all MPTS-relevant events: IDL> monevents,/shot,add=['NSTX_ABC', 'MPTS_FORCEFIT', $ 'NSTX_ABS','NSTX_KLC','TS_RAW_READY'] to see all MEMS at once: IDL> monevents,/MEMS,tabs=0, maxper=22, /shot, clear_event='NSTX_SOC' ,/noclear for MEMS testing: IDL> monevents,/shot,add=['sflip_files','test2','qcs_test'],tabs=0,/nocle, $ logfile='$HOME/ShotCycleEvents.log' for watching TF timing: IDL> monevents,/shot,tabs=0,/nocle, $ EVENTS_WANTED=['NSTX_SOD','PC_908C36N02_ACQ','PC_908C36N06_ACQ', $ 'PC_908C36N10_ACQ','PC_908C36N14_ACQ','TFMON_ACQ_DONE']; for monitoring TF joint events, with a logfile in your home directory: for watching EFIT timing: IDL> monevents,/shot,/noclear,tabs=0, $ EVENTS_WANTED=['NSTX_SOD','FDIA_CALC_DONE', $ 'OP_H908_01_ACQUIRED', 'OP_H908_02_ACQUIRED', 'OP_H908_04_ACQUIRED', $ 'OP_H908_05_ACQUIRED', 'OP_H908_07_ACQUIRED', 'OP_H908_08_ACQUIRED', $ 'OP_H908_09_ACQUIRED', 'OP_H908_11_ACQUIRED', 'OP_H908_13_ACQUIRED', $ 'PHOENIXGO_P1', 'MPTS_FIT_DONE', 'PHOENIXGO_P2V1', $ 'phoenixDone_p1', $ 'NSTX_ACQ_DONE', $ 'phoenixDone_p2' ], $ logfile='$HOME/EfitEvents.log' INPUTS: none. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: (optional) EVENTS_WANTED - String array of events to watch for LABELS - strings array to display instead of events FILE_INPUT - a text file of events to watch for (labels can follow each, in quotes) format like: NSTX_SOC "Start of Cycle" BA_L8212_01_ACQ "Bolometers" GS_908C28N14_ACQ "Gas Injection" ... CLEAR_EVENT - event to clear green lights on (default to EVENTS_WANTED[0] ADD_EVENTS - these events will be added to default events. MEMS - if set, will read the file for MEMS events, and use all there. LogFile - will log events to this file. LogEvents - if set, and LogFile not set, will log events to MonEvens.log nCols - number of columns wanted. Will default to 15 per column maxPerCol - another way to determine # of columns. Default=15. tabs - will default to tabs if more than one column. if=0, all on 1. NOCLEAR - if set, will not clear text boxes when first event is recognized PRINT - if set, will print messages when events are recognized SHOWSHOTS - if set, will display shot numbers declared with the events TIME - if set, will display time-of-day when event was declared BIG - if set, fonts are big WALL - if set, events of interest for display wall, and big font GIFseconds - seconds between writes of GIF file of window contents (good for making web-accessible displays). If not present, don't make files WebGifs - if set, will create a gif (to be read from the web) whenever widget is updated (DEFAULT=0) BD - display events favored by a certain programmer. GROUP_LEADER - Group_Leader ID VERBOSE - if set, lots of information is output OUTPUTS: none. TESTING IDL> monevents, EVENTS_WANTED=['MY_TEST_EVENT_1','MY_TEST_event_2'], $ /Shots and from a VMS computer: IDL> SetMDSShotEvent,'MY_TEST_EVENT_1', 999999 COMMON BLOCKS: none ROUTINES USED: MK_COLOR, usingXwindows, MDSEVENT EXAMPLE: IDL> monevents IDL> monevents, num=450, prefix='gt', time=0, tab=0, npercol=30, show=0, shot=0 LIMITATION: Shot numbers are only returned when running on VMS currently. NOTES: The time of day will be printed for the first event, and the other times will be cleared. Then the time difference will be printed as mm:ss, so :12 would mean it came 12 seconds after the first event. The status fields are initially the background color. A real program might want to save !D.WINDOW before the TV commands and restore it immediately afterwards. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 12-Apr-2010 add num and prefix keywords so can generate event names 01-Oct-2008 Removed mdsconnect [BD] 18-Aug-2008 Added labels to be displayed instead of events, if desired. added WebGifs & GifSeconds keywords. Add 10-Jul-2008 made logging of events clearer 21-Feb-07 added /logevents and logfile as keywords 08-Feb-06 Added clear_event keyword, and made it show up 1st in list 09-Nov-05 added tabs and QCS keyword 03-Feb-04 added wall keyword 10-Feb-03 added keyword add_event [BD] 14-Jun-01 Default to showing time 20-Jul-00 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: watchevents PURPOSE: Widget to monitor occurrence of MDSplus events. If all events do not happen before next occurance of first event, send e-mail. CATEGORY: Events, MDSplus CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> watchevents, events=['NSTX_SOC', 'my_event' ] IDL> watchevents, emailTo=[','], $ events=['NSTX_ACQ_DONE', 'CAM1_DONE', $ 'CAM2_DONE','CAM3_DONE','CAM4_DONE' ] to get all MPTS-relevant events: IDL> watchevents,/shot,/show,add=['NSTX_ABC', 'MPTS_FORCEFIT', $ 'NSTX_ABS','NSTX_KLC','TS_RAW_READY'] INPUTS: none. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: (optional) TEST - if set, appends TEST to all events EVENTS_WANTED - Character array of events to watch for. defaults to ['NSTX_SOC', 'CAM1_DONE', 'CAM2_DONE','CAM3_DONE','CAM4_DONE' ] GROUP_LEADER - Group_Leader ID NOCLEAR - if set, will not clear events when first event is recognized PRINT - if set, will print messages when events are recognized SHOWSHOTS - if set, will display shot numbers declared with the events TIME - if set, will display time-of-day when event was declared add_events - if set, will add these event(s) to the default BIG - if set, fonts are big WALL - if set, events of interest for display wall, and big font OUTPUTS: none. NOTES: The time of day will be printed for the first event, and the other times will be cleared. Then the time difference will be printed as mm:ss, so :12 would mean it came 12 seconds after the first event. TESTING IDL> watchevents, EVENTS_WANTED=['MY_TEST_EVENT_1','MY_TEST_event_2'], $ /Shots and from a VMS computer: IDL> SetMDSShotEvent,'MY_TEST_EVENT_1', 999999 COMMON BLOCKS: none ROUTINES USED: MK_COLOR, usingXwindows, MDSEVENT EXAMPLE: IDL> watchevents LIMITATION: Shot numbers are only returned when running on VMS currently. NOTES: As the events are declared, the boxes turn color. When the first event in the list is recognized, the other boxes are set to yellow (unless /noClear was set). Shot numbers declared with the events may optionally be displayed. The status fields are initially the background color. A program calling this routine, might want to save !D.WINDOW before the TV commands and restore it immediately afterwards. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 08-Sep-08 removed mdsconnect. 10-Jun-05 Converted from for Vlad. 03-Feb-04 added wall keyword 10-Feb-03 added keyword add_event [BD] 14-Jun-01 Default to showing time 20-Jul-00 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
Category: Fast Cameras
[List of Routines]
NAME: cineThumbNails PURPOSE: Plot thumbnails of many frames from a .cin file CATEGORY: Fast Cameras CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> cinethumbnails, shot INPUTS: shot - optional alternate to filename; if more than one cine file found you will get a dialog box (if no shot or filename entered, will be prompted) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Inputs: (Optional) filename - optional name of cine file (fastest when this used) t1 - start time of thumbnails (sec.) t2 - end time of thumbnails (sec.) nWanted - # of thumbnails (defaults to 108) edge - if set, will show plasma edge on picture (separatrix) (NOT WORKING) fit - type of fit for separatrix plot deltaT - time between thumbnails minVal - min value to use in byte scaling (default=0) maxVal - max value to use in byte scaling (default depends on camera type) >>> if = 0, each frame will be byte scaled. bytescale - if set, bytescale frames gamma - gamma to apply to image (Default=0.55) ctb - color table for non-color image saturation - (Default=0.3) xsize - horizontal size of plot window (defaults to 640, but will let you manually expand) ysize - vertical size of plot window (defaults to 512, but will let you manually expand) label - if=0 will not label each frame with time in msec title - if=0 will not print file name at top right of frame horizontal_flip - if set, flip images horizontally vertical_flip - if set, flip images vertically RotCCW - rotate image Counter-ClockWise RotCW - rotate image ClockWise nRows - # of rows of thumbnails top2bottom - if=0, time will go from bottom to top border - # of pixels between images (default=1) verbose - if set, will print many informational messages debug - if set, debug output will be printed Outputs: (none) OUTPUTS: just plots to graphic window EXAMPLES: !P.FONT=0 setup_ps, '', printer = 'postscript color' cinethumbnails, /horiz, /rotccw, ctb=3, $ '/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_138117.cin', $ minVal=20, maxVal=230, nWanted=40, /edge, $ t1=0.242,t2=0.248, xsize=900, ysize=580, nsmooth=3, thick=3 unsetup_ps cinethumbnails, /horiz, /rotccw, ctb=3, $ '/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_139050.cin', $ t1=0.399,t2=0.455, xsize=900, ysize=580,/debug IDL> i = 0 IDL> i = i+1 IDL> cinethumbnails, '/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_138120.cin', $ t1=0.219+i*0.001, t2=0.219+(i+1)*0.001, /horizontal_flip, /RotCCW, ctb=3, $ xsize=1024, ysize=780 IDL> mk_jpeg,'~/sh138120_'+strtrim(219+i,2)+'ms.jpg' IDL> cinethumbnails, '/p/nstxcam/Miro2-7988/2010/nstx_2_137600.cin' (expand window manually) IDL> cinethumbnails, 137726, xsize=1600,ysize=1000, t1=.03, t2=.31, nwanted=45 (select the Miro file) IDL> cinethumbnails,'/p/nstxcam/Phantom73-6663/2010/nstx_3_137726.cin',maxval=0, $ t1=.100,t2=.274 ; (will byte scale each frame) IDL> cinethumbnails,'/p/nstxcam/Phantom710-9206/2010/nstx_1_137726.cin',maxval=2000, $ t1=.246,t2=.267,nw=23 ; to test separtrix drawing IDL> cinethumbnails, '/p/nstxcam/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_139444.cin', $ t1=.255,t2=.285, /horizontal_flip, /RotCCW, ctb=3, $ nwanted=20, /bytescale, /edge ; or from CMOD: IDL> cinethumbnails, $ '/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom_Data/2009_Phantom_data/1091216/shot_1091216028.cin', $ t1=.0,t2=.02, /horizontal_flip, ctb=3, nwanted=20, /bytescale, /edge IDL> cinethumbnails, 'nstx_5_137582.cin', t1=.32, t2=.37, $ nSmooth=3, Rotation=1, /horiz, xSize=1300, ySize=900, /edge IDL> cinethumbnails, '/p/nstxcam/Phantom73-8032/2010/nstx_4_137702.cin' for Stewart's FY15 GPI paper: IDL> cinethumbnails, t1=.550929, t2=.551029, label=0, /edge, $ nSmooth=3, Rotation=1, /horiz, xSize=668, ySize=652*.666, $ '/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_140395.cin', $ /rainbow, border=3, /ellip, nWanted=8, nrows=2, howFar=.2, /verb IDL> !P.FONT=0 IDL> setup_ps, '', printer='postscript', /color IDL> cinethumbnails, t1=.550929, t2=.551029, label=0, /edge, $ nSmooth=3, Rotation=1, /horiz, xSize=668*10./8, ySize=652*.666, $ '/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_140395.cin', $ aveT1=.5505, aveT2=.5515, showCon=1, nlevs=600, $ /rainbow, border=3, /ellip, nWanted=10, nrows=2, howFar=.1, /verb IDL> unsetup_up IDL> mk_jpeg, 'mythumbs.jpg' ; make a jpeg file of whatever is plotted IDL> cinethumbnails, t1=.550929, t2=.551029, label=0, /edge, $ nSmooth=3, Rotation=1, /horiz, xSize=668*10./8+80, ySize=652*.666, $ '/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_140395.cin', $ /rainbow, border=3, /ellip, nWanted=10, nrows=2, howFar=.1, /norm, $ bytescale=0, aveT1=.5505, aveT2=.5515, minVal=0.405, maxVal=2.159, $ /colorbar IDL> cinethumbnails, /edge, $ nSmooth=3, Rotation=1, /horiz, xSize=668*10./8+80, ySize=652*.666, $ '/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_140395.cin', $ /rainbow, border=3, /ellip, nWanted=10, nrows=2, howFar=.1, /norm, $ bytescale=0, aveT1=.5505, aveT2=.5515, minVal=0.405, maxVal=2.159, $ /colorbar, t1=.550929, t2=.551029, label=0,/verbose NOTES: see for examples MODIFICATION HISTORY: 30-Jul-2014 handle white at bottom of color table 14-Oct-2013 added FIT keyword for separatrix plot 07-Mar-2013 added keywords top2bot (now default), nrows, and border (def=1) 26-Feb-2013 mods to work from a web page. Added medsmooth keyword. 12-Dec-2011 put flip and rotate in for doing blob work. Also adding option to show separatrix and limiter shadow 14-Dec-2010 made to work with monochrome files (not True Color) Written by Bill Davis, 12-Apr-2010
NAME: load_fc PURPOSE: Load summary Waveforms for Phantom Fast Cameras into MDSplus. PROCEDURE: CATEGORY: Fast Cameras, MDSplus CALLING SEQUENCE: load_fc, shot1, shot2, path=['/p/nstxusr/miro/2009','/p/nstxcam/miro/2009'], $ prefix='Miro' load_fc, shot1, shot2, path='/p/nstxusr/miro/2008',prefix='Miro' INPUTS: shot1 = starting shot number to process shot2 = (Optional) last shot number to process KEYWORDS: (Optional) test - doesn't write to MDSplus EventDone - if there, will declare this event when all of one shot done noDeclare - if set, will declare NO events. COMMON BLOCKS: NONE NOTES: YOU NEED PRIVILEGES to write to the MDSplus tree. On skylark: IDL> addSigNodes, shot1, shot2, tree='CAMERAS', $ nodes=['\aveintensity', '\maxintensity', '\ave_r','\ave_g','\ave_b' ], $ tags =['\aveint', '\maxint','\ave_r','\ave_g','\ave_b'] (probably better to do the above in TCL procedure LIMITATIONS: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 09-Mar-2007 WRITTEN by Bill Davis
NAME: MKMANYMOVIES PURPOSE: make animations for the Fast Camera data from a shot list CATEGORY: Fast Cameras CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> INPUTS: shot = NSTX shot number KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Inputs: infile - filename for shot list t1 - start time in msec t2 - end time in msec outDir - shortName - minWidth - minVal - Min pixel value to show. DEF = 0 maxVal - Max pixel value to show, DEF = 16383 Saturation fps skip - auto - baseDir - overwrite - xsize - horizontal size of X window ysize - vertical size of X window xpos - initial X position of lower left of X window in pixels ypos - initial Y position of lower left of X window in pixels charsize - size of characters on plot verbose - if set, will print many informational messages debug - if set, debug output will be printed Outputs: status - if odd, then success OUTPUTS: movie files EXAMPLE: IDL> mkmanymovies, infile='testshots.txt' ; to just do one shot IDL> mkmanymovies, shot=120870 NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 04-Feb-2015 Roger wanted files from other years, so adding logic 29-Jan-2015 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL, for Roger Raman
Category: files
[List of Routines]
NAME: FDECOMP PURPOSE: Routine to decompose a file name for any operating system CATEGORY: Files, OS Specific, Strings CALLING SEQENCE: FDECOMP, filename, disk, dir, name, qual, version, [OSFamily = ] INPUT: filename - string file name, scalar OUTPUTS: All the output parameters are scalar strings disk - disk name, always '' on a Unix machine, scalar string dir - directory name, scalar string name - file name, scalar string qual - qualifier, set equal to the characters beyond the last "." version - version number, always '' on a non-VMS machine, scalar string OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORD: OSFamily - one of the four scalar strings specifying the operating system: 'vms','windows','MacOS' or 'unix'. If not supplied, then OS_FAMILY() is used to determine the operating system. EXAMPLES: Consider the following file names Unix: file = '/rsi/idl40/' VMS: file = '$1$dua5:[rsi.idl40];3 Mac: file = 'Macintosh' Windows: file = 'd:\rsi\idl40\' then IDL> FDECOMP, file, disk, dir, name, qual, version will return the following Disk Dir Name Qual Version Unix: '' '/rsi/idl40/' 'avg' 'pro' '' VMS: '$1$dua5' '[RSI.IDL40]' 'avg' 'pro' '3' Mac: 'Macintosh HD' ':Programs:' 'avg' 'pro' '' Windows: 'd:' \rsi\idl40\ 'avg' 'pro' '' NOTES: (1) All tokens are removed between 1) name and qual (i.e period is removed) 2) qual and ver (i.e. VMS semicolon is removed) (2) On VMS the filenames "MOTD" and "MOTD." are distinguished by the fact that qual = '' for the former and qual = ' ' for the latter. ROUTINES CALLED: Function GETTOK(), OS_FAMILY() Users with V4.0 or later can replace OS_FAMILY() with !VERSION.OS_FAMILY HISTORY version 1 D. Lindler Oct 1986 Include VMS DECNET machine name in disk W. Landsman HSTX Feb. 94 Converted to Mac IDL, I. Freedman HSTX March 1994
NAME: file2struct PURPOSE: return a structure where elements are named with column headings, and arrays are the columns CATEGORY: files CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> struct = file2struct(filename) INPUTS: filename - file name with columns and, preferably, headings KEYWORDS: strip - if set, strip everything from column headings up to and including the first period FORMAT - scalar string containing a letter specifying an IDL type for each column of data to be read. Allowed letters are A - string data, B - byte, D - double precision, F- floating point, I - integer, L - longword, and X - skip a column. (G & E equate to F) Columns without a specified format are assumed to be floating point. Examples of valid values of FMT are 'A,B,I' ;First column to read as 6 character string, then 1 column of byte data, 1 column integer data. 'V' for LONG64 'L,L,L,L' ;Four columns will be read as longword arrays. ' ' ;All columns are floating point If a FORMAT keyword string is not supplied, then all columns are assumed to be floating point. SILENT - Normally, READCOL will display each line that it skips over. If SILENT is set and non-zero then these messages will be suppressed. DEBUG - If this keyword is non-zero, then additional information is printed as READCOL attempts to read and interpret the file. nSkip - Scalar specifying number of lines to skip at the top of file before reading. Default is to start at the first line. Headings for the columns (the last line skipped) will be the tags in the structures. COMMENT - skip if a line begins with this NUMLINE - Scalar specifying number of lines in the file to read. Default is to read the entire file LINESSKIPPED - Ascii array of lines skipped TABDELIM - If set, then assume columns are delimitted by tabs verbose - if set, will print many informational messages debug - if set, debug output will be printed OUTPUTS: struct - structure containing the filename and a tag for each column EXAMPLES: IDL> struct = file2struct( '/u/bdavis/Blobs/readtest.txt', nskip=1, /strip, $ FORMAT='I,F,F,F,F,F,I,F,F,F,I,F,I,F,F,F,F,F,I,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F' ) IDL> loadblobs,t1=0.18,t2=0.35, dbout='/u/bdavis/Blobs/blobs141751.txt', $ '/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_141751.cin' IDL> struct = file2struct( '/u/bdavis/Blobs/blobs141751.txt', nskip=3, $ FORMAT='I,F,F,F,F,F,I,F,F,F,I,F,I,F,F,F,F,F,I,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F' ) REVISION HISTORY: 03-Jul-2012 take the last non-blank line at the top for the column headings & tag names WRITTEN 02-May-2012 by Bill Davis for Ahmed Diallo
NAME: findcamfiles PURPOSE: Find camera files in various directories Environmental/System variable FC_DATA_DIR will be used, if set, to look for files containing the string in 'filename' CATEGORY: Files CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> paths = findcamfiles(shotstr) INPUTS: shotstr = anything, but usually a shot number. If not present, a dialog box will pop up. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: dirs - directories to search. If not set, the known NSTX camera directories will be searched. defPath - path to find most recent "*.cin" file for default selection first - if set, will just return the first match (for speed) pick - if set, and more than one match found, will pop a dialog box for user to pick one. noPick - Do not offer dialog box, even if no file found CASE_SENSITIVE - if not set, search will be case insensitive. subDirectories - if NOT set, WILL search subdirectories camera - optional input, if you want cameras with file names including "_n_" SANfaster - if file is on both /p/nstxcamera and /p/nstxcam, just offer /p/nstxcam verbose - if set, will print many informational messages debug - if set, debug output will be printed OUTPUTS: paths = paths of files matching input in directories searched EXAMPLE: IDL> print, findcamfiles( '*miro*134180' ) IDL> print, findcamfiles( 142000 ) IDL> print, findcamfiles( 'nstx_5_139442' ) NOTES: if file is on both /p/nstxcamera and /p/nstxcam, in 2010, /p/nstxcam was much faster. if this is not true, set keyword SANfaster to 0. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 10-Jan-2014 fix bug when shot not specified 27-Feb-2013 - don't modify camera input string 20-Sep-2012 fixed bug when shotstr_in just a shot number 10-Sep-2012 - Account for data to be read via MDSplus at MIT for CMOD. if shot is > 9, no directory info included, and file not if the current directory, then get from tree at MIT 08-Dec-2011 added camera keyword 25-Jul-2011 don't overwrite shotstr input 08-Dec-2010 if file is on both /p/nstxcamera and /p/nstxcam, in 2010, /p/nstxcam was much faster, so just offer it. 03-Nov-2010 mods for running on a PC or Mac. 07-Oct-2010 fixed a bug finding old files, when search string not found in last dir 16-Jul-2010 added ext keyword, and default to "cin*" so .txt files, etc. don't show 19-Jan-2010 use getcamdirs() so list of NSTX dirs is in one place. Assuming FILE_SEARCH will include subdirectories if 2 arguments used (this didn't always work in some testing) 14-Jan-2010 if no files in the default directory, back up a year and check 06-Nov-2009 Default to case-insensitive searches. 21-Jul-2009 added other areas (this will probably be pretty slow) 06-Jul-2009 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: getNextFile PURPOSE: get next file in a directory, defaulting to alphabetic search CATEGORY: Files CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> nextFile = getNextFile( inFile ) INPUTS: input = filename with or without directory prefix KEYWORD PARAMETERS: numeric - if set will try to sort files numerically, so *_9.ext will come before *_10.ext back - if set will go back one in list OUTPUTS: nextFile out EXAMPLE: IDL> infile='/p/camdata/fastsoftxray/NSTX_119761/Frame_287.tif' IDL> nextFile = GetNextFile( inFile) IDL> infile='/p/camdata/fast_camera/shot000119681/NSTX000119681_35.tif' IDL> print, GetNextFile( inFile, /numeric) NOTES: finds all files of the form AAAAAA_*.ext (if no "_" in file, just return next in alphabetical order) MODIFICATION HISTORY: 29-Jun-2006 added back keyword 20-Apr-2006 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: h5dfromtext PURPOSE: create a H5D file from a text file with columns of data CATEGORY: files CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> h5dfromtext, in_filename=in_filename, out_filename=out_filename KEYWORD INPUTS: in_filename - file name with columns and, preferably, headings out_filename - name of H5D file to write (defaults to in_filename with .H5 ext) strip - if set, strip everything from column headings up to and including the first period FORMAT - scalar string containing a letter specifying an IDL type for each column of data to be read. Allowed letters are A - string data, B - byte, D - double precision, F- floating point, I - integer, L - longword, and X - skip a column. (G & E equate to F) Columns without a specified format are assumed to be floating point. Examples of valid values of FMT are 'A,B,I' ;First column to read as 6 character string, then 1 column of byte data, 1 column integer data. 'V' for LONG64 'L,L,L,L' ;Four columns will be read as longword arrays. ' ' ;All columns are floating point If a FORMAT keyword string is not supplied, then all columns are assumed to be floating point. SILENT - Normally, READCOL will display each line that it skips over. If SILENT is set and non-zero then these messages will be suppressed. DEBUG - If this keyword is non-zero, then additional information is printed as READCOL attempts to read and interpret the file. nSkip - Scalar specifying number of lines to skip at the top of file before reading. Default is to start at the first line. COMMENT - skip if a line begins with this NUMLINE - Scalar specifying number of lines in the file to read. Default is to read the entire file LINESSKIPPED - Ascii array of lines skipped TABDELIM - If set, then assume columns are delimitted by tabs verbose - if set, will print many informational messages debug - if set, debug output will be printed OUTPUTS: status (file written) EXAMPLES: IDL> h5dfromtext, in_filename='/u/bdavis/Blobs/readtest.txt', nskip=1, /strip, $ FORMAT='I,F,F,F,F,F,I,F,F,F,I,F,I,F,F,F,F,F,I,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,F' REVISION HISTORY: WRITTEN 02-May-2012 by Bill Davis for Ahmed Diall0
NAME: mkdatedir PURPOSE: Make a directory of the form YYYYMMDD (if it doesnt't exist) and move files there if the files were last modified on that date. CATEGORY: Files, Dates CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> mkdatedir, path=path, prefix=prefix, ext=ext, date=date INPUTS: none KEYWORD PARAMETERS: PATH - directory PREFIX - file prefix for deletion EXT - file extension for deletion; file search will be path+prefix+'*.'+ext DATE - date for search, of form yyyymmdd, e.g., 20050617 (default=TODAY) ALL - if set, all files will be moved to the right directory (overrides DATE) VERBOSE - if set, will print informational output OUTPUTS: none LIMITATIONS Only works on Unix/Linux MODIFICATION HISTORY: 03-Feb-2015 changed SpecFit directory so search doesn't get bogged down 07-Mar-2007 Added keyword all 22-Aug-2005 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: mk_filename PURPOSE: File names with system independent symbolic directories. CATEGORY: Files, OS Specific, File I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: f = mk_filename(symdir, name) INPUTS: symdir = symbolic directory name. in name = file name. in KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Keywords: /NOSYM means directory given is not a symbolic name. OPSYS=os specifiy operating system to over-ride actual. Use VMS, WINDOWS, or MACOS. UNIX is default. SUBDIR=s Subdirectory below the symdir, e.g., SUBDIR='dir1/dir2' DELIM=c delimiter character between directory and file name. This is returned. OUTPUTS: f = file name including directory. out COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: Notes: symdir is a logical name for VMS and an environmental variable for UNIX and WINDOWS. Ex: DEFINE IDL_IDLUSR d0:[publib.idl] for VMS set IDL_IDLUSR=c:\IDL\LIB\IDLUSR for WINDOWS. setenv IDL_IDLUSR /usr/pub/idl for UNIX. Then in IDL: f=mk_filename('IDL_IDLUSR','tmp.tmp') will be the name of the file tmp.tmp in IDL_IDLUSR. MODIFICATION HISTORY: R. Sterner, 4 Feb, 1991 R. Sterner, 27 Mar, 1991 --- added /NOSYM R. Sterner, 21 May, 1991 --- If not a listed opsys assume unix. R. Sterner, 4 Jun, 1991 --- added DOS. R. Sterner, 2 Jul, 1991 --- added DELIM. R. Sterner, 17 Jan, 1992 --- added OPSYS= and avoided double // R. Sterner, 1994 Feb 7 --- Added MacOS. R. Sterner, 1994 Feb 14 --- Changed DOS to windows. B. Davis - nenamed from Added SUBDIR keyword Copyright (C) 1991, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.
NAME: mvshotrangedir PURPOSE: Put files fitting a certain partern into a sub-directory of the form nnnn00s, where nnnn00 represents a shot range, e.g., 114100s whould contain shots 114100-114199. CATEGORY: Files, Dates CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> mvshotrangedir, path=path, prefix=prefix, ext=ext, date=date INPUTS: none KEYWORD PARAMETERS: path - directory prefix - file prefix for deletion ext - file extension for deletion; file search will be path+prefix+'*.'+ext verbose - if set, will print informational output OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> mvshotrangedir,/verb IDL> for i=1408, 1420 do mvshotrangedir, fourDigits=strtrim(i), /verb NOTES: LIMITATIONS Only works on Unix/Linux MODIFICATION HISTORY: 03-Feb-2015 changed SpecFit directory so search doesn't get bogged down 21-Oct-2010 made work 23-May-2006 do all files in dir 15-May-2006 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: NUMLINES PURPOSE: Return the number of lines in a file CATEGORY: Files CALLING SEQUENCE: nl = NUMLINES( filename ) INPUT: filename = name of file, scalar string OUTPUT: nl = number of lines in the file, scalar longword Set to -1 if the number of lines could not be determined METHOD: If Unix then spawn to wc; otherwise read 1 line at a time and count PROCEDURE CALLS: OS_FAMILY() - Determine if a unix system; Users with IDL V4.0 or later can replace this with !VERSION.OS_FAMILY MODIFICATION HISTORY: 22-May-2015 BD handle 0 length (because saved from mac) 07-Oct-98 BD Added StopOnError Keyword in unix, handle stuff printed from .cshrc when spawning wc W. Landsman February 1996
NAME: read_array PURPOSE: Read a numeric array (1-D) from a text file CATEGORY: Files CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> num_array = read_array(filename) INPUTS: filename = name of file containing lines of ascii data. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: nskip - number of lines to skip before reading status - odd, if OK OUTPUTS: num_array = returned array of floating point values COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> num_array = read_array( filename ) NOTES:; MODIFICATION HISTORY: 01-Aug-2008 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: READCOL PURPOSE: Read a free-format ASCII data file with columns of data into IDL variables. Lines of data not meeting the specified format (e.g. comments) are ignored. Columns may be separated by commas or spaces. Use READFMT to read a fixed-format ASCII file. Use RDFLOAT for much faster I/O (but less flexibility). CATEGORY: Files CALLING SEQUENCE: READCOL, name, v1 [, v2, v3, v4, v5, ... v25 , status=status, $ FORMAT = , /DEBUG , /SILENT , nSkip = , NUMLINE =, comment= ] INPUTS: NAME - Name of ASCII data file, scalar string. In VMS, an extension of .DAT is assumed, if not supplied. OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: FORMAT - scalar string containing a letter specifying an IDL type for each column of data to be read. Allowed letters are A - string data, B - byte, D - double precision, F- floating point, I - integer, L - longword, and X - skip a column. (G & E equate to F) Columns without a specified format are assumed to be floating point. Examples of valid values of FMT are 'A,B,I' ;First column to read as 6 character string, then 1 column of byte data, 1 column integer data. 'V' for LONG64 'L,L,L,L' ;Four columns will be read as longword arrays. ' ' ;All columns are floating point If a FORMAT keyword string is not supplied, then all columns are assumed to be floating point. SILENT - Normally, READCOL will display each line that it skips over. If SILENT is set and non-zero then these messages will be suppressed. DEBUG - If this keyword is non-zero, then additional information is printed as READCOL attempts to read and interpret the file. nSkip - Scalar specifying number of lines to skip at the top of file before reading. Default is to start at the first line. COMMENT - skip if a line begins with this NUMLINE - Scalar specifying number of lines in the file to read. Default is to read the entire file LINESSKIPPED - Ascii array of lines skipped TABDELIM - If set, then assume columns are delimitted by tabs DELIM - e.g., ",". There can then be blanks within fields OUTPUTS: V1,V2,V3,...V15 - IDL vectors to contain columns of data. Up to 25 columns may be read. The type of the output vectors are as specified by FORMAT. EXAMPLES: Each row in a file POSITION.DAT contains a star name and 6 columns of data giving an RA and Dec in sexigesimal format. Read into IDL variables. (NOTE: The star names must not contain internal spaces.) IDL> FMT = 'A,I,I,F,I,I,F' IDL> READCOL,'POSITION',F=FMT,name,hr,min,sec,deg,dmin,dsec The HR,MIN,DEG, and DMIN variables will be integer vectors. Alternatively, all except the first column could be specified as floating point. IDL> READCOL,'POSITION',F='A',name,hr,min,sec,deg,dmin,dsec To read just the variables HR,MIN,SEC IDL> READCOL,'POSITION',F='X,I,I,F',HR,MIN,SEC RESTRICTIONS: This procedure is designed for generality and not for speed. If a large ASCII file is to be read repeatedly, it may be worth writing a specialized reader. Columns to be read as strings must not contain spaces or commas, since these are interpreted as column delimiters. (UNLESS /TABDELIM is used). Use READFMT to read such files. Numeric values are converted to specified format. For example, the value 0.13 read with an 'I' format will be converted to 0. When DELIM specified (and not blank), first all blanks are replaced with |b, then delimiter characters within quoted strings are replaced with a backtick. After the columns are parsed and put into variables, the proper characters are put back in. PROCEDURES CALLED GETTOK(), NUMLINES(), REPCHR(), STRNUMBER(), ZPARCHECK REVISION HISTORY: 20-Feb-2014 added ReplaceTab keyword for when file is tab delimited and has @'s in it. 21-Nov-2013 added DELIM keyword. This is especially for columns with spaces in cells. Ignore delimiters within quoted strings. 14-Apr-2010 added datatype 'V' for LONG64 16-Oct-2008 added status keyword 24-Aug-99 Added LINESSKIPPED keyword 10/99 Added TABDELIM keyword [Bill Davis] Written W. Landsman November, 1988 Modified J. Bloch June, 1991 (Fixed problem with over allocation of logical units.) Added nSkip and NUMLINE keywords W. Landsman March 92 Read a maximum of 25 cols. Joan Isensee, Hughes STX Corp., 15-SEP-93. Call NUMLINES() function W. Lansdman Feb. 1996
NAME: read_floats PURPOSE: Read a list from a text file and return a floating-point array CATEGORY: Files CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> floats = read_floats(filename) INPUTS: filename = name of file containing lines of ascii data. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: HLP - When set, help information is printed. nskip - lines to skip status - if even, then read was successful OUTPUTS: floats = returned array of floats - 1 per line out COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> floats = read_floats( 'hans.txt', maxlines=500000 ) NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 26-Sep-2008 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: read_generic PURPOSE: read an image from a variety of types of files CATEGORY: Files, Graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> data2D = read_generic( filename ) INPUTS: filename - file name to read in can be type 'jpg','tif','tif','bmp','jpeg,'png', 'ppm', 'pgm', or 'gif' KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Optional output: extension - the file extension, eg., 'jpg' inDim - for .raww files, specify x & y dimensions (Default to [256,128]) nBytesPer- for .raww files, specify number of bytes per data point (Default=2) center - if set, will only return center columns (1/2 of data) OUTPUTS: 2-D data array from file out COMMON BLOCKS: NONE MODIFICATION HISTORY: 17-Jul-2013 return bad status if fails in read_image 15-Apr-2009 added support for .raww type (from Photron cameras) 30-Sep-2008 added channel keyword 25-Apr-2007 added colortable keyword 21-Feb-2007 added ppm file type 19-Apr-2006 replaced keywords with args R,G,B 15-Oct-2004 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: READ_LIST PURPOSE: Read a list from a text file and return a string array. Will ignore lines beginning with a semicolon, but will will return blank lines. CATEGORY: Files CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> str_array = READ_LIST(filename) INPUTS: filename = name of file containing lines of ascii data. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: HLP - When set, help information is printed. nskip - lines to skip status - if even, then read was successful OUTPUTS: str_array = returned array of strings - 1 per line out COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> str_array = READ_LIST( filename ) NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 16-Aug-2008 added skipChar keyword 01-Aug-2008 added nskip keyword 13-Apr-2007 added status keyword 11-Apr-06 added maxlines keyword [BD] 1-Apr-99 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: readnetcdfblobs PURPOSE: Read NetCDF files of dummy Blob data for code validation. the files can be generated with gennetcdfblobs. CATEGORY: files, Fast Cameras CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> img = readnetcdfblobs(filename, framenumber, times=times) EXAMPLE: IDL> img = readnetcdfblobs('', 1) IDL> dum=readnetcdfblobs('', 1, xvel=xvel, yvel=yvel) IDL> print, xvel[0], yvel[0] see for example of reading netcdf files. MODIFICATION HISTORY: WRITTEN 31-Oct-2013 by Bill Davis, PPPL, for Stewart Zweben
NAME: read_numbers PURPOSE: Read a numeric array (1-D) from a text file CATEGORY: Files CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> num_array = read_numbers(filename) INPUTS: filename = name of file containing lines of ascii data. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: nskip - number of lines to skip before reading status - odd, if OK OUTPUTS: num_array = returned array of floating point values COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> num_array = read_numbers( filename ) NOTES:; MODIFICATION HISTORY: 28-Feb-2002 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: READ_QUOTED PURPOSE: Reads a file and returns anything between first two quotes. CATEGORY: Files CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> comments = READ_QUOTED(filename) INPUT: filename - e.g., "waveform.DAT" RETURNED: comments - string array with dimension = # of lines read (& not skipped) KEYWORDS delim - quote character, defaults to " nskip - number of lines to skip before reading RETURNED: strings - string array MODIFICATION HISTORY: 16-Aug-2008 added skipChar & status keywords 26-Aug-00 WMD Written
NAME: read_table PURPOSE: Reads a table file, like from a spreadsheet. CATEGORY: files CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> data2d = read_table( filename, nskip=nskip, header=header ) INPUT: filename - e.g., "AMP.DAT" OPTIONAL INPUT: nskip - number of lines to skip before reading (will be returned in header) nCols - # of data values per line maxLines - default=1,000,000 delim - if not tab-delimited, set this to ' ' OPTIONAL OUTPUT: strings - if set, returns a string array, rather than floats RETURNED: Data_2D - nCols x N array EXAMPLE: IDL> data2d=read_table('/u/bdavis/StrachanDB/HiRadEnergyBal.txt', nskip=1, $ header=header, /strings ) LIMITATIONS: Can't handle blanks in fields WRITTEN 25-Feb-2011 by Bill Davis for Jim Strachan
NAME: rmfilesbydate PURPOSE: Remove files not modified since a certain date CATEGORY: Files, Dates CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> rmfilesbydate, path=path, prefix=prefix, ext=ext, date=date INPUTS: none KEYWORD PARAMETERS: path - directory prefix - file prefix for deletion ext - file extension for deletion; file search will be path+prefix+'*.'+ext date - date for search, of form yyyymmdd, e.g., 20050617 (default=TODAY) daysbefore - optional additional number of days before date verbose - if set, will print informational output justprint - if set, will not remove files OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> NOTES: for safety, on Unix, you may wish to create a ~/Trash directory and alias rm to /bin/mv !* ~/Trash LIMITATIONS MODIFICATION HISTORY: 22-Aug-2005 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: SPEC_DIR PURPOSE: Provide a complete file specification by appending a default disk or directory if necessary. CATEGORY: Files, OS Specific, Strings CALLING SEQUENCE: File_spec = SPEC_DIR( filename, [ extension ] ) INPUT: filename - character string giving partial specification of a file name. Examples for different operating systems include the following: VMS: '$1$DUA5:TEST.DAT','[.SUB]TEST' Unix: pro/test.dat, $IDL_HOME/test MacOS: ':Programs:test' Windows: '\pro\test.dat','d:\pro\test' OPTIONAL INPUT: exten - string giving a default file name extension to be used if filename does not contain one. Do not include the period. OUTPUT: File_spec - Complete file specification using default disk or directory when necessary. EXAMPLE: IDL> a = spec_dir('test','dat') is equivalent to the commands IDL> cd, current=cdir IDL> a = cdir + delim + 'test.dat' where delim is the OS-dependent separator METHOD: SPEC_DIR() decomposes the file name using FDECOMP, and appends the default directory (obtained from the CD command) if necessary. Under VMS, SPEC_DIR() will also try to translate disk and directory logical names. SPEC_DIR() does not check whether the constructed file name actually exists. PROCEDURES CALLED: FDECOMP, OS_FAMILY() REVISION HISTORY: Written W. Landsman STX July, 1987 Added Unix compatibility, W. Landsman, STX August 1991 Added Windows and Macintosh compatibility W. Landsman September 1995
NAME: write_generic PURPOSE: write an image to the appropriate type of file, based on file extension CATEGORY: Files, Graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> write_generic, filename, data2D [, R,G,B] INPUTS: filename - file name to read in can be type 'jpg','tif','tif','bmp','jpeg,'png', 'ppm', 'pgm', or 'gif' KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Optional inputs: extension - the file extension, eg., 'jpg' quality - jpeg quality [0-100, default is 75] order - JPEG/JFIF images are normally written in top-to-bottom order. If the image array is in the standard IDL order (i.e., from bottom-to-top) set ORDER to 0, its default value. If the image array is in top-to-bottom order, ORDER must be set to 1. OUTPUTS: 2-D data array from file out COMMON BLOCKS: NONE MODIFICATION HISTORY: 25-Feb-2009 added RGB keyword 18-Oct-2007 added quality keyword 25-Apr-2007 added colortable keyword (not used!?!) 21-Feb-2007 added ppm file type 19-Apr-2006 replaced keywords with args R,G,B 15-Oct-2004 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: write_text PURPOSE: Write data to a text file CATEGORY: files CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> write_text, filename, data, data2, data3, data4, data5, data6 INPUTS: filename - filename for output (DEFAULT='outfile.txt') data - array of numbers data2, data3, etc., are optional. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: header - text lines to put at the beginning of file tabs - if set, columns will be delimited by a tab characater verbose - if set, will echo message to screen with print command OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> write_text, 'myfilename.txt', findgen(100) to write two columns with 1 header line: IDL> write_text, 'myfilename.txt', time, data, header='Hello World!' NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 24-Apr-2009 option to write up to 6 columns of data 12-Jun-2008 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
Category: GAplot
[List of Routines]
NAME: GA_Data PURPOSE: A GA_Data object defines a dataset Y as a function of X. It can be drawn on a Plot defined by a GA_Plot object. CATEGORY: GAplot SUPERCLASSES: SUBCLASSES: GA_Data3 GA_DataV CREATION: See GA_Data::Init
NAME: GA_Data::GetXRange PURPOSE: Retrieves the range of X data. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = Obj->[GA_Data::]GetXRange() ARGUMENTS: KEYWORDS:
NAME: GA_Data::GetYRange PURPOSE: Retrieves the range of Y data. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = Obj->[GA_Data::]GetYRange([XRANGE]) ARGUMENTS: XRANGE Returns Y range only for data points within XRANGE. KEYWORDS: ERRORBAR Set to retrieve Y range with errorbars included.
NAME: GA_Data::SetProperty PURPOSE: Sets the value of a property or group of properties for the GA_Data. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Obj->[GA_Data:]SetProperty ARGUMENTS: KEYWORDS: Any keyword to GA_Data::Init followed by "Set". In addition, HIDE Set to hide this data set in Plot. PROPERTIES3D SELECTEDPOINT Index of selected data point. STATUS XDATA A vector argument to replace abscissa data X. YDATA A vector argument to replace ordinate data Y. fitDegree Degree of fit to display with data. 0=none, 1=linear, 2=quadratic, 3=cubic fitThruZero if=1 then fit forced to go through zero MODIFICATION HISTORY 11-Mar-2005 Added fitDegree and fitThruZero keywords
NAME: GA_Data::GetXName PURPOSE: Retrieves the name of X vector. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = Obj->[GA_Data::]GetXName() ARGUMENTS: KEYWORDS:
NAME: GA_Data::GetFlagAutoLabel PURPOSE: Retrieves value of FlagAutoLabel CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = Obj->[GA_Data::]GetFlagAutoLabel() ARGUMENTS: KEYWORDS:
NAME: GA_Data::GetYName PURPOSE: Retrieves the name of Y vector. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = Obj->[GA_Data::]GetYName() ARGUMENTS: KEYWORDS:
NAME: GA_Data::GetLabel PURPOSE: Retrieves the label of this dataset. If not set, use YName. Can be overridden by subclasses to supply automatically generated label. FlagAutoLabel is provided to facilitate this. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = Obj->[GA_Data::]GetLabel() ARGUMENTS: KEYWORDS:
NAME: GA_Data::GetXData PURPOSE: Retrieves abscissa vector X. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = Obj->[GA_Data::]GetXData() ARGUMENTS: KEYWORDS: MARKER >0, returns X values of marked data points. <0, returns X values of unmarked data points. RESAMPLE Set to resample data before returning X. Data is resampled to the maximum number of data points specified by member maxpts.
NAME: GA_Data::GetYData PURPOSE: Retrieves ordinate vector Y. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = Obj->[GA_Data::]GetYData() ARGUMENTS: KEYWORDS: MARKER >0, returns Y values of marked data points. <0, returns Y values of unmarked data points. RESAMPLE Set to resample data before returning Y. Data is resampled to the maxmum number of data points specified by member maxpts. ERRORBAR A vector of same size of Y vector. Returns Y + ERRORBAR/2.
NAME: GA_Data::GetColor PURPOSE: Retrieves the color index associated with this data set. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = Obj->[GA_Data::]GetColor() ARGUMENTS: KEYWORDS:
NAME: GA_Data::GetSymbol CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = Obj->[GA_Data::]GetSymbol()
NAME: GA_Data::GetSymbolSize CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = Obj->[GA_Data::]GetSymbolSize()
NAME: GA_Data::GetLineStyle CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = Obj->[GA_Data::]GetLineStyle()
NAME: GA_Data::GetLineStyleNone PURPOSE: Retrieves linestyle index for 'NONE' (no line). CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = Obj->[GA_Data::]GetLineStyleNone()
NAME: GA_Data::GetPlot PURPOSE: Retrieves the GA_Plot object that contains this data object. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = Obj->[GA_Data::]GetPlot()
NAME: GA_Data::Draw PURPOSE: Overplots this data set onto a Plot that has been established by a GA_Plot object. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Obj->[GA_Data::]Draw ARGUMENTS: KEYWORDS: DRAGOFFSET ERASE
NAME: GA_Data::Add_Text PURPOSE: Add a text annotation defined by GA_AnnotateText object that will be drawn together with this data object onto the plot object. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Obj->[GA_Data::]Add_Text(XPOS,YPOS,TEXT) ARGUMENTS: XPOS X position of the text YPOS Y position of the text TEXT a string KEYWORDS: DRAW Set to draw this data object after adding the text. USE Set to 0 to hide or 1 to display this text annotation. Default=1
NAME: GA_Data::Delete_Text PURPOSE: Deletes a text member from the data object. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Obj->Delete_Text,dataset ARGUMENTS: DATASET Either a text object or the index of text objects starting zero as the first one. KEYWORDS: DRAW Draw the data set upon deletion of the text object. NODESTROY Set to not destroy the text object itself, only remove from this data object. Default to destroy.
NAME: GA_Data::Set_Text_Property PURPOSE: Sets the parameters associated with a text annotation object. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Obj->[GA_Data::]Set_Text_Property [,TEXTMEMBER] ARGUMENTS: TEXTMEMBER Index number of text objects (0 being the first one). If not specified, this methon applies to all text members. KEYWORDS: DRAW Draw this data object after setting text properties. NOUSE Set to not display the text. TEXT A string to replace the text content. USE Set to display the text. All properties settable by GA_AnnotateText::SetProperty.
NAME: GA_Data::Init PURPOSE: Initializes the GA_Data object. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Obj = OBJ_NEW('GA_Data',[X,]Y) or Result = Obj->[GA_Data::]Init([X,]Y) (in a subclass' Init method only) ARGUMENTS: X - A vector or a pointer to a vector. If not specified, Y is defined as a function of point number starting at zero. If both arguments are specified, Y is a function of X, and X and Y have to be of same data type. Y - The ordinate data or a pointer to the ordinate data. KEYWORDS: Properties retrieveable via GA_Data::Get{PropertyName} are indicated by "Get" following the keyword. Properties settable via GA_Data::SetProperty are indicated by "Set" following the keyword. COLOR (Get,Set) The color index for plotting this data set. Default=foreground DEBUG Set to turn on debugging. ERRORBAR (Set) A vector of errorbar values (+- errorbar/2). INTERPOLATE (Set) Set to set editmode to interpolate (?) FLAGAUTOLABEL (Get,Set) Set to automatically determine label from method call. LABEL (Get,Set) Legend label LINESTYLE (Get,Set) The linestyle of drawing this data. Default=0 (solid line) MARKCOLOR (Get,Set) Color index for markers MARKER (Get,Set) Set to indicate that data points can be marked. MARKFILL (Get,Set) Set to fill marker symbols. MARKLABELS (Get,Set) Label used for markers. MARKSIZE (Get,Set) Size of mark symbols. MARKSYMBOL (Get,Set) Symbol used for markers. PLOT (Get,Set) The GA_Plot object that contains this object. SHIFT (Set) Set to set editmode to shift (?) SYMBOL (Get,Set) The symbol used for this data set. SYMFILL (Get,Set) Set this keyword to fill the symbols. SYMFRAC (Get,Set) The fraction (0-100) of symbols to plot. Default=0. SYMSIZE (Get,Set) The size of symbols. Default=1. XNAME (Get,Set) A name associated with X. XSCALE (Get,Set) Two elements arrary for X scaling. X=X*XSCALE[1]+XSCALE[0] YNAME (Get,Set) A name associated with Y. YSCALE (Get,Set) Two elements array for Y scaling. Y=Y*YSCALE[1]+YSCALE[0]
NAME: GA_Plot PURPOSE: A GA_Plot object draws graphs of its data members. It is a container of GA_Data objects. If it has more than one data object member, the data members are overlayed. A plot object can be thought as a wrapper to IDL's PLOT command, keyword values to the PLOT command are preserved as plot object's or data objects' members. A plot object is plotted on a window created by a GA_Plot_Window object which may contain several plot objects. CATEGORY: GAplot SUPERCLASSES: SUBCLASSES: GA_Plot3 CREATION: See GA_Plot::Init BASIC METHODS: GA_Plot::Add_Data GA_Plot::Add_Data_Object GA_Plot::Delete_Data GA_Plot::Select_Data GA_Plot::Set_Data_Property GA_Plot::Set_Plot_Property
NAME: GA_Plot::GetDataSelected PURPOSE: Retrieves the selected data object. A data object can be selected by clicking near to the data points with Left-Mouse-Button in 'Select' mode. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = Obj->[GA_Plot::]GetDataSelected() KEYWORDS: INDEX A named variable to recieve the index of the selected data object
NAME: GA_Plot::Select_Data PURPOSE: This method retrieves a particular data object associated with this plot object. A data can be selected by name or by index number. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = Obj->[GA_Plot::]Select_Data([DATASET]) ARGUMENTS: DATASET A string specifying the name of the data object, or an integer specifying the index number, 0 being the 1st one.
NAME: GA_Plot::Set_Data_Property PURPOSE: This method allows you to change the parameters associated with a particular data object. You must specify a particular data set by passing the object reference to the data set. (This can be obtained with the GA_Plot::Select_Data method.) If a data set object is not specified as the data member, the first data set is used by default. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Obj->[GA_Plot::]Set_Data_Property [,DATAMEMBER] ARGUMENTS: DATAMEMBER A GA_Data object associated with this plot object. KEYWORDS: Any keywords acceptable to GA_Data::SetProperty, and AUTORANGE Set to reset the data range automatically. DRAW Set to re-draw all datasets. EXAMPLES: oPlot->Set_Data_Property,oPlot->Select_Data(1),XData=x,Ydata=y This resets X and Y vectors for the 2nd dataset in the oPlot object.
NAME: GA_Plot::Get_Data_Property PURPOSE: This method allows you to retrieve the properties of a data member belonging to the plot. Data member is identified by passing its object reference (which can be obtained with the Select_Data method). If a data member is not specified, the first data memeber is used as a default. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Obj->[GA_Plot::]Get_Data_Property [,DATAMEMBER] ARGUMENTS: DATAMEMBER A GA_Data object associated with this plot object. KEYWORDS: Keywords are named variables to receive retrieved values. At least one keyword should be provided. COLOR The color index of the data member. LINESTYLE The linestyle of the data member. MARKER Used together with XDATA and/or YDATA. >0 for marked data points, <0 for unmarked data points. SYMBOL SYMFILL SYMFRAC SYMSIZE XNAME XDATA Abscissa vector X of the data member. YNAME YDATA Ordinate vector Y of the data member. EXAMPLE: oPlot->Get_Data_Property,oPlot->Select_Data(1),XData=xdata,Marker=-1 This retrives X values of the unmarked data points from the 2nd data member of this plot and stores the result in variable xdata.
NAME: GA_Plot::Add_Data_Object PURPOSE: This method allows you to add a GA_DATA or GA_DATA3 object to the plot object. The data object reference is returned. See also GA_Plot::Add_Data CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = Obj->[GA_Plot::]Add_Data_Object, NEWDATA ARGUMENTS: NEWDATA A GA_Data(3) object to be added. KEYWORDS: DRAW Set to re-draw all datasets. NOAUTORANGE Set to not reset the data range automatically.
NAME: GA_Plot::Add_Data PURPOSE: This method allows you to add another data object to the plot object. Properties of the data object may be set with the method's keywords. Extra carries any keywords acceptable by Ga_Data[3]::Init. A new data object will be created and the reference is returned. See also GA_Plot::Add_Data_Object CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = Obj->Add_Data([XDATA,] YDATA [,ZDATA]]) ARGUMENTS: XDATA X vector. If not specified, X will set to a point number array starting at zero. YDATA Y vector as a function of X if ZDATA is not specified. If ZDATA is specified, YDATA is the 2nd independent data. ZDATA A two dimensional array as a function of X and Y. If ZDATA is specified, a GA_Data3 will be created. See GA_Data::Init and GA_Data3::Init for acceptable inputs. KEYWORDS: Any keywords acceptable to GA_Data::Init or GA_Data3::Init, and DRAW Set to re-draw all datasets. NOAUTORANGE Set to not reset data ranges automatically. HISTORY: 07-10-2002 Q.Peng - This method shouldn't have worked for adding a GA_Data3 (with XDATA,YDATA,ZDATA) before. The order of arguments has just been corrected.
NAME: GA_Plot::Delete_Data PURPOSE: This method allows you to delete a data set member from the Plot Object. The data set may be specified by indicating its NAME, by indicating its POSITION (index number), or by the data OBJECT itself. (See the Select_Data method for more details about a data set's NAME and POSITION.) CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Obj->[GA_Plot::]Delete_Data, DATASET ARGUMENTS: DATASET A string for its name, or an integer for its position (0 being the 1st), or a GA_Data object reference. KEYWORDS: DRAW Set to re-draw all datasets. NOAUTORANGE Set to not reset data ranges automatically. NODESTROY Set to not destroy the deleted data object.
NAME: GA_Plot::Auto_Range PURPOSE: Set data ranges automatically according to data. This is needed for multiple data sets. Set both xrange and yrange by default. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Obj->[GA_Plot::]Auto_Range KEYWORDS: OVERRIDE Set to ALWAYS autoscale both MIN and MAX regardless of the settings of xautorange and yautorange XONLY Set to only autoscale X range. YONLY Set to only autoscale Y range. ZONLY Set to only autoscale Z range.
NAME: GA_Plot::Add_Text PURPOSE: This method adds a text annotation to a specified location on the plot. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Obj->Add_Text, XPOS, YPOS, TEXT ARGUMENTS: XPOS X coordinate of the text. YPOS Y coordinate of the text. TEXT A string. KEYWORDS: Any keywords acceptable to GA_AnnotateText::Init, and DRAW Set to re-draw all datasets. USE 1 - display the text (default), 0 - do not display the text.
NAME: GA_Plot::Set_Text_Property PURPOSE: This method allows you to change the parameters associated with a text annotaion object. The textMember is the index number of the text object. All text members are used by default if no textMember is specified. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Obj->[GA_Plot::]Set_Text_Property [,TEXTMEMBER] ARGUMENTS: TEXTMEMBER An integer specifying the index number of the text memeber. 0 is the 1st text. If not specified, all texts are used. KEYWORDS: DRAW Set to re-draw all datasets. NOUSE Set to not display the text in the plot. TEXT A string to replace the text value. USE Set to display the text in the plot. Any keywords acceptable by GA_AnnotateText::SetProperty
NAME: GA_Plot::Draw PURPOSE: This method draws the Plot Object, including all of the data members included in the Plot Object. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Obj->[GA_Plot::]Draw KEYWORDS: NODATA If set, only the plot axes and annotation are drawn. NOERASE keyword to PLOT.
NAME: GA_Plot::SetSliceMode PURPOSE: Set mode for data slicing. For a GA_Plot object, the plot can be used as a slicer to slice through other GA_Plot3 objects in the same window. The data in this plot will not be sliced because there is no third dimension. See also GA_Plot3::SetSliceMode CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Obj->[GA_Plot::]SetSliceMode, MODE ARGUMENTS: MODE 'A' - Can be used to slice through the 1st dimension of a GA_Plot3 object with slicemode 'AB', or the 2nd dimension of a GA_Plot3 object with slicemode 'BA'. 'B' - Can be used to slice through the 2nd dimension of a GA_Plot3 object with slicemode 'AB', or the 2nd dimension of a GA_Plot3 object with slicemode 'AB'. 'X' - Not a slicer. In 'Slice' mode, when cursor moves into this plot, nothing happens.
NAME: GA_Plot::Set_Plot_Property PURPOSE: This method allows you to set the standard Plot properties. If the DRAW keyword is set, the plot will be drawn after the new properties are set. (See the Init Method for a more complete explanation of these Plot properties.) CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Obj->[GA_Plot::]Set_Plot_Property KEYWORDS: Any keywords to GA_Plot::Init followed by "Set", and DRAW LCHARSIZE NOXTICKS SETXRANGE SETYRANGE XAUTORANGE YAUTORANGE WINDOW
NAME: GA_Plot::Get_Plot_Property PURPOSE: This method allows you to obtain the standard Plot properties from the Plot Object. (See the Init Method for a more complete explanation of these Plot properties.) CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Obj->[GA_Plot::]Get_Plot_Property KEYWORDS: Keywords are named variables to receive retrieved values. Any keywords to GA_Plot::Init followed by "Get", and NUMDATASETS NUMTEXT LCHARSIZE NOXTICKS SETXRANGE SETYRANGE XAXIS XAUTORANGE YAXIS YAUTORANGE
NAME: GA_Plot::GetWindow PURPOSE: This method returns the GA_Plot_Window object that the plot object belongs to, for EditCallBack purpose. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = Obj->[GA_Plot::]GetWindow()
NAME: GA_Plot::GetDataObjects PURPOSE: The method returns the array of data objects stored in this plot object. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Results = Obj->[GA_Plot::]GetDataObjects()
NAME: GA_Plot::Init PURPOSE: This method initializes a GA_Plot object. Standard properties are set with positional and keyword parameters. The routine makes GA_DATA objects from the data passed into the method. Use the Add_Data method to add additional data sets and the Delete_Data method to remove data sets from the Plot Object. Data inside the data objects can be modified with the Set_Data_Property method. Think of this initialization routine as a wrapper for the PLOT command. Use keywords appropriate for the PLOT command in making the call. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Obj = OBJ_NEW('GA_Plot'[,X [,Y]]) or Result = Obj->[GA_Plot::]Init([X [,Y]]) (in a subclass' Init method only) ARGUMENTS: X - If Y is specified, X, Y are the two arguments to GA_Data::Init If Y is not specified, X can be a GA_Data or GA_DataV object, or it can be the only argument to GA_Data::Init. Y - The 2nd argument to GA_Data::Init KEYWORDS: Properties retrieveable via GA_Plot::Get_Plot_Property are indicated by "Get" following the keyword. Properties settable via GA_Plot::Set_Plot_Property are indicated by "Set". ASPECT (Get,Set) Set to keep aspect ratio of plots. BACKGROUND (Get,Set) The color index of background. CHARSIZE (Get,Set) The character size for labels. COLOR (Get,Set) The color index for axes and annotations. CONTOUR Set to do contour plots. DATACOLOR The color for plotting data created here. DEBUG(Set) Set to turn on debugging. DEP_DATA_NAME The name associated with dependent data (Y). FLAGLEGEND (Get,Set) 0 = do not show labels, 1 = show labels INDEP_DATA_NAME The name associated with independent data (X). GRID (Get,Set) A two-element array (columns,rows) for the layout of all plots in the GA_Plot_Window object to which this plot object belongs. LEVELS The level vector for contour plot. NAME (Get,Set) The name associated with this plot (used for plot selection). NUMBER (Get,Set) The index number of this plot in window (starting at 0). OVERGRIDSTYLE (Get,Set) Grid style for both X and Y axes. OVERLAYGRID (Get,Set) OVERLAYZERO (Get,Set) PSYM The plot symbol used to display the data. SLICEMODE (Get,Set) SUBTITLE (Get,Set) SYMFRAC The fraction (0-100) of symbols to be plotted. SYMSIZE The plot symbol size. TICKSOUT (Get,Set) If non 0, ticks appear on outside of the plot. TITLE (Get,Set) The plot title. XCHARSIZE (Get,Set) XLOG (Get,Set) XMTICKS (Get,Set) X minor ticks XRANGE (Get,Set) XSTYLE (Get,Set) XTICKFORMAT(Set) XTICKS (Get,Set) XTITLE (Get,Set) YCHARSIZE (Get,Set) YLOG (Get,Set) YMTICKS (Get,Set) Y minor ticks YRANGE (Get,Set) YSTYLE (Get,Set) YTICKFORMAT(Set) YTICKS (Get,Set) YTITLE (Get,Set) WID (Get,Set) The window index number of the window where this plot is displayed.
NAME: GA_Plot_Window PURPOSE: A GA_Plot_Window is a compound widget with a draw window that contains one or several GA_Plot[3] objects. Plots can be added or deleted. The window object handles plot layout, coordinates, preference and properties configurations, mouse events and draws all the plots through their own draw methods. CATEGORY: GAplot SUPERCLASSES: SUBCLASSES: CREATION: See GA_Plot_Window::Init BASIC METHODS: GA_Plot_Window::Add_Plot GA_Plot_Window::Delete_Plot GA_Plot_Window::SetCurrentTool GA_Plot_Window::Set_Crosshairs GA_Plot_Window::Set_Status_Window
NAME: GA_Plot_Window::RestorePreferences PURPOSE: Restore user's preferences from file specified by PreferencesFile. This file is always in user's HOME directory. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Obj->[GA_Plot_Window::]RestorePreferences
NAME: GA_Plot_Window::SavePreferences PURPOSE: Save the current settings to user's preferences file specified by PreferencesFile. This file is always in user's HOME directory. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Obj->[GA_Plot_Window::]SavePreferences
NAME: GA_Plot_Window::SetCharsize CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Obj->[GA_Plot_Window::]SetCharsize, charsize
NAME: GA_Plot_Window::SetColorFlag PURPOSE: Resetting the color table. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Obj->[GA_Plot_Window::]SetColorFlag, COLORFLAG ARGUMENTS: COLORFLAG Flag used by Color_Setup to determine the type of color table. 0 - greyscale color table, 1 - color_list() color table, 2 - black and white only. KEYWORDS: REVERSE Set to have white background. The default is with black background.
NAME: GA_Plot_Window::GetPlotList PURPOSE: Retrieves the names of plots in this window object. A name is specified or a default is given when a plot object is created. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = Obj->[GA_Plot_Window::]GetPlotList()
NAME: GA_Plot_Window::GetPlot PURPOSE: Retrieves a plot object specified by its index number. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = Obj->[GA_Plot_Window::]GetPlot(INDEX) ARGUMENTS: INDEX An index number of the plot object in this window. 0 = 1st plot object.
NAME: GA_Plot_Window::UserSetGrid PURPOSE: Allows manually setting the grid layout of the plots. If howeve, the total number of plots is greater than GRID[0]*GRID[1], the grid is recalculated automatically. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Obj->[GA_Plot_Window::]UserSetGrid, GRID ARGUMENTS: GRID A two-element array specifying the layout of plots. GRID[0] = number of columns, GRID[1] = number of rows. KEYWORDS: DRAW Set to re-draw all the plots.
NAME: GA_Plot_Window::SetMaxGrid PURPOSE: Set the maximum number of columns and rows for determining grid layout of plots automatically. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Obj->[GA_Plot_Window::]SetMaxGrid, MAXGRID ARGUMENTS: MAXGRID A two-element array. MAXGRID[0] = maxcols, MAXGRID[1] = maxrows.
NAME: GA_Plot_Window::SetAutoGrid PURPOSE: Turn on or off the automatic grid layout calculation. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Obj->[GA_Plot_Window::]SetAutoGrid, ONOFF ARGUMENTS: ONOFF 1 - turn on auto grid, 0 - turn off auto grid. KEYWORDS: DRAW Set to re-draw all plots.
NAME: GA_Plot_Window::CheckPlotNumbers PURPOSE: Goes through member plots and checks to ensure that they are sequentially numbered. Renumbers them if they are not. Plots having the same number are overlayed and can cause confusing display results. This routine is optional - to be used by the parent application if needed. It returns 0 if no plot has been renumbered, returns 1 otherwise. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = Obj->[GA_Plot_Window::]CheckPlotNumbers()
NAME: GA_Plot_Window::Replace_Plot PURPOSE: This method replaces a current plot in the window with another plot. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Obj->[GA_Plot_Window::]Replace_Plot, OPLOT ARGUMENTS: OPLOT A replacement GA_Plot object. KEYWORDS: NUMBER The index number of the plot to be replaced. The first plot (0) is replaced if number if not specified.
NAME: GA_Plot_Window::Insert_Plot PURPOSE: Inserts a new plot at a specified index number. The plot numbers are shifted by 1 (+1) from the inserted plot. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Obj->[GA_Plot_Window::]Insert_Plot, OPLOT, NUMBER ARGUMENTS: OPLOT A GA_Plot object to be inserted. NUMBER The index number which the new plot is inserted to. KEYWORDS: NODRAW Set to not re-draw all the plots. Useful when inserting more than one plot to complete insertion before re-draw.
NAME: GA_Plot_Window::Remove_Plot PURPOSE: If the PLOT tag in EDITFLAGS structure is set, this method deletes the plot object specified by the index number. A GA_Plot_Window::EditCallBack is generated. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Obj->[GA_Plot_Window::]Remove_Plot ARGUMENTS: NUMBER The index number of the plot to be deleted. KEYWORDS: Any keywords acceptable by GA_Plot_Window::Delete_Plot.
NAME: GA_Plot_Window::Delete_Plot PURPOSE: This method deletes a plot from the list of plots within the window. Plots are numbered from 1 to N and are in column order in the window. NO EDITCALLBACK is generated by this method! For an EDITCALLBACK use GA_Plot_Window::RemovePlot. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Obj->[GA_Plot_Window::]Delete_Plot, NUMBER ARGUMENTS: NUMBER The index number of the plot object to be deleted. KEYWORDS: NODRAW Set to not re-draw all plots. Useful when deleting more than one plot to complete the deletion before re-drawing what is left. NODESTROY Set to not destroy the plot object being deleted from this window. Default is to destroy the plot object.
NAME: GA_Plot_Window::Add_Plot PURPOSE: This method adds a plot to the window. A new column of plots will be created if necessary to accomodate the new plot. A plot object is required. If NoDuplicate keyword is set, check if newPlot belongs to the window already. If so, return. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Obj->[GA_Plot_Window::]Add_Plot, NEWPLOT ARGUMENTS: NEWPLOT A GA_Plot object to be added to the window. KEYWORDS: DRAW Set to re-draw all plots. NODUPLICATE Set to make sure NEWPLOT is added to this window object only once.
NAME: GA_Plot_Window::Set_Crosshairs PURPOSE: This method turns cursor crosshair tracking on or off. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Obj->[GA_Plot_Window::]Set_Crosshairs, ONOFF ARGUMENTS ONOFF 1 - crosshair tracking on, 0 - crosshair tracking off.
NAME: GA_Plot_Window::GetCurrentTool PURPOSE: Retrieves the name of the current mouse mode. Possible modes are ['Select','Zoom','Edit','Cursor','Slice','Mark','Vector'] plus those defined by MOUSEMODES. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = Obj->[GA_Plot_Window::]GetCurrentTool()
NAME: GA_Plot_Window::SetCurrentTool PURPOSE: This method sets the current tool(mouse mode) to be used in the window. 'SELECT' - Seleting a data or a plot for manipulation, copying and deletion, etc. 'ZOOM' - Zoom and reset a plot, switch between multiple and single-plot displays. 'EDIT' - Add, delete or move data points. 'CURSOR' - Mark reference points, switch cursor readout from absolute to relative. 'SLICE' - Change the slices of the 3D data being plotted. 'MARK' - Mark a data point with a special symbol. 'VECTOR' - Change vector magnitute, data point resampling rate, etc. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Obj->[GA_Plot_Window::]SetCurrentTool, TOOL ARGUMENTS: TOOL A string specifies the mode to set. See above for possible values.
NAME: GA_Plot_Window::Set_Status_Window PURPOSE: This method assigns a text or label widget ID to be the status window. Cursor tracking reports are sent to the status window. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Obj->[GA_Plot_Window::]Set_Status_Window,WID ARGUMENTS: WID The ID of a text or a label widget to report the cursor readouts and other status message.
NAME: GA_Plot_Window::EditCallback PURPOSE: Perform an IDL procedure call upon certain editing action, CALL_PROCEDURE,ProName,Parent,oData,oPlot,Action ProName is the procedure name specified by keyword EDITCALLBACK when the window object is created (see GA_Plot_Window::Init). This procedure should expect four arguments. Parent The parent widget of the PARENT argument specified in GA_Plot_Window::Init. If the GA_Plot_Window is created through CW_GAWindow, Parent will be the PARENT argument passed to CW_GAWindow. oData A GA_Data object or a null object. oPlot A GA_Plot object or a null object. Action An action string such as 'ADD_DATA','DELETE_DATA', 'DELETE_PLOT','REFERENCE_POINT',etc. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Obj->[GA_Plot_Window::]EditCallback, oData, oPlot, Action ARGUMENTS: see above
NAME: GA_Plot_Window::Draw PURPOSE: Draws all the plots in this window by calling the plot objects Draw method. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Obj->[GA_Plot_Window::]Draw
NAME: GA_Plot_Window::Dump PURPOSE: Prints out pointers to plot objects and their associated data objects. For debugging purposes. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Obj->[GA_Plot_Window::]Dump
NAME: GA_Plot_Window::Init PURPOSE: Initializes a GA_Plot_Window object. The window is conceived as a compound widget via CW_GAWindow. When you get the "value" of the compound widget, you are returned the window object. Instead of "setting values" to the compound widget, you call window object methods. CATEGORY: GAplot CALLING SEQUENCE: Obj = OBJ_NEW('GA_Plot_Window',PARENT) ARGUMENTS: PARENT A parent widget ID in which the GA_Plot_Window object draw widget will be build. KEYWORDS: ALLSAMEX Set to draw all plots with the same X range. Default = 1. CHANGEMOUSEBITMAP Set to change cursor appearance in different modes. Default = 1. CURRENTTOOL The index of currently selected mode from list ['Select','Zoom','Edit','Cursor','Slice','Mark','Vector'] COLOR The color index for cursor in the window. DEBUG Set to turn on debugging. EDITCALLBACK A string specifies a procedure name to call when editing is performed. EDITFLAGS EMPTYMSG A string array to display when there is no plot in the window. ERRORCALLBACK A string specifies a procedure name to call when error occurs. EVENTCALLBACK A string specifies a procedure name to call when WIDGET_DRAW event occurs. GRID A two element array for plot layout. GRID[0] = number of columns, GRID[1] = number of rows. IMAGE_COLORS MAXCOLS Maximum number of columns when determining grid automatically. MAXROWS Maximum number of rows when determining grid automatically. MBAR Widget ID of menubar for popup window. MOUSEMODES A string array specifies additional mouse modes. PLOTS A pointer to a vector of GA_Plot objects. POPUPOPTIONS A 2xN string array specify entries for popup window. If not specified, the default options are used. POPUPOPTIONS[0,*] specify button names, POPUPOPTIONS[1,*] specify event procedure names to call. PREFERENCESFILE The file name for user preferences. File should be in user's HOME. STATUS Set to include the status widget. TRACKING Set to turn on cursor tracking. XSIZE The X size of the draw widget display window. YSIZE The Y size of the draw widget display window.
Category: Graphics
[List of Routines]
NAME: bangPW PURPOSE: Widget to set interactively some !P values. Lists colors by name, if mk_color used; otherwise finds "closest" index to named colors. Allows selection of several custom plotting symbols (see PLOTSYM). CATEGORY: Graphics, Widgets CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> bangPW INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Optional Keywords: UPDATECALLBACK - a routine to call after struct system variable is set GROUP_LEADER - This widget is destroyed if it's GL is destroyed OUTPUTS: The system variable !P is changed COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> bangPW, UPDATECALLBACK='myReplotter' NOTES: If an application overrides !P.* parameters, or specifies them on the plot command, changing settings with this widget will not override. !P.SYMSIZE not controlled, because it seems to have no effect. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 29-Apr-08 check for routine being compiled (vs. needing to be found) added a "Refresh" button which, if a proper plotting routine is provided, will replot with any changed settings. 17-Aug-01 Allow lines with symbols [BD] 30-Oct-00 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: COLORBARbd PURPOSE: The purpose of this routine is to add a color bar to the current graphics window. (this is a mod by BD to handle veritcal plot ticknames better) AUTHOR: FANNING SOFTWARE CONSULTING David Fanning, Ph.D. 1645 Sheely Drive Fort Collins, CO 80526 USA Phone: 970-221-0438 E-mail: Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming: CATEGORY: Graphics, Widgets. CALLING SEQUENCE: COLORBAR INPUTS: None. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ANNOTATECOLOR: The name of the "annotation color" to use. The names are those for FSC_COLOR, and using the keyword implies that FSC_COLOR is also in your !PATH. If this keyword is used, the annotation color is loaded *after* the color bar is displayed. The color will be represented as theColor = FSC_COLOR(ANNOTATECOLOR, COLOR). This keyword is provide to maintain backward compatibility, but also to solve the problem of and extra line in the color bar when this kind of syntax is used in conjunction with the indexed (DEVICE, DECOMPOSED=0) model is used: LoadCT, 33 TVImage, image Colorbar, Color=FSC_Color('firebrick') The proper syntax for device-independent color is like this: LoadCT, 33 TVImage, image Colorbar, AnnotateColor='firebrick', Color=255 BOTTOM: The lowest color index of the colors to be loaded in the bar. CHARSIZE: The character size of the color bar annotations. Default is !P.Charsize. COLOR: The color index of the bar outline and characters. Default is !P.Color.. DIVISIONS: The number of divisions to divide the bar into. There will be (divisions + 1) annotations. The default is 6. FONT: Sets the font of the annotation. Hershey: -1, Hardware:0, True-Type: 1. FORMAT: The format of the bar annotations. Default is '(I0)'. INVERTCOLORS: Setting this keyword inverts the colors in the color bar. MAXRANGE: The maximum data value for the bar annotation. Default is NCOLORS. MINRANGE: The minimum data value for the bar annotation. Default is 0. MINOR: The number of minor tick divisions. Default is 2. NCOLORS: This is the number of colors in the color bar. NODISPLAY: COLORBAR uses FSC_COLOR to specify some of it colors. Normally, FSC_COLOR loads "system" colors as part of its palette of colors. In order to do so, it has to create an IDL widget, which in turn has to make a connection to the windowing system. If your program is being run without a window connection, then this program will fail. If you can live without the system colors (and most people don't even know they are there, to tell you the truth), then setting this keyword will keep them from being loaded, and you can run COLORBAR without a display. POSITION: A four-element array of normalized coordinates in the same form as the POSITION keyword on a plot. Default is [0.88, 0.10, 0.95, 0.90] for a vertical bar and [0.10, 0.88, 0.90, 0.95] for a horizontal bar. RANGE: A two-element vector of the form [min, max]. Provides an alternative way of setting the MINRANGE and MAXRANGE keywords. REVERSE: Setting this keyword reverses the colors in the colorbar. RIGHT: This puts the labels on the right-hand side of a vertical color bar. It applies only to vertical color bars. TICKNAMES: A string array of names or values for the tick marks. TITLE: This is title for the color bar. The default is to have no title. TOP: This puts the labels on top of the bar rather than under it. The keyword only applies if a horizontal color bar is rendered. VERTICAL: Setting this keyword give a vertical color bar. The default is a horizontal color bar. MATCH: If set will match color bar to extent of plot. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: Color bar is drawn in the current graphics window. RESTRICTIONS: The number of colors available on the graphics display device (not the PostScript device) is used unless the NCOLORS keyword is used. Requires the FSC_COLOR program from the Coyote Library: EXAMPLES: To display a horizontal color bar above a contour plot, type: LOADCT, 5, NCOLORS=100 CONTOUR, DIST(31,41), POSITION=[0.15, 0.15, 0.95, 0.75], $ C_COLORS=INDGEN(25)*4, NLEVELS=25 COLORBAR, NCOLORS=100, POSITION=[0.15, 0.8, 0.95, 0.90] To display a vertical color bar in the lower right of a contour plot, type: IDL> device, decompose=0 IDL> loadct, 3 IDL> contour, dist(100), /fill, nlevels=100, zstyle=1 IDL> colorbar, pos=[.92,.1,.95,.4], /vert, title='Kev' MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: David W. Fanning, 10 JUNE 96. 10/27/96: Added the ability to send output to PostScript. DWF 11/4/96: Substantially rewritten to go to screen or PostScript file without having to know much about the PostScript device or even what the current graphics device is. DWF 1/27/97: Added the RIGHT and TOP keywords. Also modified the way the TITLE keyword works. DWF 7/15/97: Fixed a problem some machines have with plots that have no valid data range in them. DWF 12/5/98: Fixed a problem in how the colorbar image is created that seemed to tickle a bug in some versions of IDL. DWF. 1/12/99: Fixed a problem caused by RSI fixing a bug in IDL 5.2. Sigh... DWF. 3/30/99: Modified a few of the defaults. DWF. 3/30/99: Used NORMAL rather than DEVICE coords for positioning bar. DWF. 3/30/99: Added the RANGE keyword. DWF. 3/30/99: Added FONT keyword. DWF 5/6/99: Many modifications to defaults. DWF. 5/6/99: Removed PSCOLOR keyword. DWF. 5/6/99: Improved error handling on position coordinates. DWF. 5/6/99. Added MINOR keyword. DWF. 5/6/99: Set Device, Decomposed=0 if necessary. DWF. 2/9/99: Fixed a problem caused by setting BOTTOM keyword, but not NCOLORS. DWF. 8/17/99. Fixed a problem with ambiguous MIN and MINOR keywords. DWF 8/25/99. I think I *finally* got the BOTTOM/NCOLORS thing sorted out. :-( DWF. 10/10/99. Modified the program so that current plot and map coordinates are saved and restored after the colorbar is drawn. DWF. 3/18/00. Moved a block of code to prevent a problem with color decomposition. DWF. 4/28/00. Made !P.Font default value for FONT keyword. DWF. 9/26/00. Made the code more general for scalable pixel devices. DWF. 1/16/01. Added INVERTCOLORS keyword. DWF. 5/11/04. Added TICKNAME keyword. DWF. 9/29/05. Added REVERSE keywords, which does the *exact* same thing as INVERTCOLORS, but I can never remember the latter keyword name. DWF. 1/2/07. Added ANNOTATECOLOR keyword. DWF. 4/14/07. Changed the default FORMAT to I0. DWF. 5/1/07. Unexpected consequence of default format change is colorbar annotations no longer match contour plot levels. Changed to explicit formating of colorbar axis labels before PLOT command. DWF. 5/25/07. Previous change has unanticipated effect on color bars using logarithmic scaling, which is not really supported, but I have an article on my web page describing how to do it: Thus, I've fixed the program to accommodate log scaling, while still not OFFICIALLY supporting it. DWF. 10/3/07. Method used to calculate TICKNAMES produces incorrect values in certain cases when the min and max range values are integers. Now force range values to be floats. DWF. 10/17/07. Accidentaly use of INTERP keyword in CONGRID results in wrong bar values for low NCOLORS numbers when INVERTCOLORS or REVERSE keyword is used. Removed INTERP keyword. DWF. 11/10/07. Finished fixing program to accommodate log scaling in ALL possible permutations. DWF. 8 Feb 2008. Added CRONJOB keyword and decided to use month names when I write the date. DWF. 8 Feb 2008. Renamed CRONJOB to NODISPLAY to better reflect its purpose. DWF. 21 May 2008. Changed the default CHARSIZE to !P.CHARSIZE from 1.0. DWF. 30 Oct 2008. Fixed a problem with the FONT keyword not being recognized in certain configurations. 13-Dec-2010 Default range to !Z.CRANGE (set when contour was last called) [BD] 19-Apr-2011 handle values like 1e16. Make "nicer" intervals for tickmarks [BD] fix use of maxrange and minrange 19-Jul-2011 Added Match keyword to make vertical colorbar match in height to plot window. Also, default to having number on outside of colorbar when vertical and on the right.
NAME: COLORBAR PURPOSE: The purpose of this routine is to add a color bar to the current graphics window. AUTHOR: FANNING SOFTWARE CONSULTING David Fanning, Ph.D. 1645 Sheely Drive Fort Collins, CO 80526 USA Phone: 970-221-0438 E-mail: Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming: CATEGORY: Graphics, Widgets. CALLING SEQUENCE: COLORBAR INPUTS: None. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ANNOTATECOLOR: The name of the "annotation color" to use. The names are those for FSC_COLOR, and using the keyword implies that FSC_COLOR is also in your !PATH. If this keyword is used, the annotation color is loaded *after* the color bar is displayed. The color will be represented as theColor = FSC_COLOR(ANNOTATECOLOR, COLOR). This keyword is provide to maintain backward compatibility, but also to solve the problem of and extra line in the color bar when this kind of syntax is used in conjunction with the indexed (DEVICE, DECOMPOSED=0) model is used: LoadCT, 33 TVImage, image Colorbar, Color=FSC_Color('firebrick') The proper syntax for device-independent color is like this: LoadCT, 33 TVImage, image Colorbar, AnnotateColor='firebrick', Color=255 BOTTOM: The lowest color index of the colors to be loaded in the bar. CHARSIZE: The character size of the color bar annotations. Default is !P.Charsize. COLOR: The color index of the bar outline and characters. Default is !P.Color.. DIVISIONS: The number of divisions to divide the bar into. There will be (divisions + 1) annotations. The default is 6. FONT: Sets the font of the annotation. Hershey: -1, Hardware:0, True-Type: 1. FORMAT: The format of the bar annotations. Default is '(I0)'. INVERTCOLORS: Setting this keyword inverts the colors in the color bar. MAXRANGE: The maximum data value for the bar annotation. Default is NCOLORS. MINRANGE: The minimum data value for the bar annotation. Default is 0. MINOR: The number of minor tick divisions. Default is 2. NCOLORS: This is the number of colors in the color bar. NODISPLAY: COLORBAR uses FSC_COLOR to specify some of it colors. Normally, FSC_COLOR loads "system" colors as part of its palette of colors. In order to do so, it has to create an IDL widget, which in turn has to make a connection to the windowing system. If your program is being run without a window connection, then this program will fail. If you can live without the system colors (and most people don't even know they are there, to tell you the truth), then setting this keyword will keep them from being loaded, and you can run COLORBAR without a display. POSITION: A four-element array of normalized coordinates in the same form as the POSITION keyword on a plot. Default is [0.88, 0.10, 0.95, 0.90] for a vertical bar and [0.10, 0.88, 0.90, 0.95] for a horizontal bar. RANGE: A two-element vector of the form [min, max]. Provides an alternative way of setting the MINRANGE and MAXRANGE keywords. REVERSE: Setting this keyword reverses the colors in the colorbar. RIGHT: This puts the labels on the right-hand side of a vertical color bar. It applies only to vertical color bars. TICKNAMES: A string array of names or values for the tick marks. TITLE: This is title for the color bar. The default is to have no title. TOP: This puts the labels on top of the bar rather than under it. The keyword only applies if a horizontal color bar is rendered. VERTICAL: Setting this keyword give a vertical color bar. The default is a horizontal color bar. MATCH: If set will match color bar to extent of plot. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: Color bar is drawn in the current graphics window. RESTRICTIONS: The number of colors available on the graphics display device (not the PostScript device) is used unless the NCOLORS keyword is used. Requires the FSC_COLOR program from the Coyote Library: EXAMPLES: To display a horizontal color bar above a contour plot, type: LOADCT, 5, NCOLORS=100 CONTOUR, DIST(31,41), POSITION=[0.15, 0.15, 0.95, 0.75], $ C_COLORS=INDGEN(25)*4, NLEVELS=25 COLORBAR, NCOLORS=100, POSITION=[0.15, 0.8, 0.95, 0.90] To display a vertical color bar in the lower right of a contour plot, type: IDL> device, decompose=0 IDL> loadct, 3 IDL> contour, dist(100), /fill, nlevels=100, zstyle=1 IDL> colorbar, pos=[.92,.1,.95,.4], /vert, title='Kev' MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: David W. Fanning, 10 JUNE 96. 10/27/96: Added the ability to send output to PostScript. DWF 11/4/96: Substantially rewritten to go to screen or PostScript file without having to know much about the PostScript device or even what the current graphics device is. DWF 1/27/97: Added the RIGHT and TOP keywords. Also modified the way the TITLE keyword works. DWF 7/15/97: Fixed a problem some machines have with plots that have no valid data range in them. DWF 12/5/98: Fixed a problem in how the colorbar image is created that seemed to tickle a bug in some versions of IDL. DWF. 1/12/99: Fixed a problem caused by RSI fixing a bug in IDL 5.2. Sigh... DWF. 3/30/99: Modified a few of the defaults. DWF. 3/30/99: Used NORMAL rather than DEVICE coords for positioning bar. DWF. 3/30/99: Added the RANGE keyword. DWF. 3/30/99: Added FONT keyword. DWF 5/6/99: Many modifications to defaults. DWF. 5/6/99: Removed PSCOLOR keyword. DWF. 5/6/99: Improved error handling on position coordinates. DWF. 5/6/99. Added MINOR keyword. DWF. 5/6/99: Set Device, Decomposed=0 if necessary. DWF. 2/9/99: Fixed a problem caused by setting BOTTOM keyword, but not NCOLORS. DWF. 8/17/99. Fixed a problem with ambiguous MIN and MINOR keywords. DWF 8/25/99. I think I *finally* got the BOTTOM/NCOLORS thing sorted out. :-( DWF. 10/10/99. Modified the program so that current plot and map coordinates are saved and restored after the colorbar is drawn. DWF. 3/18/00. Moved a block of code to prevent a problem with color decomposition. DWF. 4/28/00. Made !P.Font default value for FONT keyword. DWF. 9/26/00. Made the code more general for scalable pixel devices. DWF. 1/16/01. Added INVERTCOLORS keyword. DWF. 5/11/04. Added TICKNAME keyword. DWF. 9/29/05. Added REVERSE keywords, which does the *exact* same thing as INVERTCOLORS, but I can never remember the latter keyword name. DWF. 1/2/07. Added ANNOTATECOLOR keyword. DWF. 4/14/07. Changed the default FORMAT to I0. DWF. 5/1/07. Unexpected consequence of default format change is colorbar annotations no longer match contour plot levels. Changed to explicit formating of colorbar axis labels before PLOT command. DWF. 5/25/07. Previous change has unanticipated effect on color bars using logarithmic scaling, which is not really supported, but I have an article on my web page describing how to do it: Thus, I've fixed the program to accommodate log scaling, while still not OFFICIALLY supporting it. DWF. 10/3/07. Method used to calculate TICKNAMES produces incorrect values in certain cases when the min and max range values are integers. Now force range values to be floats. DWF. 10/17/07. Accidentaly use of INTERP keyword in CONGRID results in wrong bar values for low NCOLORS numbers when INVERTCOLORS or REVERSE keyword is used. Removed INTERP keyword. DWF. 11/10/07. Finished fixing program to accommodate log scaling in ALL possible permutations. DWF. 8 Feb 2008. Added CRONJOB keyword and decided to use month names when I write the date. DWF. 8 Feb 2008. Renamed CRONJOB to NODISPLAY to better reflect its purpose. DWF. 21 May 2008. Changed the default CHARSIZE to !P.CHARSIZE from 1.0. DWF. 30 Oct 2008. Fixed a problem with the FONT keyword not being recognized in certain configurations. 13-Dec-2010 Default range to !Z.CRANGE (set when contour was last called) [BD] 19-Jul-2011 Added Match keyword to make vertical colorbar match in height to plot window. Also, default to having number on outside of colorbar when vertical and on the right. [BD] 23-Sep-2013 show every other tic value when numbers large [BD]
NAME: drawdiamond PURPOSE: draw a diamond in data coordinates CATEGORY: Graphics USAGE: IDL> drawdiamond, x, y, radius INPUTS: x - x of center y - y of center radius - height of diamond KEYWORD PARAMETERS: color - color of diamond dashed - if set, linestyle is 4 MODIFICATION HISTORY: 22-mar-2012 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: drawrectangle PURPOSE: draw a rectangle in data coordinates CATEGORY: Graphics USAGE: IDL> drawrectangle, x1, y1, x2, y2 INPUTS: text - text string to write to window KEYWORD PARAMETERS: dropshadow - if set, make a drop shadow of thick=3 text color - color of text dscolor - color of drop-shadow text (defaults to black or white) nPixels - # of pixels to drop shadow MODIFICATION HISTORY: 25-Sep-2006 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: FSC_COLORBAR Note: The name of the routine has been changed from COLORBAR on 25 Sept 2010 to avoid conflicts with an IDL 8.0 routine of the same name. See the article "IDL 8 Name Conflicts" here: PURPOSE: The purpose of this routine is to add a color bar to the current graphics window. AUTHOR: FANNING SOFTWARE CONSULTING David Fanning, Ph.D. 1645 Sheely Drive Fort Collins, CO 80526 USA Phone: 970-221-0438 E-mail: Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming: CATEGORY: Graphics, Widgets. CALLING SEQUENCE: FSC_COLORBAR INPUTS: None. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ADDCMD: Set this keyword to add the FSC_Colorbar command to the current FSC_Window command list. ANNOTATECOLOR: The name of the "annotation color" to use. The names are those for FSC_COLOR, and using the keyword implies that FSC_COLOR is also in your !PATH. If this keyword is used, the annotation color is loaded *after* the color bar is displayed. The color will be represented as theColor = FSC_COLOR(ANNOTATECOLOR). This keyword is provide to maintain backward compatibility, but also to solve the problem of an extra line in the color bar when this kind of syntax is used in conjunction with the indexed (DEVICE, DECOMPOSED=0) model is used: LoadCT, 33 TVImage, image FSC_Colorbar, Color=FSC_Color('firebrick') The proper syntax for device-independent color is like this: LoadCT, 33 TVImage, image FSC_Colorbar, AnnotateColor='firebrick', Color=255 Set the Modification History note for 13 November 2010 for additional information about default values. BOTTOM: The lowest color index of the colors to be loaded in the bar. CHARSIZE: The character size of the color bar annotations. Default is !P.Charsize. CLAMP: A two-element array in data units. The color bar is clamped to these two values. This is mostly of interest if you are "window-leveling" an image. The clamp is set to the "window" of the color bar. Normally, when you are doing this, you would like the colors outside the "window" to be set to a neutral color. Use the NEUTRALINDEX keyword to set the netural color index in the color bar. (See the Example section for more information. COLOR: The color index of the bar outline and characters. Default is !P.Color. To display the color bar in a device indpendent way, you should use the ANNOTATECOLOR keyword instead of this keyword. If this keyword is a string color name, then ANNOTATECOLOR=color. DIVISIONS: The number of divisions to divide the bar into. There will be (divisions + 1) annotations. The default is 6. FONT: Sets the font of the annotation. Hershey: -1, Hardware:0, True-Type: 1. FORMAT: The format of the bar annotations. Default is '(I0)'. INVERTCOLORS: Setting this keyword inverts the colors in the color bar. MAXRANGE: The maximum data value for the bar annotation. Default is NCOLORS. MINRANGE: The minimum data value for the bar annotation. Default is 0. MINOR: The number of minor tick divisions. Default is 2. NCOLORS: This is the number of colors in the color bar. NEUTRALINDEX: This is the color index to use for color bar values outside the clamping range when clamping the color bar with the CLAMP keyword. If this keyword is absent, the highest color table value is used for low range values and the lowest color table value is used for high range values, in order to provide contrast with the clamped region. See the Example section for more information. NODISPLAY: FSC_COLORBAR uses FSC_COLOR to specify some of it colors. Normally, FSC_COLOR loads "system" colors as part of its palette of colors. In order to do so, it has to create an IDL widget, which in turn has to make a connection to the windowing system. If your program is being run without a window connection, then this program will fail. If you can live without the system colors (and most people don't even know they are there, to tell you the truth), then setting this keyword will keep them from being loaded, and you can run FSC_COLORBAR without a display. As of 19 Oct 2010, set to 1 by default. POSITION: A four-element array of normalized coordinates in the same form as the POSITION keyword on a plot. Default is [0.88, 0.10, 0.95, 0.90] for a vertical bar and [0.10, 0.88, 0.90, 0.95] for a horizontal bar. RANGE: A two-element vector of the form [min, max]. Provides an alternative way of setting the MINRANGE and MAXRANGE keywords. REVERSE: Setting this keyword reverses the colors in the colorbar. RIGHT: This puts the labels on the right-hand side of a vertical color bar. It applies only to vertical color bars. TICKNAMES: A string array of names or values for the tick marks. TITLE: This is title for the color bar. The default is to have no title. TOP: This puts the labels on top of the bar rather than under it. The keyword only applies if a horizontal color bar is rendered. VERTICAL: Setting this keyword give a vertical color bar. The default is a horizontal color bar. WINDOW: Set this keyword if you want to add the FSC_Colorbar command to the current FSC_Window application. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: Color bar is drawn in the current graphics window. RESTRICTIONS: The number of colors available on the graphics display device (not the PostScript device) is used unless the NCOLORS keyword is used. Requires the FSC_COLOR program from the Coyote Library: EXAMPLE: To display a horizontal color bar above a contour plot, type: LOADCT, 5, NCOLORS=100 CONTOUR, DIST(31,41), POSITION=[0.15, 0.15, 0.95, 0.75], $ C_COLORS=INDGEN(25)*4, NLEVELS=25 FSC_COLORBAR, NCOLORS=100, POSITION=[0.15, 0.85, 0.95, 0.90] Example using the CLAMP and NEUTRALINDEX keywords. LOADCT, 33, NCOLORS=254 TVLCT, FSC_COLOR('gray', /TRIPLE), 255 FSC_COLORBAR, NCOLORS=254, NEUTRALINDEX=255, RANGE=[0,1500], $ DIVISIONS=8, CLAMP=[400, 800] MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: David W. Fanning, 10 JUNE 96. 10/27/96: Added the ability to send output to PostScript. DWF 11/4/96: Substantially rewritten to go to screen or PostScript file without having to know much about the PostScript device or even what the current graphics device is. DWF 1/27/97: Added the RIGHT and TOP keywords. Also modified the way the TITLE keyword works. DWF 7/15/97: Fixed a problem some machines have with plots that have no valid data range in them. DWF 12/5/98: Fixed a problem in how the colorbar image is created that seemed to tickle a bug in some versions of IDL. DWF. 1/12/99: Fixed a problem caused by RSI fixing a bug in IDL 5.2. Sigh... DWF. 3/30/99: Modified a few of the defaults. DWF. 3/30/99: Used NORMAL rather than DEVICE coords for positioning bar. DWF. 3/30/99: Added the RANGE keyword. DWF. 3/30/99: Added FONT keyword. DWF 5/6/99: Many modifications to defaults. DWF. 5/6/99: Removed PSCOLOR keyword. DWF. 5/6/99: Improved error handling on position coordinates. DWF. 5/6/99. Added MINOR keyword. DWF. 5/6/99: Set Device, Decomposed=0 if necessary. DWF. 2/9/99: Fixed a problem caused by setting BOTTOM keyword, but not NCOLORS. DWF. 8/17/99. Fixed a problem with ambiguous MIN and MINOR keywords. DWF 8/25/99. I think I *finally* got the BOTTOM/NCOLORS thing sorted out. :-( DWF. 10/10/99. Modified the program so that current plot and map coordinates are saved and restored after the colorbar is drawn. DWF. 3/18/00. Moved a block of code to prevent a problem with color decomposition. DWF. 4/28/00. Made !P.Font default value for FONT keyword. DWF. 9/26/00. Made the code more general for scalable pixel devices. DWF. 1/16/01. Added INVERTCOLORS keyword. DWF. 5/11/04. Added TICKNAME keyword. DWF. 9/29/05. Added REVERSE keywords, which does the *exact* same thing as INVERTCOLORS, but I can never remember the latter keyword name. DWF. 1/2/07. Added ANNOTATECOLOR keyword. DWF. 4/14/07. Changed the default FORMAT to I0. DWF. 5/1/07. Unexpected consequence of default format change is colorbar annotations no longer match contour plot levels. Changed to explicit formating of colorbar axis labels before PLOT command. DWF. 5/25/07. Previous change has unanticipated effect on color bars using logarithmic scaling, which is not really supported, but I have an article on my web page describing how to do it: Thus, I've fixed the program to accommodate log scaling, while still not OFFICIALLY supporting it. DWF. 10/3/07. Method used to calculate TICKNAMES produces incorrect values in certain cases when the min and max range values are integers. Now force range values to be floats. DWF. 10/17/07. Accidentaly use of INTERP keyword in CONGRID results in wrong bar values for low NCOLORS numbers when INVERTCOLORS or REVERSE keyword is used. Removed INTERP keyword. DWF. 11/10/07. Finished fixing program to accommodate log scaling in ALL possible permutations. DWF. 8 Feb 2008. Added CRONJOB keyword and decided to use month names when I write the date. DWF. 8 Feb 2008. Renamed CRONJOB to NODISPLAY to better reflect its purpose. DWF. 21 May 2008. Changed the default CHARSIZE to !P.CHARSIZE from 1.0. DWF. 30 Oct 2008. Fixed a problem with the FONT keyword not being recognized in certain configurations. 9 Nov 2009. Fixed typo in title of vertical colorbar. DWF. 25 Sep 2010. Renamed FSC_Colorbar from Colorbar to avoid conflict with ITTVIS introduced function in IDL 8.0. DWF. 19 Oct 2010. Made changes so that axes titles are not picked up in _EXTRA and displayed on the color bar. Also changed all _EXTRA passes to _STRICT_EXTRA to report mis-spelled and/or inappropriate keywords. DWF. 19 Oct 2010. Changed the default value of NODISPLAY keyword to 1, since FSC_Color no longer looks for system colors anyway. NODISPLAY is a depreciated keyword and does nothing if using the latest version of FSC_Color. DWF. 13 Nov 2010. Samples the upper-right hand pixel on the display if it can. It this pixel is "white" or the current device is PostScript, sets the ANNOTATECOLOR keyword to "black" if it of the COLOR keyword is not currently set to some other color. If the pixel is "black" then ANNOTATECOLOR is set to "white". DWF. 19 Nov 2010. Fixed a small problem when choosing an AnnnotateColor. DWF. 29 Nov 2010. Added CLAMP and NEUTRALINDEX keywords, updated ability to set color model with SetDecomposedState command. DWF. 1 Dec 2010. Set COLOR=1 and BITS_PER_PIXEL=8 in PostScript device. Tired of getting e-mails that "your damn colorbar doesn't work!". DWF. 6 Dec 2010. I was always setting COLOR to ANNOTATECOLOR. I should only do that if COLOR is undefined. DWF. 24 Jan 2011. Added WINDOW keyword. DWF. 29 Jan 2011. Added ADDCMD keyword. DWF.
NAME: FSC_COLOR PURPOSE: The purpose of this function is to obtain drawing colors by name and in a device/decomposition independent way. The color names and values may be read in as a file, or 192 color names and values are supplied with the program. These colors were obtained from the file rgb.txt, found on most X-Window distributions, and from colors in the Brewer color tables ( Representative colors were chosen from across the color spectrum. To see a list of colors available, type: Print, FSC_Color(/Names), Format='(6A18)' If the color names '0', '1', '2', ..., '255' are used, they will correspond to the colors in the current color table in effect at the time the FSC_Color program is called. AUTHOR: FANNING SOFTWARE CONSULTING: David Fanning, Ph.D. 1645 Sheely Drive Fort Collins, CO 80526 USA Phone: 970-221-0438 E-mail: Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming: CATEGORY: Graphics, Color Specification. CALLING SEQUENCE: color = FSC_Color(theColor, theColorIndex) NORMAL CALLING SEQUENCE FOR DEVICE-INDEPENDENT COLOR: If you write your graphics code *exactly* as it is written below, then the same code will work in all graphics devices I have tested. These include the PRINTER, PS, and Z devices, as well as X, WIN, and MAC. In practice, graphics code is seldom written like this. (For a variety of reasons, but laziness is high on the list.) So I have made the program reasonably tolerant of poor programming practices. I just point this out as a place you might return to before you write me a nice note saying my program "doesn't work". :-) axisColor = FSC_Color("Green", !D.Table_Size-2) backColor = FSC_Color("Charcoal", !D.Table_Size-3) dataColor = FSC_Color("Yellow", !D.Table_Size-4) thisDevice = !D.Name Set_Plot, 'toWhateverYourDeviceIsGoingToBe', /Copy Device, .... ; Whatever you need here to set things up properly. IF (!D.Flags AND 256) EQ 0 THEN $ POLYFILL, [0,1,1,0,0], [0,0,1,1,0], /Normal, Color=backColor Plot, Findgen(11), Color=axisColor, Background=backColor, /NoData, $ NoErase= ((!D.Flags AND 256) EQ 0) OPlot, Findgen(11), Color=dataColor Device, .... ; Whatever you need here to wrap things up properly. Set_Plot, thisDevice OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: theColor: A string with the "name" of the color. To see a list of the color names available set the NAMES keyword. This may also be a vector of color names. Colors available are these: Active Almond Antique White Aquamarine Beige Bisque Black Blue Blue Violet Brown Burlywood Cadet Blue Charcoal Chartreuse Chocolate Coral Cornflower Blue Cornsilk Crimson Cyan Dark Goldenrod Dark Gray Dark Green Dark Khaki Dark Orchid Dark Red Dark Salmon Dark Slate Blue Deep Pink Dodger Blue Edge Face Firebrick Forest Green Frame Gold Goldenrod Gray Green Green Yellow Highlight Honeydew Hot Pink Indian Red Ivory Khaki Lavender Lawn Green Light Coral Light Cyan Light Gray Light Salmon Light Sea Green Light Yellow Lime Green Linen Magenta Maroon Medium Gray Medium Orchid Moccasin Navy Olive Olive Drab Orange Orange Red Orchid Pale Goldenrod Pale Green Papaya Peru Pink Plum Powder Blue Purple Red Rose Rosy Brown Royal Blue Saddle Brown Salmon Sandy Brown Sea Green Seashell Selected Shadow Sienna Sky Blue Slate Blue Slate Gray Snow Spring Green Steel Blue Tan Teal Text Thistle Tomato Turquoise Violet Violet Red Wheat White Yellow The color OPPOSITE is used if this parameter is absent or a color name is mis-spelled. To see a list of the color names available in the program, type this: IDL> Print, FSC_Color(/Names), Format='(6A18)' theColorIndex: The color table index (or vector of indices the same length as the color name vector) where the specified color is loaded. The color table index parameter should always be used if you wish to obtain a color value in a color-decomposition-independent way in your code. See the NORMAL CALLING SEQUENCE for details. If theColor is a vector, and theColorIndex is a scalar, then the colors will be loaded starting at theColorIndex. When the BREWER keyword is set, you must use more arbitrary and less descriptive color names. To see a list of those names, use the command above with the BREWER keyword set, or call PICKCOLORNAME with the BREWER keyword set: IDL> Print, FSC_Color(/Names, /BREWER), Format='(8A10)' IDL> color = PickColorName(/BREWER) Here are the Brewer names: WT1 WT2 WT3 WT4 WT5 WT6 WT7 WT8 TAN1 TAN2 TAN3 TAN4 TAN5 TAN6 TAN7 TAN8 BLK1 BLK2 BLK3 BLK4 BLK5 BLK6 BLK7 BLK8 GRN1 GRN2 GRN3 GRN4 GRN5 GRN6 GRN7 GRN8 BLU1 BLU2 BLU3 BLU4 BLU5 BLU6 BLU7 BLU8 ORG1 ORG2 ORG3 ORG4 ORG5 ORG6 ORG7 ORG8 RED1 RED2 RED3 RED4 RED5 RED6 RED7 RED8 PUR1 PUR2 PUR3 PUR4 PUR5 PUR6 PUR7 PUR8 PBG1 PBG2 PBG3 PBG4 PBG5 PBG6 PBG7 PBG8 YGB1 YGB2 YGB3 YGB4 YGB5 YGB6 YGB7 YGB8 RYB1 RYB2 RYB3 RYB4 RYB5 RYB6 RYB7 RYB8 TG1 TG2 TG3 TG4 TG5 TG6 TG7 TG8 As of 3 July 2008, the Brewer names are also now available to the user without using the BREWER keyword. If the BREWER keyword is used, *only* Brewer names are available. The color name "OPPOSITE" is also available. It chooses a color "opposite" to the color of the pixel in the upper-right corner of the display, if a window is open. Otherwise, this color is "black" in PostScript and "white" everywhere else. RETURN VALUE: The value that is returned by FSC_Color depends upon the keywords used to call it, on the version of IDL you are using,and on the depth of the display device when the program is invoked. In general, the return value will be either a color index number where the specified color is loaded by the program, or a 24-bit color value that can be decomposed into the specified color on true-color systems. (Or a vector of such numbers.) If you are running IDL 5.2 or higher, the program will determine which return value to use, based on the color decomposition state at the time the program is called. If you are running a version of IDL before IDL 5.2, then the program will return the color index number. This behavior can be overruled in all versions of IDL by setting the DECOMPOSED keyword. If this keyword is 0, the program always returns a color index number. If the keyword is 1, the program always returns a 24-bit color value. If the TRIPLE keyword is set, the program always returns the color triple, no matter what the current decomposition state or the value of the DECOMPOSED keyword. Normally, the color triple is returned as a 1 by 3 column vector. This is appropriate for loading into a color index with TVLCT: IDL> TVLCT, FSC_Color('Yellow', /Triple), !P.Color But sometimes (e.g, in object graphics applications) you want the color returned as a row vector. In this case, you should set the ROW keyword as well as the TRIPLE keyword: viewobj= Obj_New('IDLgrView', Color=FSC_Color('charcoal', /Triple, /Row)) If the ALLCOLORS keyword is used, then instead of a single value, modified as described above, then all the color values are returned in an array. In other words, the return value will be either an NCOLORS-element vector of color table index numbers, an NCOLORS-element vector of 24-bit color values, or an NCOLORS-by-3 array of color triples. If the NAMES keyword is set, the program returns a vector of color names known to the program. If the color index parameter is not used, and a 24-bit value is not being returned, then colorIndex is typically set to !D.Table_Size-1. However, this behavior is changed on 8-bit devices (e.g., the PostScript device, or the Z-graphics buffer) and on 24-bit devices that are *not* using decomposed color. On these devices, the colors are loaded at an offset of !D.Table_Size - ncolors - 2, and the color index parameter reflects the actual index of the color where it will be loaded. This makes it possible to use a formulation as below: Plot, data, Color=FSC_Color('Dodger Blue') on 24-bit displays *and* in PostScript output! Note that if you specify a color index (the safest thing to do), then it will always be honored. INPUT KEYWORD PARAMETERS: ALLCOLORS: Set this keyword to return indices, or 24-bit values, or color triples, for all the known colors, instead of for a single color. BREWER: Set this keyword if you wish to use the Brewer Colors, as defined in this reference: As of 3 July 2008, the BREWER names are always available to the user, with or without this keyword. If the keyword is used, only BREWER names are available. DECOMPOSED: Set this keyword to 0 or 1 to force the return value to be a color table index or a 24-bit color value, respectively. CHECK_CONNECTION: If this keyword is set, the program will check to see if it can obtain a window connection before it tries to load system colors (which require one). If you think you might be using FSC_COLOR in a cron job, for example, you would want to set this keyword. If there is no window connection, the system colors are not available from the program. As of 18 October 2010, this keyword is no longer used, as system colors have been removed from the program. FILENAME: The string name of an ASCII file that can be opened to read in color values and color names. There should be one color per row in the file. Please be sure there are no blank lines in the file. The format of each row should be: redValue greenValue blueValue colorName Color values should be between 0 and 255. Any kind of white-space separation (blank characters, commas, or tabs) are allowed. The color name should be a string, but it should NOT be in quotes. A typical entry into the file would look like this: 255 255 0 Yellow NAMES: If this keyword is set, the return value of the function is a ncolors-element string array containing the names of the colors. These names would be appropriate, for example, in building a list widget with the names of the colors. If the NAMES keyword is set, the COLOR and INDEX parameters are ignored. listID = Widget_List(baseID, Value=GetColor(/Names), YSize=16) NODISPLAY: Normally, FSC_COLOR loads "system" colors as part of its palette of colors. In order to do so, it has to create an IDL widget, which in turn has to make a connection to the windowing system. If your program is being run without a window connection, then this program will fail. If you can live without the system colors (and most people don't even know they are there, to tell you the truth), then setting this keyword will keep them from being loaded, and you can run FSC_COLOR without a display. THIS KEYWORD NOW DEPRECIATED IN FAVOR OF CHECK_CONNECTION. As of 18 October 2010, this keyword is no longer used, as system colors have been removed from the program. ROW: If this keyword is set, the return value of the function when the TRIPLE keyword is set is returned as a row vector, rather than as the default column vector. This is required, for example, when you are trying to use the return value to set the color for object graphics objects. This keyword is completely ignored, except when used in combination with the TRIPLE keyword. SELECTCOLOR: Set this keyword if you would like to select the color name with the PICKCOLORNAME program. Selecting this keyword automaticallys sets the INDEX positional parameter. If this keyword is used, any keywords appropriate for PICKCOLORNAME can also be used. If this keyword is used, the first positional parameter can be a color name that will appear in the SelectColor box. TRIPLE: Setting this keyword will force the return value of the function to *always* be a color triple, regardless of color decomposition state or visual depth of the machine. The value will be a three-element column vector unless the ROW keyword is also set. In addition, any keyword parameter appropriate for PICKCOLORNAME can be used. These include BOTTOM, COLUMNS, GROUP_LEADER, INDEX, and TITLE. OUTPUT KEYWORD PARAMETERS: CANCEL: This keyword is always set to 0, unless that SELECTCOLOR keyword is used. Then it will correspond to the value of the CANCEL output keyword in PICKCOLORNAME. COLORSTRUCTURE: This output keyword (if set to a named variable) will return a structure in which the fields will be the known color names (without spaces) and the values of the fields will be either color table index numbers or 24-bit color values. If you have specified a vector of color names, then this will be a structure containing just those color names as fields. NCOLORS: The number of colors recognized by the program. It will be 104 by default. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: None. RESTRICTIONS: Required programs from the Coyote Library: EXAMPLE: To get drawing colors in a device-decomposed independent way: axisColor = FSC_Color("Green", !D.Table_Size-2) backColor = FSC_Color("Charcoal", !D.Table_Size-3) dataColor = FSC_Color("Yellow", !D.Table_Size-4) Plot, Findgen(11), Color=axisColor, Background=backColor, /NoData OPlot, Findgen(11), Color=dataColor To set the viewport color in object graphics: theView = Obj_New('IDLgrView', Color=FSC_Color('Charcoal', /Triple)) To change the viewport color later: theView->SetProperty, Color=FSC_Color('Antique White', /Triple) To load the drawing colors "red", "green", and "yellow" at indices 100-102, type this: IDL> TVLCT, FSC_Color(["red", "green", and "yellow"], /Triple), 100 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: David W. Fanning, 19 October 2000. Based on previous GetColor program. Fixed a problem with loading colors with TVLCT on a PRINTER device. 13 Mar 2001. DWF. Added the ROW keyword. 30 March 2001. DWF. Added the PICKCOLORNAME code to the file, since I keep forgetting to give it to people. 15 August 2001. DWF. Added ability to specify color names and indices as vectors. 5 Nov 2002. DWF. Fixed a problem with the TRIPLE keyword when specifying a vector of color names. 14 Feb 2003. DWF. Fixed a small problem with the starting index when specifying ALLCOLORS. 24 March 2003. DWF. Added system color names. 23 Jan 2004. DWF Added work-around for WHERE function "feature" when theColor is a one-element array. 22 July 2004. DWF. Added support for 8-bit graphics devices when color index is not specified. 25 August 2004. DWF. Fixed a small problem with creating color structure when ALLCOLORS keyword is set. 26 August 2004. DWF. Extended the color index fix for 8-bit graphics devices on 25 August 2004 to 24-bit devices running with color decomposition OFF. I've concluded most of the people using IDL don't have any idea how color works, so I am trying to make it VERY simple, and yet still maintain the power of this program. So now, in general, for most simple plots, you don't have to use the colorindex parameter and you still have a very good chance of getting what you expect in a device-independent manner. Of course, it would be *nice* if you could use that 24-bit display you paid all that money for, but I understand your reluctance. :-) 11 October 2004. DWF. Have renamed the first positional parameter so that this variable doesn't change while the program is running. 7 December 2004. DWF. Fixed an error I introduced on 7 December 2004. Sigh... 7 January 2005. DWF. Added eight new colors. Total now of 104 colors. 11 August 2005. DWF. Modified GUI to display system colors and removed PickColorName code. 13 Dec 2005. DWF. Fixed a problem with colorIndex when SELECTCOLOR keyword was used. 13 Dec 2005. DWF. Fixed a problem with color name synonyms. 19 May 2006. DWF. The previous fix broke the ability to specify several colors at once. Fixed. 24 July 2006. DWF. Updated program to work with 24-bit Z-buffer in IDL 6.4. 11 June 2007. DWF Added the CRONJOB keyword. 07 Feb 2008. DWF. Changed the CRONJOB keyword to NODISPLAY to better reflect its purpose. 7 FEB 2008. DWF. Added the BREWER keyword to allow selection of Brewer Colors. 15 MAY 2008. DWF. Added the CHECK_CONNECTION keyword and depreciated the NODISPLAY keyword for cron jobs. 15 MAY 2008. DWF. Added the BREWER names to the program with or without the BREWER keyword set. 3 JULY 2008. DWF. If color names '0', '1', '2', ..., '255', are used, the colors are taken from the current color table in effect when the program is called. 23 March 2009. DWF. Added the ability to use 24-bit PostScript color, if available. 24 May 2009. DWF. Program relies on DecomposedColor() to determine decomposed state of PostScript device. 24 May 2009. DWF. Mis-spelled variable name prevented color structure from being returned by COLORSTRUCTURE keyword. 14 Oct 2009. DWF. The Z-buffer, after IDL 6.4, appears to be brain dead. It is *always* in DECOMPOSED=1 mode, even when using an 8-bit graphics buffer. (Unless set manaually.) Now I set the decomposition mode in the program by looking at buffer depth, rather than the decomposition state, for the Z-buffer. 23 July 2010. DWF. Adding "system" colors to FSC_Color may have been the worst design decision I ever made. Since these require a window connection to determine, this decision has haunted me for years in the form of people wanting to use the software in places where there is no window connection. For example, in cron jobs. To accommodate legacy code, I need to *always* check for a connection. I am loath to do this because it means opening and closing a window, which is, relatively speaking, a slow process. I've made another attempt to solve this problem with this update and the corresponding update to the Coyote Library program CanConnect. CanConnect how creates the system variable !FSC_Display_Connection. If this system variable exists, FSC_Color consults it to determine if there is a display connection. It it doesn't exist, it calls CanConnect. This way, a window has to be open only once in an IDL session to determine if a display connection can be made. 7 Oct 2010. DWF. I am tired of dealing with "system" colors. I've never used them, no one I know has ever used them, and they have given me nothing but headaches. I'm done with them. I'll leave the code here for awhile in case you use them, but I'm pretty sure I'm not putting them back in. 17 October 2010. DWF. Added a new color name "OPPOSITE". This is a color that is "opposite" of the pixel color in the upper right hand corner of the display, if a window is open and the pixel color can be determined. Otherwise, it is black in PostScript and white everywhere else. 19 Nov 2010. DWF. Made sure the ColorIndex that is returned is always an INTEGER. 24 Dec 2010. DWF. Changed the default "unknown" color from WHITE to OPPOSITE. 30 Dec 2010. DWF. TVLCT commands protected from NULL device. 4 Jan 2011. DWF.
NAME: MK_JPEG PURPOSE: make a bit-map color jpeg file of an IDL window for (viewable) insertion into MS Word, or Powerpoint documents. CATEGORY: Graphics, Publication CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> mk_jpeg, FILENAME=filename, WINDOW=window, /VERBOSE INPUTS: None required KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Optional Inputs: noBorder - if set, will eliminate white space at top and bottom and left and right filename - Name of output file; Default='idljpeg.jpg' overwrite - if=0, will not overwrite existing file Window - window number to dump to file VERBOSE - If set, print debugging information OUTPUTS: Just the file out COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> LoadCT, 5 IDL> TH_IMAGE_CONT, dist(400) ; make a color contour with color bar IDL> mk_jpeg, filename='myjpeg.jpg' NOTES: do not call mk_color, or other things that limit the number of colors, before running this, so you get 256 colors. You must have priviledges to write the file. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 24-Feb-2014 added noBorder keyword 09-Oct-2013 added overwrite keyword (the default) 28-Jul-2010 add status to detect stale NFS handles 09-Aug-2009 Allow filename to be first argument 30-Aug-2004 Added test for truecolor (24-bit color), which seems to be needed for Windows 22-Feb-00 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL; with thanks to Dave Fanning
NAME: MK_png PURPOSE: make a bit-map color png file of an IDL window for (viewable) insertion into MS Word, or Powerpoint documents. CATEGORY: Graphics, Publication CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> mk_png, FILENAME=filename, WINDOW=window, /VERBOSE INPUTS: None required KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Optional Inputs: filename - Name of output file; Default='idlpng.jpg' Window - window number to dump to file VERBOSE - If set, print debugging information OUTPUTS: Just the file out COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> LoadCT, 5 IDL> TH_IMAGE_CONT, dist(400) ; make a color contour with color bar IDL> mk_png, filename='mypng.jpg' NOTES: do not call mk_color, or other things that limit the number of colors, before running this, so you get 256 colors. You must have priviledges to write the file. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 16-Jun-2011 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL for Charles Skinner
NAME: ONESURF PURPOSE: This function returns a 24-bit image of a surface with various combinations of colour, shading and grids. The colour coding can tied to the surface height or to an independent array. A grid can be overlaid on the surface or used to mask a coloured or shaded plot so as to produce a coloured and/or shaded grid. Light shading can be applied to both the coloured and gridded surface, or just the coloured surface, leaving the grid unshaded. The plotting is done on the current device, which can be any device which supports the TVRD command: eg screen windows, pixmaps, or the z-buffer. The light shading parameters are determined by previous calls to SET_SHADING. The viewing position and 3d-2d scaling are handled by the usual graphics keywords - see the documentation for SURFACE and SHADE_SURF in the IDL user's guide. The image returned by ONESURF is a pixel-interleaved 24-bit image of type bytarr(3, xsize, ysize), where xsize and ysize are the dimensions of the current graphics window. CATEGORY: Graphics, Surface Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: result = ONESURF(SURFDATA) INPUTS: SURFDATA: a two-dimensional array of type byte containing the data to be plotted. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: COLOUR: Set this keyword to include colour coding in the plot The default is no colour-coding. COLDATA: A variable or array of type byte containing the colour data to be used when plotting a colour plot. If COLDATA is a scalar then it is assumed to be an index to a colour in COLMAP which is used to give a single colour to whole surface. If COLDATA is a vector of at least three elements its first three elements are treated as a rgb colour triple and used to give a single colour to the whole surface. If COLDATA is two-dimensional it is treated as an array of colour indices of COLMAP and used to give each data point it's own colour. If COLDATA has different dimensions to SURFDATA, CONGRID is used to stretch or squeeze a copy of COLDATA to fit. If COLOUR is set but COLDATA is undefined or does not satisfy any of the above conditions, a BYTSCL'ed version of SURFDATA is used to produce a plot coloured according to height. COLMAP: The colour map to use for plotting of the colour data. If a number is given the corresponding inbuilt IDL colour map is used. Otherwise COLMAP should be an array of three byte vectors [red, green, blue] such as those returned by the TVLCT, /get procedure. If COLMAP is not set, the current colour map is used. Note that ONESURF maintains the current colour map even if a different map is specified for the plot. SHADE: Set this keyword to perform light shading. SHADE = 0: no shading SHADE = 1: shade everything SHADE = 2: don't shade the grid The default is no shading GRID: Set this keyword to apply grids to the surface GRID = 0: no grid GRID = 1: overlay a grid on the surface GRID = 2: use the grid as a mask The default is no grid CGRID: The colour to use for overlaid grids. If CGRID is a number it is treated as an index in the colour table given by COLMAP. If CGRID is an three-element vector of bytes it is treated as the rgb values for a colour. If it is anything else or undefined the grid is plotted white. _EXTRA: Used to pass extra plot parameters to both SHADE_SURF and SURFACE. _EXTRA provides a convenient way of passing common parameters such as viewing angle and plot position. Note that only keywords valid for both SHADE_SURF and SURFACE can be used. If EXTRA_SHADE is set, _EXTRA is ignored for the shaded plots, similarly with EXTRA_SURF and surface plots. Some keywords (eg, SHADES, COLOR, NODATA, NOERASE) will interfere with the plotting done by ONESURF and lead to unpredictable results. _EXTRA is itself passed to SHADE_SURF and SURFACE using the _EXTRA keyword, so keywords which expect a data value to be changed (eg [XYZ]TICK_GET) will not work. Useable keywords are: AX, AZ, MAX_VALUE, MIN_VALUE, SAVE, [XY]TYPE, CHARSIZE, CHARTHICK, CLIP, DATA, DEVICE, FONT, NOCLIP, NORMAL, POSITION, SUBTITLE, T3D, THICK, TICKLEN, TITLE, [XYZ]CHARSIZE, [XYZ]GRIDSTYLE, [XYZ]MARGIN, [XYZ]MINOR [XYZ]RANGE, [XYZ]STYLE, [XYZ]THICK, [XYZ]TICKFORMAT, [XYZ]TICKLEN, [XYZ]TICKNAME, [XYZ]TICKS, [XYZ]TICKV, [XYZ]TITLE, ZVALUE. EXTRA_SHADE: Used to pass extra plot parameters to the SHADE_SURF procedure only. EXTRA_SHADE is passed to SHADE_SURF using the _EXTRA keyword so keywords such as IMAGE which expect a variable to be altered will not work. As with _EXTRA, setting the SHADES keyword can lead to unpredictable results. EXTRA_SURF should be an anonymous structure. EXTRA_SURF: Used to pass extra plot parameters to the SURFACE procedure only. Restrictions are as for _EXTRA and EXTRA_SHADE. If EXTRA_SHADE is set, but EXTRA_SURF is not, EXTRA_SURF is made equal to _EXTRA, and vice versa. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: None. RESTRICTIONS: None. EXAMPLE: Create an image of a surface coloured according to height using the current colour map, with light shading and no grid: image = onesurf(surfdata, /colour, /shade) Create a shaded green grid on a shaded surface: image = onesurf(surfdata, /shade, /grid, cgrid=[0,255,0]) Create a shaded view of a surface, coloured according to a second array using colour map 25, overlaid with a grey, unshaded grid: image = onesurf(surfdata, /colour, colmap=25, coldata=second_array, $ shade=2, /grid, cgrid=[127,127,127]) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Part of Struan's Surface Tutorial: Written by: Struan Gray, Sljusfysik, Lunds Universitet, 970305. 970313 SMG - added _extra, extra_surf and extra_shade keywords for better control of graphics keywords.
NAME: PICKCOLORNAME PURPOSE: The purpose of this program is to provide a blocking or modal widget interface for selecting a color "name". The program uses colors familiar to the FSC_COLOR program, and is often used to select a color name for passing to FSC_COLOR. AUTHOR: FANNING SOFTWARE CONSULTING: David Fanning, Ph.D. 1645 Sheely Drive Fort Collins, CO 80526 USA Phone: 970-221-0438 E-mail: Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming: CATEGORY: Graphics, Color Specification. CALLING SEQUENCE: colorName = PickColorName(startColorName) OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: startColorName: A string with the "name" of the color. Colors available are these: Almond Antique White Aquamarine Beige Bisque Black Blue Blue Violet Brown Burlywood Cadet Blue Charcoal Chartreuse Chocolate Coral Cornflower Blue Cornsilk Crimson Cyan Dark Goldenrod Dark Gray Dark Green Dark Khaki Dark Orchid Dark Red Dark Salmon Dark Slate Blue Deep Pink Dodger Blue Firebrick Forest Green Gold Goldenrod Gray Green Green Yellow Honeydew Hot Pink Indian Red Ivory Khaki Lavender Lawn Green Light Coral Light Cyan Light Gray Light Salmon Light Sea Green Light Yellow Lime Green Linen Magenta Maroon Medium Gray Medium Orchid Moccasin Navy Olive Olive Drab Orange Orange Red Orchid Pale Goldenrod Pale Green Papaya Peru Pink Plum Powder Blue Purple Red Rose Rosy Brown Royal Blue Saddle Brown Salmon Sandy Brown Sea Green Seashell Sienna Sky Blue Slate Blue Slate Gray Snow Spring Green Steel Blue Tan Teal Thistle Tomato Turquoise Violet Violet Red Wheat White Yellow The color WHITE is used if this parameter is absent. If the BREWER keyword is set, you can use the Brewer Color names: WT1 WT2 WT3 WT4 WT5 WT6 WT7 WT8 TAN1 TAN2 TAN3 TAN4 TAN5 TAN6 TAN7 TAN8 BLK1 BLK2 BLK3 BLK4 BLK5 BLK6 BLK7 BLK8 GRN1 GRN2 GRN3 GRN4 GRN5 GRN6 GRN7 GRN8 BLU1 BLU2 BLU3 BLU4 BLU5 BLU6 BLU7 BLU8 ORG1 ORG2 ORG3 ORG4 ORG5 ORG6 ORG7 ORG8 RED1 RED2 RED3 RED4 RED5 RED6 RED7 RED8 PUR1 PUR2 PUR3 PUR4 PUR5 PUR6 PUR7 PUR8 PBG1 PBG2 PBG3 PBG4 PBG5 PBG6 PBG7 PBG8 YGB1 YGB2 YGB3 YGB4 YGB5 YGB6 YGB7 YGB8 RYB1 RYB2 RYB3 RYB4 RYB5 RYB6 RYB7 RYB8 TG1 TG2 TG3 TG4 TG5 TG6 TG7 TG8 INPUT KEYWORD PARAMETERS: BOTTOM: The colors used in the program must be loaded somewhere in the color table. This keyword indicates where the colors start loading. By default BOTTOM is set equal to !D.Table_Size-NCOLORS-1. BREWER: Set this keyword if you wish to use the Brewer Colors, as defined in this reference: COLUMNS: Set this keyword to the number of columns the colors should be arranged in. FILENAME: The string name of an ASCII file that can be opened to read in color values and color names. There should be one color per row in the file. Please be sure there are no blank lines in the file. The format of each row should be: redValue greenValue blueValue colorName Color values should be between 0 and 255. Any kind of white-space separation (blank characters, commas, or tabs) are allowed. The color name should be a string, but it should NOT be in quotes. A typical entry into the file would look like this: 255 255 0 Yellow GROUP_LEADER: This identifies a group leader if the program is called from within a widget program. Note that this keyword MUST be provided if you want to guarantee modal widget functionality. (If you don't know what this means, believe me, you WANT to use this keyword, always.) INDEX: This keyword identifies a color table index where the selected color is to be loaded when the program exits. The default behavior is to restore the input color table and NOT load a color. TITLE: This keyword accepts a string value for the window title. The default is "Select a Color". OUTPUT KEYWORD PARAMETERS: CANCEL: On exit, this keyword value is set to 0 if the user selected the ACCEPT button. IF the user selected the CANCEL button, or closed the window in any other way, this keyword value is set to 1. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: Colors are loaded in the current color table. The input color table is restored when the program exits. This will only be noticable on 8-bit displays. The startColorName is returned if the user cancels or destroys the widget before a selection is made. Users should check the CANCEL flag before using the returned color. EXAMPLE: To call the program from the IDL comamnd line: IDL> color = PickColorName("red") & Print, color To call the program from within a widget program: color = PickColorName("red", & Print, color MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: David W. Fanning, 31 August 2000. Modified program to read colors from a file and to use more colors on 24-bit platforms. 16 October 2000. DWF. Added the COLUMNS keyword. 16 October 2000. DWF. Fixed a small problem with mapping a modal widget. 2 Jan 2001. DWF Now drawing small box around each color. 13 March 2003. DWF. Added eight new colors. Total now of 104 colors. 11 August 2005. DWF. Modified GUI to display system colors. 13 Dec 2005. DWF. Added BREWER keyword to allow Brewer Colors. 15 May 2008. DWF.
NAME: PSWINDOW PURPOSE: This function is used to calculate the size of a PostScript window that has the same aspect ratio (ratio of height to width) as the current display graphics window. It creates the largest possible PostScript output window with the desired aspect ratio. This assures that graphics output looks similar, if not identical, to PostScript output. AUTHOR: FANNING SOFTWARE CONSULTING David Fanning, Ph.D. 1645 Sheely Drive Fort Collins, CO 80526 USA Phone: 970-221-0438 E-mail: Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming: CATEGORY: Graphics. CALLING SEQUENCE: pageInfo = PSWINDOW() INPUTS: None. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: CM: Normally the structure value that is returned from this function reports its values in inches. Setting this keyword causes the return values to be in units of centimeters. FUDGE: A quick way to set symetrical XFUDGE and YFUDGE factors. If this keyword is set to a value, XFUDGE and YFUDGE keywords are set to the same value. LANDSCAPE: Normally this function assumes a PostScript window in Portrait mode. Setting this keyword assumes you want the graphic in Landscape mode. MARGIN: The margin around the edges of the plot. The value must be a floating point value between 0.0 and 0.5. It is expressed in normalized coordinate units. The default margin is 0.15. PAGESIZE: Set this keyword to a string indicating the type of PostScript page size you want. Current values are "LETTER", "LEGAL", and "A4". Default is "LETTER". PRINTER: Set this keyword if the output will be used to configure the PRINTER device, rather than the PS device. (In the PRINTER device, offsets are always calculated from the lower-left corner of the page and do not rotate in Landscape mode, as they do with the PS device.) Note that the PRINTER device is only able to accept these keywords in IDL 5.1 and higher. XFUDGE: Printers calculate the offset point from the printable edge of the paper (sometimes), rather from the corner of the paper. For example, on my Lexmark printer, both X and Y offsets are calculated from a point 0.25 inches in from the edge. This keyword allows you to set a "fudge" factor that will be subtracted from the XOFFSET that is returned to the user. This allows you to create output that is centered on the page. The fudge factor should be in the same units as the returned size and offset values. YFUDGE: Printers calculate the offset point from the printable edge of the paper (sometimes), rather from the corner of the paper. For example, on my Lexmark printer, both X and Y offsets are calculated from a point 0.25 inches in from the edge. This keyword allows you to set a "fudge" factor that will be subtracted from the YOFFSET that is returned to the user. This allows you to create output that is centered on the page. The fudge factor should be in the same units as the returned size and offset values. OUTPUTS: pageInfo: The output value is a named structure defined like this: pageInfo = {PSWINDOW_STRUCT, XSIZE:0.0, YSIZE:0.0, $ XOFSET:0.0, YOFFSET:0.0, INCHES:0, PORTRAIT:0, LANDSCAPE:0} The units of the four size fields are inches unless the CM keyword is set. The output can be used to immediately configure the PostScript or Printer device, like this: Set_Plot, 'PS' ; or 'PRINTER' Device, _Extra=pageInfo RESTRICTIONS: The aspect ratio of the current graphics window is calculated like this: aspectRatio = FLOAT(!D.Y_VSIZE) / !D.X_VSIZE EXAMPLE: To create a PostScript output window with the same aspect ratio as the curently active display window, type: pageInfo = PSWINDOW() SET_PLOT, 'PS' DEVICE, _Extra=pageInfo To configure the PRINTER device: pageInfo = PSWINDOW(/Printer, Fudge=0.25) SET_PLOT, 'PRINTER' DEVICE, _Extra=pageInfo MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: David Fanning, November 1996. Fixed a bug in which the YOFFSET was calculated incorrectly in Landscape mode. 12 Feb 97. Took out a line of code that wasn't being used. 14 Mar 97. Added correct units keyword to return structure. 29 JUN 98. DWF Fixed a bug in how landscape offsets were calculated. 19 JUL 99. DWF. Fixed a bug in the way margins were used to conform to my original conception of the program. 19 JUL 99. DWF. Added Landscape and Portrait fields to the return structure. 19 JUL 99. DWF. Added PageSize keyword, changed MARGIN keyword, and completely rewrote most of the intenal code. 9 FEB 2000. DWF. Fixed a bug in how I calculated the aspect ratio. 1 MAR 2000. DWF. Added PRINTER keyword to return proper offset values for the PRINTER device, where the offset location is not rotated. 1 MAR 2000. DWF. Added PRINTER fudge factors to take into account that printer offsets are calculated from the printable area of the paper, rather than the corner of the paper. 8 AUG 2000. DWF. 07-Mar-02 made work for correctly for landscape/portrait
NAME: Right_Aspect PURPOSE: Allow contour (or x-y) plots to have the aspect ratio of the data CATEGORY: Graphics USE: IDL> RIGHT_ASPECT, xarray, yarray, IN_POSITION=in_position, $ MARGIN=margin, POSITION=position KEYWORD PARAMETERS: MARGIN: (INPUT) The margin around the edges of the plot. The value must be a floating point value between 0.0 and 0.5. It is expressed in normalized coordinate units. The default margin is 0.15. If margin is a 2-element array, the first value is the left and bottom margin, and the second is the right and top margin. Otherwise, the right and top margin is set to 1/2 the value of margin. IN_POSITION: (INPUT) A 4-element floating array of normalized coordinates. The order of the elements is [x0, y0, x1, y1], similar to the !P.POSITION system variable or the POSITION keyword on any IDL graphic command. Fit resulting contour plot within these limits. POSITION: (OUTPUT) A 4-element floating array of normalized coordinates. The order of the elements is [x0, y0, x1, y1], similar to the !P.POSITION system variable or the POSITION keyword on any IDL graphic command. If not present, will set system variable !p.position. XRANGE_IN & YRANGE_IN: (INPUTS) - hese override ranges in data GetWithZ - if set, plots to Z buffer, and reads back X & Y ticks to determine plot range. EXAMPLE: IDL> xarray=FINDGEN(41) & yarray=FINDGEN(21) IDL> z = DIST(41,21) IDL> in_pos = [.1,.4,.9,.9] ; draw in top part of screen IDL> Right_Aspect, xarray, yarray, IN_POS=in_pos, POSITION=out_pos IDL> CONTOUR, z, xarray, yarray, XSTYLE=1,YSTYLE=1, $ XMARGIN=[0,0], YMARGIN=[0,0], POSITION=out_pos LIMITATIONS: if the POSITION keyword is not used, then the !P.POSITION variable will be set after calling this routine. So, after plotting, do this: IDL> !P.POSITION = [0,0,0,0] MODIFICATIONS: 03-Feb-2010 added GetWithZ keyword. 07-Dec-2006 Added xrange_in & yrange_in keywords. These override ranges in data 28-May-03 Added keyword In_Position. Should now work when partial screen specified. 04-Apr-01 Do like David Fanning routine, ASPECT, so will work with A4 paper 14-Mar-01 Take into account !p.multi settings when computing !p.position Also remove adjustment for x & y pixel number differences. Add POSITION keyword (not fully tested)
NAME: rightYaxisLimits PURPOSE: Widget to set some Y Axis values for the right-hand axis in mdsw CATEGORY: Graphics, Widgets CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> rightYaxisLimits INPUTS: none required KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Inputs (Optional): nPlots - # of plots to allow for (def=8) GROUP_LEADER - This widget is destroyed if it's GL is destroyed OUTPUTS: COMMON BLOCKS: rightAxis EXAMPLE: IDL> rightYaxisLimits NOTES: Upgrade could use a user-defined system variable rather than common MODIFICATION HISTORY: 13-Feb-01 Added multiple axes settings 07-Feb-01 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: setpmulti PURPOSE: partition the screen into different graphs if 7 or less plot boxes, then 1 column of plots if more than 7 plot boxes, then 2 columns of plots CATEGORY: Graphics, Color Specification. CALLING SEQUENCE: setpmulti, nboxes setpmulti, nboxes, /SameXTitles setpmulti, nboxes, /SameXTitles, /sameXlabels, /SamePTitles INPUTS: nboxes: number of plot boxes per page KEYWORD PARAMETERS: CharSize : Value desired for !P.CHARSIZE, else guesses SameXTitles: If set and non-zero, just place xtitle at bottom (This reserves less vertical space between plots) SamePTitles: If set and non-zero, just place title at top (This reserves less vertical space between plots) SameXlabels: If set and non-zero, just label x-axis at bottom (This reserves less vertical space between plots) NRows : Maximum number of rows (default is 7) COMMON BLOCKS: SetPMulti_Local SIDE EFFECTS: Leaves !P.MULTI set unless you call UnSetPMulti. Changes character sizes, etc. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 01-May-01 fix for # of rows and columns 24-Jan-01 Don't force !x.margin[1] to 3. Only reduce this for multi- columns if !x.margin[1] = 3. 11-Jan-01 Undid setting of !y.ticks, because can't force axis then 21-Nov-00 Fine tuned !y.multi values; if no columns, make x.margin[1]=3 18-Sep-00 Corrected SamePtitle keyword use 24-Jun-99 changed charsize when more than one plot (to 1.4 if rows or cols > 2) 03-Jun-99 added CHARSIZE keyword [BD] Jan-99 - Written by Bill Davis
NAME: setup_tek PURPOSE: Set system variables for tektronix device. Use to direct plots to the Tek window in Versaterm, or to XTC. CATEGORY: Graphics, Cross-platform plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: setup_tek INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Optional Inputs: CharMagnification - magnify !p.charsize (or, if !p.charsize=0, use as charsize) OUTPUTS: none CALLING EXAMPLE: setup_tek plot,indgen(11) ; any number of plot commands unsetup_tek ; send to printer and back to X setup_tek, /xtc ; use Tektronix simulator on X plot,indgen(11) ; any number of plot commands unsetup_tek ; send to printer and back to X RELATED ROUTINES: unsetup_tek LIMITATIONS: Y-axis ticklabels may overlay the axis. If so, you may use: IDL> plot, x, y, YTICKFORMAT='betterticklabels', ... SIDE EFFECTS: System variables are changed until unsetup_tek is called. NOTE: see MODICATION HISTORY: 12-Sep-2008 change "/bin/ps -auxw" to "/bin/ps auxw" 28-Jun-2006 allow for different complier loading in .cshrc 13-Feb-2006 add XTC calls 26-Oct-2000 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: setup_xpc PURPOSE: Use to direct postscript plots to the X-windows Plot Controller (XPC). CATEGORY: Graphics, Postscript CALLING SEQUENCE: setup_xpc INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS (all optional): SETUP_PS Keywords: PORTRAIT - If set, print is in portrait mode FONT - font for printing, e.g., TIMES, HELVETICA, AVANTGARDE, BKMAN, BOLD, PALATINO, ZAPFCHANCERY, NARROW (Default is Times) AspectRatio - if set, Ascpect ratio of image is maintained CharMagnification - magnify !p.charsize (or, if !p.charsize=0, use as charsize) xsize ysize XPC keywords: scratchDir - defaults to /loca/$USER/tmpdir (or value of $TMPDIR) programs running on different computers will have differnt areas. This must be the same used by the plotting-control software, NODELETE - if set, files in sractchDir (from previous invocation) are not deleted when application is started. TITLE: A scalar string to be used for the window title. NFILES - # of files to show at one time in window (def=10) filter - search filter for plots to show in window (def=XPC_*.ps) psPlotFile - file with plotting application keeps plotting (def=scratchDir+'/') psApp - file plotting application (def="gv") appSwitch - switch for file plotting application (def="--watch") updateTime - time in seconds between checks to see if list needs refreshed (def=0.5) ext - file extensions to look for (def='ps') OUTPUTS: establishes XPC window CALLING EXAMPLE: setup_xpc ; xpc and gv windows should appear PLOT, indgen(11) ; any number of plot commands XYOUT, .2, .3, 'This is a Label' unsetup_xpc ; close ps file PROCEDURE: (see RELATED ROUTINES: xpc unsetup_xpc LIMITATIONS: Y-axis ticklabels may overlay the axis. If so, you may use: IDL> plot, x, y, YTICKFORMAT='betterticklabels', ... This system assumes that /local disks are unique to each system. SIDE EFFECTS: Post script files (default of 10) are written to ~/XPC_scratch NOTE: This, in conjunction with unsetup_xpc, is supposed to be a replacement for XTC. see MODICATION HISTORY: 09-Jul-2011 don't use /local, so can be used from different computers 18-Nov-2009 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: TV_24 PURPOSE: This procedure displays a 24-bit image on the current graphics device, constructing a custom colour table if the device supports less than 257 colours. CATEGORY: Graphics. CALLING SEQUENCE: TV_24(image) INPUTS: IMAGE: the pixel-interleaved, 24-bit image to be displayed. IMAGE should be of type BYTARR(3,M,N). KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: On 8-bit displays the current colour table is overwritten, on 24-bit displays it is preserved. RESTRICTIONS: None. EXAMPLE: Display a 24-bit image on an 8-bit display: TV_24(image) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Part of Struan's Surface Tutorial: Written by: Struan Gray, Sljusfysik, Lunds Universitet, 970305.
NAME: TVRD_24 PURPOSE: This function reads a 24-bit image from a 24-bit or 8-bit display device, returning a pixel-interleaved byte array of type BYTARR(3, xsize, ysize), where xsize and ysize are the dimensions of the current graphics device. CATEGORY: Graphics. CALLING SEQUENCE: image = TVRD_24() INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: None. RESTRICTIONS: None. EXAMPLE: image = tvrd_24() MODIFICATION HISTORY: Part of Struan's Surface Tutorial: Written by: Struan Gray, Sljusfysik, Lunds Universitet, 970305.
NAME: TWOSURF PURPOSE: This function returns a 24-bit image of two interlocking surfaces with various combinations of colour, shading and grids. For each surface the colour coding can tied to the surface height or to an independent array. A grid can be overlaid on the surface or used to mask a coloured and/or shaded plot so as to produce a coloured and/or shaded grid. Light shading can be applied to both the coloured and gridded surface, or just the coloured surface, leaving the grid unshaded. The light shading parameters are determined by previous calls to SET_SHADING. The viewing position and 3d-2d scaling are handled by the usual graphics keywords - see the documentation for SURFACE and SHADE_SURF in the IDL user's guide. The image returned by TWOSURF is a pixel-interleaved 24-bit image of type bytarr(3, xsize, ysize). If on entry the current graphics device is a screen window or the z-buffer, xsize and ysize are the dimensions of the current or default window on that device. If the current device is anything else (eg a plotter or a postscript file) the default size of the z-buffer (640x480) is used. On exit the current graphics device and colour map are unchanged. CATEGORY: Graphics, Surface Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: result = TWOSURF(SURFONE, SURFTWO) INPUTS: SURFONE: A two-dimensional array containing the data for the first of the surfaces to be plotted. SURFTWO: A two-dimensional array containing the data for the second of the surfaces to be plotted. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: COLOUR1: Set this keyword to include colour coding in the plot of SURFONE The default is no colour-coding. COLOUR2: As for COLOUR1 but for SURFTWO. The default is to be the same as COLOUR1. COLDATA1: A variable or array of type byte containing the colour data to be used when plotting a colour plot. If COLDATA1 is a scalar then it is assumed to be an index to a colour in COLMAP which is used to give a single colour to the whole surface. If COLDATA1 is a vector of at least three elements its first three elements are treated as a rgb colour triple and used to give a single colour to the whole surface. If COLDATA1 is two-dimensional it is treated as an array of colour indices of COLMAP and is used to give each data point it's own colour. If COLDATA1 has different dimensions to SURFONE, CONGRID is used to stretch or squeeze a copy of COLDATA1 to fit. If COLOUR1 is set but COLDATA1 is undefined or does not satisfy any of the above conditions, a BYTSCL'ed version of SURFONE is used to produce a plot coloured according to height. COLDATA2: As for COLDATA1 but for SURFTWO. SHADE1: Set this keyword to perform light shading for SURFONE. SHADE = 0: no shading SHADE = 1: shade everything SHADE = 2: don't shade the grid The default is no shading. SHADE2: As for SHADE1 but for SURFTWO. The default is to be the same as SHADE1. GRID1: Set this keyword to apply grids to SURFONE. GRID = 0: no grid GRID = 1: overlay a grid on the surface GRID = 2: use the grid as a mask The default is no grid GRID2: As for GRID1 but for SURFTWO. The default is to be the same as GRID1. CGRID1: The colour to use for overlaid grids on SURFONE. If CGRID is a number it is treated as an index in the colour table given by COLMAP. If CGRID is an three-element vector of bytes it is treated as the rgb values for a colour. If it is anything else or undefined the grid is plotted white. CGRID2: As for CGRID1 but for SURFTWO. The default is to be the same as CGRID1. TRANSP1: The transparency factor for SURFONE, which determines how much the hidden parts of SURFTWO show through SURFONE's surfaces. TRANSP1 is converted to type FLOAT before use, where 0.0 corresponds to an opaque surface and 1.0 mixes equal parts of SURFONE and SURFTWO. Note that if GRID1=2, the holes in the grid are already completely transparent and TRANSP1 affects only the grid lines. The default is 0.0. TRANSP2: As for TRANSP1 but for SURFTWO. The default is to be the same as TRANSP1. COLMAP: The colour map to use for plotting of the colour data. If a number is given the corresponding inbuilt IDL colour map is used. Otherwise COLMAP should be an array of three byte vectors [red, green, blue] such as those returned by the TVLCT, /get procedure. If COLMAP is not set, the current colour map is used. Note that TWOSURF maintains the current colour map even if a second colour map is specified for the plot. Because the z-buffer is only an 8bit device plotting SURFONE and SURFTWO with different colours has to be done by user manipulation of COLMAP and the arrays passed as COLDATA1 and COLDATA2. If either one of the surfaces has light shading applied the background is set to [0,0,0] (black), otherwise the background colour of COLMAP is used. _EXTRA: Used to pass extra plot parameters to both SHADE_SURF and SURFACE. _EXTRA provides a convenient way of passing common parameters such as viewing angle and plot position. Note that only keywords valid for both SHADE_SURF and SURFACE can be used. If EXTRA_SHADE is set, _EXTRA is ignored for the shaded plots, similarly with EXTRA_SURF and surface plots. Some keywords (eg, SHADES, COLOR, NODATA, NOERASE) will interfere with the plotting done by ONESURF and lead to unpredictable results. _EXTRA is itself passed to SHADE_SURF and SURFACE using the _EXTRA keyword, so keywords which expect a data value to be changed (eg [XYZ]TICK_GET) will not work. Useable keywords are: AX, AZ, MAX_VALUE, MIN_VALUE, SAVE, [XY]TYPE, CHARSIZE, CHARTHICK, CLIP, DATA, DEVICE, FONT, NOCLIP, NORMAL, POSITION, SUBTITLE, T3D, THICK, TICKLEN, TITLE, [XYZ]CHARSIZE, [XYZ]GRIDSTYLE, [XYZ]MARGIN, [XYZ]MINOR, [XYZ]RANGE, [XYZ]STYLE, [XYZ]THICK, [XYZ]TICKFORMAT, [XYZ]TICKLEN, [XYZ]TICKNAME, [XYZ]TICKS, [XYZ]TICKV, [XYZ]TITLE, ZVALUE. EXTRA_SHADE: Used to pass extra plot parameters to the SHADE_SURF procedure only. EXTRA_SHADE is passed to SHADE_SURF using the _EXTRA keyword so keywords such as IMAGE which expect a variable to be altered will not work. As with _EXTRA, setting the SHADES keyword can lead to unpredictable results. EXTRA_SURF should be an anonymous structure. EXTRA_SURF: Used to pass extra plot parameters to the SURFACE procedure only. Restrictions are as for _EXTRA and EXTRA_SHADE. If EXTRA_SHADE is set, but EXTRA_SURF is not, EXTRA_SURF is made equal to _EXTRA, and vice versa. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: None. RESTRICTIONS: None. EXAMPLE: SURFONE plotted as a shaded, coloured, partially transparent surface with the colours corresponding to height and a black grid, interlocking with SURFTWO, plotted as a shaded, coloured, partially transparent surface also coloured according to height but with different colours, and with an unshaded white grid: image = twosurf(surfone, surftwo, $ colour1 = 1, $ coldata1 = 127b + bytscl(surfone)/2b, $ shade1 = 2, $ grid1 = 1, $ cgrid1 = [0,0,0], $ transp1 = 0.3, $ colour2 = 1, $ coldata2 = 127b - bytscl(surftwo)/2b, $ shade2 = 2, $ grid2 = 1, $ cgrid2 = [250,250,250], $ transp2 = 0.6, $ colmap=25) For further examples see the SURFDEMO procedure MODIFICATION HISTORY: Part of Struan's Surface Tutorial: Written by: Struan Gray, Sljusfysik, Lunds Universitet, 970305. 970313 SMG - added _extra, extra_surf and extra_shade keywords for better control of graphics keywords.
NAME: WRITE_IN_BOX PURPOSE: Writes a text message within a box in a graphics window. CATEGORY: Graphics Explanation : This procedure writes a short text message within a box-shaped area in a graphics window. The message may be split at word boundaries into several lines, and the character size and orientation may be adjusted for the text to fit within the box. CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> WRITE_IN_BOX, X1, X2, Y1, Y2, TEXT Inputs : X1, X2 = X coordinates of the box limits. Y1, Y2 = Y coordinates of the box limits. TEXT = ASCII text string containing the message. Opt. Inputs : None. Outputs : None. Opt. Outputs: None. Keywords : DATA = If set, then the coordinates are in data units. This is the default. DEVICE = If set, then the coordinates are in device units. NORMAL = If set, then the coordinates are in normalized units. MAXCHARSIZE = The maximum character size to use in displaying the message. If not passed, then determined from !P.CHARSIZE. COLOR = Color to use to display the text. The default is !COLOR. ALIGNMENT = Controls the alignment of the text in the box. A value of 0 means to left justify the text, 0.5 means center it (default), and 1 stands for right justification. Calls : None. Common : None. Restrictions: X2 must be greater than X1, and Y2 must be greater than Y1. Side effects: The appearance of the displayed message may not be optimal if any words are separated by multiple blanks, or by tab characters. Category : Planning, Science. Prev. Hist. : None. Written : William Thompson, GSFC, 7 July 1993. Modified : Version 1, William Thompson, GSFC, 7 July 1993. Version 2, William Thompson, GSFC, 24 September 1993. Added ALIGNMENT keyword based on code provided by Jim Pendleton, GRO/OSSE NU. Version 3, William Thompson, GSFC, 21 September 1994 Added STRTRIM call. Version : Version 3, 21 September 1994
NAME: xAxisW PURPOSE: Widget to set some X Axis values via the system variable !X CATEGORY: Graphics, Widgets CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> xAxisW INPUTS: input = whatever. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Optional Keywords: UPDATECALLBACK - a routine to call after axis system variable is set GROUP_LEADER - This widget is destroyed if it's GL is destroyed OUTPUTS: The system variable !X is changed out COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> xAxisW, UPDATECALLBACK='myAxisUpdating' NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 29-Apr-08 check for routine being compiled (vs. needing to be found) added a "Refresh" button which, if a proper plotting routine is provided, will replot with any changed settings. 08-Dec-04 Removed callback test because of compiling on PC 22-Jan-01 Added Default and Auto Scale buttons [BD] 20-Sep-00 Added TickLen & GridStyle fields [BD] 30-Mar-99 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: yAxisW PURPOSE: Widget to set some Y Axis values via the system variable !Y CATEGORY: Graphics, Widgets CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> yAxisW INPUTS: input = whatever. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Optional Keywords: UPDATECALLBACK - a routine to call after axis system variable is set GROUP_LEADER - This widget is destroyed if it's GL is destroyed OUTPUTS: The system variable !Y is changed out COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> yAxisW, UPDATECALLBACK='myAxisUpdating' NOTES: If an application overrides !Y.* parameters, or specifies them on the plot command, changing settings with this widget will have no affect. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 29-Apr-08 check for routine being compiled (vs. needing to be found) added a "Refresh" button which, if a proper plotting routine is provided, will replot with any changed settings. 08-Dec-04 Removed callback test because of compiling on PC 22-Jan-01 Added Default and Auto Scale buttons [BD] 28-Sep-00 Correct the display of initial values [BD] 20-Sep-00 Added TickLen & GridStyle fields [BD] 30-Mar-99 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: zAxisW PURPOSE: Widget to set some Z Axis values via the system variable !Y CATEGORY: Graphics, Widgets CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> zAxisW INPUTS: input = whatever. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Optional Keywords: UPDATECALLBACK - a routine to call after axis system variable is set GROUP_LEADER - This widget is destroyed if it's GL is destroyed OUTPUTS: The system variable !Y is changed out COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> zAxisW, UPDATECALLBACK='mzAxisUpdating' NOTES: If an application overrides !Z.* parameters, or specifies them on the plot command, changing settings with this widget will have no affect. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 17-Oct-00 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
Category: GUI
[List of Routines]
NAME: bitmapbuttons PURPOSE: Illustrate use of bitmapbuttons in IDL CATEGORY: GUI, buttons CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> bitmapbuttons Then click on buttons and watch them change. COMMON BLOCKS: none NOTES: Requires IDL 5.2 or later. LIMITATIONS: This may not be the easiest way to manage button states MODIFICATION HISTORY: 27-Jan-00 [BD]
NAME: color_resource_example PURPOSE: Example of color buttons on a widget. CATEGORY: GUI, Color, Example CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> color_resource_example INPUTS: none. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: none. OUTPUTS: none. EXAMPLE: IDL> color_resource_example NOTES: For IDL color widgets, you need corresponding lines in your ~/.Xresources file (on the computer that is managing your X windows!), e.g., : Idl*colorbuttons*blue*background:blue Idl*colorbuttons*red*background: red Idl*colorbuttons*lightblue*background: lightblue Idl*colorbuttons*green*background: green Idl*colorbuttons*purple*background: purple Idl*colorbuttons*yellow*background: yellow Idl*colorbuttons*white*background: white Idl*colorbuttons*gold*background: gold Idl*colorbuttons*black*background: black Idl*colorbuttons*magenta*background: magenta Idl*colorbuttons*orange*background: orange LIMITATIONS: This works consistantly on PPPL Solaris 2.6 computers. Bug On Linux, the colors initially work, but disappear on subsequent execution! MODIFICATION HISTORY: 18-Apr-03 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: color_status_example PURPOSE: Example of color status fields on a widget. CATEGORY: GUI, Example, Color, Monitoring Application EXPLANATION: Makes two rows, each with two buttons to send a color to an adjacent status field. The status field is just a window in which the appropriate colors are drawn. MK_COLOR, or a similar routine, should be used for consistant color display. CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> color_status_example INPUTS: none. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: none. OUTPUTS: none. COMMON BLOCKS: info ROUTINES USED: MK_COLOR EXAMPLE: IDL> color_status_example NOTES: The status fields are initially the background color. A real program might want to save !D.WINDOW before the TV commands and restore it immediately afterwards. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 11-May-00 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: DIALOG_INPUT PURPOSE: A modal (blocking) dialog widget to input a line of text. The dialog must be dismissed, by entering text and pressing the Return key, or by clicking on the 'Ok' or 'Cancel' button before execution of the calling program can continue. TYPE: FUNCTION CATEGORY: GUI, Input, WIDGETS CALLING SEQUENCE: result = DIALOG_INPUT (PROMPT) INPUTS: NONE KEYWORD PARAMETERS: PROMPT: Optional STRING or STRARR displayed on the widget. If the keyword NFIELDS is set, then PROMPT must be a STRARR of length NFIELDS. If NFIELDS is not set, and PROMPT is a STRARR, each element of the array will appear on a separate line. If not supplied, default = 'Enter Text' TITLE: Window title [default = 'dialog_input'] INITIAL: Initial value to show in the input area. If PROMPT is supplied, this must be a array of length FIELDS. XSIZE, YSIZE: The width and height of the dialog WIDTH: Set the width of the input field IN CHARACTERS. NFIELDS: Show multiple input fields. If PROMPT and/or INITIAL are supplied, they must be STRARR of length FIELDS. CHECKBOX - prompt for optional check box BOXINIT - initial value of check box (Default=0) BOXOUT - if=1, then box was checked TOPLABEL - label above inputs FLOATING, INTEGER, LONG, DOUBLE - type of input DIALOG_PARENT: Set this keyword to the widget ID of a widget over which the message dialog should be positioned. When displayed, the DIALOG_INPUT dialog will be positioned over the specified widget. Dialogs are often related to a non-dialog widget tree. The ID of the widget in that tree to which the dialog is most closely related should be specified. RETURN_EVENTS: Set this keyword to make cluster return an event when ais pressed in a text field. The default is not to return events. OK: STRING label for the 'Ok' button (default = ' OK ' ) CANCEL: STRING label for the 'Cancel' button (default = 'Cancel') OUTPUTS: result: STRING or STRARR of input text, or '' if dialog is cancelled EXAMPLE: IDL> a=DIALOG_INPUT('enter val', CHECK='turn on', BOXOUT=box ) IDL> a=DIALOG_INPUT(['x1:','y1:', 'x2:','y2:'], NFIELDS=4, TITLE='Box Overlay', $ INITIAL=[1,1,5,6], $ checkBox='Show Box', boxOut=showBox, boxInit=1, $ TOPLABEL='Enter lower left and upper right coords') SIDE EFFECTS: Creates a modal widget MODIFICATION HISTORY: 24-Feb-2011 added Top Label & boxInit [BD] 03-Feb-2011 added Check Box [BD] 22-Jul-2009 added Alt button [BD] 15-Jul-2009 added didCancel keyword 01-Jun-06 default to return events [BD] 12-Sep-04 improvement for prompt on just one entry Allow for no cancel button [BD] 02-Jul-01 Fixed bug for floating point values [BD] 13-Sep-00 Added RETURN_EVENTS keyword [BD] 03-Feb-00 Added FLOATING, INTEGER and LONG keywords [BD] v1.03: RSM, Aug 1998, Added WIDTH keyword to set the width of the input field IN CHARACTERS. Fixed layout bug when using NFIELDS. v1.02: RSM, May 1998, Non-backward compatible changes to allow multiple input fields. v1.01: RSM, Mar 1998, fixed error when used with a modal toplevel base. v1.0: Written,, July 1997.
NAME: EDITTABLE PURPOSE: Edit a structure with a table where the second item in the structure is on/off. You can set all items (but the first) on, off, or to a specific value. If there are more rows than will fit on your screen, it will make new columns. CATEGORY: GUI, Editor, Structures CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> newStruct= editTable( struct ) INPUTS: struct = structure where all tags have same number of elements, and the second one is for on/off KEYWORD PARAMETERS: nrows - defaults to scFrac of screen noFields - if set, do not show fields, other than on/off labels - labels of columns, else use tagnames scFrac= fraction (roughly) of y length to use title - window title col1Title - title of first column, else use tagname fieldSz - size of all numeric fields (defaults to 12) verbose - if set, print some info debug - if set, stop in the middle OUTPUTS: newStruct = edited structure EXAMPLE: items = replicate( '\OPERATIONS::F_FLEVVL', 40 ) nitems = n_elements( items ) for i=0,nitems-1 do items[i]=items[i]+string(i,format='(i2.2)') onoffs = replicate( 1, nitems ) errvals = replicate( 1.e6, nitems ) more = errvals third =replicate( 1, nitems ) forth=third struct = { items : items, onoffs : onoffs, errvals : errvals, more:more, $ third:third, forth:forth} s= edittable( struct, title='My Dets') MODIFICATION HISTORY: WRITTEN 19-Jan-2005 by Bill Davis for Jon Menard
NAME: get_text_input PURPOSE: Prompt the user for input with a question and return the text string typed by user. For X-windows the input is through a text widget, in the middle of the screen, and the text widget waits until carriage return is entered. Otherwise input is in the terminal window, with a beep to alert user. CATEGORY: GUI, Input CALLING: text = get_text_input( question ) INPUTS: question = string(s), prompt for input, default is null string. If an array is passed, each element is shown on its own line. KEYWORDS: DEFAULT_INPUT = optional string, setting the default response. OUTPUTS: Function returns the text string entered by user, with leading and trailing blanks removed. HISTORY: Written, Frank Varosi NASA/GSFC 1993. F.V.1997, question can be a string array, shown as multiple lines.
NAME: mk_pdmenu PURPOSE: make a structure for a pull down menu for CW_PDMENU routine CATEGORY: GUI, Programming CALLING SEQUENCE: menu = mk_pdmenu( list ) INPUTS: list - string array in KEYWORD PARAMETERS: inputs maxPerSubMenu = max # of menu items per sub-menu. If not specified, will try to limit max number to fit on screen. MenuTitle = menu title (Default=Select) outputs: menuItems - items in the menu OUTPUTS: menu - structure which can be input to CW_PDMenu EXAMPLE: pro test_pdmenu base = WIDGET_BASE() colID=WIDGET_BASE(base,/col) Printer_List = list_printer_unix( ) Printer_List = Printer_List( sort( Printer_List )) printer_pdmenu = MK_PDMENU( Printer_List, maxPerSubMenu=20 ) menu = CW_PDMENU(colID, printer_pdmenu, /RETURN_FULL_NAME, /MBAR) butID = WIDGET_BUTTON(colID, VALUE='Quit', UVALUE='Quit') WIDGET_CONTROL, /REALIZE, base repeat begin ev = WIDGET_EVENT(base) PRINT, ev.value end until ev.value eq 'Quit' WIDGET_CONTROL, /DESTROY, base stop end COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 11-Feb-2014 bombing on list variable 11-Apr-03 make default maxPerSubMenu fit on screen, if not given 27-Jan-03 Automatically make submenus when list of items is large 26-Mar-99 by Bill Davis
Category: Image Processing
[List of Routines]
NAME: Bin2D PURPOSE: Create a density image (2D histogram) from arrays of (x,y) points, or create an image of a function from arrays of ( x, y, f(x,y) ) data. In first case each pixel counts # of (x,y) points falling into a 2D bin (box), thus forming an image of counters. In optional case, each pixel is the average of all f(x,y) data falling into the box. Boxes are determined by dividing the (x,y) range into a uniform grid. CATEGORY: Image Processing CALLING EXAMPLES: imh = Bin2D( x, y, NPIX=64, XRAN=[0,20], YRAN=[-5,5] ) imz = Bin2D( x, y, FXY=z, NPIX=[200,100] ) INPUTS: X = array (any dimension) of x values. Y = array of y values, should correspond to x array. optionally, x can be of the form [[x],[y]] containing both x and y coordinates as rows of matrix, and then argument y should not be specified. KEYWORDS: XRAN and YRAN : specify the x,y range to be mapped into the image. Common Bin2D, xminc,xmaxc, yminc,ymaxc can also specify the x,y range if keywords are not used, otherwise the defaults = min-max ranges of x and y. NPIXELS = 1 or 2 element integer array specifying size of result, (single value means square image), default = [64,64]. /NOCLIP means do not bother checking if (x,y) are within range (faster). TYPE_VAR = type code specifying the IDL variable type of result, (1=byte, 2=short, 3=Long, 4=float,... default=2, short integer). KEYWORDS (optional): IMAGE_DENSITY = an existing image of counters (2D histogram) to which the result is added (overrides NPIX=). FXY = array giving z = f(x,y) for the purpose of binning into an image however, bins with no (x,y) data points are left = zero. (NOTE: must specify XRAN and YRAN, or set /NOCLIP). if /BOTH is set and FXY=z is given, then the binned image of z=f(x,y) is returned by function, and an image of (x,y) density is returned via the keyword IMAGE_DENSITY. OUTPUTS: Result of function is an image of the density of (x,y) points, or an image of scalar field function if z values are given at (x,y) points. PROCEDURE: Binning is performed by finding number of (x,y) duplicates at each pixel, using the IDL sort and where functions. HISTORY: written Frank Varosi, U.of MD., 1988. F.V. 1990, modif. for IDL-V2.
NAME: bpass PURPOSE: Implements a real-space bandpass filter which suppress pixel noise and slow-scale image variations while retaining information of a characteristic size. CATEGORY: Image Processing CALLING SEQUENCE: res = dgfilter( image, lnoise, lobject ) INPUTS: image: The two-dimensional array to be filtered. lnoise: Characteristic lengthscale of noise in pixels. Additive noise averaged over this length should vanish. MAy assume any positive floating value. lobject: A length in pixels somewhat larger than a typical object. Must be an odd valued integer. OUTPUTS: res: filtered image. PROCEDURE: simple 'wavelet' convolution yields spatial bandpass filtering. NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 19-May-2009 Limit filter width so convol doesn't exceed array dimensions [BD] Written by David G. Grier, The University of Chicago, 2/93. Greatly revised version DGG 5/95. Added /field keyword JCC 12/95. Revised & added 'stack','voxel' capability JCC 5/97. This code '' is copyright 1997, John C. Crocker and David G. Grier. It should be considered 'freeware'- and may be distributed freely in its original form when properly attributed.
NAME: cineload PURPOSE: Read a frame from a .cin file from a Phantom 7 camera. File is opened only the first time (or when filename is new), and pointers and things are remembered from one call to the next. CATEGORY: Image Processing CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> image = cineload( filename, frame ) INPUTS: filename - a .cin file frame - absolute frame number in file desired. 0 is always the first OUTPUTS image - a [n,y] or [3,n,y] image optional: fps - frames per second exposure - exposore time KEYWORD PARAMETERS (optional): input: init - first call for this filename verbose - print out lots of info debug - will stop within routine if error detected. output: bitcount - outMsg - status - if odd, then OK EXAMPLE: IDL> filename = '/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_139475.cin' IDL> cine_time, filename, times IDL> img = cineload(filename, 0) ; get the first frame NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 27-Feb-2013 error message, and assume FirstFrame=0, if frame outside range in file. This is necessary for some apps when the first frame in the file is not 0. 03-Jan-2013 fixed exposure output 22-Jun-2010 don't return image as UINT if only 8 bits 02-Apr-2010 flip Miro files if gt 137000, according to Lane 01-Jul-2009 merged "memory feature" of with this 12-Nov-2008 Hide firstFrame ne 0 within this routine, so calling program can ask for first frame. 10-Nov-2008 don't force frame=0 when /INIT [BD] 02-Jul-2008 added capability for MIRO color cameras [BD] 19-Apr-2007 added keyword INIT in case frames don't start at 1 [BD] IDL> img = CINELOAD(GETENV("NSTXUSR")+'/miro/MIRO_130363.cin', 100, /debug) IDL> img = CINELOAD(GETENV("NSTXUSR")+'/phantom4/NSTX_130363.cin', 100, /debug) WRITTEN by Ricky Maqueda, Bill Davis & Werner Boeglin
NAME: cinerate PURPOSE: Return framing rate from a .cin file from a Phantom 7 camera. CATEGORY: Image Processing CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> rate= cinerate( filename ) RETURNED: rate - frames per second INPUTS: filename - a .cin file KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUT: serialNum - serial number of camera warning - if set to 0, will not pop dialog up for messages EXAMPLE: IDL> cine_time,'/p/camdata/dust/nstx121048.cin', time NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Bill Davis 17-Jul
NAME: cine_snum PURPOSE: Return camera serial number from a .cin file from a Phantom camera. CATEGORY: Image Processing CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> serialNumber = cine_snum( filename ) INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INPUT: filename - a .cin file OUTPUT: serialNumber - serial number of camera EXAMPLE: IDL> print, cine_snum('/p/nstxcam/Miro2-7988/2010/nstx_2_137839.cin') MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written May-2010 by Bill Davis from program written by Ricky Maqueda.
NAME: cine_time PURPOSE: Read time from a .cin file from a Phantom 7 camera. CATEGORY: Image Processing CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> cine_time, filename, times[, frames, xsize=xsize, ysize=ysize] INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INPUT: filename - a .cin file positive - if set, will not return negative image numbers OUTPUT: times - array of times in seconds of frames frames - array of frame numbers firstImage - first image number imageSize - image size in bytes xsize - horizontal size of an image ysize - vertical size of an image serialNum - serial number of camera warning - if set to 0, will not pop dialog up for messages EXAMPLE: IDL> cine_time,'/p/camdata/dust/nstx121048.cin', time NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 04-Mar-2014 keyword POSITIVE to correct for negative frame numbers 16-Jan-2014 fixed exposure output 19-Aug-2012 fixed dt being 2usec, 3usec, 2usec, etc. for Phantoms with 400,000 rate 16-Aug-2010 added warning keyword, so doesn't pop dialog box on wall if error 22-Jun-2010 don't make image UINT if only 8 bits 05-May-2010 added keyword serialNum 02-Apr-2010 flip Miro files if gt 137000, according to Lane 01-Jul-2009 merged "memory feature" of with this 17-Jul-2008 return FirstImage (first frame) 17-Jun-2008 check for existence of file 27-Apr-2007 commented out time-correction code which was giving -NaN for $NSTXUSR/phantom4/flipped_123648.cin (exposure time was changed) Written by Bill Davis, for Lane Roquemore, 31-May-2006 from program written by Ricky Maqueda.
NAME: CONVOLVE PURPOSE: Convolution of an image with a Point Spread Function (PSF) CATEGORY: Image Processing, Math EXPLANATION: The default is to compute the convolution using a product of Fourier transforms (for speed). CALLING SEQUENCE: psf = psf_Gaussian( NPIXEL=21, FWHM=5, /NORMALIZE ) imconv = convolve( image1, psf, FT_PSF = psf_FT ) or: correl = convolve( image1, image2, /CORREL ) or: correl = convolve( image, /AUTO ) INPUTS: image = 2-D array (matrix) to be convolved with psf psf = the Point Spread Function, (size < or = to size of image). OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: FT_PSF = passes out/in the Fourier transform of the PSF, (so that it can be re-used the next time function is called). FT_IMAGE = passes out/in the Fourier transform of image. /CORRELATE uses the conjugate of the Fourier transform of PSF, to compute the cross-correlation of image and PSF, (equivalent to IDL function convol() with NO rotation of PSF) /AUTO_CORR computes the auto-correlation function of image using FFT. /NO_FT overrides the use of FFT, using IDL function convol() instead. (then PSF is rotated by 180 degrees to give same result) METHOD: When using FFT, PSF is centered & expanded to size of image. HISTORY: written, Frank Varosi, NASA/GSFC 1992. Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997
NAME: fastcam_frame PURPOSE: a generic routine to get a frame of data from Fast Cameras. You can get camera data from MDSplus at MIT, read localNetCDF, HDF, or CIH files (which follow expected conventions), as well as the Cine files. CATEGORY: Image Processing CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> image = fastcam_frame( filename, frame ) INPUTS: filename - a .cin file frame - absolute frame number in file desired. 0 is always the first OUTPUTS image - a [n,y] or [3,n,y] image optional: fps - frames per second exposure - exposore time KEYWORD PARAMETERS (optional): input: timeWanted - frameWanted - force - for remote data from MIT, connect to MDSplus server, open Spectroscopy tree, etc. outMsg - error message, if problem status - if 0, then a problem verbose - print out lots of info debug - will stop within routine if error detected. Only for .cin files: init - bitcount - pps - exposure - EXAMPLES: IDL> data = fastcam_frame( '/u/bdavis/Blobs/solt_012_3.5b.hdf', frame=2 ) IDL> dataM = fastcam_frame( 'shot_1120224022.cin', frame=2 ) IDL> dataX = fastcam_frame( 'shot_1120224022.cine', frame=2 ) IDL> ; e.g., shot=138846 & timeWanted=0.2 IDL> ; this is an easy way to get GPI filenames for NSTX IDL> filename = findCamFiles( shot, cam=5 ) IDL> ; if you want to access frames by time, get the allTimes array IDL> ; (seconds) so you can look up the frame number IDL> FASTCAM_TIMES, filename, allTimes, frames, status=status IDL> ; (frames[0] is usually 0, but not always!) IDL> frameNumber = nearesti( allTimes, timeWanted ) + frames[0] IDL> image = FASTCAM_FRAME( filename, frameNumber, $ ; inputs IDL> outMsg=outMsg, status=status ) ; returned NOTES: can be used in conjunction with MODIFICATION HISTORY: 31-Oct-2013 - support for NetCDF files (ext nc) for test blob files 17-Jul-2013 - try to use read_generic for single frame files 10-Sep-2012 - if no directory info, and shot is > 9, then get from tree at MIT 26-Mar-2012 - added support for SOLT model output written by Jim Myra WRITTEN 15-Apr-2009 by Bill Davis
NAME: fastcam_times PURPOSE: a generic routine to get timing array for Fast Cameras. You can get camera data from MDSplus at MIT, read localNetCDF, HDF, or CIH files (which follow expected conventions), as well as the Cine files. CATEGORY: Image Processing CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> fastcam_times, filename, times INPUTS: filename - a .cin file OUTPUTS times - times of frames in seconds after T0 optional: fps - frames per second exposure - exposore time KEYWORD PARAMETERS (optional): inputs: noOpen - if=1, will force a file open cam - for MIT cameras (1 is midplane camera) outputs: serialNum frame_rate EXAMPLE: IDL> fastcam_times, '/u/bdavis/Blobs/solt_012_3.5b.hdf', times IDL> fastcam_times, 'shot_1120224022.cin', times, frames MODIFICATION HISTORY: 31-Oct-2013 - support for NetCDF files (ext nc) for test blob files 10-Sep-2012 - if no directory info, and shot is > 9, then get from tree at MIT 26-Mar-2012 - added support for SOLT model output written by Jim Myra 05-May-2010 - added keyword serialNum WRITTEN 15-Apr-2009 by Bill Davis
NAME: fcplayer PURPOSE: Also displays files from the Phantom or color Miro cameras (.cin files) and optionally save frames as JPEG, PNG or TIFF files. Allows recording of click locations on .cin files from a Phantom 4 or 7 camera (for tracking dust, e.g.). Also trackes "blobs" from images of edge turbulence. CATEGORY: Image Processing, Animation, Fast Cameras CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> fcplayer, filename INPUTS: filename - a .cin file (or will pop dialog box) Environmental/System variable FC_DATA_DIR will be used, if set, to look for files containing the string in 'filename' KEYWORD PARAMETERS: AveT1 - start time in seconds to form average frame for normalizing AveT2 - end time in seconds to form average frame for normalizing AveF1 - start frame to form average frame for normalizing AveF2 - end frame to form average frame for normalizing bgFrame - the first frame of the background (default=0) box - if set, will try to handle two boxes that show up on one of Ricky's cameras ByteScale - if =0, will not byte scale image before displaying. camera - a number from 1-7, which will go into wildcard search for filename like 'nstx_5_' colorTable - default to IDL color table 3 (hot metal) drawXSize - the horizontal size in pixels of the image window gamma - gamma correction. (Default=1, which is no correction). 0.5 probably better for Miro horizontal_flip - if set, flip images horizontally (desired for NSTX and CMOD shots) INTERP - if =1, pixels will be smoothed, rather than replicated loop - if set, will continue to loop over all times, or those in widget boxes. maxPlayMinutes - defaults to 60 minXsize - minimum X size of window displaying image nBG - number of background frames. If=0 (the default) no background subtraction is done noCaption - do not put text on or above image pause - time to pause between frames when playing radius - 1/2 of square in pixels drawn around click point, setting the area to be used for the maxval calculation. RotCCW - rotate image Counter-ClockWise (desired for NSTX shots) RotCW - rotate image ClockWise RotDegrees - rotate an arbitray # of degrees Clockwise saturation - As in HSV color representation, for color camera. Default is 0.3. startTime - start time in milliseconds shot - a number which will go into wildcard search for filename like '*123456.*' vertical_flip - if set, flip images vertically FrameOffset - if set, subtract this (like a baseline) from all pixels FrameAveMin - if set, make close-to-zero pixels this number, so when dividing into data, as in normalizing, result is near zero (if <= 0, then just one average frame will be used) AveFrameSmooth - smoothing for the averaged frame(s) FrameAveDeltaMS - make frames used for normalizing an average of this many millisec verbose - if set, lots of information output listed debug - if set, will output even more and may stop at some spots GROUP_LEADER - Group_Leader ID Blob-related keywords: blobs - if set, will track blobs (and will set normalize=1, if not set) normalize - if set, will divide frames by the average frame saveBlobs - if set, will save blob info to a file (may be easier to run BlobArrows - if set, will draw arrow from where blob was in the last frame (if database available for shot and time range) history - if set, will draw plus signs of previous locations of blob (if database available for shot and time range) surface - show shaded surface plot of blobs in another window aveT1 - if tracking blobs, use this as start time in sec. for averaging frame (DEF=0) aveT2 - if tracking blobs, use this as ending time in sec. for averaging frame (DEF=end of file) OUTPUTS: none. COMMON BLOCKS: region_com ROUTINES USED: MK_COLOR, usingXwindows EXAMPLE: IDL> fcplayer ; you will be prompted for a .cin file or IDL> fcplayer,'nstx121048.cin',start=200 or IDL> fcplayer,'MIRO_130376.cin',start=232 IDL> fcplayer,file='~bdavis/France/Data/ball_against_wall_cam2.cine', $ nsmooth=5, /gauss, nbg=1, /invert, /debug fcplayer, colorTable=3, /horiz, minXsize=256, normalize=0, $ /RotCCW, /edge, $ file='/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_138844.cin' fcplayer, '/u/bdavis/03-03-2014essais5.cine', $ minX=500, blobs=1, norm=0, showNum=0, nsmooth=3, GaussSmooth=0, $ gamma=0.3, min2show=5 ,/debug fcplayer, '/u/bdavis/03-03-2014essais5.cine', aveF1=10, aveF2=110, $ minX=500, blobs=0, norm=1, showNum=0, nsmooth=3, GaussSmooth=0 gamma=0.5, min=40 ,/debug for GPI 2015 paper: fcplayer,file='nstx_5_140395.cin', /horiz, /RotCC, /show5, $ colorTable=3, minxsize=500, aveT1=.5505, aveT2=.5515, $ showNum=0, plusSign=0, FrameAveDeltaMS=0 ;;;, /rainbow ;;;, minVal=0.405, maxVal=2.159 fcplayer,file='nstx_5_141746.cin', aveT1=.208, aveT2=.209, minxsize=400 for GPI study: fcplayer,file='nstx_5_137582.cin', $ aveT1=0.329, aveT2=0.333, /horiz, /RotCC, $ colorTable=3, minXsize=400, FrameAveDeltaMS=0 ,/debug fcplayer, '/u/bdavis/cvs/idl_cvs/', horiz=0, minx=400 examples for Blob tracking: fcplayer,file='/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_139056.cin', $ aveT1=0.420, aveT2=0.430, /horiz, /RotCC, $ colorTable=3, /blobs, minXsize=300 , FrameAveDeltaMS=0 ,/debug fcplayer, file='/u/bdavis/Blobs/solt_012_3.5b.hdf', /horiz, /rotcw, ctb=3, minXsize=300, $ minNorm=0.001, aveT1=0.0, aveT2=1.e-5, FrameAveDeltaMS=0, /blobs , /debug fcplayer, aveT1=0.0, aveT2=0.02, colorTable=3, /blobs, /horiz, minXsize=400, $ file='/home/bdavis/shot_1091216028.cin' ; at MIT fcplayer, aveT1=0.0, aveT2=0.02, colorTable=3, /blobs, /horiz, minXsize=400, $ file='/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom_Data/2009_Phantom_data/1091216/shot_1091216028.cin' (Myra:) fcplayer, aveT1=0.055, aveT2=0.0580, colorTable=3, /blobs, /horiz, minXsize=256, $ file='/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom_Data/2010_data/1100120/shot_1100120025.cin' fcplayer, aveT1=0.06, aveT2=0.08, colorTable=3, /blobs, /horiz, minXsize=256, $ file='/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom_Data/2010_data/1100824/shot_1100824017.cin' fcplayer,file='/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_139432.cin', $ aveT1=0.268, aveT2=0.288, /horiz, /RotCC, $ colorTable=3, /blobs, minXsize=300 ,/debug fcplayer,file='/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_139442.cin', $ aveT1=0.310, aveT2=0.312, /horiz, /RotCC, colorTable=3, minXsize=300 ,/debug fcplayer,file='/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_139444.cin', $ aveT1=0.265, aveT2=0.275, /horiz, /RotCC, $ colorTable=3, /blobs, minXsize=300 , FrameAveDeltaMS=0 ,/debug fcplayer, $ file='/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom_Data/2009_Phantom_data/1091216/shot_1091216030.cin', $ colorTable=3, minXsize=256, /blobs, /horiz, aveT1=0., aveT2=0.02, /debug fcplayer,colortable=3, minXsize=256, /blobs, /horiz, avet1=1.25, avet2=1.27, $ file='/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom_Data/2010_data/1100803/shot_1100803008.cin' fcplayer, aveT1=0.0, aveT2=0.02, colorTable=3, /blobs, /horiz, minXsize=512, $ file='/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom_Data/2011_data/1110114/shot_1110114026.cin' fcplayer,file='/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_141751.cin', $ aveT1=0.2, aveT2=0.22, /horiz, /RotCC, $ colorTable=3, minXsize=256, /blobs,/debug fcplayer,file='/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_141752.cin', $ aveT1=0.21, aveT2=0.23, /horiz, /RotCC, $ colorTable=3, minXsize=256, /blobs fcplayer,file='/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_138234.cin', $ aveT1=0.530, aveT2=0.550, /horiz, /RotCC, colorTable=3, $ minXsize=300, /blobs ,/debug fcplayer,file='/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_138234.cin', $ aveT1=0.530, aveT2=0.540, /horiz, /RotCC, $ colorTable=3, minXsize=300, /blobs , FrameAveDeltaMS=0 ,/debug fcplayer,file='/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_138128.cin', $ aveT1=0.280, aveT2=0.290, /horiz, /RotCC, $ colorTable=3, minXsize=300, /blobs , FrameAveDeltaMS=0 ,/debug fcplayer,file='/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_138114.cin', $ aveT1=0.225, aveT2=0.235, /horiz, /RotCC, $ colorTable=3, minXsize=300, /blobs , FrameAveDeltaMS=0 ,/debug fcplayer,'/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_138120.cin' , $ avet1=0.219,avet2=0.229, colorTable=3, minXsize=256, /blobs, /horiz, $ /rotccw, starttim=.2 NB shot, with 1MW during some FC timesL fcplayer,'/p/nstxcam-archive/Phantom710-9205/2010/nstx_5_142220.cin' , $ avet1=0.280,avet2=0.300, colorTable=3, minXsize=256, /blobs, /horiz, $ /rotccw, starttim=.29 for looking at elliptical changes at 0.922: fcplayer, colorTable=3, /blobs, /horiz, minXsize=400, $ file='/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom_Data/2011_data/1110114/shot_1110114032.cin' to look at X-pt camera from CMOD: fcplayer, aveT1=0.08, aveT2=0.09, colorTable=3, /blobs, /horiz, /RotCW, minXsize=400, $ file='/p/gpi/szweben/Phantom2_Data/2012_shots/1120815/shot_1120815021.cine', $ FrameAveMin=25, FrameAveDeltaMS=1, max2show=2 to look at X-pt camera from CMOD via MDSplus (times are shot times): fcplayer, aveT1=1.044, aveT2=1.048, colorTable=3, /blobs, /horiz, /RotCW, $ minXsize=400, file='shot_1120224022.cine', $ FrameAveMin=25, FrameAveDeltaMS=0, max2show=2 to look at mid-plane camera from CMOD via MDSplus fcplayer, aveT1=1.044, aveT2=1.045, colorTable=3, /blobs, /horiz, $ minXsize=400, file='shot_1120224022.cin', $ ; no "e" on end for midplane FrameAveMin=25, FrameAveDeltaMS=0, max2show=2 shot = '1120815018' & t1=1.270 & t2=1.274 ; black part will be across top with /horiz and /RotCW fcplayer, aveT1=t1, aveT2=t2, colorTable=3, /blobs, /horiz, /RotCW, $ minXsize=400, file='shot_'+shot+'.cine', $ ; .cine is X-pt cam FrameAveDeltaMS=0, FrameAveMin=25, max2show=2 to look at corresponding mid-plane camera from CMOD: fcplayer, aveT1=t1, aveT2=t2, colorTable=3, /blobs, /horiz, $ minXsize=400, file='shot_'+shot+'.cin', $ ; .cin is midplane cam FrameAveDeltaMS=0, FrameAveMin=25, max2show=2 ; blacking good here? fcplayer, aveT1=1.086, aveT2=1.088, colorTable=3, /blobs, /horiz, $ minXsize=400, file='shot_1120224029.cin', $ FrameAveMin=25, FrameAveDeltaMS=0, max2show=2 , minrise = 0.06 fcplayer, aveT1=1.440, aveT2=1.443, colorTable=3, /blobs, /horiz, $ minXsize=400, file='shot_1120712028.cin', $ FrameAveMin=25, FrameAveDeltaMS=0, max2show=2 , minrise = 0.06 fcplayer, aveT1=1.440, aveT2=1.443, colorTable=3, /blobs, /horiz, /rotcw, $ minXsize=400, file='shot_1120712028.cine', $ FrameAveMin=25, FrameAveDeltaMS=0, max2show=2 , minrise = 0.06 fcplayer, aveT1=1.086, aveT2=1.088, colorTable=3, /blobs, /horiz, $ minXsize=400, file='shot_1120224029.cine', $ ; RotDeg=51, $ FrameAveMin=25, FrameAveDeltaMS=0, max2show=2, minrise = 0.06 fcplayer, aveT1=1.089, aveT2=1.091, colorTable=3, /blobs, /horiz, /rotcw, $ minXsize=400, file='shot_11202240.cine', $ FrameAveMin=25, FrameAveDeltaMS=0, max2show=2 NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 11-Jun-2015 Stewart wants TOPNORM, xFromSEP,tiltHM, ellipHM and EHMht printed beside blobs 12-Mar-2014 added ability to specify Fit for separatrix 03-Mar-2014 when GPI fast camera asked for, use BD preferences. 31-Oct-2013 - support for NetCDF files (ext nc) for test blob files 08-Oct-2013 added manifold-showing option. New limiter position 17-Jul-2013 made to work (again) with a single frame 05-Mar-2013 added shot and camera keywords. 29-Nov-2012 Replaced Save-as-GIF with PNG 06-Oct-2012 allow surface plot axes to be in cm 05-Oct-2012 added showNumbers keyword so text on images can be surpressed. 13-Sep-2012 If CMOD files not in local directory, or the one specified, get from MDSplus at MIT. 05-Sep-2012 different smoothing parameter for Frame Averaging. Allow average frames to be for 1ms, or whatever. New keyword FrameOffset to be subtracted from each frame. Reinstated the printing of "rise" next to blobs. 04-Sep-2012 read file for Average Intensity plot, if not in tree. 27-Mar-2012 support for HDF files from simulations by Jim Myra. 07-Mar-2012 In findblobs, check Chi Squared first, before tossing all interior contours (fixed a bug where occaisional blobs missing). 01-Mar-2012 decided not to smooth average frame. Changed median smoothing to regular 23-Feb-2012 allow for not smoothing the average frame. Smooth average frame the same as the setting for the data 14-Dec-2011 added option to show separatrix (keyword edge); probably only makes sense for GPI camera (#5) data 07-Dec-2011 subtract background right after data read, so shouldn't rotate, flip, etc., background data 26-Sep-2011 Anticipating loading of blob database will be done with, made the blobCriteria more reasonable. MinHt 1.1, MinArea 15, MinChiSq 5, minRise 0.05 06-Sep-2011 reworked findblobs, so can plot surface within same window 20-May-2011 fixed printer selection and aspect ration of prints 07-Apr-2011 added NoCaption keyword for NOVA work. 21-Jan-2011 use database of parent/child relations of blobs to draw arrows Using point of maximum withing (smoothed) blob as center to track. 04-Jan-2011 blob tracking and output file for Stewart Zweben 22-Jul-2010 added Preview and Revert buttons to Image Enhancement widget. 23-Jun-2010 desensitze widgets in slave window that would create new widget IDs 14-Jun-2010 added rotate-image options 10-Jun-2010 added Master Player feature to allow synced play of two different cameras 08-Jun-2010 use amedian, so edges of images get filtered 28-May-2010 fixed play range, and made jpeg saves a screen dump (so would use image enhancements. 27-May-2010 can specify nBG and BGframe on command line. 18-May-2010 fixed one pixel too many being displayed on zoom (so click points off a little) 06-May-2010 Improved default dir for writing Click files, and don't destroy clicked data if cancel out of writing. 19-Apr-2010 combined background dialogs into one widget 27-Jan-2010 remove /KEEP_ASPECT from TVIMAGE and draw at z=0 so Z Position is correct 21-Jan-2010 set Val printed back to value of clicked point (for later reasonableness checking) 11-Jan-2010 Added slider for saturation in "Image Enhancement" widget, and made default=0.3 05-Jan-2010 Added display of X & Y positions 21-Dec-2009 Added "Specify region to display" option 10-Dec-2009 Added option to plot average intensity vs. time of RGB components 01-Sep=2009 added /horizontal_flip and /vertical_flip and menu items. 06-Jul-2009 Added menu option to search for movie files. 24-Jun-2009 Added Write MPEG, and min/max values to show. 15-Apr-2009 Added support for *.raww files, from new Photron camera 10-Nov-2008 cleaned up incompatibility with tvimage. Added menu options for # of background frames to subtract, start frame for background subtraction, turn off/on byte scaling of image. 04-Aug-2008 added Frame Time slider widget 31-Jul-2008 Added imageproc option to Special menu & gamma setting to Edit menu. Also added median smoothing option. 16-Jul-2008 Can ungzip .gz files automatically 14-Jul-2008 Added support for color images. Added GAMMA keyword. 10-Jun-2008 Added XSectionW option. Changed default to no background subtraction 15-May-2008 Added maxPlayMinutes, so movie won't run for ever (Default to 1 hour) 12-May-2008 made advance and backup buttons more clear. Added noLoad keyword so color palette loading can be surpressed. 15-Feb-2008 Add options to save as JPEG, GIF & TIFF 15-Mar-2007 add animation feature 26-Oct-2006 added Advance-number-of-frames box 19-Oct-2006 added BG subtraction and "box disquising" 01-Jun-2006 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
see for more information NAME: Feature PURPOSE: Finds and measures roughly circular 'features' within an image. CATEGORY: Image Processing CALLING SEQUENCE: f = feature( image, diameter [, separation, masscut = masscut, min = min, iterate = iterate, /field, /quiet ] ) INPUTS: image: (nx,ny) array which presumably contains some features worth finding diameter: a parameter which should be a little greater than the diameter of the largest features in the image. Diameter MUST BE ODD valued. separation: an optional parameter which specifies the minimum allowable separation between feature centers. The default value is diameter+1. masscut:Setting this parameter saves runtime by reducing the runtime wasted on low mass 'noise' features. min: Set this optional parameter to the minimum allowed value for the peak brightness of a feature. Useful for limiting the number of spurious features in noisy images. field: Set this keyword if image is actually just one field of an interlaced (e.g. video) image. All the masks will then be constructed with a 2:1 aspect ratio. quiet: Supress printing of informational messages. iterate: if the refined centroid position is too far from the initial estimate, iteratively recalc. the centroid using the last cetroid to position the mask. This can be useful for really noisy data, or data with flat (e.g. saturated) peaks. Use with caution- it may 'climb' hills and give you multiple hits. OUTPUTS: f(0,*): this contains the x centroid positions, in pixels. f(1,*): this contains the y centroid positions, in pixels. f(2,*): this contains the integrated brightness of the features. f(3,*): this contains the square of the radius of gyration of the features. f(4,*): this contains the eccentricity, which should be zero for circularly symmetric features and order one for very elongated images. SIDE EFFECTS: Displays the number of features found on the screen. RESTRICTIONS: To work properly, the image must consist of bright, circularly symmetric regions on a roughly zero-valued background. To find dark features, the image should be inverted and the background subtracted. If the image contains a large amount of high spatial frequency noise, performance will be improved by first filtering the image. BPASS will remove high spatial frequency noise, and subtract the image background and thus provides a good complement to using this program. Individual features should NOT overlap. PROCEDURE: First, identify the positions of all the local maxima in the image ( defined in a circular neighborhood with diameter equal to 'diameter' ). Around each of these maxima, place a circular mask, of diameter 'diameter', and calculate the x & y centroids, the total of all the pixel values, and the radius of gyration and the 'eccentricity' of the pixel values within that mask. If the initial local maximum is found to be more than 0.5 pixels from the centroid and iterate is set, the mask is moved and the data are re-calculated. This is useful for noisy data. If the restrictions above are adhered to, and the features are more than about 5 pixels across, the resulting x and y values will have errors of order 0.1 pixels for reasonably noise free images. ********* READ THE FOLLOWING IMPORTANT CAVEAT! ********** 'feature' is capable of finding image features with sub-pixel accuracy, but only if used correctly- that is, if the background is subtracted off properly and the centroid mask is larger than the feature, so that clipping does not occur. It is an EXCELLENT idea when working with new data to plot a histogram of the x-positions mod 1, that is, of the fractional part of x in pixels. If the resulting histogram is flat, then you're ok, if its strongly peaked, then you're doing something wrong- but probably still getting 'nearest pixel' accuracy. For a more quantitative treatment of sub-pixel position resolution see: J.C. Crocker and D.G. Grier, J. Colloid Interface Sci. *179*, 298 (1996). MODIFICATION HISTORY: This code is inspired by feature_stats2 written by David G. Grier, U of Chicago, 1992. Written by John C. Crocker, U of Chicago, optimizing runtime and measurement error, 10/93. Added field keyword, 4/94. Added eccentricity parameter, 5/95. Added quiet keyword 12/95. Added iteration, fixed up the radius/diameter fiasco and did some debugging which improves non-centroid data. 4/96. This code '' is copyright 1997, John C. Crocker and David G. Grier. It should be considered 'freeware'- and may be distributed freely in its original form when properly attributed.
NAME: FILTER_IMAGE PURPOSE: Identical to MEDIAN or SMOOTH but handle edges and allow iterations. CATEGORY: Image Processing EXPLANATION: Computes the average and/or median of pixels in moving box, replacing center pixel with the computed average and/or median, (using the IDL smooth or median functions). The main reason for using this function is the option to also process the pixels at edges and corners of image, and, to apply iterative smoothing simulating convolution with Gaussian, and/or to convolve image with a Gaussian kernel. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = filter_image( image, SMOOTH=box_width, /MEDIAN, /ALL ) INPUT: image = 2-D array (matrix) OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: SMOOTH = scalar (odd) integer specifying the width of a square box for moving average, in # pixels. /SMOOTH means use box width = 3 pixels for smoothing. MEDIAN = scalar (odd) integer specifying the width of square moving box for median filter, in # pixels. /MEDIAN means use box width = 3 pixels for median filter. /ALL_PIXELS causes the edges of image to be filtered as well, accomplished by reflecting pixels adjacent to edges outward. /ITERATE means apply smooth(image,3) iteratively for a count of (box_width-1)/2 times (=radius), when box_width >= 5. This is equivalent to convolution with a Gaussian PSF of FWHM = 2 * sqrt( radius ) as radius gets large. Note that /ALL_PIXELS is automatically applied, giving better results in the iteration limit. (also, MEDIAN keyword is ignored when /ITER is specified). FWHM_GAUSSIAN = Full-width half-max of Gaussian to convolve with image. FWHM can be a single number (circular beam), or 2 numbers giving axes of elliptical beam. /NO_FT_CONVOL causes the convolution to be computed directly, with IDL function convol. The default is to use FFT when factors of size are all LE 13. (note that external function convolve handles both cases) RESULT: Function returns the smoothed, median filtered, or convolved image. If both SMOOTH and MEDIAN are specified, median filter is applied first. EXAMPLES: To apply 3x3 moving median filter and then 3x3 moving average, both applied to all pixels: Result = filter_image( image, /SMOOTH, /MEDIAN, /ALL ) To iteratively apply 3x3 moving average filter for 4 = (9-1)/2 times, thus approximating convolution with Gaussian of FWHM = 2*sqrt(4) = 4 : Result = filter_image( image, SMOOTH=9, /ITER ) To convolve all pixels with Gaussian of FWHM = 3.7 x 5.2 pixels: Result = filter_image( image, FWHM=[3.7,5.2], /ALL ) EXTERNAL CALLS: function psf_gaussian function convolve pro factor function prime ;all these called only if FWHM is specified. PROCEDURE: If /ALL_PIXELS or /ITERATE keywords are set then create a larger image by reflecting the edges outward, then call the IDL median and/or smooth function on the larger image, and just return the central part (the orginal size image). HISTORY: Written, 1991, Frank Varosi, NASA/GSFC. FV, 1992, added /ITERATE option. FV, 1993, added FWHM_GAUSSIAN= option. Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997
NAME: GAMMA_RAISE PURPOSE: Apply gamma correction to an array, presumably an image. CATEGORY: Image Processing. CALLING SEQUENCE: newImage = GAMMA_RAISE(image, Gamma) INPUTS: Gamma: The value of gamma correction. A value of 1.0 indicates a linear ramp, i.e., no gamma correction. Higher values of gamma give more contrast. Values less than 1.0 yield lower contrast. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: A gamma-corrected image. RESTRICTIONS: None. PROCEDURE: The gamma correction is implemented as x^gamma. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 14-Jul-2008 by Bill Davis
NAME: GETIMAGE PURPOSE: The purpose of this function is to allow the user to open either regular or XDR binary image files of two or three dimensions. CATEGORY: Image Processing, Widgets, File I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: image = GETIMAGE(filename) INPUTS: filename: The name of the file to open for reading. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: CANCEL: An output variable that can be set to a named variable. The value of the return variable will be 1 if the user clicked the "Cancel" button or if there was a problem reading the file. DIRECTORY: The name of the directory the file is located in. By default the program looks in the "training" directory under the main IDL directory, if one exists. Otherwise, it defaults to the current directory. FRAMES: The 3rd dimension of a 3D data set. Defaults to 0. HEADER: The size of any header information in the file in BYTES. Default is 0. PARENT: The group leader for this widget program. The PARENT is required if GETIMAGE is called from another widget program. XDR: Set this keyword if the binary file is of XDR type. XOFFSET: This is the X offset of the program on the display. The program will be placed approximately in the middle of the display by default. XSIZE: The size of the 1st dimension of the data. YOFFSET: This is the Y offset of the program on the display. The program will be placed approximately in the middle of the display by default. YSIZE: The size of the 2nd dimension of the data. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: A "CANCEL" operation is indicated by a 0 return value. Any error in reading the file results in a 0 return value. RESTRICTIONS: None. EXAMPLE: To load the image "galaxy.dat" in the $IDL/examples/data directory, type: image = GETIMAGE('galaxy.dat', DIRECTORY=!DIR + '/examples/data', $ XSIZE=256, YSIZE=256, Cancel=cancelled, IF NOT cancelled THEN TV, image MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: David Fanning, 3 February 96. Fixed bug that prevented reading INTEGER data. 19 Dec 96. Modifed program for IDL 5 MODAL operation. 19 Oct 97. Added CANCEL keyword. 27 Oct 97. DWF. Fixed CANCLE keyword spelling. Sigh... 29 JUN 98. DWF.
NAME: imageproc PURPOSE: Demonstrate a few of IDL's image processing features: Fourier filtering, pixel scaling, pixel distribution (histogram), edge enhancement, dilate & erode, convolution, and zooming. CATEGORY: Image Processing, 2-D Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> imageproc INPUTS: input = a 2-D image (optional, otherwise will pop dialog for tiff file KEYWORD PARAMETERS: NColors - # of colors to use Bottom - value to add to bytescaled image magnification - magnification factor desired for image INTERP - if magnification set, INTERP=1 will cause interpolation XSIZE - xsize of displayed image YSIZE - ysize of displayed image REFERENCE: IDL Reference Guide, IDL User's Guide NAMED STRUCTURES: none. COMMON BLOCS: none. MODIFICATION HISTORY: July, 2004 a few more additions [BD] 23-Jan-00 Modified from RSI d_imageproc by Bill Davis. d_imageproc Written by: DC, RSI, 1995
NAME: shockvstime PURPOSE: Stack plots of a line from the center of .cin file image at various times See for sample images. After plotting, you will be prompted for times for which calculate the speed of the leading edge of the shockwave. CATEGORY: Image Processing, CINE files. CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> shockvstime, filename INPUTS: filename - a .cin file KEYWORD PARAMETERS: INPUTS: filename - .cin filename title - will default to 'Shock Wave at various times' times - times entered in msec (are seconds in file) jline - vertical index in image to use for line plot. Defaults to 25 addIn - vertical space between plots inc - increment between files to plot (defaults to 1, which plots all) gradient - if set, uses a gradient color palette flatFrac - see deltaPercent - see edge - if set, draw symbol at leading edge of shockwave (defined by point of increase after a long flat portion. cmPerPixel - centimeters per pixel (Default=0.2423) debug - if set, will stop RETURNED: allData - returns all the data within the time specified OUTPUTS: none. EXAMPLE: To get a postscript file: IDL> setup_ps, filename='', /color IDL> shockvstime IDL> unsetup_ps surftime=findgen(145)/145*(0.00119100-0.000773)*1000 +1.191 surfx =findgen(128) surf = interpPeak(allData) for j=1,2 do surf = interpPeak(surf) save,surfx,surfTime,surf, file='Surf_50ma.sav' shockvstime, /edge, inc=3 MODIFICATION HISTORY: 18-Jun-2009 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL, for Lane Roquemore
NAME: xsectionw PURPOSE: Widget to display an image and x-y plots of cross-sections. Color palettes may be loaded, adjusted and saved. Images can be saved as 'jpg','tif','tif','bmp','jpeg,'png', 'ppm', 'pgm', or 'gif' CATEGORY: Image Processing, 2-D Plotting, Files, Graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> xsectionw[[, image], x, y] INPUTS: image - a 2D array. If missing, and Keyword Filename not specified, a dialog box will appear allowing browsing for a TIFF image. x & y are optional inputs for x & y axes. Must be same dimension as image. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: (optional) filename - file to read (can be type 'jpg','tif','tif','bmp', 'jpeg,'png','ppm', 'pgm', or 'gif') xvals - optional values for X axis yvals - optional values for Y axis title - title to display at top of plot (Defaults to filename, if relevant) xsize - horizontal size of window (default is 0.75 of screen, but > 800) ysize - vertical size of window xoffset - initial horizontal offset of the widget (DEFAULT=0) yoffset - initial vertical offset of the widget (DEFAULT=30) INTERP - if magnification set, INTERP=1 will cause interpolation, rather than pixel replication. max_colors - # used by display (Default is 256) NOLOAD - if set, do not load color table colorTable - color table to use. Default is 03 (Hot Metal) NoCont - if set, no contours are drawn (default) file - color table file (for personal color tables) (other keywords to may be included) GROUP_LEADER - Group_Leader ID OUTPUTS: none. COMMON BLOCKS: none ROUTINES USED: MK_COLOR, usingXwindows, NWORDS, FLIP EXAMPLE: IDL> xsectionw, dist(200,200) IDL> xsectionw, '/u/bdavis/FTP/nstx000113723_90.tif' For serious testing of zooming, etc.: IDL> x=findgen(120)/120 IDL> y=findgen(50)*!PI IDL> d=sin(x*6+1)#cos(y/20+2) IDL> d[20:30,*]=-2 IDL> d[*,35:40]=.5 IDL> d=d*1000 IDL> d=d-min(d) IDL> th_image_cont,d,x,y IDL> xsectionw,d,x,y NOTES: If you specify max_colors to be something other than 256, and want to change color tables, you need to do something like: IDL> dum=MK_COLOR( table=3 ) Using XLOADCT, etc. won't work well, since it loads 256 colors. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 27-Nov-2013 handle input image file name 05-Nov-2013 list location of click line in x-y plot titles 23-Sep-2013 increase left margin when y-axis has exponents. Added /drag to xcolors call, so colors updated when drag slider 22-Oct-2010 Fixed a couple of bugs opening new images 05-Jan-2010 Default to just red component for true color images, but COMPONENT keyword added to override this. 18-Aug-2009 fixed bug in zooming 24-Jun-2009 added xrange, yrange, and zrange keywords 30-Sep-2008 just use channel 0 of 24-bit images 14-Jul-2008 Handle 24-bit color images (poorly, but doesn't bomb) 25-Apr-07 Added more modify color table options, and option to save color table. Support more kinds of image files. Can set background color from menu. Can save image or window to files. Added Median Smoothing opt 25-May-06 added noload keyword 02-May-06 fixed x-y plot axis limits when zoomed in 12-Apr-06 added x & y keywords, and made to work with resizing and drawing box 03-Feb-03 Option to force lines to black or white 11-Dec-01 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
Category: Interpolation
[List of Routines]
NAME: interp2dfit PURPOSE: fit irregularly-spaced x, y, & z points by fitting a 2-D surface using SFIT, and, using the returned coefficients, compute new values at other irregularly-spaced locations. CATEGORY: Interpolation CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> zWant = interp2dfit( x, y, z, Xwant, Ywant, surfaceOut=surfaceOut ) INPUTS: x, y, z - randomly-spaced points Xwant, Ywant - X & Y points at which to compute new points KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Inputs: degree - degree of polynomial passed to SFIT (default=6) plot - if set, will plot data and surfaces so you can see if fit is reasonable gtzero - if set, will force all values to be greater than 0 NXout - # of X points to use for fitted surface, and in returned array NYout - # of Y points to use for fitted surface, and in returned array verbose - if set, will print many informational messages debug - if set, debug output will be printed Outputs: Zwant - (returned value) interpolated values at Xwant & Ywant KX - coeficients of polynomial fit, returned from SFIT. surfaceOut - 2-D grid to which irregular points were interpolated EXAMPLE: ; get randomly-spaced x, y, & z values: IDL> restore,'/u/bdavis/cvs/idl_cvs/interp2dfiteg.sav' IDL> minx = MIN( x, MAX=maxx ) IDL> miny = MIN( y, MAX=maxy ) IDL> XWant = randomu(seed,200)*(maxX-minX) + minX ; more points make smoother plots IDL> YWant = randomu(seed,200)*(maxY-minY) + minY IDL> Zwant = interp2dfit( x, y, z, Xwant, Ywant, /gtZero, /plot ) NOTES: Polynomial fits can be way off beyond the edges of the data. (Probably should pass in as a parameter the 100 currently used to make the interpolated surface) MODIFICATION HISTORY: 22-Aug-2012 fix bug when plotting, but not returning regsurf 15-May-2010 Use Xwant and Ywant for output array WRITTEN 17-Jan-2010 by Bill Davis for Manny Manickam
NAME: interp2d PURPOSE: Perform bilinear 2d interpolation using the IDL intrinsic interpolate procedure CATEGORY: Interpolation CALLING SEQUENCE: result = interp2d(A,x0,y0,x1,y1) result = interp2d(A,x0,y0,x1,y1,/grid) result = interp2d(A,x0,y0,x1,y1,/regular,/cubic) result = interp2d(A,x0,y0,x1,y1,missing=missing) INPUTS: A = 2d array to interpolate x0 = Values that correspond to A(0,0), A(1,0), ... y0 = Values that correspond to A(0,0), A(0,1), ... x1 = New X values at which A should be interpolated y1 = New Y values at which A should be interpolated OPTIONAL INPUTS: nxny = [nx,ny] Vector of length 2 which specifies the size of the regular linearized grid produced with trigrid. The default is nxny = [51,51]. If the size of A is much larger than 51 by 51, greater accuracy may be obtained by having nxny = [n_elements(A(*,0),n_elements(A(0,*))] OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: grid= If set, return an n_elements(X1) by n_elements(y1) grid missing = Value to points which have X1 gt max(X0) or X1 lt min(X0) and the same for Y1. quintic = If set, use smooth interpolation in call to trigrid regular = If set, do not call trigrid -- x0 and y0 must be linear. cubic = If set, use cubic convolution extrapolate = If set, then extrapolate beyond boundary points bin = set to bin data prior to interpolation. (e.g. bin=2 interpolate every second pixel) Returned: result = a vector N_elements(X1) long or, if /grid is set result = an array that is N_elements(X1) by N_elements(Y1) PROCEDURE: First call the IDL intrinsic routines TRIANGULATE & TRIGRID to make sure that X0 and Y0 are linear (if /regular is not set). Then call the IDL intrinsic INTERPOLATE to do bilinear interpolation. RESTRICTIONS: X0 and Y0 must be linear functions. A must be a 2-d array HISTORY: 9-mar-94, J. R. Lemen LPARL, Written. 20-Jan-95, JRL, Added the REGULAR & CUBIC keywords 6-Sept-97, Zarro, GSFC, allowed for 2-d (X-Y) coordinate inputs 22-Apri-99, Zarro, SM&A/GSFC - added /triangulate and made /regular the default (much faster).
NAME: interpwf PURPOSE: Interpolate MDS signal, or array, to 1 KHz. CATEGORY: Interpolation CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> data1KHz = interpwf( inData, time=intime, OUTTIME=outTime) or IDL> data1KHz = interpwf( sigName ) INPUTS: inData - data array or MDSplus signal name KEYWORDS: intime - timebase of input. If not present will get dim_of(inData) dt - delta time desired of output. Default to 1.0e-3 (1 KHz) TSTART - start time desired. If not present, =0.0 TSTOP - last output time desired. If not present = max(inTime) Returned outTime - timebase of desired output array. EXAMPLES: (works with just arrays, if time present:) IDL> data1KHz = interpwf(findgen(3000), time=findgen(3000)/(3000)*1.2, $ OUTTIME=outTime) IDL> mdsopen, 'engineering', 130000 IDL> wf=interpwf( '\ip1', OUTTIME=outTime, $ tStart=-0.5, tStop=1.5 ) IDL> data=mdsvalue('\ip1') IDL> time=mdsvalue('dim_of(\ip1)') IDL> plot, time, data IDL> oplot, outTime, wf, color=colorsearch('red') LIMITATION: If a signal name is passed in, assume the tree is already open MODIFICATION HISTORY: 13-Feb-2009 do everything in IDL 27-Jun-2008 Convert to Linux 06-Apr-06 made default endtime lesser of input and output time 05-Jul-00 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: LINTERP PURPOSE: Linearly interpolate tabulated 1-d data from one grid to a new one. CATEGORY: Interpolation EXPLANATION: The results of LINTERP are numerically equivalent to the RSI INTERPOL() function, but note the followign: (1) LINTERP is a procedure rather than a function (2) INTERPOL() extrapolates beyond the end points whereas LINTERP truncates to the endpoints (or use the MISSING keyword) (3) LINTERP (unlike INTERPOL) uses the intrinsic INTERPOLATE function and thus may have a speed advantage Use QUADTERP for quadratic interpolation. CALLING SEQUENCE: LINTERP, Xtab, Ytab, Xint, Yint, [MISSING =, /NoInterp ] INPUT PARAMETERS: Xtab - Vector containing the current independent variable grid. Must be monotonic increasing or decreasing Ytab - Vector containing the current dependent variable values at the XTAB grid points. Xint - Scalar or vector containing the new independent variable grid points for which interpolated value(s) of the dependent variable are sought. OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Yint - Scalar or vector with the interpolated value(s) of the dependent variable at the XINT grid points. YINT is double precision if XTAB or YTAB are double, otherwise YINT is REAL*4 OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORD: MISSING - Scalar specifying YINT value(s) to be assigned, when Xint value(s) are outside of the range of Xtab. Default is to truncate the out of range YINT value(s) to the nearest value of YTAB. See the help for the INTERPOLATE function. /NoINTERP - If supplied then LINTERP returns the YTAB value(s) associated with the closest XTAB value(s)rather than interpolating. EXAMPLE: To linearly interpolate from a spectrum wavelength-flux pair WAVE, FLUX to another wavelength grid defined as: WGRID = [1540., 1541., 1542., 1543., 1544, 1545.] IDL> LINTERP, WAVE, FLUX, WGRID, FGRID FGRID will be a 6 element vector containing the values of FLUX linearly interpolated onto the WGRID wavelength scale PROCEDURE: Uses TABINV to calculate the effective index of the values in Xint in the table Xtab. The resulting index is used with the intrinsic INTERPOLATE function to find the corresponding Yint value in Ytab. Unless the MISSING keyword is supplied, out of range Yint values are truncated to the nearest value of Ytab. PROCEDURES CALLED: TABINV, ZPARCHECK MODIFICATION HISTORY: Adapted from the IUE RDAF, W. Landsman October, 1988 Modified to use the new INTERPOLATE function June, 1992 Modified to always return REAL*4 October, 1992 Added MISSING keyword August, 1993 Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 Added NoInterp keyword W. Landsman July 1999
Category: Math
[List of Routines]
NAME: dt_nicenumber PURPOSE: Makes nice delta time numbers, by rounding to 3 significant digits Can be used if you want to know if you have a constant timebase. CATEGORY: Math, Graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: niceDts = dt_nicenumber( dts ) INPUTS: dts - an array of numbers KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Optional Inputs: nSignificantDigits - number of significant digits to round to (defaults to 3) Optional Outputs: nDecimals - number of significant decimal places in returned value EXAMPLE: IDL> dt=[2.0003,2.15,.2003,.20009,22.0004,.250002,.5001,100000.1] IDL> print, dt_nicenumber(dt) 2.00000 2.15000 0.200000 0.200000 22.0000 0.250000 0.500000 100000. IDL> print, dt_nicenumber( -1.876e6 ) NOTES: see to round to numbers like 1, 2, 2.5, 5, etc., which might be time intervals for older digitizer rates. HISTORY: 13-May-2011 fixed bug 20-Apr-2011 handle arrays 05-Nov-2008 corrected for numbers like -1.876e6 26-Sep-2005 fixed nToShift for nums less than zero (like 0.0016) 26-Jul-04 work OK for 0 03-Nov-00 Rewrote [BD]
NAME: FACTOR PURPOSE: Find prime factors of a given number. CATEGORY: Math CALLING SEQUENCE: FACTOR, x, p, n INPUTS: x = Number to factor, scalar positive integer OUTPUT PARAMETERS: p = Array of prime numbers. n = Count of each element of p. INPUT KEYWORD PARAMETER: /HELP - Display help documentation PROCEDURES USED: PRIME() Also see numfactors, print_fact in the JHUAPL Library MODIFICATION HISTORY: R. Sterner. 4 Oct, 1988. RES 25 Oct, 1990 --- converted to IDL V2. Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. Copyright (C) 1988, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt. Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997
NAME: GAUSSIAN PURPOSE: Compute the 1-d Gaussian function and optionally the derivative CATEGORY: Math EXPLANATION: Compute the 1-D Gaussian function and optionally the derivative at an array of points. CALLING SEQUENCE: y = gaussian( xi, parms,[ pderiv ]) INPUTS: xi = array, independent variable of Gaussian function. parms = parameters of Gaussian, 2 or 3 element array: parms(0) = maximum value (factor) of Gaussian, parms(1) = mean value (center) of Gaussian, parms(2) = standard deviation (sigma) of Gaussian. (if parms has only 2 elements then sigma taken from common). OPTIONAL OUTPUT: pderiv = optional output of partial derivatives, computed only if parameter is present in call. pderiv(*,i) = partial derivative at all xi absisca values with respect to parms(i), i=0,1,2. Function returns array of Gaussian evaluated at xi. EXAMPLE: Evaulate a Gaussian centered at x=0, with sigma=1, and a peak value of 10 at the points 0.5 and 1.5. Also compute the derivative IDL> f = gaussian( [0.5,1.5], [10,0,1], DERIV ) ==> f= [8.825,3.25]. DERIV will be a 2 x 3 array containing the numerical derivative at the two points with respect to the 3 parameters. COMMON BLOCKS: common gaussian, sigma HISTORY: Written, Frank Varosi NASA/GSFC 1992. Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997
NAME: ndecimals PURPOSE: returns the number of non-zero digits after decimal point. ignores insigificant bits (in principle) CATEGORY: Math, Graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: n = ndecimals( num ) INPUTS: num - a number KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Optional Inputs: nSignificantDigits - max number of decimals to consider (defaults to 3 decimals) EXAMPLE: IDL> print, ndecimals(1.40001) 1 IDL> print, ndecimals(1.123001,nsig=2) 2 IDL> print, ndecimals(1.123001 ) 3 IDL> print, ndecimals('36.123456') 6 HISTORY: 21-Sep-2012 fixed bug for 1.434001 & '36.123456' 03-Mar-2011 Written [BD]
NAME: NICENUMBER PURPOSE: Find a "nice" number close to the given number. Actually, this is for older digitizers, so "rounds" to numbers like 1, 2, 2.5, 5, etc. CATEGORY: Math CALLING SEQUENCE: n = nicenumber(x) INPUTS: x = given number. in KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Keywords: /FLOOR finds next nice number le to X. /CEIL finds the next nice number ge to X. MINOR=m Returned suggested minor tick spacing. OUTPUTS: n = nice number close to x. out 1, 2, 2.5, or 5 scaled to size of x. COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: Notes: Default operation is useful for finding tick spacings: dx = nicenumber((xmx-xmn)/nticks). /FLOOR and /CEIL are useful for scaling data plots: xmn = nicenumber(min(x),/floor) xmx = nicenumber(max(x),/ceil) plot, x, y, xrange=[xmn,xmx], . . . /floor and /ceil may not give values related to the step size, dx. The following method will: ceil(t/dx)*dx is a multiple of dx on the high side of t. floor(t/dx)*dx is a multiple of dx on the low side of t. Use DT_NICENUMBER.PRO to "round" to a specific number of digits. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 20-Apr-2011 fix for array starting with zero, like; [ 0.0, 5.0e+15, 1.0e+16 ] 17-Feb-00 handle 190KHz ! (Bill Davis) R. Sterner, 6 Feb, 1990 R. Sterner, 27 Jan, 1993 --- dropped reference to array. R. Sterner, 12 Feb, 1993 --- returned 1 element array as a scalar. Copyright (C) 1990, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.
NAME: PRIME PURPOSE: Return an array with the specified number of prime numbers. CATEGORY: Math EXPLANATATION: This procedure is similar to PRIMES in the standard IDL distribution, but stores results in a common block, and so is much faster CALLING SEQUENCE: p = prime(n) INPUTS: n = desired number of primes, scalar positive integer OUTPUTS: p = resulting array of primes, vector of positive integers COMMON BLOCKS: prime_com NOTES: Note: Primes that have been found in previous calls are remembered and are not regenerated. MODIFICATION HISTORY: R. Sterner 17 Oct, 1985. R. Sterner, 5 Feb, 1993 --- fixed a bug that missed a few primes. Converted to IDL V5 March 1999 Copyright (C) 1985, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.
NAME: PSF_GAUSSIAN PURPOSE: Create a 1-d, 2-d, or 3-d Gaussian with specified FWHM, center CATEGORY: Math EXPLANATION: Return a point spread function having Gaussian profiles, as either a 1D vector, a 2D image, or 3D volumetric-data. CALLING SEQUENCE: psf = psf_Gaussian( NPIXEL=, FWHM= , [/NORMALIZE, /ST_DEV, ) or: psf = psf_Gaussian( parameters, NPIXEL = ) REQUIRED INPUT KEYWORD: NPIXEL = number pixels for each dimension, specify as an array, or just one number to make all sizes equal. OPTIONAL KEYWORDS: NDIMEN = dimension of result: 1 (vector), 2 (image), or 3 (volume), default = 2 (an image result). FWHM = the desired Full-Width Half-Max (pixels) in each dimension, specify as an array, or single number to make all the same. CENTROID = pixels numbers of PSF maximum ( 0.5 is center of a pixel ), default is exact center of requested vector/image/volume. STDEV = optional way to specify width by standard deviation param. XY_CORREL = scalar between 0 and 1 specifying correlation coefficient Use this keyword, for example, to specify an elliptical gaussian oriented at an angle to the X,Y axis /NORMALIZE causes resulting PSF to be normalized so Total( psf ) = 1. INPUTS (optional): parameters = an NDIMEN by 3 array giving for each dimension: [ maxval, center, stdev ], overrides other keywords. EXAMPLE: Create a 31 x 31 array containing a normalized centered gaussian with an X FWHM = 4.3 and a Y FWHM = 3.6 IDL> array = PSF_GAUSSIAN( Npixel=31, FWHM=[4.3,3.6], /NORMAL EXTERNAL CALLS: function Gaussian HISTORY: Written, Frank Varosi NASA/GSFC 1991. Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997
NAME: runTot PURPOSE: compute a running total of an array by calling an external routine (this is inefficient in normal IDL) CATEGORY: Math CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> outarray = runTot(inarray) INPUTS: inarray = a numeric array. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Keywords: HLP - When set, help information is printed. OUTPUTS: outarray = returned array of running total out COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> print, runtot(findgen(10)) IDL> MDSOPEN, 'operations', 100601 IDL> ip = MDSVALUE( '\operations::ip_ipf1b_1' ) IDL> V = runTot( ip ) NOTES: When the routine is called with no parameters, or with the keyword hlp set, help information is printed. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 04-Oct-99 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: SDEV PURPOSE: Returns standard deviation of an array. CATEGORY: Math CALLING SEQUENCE: s = sdev(a) INPUTS: a = input array. in KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: s = standard deviation of a. out COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 01-Aug-00 Commented-out checks for a major speed up. [BD] Written by K. Kostoff, 1/16/85 Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. Modified by B. Gotwols, R. Sterner --- 1 Oct, 1986. Copyright (C) 1986, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.
NAME: SIGN VERSION: 3.0 PURPOSE: Gives the sign of X, i.e. 1 for positive, -1 for negative, 0 for 0. CATEGORY: Math CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = SIGN(X) INPUTS: X Numerical, otherwise arbitrary. OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None. OUTPUTS: Returns the value of SIGN(X), see above, as an long integer. OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: None. RESTRICTIONS: For complex X the result is SIGN(REAL(X)), the imaginary part is ignored PROCEDURE: Straightforward. Using CAST from MIDL. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Created 15-JUL-1991 by Mati Meron. Modified 25-DEC-1991 by Mati Meron. Modified 5-DEC-1993 by Mati Meron. Output type changed to LONG.
NAME: sigx PURPOSE: Compute horizontal extent of blob along center axis, from edge to edge, given theta, and the two radii. Equation from Jim Myra CATEGORY: Math CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> sigx = sigx( theta, radius1, radius2 ) INPUTS: theta - radians clockwise, from zero to the horizontal left radius1 - radius2 - RETURNED: distance from center, horizontally, to edge of ellipse will be in the same units as the input radii TESTING: IDL> print, sigx( .5, 6, 6) 12.00000 IDL> print, sigx( 1.5, 6, 6) 12.00000 IDL> print, sigx( 0, 10, 5) 20.0000 IDL> print, sigx( !pi/2, 10, 5) 10..00000 IDL> print, sigx( !pi/4, 10, 5) 12.6491 MODIFICATION HISTORY: 23-Jun-2015 return distance from edge to edge, rather than center to edge 16-Jun-2015 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL, for Stewart Zweben
NAME: sigy PURPOSE: Compute vertical extent of blob from edge to edge along center axis given theta, and the two radii. The units of the result will be the same as the units of radius1 & radius2. Equation from Jim Myra CATEGORY: Math CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> sigy = sigy( theta, radius1, radius2 ) INPUTS: theta - radians clockwise, from zero to the horizontal left radius1 - radius2 - RETURNED: distance from center, vertically, to edge of ellipse will be in the same units as the input radii TESTING: Can be tested with IDL> print, sigy( .5, 6, 6 ) 12.0000 IDL> print, sigy( 2.35, 15, 10 ) 23.5902 IDL> print, sigy( 0, 15, 10 ) 20.0000 MODIFICATION HISTORY: 23-Jun-2015 return distance from edge to edge, rather than center to edge 16-Jun-2015 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL, for Stewart Zweben
NAME: TWOSCOMPLEMENT PURPOSE: Taking the Two's Complement of an integer CATEGORY: Math, Hardware, CAMAC CALLING SEQUENCE: twoscomp = TwosComplement( int ) INPUT: int - raw encoder value (8, 16 or 32 bit integer) OUTPUT: twoscomp - Two's complement of input. KEYWORDS: Optional Input: NBITS - # of bits; throw away this bit if there is a carry after adding 1 to the complement. Default is determined by data type. IfNeg - Only return the Two's Complement if value negative ALGORITHM: Taking the Two's Complement of a k-Digit Bitstring: 1.Complement the bitstring; i.e., change all 0s to 1s and all 1s to 0s; retain all leading 0s in your result. 2.Add 1 to this binary number (if there is a carry of 1 into the (k+1)st position, throw it away so that the result is still k-digits). 3.The result from (2) is the two's complement of the bitstring COMMENT: Works in many cases, but sign bit may get extended in some applications MODIFICATION HISTORY: 5-Jun-00 WMD Added Nbits & IfNeg Keywords
Category: MDSplus
[List of Routines]
NAME: addLabelNodes PURPOSE: Add LABEL sub-nodes to MDSplus signal nodes reading info from a file CATEGORY: MDSplus, TCL CALLING SEQUENCE: addLabelNodes, shot1, shot2, filename=filename INPUTS: shot1 = starting shot number to process (defaults to last shot) shot2 = last shot number to process (optional) KEYWORDS: filename - name of file with info - REQUIRED, see, e.g., BDAVIS$:[CVS.MISC.WF]tauslabel.dat the file must contain 4 columns, separated by white space. the first column is the tagname (without \), the last column is the Label text enclosed in double quotes. The middle columns can be any single word or character (file format from another application). tree - name of tree -- defaults to 'WF' COMMON BLOCKS: NONE NOTES: YOU NEED PRIVILEGES to write to the MDSplus tree. LIMITATIONS: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 25-Jan-01 Written by Bill Davis.
NAME: addmdstags PURPOSE: Add tags to MDSplus nodes PROCEDURE: CATEGORY: MDSplus, Summary CALLING SEQUENCE: addmdstags, shot=shot, nodes=nodes, tags=tags INPUTS: KEYWORDS: shot - shot number to process nodes - MDSplus node names to which tag will added (all in same tree) tags - to add VERBOSE - if set, more info is printed test - doesn't write to MDSplus EXAMPLE: nodes = ['\PASSIVESPEC::TOP.IR.IMG0.RAWDATA.IR_408:TIMES', $ '\PASSIVESPEC::TOP.IR.IMG1.RAWDATA.IR_408:TIMES', $ '\PASSIVESPEC::TOP.IR.IMG2.RAWDATA.IR_408:TIMES' ] tags = ['img0_408_times', 'img1_408_times', 'img2_408_times' ] addmdstags, shot=128000, nodes=nodes, tags=tags, /verb, /test for i=shot1,shot1+499 do addmdstags, shot=i, nodes=nodes, tags=tags, /verb NOTES: YOU NEED PRIVILEGES to write to the MDSplus tree. LIMITATIONS: Divide by zeroes, etc. will cause a message like: % Program caused arithmetic error: Floating illegal operand MODIFICATION HISTORY: 27-Mar-2008 Written by Bill Davis.
NAME: addsignodes PURPOSE: Add signal nodes and tags to a MDSplus tree for many shots PROCEDURE: CATEGORY: MDSplus CALLING SEQUENCE: addsignodes, shot1, shot2, tags=[tag1,tag2,tag3,...] INPUTS: shot1 = starting shot number to process shot2 = last shot number to process KEYWORDS: tags - tags to add (if defined in the model tree, you will not need to specify the corresponding nodes). nodes = if tags are not defined in the model tree, these are necessary tree - MDSplus tree usage - for MDSTCL node creation. Default='signal' VERBOSE - if set, more info is printed test - doesn't write to MDSplus NOTES: YOU NEED PRIVILEGES to write to the MDSplus tree. LOGIC: finds node names for tags. Then, if node names are not different than the "tag" names, does not add tags. LIMITATIONS: all signals must be in the same tree MODIFICATION HISTORY: 11-Apr-07 changed for Linux (add output= to mdstcl) 13-Jun-02 Written by Bill Davis.
NAME: addTreeToTag PURPOSE: return tags with trees merged in CATEGORY: MDSplus, SCOPE CALLING SEQUENCE: names = addTreeToTag( tags, trees ) INPUTS: tags - array of tags, e.g., '\ip1' (if tree already there, will not change) trees - array of trees (same dimension as tags) RETURNED: names - tag names with tree in them, e.g., '\engineering::ip1' KEYWORDS: COMMON BLOCKS: none EXAMPLE: IDL> print, addTreeToTag( ['\ip1+\ip2'], ['engineering'] ) \engineering::ip1+\engineering::ip2 IDL> print, addTreeToTag( ['\engineering::ip1.blah+\ip2'], ['engineering'] ) \engineering::ip1.blah+\engineering::ip2 LIMITATIONS: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 30-Apr-01 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: BreakMDSname PURPOSE: break an MDS pathname near the middle, if too long CATEGORY: MDSplus, Strings CALLING SEQUENCE: newLines = BreakMDSname( line ) INPUTS: line - string containing an MDSplus tag or node name in KEYWORD PARAMETERS: MAXLENGTH - max line length (default 72) OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: newlines - string array of MDSplus name broken near middle EXAMPLE: IDL> line = '\ENGINEERING::OPERATIONS.PC_OH_BR_1_CUR_1' IDL> newLines = BreakMDSname( line, MAXLENGTH=25 ) COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 01-Apr-99 Written earlier by Bill Davis
NAME: BREAK_PATH PURPOSE: Breaks up a path string into its component directories. CATEGORY: MDSplus, Strings CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = BREAK_PATH( PATHS [ /NoCurrent]) INPUTS: PATHS = A string containing one or more directory paths. The individual paths are separated by commas, although in UNIX, colons can also be used. In other words, PATHS has the same format as !PATH, except that commas can be used as a separator regardless of operating system. A leading $ can be used in any path to signal that what follows is an environmental variable, but the $ is not necessary. (In VMS the $ can either be part of the path, or can signal logical names for compatibility with Unix.) Environmental variables can themselves contain multiple paths. OUTPUT: The result of the function is a string array of directories. Unless the NOCURRENT keyword is set, the first element of the array is always the null string, representing the current directory. All the other directories will end in the correct separator character for the current operating system. OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORD: /NOCURRENT = If set, then the current directory (represented by the null string) will not automatically be prepended to the output. PROCEDURE CALLS: Functions: DATATYPE(), breakstring() REVISION HISTORY: Version 1, William Thompson, GSFC, 6 May 1993. Added IDL for Windows compatibility. Version 2, William Thompson, GSFC, 16 May 1995 Added keyword NOCURRENT Version 3, William Thompson, GSFC, 29 August 1995 Modified to use OS_FAMILY Version 4, Zarro, GSFC, 4 August 1997 Added trim to input Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman 25-Nov-1997
NAME: checkMDStree PURPOSE: Check MDS trees, say after a transfer. Produce a file with a list of nodes and checksum of contents of each numerical node or first element of non-numeric nodes. CATEGORY: MDSplus, Searching CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> checkMDStree, tree=tree, shot=shot, outFile=outFile INPUTS: tree - MDSplus tree. shot - MDSplus shot to search. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Input (Optional): server - MDSplus server. Default is the default server for the tree. outFile - defaults to tree_nnnnnn_server_list.txt remove - if set, removes the tree::top when listing the node name Returned (Optional): status - status from mdsopen call OUTPUTS: (Optional): outFile - outDir - output dir (DEF='') EXAMPLE: IDL> checkMDStree, tree='particles', shot=130000, server='lark:8501', /verb IDL> checkMDStree, tree='usxr', shot=142000, server='skylark:8501', /verb NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 24-Feb-2011 include any port info into default output filename 01-Oct-2008 add checksum for Alphanumerics, too. 29-Aug-2008 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: checkSig PURPOSE: checks for existence of a signal in MDSplus for current shot and optionally declares an event. It can also execute an IDL string when it sees the event. It will then start watching for the next shot. CATEGORY: MDSplus, Events CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> checksig, tree=tree, sig=sig, event=event INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Inputs: tree - MDSplus tree (DEFAULT=engineering) sig - MDSplus signal to look for in current shot event - MDSplus event to declare (DEFAULT=$USER_test) logfile - where to write log messages pause - seconds to pause between checks (default=10 sec) test - if set, will not set event, only print messages realVerbose - if set will tell you too much stuff verbose - if set, will print many informational messages debug - if set, debug output will be printed OUTPUTS: none, just printing EXAMPLE: IDL> checksig, tree='engineering', sig='\fdia', event='bdtest' IDL> checksig, tree='engineering', sig='\fdia', /test,/verb, pause=10 IDL> checksig, sig='\cameras::ph7_1_count', $ exec='cinethumbnails, "*nstx_2_*'+strtrim(lastshot(),2)+'*.cin"' IDL> checksig, sig='\efit02::r', $ exec='cinethumbnails,findLastFile("/p/nstxcam/Miro2-7988/2010/*.cin")' 15-Apr-2010 alternately can call an IDL routine [BD] 13-Apr-2010 increased default pauses [BD] WRITTEN by Bill Davis, 01-Apr-2010
NAME: cp2jScopeFile PURPOSE: Copy an MDSplus Scope input file to one that will work with jScope CATEGORY: MDSplus, SCOPE CALLING SEQUENCE: cp2jScopeFile, fileName, outfile=outfile INPUTS: filename - name of scope input filename (else will get a dialog box) RETURNED: KEYWORDS: COMMON BLOCKS: none METHOD: insert lines in variable addLines after line 2 of input file EXAMPLE: (list files changed within the last 1000 days) find . -name "*.scope" -mtime -1000 -print > dirls.txt find . -name "*.dat" -mtime -1000 -print >> dirls.txt idl IDL> files = read_list('dirls.txt') IDL> for i=0,n_elements( files )-1 do $ IDL> cp2jScopeFile, files[i], outDir='/p/nstxusr/util/jscp' IDL> NOTES: LIMITATIONS: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 06-Apr-2010 debugged. 03-Nov-2009 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: eventspawn PURPOSE: When a designated MDSplus event is detected, spawn an IDL procedure, first killing any versions that are running. CATEGORY: MDSplus, Program Control CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> eventspawn, event=event, procedure=procedure, server=server, $ immediate=immediate, display=display INPUTS: none required, but procedure is probably necessary KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Keywords: event - MDSplus event to wait for (default to NSTX_ACQ_DONE procedure - file to pass to idl batch command (default is ASCII - if set, will assume data block contains ascii representation of numbers server - MDSplus event server (default is immediate - if set, execute procedure even before waiting for event display - X display to send IDL graphics to. OUTPUTS: none EXAMPLE: IDL> eventspawn, pro='/u/bdavis/RFcam/batchrfmovie', $ event='RFcamera_loaded', display='nstxwindowspc:0', /immed LIMITATIONS: currently, no arguments can be passed to IDL command. only works on Unix/Linux. NOTES: see /u/bdavis/RFcam/ as example of routine to call. shot numbers must be accessed in the calling programs via LASTSHOT() or an environmental variable. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 09-Mar-2007 Added ASCII keyword which is needed on sflip PC 15-Aug-2005 written by Bill Davis
NAME: fileOnEvent PURPOSE: When a designated MDSplus event is detected, write a file containing a shot number, first deleting existing file. CATEGORY: MDSplus, Program Control CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> fileOnEvent, event=event, file=file, server=server, INPUTS: none required KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Keywords: event - MDSplus event to wait for (default to NSTX_ACQ_DONE server - MDSplus event server (default is file - default to 'E:/pulse.ini' OUTPUTS: none EXAMPLE: IDL> fileOnEvent, event='bdtest', file='bdfile.txt' LIMITATIONS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 23-Aug-2010 written by Bill Davis for Doug Darrow
NAME: FindMDSNodes PURPOSE: Search for MDSplus nodes or tags with a name containing a string CATEGORY: MDSplus, Search, Utiltiy CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> paths = FindMDSNodes( nodeString, status=status ) INPUTS: nodeString - string to search nodenames for KEYWORD PARAMETERS: nonNodeString - exclude nodes in returned array if this string found in name tags - if set, just look for nodes with tags, and search tagnames Scalars - if=0, then only return nodes with more than one data element JustText - if set, just look for Text nodes (no effect if /TAGS set) usage - if /TAGS not set, what GETNCI expects (if used, overrides /JustText; DEFAULT: ANY) max2find - max # of nodes returned (DEFAULT=10000) status - success if true (odd number) debug - print some debugging info the tree may be opened before this routine is called, or you can specify: treeName - MDSplus tree. Default='NSTX' (unless embedded in nodeString) shot - MDSplus shot to search. Default=-1 (the model tree). returned: states - string array containing 'OFF' or 'ON'. isSignal - logical array where 1s indicate corresponding node is a signal COMPRESS_ON_PUT - logical array PARENT_STATE - logical array NUMERIC - logical array NO_WRITE_MODEL - logical array NO_WRITE_SHOT - logical array OUTPUTS: paths - paths satifying search criteria COMMON BLOCKS: none EXAMPLE: IDL> paths = FindMDSNodes( 'ip', status=status, tree='wf', shot=120200 ) IDL> tags = FindMDSNodes('*', /tags, tree='lrdfit04', shot=117747) ; exclude some nodes: IDL> paths = FindMDSNodes( 'ip',non='formula', tree='wf', shot=120200 ) IDL> paths = FindMDSNodes( 'ip',non=['formula','description'], tree='wf', shot=120200 ) IDL> p = FindMDSNodes( 'svd', tree='engineering', shot=142039) NOTES: if tree already open before FindMDSNodes is called, tree & shot need not be set. if no records are found in current tree, returns [''] LIMITATIONS: If connect to VMS, will not get tags from trees on Linux. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 08-Mar-2013 with tree NSTX, must be too many returned when getting all, so use nodestring in filter. 04-Oct-2012 try with more stars for searches like from engineering tree with 'svd' 06-May-2010 never check more than 2000 nodes for being a signal (too slow) 21-Apr-2010 added keyword max2find 20-Apr-2010 added keyword isSignal & checkSignals 08-May-2009 If /tag set and no tree, use getenv('MACHINE'), and if empty, use 'nstx'. 16-Mar-2009 add Sclars keyword 02-Feb-2009 have to spawn MDSTCL and read it's commands from a file for big results, like searching for '*' in operations. 19-Jan-2009 don't return names that are blank or have spaces in them 02-Dec-2008 added STATES keyword to return 'OFF' or 'ON' 09-Jan-08 not on Linux, so don't use. nonNodeString can be an array of strings 22-Nov-06 use MDSTCL for tags on Linux trees. Use mdsopen, instead of openMDSshot, and only if tree not entered 11-Nov-05 Added keywords for use with new treesearch web page. 31-Jan-01 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: findMDStime PURPOSE: find a time within an MDSplus shot, correspoding to the time of Max Ip, time of Max W-tot, etc. signals come from the EFIT tree when possible. CATEGORY: MDSplus CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> time = findMDStime( /maxIp ) INPUTS: shotListString - a string indicating shots, e.g., 107694 108305 108330-108350 or 108100+20 (this returns shots 108100, 108101,...,108120) nshots - # of shots to search over (def=10) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: maxIp - if set, return time of Max Ip (less 3 msec) MaxNeutrons - if set, return time of Maximum Neutron production MaxBetaN - if set, return time of Beta Normal MaxPTot - if set, return time of maximum heating power MaxWMHD - if set, return time of maximum Plasma Stored Energy MaxTAUMHD - if set, return time of maximum Energy confinement time MaxDENS - if set, return time of maximum Line Density shot - if set, will return value for this shot, else for opened shot OUTPUTS: time in seconds EXAMPLE: IDL> time = findMDStime( /maxIp ) NOTES: if more than one time is found for the max, a median time will be returned. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 14-Jun-02 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: findvalidshots PURPOSE: Search MDS Plus Trees for valid shot numbers with data in a particular node CATEGORY: MDSplus, Utility CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> findvalidshots ; This is interactive widget version or IDL> findvalidshots, signal,beginshotnumber,endshotnumber INPUTS: none KEYWORD PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: on screen: valid shot numbers in entered range COMMON BLOCKS: none EXAMPLE: IDL>findvalidshots, '\passivespec::vs2.rawdata:spectra',104500,104515 NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 01-Oct-2008 Removed mdsconnect [BD] 4-JAN-2001 Written by Dana Mastrovito, PPPL
NAME: firstSigName PURPOSE: Return the first signal name in a TDI expression. Needed when you want the xaxis from a combination of signals. CATEGORY: MDSplus CALLING SEQUENCE: sig1 = firstSigName( TDIexpr ) INPUTS: TDIexpr - TDI expression. Can be just a signal name, or '(\ip1+\ip2)/2' RETURNED: sig1 - first signal name in TDI expr, e.g., '\ip1' KEYWORDS: Optional Outputs: FOUNDTDI - 1 returned if TDI in node DIMENSION - if root node is 2-D, but expression limits to 1. SECOND - the second signame name in the expression, if any (else '') Optional Inputs: DATA = if set, return everything from DATA to ']', if present, or to ')' COMMON BLOCKS: none EXAMPLE: IDL> print, firstSigName( '\engineering::ip1+\engineering::ip2' ) \engineering::ip1 LIMITATIONS: probably won't return proper dimension when DATA() is within a TDI function, like BCSMOOTH( data( \camera:image, 1) ) MODIFICATION HISTORY: 31-Aug-2007 added keyword SECOND 19-Jun-2007 ONLY return dimension number from syntax like ",1" if MAXVAL, MINVAL or DATA (others can be included here). 06-Apr-2007 Added data and dimension keywords to handle style of maxval(\efit01::pisrz,1) and data(\efit01::pisrz)[10,*] ) 01-May-01 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: FITSRUN PURPOSE: Quickly tell which EFITs and LRDFITs exist for an MDSplus shot CATEGORY: MDSplus CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> fits=fitsrun(shot) INPUTS: shot - NSTX shot number KEYWORD PARAMETERS: maxefits= MAX efits to check maxlrdfits - max lrdfits to check quiet - if set to 0, will tell you about each open realquiet - if set to 0, will tell you about failed opens needSig - a node that you need in the tree to use that tree DEFAULT='\CODE_VERSION' OUTPUTS: fits - string array like ['EFIT01', 'EFIT03', 'LRDFIT04'] EXAMPLE: IDL> print,fitsrun(117707, maxefits=5, maxlrdfits=5) EFIT01 EFIT02 EFIT03 EFIT04 EFIT05 LRDFIT04 IDL> for i=122440,123244 do print, i,' ',fitsrun(i,loadfit='EFIT03') IDL> fits = fitsrun( 130000, run_by=user, /noLoad ) IDL> fits = fitsrun( 129125, run_by=run_by, comments=comments, $ code_version=code_version, date_run=date_run ) NOTES: When the routine is called with no parameters, help information is printed. To load fits into the code_rundb database used by EFIT and other codes, see MODIFICATION HISTORY: 15-Jan-2015 add checks for efitrt, efitrt_dev, efitrt_ga, efitrt_test 11-Dec-2012 don't let comments be integer (0) 17-Aug-2010 added needSig keyword 22-Jun-2010 added comments, code_version, and date_run keywords [BD] 02-Feb-2010 Added noLoad & run_by keywords 25-May-2007 Just look in EFIT tree for all possible subtrees 12-Apr-2007 Option to load fits into code_rundb database (for efitviewer) 07-Mar-2006 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: foundsubtree PURPOSE: determine if sub trees like efit05, lrdfit06, etc. exist CATEGORY: MDSplus CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> found = foundSubTree( shot=shot, tree=tree, index=index) INPUTS: none but keywords KEYWORD PARAMETERS: shot - MDSplus shot/pulse number tree - main fit tree, e.g., 'EFIT' or 'LRDFIT' index - "subtree" version number, 5 would get you 'EFIT05' or 'LRDFIT05' SERVER - MDS server (default is for NSTX) RETURNED: status - MDS status from open if failed, else from mdsvalue OUTPUTS: found - 1 if found, 0 if not found. COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> print, foundsubtree(shot=117449, tree='efit', index=2 ) MODIFICATION HISTORY: 26-Jun-2006 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: fullMDSpath PURPOSE: Return an MDSplus path for a tag CATEGORY: MDSplus CALLING SEQUENCE: fullpath = fullMDSpath( tag, shot=shot ) INPUTS: MDSplus tagname KEYWORD PARAMETERS: shot - if present, will open NSTX tree for this shot OUTPUTS: fullpaths - returns full pathnames of tags found EXAMPLE: IDL> mdsopen, 'edge', 129850 IDL> print, fullMDSpath('\BE_H908_01') \EDGE::TOP.BEAP.RAWDATA:BE_H908_01 NOTES: Only returns signals with data in them. LIMITATIONS: An MDSplus shot file must be open first. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 17-Jun-2008 use tree in tagname, if present. Add tip, if not found. 14-Mar-00 more efficient & added keywords [BD] 20-Jan-00 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: getMDSlabel PURPOSE: return a label for an MDSplus signal. If there is a :LABEL sub-node, use that string, else if there is a :COMMENT sub-node, use that, else return the MDSplus signal name. CATEGORY: MDSplus CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> (the tree has to be opened) IDL> label=getMDSlabel( signal, textNode=textNode, FOUNDTDI=foundTDI, $ status=status, /quiet, /fullPath ) INPUTS: signal - mdsplus signal or tag name (shot must be opened) OUTPUT: label - contents of :LABEL substring, if found. Otherwise the signal name is returned (just the last two elements, unless /fullPath set) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Optional Inputs: quiet - just passed to mdsvalue fullPath - if set, return fullpath if no :LABEL subnode found Optional Outputs: textNode - 1 returned if a text node FOUNDTDI - 1 returned if TDI in node status - if odd, successfull NOTES: The relevant MDSplus tree must be open for this routine to work. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 01-Jun-01 Also look for :COMMENTS sub-node. 11-Mar-01 if no :LABEL node, look for :COMMENT node 15-Feb-01 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: get_nebar PURPOSE: Get Ne Bar (line-averaged plasma density at the midplane) from Multi-point Thomson Scattering data and EFIT gap data. CATEGORY: MDSplus, Density CALLING SEQUENCE: nebar = get_nebar( shot, time=time ) INPUTS: shot1 = starting shot number to process KEYWORDS: (Optional) efit - #. Defaults to 2 time - time base of output (sec). Probably on the MPTS timebase EXAMPLE: IDL> nebar = get_nebar( 138846, time=time ) NOTES: This has not been verified by the MPTS Cognizant Physicist HISTORY: 08-May-2014 fixed bug in goodTimes determination WRITTEN 23-Jul-2013, by Bill Davis for Stewart Zweben
NAME: getScopeNames PURPOSE: return signal names and plot settings from an MDSplus Scope input file CATEGORY: MDSplus, SCOPE CALLING SEQUENCE: names = getScopeNames( fileName, titles=titles ) names = getScopeNames() ; will get a dialog box INPUTS: Optional: filename - name of scope input filename (else will get a dialog box) RETURNED: names - Array of signal names, including TDI, (Y values) if nothing found, will return a '-1' KEYWORDS: (All Optional) Returned: Titles - string array of the plot titles from the scope file, else y-name xMins - array of each plot's x-minimum from the scope file (else global, or 0) xMaxes - array of each plot's x-maximum from the scope file (else global, or 0) yMins - array of each plot's y-minimum from the scope file (else global, or 0) yMaxes - array of each plot's y-maximum from the scope file (else global, or 0) nCols - # of columns for plot nRows - (array) # of rows in each column for plot Optional inputs: stripTitles - if set, remove double quotes and everything after // noEqualSigns - if set, remove equal signs (=) addTrees - if set, add trees into signals verbose - if set, will print many informational messages debug - if set, debug output will be printed NOTES: LIMITATIONS: For jScope files, won't handle 2 signals on a single frame EXAMPLES: IDL> file = 'wfplus.scope' IDL> SigNames = GetScopeNames( file, titles=titles, yMins=yMins, yMaxes=yMaxes, $ IDL> xMins=xMins, xMaxes=xMaxes, xNames=xNames, $ IDL> nRows=nRows, nCols=nCols, /addTrees ) IDL> file = '/p/nstxusr/util/jscp/wfplus.jscp' IDL> file = '/p/nstxusr/util/jscp/EAST_Mag_probes.jscp' IDL> names = getScopeNames( file, TITLES=titles, yMins=yMins, yMaxes=yMaxes ) MODIFICATION HISTORY: 21-Jan-2015 fixed logic on newExt 14-Feb-2014 ignore sets of 3 vertical bars after Y-signal names 12-Feb-2014 added jScope keyword, so don't have to rely on .jscp ext 22-Apr-2010 made to work with jScope input files (ext .jscp) (and with files with blank lines in header lines) 23-Jun-2008 added nRows and nCols keywords. 22-Mar-2006 revised xName logic when some there and some not. 27-Jan-06 add xNames keyword for specied X values. 19-Oct-01 if file not found, try other versions of name 13-Sep-01 Added addTrees keyword 17-Mar-01 default directory on Unix to /p/nstxusr/util/scopes/ 02-Mar-01 added x & y mins and maxes 11-Jan-01 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: gettrees PURPOSE: Return subtree or subnode names from an MDSplus tree CATEGORY: MDSplus CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> opt = gettrees(shot) INPUTS: shot = NSTX shot number (Default=-1) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Inputs: topTree - tree to start (Default='NSTX') verbose - if set, will print many informational messages debug - if set, debug output will be printed Outputs: status - if odd, then success OUTPUTS: trees = MDSplus trees EXAMPLES: IDL> trees = gettrees( ) IDL> subtrees = gettrees(top='passivespec') NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 20-Oct-2013 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: good_ip PURPOSE: Determine if plasma current (Ip) was good for a shot and, optionally declare an event. CATEGORY: MDSplus, Shot Number, Plasma Current CALLING SEQUENCE: nextShot = good_ip( shot ) INPUTS: shot - shot number KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Inputs: goodValue - value required for tag for next good shot (default=30000 Amps) event - if non-blank, will be declared if plasma current > goodValue Server - MDS server (default is NSTX) TagToUse - Tag to use for IP check (default to \OPERATIONS::CAL_IROGEVVUL1) IPforGood - alternate to goodValue (for compatibility with old routine) Verbose - if set, print debugging information Returned: IpTime - time of good plasma current in seconds. OUTPUTS: 1 or 0 EXAMPLE: IDL> ipOK = good_ip( shot, goodValue = 100. ) COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: if TagToUse not specified, will try to use in the following order: 1) \ENGINEERING::IP1UNC 2) \ENGINEERING::PPCC_IP1 3) \WF::IP if SigUnits from MDSplus begins with 'K' will mult. by 1000. If it begins with an 'M' will mult. by 1000000. RESTRICTIONS: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Bill Davis March, 2006
NAME: LastMDSshot PURPOSE: get the last (current) MDS shot CATEGORY: MDSplus CALLING SEQUENCE: currentShot = LastMDSshot() INPUTS: none KEYWORD PARAMETERS: SERVER - MDS server (default is NSTX) MACHINE - machine (default is NSTX) OUTPUTS: currentShot - current shot number EXAMPLE: COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 30-Jan-2015 return status 25-Feb-99 BD added way to get current shot from either VMS or UNIX default to NSTX 11-Dec-98 BD added MDSplus access for shotnumber, if on VMS at PPPL 01-Dec-98 BD use fas_dir and Mk_Filename for filename lookup 5/14/98 changing USER directory to BE1 etc [PR]
NAME: LeafName PURPOSE: Return leaf name from MDSplus pathname(s) CATEGORY: MDSplus CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> leaf = leafname(mdspath) INPUTS: mdspath - MDSplus path string. OUTPUTS: leaf - MDSplus leaf node string (last signal in multi-signal TDI) KEYWORDS: Delim - delimiter (default is ':') Tree - returns tree of input (last signal in multi-signal TDI), or environmental variable 'MACHINE' if Signal Math TDI used on signals from more than one tree AllTrees - all trees in input path Prefix - returns everything before the leafname nParts - # of parts to return, counting from the end (default=1, max of 2) BRACKETSTR - (1st) square bracket clause, as in an array subscript COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> print,leafname('\JMENARD_DAY1::TOP.FLUX_LOOP.FLUX:FFLPF1BL') FFLPF1BL IDL> print,leafname('\wf::ip') ip IDL> print,leafname('TOP.FLUXLOOP.FLUX.CALIBRATION',delim='.') CALIBRATION NOTE: for multi-signal TDI, will return the leaf name of last signal, as well as the last tree. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 23-Nov-2010 fixed bug introduced 15-Oct with defaulting to '::' delimiter 15-Oct-2010 fixed bug using 2-char delimiter 30-Sep-2010 set delimiter to '::' and don't return '-1' in allTrees 26-Oct-07 Ignore square bracket clauses (but return in keyword BRACKETSTR) 16-Aug-07 return last tree for multi-line TDI 06-Aug-07 fix bug where no backslash in name 11-Jul-07 return all tree names in ALLTREES keyword. If sigadd, sigmult, etc., used with more than one tree, return 'NSTX' in TREE keyword 11-Jan-01 Remove comma and anything after, and ')' if TDI 28-Nov-00 Don't return tree name with '\' 23-Jul-99 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: ListShots PURPOSE: List shot numbers with signal over/under a certain amount CATEGORY: MDSplus CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> listshots, shot, nshots, signal=signal, warningLevel=warningLevel INPUTS: shot - if an interger: beginning shot # to search for if an array of integers, use as a shot list (ignore nshots) nshots - # of shots to search over (def=10) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Optional Inputs: comparator - 'GT' (default) or 'LT' for cutoff and warning cutoff - value under which value will be ignored outFile - outFile for output nSmooth - # for median smoothing before using signal (default=0) noScreen - if set, do not echo output to screen server - MDSplus server, default='EUROPA.PPPL.GOV:8501' signal - mdsplus signal name skip - shots to skip while looping through list warningLevel - warn if greater than than this value Optional Returned: count - number of shots satisfying criteria OUTPUTS: just to screen and/or file COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> listshots, 102915, 10, signal='\WF::IP', warn=1.0 NOTES: tree should be in signal name MODIFICATION HISTORY: 17-Apr-2008 Made > 0 not return zero values 04-May-2006 changed openMDSshot to mdsopen 03-Mar-04 a little bullet proofing 23-May-01 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: load_nebar PURPOSE: Load Ne-bar Waveform into MDSplus. CATEGORY: MDSplus, Density CALLING SEQUENCE: load_nebar, shot1, shot2 INPUTS: shot1 = starting shot number to process shot2 = (Optional) last shot number to process KEYWORDS: (Optional) test - doesn't write to MDSplus wfTree - name of MDSplus tree to write to (defalut='WF') NOTES: YOU NEED PRIVILEGES to write to the MDSplus tree. LIMITATIONS: Divide by zeroes, etc. will cause a message like: % Program caused arithmetic error: Floating illegal operand MODIFICATION HISTORY: WRITTEN 23-Jul-2013, by Bill Davis for Stewart Zweben
NAME: mdir PURPOSE: Directory listing of MDSplus data files with wild cards CATEGORY: MDSplus, files CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> list = mdir(shot, tree=tree) INPUTS: shot - shot number (defaults to 0). Can be a character string with wildcards. tree - an MDSplus e.g. 'operations' (defaults to 'wf') KEYWORD PARAMETERS: inputs: tree - an MDSplus e.g. 'operations' (defaults to 'wf') dataroot - file system root for MDSplus data (default = '/nstxdata') extension - extension of file wanted, default = 'datafile' server - MDSplus server for data, if not set will use denied - if set, will not return permission-denied messages nDigits - when trying to extract a shot number from a filename, assume this number of digits. verbose - if set, will print many informational messages debug - if set, debug output will be printed outputs: allShots - tries to extract shot number from all files. date - dates of files found ctimes - creation times of files found files - actual file names found OUTPUTS: list - list of data files found EXAMPLE: IDL> print, mdir( '13000*', tree='wf' ) IDL> list = mdir( '555555*', tree='engineering', date=date) IDL> result = mdir( '9??????', tree='mptscalib', date=date, allshots=shots, $ nDigits=7, files=files, /verbose, /debug ) (the above took 18 minutes!) NOTES: if on a system with a /nstxdata directory, will spawn "find" otherwise, you will have to enter your password to ssh into the server. You may also have to respond "yes" to a question about connecting. You must have the same username on the server as the machine you are on. You may, instead, use, which is slower. If you get tired of entering your password when looking for data on a remote host, see MODIFICATION HISTORY: 03-Mar-2010 parse server name from environmental variable for remote access 19-Nov-2009 Tidied up, added keywords, let shotstring work with wildcards. 27-Mar-2009 Added ctime output for Creation time, e.g. "Mar 19 14:37" or "May 19 2005" 18-Mar-2009 Added date keyword [Bd] 15-Nov-2008 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: MDSdataVsShot PURPOSE: Print single values of MDSplus signals vs. shot number. The value can be the max or min, or at a specific time, including time of Max Ip, Max Neutrons, etc. The shot list may be reduced by certain qualifiers, such as to shots where the max of an arbitrary signal is > a given value. Output can be in a format suitable for importing into Kaleidograph, Excel, etc. CATEGORY: MDSplus, Output CALLING SEQUENCE: MDSdataVsShot, shot, nshots, signal INPUTS: MDStree - e.g. 'operations'. Default is 'NSTX' shot - MDSplus shot number, i.e, ID. signal - a single MDSplus signal name, or array of names. (ignored if Keyword "Scope" is present.) OUTPUTS: none returned KEYWORDS: (all Optional) format - output format. Defaults to '(100(g15.6, a1))' (a tab or space is written between the columns) tabs - if set, columns will be separated by tabs instead of spaces headings - if set, the signal labels are at the top of each column in row 1. scope - if present, gets the signal names and column titles from this scope file. (if present, the signal input is ignored). THIS SHOULD BE THE FULL PATHNAME OF THE FILE, or it will default to general areas. status - 1=OK, 0 means shot, signal, or scope file weren't found. units - if set, will append units to headings WhatToList - 'MaxValues', 'MinValues', (time of the following:) 'MaxNeutrons', 'MaxIP', 'MaxBetaN', 'MaxDENS', 'MaxWMHD' EXAMPLES: LIMITATION: HISTORY: 11-Feb-05 bug fix for when 1 dimension of 2-d array smaller than nsmooth 04-Jun-04 Bug fix when lots of bad shots 04-Nov-02 default to skipping a shot if any requested signal missing Written 17-Jul-02 by Bill Davis at the request of Steve Paul
NAME: MDSDAT PURPOSE: "replacement" for Get MDSplus signal data without having to open a tree (much faster, if a tree is specified) CATEGORY: MDSplus CALLING SEQUENCE: mdsdat, X, Y, signame, SHOT [,err=ERR] [,debug=DEBUG] $ [,xmin=XMIN] [,xmax=XMAX] $ [,npts=NPTS] KEYWORDS: (all are optional) INPUT/OUTPUT keywords: NPTS: (INPUT) Number of samples to return. Defaults to 64K. Cannot exceed 64K (if it does, it is set to 64K). (OUTPUT) Number of samples actually returned. INPUT KEYWORDS: DEBUG: If set (ie. called as gadat,/debug), debug printouts on the progress of gadat are reported XMIN: specifies the "start" time for the time window within which to return the data. Specify the time in milliseconds. If not set, defaults to -10000 ms. XMAX: specifies the "end" time for the time window within which to return the data. Specify the time in milliseconds. If not set, defaults to 100000 ms. XUNITS - if non-zero, return units of x-axis out YUNITS - if non-zero, return units of y-axis out ALWAYSOPEN - always open the tree (for when other opens or MDSconnects are done) OUTPUT KEYWORDS: ERR: PTDATA/MDSplus error code. 0 = success, anything else = failure PLABEL: plot label for pointname OUTPUTS: X: The time base of the requested pointname in seconds Y: Data from the requested signal name. See keywords NPTS and A_NPTS for details on the number of samples returned. EXAMPLE: IDL> mdsdat, iptime, ip, 'wf::IP', 120200 IDL> mdsdat, efittime, ipmeas, 'efit01::IPMEAS', 120200 IDL> COMMON BLOCKS: MDSDAT_LOCAL SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 07-May-2008 added /AlwaysOpen keyword for when other opens or MDSconnects are done outside of mdsdat. This will make it slower. 04-Feb-2008 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: MDSDeclareEvent PURPOSE: set an MDS event with shot number associated with the event CATEGORY: MDSplus, Events CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> MDSDeclareEvent, eventName [, shot_num] INPUTS: eventName - string of MDS event name, e.g., 'NE_DENSITY_CALC' shot_num - NSTX shot number (OPTIONAL -- will default to current shot) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Optional: VERBOSE - If set, print debugging information NOCONNECT - if set, will not try to connect to an MDSplus server OUTPUTS: none -- just sets the event COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: NOTES: Works from Unix or VMS MODIFICATION HISTORY: 11-Feb-04 use SETEVENT in MDSVALUE on Unix. Add connect option on unix. 20-Dec-99 Written [bd]
NAME: MDSeditBranch PURPOSE: Read a branch of MDSplus values, allow editing of scalar values in a widget and write back out. CATEGORY: MDSplus CALLING SEQUENCE: MDSeditBranch, shot=shot, tree=tree, branch=branch INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Inputs: shot - shot number to edit tree - MDSplus treename to edit (DEF='cameras') branch - branch of tree to edit values in (DEF=".FC_1.SETTINGS") cautions - array, where, if=1, will warn user about changing (not implemented) order - if =0 will order inputs by Integers, reals & then strings comments - tips, to go after fields (not implemented) ignore - array, where, if=1, will not present that element for editing ncols - # of columns in display title - title of widget maxPerCol - maxFieldSize - if not present, takes reasonable defaults nInFirstCol - debug - if set, prints debug info and stops in a few places verbose - if set, prints information messages OUTPUTS: NONE unless user chooses to write new values to a tree (user must have priviledges to write to tree) EXAMPLE setenv cameras_path /u/bdavis/TCLcode idl IDL> MDSeditBranch, 142000, tree='cameras', branch='.FC_1.SETTINGS', $ ignore='BACKIMAGE' NOTES: For text nodes, you can enter \n for a new line MODIFICATION HISTORY: 27-Mar-2010 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: mdseventwait PURPOSE: Widget to Wait for an MDSplus event, or the user clicks the CANCEL button. CATEGORY: MDSplus; Event Widgets CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> shot = mdseventwait( someEvent, cancel=cancel ) INPUTS: someEvent - (string) an MDSplus event (defualts to 'nstx_acq_done') KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Optional: cancel - if user hits cancel button, cancel = 1 (& shot=-1), else 0 group_leader - higher level widget to place this on top of OUTPUTS: shot - shot # (data) set like: IDL> setmdsshotevent,'dum',999999 COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: RELATED ROUTINE: NOTES: Only works on X. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 29-Aug-00 Written by Bill Davis for David Swain
NAME: MDSGETSIG PURPOSE: Get a signal, units and axes values easily from MDSplus CATEGORY: MDSplus CALLING SEQUENCE: d = MDSGETSIG( signal, SIGUNITS=fUnits, XAXIS=time, XUNITS=timeUnits) INPUTS: signal - MDSplus Signal name KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Keywords: SIGUNITS - if non-zero, return units of signal out XAXIS - if non-zero, return array of x-axis out XUNITS - if non-zero, return units of x-axis out YAXIS - if non-zero, return array of y-axis out YUNITS - if non-zero, return units of y-axis out ZAXIS - if non-zero, return array of Z-axis out ZUNITS - if non-zero, return units of Z-axis out status - if non-zero, return status (1=OK) out OUTPUTS: d - 1- or 2-D data out COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE MDSCONNECT, '' MDSOPEN, 'testtree', 10 sig = 'onedim' data = MDSGETSIG( signal,SIGUNITS=fUnits, XAXIS=time,XUNITS=timeUnits )' PLOT, time, data, XTITLE = timeUnits, YTITLE = fUnits, $ TITLE = signal + ' - shot ' + STRTRIM( STRING(shot), 2 ) NOTES: If something like x units were NOT stored for the signal, and they are asked for, IDL will complain about an access violation, but continue. When signals are TDI combinations of others, use the units and xaxis from the first signal (could be erroneous) MODIFICATION HISTORY: 10-Aug-2009 Check for data being a number (not '*') when taking min & max 23-Jun-2008 when finding Xunits of a signal like dim_of(\...), use it 13-May-08 handle \rf::refl_avgdens[*,33] 26-Oct-07 handle 2-D square bracket clauses, as in an array subscript 31-Aug-07 made xAxis work when SigMath TDI used 06-Apr-07 made work for 'maxval(\activespec::chers_best:vt,1)' 03-Jun-05 Added Z data 01-May-01 When signals are TDI combinations of others, use the units and xaxis from the first signal (could be erroneous) 11-Nov-99 test for input signal name not defined 10-Aug-99 Use Arg_Present so don't have to set keywords before call 26-Jan-99 Trim trailing blanks from unit strings [BD] 13-Jan-99 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: mdsLargestNode PURPOSE: find largest node in a tree CATEGORY: MDSplus CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> size = mdsLargestNode( tree, searchStr, shot=shot, $ biggestSig=biggestSig ) INPUTS: tree - MDSplus tree. Defaults to 'PCS' optional: searchStr - what to use to search for nodes. Defaults to '*' KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Inputs: shot = NSTX shot number (defaults to latest shot) usage - Defaults to 'SIGNAL'. Can be "ANY", "TEXT" or "NUMERIC" verbose - if set, will print many informational messages debug - if set, debug output will be printed Outputs: status - if odd, then success biggestSig - name of biggest signal found OUTPUTS: size - size of contents of node in bytes EXAMPLES: IDL> size =mdsLargestNode( 'WF', shot=136000, biggestSig=biggestSig ) IDL> size=mdsLargestNode( 'operations', 'PCS', shot=136000, $ biggestSig=biggestSig ) IDL> help BIGGESTSIG STRING = '\OPERATIONS::TOP.PCS.MAGCONTROL.CURRENT:IPLAS_PF1B_1' SIZE LONG = 90 MODIFICATION HISTORY: 22-Aug-2013 Written by Bill Davis for Keith Erickson
NAME: mdslist PURPOSE: Print ASCII file containing data for MDSplus signal(s). The "dimension" of one of the signals (typically time) is in the first column, followed by data values at that time. Output may be in the format suitable for importing into Kaleidograph, Excel, etc. CATEGORY: MDSplus, Output CALLING SEQUENCE: mdslist, MDStree, shot, signames mdslist, MDStree, shot, signames, $ t1=t1, t2=t2, npts=npts, format=format, tabs=tabs, $ headings=headings, SigForX=SigForX, scope=scope INPUTS: MDStree - e.g. 'operations'. Default is 'NSTX' shot - MDSplus shot number, i.e, ID. signames - a single MDSplus signal name, or array of names. (ignored if Keyword "Scope" is present.) OUTPUTS: none returned KEYWORDS: (all Optional) t1 - Starting x-value desired (typically time, in seconds). Defaults to beginning of data for 1st signal. t2 - Ending x-value desired. Defaults to end of data npts - number of points desired. Defaults to all points. nth - just list every nth point format - output format. Defaults to '(100(g15.6, a1))' (a tab or space is written between the columns) tabs - if set, columns will be separated by tabs instead of spaces headings - if set, the signal labels are at the top of each column in row 1. SigForX - The signal from which to extract the output x-values. Especially relevant when signals of different timebase are requested (defaults to that of the first signal). scope - if present, gets the signal names and column titles from this scope file. (if present, the signames input is ignored). THIS SHOULD BE THE FULL PATHNAME OF THE FILE, or it will default to general areas. outFile - name of output file. Default is 'mdslist.txt' status - 1=OK, 0 means shot, signames, or scope file weren't found. units - if set, will append units to headings EXAMPLES: To write the first 100 points of time and ip pairs to file mdsoutput_106138.dat: IDL> mdslist,'wf',106138,'\ip',npts=100 To write 3 columns, of time, Ip, and Itf, from 0.1-0.2 sec to file mdsoutput_106138.dat: IDL> mdslist,'wf',106138,['\ip','\itf'],t1=.1,t2=.2 To make a tab-delimited file of signals from an MDSplus Scope, with column headings, on efit times: IDL> mdslist,'',106138,scope='/u/Old/bdavis/bv.scope', $ SigForX='EFIT', /headings, /tabs To write time and stored energy data at 1 KHz (like all signals in WF tree): IDL> mdslist,'',106138,'\EFIT01::WMHD/1000', SigForX='\WF::IP' LIMITATION: Would be faster, if it just opened trees that were needed. HISTORY: 01-May-2012 start time different than data wasn't working 06-Apr-2011 added nth keyword for Hiro Takahashi 05-Jan-2010 handle missing signal. Print good error messages and warning on web page and in file. 11-Jul-2008 add /XML output option 24-Mar-08 puts tabs between columns if tabs='on' (as well as if tabs=1) 07-Jan-08 Close file before e-mailing, because not all of file begin sent 26-Sep-07 Add message on how to get file from Linux Cluster nodes 09-Aug-07 bug fix with Yunits not defined 29-Mar-07 changed openMDSshot to mdsopen, so SFLIP and such would work 13-Sep-06 Don't worry if time and data arrays different length 15-Feb-05 Handle when time not first dimension in 2-d array 20-Sep-01 converted from mdsmkfile 05-Sep-01 Added multi-column and interpolation options. Written 13-jul-00 by Bill Davis at the request of Charlie Neumeyer
NAME: MDSloadScalar PURPOSE: Load MDSplus scalar with one simple call (after opening shot) CATEGORY: MDSplus CALLING SEQUENCE: MDSloadScalar, sig, data, SIGUNITS = sigUnits, XAXIS = xAxis, $ XUNITS = xUnits, YAXIS = yAxis, YUNITS = yUnits INPUTS: sig - MDSplus Signal name data - 1- or 2-D data array to load KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Keywords: stat=val - if non-zero, return status (1=OK) out OUTPUTS: NONE COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE stat=openMDSshot('engineering', 100700) sig = '\Some_sig' MDSloadScalar, sig, 3.14159 MODIFICATION HISTORY: 02-Nov-99 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: MDSLOADSIG PURPOSE: Load MDSplus signals with one simple call (after opening shot) Optionally add node and/or tag to a shot tree. CATEGORY: MDSplus CALLING SEQUENCE: MDSLOADSIG, sig, data, SIGUNITS=sigUnits, XAXIS=xAxis, $ XUNITS=xUnits, YAXIS=yAxis, YUNITS=yUnits INPUTS: sigName - MDSplus Signal name data - 1- or 2-D data array to load (can be 3-D, but must have all keywords) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Keywords: SIGUNITS=val - units of signal in XAXIS=val - array of x-axis in XUNITS=val - units of x-axis in YAXIS=val - array of y-axis in YUNITS=val - units of y-axis in ZAXIS=val - array of z-axis in ZUNITS=val - units of z-axis in FullX - if set, store full x-axis, even if dx constant (1-D only) SkipCheck - if set, do not check time base for constancy (assume) AddNode - if set, will try and add the node to the tree TagToAdd - Tag to add shot - needed if adding node or tag tree - needed if adding node or tag JustAdd - if set, just add node and/or tag, but don't load data stat=val - bad if even, OK if odd out quiet - passed to MDSplus routines (default=1) OUTPUTS: NONE COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE mdsopen,'wf', 99999, stat=stat sigName = '\ip' x = findgen(10) y = sin( x/n_elements( x ) * 3 * 2 * !PI ) MDSLOADSIG, sigName, y, SIGUNITS='Y Units', XAXIS=x, XUNITS='X Units' or, to just add a signal and tag: MDSLOADSIG, sigName, TagToAdd=tag, SHOT=shot, TREE=tree, /JUSTADD MODIFICATION HISTORY: 17-Jul-2014 add check for 1 or less data points 23-Jul-2013 added noclose and forceAdd keywords 05-Mar-2009 check output keyword on dir in mdstcl (needed for Linux) 09-Jul-2008 use dt_nicenumber, instead of nicenumber, for digitizing rates of 4, etc. 03-Jul-2008 Added dt keyword for Stefan Gerhardt, with ~4e-6 dt. 24-Apr-06 change mds$tcl to mdstcl for Unix. 22-Jun-04 allow 3-d, but must have all parameters 27-Jan-03 Just store x0, dx, y0, and dy for 2-D signals, if xaxis input 23-May-01 Make, as a default, signals with constant timebase store with t0 & delta t, rather than storing whole time array. 16-Nov-00 Added the AddNode & TagToAdd keywords 28-Aug-00 Don't Use Arg_Present 07-Jan-99 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: mdsmkfile PURPOSE: Write an ascii file containing time and data for MDSplus signal(s). Time is in the first column, followed by data values at that time. Output may be in the format suitable for importing into Kaleidograph, Excel, etc. CATEGORY: MDSplus, Output, File I/O CALLING SEQUENCE: mdsmkfile, MDStree, shot, signals mdsmkfile, MDStree, shot, signals, filename=filename, $ t1=t1, t2=t2, npts=npts, format=format, tabs=tabs, $ headings=headings, timeSig=timeSig, scope=scope INPUTS: MDStree - e.g. 'operations'. Default is 'NSTX' shot - MDSplus shot number, i.e, ID. signals - a single MDSplus signal name, or array of names. (ignored if Keyword "Scope" is present.) OUTPUTS: none returned file named mdsoutput_nnnnnn.dat is written, where nnnnnn is the shot number, or, if a scope is used, the scope name is in the place of mdsoutput. If Keyword "Filename" is present, that name is used. KEYWORDS: (all Optional) filename - output filename (default is mdsoutput_nnnnnn.dat, where nnnnnn is the shot number, or, if a scope is used, the scope name -- without extension -- is in the place of mdsoutput). DeltaTime - time step for output - Default is that of the first signal specified. If = 0, then do not list time. t1 - Starting time desired, in seconds. Defaults to beginning of data for 1st signal. t2 - Ending time desired. Defaults to end of data npts - number of points desired. Defaults to all points. format - output format. Defaults to '(100(g15.6, a1))' (a tab or space is written between the columns) tabs - if set, columns will be separated by tabs instead of spaces headings - if set, the signal labels are at the top of each column in row 1. timeSig - The signal from which to extract the output timebase. Especially relevant when signals of different timebase are requested (defaults to that of the first signal). If DeltaTime is specified, this keyword is overridden. scope - if present, gets the signal names and column titles from this scope file. (if present, the Signals input is ignored). THIS SHOULD BE THE FULL PATHNAME OF THE FILE, or it will default to general areas. status - 1=OK, 0 means shot, signals, or scope file weren't found. EXAMPLES: To write the first 100 points of time and ip pairs to file mdsoutput_106138.dat: IDL> mdsmkfile,'wf',106138,'\ip',npts=100 To write 3 columns, of time, Ip, and Itf, from 0.1-0.2 sec to file mdsoutput_106138.dat: IDL> mdsmkfile,'wf',106138,['\ip','\itf'],t1=.1,t2=.2 To make a tab-delimited file of signals from an MDSplus Scope, with column headings, on efit times: IDL> mdsmkfile,'',106138,scope='/u/bdavis/bv.scope', $ timeSig='EFIT', /headings, /tabs To write time and stored energy data at 1 KHz (like all signals in WF tree): IDL> mdsmkfile,'',106138,'\EFIT01::WMHD/1000', timeSig='\WF::IP' LIMITATION: HISTORY: 12-Oct-01 Added deltaTime keyword [BD] 05-Sep-01 Added multi-column and interpolation options. Written 13-jul-00 by Bill Davis at the request of Charlie Neumeyer
NAME: MDSnodeChanges PURPOSE: Print times when the last change was made to an MDSplus node. CATEGORY: MDSplus, Tree Status, dates CALLING SEQUENCE: MDSnodeChanges, node, shot1=shot1, shot2=shot2, skip=skip, tree=tree INPUTS: node = MDSplus node name, e.g. \OPERATIONS::TOP.RAWDATA:LM_H908_01 KEYWORDS: shot1 = starting shot number to process shot2 = last shot number to process (else shot1+400) skip = skip factor tree = MDSplus tree (defaults to nstx -- will be faster if specific tree specified) BEFORE - show only nodes written before this date (defaults to '1-jan-1971'), so can see what never got written. AFTER - show only nodes written after this date (defaults to '1-jan-1971'), so can see only nodes that HAVE been written. OUTFILE - a file name to contain a script related all shots for which a valid node was found in MDSplus PREFIX - string to prefix the shot # in the script. DEFAULT is '/bin/rm -R -f ' MAX - if set, will print max of signal VERBOSE - if set, will tell you what shots could not be opened. EXAMPLE: IDL> tree='microwave' IDL> node='\top.electron_den:line_density' IDL> MDSnodeChanges, node, shot1=101300, shot2=101330, tree=tree IDL> MDSnodeChanges, '\cameras2::FastSoftXray:frames',shot1=124459, $ shot2=125000, /after to produce a script to delete shot directories that have been put in MDSplus: IDL> MDSnodeChanges, node, shot1=shot1, shot2=shot2, /after, outfile='shots.txt' COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: see MDStreeChanges for who last changed a tree. Note that "OWNER" returns 0 from getnci call. This runs quickly. LIMITATIONS: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 20-Aug-2009 added Max keyword 30-Apr-2008 added outfile and prefix keywords, so directories can be deleted after verifying they are in MDSplus 09-Jul-2007 added AFTER keyword, so you can see what nodes have been written 30-Apr-2007 add BEFORE keyword, so you can see what nodes never got written 26-Apr-2007 "Who" stopped working (returning numberical value) 09-May-2006 Allow for numerical or '*' for who. 20-Dec-99 Written for Rajesh Maingi.
NAME: mdsscalars PURPOSE: Print ASCII file containing values of MDSplus scalars(s) for a list of shots. CATEGORY: MDSplus, Output CALLING SEQUENCE: mdsscalars, MDStree, shot, signames INPUTS: MDStree - e.g. 'operations'. Default is 'NSTX' shot - MDSplus shot number, i.e, ID. Can be an array, or range of shots. signames - a single MDSplus signal name, or array of names. OUTPUTS: none returned KEYWORDS: (all Optional) format - output format. Defaults to '(100(g15.6, a1))' (a tab or space is written between the columns) tabs - if set, columns will be separated by tabs instead of spaces headings - if set, the signal labels are at the top of each column in row 1. status - 1=OK, 0 means shot, signames, or scope file weren't found. EXAMPLES: IDL> mdsscalars,'',118956,'\ENGINEERING::TOP.EPICS.GAS.PARAMETERS:INJ1_READY' LIMITATION: Would be faster, if it just opened trees that were needed. HISTORY: 28-May-2015 BD fixed bug where scalar string starts with a number. IDL wants to make an octal out of "27-Apr-2015". So using single quotes. Written 20-Aug-2006 by Bill Davis
NAME: MDSSETEVENT PURPOSE: Generates an MDSplus event CATEGORY: MDSplus, Events CALLING SEQUENCE: MDSSETEVENT,event[,/QUIET][,STATUS=STATUS][,DATA=data][,/INFO] INPUT PARAMETERS: event = Name of MDSplus event to generate. Keywords: QUIET = prevents IDL error if TCL command fails STATUS = return status, low bit set = success DATA = bytarr(12) to send with event INFO - if this keyword is set the VMS error will be displayed but control will be returned to the caller instead of doing a longjump back to the IDL prompt. OUTPUTS: istat = return status, low bit set = success COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: None. RESTRICTIONS: None. PROCEDURE: Straightforward. Makes a call to MDSplus shared image library procedure MDS$OPEN and checks for errors. MODIFICATION HISTORY: renamed from mds$setevent & made to work on UNIX, too [BD] VERSION 1.0, CREATED BY T.W. Fredian, April 22,1991
NAME: mdsSigInterp PURPOSE: call TDI to interpolate signals, but handle expressions in which multiple signals are included. (assumes all same timebase within a given TDI expression) CATEGORY: MDSplus, Timing CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> interpData = mdsSigInterp(inSig, outXsig_in, status=status) INPUTS: inSig - character string of signal to interpolate outXsig_in - signal to get timebase for output of inSig OUTPUTS: returns array on desired timebase KEYWORDS: (all Optional) inXsig_in - signal to find timebase for. Default is dim_of(inSig) minTime - if set, just returns time range common to both signals outTimes - time base of returned signal status - 1=OK, 0 means problem EXAMPLE: stat=openMDSshot('nstx', 109070) interpData = mdsSigInterp( '\wf::ip', '\engineering::ip1', outTimes=outTimes, /mintime ) plot,outtimes,interpdata HISTORY: 10-Apr-03 outTimes and minTime keywords added 05-Nov-01 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: MDStreeChanges PURPOSE: Print times when the last change was made to an MDSplus tree, and who did it. CATEGORY: MDSplus, Tree Status, dates CALLING SEQUENCE: MDStreeChanges, tree, shot1=shot1, shot2=shot2, skip=skip INPUTS: tree = MDSplus tree name, e.g. 'Microwave' or 'NSTX' KEYWORDS: shot1 = starting shot number to process shot2 = last shot number to process skip = skip factor (default to no skip since = only list changes for a shot if since this date e.g. - '20-sep-2001' COMMON BLOCKS: none EXAMPLE: IDL> mdstreechanges, 'microwave', shot1=101300, shot2=101301 Latest changes from shot 101300 to 101301 for the microwave tree Shot Who Date Node ---- --- ---- ---- 101300 [BDAVIS] 4-APR-2000 .ELECTRON_DEN:LINE_DENS_DF 101301 [BDAVIS] 4-APR-2000 .ELECTRON_DEN:LINE_DENS_DF MODIFICATION HISTORY: 01-Feb-02 added text for repeated lines 28-Jan-02 added SINCE keyword [BD] 20-Dec-99 Written by Bill Davis for Rajesh Maingi.
NAME: MDSunits PURPOSE: return units of an MDS tag, or the time, or time units CATEGORY: MDSplus CALLING SEQUENCE: units = MDSunits( tag ) INPUTS: tag - MDSplus tag or node name in KEYWORD PARAMETERS Input: TIME - If set, Time returned (unless UNITS also set) UNITS - If set, Units of tag returned (unless TIME also set) Returned: STATUS- Status of call (can be used in IDL logical expressions) OUTPUTS: units - units EXAMPLES: MDSOPEN, 'tftr', 89725 tag = '.waveforms:mb_ip_sl' f = MDSVALUE( tag ) time = MDSUNITS( tag, /TIME ) flabel = MDSUNITS( tag, /UNITS ) timelabel = MDSUNITS( tag, /TIME, /UNITS ) plot, time, f/1000., xtitle = timelabel, ytitle = 'milli'+flabel COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 29-Mar-99 Return status from MDSVALUE [BD] 21-Dec-98 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: mdsw PURPOSE: Interactively plot MDS signals with Crosshairs and many options CATEGORY: MDSplus, Plotting, Widget Example, Printing Plots, Crosshairs CALLING SEQUENCE: mdsw mdsw, xsize=800, ysize=600 KEWORDS: XSIZE - initial horizontal size of graphics window YSIZE - initial vertical size of graphics window shot - MDSplus shot number, i.e, ID tree - tree to open. Defaults to NSTX COMMON BLOCKS: none EXAMPLE: IDL> mdsw,tree='engineering',shot=130000,charsize=2, Az=140, $ signal='\engineering::ppsum' NOTES: Your display may have to be set to 256 colors to see the crosshairs. LIMITATIONS: Some of the MDSplus signals in the list may not have any data. You need IDL version 5, or greater to run this application. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 16-Mar-2009 Option to not display scalars in Signal list 19-Jan-2008 Added option to change Az & Ax on surface plots 16-Jan-2009 added zAxisW calls for RGA data 17-Oct-05 Add Save to Tek option. 08-Mar-02 Fixed screen dump cabability for 24-bit color, and some minor things. 05-Oct-01 Improved restoring settings. Allowed for "Next Shot" to be missing. 18-May-01 Use Vcomp for "visual compression" if more points than resolution 07-May-01 Added Reload color table. Better behavior when copying plots that don't fill the screen. 08-Mar-01 Bug fixed on Reference Shots with signals of different length. 02-Feb-01 Use Label sub-node as title, if available. Access to nodes, even if not tags. Display text nodes. Display Signal List initially. Plot 2-D data. 30-Nov-00 Allow "Save Settings" to include Signal List & !X, !Y, !P. (old settings files won't work). Axis selection with middle mouse button just redraws last plot. 20-Nov-00 Rearranged menus (added Appearance Menu); better plot spacing. 13-Nov-00 Added "Assume same x-label" & "Assume same x-axis" options 30-Oct-00 Added widget for !P settings, so can specify symbols, etc. 26-Oct-00 Fixed "Copy Plot to Tek" to return to X color table afterwards. 18-Oct-00 Added "Edit Selected Signal" option in Signal Menu. TDI expressions included in name will be displayed. Added button to show treenames in list. 10-Oct-00 Added "Label Every Other tick options" & better tick labels Made postscript output a little better for grid of plots 03-Oct-00 Add "Always Include 0 on Y-axis" (not default) and "Draw dashes at y=0" (now default) options. 28-Sep-00 Allow yaxisw to control Y-axis range, in some situations, at least. 20-Sep-00 Just label "No Data" if data not found. Put < & > on Signal Menu 07-Oct-99 Redraw whole screen when mouse used. Alphabetize signal list. Default to "Only zoom X" 19-Aug-99 Allow overlays of data with different dimensions 23-Jun-99 Added Reference shot. Added "Plot all on one page" option. 12-Apr-99 Added Tek output option [BD] 29-Mar-99 Added X & Y Style editing. [BD] 15-Mar-99 Add "Get Next Good Shot" buttons [BD] 08-Mar-99 Add overlays and legends. [BD] 26-Feb-99 Multiplot option and x-only zooming [BD] 11-Feb-99 Added a pick list for MDS signals 26-Jan-99 Modified for using MDS at PPPL by Bill Davis GA Crosshair routines originally written by John Ferron.
NAME: mk_scope_gif PURPOSE: make gif files from scope-like output, using a scope file as input CATEGORY: MDSplus, Plot files KEYWORD INPUTS: shots - a string indicating shots, e.g., 107694 108305 108330-108350 or 108100+20 (this returns shots 108100, 108101,...,108120) scopeFile - if not specified will prompt rightSpace - fractioanal space to right of last plot (0-1) leftSpace - fractioanal space to left of first plot (0-1) colSpace - fractioanal space between plot columns (0-1) vertSpace - fractioanal space between plot rows (0-1) t1 - start time of plots (sec) t2 - end time of plots (sec) nRows - # of rows of plots nCols - # of columns of plots pixmap - if set, will not display plots on screen (much faster) EXAMPLE: (on Unix:) mk_scope_gif,shots='109071-109075',scope='wf.scope', /pixmap or mk_scope_gif,shots='109071+5' ; (will be prompted for file) or mk_scope_gif, shots='109070+2',scope='/u/kaye/Scope/sk.scope', $ leftspace=.07, rightspace=0.005, $ tweenspace=0.008, vertSpace = 0.03, $ nrows=8, ncols=4, charsize=1.3 HISTORY: Written by Bill Davis for Stan Kaye, Dec. 2004
NAME: nextGoodShot PURPOSE: find the next shot that has more than a certain Ip. CATEGORY: MDSplus, Shot Number CALLING SEQUENCE: nextShot = nextGoodShot( StartShot ) INPUTS: StartShot - shot number to start from in KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Inputs: goodValue - value required for tag for next good shot (default=30000 Amps) Backwards - look backwards for good shots MaxShots - Maximum number of shots to search over (default=1000 or end). IF MAXSHOTS=1 JUST PROCESS SHOT1 Server - MDS server (default is NSTX) TagToUse - Tag to use for IP check (default to \OPERATIONS::CAL_IROGEVVUL1) Verbose - if set, print debugging information OUTPUTS: nextShot - next Shot number, based on criterion IF no good shot meeting criterion is found, -1 is returned EXAMPLE: IDL> ishot = NextGoodshot( laopenStathot, goodValue = 100. ) COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: this routine just works for NSTX and DIII-D (uses gadat at GA). RESTRICTIONS: LASTSHOT() may sometimes return a small number during test periods MODIFICATION HISTORY: 02-Nov-2009 better debug statements 10-Mar-06 Default to \WF::IP. Check for different tree for backup tag. 15-Aug-05 add LastIpTime keyword [BD]. 28-Sep-01 Return status. Assume values read are in Amps. Use \ENGINEERING::IP2 as a backup value 28-Nov-00 Changed Ip to look for \ENGINEERING::PPCC_IP1 20-Sep-99 Add MaxShots keyword 18-Sep-99 Keep going after 1 missing shot, but stop after 5 16-Sep-99 Added TagToUse keyword & medsmooth to remove spikes [BD] Written by Bill Davis March, 1999
NAME: nonVarPos PURPOSE: find position of characters which are not valid for MDSplus names CATEGORY: MDSplus, Character Search, Strings CALLING SEQUENCE: posArray = nonVarPos( inStr ) RETURNED: posArray = array of positions of characters which are not valid characters for an MDSplus tag name -1 if none found KEYWORDS: (OPTIONAL) GOOD - if set, will retrun positions of good characters noNum - if set, don't count numbers as good characters MODIFICATION HISTORY: 01-May-01 - Added keywords 2001 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: nsearch PURPOSE: Search MDS Plus Trees for a node CATEGORY: MDSplus CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> result=nsearch(searchnode[, fullpath=path]) INPUTS: searchnode and optional variable to return an array of full paths containing node name KEYWORD PARAMETERS: fullpath - full path of node found OUTPUTS: status of function (-1 if not found, 0 if found) COMMON BLOCKS: none EXAMPLE: IDL> result=nsearch('xray', fullpath=path) NOTES: tree must be open before nsearch can be called. will return 0 if node is found and -1 if it is not found in the current tree. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 12-Feb-00 strip tree info, if in node name [BD] 7-Feb-00 Written by Dana Mastrovito, PPPL
NAME: plotscope PURPOSE: make scope-like plots, optionally with overlays from multiple shots. CATEGORY: MDSplus, SCOPE CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> plotscope, shots=shots, scope=scope INPUTS: shots - scalar or array of shot numbers, e.g. [104500,104501] scope - name of scope input filename (else will get a dialog box) RETURNED: None KEYWORDS: (All Optional) Inputs: t1 - starting time desired. Defaults to scope value t2 - ending time desired. Defaults to scope value refshot - a reference shot to be overplotted. SameXlabels - If set and non-zero, just label x-axis at bottom (This reserves less vertical space between plots) NRows - Maximum number of rows. NCols - Number of columns (default is to compute from rows & # sigs) nSmooth - # for median smoothing before using signal (default=0) pCharSize - Value desired for !P.CHARSIZE, else guesses Titles - string array of the plot titles from the scope file, else y-name xMins - array of each plot's x-minimum from the scope file (else global, or 0) xMaxes - array of each plot's x-maximum from the scope file (else global, or 0) yMins - array of each plot's y-minimum from the scope file (else global, or 0) yMaxes - array of each plot's y-maximum from the scope file (else global, or 0) tweenspace - vertical space between plots in normalized coordinates colSpace - horizontal space between plots in normalized coordinates rightSpace - space on right in normalized coordinates leftSpace - space on left in normalized coordinates EXAMPLE: (Send plots to a Tektronix window, say, from on a Mac from VersaTerm): IDL> setup_tek IDL> plotscope, shots=104500, refshot=104501, scope='WF' IDL> unsetup_tek (Make a scope-like plot without space between plots -- the tick labels are outside their grids, unlike in Scope) IDL> plotscope,shot=105830,scope='wf',tweenspace=0,colspace=0 COMMON BLOCKS: none NOTES: LIMITATIONS: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 24-Aug-01 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: printscope PURPOSE: print scope-like output, using a scope file as input CATEGORY: MDSplus, Printing Plots KEYWORD INPUTS: shots - a string indicating shots, e.g., 107694 108305 108330-108350 or 108100+20 (this returns shots 108100, 108101,...,108120) scopeFile - if not specified will prompt printer - if not specified will prompt on Unix rightSpace - fractioanal space to right of last plot (0-1) leftSpace - fractioanal space to left of first plot (0-1) colSpace - fractioanal space between plot columns (0-1) vertSpace - fractioanal space between plot rows (0-1) t1 - start time of plots (sec) t2 - end time of plots (sec) nRows - # of rows of plots nCols - # of columns of plots noprint - if set, will not send plot to printer EXAMPLE: (on Unix:) printscope,shots='109071-109075',scope='wf.scope',printer='nstx-xn4525' or printscope,shots='109071+5' ; (will be prompted for file & printer) or printscope, shots='109070+2',scope='/u/kaye/Scope/sk.scope', $ leftspace=.07, rightspace=0.005, $ tweenspace=0.008, vertSpace = 0.03, $ nrows=8, ncols=4, $ printer='nstx-xn4525', charsize=1.3 HISTORY: Written by Bill Davis for Stan Kaye, jan, 2003
NAME: SearchMDSNodes PURPOSE: Search MDSplus nodes for string contents CATEGORY: MDSplus, Searching CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> paths= SearchMDSNodes( str[, sensitivity, text=text][,path=path]) INPUTS: str - string to search on sensitivity - (Optional) if ='Sensitive', then make search case sensitive KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Input (Optional): JustText - if set, just look for Text nodes (no effect if /TAGS set) nonNodeStr - exclude nodes in returned array if this string found in name tags - if set, just look for nodes with tags sizesearch - when searching text, length of string to check (def=1024) whatToSearch - = 'NAMES', 'TEXT', or 'TDI' treeName - MDSplus tree. Default='NSTX' shot - MDSplus shot to search. Default=-1 (the model tree). server - MDSplus server. Default is the default NSTX data server. Returned (Optional): text (contains the full text found), path(returns the full path to the text) isSignal - logical array where 1s indicate corresponding node is a signal status - status from mdsvalue call OUTPUTS: result - status of function: 0 = success, -1 = failed to find COMMON BLOCKS: none EXAMPLE: IDL> paths=SearchMDSNodes('xray', text=text ) NOTES: tree must already be open before SearchMDSNodes can be called if no records are found in current tree returns -1 else returns 0 MODIFICATION HISTORY: 12-Feb-2015 made it so don't have to enter shot keyword 06-May-2010 added max2search keyword 20-Apr-2010 added keyword isSignal 11-Nov-05 Added tree keyword 01-Dec-00 Added capability for wildcards in search string 10-Nov-00 Added sensitivity [BD] 7-Feb-00 Written by Dana Mastrovito, PPPL
NAME: SearchTextNodes PURPOSE: Search MDS Plus Trees for Textual Data CATEGORY: MDSplus, Searching CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> result= SearchTextNodes( keyword[, sensitivity, text=text][,path=path]) INPUTS: keyword - string to search on sensitivity - (Optional) if ='Sensitive', then make search case sensitive KEYWORD PARAMETERS: text (contains the full text found), path(returns the full path to the text) OUTPUTS: result - status of function: 0 = success, -1 = failed to find COMMON BLOCKS: none EXAMPLE: IDL> result=SearchTextNodes('xray', text=text,path=path) NOTES: tree must already be open before tsearch can be called if no records are found in current tree returns -1 else returns 0 MODIFICATION HISTORY: 01-Dec-00 Added capability for wildcards in search string 10-Nov-00 Added sensitivity [BD] 7-Feb-00 Written by Dana Mastrovito, PPPL
NAME: setmdsshotevent PURPOSE: set an MDS event with shot number associated with the event CATEGORY: MDSplus, Events CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> setmdsshotevent, eventName [, shot_num] INPUTS: eventName - string of MDS event name, e.g., 'NE_DENSITY_CALC' shot_num - NSTX shot number (OPTIONAL -- will default to current shot) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Optional: VERBOSE - If set, print debugging information NOCONNECT - if set, will not try to connect to an MDSplus server SERVER - if not set, will connect to default server in OpenMDSshot STATUS = return status, low bit set = success OUTPUTS: none -- just sets the event COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: NOTES: to test: on one node: IDL> wfmdsshotevent, 'mytest', shotnum on another: % setevent mytest 123456 or: IDL> setmdsshotevent, 'mytest', 123456 on first node: IDL> print, shotnum BTW, % setevent mytest 123456 will give 875770417, because data is not unpacked. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 17-Dec-2008 don't try to fill valBlk if shot_num not a number [bd] 11-Nov-2008 Default to no mdsconnect [BD] 02-Nov-2008 Added status keword. 11-Feb-04 use SETEVENT in MDSVALUE on Unix. Add connect option on unix. 20-Dec-99 Written [bd]
NAME: ShotDuration PURPOSE: Return the Shot Duration in seconds CATEGORY: MDSplus CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> seconds = ShotDuration(ishot, IpNeeded=IpNeeded, IpSignal=IpSignal, $ RoundUp=RoundUp) INPUTS: ishot - shot number. If not supplied, will use current shot KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Keywords: IpNeeded - plamsa current in kiloAmps to be considered real (default=50) IpSignal - mdsplus signal to use to determine plasma current default = \wf::ip NOTE if signal is not in kiloAmps, divide or multiply by correct factor InSignal - input Ip signal, so doesn't have to be read maxValue - returns max plasma current in KA. nSmooth - the amount to smooth Ip signal before checking the value Default = 11 points. RoundUp - if set, add 0.1 seconds and round up to nearest 0.1 seconds quiet - if not set, quiet realquiet - if set, no "MDSOPEN success" message Verbose - if set, print debugging information Server - MDS server (default is for NSTX) HLP - When set, help information is printed. OUTPUTS: seconds out COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> opt = ShotDuration( IpNeeded=5, IpSignal='\engineering::ip2' ) to load a scalar with the shot duration time, IDL> for i=shot1,shot2 do d=ShotDuration( i, outSig='\nstx::shotduration' ) NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 07-Oct-2009 fixed bug recently introduced when reading default signal. 05-Mar-2008 Allow Ip to be passed in 18-Feb-2008 Account for WF tree, but no \IP 06-Feb-2008 replaced openMDSshot with mdsopen [BD] 25-Apr-2006 added MaxValue (for Ip) keyword 29-Aug-2005 nSmooth keyword added 28-Jul-2004 added realquiet keyword 08-Apr-2004 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: sigalert PURPOSE: Send email alerts when MDSplus signals are not acquired, or have undesirable values.This routine can be run in your IDL session, or it can be put into the "Auto-reload Facility" of NSTX-U. CATEGORY: MDSplus, events, Utility CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> sigalert, signals, emails INPUTS: signals - list of MDSplus signals to monitor emails - corresponding list of emails to notify of alarm condition multiple recipients can be separated by a blank,comma or semicolon. If emails are from PPPL, they do not have to have the KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Inputs: checkEvents - Events at which to check (defaults to SOP of next shot) nSmooth - width of neighborhood to be used for the median filter when checking for invalid values. maxAllowed - alarm value(s) (alarm if filtered signal exceeds this) minRequired - min required (alarm if filtered signal never reaches this value) if neither maxAllowed or minRequired are specified for a signal, an alarm is raised only if there is no data for the shot idlroutines - function to call to evaluate signal (optional) epicsAlarm - EPICS alarm to set (optional) setEvents - MDSplus event to set upon alarm condition (optional) verbose - if set, will print many informational messages debug - if set, debug output will be printed EXAMPLE: IDL> sigalert, '\wf::mirnov_rms', 'bdavis', maxAllow=5 IDL> signals = ['\wf::ip', '\wf::pnb', '\wf::mirnov_rms' ] IDL> emails = ['bdavis', 'bdavis', 'bdavis' ] IDL> checkEvents = ['bdtest', 'bdtest1', 'bdtest' ] IDL> sigalert, signals, emails, checkEvents=checkEvents, /debug ; should flag "too high": IDL> sigalert, '\wf::ip', 'bdavis', checkEvents='bdtest', $ maxAllowed=800, testshot=142000, /debug ; should flag "too high": IDL> sigalert, '\wf::ip', 'bdavis', checkEvents='bdtest', $ maxAllowed=800, testshot=142000, nsmooth=11, /debug ; should flag "too low": IDL> sigalert, '\wf::ip', 'bdavis', checkEvents='bdtest', $ minReq=1000, testshot=142000, /debug ; should flag nothing: IDL> sigalert, '\wf::ip', 'bdavis', checkEvents='bdtest', $ maxAllowed=2000, minReq=2, testshot=142000, /debug IDL> sigalert, fileDir='/p/nstxops/bin/mds/SigAlert/Files', $ /debug and then somewhere on Linux: setevent bdtest NOTES: If the alarm value is too large a negative value, the signal could be specified as (-1*\signame) MODIFICATION HISTORY: 03-Feb-2015 added files read recorded in log file 30-Sep-2013 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL, for Stefan Gerhardt
NAME: TAG_EXIST PURPOSE: To test whether a tag name exists in a structure. CATEGORY: MDSplus, structure CALLING SEQUENCE: status = tag_exist(str, tag) INPUTS: str - structure variable to search tag - tag name to search for OUTPUTS: Function returns 1 if tag name exists or 0 if it does not. KEYWORDS: INDEX = index of matching tag METHOD: Routine obtains a list of tagnames and tests whether the requested one exists or not. The search is recursive so if any tag names in the structure are themselves structures the search drops down to that level. Common : None Restrictions: None Side effects: None Written : C D Pike, RAL, 18-May-94 Modified : 03-May-2007 datatype wasn't working, so just use SIZE [BD] : Version 1.1, D Zarro, ARC/GSFC, 27-Jan-95 Passed out index of matching tag Version : Version 1.1, 27-Jan-95
NAME: tagRankOf PURPOSE: Return a list of MDSplus signals with a certain rank (that contain data) CATEGORY: MDSplus CALLING SEQUENCE: tags = tagRankOf( rankDesired ) INPUTS: rankDesired = 0 for scalars, 1 for vectors, etc. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Optional Keywords: filter - wild card specifer. E.g. '*ip*' will get all of specifed rank with ip in the the tag name. fullpaths - returns full pathnames of tags found print - if set, tags and full pathnames found will be printed debug - print some debugging info the tree may be opened before this routine is called, or you can specify: treeName - MDSplus tree. Default='NSTX' (unless embedded in nodeString) shot - MDSplus shot to search. Default=-1 (the model tree). server - MDSplus server. Default comes from the environmental variable_path OUTPUTS: tags = tagnames of specifed rank fitting any filter specified if none are found fitting criteria, 'none' is returned. EXAMPLE: IDL> print, tagRankOf( 1, filter='i*', shot=120200, tree='wf' ) \WF::ICHI \WF::IOH \WF::IP \WF::IPF1AL \WF::IPF1AU \WF::IPF1B \WF::IPF2L \WF::IPF2U \WF::IPF3L \WF::IPF3U \WF::IPF4 \WF::IPF5 \WF::ITF IDL> mdsopen,'microwave', 120200 IDL> scalarNames = tagRankOf(0) IDL> someSigs = tagRankOf( 1, filter='n*', /print ) COMMON BLOCKS: none NOTES: Only returns signals with data in them. LIMITATIONS: An MDSplus shot file must be open first. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 10-Jan-08 Added extra keywords for findMDSnodes [BD] 14-Mar-00 more efficient & added keywords [BD] 20-Jan-00 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: tagsearch PURPOSE: Search MDS Plus Trees for a tag CATEGORY: MDSplus, Utility CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> status=tagsearch(searchtag[,tag=tag, path=path]) INPUTS: searchnode and optional variable to return an array of full paths containing tag name and an array containing the tag names KEYWORD PARAMETERS: the tree may be opened before this routine is called, or you can specify: Inputs (optional): treeName - MDSplus tree. Default='NSTX' (unless embedded in nodeString) shot - MDSplus shot to search. Default=-1 (the model tree). server - MDSplus server. Default comes from the environmental variable_path Returned: path tag OUTPUTS: status of function COMMON BLOCKS: none EXAMPLE: IDL> status=tagSearch('xp_', tag=tag, path=fullpath, tree='nstx') NOTES: will return 0 if tag is found and -1 if it is not found in the tree specified MODIFICATION HISTORY: 08-May-2009 default to nstx tree if none indicated [BD] 10-Jan-08 use findMDSnodes, since not in Linux distribution [BD] 01-Dec-00 Added capability for wildcards in search string 28-Feb-00 Written by Dana Mastrovito, PPPL
NAME: tdis PURPOSE: Search MDS Plus Trees for TDI DATA CATEGORY: MDSplus, Utility CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> result = tdis( keyword[,sensitvity][, tdi=tdi][,path=path] ) INPUTS: searchstring and optional variables to control case sensitivity and return an array of text strings found and an array of paths to those strings KEYWORD PARAMETERS: (output) tdi - the full tdi found path - the full path to the text OUTPUTS: result=status of function COMMON BLOCKS: none EXAMPLE: IDL> result=tdi('build','sensitive',tdi=tdi,path=path) NOTES: this version is specifically for idl4 (?) tree must already be open before tsearch can be called if no records are found in current tree returns -1 else returns 0 MODIFICATION HISTORY: 30-Jan-00 Speed up. Fixed node names. 01-Dec-00 Added capability for wildcards in search string 07-Feb-00 Written by Dana Mastrovito, PPPL
NAME: tree_exists PURPOSE: Return a true if an MDSplus tree exists for a given shot number CATEGORY: MDSplus, Trees CALLING SEQUENCE: found = tree_exists( shot, tree ) INPUTS: (tree and shot arguments can be reversed, if shot is an number) shot - MDSplus shot number, i.e, ID. Can be string acceptable to tree - tree to open. Defaults to 'wf' KEWORDS: (returned) list - list of shots found EXAMPLE: IDL> IF tree_exists(101526,'operations') THEN ... IDL> founds = tree_exists( '112300-112302 112305+2', 'wf', list=shots ) NOTE: Returns true only if shot exists; the shot may be empty. If you have an account on, you use, which is faster. 19-Nov-2008 make work if input arguments are reversed WRITTEN 15-Nov-2008 by Bill Davis (old version replaced)
NAME: trimtagnames PURPOSE: Trim tree info from an MDSplus tag name CATEGORY: MDSplus, Tagnames CALLING SEQUENCE: trimmedList = trimtagnames( sigList ) INPUTS: sigList - a string array of MDSplus tag names in KEYWORD PARAMETERS: (Optional) all - if set, trim everything but string following the last : treeOnly - if set only remove the tree (& top:). Leave the backslash, TDI, etc. OUTPUTS: trimmedList - a string array of MDSplus tag names EXAMPLE: trimmedList = trimtagnames( sigList ) COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 18-Oct-00 Added keyword treeOnly: Don't assume tree name at beginning of string (allows for trimming tree names from TDI expressions) Written by Bill Davis March, 1999
NAME: useSigMath PURPOSE: parse an MDSplus TDI string, substituting Brian Nelson's Signal Math TDI routines for +,-,* and /, so timebases get adjusted, if necessary. CATEGORY: MDSplus CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> newTDI = useSigMath( tdi ) INPUTS: tdi = a TDI string in which any signals are preceded by '\' OUTPUTS: newTDI - math operations -, +, * & / are replaced by Brian Nelson's SigMath functions sigsub, sigadd, sigmul and sigdiv. EXAMPLE: print, useSigMath('(\engineering::ip1+\engineering::ip2)/2') SIGADD(\engineering::ip1,\engineering::ip2)/2 print, useSigMath('\wf::ip-\wf::ipf4/\wf::ipf5') SIGDIV(SIGSUB(\wf::ip,\wf::ipf4),\wf::ipf5) NOTE ORDER OF OPERATIONS IS LEFT TO RIGHT print, useSigMath('1000*\wf::ip-\engineering::ip1') SIGSUB(1000*\wf::ip,\engineering::ip1) print, useSigMath('(\engineering::ip1/1000 - \wf::ip)') SIGSUB(\engineering::ip1/1000,\wf::ip) print, useSigMath('1000*\wf::ip-\engineering::ip1') SIGSUB(1000*\wf::ip,\engineering::ip1) print, useSigMath('\wf::ip-bcsmooth(\engineering::ip1/1000)') SIGSUB(\wf::ip,bcsmooth(\engineering::ip1/1000)) print, useSigMath('1000*\wf::ip-(\engineering::ip1+\engineering::ip2)/2') SIGSUB(1000*\wf::ip,SIGADD(\engineering::ip1,\engineering::ip2)/2) print, useSigMath('abs(bcsmooth(\engineering::ip1/1000)-\wf::ip)') (abs(SIGSUB(bcsmooth(\engineering::ip1/1000),\wf::ip))) print, useSigMath('\wf::ip-\wf::ip[0]') LIMITATIONS: Without brackets expressions will be evaluated from left to right. The SigMath routines do not correct for different units, like Amps and KiloAmps. Signals are only recognized when they begin with a backslash. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 04-Aug-2008 made to work (i.e., not use Sigmath) with '\wf::ip-\wf::ip[0]' WRITTEN 10-Aug-2007 by Bill Davis
NAME: wfMDSshotEvent PURPOSE: Wait for an MDSplus event, with shot number coming in CATEGORY: MDSplus, Events CALLING SEQUENCE: wfMDSshotEvent, event, shotnum, [,/QUIET][,STATUS=istat] INPUT PARAMETERS: event = name of an MDSplus event to wait for. RETURNED PARAMETERS: shotnum - whatever data was passed when the event was set. for MDSplus events, except for nstx_acq_started Keywords (Optional): ASCII - if set, will assume data block contains ascii representation of numbers NOCONNECT - if set, will not try to connect to an MDSplus server SERVER - if not set, will connect to default server in OpenMDSshot QUIET = prevents IDL error if MDSplus command fails STATUS = return status, low bit set = success COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: None. RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: Makes a call to MDSplus shared image library procedure MDS$WTEVENT and checks for errors. NOTES: to test: on one node: IDL> wfmdsshotevent, 'mytest', shotnum on another: % setevent mytest 123456 or: IDL> setmdsshotevent, 'mytest', 123456 on first node: IDL> print, shotnum BTW, % setevent mytest 123456 will give 875770417, because data is not unpacked. ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: 11-Nov-2008 Default to no mdsconnect [BD] 02-Nov-2008 Return -1 if error from mdsvalue. Have an option not to connect. 09-Mar-2007 Added ASCII keyword which is needed on sflip PC 08-Jul-2005 Added support for Windows 31-May-05 include server keyword 06-Apr-05 use MdsValue( 'WFEVENT($)'... instead. [BD] 24-May-01 If on Unix, connect to VMS if not already [BD] 06-Nov-00 Made same version work on VMS & Unix [BD] copied from mds$, so could have the same name on vms & unix VERSION 1.0, CREATED BY T.W. Fredian, April 22,1991 debug version 7/14/05 PR syntax error in if/endif structure
NAME: WithRankOf PURPOSE: Return a list of MDSplus signals with a certain rank (that contain data) CATEGORY: MDSplus CALLING SEQUENCE: sigs=withrankof( rank ) INPUTS: rank - integer rank of signal desired KEYWORD PARAMETERS: filter - wildcard specification to find signal names with desired rank signalnames - if present, use these, and ignore filter OUTPUTS: sigs - MDSplus signal names with EXAMPLE: IDL> stat=mdsopen('passivespec',101964) IDL> scalarNames = withrankof(0) COMMON BLOCKS: none NOTES: Only returns signals with data in them. LIMITATIONS: An MDSplus shot file must be open first. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 31-Jan-07 add keyword to pass in signalnames 20-Jan-00 Written by Bill Davis
Category: Misc
[List of Routines]
NAME: PURPOSE: add comments to a file for GPI web pages CATEGORY: GPI, Web, NSTX CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> addGPIcomment, headline=headline, Description=Description, username=username, $ shot=shot, PagePassword='something', INPUT KEYWORDS: Required: username - Linux username of person making entry PagePassword - this is required shot - NSTX shot # for which comment applies headline - a one-line Summary of status Optional: Description - more detailed comment, can be up to 20 lines outFile - web page, DEFAULT='/w/' maxLength - max length of status field logfile - name of log file. DEFAULT='/local/nstxops/web/log/addGPIcomment.log' debug - if set prints debugging info verbose - if set prints lots of info status - if odd, successful OUTPUTS: appends to a text file, comments.txt, to a web-accessible directory. METHOD: Gets data for fields (like Description) to be updated from addGPIcomment.html (via and appends to the output file. COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> addGPIcomment, shot=999999, headline='This is a test', $ username='bdavis', PagePassword='Masa', /debug IDL> addGPIcomment, shot=999999, headline='This is a big test', $ username='bdavis', PagePassword='Masa', $ description=strconcat(replicate('blah', 200), delim=' '), /debug MODIFICATION HISTORY: 15-Oct-2013 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL, for Stewart Zweben
NAME: BAD_PTDATA_ERROR PURPOSE: Return a logical true IF the PTDATA error is serious CATEGORY: GA, error processing CALLING SEQUENCE: logical = Bad_PTDATA_Error(ptdata_ierr) INPUTS: ptdata_ierr - error return from PTDATA calls KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: RETURNED: logical indication of a serious error (per IDL definition, e.g., 0 IF false) COMMON BLOCKS: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 1-Apr-97 WMD Written
NAME: blobvyfit PURPOSE: plot Poloidal velocity (Vy) of blobs from Fast Camera data vs. distance from the separatrix. Bin and smooth things so a curve can be fit through data, with the ultimate goal of categorizing the vertical shear. CATEGORY: GPI CALLING SEQUENCE: blobvyfit, shot, BinSize=binsize, barFraction=barFrac, $ title=title, Overlay=Overlay, $ WindowTitle=WindowTitle, GROUP_LEADER=group_leader, $ XSIZE=xsize_in, YSIZE=ysize_in, xtitle=xtitle, ytitle=ytitle, $ _extra=_extra INPUTS: shot - NSTX shot number OUTPUTS: plot in graphics widget KEYWORDS: barFraction - fraction of interval over which bar is drawn (0-1) (default=0.5) BinSize - The size of each bin of the histogram, scalar (not necessarily integral). If not present (or zero), the bin size is set to 1. Overlay - if set, overlay a curve ShotList - list of shots to cycle through EXAMPLE: IDL> blobvyfit, 138234 ; to be able to make JPEGS for all shots, with fixed limits: IDL> blobvyfit, 138234, plotLimitsFile='PlotLims.txt' MODIFICATION HISTORY: 17-Feb-2014 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: BPWFEDIT PURPOSE: Read, Edit, & Plot Breakpoint Waveform files used in ppcc system on TFTR CATEGORY: TFTR, Waveforms, GUI Editing REVISION HISTORY: 21-Aug-98 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: CAMAC_here PURPOSE: Return 1 if CAMAC on this computer (if environmental variable "camac_server" is non-blank) CATEGORY: CAMAC CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> OK = CAMAC_here() INPUTS: none required KEYWORD PARAMETERS: var - Environmental variable to check to determine if CAMAC available. (defaults to 'camac_server') HLP - When set, help information is printed. verbose - if set, will print many informational messages debug - if set, debug output will be printed OUTPUTS: OK = 1 if environmental variable "camac_server" is non-blank EXAMPLE: NOTES: When the routine is called with the keyword hlp set, help information is printed. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 08-Jan-2009 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: CH_Example PURPOSE: a simple example using the GA Crosshair routines CATEGORY: GUI Graphics, Example CALLING SEQUENCE: CH_Example COMMON BLOCKS: ch_example NOTES: Your display may have to be set to 256 colors to see the crosshairs. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by Bill Davis, 8/29/97 GA Crosshair routines originally written by John Ferron. Now maintained by T. Terpstra
NAME: ch_register PURPOSE: register window for crosshair routines CATEGORY: GUI Graphics, Cursor Cross-hairs EXAMPLE: See MODIFIED: 29-Nov-07 Don't handle if window names not found in ch_set [BD] 30-Oct-00 Override !P.PSYM & !P.LINESTYLE for cros-hairs [BD] 04-Dec-99 Make mask bit 6, so it's red when used with MK_COLOR [BD] 29-Mar-99 Added newX, newY & newP keywords to CH_SET for changing plotting parameters [BD] 26-Jan-99 Taken from GA [BD] Combining all ch_ files here, since this must be called 1st.
NAME: COPY_STRUCT PURPOSE: Copy all fields with matching tag names from one structure to another CATEGORY: Programming EXPLANATION Fields with matching tag names are copied from one structure array to another structure array of different type. This allows copying of tag values when equating the structures of different types is not allowed, or when not all tags are to be copied. Can also recursively copy from/to structures nested within structures. Note that the number of elements in the output structure array is automatically adjusted to equal the length of input structure array. If this not desired then use pro copy_struct_inx which allows specifying via subscripts which elements are copied where in the arrays. CALLING SEQUENCE: copy_struct, struct_From, struct_To, NT_copied copy_struct, struct_From, struct_To, EXCEPT=["image","misc"] copy_struct, struct_From, struct_To, /RECUR_TANDEM INPUTS: struct_From = structure array to copy from. struct_To = structure array to copy values to. KEYWORDS: EXCEPT_TAGS = string array of tag names to ignore (to NOT copy). Used at all levels of recursion. SELECT_TAGS = tag names to copy (takes priority over EXCEPT). This keyword is not passed to recursive calls in order to avoid the confusion of not copying tags in sub-structures. /RECUR_FROM = search for sub-structures in struct_From, and then call copy_struct recursively for those nested structures. /RECUR_TO = search for sub-structures of struct_To, and then call copy_struct recursively for those nested structures. /RECUR_TANDEM = call copy_struct recursively for the sub-structures with matching Tag names in struct_From and struct_To (for use when Tag names match but sub-structure types differ). OUTPUTS: struct_To = structure array to which new tag values are copied. NT_copied = incremented by total # of tags copied (optional) INTERNAL: Recur_Level = # of times copy_struct calls itself. This argument is for internal recursive execution only. The user call is 1, subsequent recursive calls increment it, and the counter is decremented before returning. The counter is used just to find out if argument checking should be performed, and to set NT_copied = 0 first call. EXTERNAL CALLS: pro match (when keyword SELECT_TAGS is specified) PROCEDURE: Match Tag names and then use corresponding Tag numbers. HISTORY: written 1989 Frank Varosi STX @ NASA/GSFC mod Jul.90 by F.V. added option to copy sub-structures RECURSIVELY. mod Aug.90 by F.V. adjust # elements in TO (output) to equal # elements in FROM (input) & count # of fields copied. mod Jan.91 by F.V. added Recur_Level as internal argument so that argument checking done just once, to avoid confusion. Checked against Except_Tags in RECUR_FROM option. mod Oct.91 by F.V. added option SELECT_TAGS= selected field names. mod Aug.95 by W. Landsman to fix match of a single selected tag. mod Mar.97 by F.V. do not pass the SELECT_TAGS keyword in recursion.
NAME: CW_ANIMATE_DUPS PURPOSE: This widget displays an animated sequence of images using X-windows Pixmaps. This is a compound widget, based on the XINTERANIMATE procedure, with the following advantages: - It can be included in other applications. - Multiple copies can be run simultaneously. The speed and direction of the display can be adjusted using the widget interface. CATEGORY: Image display, compound widgets. CALLING SEQUENCE: To initially create: widget = CW_ANIMATE_DUPS(PARENT, SIZEX, SIZEY, NFRAMES) To reinitialize when another animation is loaded: CW_ANIMATE_DUPS_INIT, ANIMATEBASE, SIZEX, SIZEY, NFRAMES To load a single image: CW_ANIMATE_DUPS_LOAD, WIDGET, IMAGE = IMAGE, FRAME = FRAME_INDEX To load a single image that is already displayed in an existing window: CW_ANIMATE_DUPS_LOAD, WIDGET, FRAME = FRAME_INDEX, $ WINDOW = [WINDOW_NUMBER [, X0, Y0, SX, SY]] (This technique is much faster than reading back from the window.) To display the animation after all the images have been loaded: CW_ANIMATE_DUPS, WIDGET [, RATE] To get a copy of the vector of Pixmaps being used by the widget. If this routine is called, the widget does not destroy the pixmaps when it is destroyed. The user can then provide them to a later call to CW_ANIMATE_DUPS to re-use them while skipping the Pixmap creation and rendering step: CW_ANIMATE_DUPS_GETP, widget, PIXMAPS INPUTS: CW_ANIMATE_DUPS: PARENT: The ID of the parent widget. SIZEX: The width of the displayed image. SIZEY: The height of the displayed image. NFRAMES: The number of frames in the animation sequence. CW_ANIMATE_DUPS_INIT: ANIMATEBASE: The ID of the base animation widget. SIZEX: The width of the displayed image. SIZEY: The height of the displayed image. NFRAMES: The number of frames in the animation sequence. CW_ANIMATE_DUPS_LOAD: WIDGET: The ID of the widget (as created with CW_ANIMATE_DUPS) into which the image should be loaded. CW_ANIMATE_DUPS_RUN: WIDGET: The ID of the widget (as created with CW_ANIMATE_DUPS) into which the image should be loaded. RATE: A value between 0 and 100 that represents the speed of the animation as a percentage of the maximum display rate. The fastest animation has a value of 100 and the slowest has a value of 0. The default animation rate is 100. STOP: If this keyword is set, the animation is stopped. NFRAMES: Specifies the number of frames to animate, must <= the number specified in CW_ANIMATE_DUPS(). KEYWORD PARAMETERS: CW_ANIMATE_DUPS: PIXMAPS: This keyword provides the new widget with a vector of pre-existing pixmap (off screen window) IDs. This vector is usually obtained from a call to CW_ANIMATE_DUPS_GETP applied to a previous animation widget. UVALUE: A user supplied value to be stored in the widget's user value field. UNAME: A user supplied string name to be stored in the widget's user name field. NO_KILL: If NOT set, an "End Animation" button is added to the animation base. If set the button is not added. OPEN_FUNC: A user supplied string that specifies a callback function name. When a value is specified for this keyword, an "Open..." pushbutton is added to the window. When the "Open..." pushbutton is clicked the OPEN_FUNC function is called to load new animation data. INFO_FILE: A filename containing text to be displayed by XDISPLAYFILE when user selects the help button. CW_ANIMATE_DUPS_INIT: PIXMAPS: This keyword provides the new widget with a vector of pre-existing pixmap (off screen window) IDs. This vector is usually obtained from a call to CW_ANIMATE_DUPS_GETP applied to a previous animation widget. CW_ANIMATE_DUPS_LOAD: CYCLE: If set, cycle. Normally, frames are displayed going either forward or backwards. If CYCLE is set, reverse direction after the last frame in either direction is displayed. FRAME: The frame number to be loaded. This is a value between 0 and NFRAMES. If not supplied, frame 0 is loaded. IMAGE: The image to be loaded. ORDER: Set this keyword to display images from the top down instead of the default bottom up. This keyword is only used when loading images with the IMAGE keyword. TRACK: If set, the frame slider tracks the current frame. Default is not to track. WINDOW: When this keyword is specified, an image is copied from an existing window to the animation pixmap. When using X windows, this technique is much faster than reading from the display and then loading with the IMAGE keyword. The value of this parameter is either an IDL window number (in which case the entire window is copied), or a vector containing the window index and the rectangular bounds of the area to be copied. For example: WINDOW = [Window_Number, X0, Y0, Sx, Sy] XOFFSET: The horizontal offset, in pixels from the left of the frame, of the image in the destination window. YOFFSET: The vertical offset, in pixels from the bottom of the frame, of the image in the destination window. OUTPUTS: No explicit outputs. SIDE EFFECTS: If the widget is realized before calls to CW_ANIMATE_DUPS_LOAD, the frames are displayed as they are loaded. This provides the user with an indication of how things are progressing. When the widget is destroyed, it destroys the pixmaps used in the animation, unless they were previously obtained via CW_ANIMATE_DUPS_GETP and the KILL_ANYWAY keyword was not set. The only event returned by this widget indicates that the user has pressed the DONE button. The parent application should use this as a signal to kill the animation widget via WIDGET_CONTROL. RESTRICTIONS: If more than one animation widget is running at a time, they will fight for resources and run slower. PROCEDURE: When initialized, this procedure creates pixmaps containing the frames of the animation sequence. Once the images are loaded, they are displayed by copying the images from the pixmap or buffer to the visible draw widget. EXAMPLE: Assume the following event handler procedure exists: PRO EHANDLER, EV WIDGET_CONTROL, /DESTROY, EV.TOP end Enter the following commands to open the file ABNORM.DAT (a series of images of a human heart) and load the images it contains into an array H: OPENR, 1, FILEPATH('abnorm.dat', SUBDIR = 'images') H = BYTARR(64, 64, 16) READU, 1, H CLOSE, 1 H = REBIN(H, 128, 128, 16) Create an instance of the animation widget at load the frames: base = widget_base() animate = CW_ANIMATE_DUPS(base, 128, 128, 16) WIDGET_CONTROL, /REALIZE, base for i=0,15 do CW_ANIMATE_DUPS_LOAD, animate, FRAME=i, IMAGE=H[*,*,I] Start the animation: CW_ANIMATE_DUPS_RUN, animate XMANAGER, "CW_ANIMATE_DUPS Demo", base, EVENT_HANDLER = "EHANDLER" Pressing the DONE button kills the application. MODIFICATION HISTORY: AB, June 1992 Heavily based on the XINTERANIMATE procedure. SR, September 1992 Fixed a problem when a paused animation's frame selection was moved and the resulting frame change ended up in another animation. SR, November 1992 Fixed a problem when a single paused animation would fail when the frame selection slider event tried to set do a bad drawing window. DMS/AB, March, 1993 Got rid of state caching. Got rid of XMANAGER background tasks in favor of new "WIDGET_CONTROL,timer=" feature. ACY, October 1993 Set RETAIN=2 for draw widget to prevent clipping by an overlapping window when loading frames. DMS, Dec, 1993 Added STOP and NFRAMES keywords to CW_ANIMATE_DUPS_RUN. Added KILL_ANYWAY keyword to CW_ANIMATE_DUPS_GETP. WSO, Jan, 1995 Added OPEN_FUNC keyword and updated UI. ACY, Jan, 1997 Added INFO_FILE keyword to allow user-supplied files for help text JLP, Jan, 2000 Allow TrueColor images as input to CW_ANIMATE_DUPS_LOAD. WMD, Jul, 2010 Add NDUPS field when writing MPEGS so playback can be slower. WMD, Aug, 2010 Added button for writing QuickTime movies; "jmovie" script needs to be known when spawned. At PPPL jmovie is aliased to /p/nstxusr//util/scripts/javamoviemaker.csh which uses /u/efeibush/w3_html/makemovie/jpegtomovie.jar
Project : SOHO - CDS Name : FIND_COMMON() Purpose : Find which elements are common to the input vectors. Explanation : Returns the indices of the elements in second vector which are also present in the first vector. Use : IDL> c = find_common(first, second) Inputs : first - vector to be searched second - search vector Opt. Inputs : None Outputs : Function returns indices of elements in second vector which are common to first and second vectors Opt. Outputs: None Keywords : None Calls : FIND_DUP() Common : None Restrictions: None Side effects: None Category : Util Prev. Hist. : None Written : C D Pike, RAL, 9-Nov-94 Modified : Make loop variable LONG. CDP, 1-Oct-97 Version : Version 2, 1-Oct-97
NAME: findpeaks PURPOSE: Find peaks in a data array. To be a peak a local maximum must have a 25% higher range than the first and last quarter of the peak range. CATEGORY: Data Analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> peaks = findpeaks( data ) INPUTS: data - array OUTPUTS: peaks - (up to "maxPeaks") values of peaks found. Returns 0 if no peaks found. KEYWORDS: Optional Input: maxPeaks - max # of peaks to search for (DEF=2) AboveFrac - Fraction of peak height that peak must be above the peak "tails" to be counted (default=0.25) NeighborhoodFrac - fraction of whole X range to be a neighborhood. Range is initially divided up in these neighborhoods for determination of initial maxima. HowCloseToMax - if set, will not be considered a peak, if not within this fraction of maximum of whole data set. OnlyBig - if set will not count peaks 1/3 the size of the biggest peak Plot - if set, will plot data with vertical lines indicating which peaks qualified. Ordered - if set, returns peaks in order of highest first Optionally Returned via Keyword: indicesOfPeaks - array indices of peaks returned (=-1 if no peaks found) FWHM - full width at half max estimate, in indices nAbove - # points above 2*median EXAMPLE: IDL> data = mk_2peaks() IDL> peaks = findpeaks( data, /plot ) IDL> peaks = findpeaks( data, indicesOfPeaks=indicesOfPeaks ) COMMON BLOCKS: none NOTES: Maxima too close to the beginning and end of array are not counted. You may wish to do filtering or smoothing before passing data. LIMITATIONS: What constitutes a "peak" is subjective, so this won't fit all needs MODIFICATION HISTORY: 03-Dec-2014 added output keyword nAbove 07-Oct-2013 fixed bug when more than 16K points in a range being examined for peaks (as in fast camera averages) added SATURATED keyword, to count peaks flattopping 05-Aug-2008 Added HowCloseToMax keyword & many mods for finding Lithium peaks 08-May-2003 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: fluxcoords PURPOSE: Return flux coordinates for input R values at a given Z CATEGORY: Physics, Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> newXs = fluxcoords( shot=shot, time=time, Radius=Radius, z=z ) INPUTS: (only keywords) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Inputs Required: shot - NSTX shot number time - time after T0, in seconds Radius - floating point array of major radii, in meters Optional: Z - Z value (above mid-plane) in meters (default = 0), scalar or dimensioned same as Radius. fit - E.g., 'EFIT01', EFIT02', 'LRDFIT04', etc. (defaults to 'EFIT01') psi_n - if set, will return on psi_n surfaces verbose - if set, will print many informational messages Outputs newXs - transformed input points to rho or psi_n, depending on keyword inputs status - if odd, then was successful OUTPUTS: opt = returned value out COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> Radius=findgen(10)/10.*.30+1.50 IDL> newXs = fluxcoords( shot=121100, time=0.205, Radius=Radius, fit='EFIT01') IDL> newXs = fluxcoords( shot=120440, time=0.206, Radius=Radius, z=0.5, fit='lrdfit09') NOTES: Slow 1st time called for each new time. Especially slow for LRDFIT trees because need to an MDSCONNECT to VMS, for some reason, for this to work. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 01-Oct-2008 Removed mdsconnect [BD] 22-Feb-2007 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL, using LOTS of code from Jon Menard
NAME: getCmodEfit PURPOSE: Get efit data from CMOD for separatrix and limiter locations CATEGORY: CMOD CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> INPUTS: shot = CMOD shot number KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Inputs: tree - MDSplus tree verbose - if set, will print many informational messages debug - if set, debug output will be printed Outputs: status - if odd, then success OUTPUTS: COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> getcmodefit, 1100824017, rbbbs=rbbbs, zbbbs=zbbbs, $ nbbbs=nbbbs, efitTimes=efitTimes ,/debug NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 29-Nov-2012 use connect_cmd 21-Dec-2011 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: get_webplotsum PURPOSE: Creates summary plots vs time with plasma current, D-alpha, injected power and stored energy (W-mhd). CATEGORY: Web CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> image = get_webplotsum( ishot ) INPUTS: shot = NSTX shot number KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Inputs: (many) EXAMPLE: image = get_webplotsum( ishot, tois=ftime[0:nActualTimes-1]/1000., $ sig=signals, status=status ) if status then begin jfile = 'SHOTSUMMARY_'+strtrim( ishot, 2 )+'.jpeg' mk_jpeg, filename=dir+subDir+jfile, image=image PRINTF,LUN,'' endif image = get_webplotsum( 127264, tois=[50,100,150,200,300]/1000.) tv, image, true=1 MODIFICATION HISTORY: 04-Mar-2008 call webplotsum to add W-mhd (stored energy) to plot WRITTEN by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: IDLV4_TO_V5 PURPOSE: Modify an IDL V4.0 (or earlier) procedure such that variables are indexed using square brackets, as allowed (and suggested) within IDL V5.0 and later CALLING SEQUENCE: IDLV4_TO_V5, infiles, outdir INPUTS: infiles - scalar string specifying IDL procedure name(s), wild card values allowed outdir - scalar string giving directory to contain output file. EXAMPLES: Convert the procedure in the current directory to a IDL V5 version in the (Unix) idlv5 directory IDL> idlv4_to_v5,'','idlv5/' Convert all the procedures in the current directory to IDL V5 versions in the /share/idlv5 directory IDL> idlv4_to_v5, '*.pro', '/share/idlv5/' METHOD: ISFUNCTION() is used to determine all the routine names in the file, and then ROUTINE_INFO() is used to determine the names of all variables in the procedure. Each (non-commented) line is scanned for parentheses, and converted to square brackets if the token to the left of the left parenthesis matches a variable name. NOTES: (1) Only runs under IDL V5.0 (since it calls ROUTINE_INFO()) (2) May possibly get confused by parenthesis within strings. (3) May get confused by IDL statements that extend over multiple lines idlv4_to_v5 will supply a warning when it becomes confused by unmatched parenthesis. (4) Do not include this procedure 'idlv4_to_v5' in the directory that you are trying to convert (since it will compile the procedure while executing it, and do a retall.) (5) Conversions cannot be performed unless specified procedure(s) already compile properly (6) Will not work on IDL main programs (7) May get confused by gaps between array name and parenthesis PROCEDURES CALLED: FDECOMP, MATCH, REMOVE, ISFUNCTION() REVISION HISTORY: Written W. Landsman Hughes STX June 1997 Variable names can have numerals August 1997 Never change an intrinsic IDL function to square brackets, even if it is also a variable name.
NAME: MATCH PURPOSE: Routine to match values in two vectors. CALLING SEQUENCE: match, a, b, suba, subb, [ COUNT =, /SORT ] INPUTS: a,b - two vectors to match elements, numeric or string datatype OUTPUTS: suba - subscripts of elements in vector a with a match in vector b subb - subscripts of the positions of the elements in vector b with matchs in vector a. suba and subb are ordered such that a[suba] equals b[subb] OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORD: /SORT - By default, MATCH uses two different algorithm: (1) the /REVERSE_INDICES keyword to HISTOGRAM is used for integer data, while a sorting algorithm is used for non-integer data. The histogram algorithm is usually faster, except when the input vectors are sparse and contain very large numbers, possibly causing memory problems. Use the /SORT keyword to always use the sort algorithm. OPTIONAL KEYWORD OUTPUT: COUNT - set to the number of matches, integer scalar SIDE EFFECTS: The obsolete system variable !ERR is set to the number of matches; however, the use !ERR is deprecated in favor of the COUNT keyword RESTRICTIONS: The vectors a and b should not have duplicate values within them. You can use rem_dup function to remove duplicate values in a vector EXAMPLE: If a = [3,5,7,9,11] & b = [5,6,7,8,9,10] then IDL> match, a, b, suba, subb, COUNT = count will give suba = [1,2,3], subb = [0,2,4], COUNT = 3 and suba[a] = subb[b] = [5,7,9] METHOD: For non-integer data types, the two input vectors are combined and sorted and the consecutive equal elements are identified. For integer data types, the /REVERSE_INDICES keyword to HISTOGRAM of each array is used to identify where the two arrays have elements in common. HISTORY: D. Lindler Mar. 1986. Fixed "indgen" call for very large arrays W. Landsman Sep 1991 Added COUNT keyword W. Landsman Sep. 1992 Fixed case where single element array supplied W. Landsman Aug 95 Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 Use a HISTOGRAM algorithm for integer vector inputs for improved performance W. Landsman March 2000 Work again for strings W. Landsman April 2000
NAME: ij2rz PURPOSE: Convert from fast GPI camera pixels at CMOD or NSTX to R & Z CATEGORY: Fast 2-D Cameras CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> ij2rz, shot=shot, cam=cam, nx=nx, ny=ny, $ Rvals=Rvals, Zvals=Zvals INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Inputs: shot - CMOD or NSTX shot number (default to 1120224029) cam - default to 1 for NSTX (only one), but 2 (X-pt) for CMOD nx - # of pixels in X (defaults to that of camera) ny - # of pixels in Y (defaults to that of camera) verbose - if set, will print many informational messages debug - if set, debug output will be printed Outputs: Rvals - 2-D array of R (major Radius) values in meters of pixel location (at Gas Puff) Zvals - 2-D array of Z values (m) of pixel location (at Gas Puff) OUTPUTS: EXAMPLE: IDL> ij2rz, shot=1120224029, cam=1, $ ; input Rvals=Rvals, Zvals=Zvals ; returned NOTES: Unrotated images from NSTX are read as [80,64]. Since these need to to be rotated so up is up, default to ny=80. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 25-Sep-2012 don't transpose R-Z values, so 80 pixels is in vertical direction 27-Aug-2012 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL, for Stewart Zweben
NAME: ISFUNCTION() PURPOSE: Determine whether the IDL program(s) in a file are procedures or functions. Needed because the intrinisc RESOLVE_ROUTINE and ROUTINE_INFO() procedures require the user to know beforehand whether to supply the /IS_FUNCTION or /FUNCTION keywords. CALLING SEQUENCE: status = ISFUNCTION( filename, [ outnames, numlines] INPUT: filename = scalar string giving complete specification if file name (include .pro extension) OUTPUT: status - integer vector with number of elements equal to the number of routines in the file. Each status value consists of 0 or 1 1 - routine is an IDL function 0 - routine is an IDL procedure If no valid IDL functions or procedures are found in the file, then ISFUNCTION() returns a scalar value of -1 OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: outnames - vector string, giving name of each IDL procedure or function in the file numlines - integer vector, giving the number of lines in each IDL procedure or function in the file PROCEDURE CALLS: FDECOMP REVISION HISTORY: Written, W. Landsman June, 1995
NAME: ISNUMBER PURPOSE: Determine if a text string is a valid number. CATEGORY: CALLING SEQUENCE: i = isnumber(txt, [x]) INPUTS: txt = text string to test. in KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: x = optionaly returned numeric value if valid. out i = test flag: out 0: not a number. 1: txt is a long integer. 2: txt is a float. -1: first word of txt is a long integer. -2: first word of txt is a float. COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 28-Feb-2011 don't call a character when has a minus sign [BD] 15-Feb-2008 don't consider date string, like 02/15/2008, a number [BD] 29-Oct-2007 return 0 if input not defined [BD] 01-Dec-2006 handle structures (treat as not a number) [Bill Davis] Richard Garrett, 14 June, 1992 --- fixed bug in returned float value. R. Sterner, 12 Mar, 1990 --- upgraded. R. Sterner. 15 Oct, 1986. Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab. Copyright (C) 1986, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.
NAME: LINT PURPOSE: Find the intersection of two lines in the XY plane. CATEGORY: CALLING SEQUENCE: lint, a, b, c, d, i1, i2 INPUTS: a, b = Points on line 1. in c, d = Points on line 2. in KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Keywords: FLAG=f Returned flag: 0 means no intersections (lines parallel). 1 means one intersection. 2 means all points intersect (lines coincide). /COND print condition number for linear system. OUTPUTS: i1, i2 = Returned intersection. out Both i1 and i2 should be the same. COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: Notes: Each point has the form [x,y]. MODIFICATION HISTORY: R. Sterner, 1998 Feb 4 Copyright (C) 1998, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.
NAME: listFromPerl PURPOSE: Called from a Perl Script to list MDSplus data from a Web Page CATEGORY: WebTools, MDSplus MODIFICATION HISTORY: 14-Jul-04 added parseShotInput for handling inputs
NAME: MAKEN PURPOSE: Make an array of N values, linear between two given limits. CATEGORY: CALLING SEQUENCE: x = makex( first, last, num) INPUTS: first, last = array start and end values. in num = number of values from first to last. in KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: x = array of values. out COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Ray Sterner, 26 Sep, 1984. Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. Copyright (C) 1984, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.
NAME: MAKENXY PURPOSE: Make 2-d x and y coordinate arrays of specified dimensions. CATEGORY: CALLING SEQUENCE: makenxy, x1, x2, nx, y1, y2, ny, xarray, yarray INPUTS: x1 = min x coordinate in output rectangular array. in x2 = max x coordinate in output rectangular array. in nx = Number of steps in x. in y1 = min y coordinate in output rectangular array. in y2 = max y coordinate in output rectangular array. in ny = Number of steps in y. in KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: xarray, yarray = resulting rectangular arrays. out COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: R. Sterner, 1996 Jul 11 Copyright (C) 1996, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.
NAME: mdsw_noch PURPOSE: Plot one MDS signal simply (without Crosshairs) CATEGORY: Example CALLING SEQUENCE: mdsw_noch COMMON BLOCKS: mdsw_noch NOTES: Your display may have to be set to 256 colors to see the crosshairs. LIMITATIONS: The printers and help file used here only work from UNIX. Only one version of this program may be run from a given IDL session. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 11-Feb-99 Using UNSETUP_X rather than SETUP_X 28-Jan-99 Took out cross-hair routines 26-Jan-99 Modified for using MDS at PPPL by Bill Davis 8/29/97 CH_example written by Bill Davis,
NAME: MK_HTML_HELP PURPOSE: Given a list of IDL procedure files (.PRO), VMS text library files (.TLB), or directories that contain such files, this procedure generates a file in the HTML format that contains the documentation for those routines that contain a DOC_LIBRARY style documentation template. The output file is compatible with World Wide Web browsers. CATEGORY: Help, documentation. CALLING SEQUENCE: MK_HTML_HELP, Sources, Outfile INPUTS: Sources: A string or string array containing the name(s) of the .pro or .tlb files (or the names of directories containing such files) for which help is desired. If a source file is a VMS text library, it must include the .TLB file extension. If a source file is an IDL procedure, it must include the .PRO file extension. All other source files are assumed to be directories. Outfile: The name of the output file which will be generated. KEYWORDS: BY_CATEGORY: if set, will group output by their first Category INCLUDE: set to 'CATEGORY' or 'PURPOSE' to include at top of the file TITLE: If present, a string which supplies the name that should appear as the Document Title for the help. VERBOSE: Normally, MK_HTML_HELP does its work silently. Setting this keyword to a non-zero value causes the procedure to issue informational messages that indicate what it is currently doing. !QUIET must be 0 for these messages to appear. STRICT: If this keyword is set to a non-zero value, MK_HTML_HELP will adhere strictly to the HTML format by scanning the the document headers for characters that are reserved in HTML (<,>,&,"). These are then converted to the appropriate HTML syntax in the output file. By default, this keyword is set to zero (to allow for faster processing). EXTENSION: if want to do the for files other than .pro files STARTHEAD: characters at the beginning of a line which indicate the header start (default = ';+') STOPHEAD: characters at the beginning of a line which indicate the header end (default = ';-') caveat: string that will be displayed above the links, like a copyright notice. EXAMPLE: if on Unix: % cd directory-where-web-pages-will-be (e.g., /w/ % rm pro_sources.txt % /bin/ls -1 the-directory-with-IDL-code/*.pro > pro_sources.txt (e.g., ./src/cvs/idl_cvs) % idl IDL> sources = READ_LIST('pro_sources.txt') IDL> MK_HTML_HELP, sources, 'idl_routines.html', include='purpose',/by_category IDL> exit This just gives a relative path, but the web link will find it. When /BY_CATEGORY is specified, an additional page, e.g., idl_routines_alphabet.html, will be produced as well. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: A help file with the name given by the Outfile argument is created. RESTRICTIONS: The following rules must be followed in formatting the .pro files that are to be searched. (a) The first line of the documentation block contains only the characters ";+", starting in column 1. (b) There must be a line which contains the string "NAME:", which is immediately followed (same or next line) by the name of the procedure or function being described in that documentation block. If this NAME field is not present, the name of the source file will be used. (c) Likewise, for organizing by category, after the purpose, The "CATEGORY:" line should follow. If fitting, use one of existing categories as the first category (the only one sorted on). If less than two routines are in a category, they are listed in the Misc category. (d) The last line of the documentation block contains the characters ";-", starting in column 1. (e) Every other line in the documentation block contains a ";" in column 1. Note that a single .pro file can contain multiple procedures and/or functions, each with their own documentation blocks. If it is desired to have "invisible" routines in a file, i.e. routines which are only for internal use and should not appear in the help file, simply leave out the ";+" and ";-" lines in the documentation block for those routines. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 26-Sep-2013 option to not put link to actual code 04-May-01 Add /BY_CATEGORY switch [BD] 31-Oct-00 Add link to actual code [BD] 07-Jun-99 Added Extension keyword [BD] 01-Apr-99 Allow CATEGORY or PURPOSE to be included in the top of of the HTML file [Bill Davis] July 17, 1995, DD, RSI. Added code to alphabetize the subjects; At the end of each description block in the HTML file, added a reference to the source .pro file. July 13, 1995, Mark Rivers, University of Chicago. Added support for multiple source directories and multiple documentation headers per .pro file. July 5, 1995, DD, RSI. Original version.
NAME: mk_shotlist PURPOSE: Parse an input string for shots into an array of shots CATEGORY: Input, MDSplus CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> shotlist = mk_shotlist(input) INPUTS: input =e.g., 107694 108305 108330-108350 (108100+20 will search 108100-108120) if a shot number is given as 0, use latest MDSplus shot KEYWORD PARAMETERS: dupsOK - if=0, will remove duplicate shot numbers OUTPUTS: opt = returned value out COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLES: IDL> print,mk_shotlist('112300+3') 112300 112301 112302 112303 IDL> print,mk_shotlist('112300-4') 112300 112299 112298 112297 112296 IDL> print,mk_shotlist('0+3') 113862 113863 113864 113865 IDL> print,mk_shotlist('0-3') 113862 113861 113860 113859 IDL> print,mk_shotlist('112300-112302 112305+2') 112300 112301 112302 112305 112306 112307 IDL> print,mk_shotlist('107694 108305 108330-108332') 107694 108305 108330 108331 108332 IDL> print,mk_shotlist('4(138846) 4(138847)') IDL> print,mk_shotlist('138846-2 4(138847)') NOTES: When there are duplicate shots, the list is ordered, and the duplicates removed. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 22-Jul-2013 allow inputs with multipliers, like 4(138846) *** made the default dupsOK=1 23-Nov-2009 fixed bug with test for negative shot number 08-Aug-07 added dupsOK keyword 21-Aug-06 Allow for blanks around "-" and "+" 14-Jul-04 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: mk_wtinputfile PURPOSE: Create an input file for Web Plotting Tools, like from an MDSplus Scope or jScope input file. CATEGORY: WebTools, MDSplus, SCOPE CALLING SEQUENCE: mk_wtinputfile, scopeFile, wtFile, status=status INPUTS: scopeFile - name of a scope file wtFile - name of web tool input file (defaults to *.txt) KEYWORDS: verbose - if set, will print many informational messages debug - if set, debug output will be printed jScope - if set, the input file is assumed to be a jScope input file RETURNED: status - if odd #, then was successful. OUTPUT: file wtFile is created. NOTES: can handle multi-signal expressions, but tree will only be added to the first signal, so, if all signals must be in the first tree LIMITATIONS: Does not work with jScope files (yet) EXAMPLES: IDL> scopeFile = '/p/nstxusr/util/scopes/wfplus.scope' IDL> wtFile = 'wfplus.txt' IDL> mk_wtinputfile, scopeFile, wtFile IDL> scopeFile = '/u/bdavis/bdtest.jscp' IDL> mk_wtinputfile, scopeFile ; will output to bdtest.txt IDL> mk_wtinputfile, "/u/psichta/scopes/pcs.jscp", "pcs.txt" MODIFICATION HISTORY: 12-Feb-2014 added jScope keyword, so don't have to rely on .jscp ext 10-Feb-2014 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: MPCURVEFIT AUTHOR: Craig B. Markwardt, NASA/GSFC Code 662, Greenbelt, MD 20770 UPDATED VERSIONs can be found on my WEB PAGE: PURPOSE: Perform Levenberg-Marquardt least-squares fit (replaces CURVEFIT) MAJOR TOPICS: Curve and Surface Fitting CALLING SEQUENCE: YFIT = MPCURVEFIT(X, Y, WEIGHTS, P, [SIGMA,] FUNCTION_NAME=FUNC, ITER=iter, ITMAX=itmax, CHISQ=chisq, NFREE=nfree, DOF=dof, NFEV=nfev, COVAR=covar, [/NOCOVAR, ] [/NODERIVATIVE, ] FUNCTARGS=functargs, PARINFO=parinfo, FTOL=ftol, XTOL=xtol, GTOL=gtol, TOL=tol, ITERPROC=iterproc, ITERARGS=iterargs, NPRINT=nprint, QUIET=quiet, ERRMSG=errmsg, STATUS=status) DESCRIPTION: MPCURVEFIT fits a user-supplied model -- in the form of an IDL function -- to a set of user-supplied data. MPCURVEFIT calls MPFIT, the MINPACK-1 least-squares minimizer, to do the main work. Given the data and their uncertainties, MPCURVEFIT finds the best set of model parameters which match the data (in a least-squares sense) and returns them in the parameter P. MPCURVEFIT returns the best fit function. The user must supply the following items: - An array of independent variable values ("X"). - An array of "measured" *dependent* variable values ("Y"). - An array of weighting values ("WEIGHTS"). - The name of an IDL function which computes Y given X ("FUNC"). - Starting guesses for all of the parameters ("P"). There are very few restrictions placed on X, Y or FUNCT. Simply put, FUNCT must map the "X" values into "Y" values given the model parameters. The "X" values may represent any independent variable (not just Cartesian X), and indeed may be multidimensional themselves. For example, in the application of image fitting, X may be a 2xN array of image positions. MPCURVEFIT carefully avoids passing large arrays where possible to improve performance. See below for an example of usage. USER FUNCTION The user must define a function which returns the model value. For applications which use finite-difference derivatives -- the default -- the user function should be declared in the following way: ; MYFUNCT - example user function ; X - input independent variable (vector same size as data) ; P - input parameter values (N-element array) ; YMOD - upon return, user function values ; DP - upon return, the user function must return ; an ARRAY(M,N) of derivatives in this parameter ; PRO MYFUNCT, x, p, ymod, dp ymod = F(x, p) ;; Model function if n_params() GE 4 then begin ; Create derivative and compute derivative array dp = make_array(n_elements(x), n_elements(p), value=x[0]*0) ; Compute derivative if requested by caller for i = 0, n_elements(p)-1 do dp(*,i) = FGRAD(x, p, i) endif END where FGRAD(x, p, i) is a model function which computes the derivative of the model F(x,p) with respect to parameter P(i) at X. The returned array YMOD must have the same dimensions and type as the "measured" Y values. The returned array DP[i,j] is the derivative of the ith function value with respect to the jth parameter. User functions may also indicate a fatal error condition using the ERROR_CODE common block variable, as described below under the MPFIT_ERROR common block definition. If NODERIVATIVE=1, then MPCURVEFIT will never request explicit derivatives from the user function, and instead will user numerical estimates (i.e. by calling the user function multiple times). CONSTRAINING PARAMETER VALUES WITH THE PARINFO KEYWORD The behavior of MPFIT can be modified with respect to each parameter to be fitted. A parameter value can be fixed; simple boundary constraints can be imposed; limitations on the parameter changes can be imposed; properties of the automatic derivative can be modified; and parameters can be tied to one another. These properties are governed by the PARINFO structure, which is passed as a keyword parameter to MPFIT. PARINFO should be an array of structures, one for each parameter. Each parameter is associated with one element of the array, in numerical order. The structure can have the following entries (none are required): .VALUE - the starting parameter value (but see the START_PARAMS parameter for more information). .FIXED - a boolean value, whether the parameter is to be held fixed or not. Fixed parameters are not varied by MPFIT, but are passed on to MYFUNCT for evaluation. .LIMITED - a two-element boolean array. If the first/second element is set, then the parameter is bounded on the lower/upper side. A parameter can be bounded on both sides. Both LIMITED and LIMITS must be given together. .LIMITS - a two-element float or double array. Gives the parameter limits on the lower and upper sides, respectively. Zero, one or two of these values can be set, depending on the values of LIMITED. Both LIMITED and LIMITS must be given together. .PARNAME - a string, giving the name of the parameter. The fitting code of MPFIT does not use this tag in any way. However, the default ITERPROC will print the parameter name if available. .STEP - the step size to be used in calculating the numerical derivatives. If set to zero, then the step size is computed automatically. Ignored when AUTODERIVATIVE=0. This value is superceded by the RELSTEP value. .RELSTEP - the *relative* step size to be used in calculating the numerical derivatives. This number is the fractional size of the step, compared to the parameter value. This value supercedes the STEP setting. If the parameter is zero, then a default step size is chosen. .MPSIDE - the sidedness of the finite difference when computing numerical derivatives. This field can take four values: 0 - one-sided derivative computed automatically 1 - one-sided derivative (f(x+h) - f(x) )/h -1 - one-sided derivative (f(x) - f(x-h))/h 2 - two-sided derivative (f(x+h) - f(x-h))/(2*h) Where H is the STEP parameter described above. The "automatic" one-sided derivative method will chose a direction for the finite difference which does not violate any constraints. The other methods do not perform this check. The two-sided method is in principle more precise, but requires twice as many function evaluations. Default: 0. .MPMAXSTEP - the maximum change to be made in the parameter value. During the fitting process, the parameter will never be changed by more than this value in one iteration. A value of 0 indicates no maximum. Default: 0. .TIED - a string expression which "ties" the parameter to other free or fixed parameters. Any expression involving constants and the parameter array P are permitted. Example: if parameter 2 is always to be twice parameter 1 then use the following: parinfo(2).tied = '2 * P(1)'. Since they are totally constrained, tied parameters are considered to be fixed; no errors are computed for them. [ NOTE: the PARNAME can't be used in expressions. ] .MPPRINT - if set to 1, then the default ITERPROC will print the parameter value. If set to 0, the parameter value will not be printed. This tag can be used to selectively print only a few parameter values out of many. Default: 1 (all parameters printed) Future modifications to the PARINFO structure, if any, will involve adding structure tags beginning with the two letters "MP". Therefore programmers are urged to avoid using tags starting with the same letters; otherwise they are free to include their own fields within the PARINFO structure, and they will be ignored. PARINFO Example: parinfo = replicate({value:0.D, fixed:0, limited:[0,0], $ limits:[0.D,0]}, 5) parinfo(0).fixed = 1 parinfo(4).limited(0) = 1 parinfo(4).limits(0) = 50.D parinfo(*).value = [5.7D, 2.2, 500., 1.5, 2000.] A total of 5 parameters, with starting values of 5.7, 2.2, 500, 1.5, and 2000 are given. The first parameter is fixed at a value of 5.7, and the last parameter is constrained to be above 50. INPUTS: X - Array of independent variable values. Y - Array of "measured" dependent variable values. Y should have the same data type as X. The function FUNCT should map X->Y. WEIGHTS - Array of weights to be used in calculating the chi-squared value. If WEIGHTS is specified then the ERR parameter is ignored. The chi-squared value is computed as follows: CHISQ = TOTAL( (Y-FUNCT(X,P))^2 * ABS(WEIGHTS) ) Here are common values of WEIGHTS: 1D/ERR^2 - Normal weighting (ERR is the measurement error) 1D/Y - Poisson weighting (counting statistics) 1D - Unweighted P - An array of starting values for each of the parameters of the model. The number of parameters should be fewer than the number of measurements. Also, the parameters should have the same data type as the measurements (double is preferred). Upon successful completion the new parameter values are returned in P. If both START_PARAMS and PARINFO are passed, then the starting *value* is taken from START_PARAMS, but the *constraints* are taken from PARINFO. SIGMA - The formal 1-sigma errors in each parameter, computed from the covariance matrix. If a parameter is held fixed, or if it touches a boundary, then the error is reported as zero. If the fit is unweighted (i.e. no errors were given, or the weights were uniformly set to unity), then SIGMA will probably not represent the true parameter uncertainties. *If* you can assume that the true reduced chi-squared value is unity -- meaning that the fit is implicitly assumed to be of good quality -- then the estimated parameter uncertainties can be computed by scaling SIGMA by the measured chi-squared value. DOF = N_ELEMENTS(X) - N_ELEMENTS(P) ; deg of freedom CSIGMA = SIGMA * SQRT(CHISQ / DOF) ; scaled uncertainties RETURNS: Returns the array containing the best-fitting function. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: CHISQ - the value of the summed, squared, weighted residuals for the returned parameter values, i.e. the chi-square value. COVAR - the covariance matrix for the set of parameters returned by MPFIT. The matrix is NxN where N is the number of parameters. The square root of the diagonal elements gives the formal 1-sigma statistical errors on the parameters IF errors were treated "properly" in MYFUNC. Parameter errors are also returned in PERROR. To compute the correlation matrix, PCOR, use this: IDL> PCOR = COV * 0 IDL> FOR i = 0, n-1 DO FOR j = 0, n-1 DO $ PCOR(i,j) = COV(i,j)/sqrt(COV(i,i)*COV(j,j)) If NOCOVAR is set or MPFIT terminated abnormally, then COVAR is set to a scalar with value !VALUES.D_NAN. DOF - number of degrees of freedom, computed as DOF = N_ELEMENTS(DEVIATES) - NFREE Note that this doesn't account for pegged parameters (see NPEGGED). ERRMSG - a string error or warning message is returned. FTOL - a nonnegative input variable. Termination occurs when both the actual and predicted relative reductions in the sum of squares are at most FTOL (and STATUS is accordingly set to 1 or 3). Therefore, FTOL measures the relative error desired in the sum of squares. Default: 1D-10 FUNCTION_NAME - a scalar string containing the name of an IDL procedure to compute the user model values, as described above in the "USER MODEL" section. FUNCTARGS - A structure which contains the parameters to be passed to the user-supplied function specified by FUNCT via the _EXTRA mechanism. This is the way you can pass additional data to your user-supplied function without using common blocks. By default, no extra parameters are passed to the user-supplied function. GTOL - a nonnegative input variable. Termination occurs when the cosine of the angle between fvec and any column of the jacobian is at most GTOL in absolute value (and STATUS is accordingly set to 4). Therefore, GTOL measures the orthogonality desired between the function vector and the columns of the jacobian. Default: 1D-10 ITER - the number of iterations completed. ITERARGS - The keyword arguments to be passed to ITERPROC via the _EXTRA mechanism. This should be a structure, and is similar in operation to FUNCTARGS. Default: no arguments are passed. ITERPROC - The name of a procedure to be called upon each NPRINT iteration of the MPFIT routine. It should be declared in the following way: PRO ITERPROC, FUNCT, p, iter, fnorm, FUNCTARGS=fcnargs, $ PARINFO=parinfo, QUIET=quiet, ... ; perform custom iteration update END ITERPROC must either accept all three keyword parameters (FUNCTARGS, PARINFO and QUIET), or at least accept them via the _EXTRA keyword. FUNCT is the user-supplied function to be minimized, P is the current set of model parameters, ITER is the iteration number, and FUNCTARGS are the arguments to be passed to FUNCT. FNORM should be the chi-squared value. QUIET is set when no textual output should be printed. See below for documentation of PARINFO. In implementation, ITERPROC can perform updates to the terminal or graphical user interface, to provide feedback while the fit proceeds. If the fit is to be stopped for any reason, then ITERPROC should set the common block variable ERROR_CODE to negative value (see MPFIT_ERROR common block below). In principle, ITERPROC should probably not modify the parameter values, because it may interfere with the algorithm's stability. In practice it is allowed. Default: an internal routine is used to print the parameter values. ITMAX - The maximum number of iterations to perform. If the number is exceeded, then the STATUS value is set to 5 and MPFIT returns. Default: 200 iterations NFEV - the number of FUNCT function evaluations performed. NFREE - the number of free parameters in the fit. This includes parameters which are not FIXED and not TIED, but it does include parameters which are pegged at LIMITS. NOCOVAR - set this keyword to prevent the calculation of the covariance matrix before returning (see COVAR) NODERIVATIVE - if set, then the user function will not be queried for analytical derivatives, and instead the derivatives will be computed by finite differences (and according to the PARINFO derivative settings; see above for a description). NPRINT - The frequency with which ITERPROC is called. A value of 1 indicates that ITERPROC is called with every iteration, while 2 indicates every other iteration, etc. Note that several Levenberg-Marquardt attempts can be made in a single iteration. Default value: 1 PARINFO - Provides a mechanism for more sophisticated constraints to be placed on parameter values. When PARINFO is not passed, then it is assumed that all parameters are free and unconstrained. Values in PARINFO are never modified during a call to MPFIT. See description above for the structure of PARINFO. Default value: all parameters are free and unconstrained. QUIET - set this keyword when no textual output should be printed by MPFIT STATUS - an integer status code is returned. All values other than zero can represent success. It can have one of the following values: 0 improper input parameters. 1 both actual and predicted relative reductions in the sum of squares are at most FTOL. 2 relative error between two consecutive iterates is at most XTOL 3 conditions for STATUS = 1 and STATUS = 2 both hold. 4 the cosine of the angle between fvec and any column of the jacobian is at most GTOL in absolute value. 5 the maximum number of iterations has been reached 6 FTOL is too small. no further reduction in the sum of squares is possible. 7 XTOL is too small. no further improvement in the approximate solution x is possible. 8 GTOL is too small. fvec is orthogonal to the columns of the jacobian to machine precision. TOL - synonym for FTOL. Use FTOL instead. XTOL - a nonnegative input variable. Termination occurs when the relative error between two consecutive iterates is at most XTOL (and STATUS is accordingly set to 2 or 3). Therefore, XTOL measures the relative error desired in the approximate solution. Default: 1D-10 YERROR - upon return, the root-mean-square variance of the residuals. EXAMPLE: ; First, generate some synthetic data npts = 200 x = dindgen(npts) * 0.1 - 10. ; Independent variable yi = gauss1(x, [2.2D, 1.4, 3000.]) ; "Ideal" Y variable y = yi + randomn(seed, npts) * sqrt(1000. + yi); Measured, w/ noise sy = sqrt(1000.D + y) ; Poisson errors ; Now fit a Gaussian to see how well we can recover p0 = [1.D, 1., 1000.] ; Initial guess yfit = mpcurvefit(x, y, 1/sy^2, p0, $ ; Fit a function FUNCTION_NAME='GAUSS1P',/autoderivative) print, p Generates a synthetic data set with a Gaussian peak, and Poisson statistical uncertainty. Then the same function is fitted to the data to see how close we can get. GAUSS1 and GAUSS1P are available from the same web page. COMMON BLOCKS: COMMON MPFIT_ERROR, ERROR_CODE User routines may stop the fitting process at any time by setting an error condition. This condition may be set in either the user's model computation routine (MYFUNCT), or in the iteration procedure (ITERPROC). To stop the fitting, the above common block must be declared, and ERROR_CODE must be set to a negative number. After the user procedure or function returns, MPFIT checks the value of this common block variable and exits immediately if the error condition has been set. By default the value of ERROR_CODE is zero, indicating a successful function/procedure call. REFERENCES: MINPACK-1, Jorge More', available from netlib ( "Optimization Software Guide," Jorge More' and Stephen Wright, SIAM, *Frontiers in Applied Mathematics*, Number 14. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Translated from MPFITFUN, 25 Sep 1999, CM Alphabetized documented keywords, 02 Oct 1999, CM Added QUERY keyword and query checking of MPFIT, 29 Oct 1999, CM Check to be sure that X and Y are present, 02 Nov 1999, CM Documented SIGMA for unweighted fits, 03 Nov 1999, CM Changed to ERROR_CODE for error condition, 28 Jan 2000, CM Copying permission terms have been liberalized, 26 Mar 2000, CM Propagated improvements from MPFIT, 17 Dec 2000, CM Corrected behavior of NODERIVATIVE, 13 May 2002, CM Documented RELSTEP field of PARINFO (!!), CM, 25 Oct 2002 Make more consistent with comparable IDL routines, 30 Jun 2003, CM Minor documentation adjustment, 03 Feb 2004, CM Fix error in documentation, 26 Aug 2005, CM Convert to IDL 5 array syntax (!), 16 Jul 2006, CM Move STRICTARR compile option inside each function/procedure, 9 Oct 2006 Fix bug in handling of explicit derivatives with errors/weights (the weights were not being applied), CM, 2012-07-22 Add more documentation on calling interface for user function and parameter derivatives, CM, 2012-07-22 $Id:,v 1.2 2014/02/24 22:26:01 bdavis Exp $
NAME: MPFIT2DFUN AUTHOR: Craig B. Markwardt, NASA/GSFC Code 662, Greenbelt, MD 20770 UPDATED VERSIONs can be found on my WEB PAGE: PURPOSE: Perform Levenberg-Marquardt least-squares fit to a 2-D IDL function MAJOR TOPICS: Curve and Surface Fitting CALLING SEQUENCE: parms = MPFIT2DFUN(MYFUNCT, X, Y, Z, ERR, start_parms, ...) DESCRIPTION: MPFIT2DFUN fits a user-supplied model -- in the form of an IDL function -- to a set of user-supplied data. MPFIT2DFUN calls MPFIT, the MINPACK-1 least-squares minimizer, to do the main work. MPFIT2DFUN is a specialized version for two-dimensional data. Given the data and their uncertainties, MPFIT2DFUN finds the best set of model parameters which match the data (in a least-squares sense) and returns them in an array. The user must supply the following items: - Two arrays of independent variable values ("X", "Y"). - An array of "measured" *dependent* variable values ("Z"). - An array of "measured" 1-sigma uncertainty values ("ERR"). - The name of an IDL function which computes Z given (X,Y) ("MYFUNCT"). - Starting guesses for all of the parameters ("START_PARAMS"). There are very few restrictions placed on X, Y, Z, or MYFUNCT. Simply put, MYFUNCT must map the (X,Y) values into Z values given the model parameters. The (X,Y) values are usually the independent X and Y coordinate positions in the two dimensional plane, but need not be. MPFIT2DFUN carefully avoids passing large arrays where possible to improve performance. See below for an example of usage. USER FUNCTION The user must define a function which returns the model value. For applications which use finite-difference derivatives -- the default -- the user function should be declared in the following way: FUNCTION MYFUNCT, X, Y, P ; The independent variables are X and Y ; Parameter values are passed in "P" ZMOD = ... computed model values at (X,Y) ... return, ZMOD END The returned array YMOD must have the same dimensions and type as the "measured" Z values. User functions may also indicate a fatal error condition using the ERROR_CODE common block variable, as described below under the MPFIT_ERROR common block definition. See the discussion under "ANALYTIC DERIVATIVES" and AUTODERIVATIVE in MPFIT.PRO if you wish to compute the derivatives for yourself. AUTODERIVATIVE is accepted and passed directly to MPFIT. The user function must accept one additional parameter, DP, which contains the derivative of the user function with respect to each parameter at each data point, as described in MPFIT.PRO. CREATING APPROPRIATELY DIMENSIONED INDEPENDENT VARIABLES The user must supply appropriate independent variables to MPFIT2DFUN. For image fitting applications, this variable should be two-dimensional *arrays* describing the X and Y positions of every *pixel*. [ Thus any two dimensional sampling is permitted, including irregular sampling. ] If the sampling is regular, then the x coordinates are the same for each row, and the y coordinates are the same for each column. Call the x-row and y-column coordinates XR and YC respectively. You can then compute X and Y as follows: X = XR # (YC*0 + 1) eqn. 1 Y = (XR*0 + 1) # YC eqn. 2 For example, if XR and YC have the following values: XR = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,] ;; X positions of one row of pixels YC = [ 15,16,17 ] ;; Y positions of one column of pixels Then using equations 1 and 2 above will give these values to X and Y: X : 1 2 3 4 5 ;; X positions of all pixels 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Y : 15 15 15 15 15 ;; Y positions of all pixels 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 Using the above technique is suggested, but *not* required. You can do anything you wish with the X and Y values. This technique only makes it easier to compute your model function values. CONSTRAINING PARAMETER VALUES WITH THE PARINFO KEYWORD The behavior of MPFIT can be modified with respect to each parameter to be fitted. A parameter value can be fixed; simple boundary constraints can be imposed; limitations on the parameter changes can be imposed; properties of the automatic derivative can be modified; and parameters can be tied to one another. These properties are governed by the PARINFO structure, which is passed as a keyword parameter to MPFIT. PARINFO should be an array of structures, one for each parameter. Each parameter is associated with one element of the array, in numerical order. The structure can have the following entries (none are required): .VALUE - the starting parameter value (but see the START_PARAMS parameter for more information). .FIXED - a boolean value, whether the parameter is to be held fixed or not. Fixed parameters are not varied by MPFIT, but are passed on to MYFUNCT for evaluation. .LIMITED - a two-element boolean array. If the first/second element is set, then the parameter is bounded on the lower/upper side. A parameter can be bounded on both sides. Both LIMITED and LIMITS must be given together. .LIMITS - a two-element float or double array. Gives the parameter limits on the lower and upper sides, respectively. Zero, one or two of these values can be set, depending on the values of LIMITED. Both LIMITED and LIMITS must be given together. .PARNAME - a string, giving the name of the parameter. The fitting code of MPFIT does not use this tag in any way. However, the default ITERPROC will print the parameter name if available. .STEP - the step size to be used in calculating the numerical derivatives. If set to zero, then the step size is computed automatically. Ignored when AUTODERIVATIVE=0. This value is superceded by the RELSTEP value. .RELSTEP - the *relative* step size to be used in calculating the numerical derivatives. This number is the fractional size of the step, compared to the parameter value. This value supercedes the STEP setting. If the parameter is zero, then a default step size is chosen. .MPSIDE - the sidedness of the finite difference when computing numerical derivatives. This field can take four values: 0 - one-sided derivative computed automatically 1 - one-sided derivative (f(x+h) - f(x) )/h -1 - one-sided derivative (f(x) - f(x-h))/h 2 - two-sided derivative (f(x+h) - f(x-h))/(2*h) Where H is the STEP parameter described above. The "automatic" one-sided derivative method will chose a direction for the finite difference which does not violate any constraints. The other methods do not perform this check. The two-sided method is in principle more precise, but requires twice as many function evaluations. Default: 0. .MPMINSTEP - the minimum change to be made in the parameter value. During the fitting process, the parameter will be changed by multiples of this value. The actual step is computed as: DELTA1 = MPMINSTEP*ROUND(DELTA0/MPMINSTEP) where DELTA0 and DELTA1 are the estimated parameter changes before and after this constraint is applied. Note that this constraint should be used with care since it may cause non-converging, oscillating solutions. A value of 0 indicates no minimum. Default: 0. .MPMAXSTEP - the maximum change to be made in the parameter value. During the fitting process, the parameter will never be changed by more than this value. A value of 0 indicates no maximum. Default: 0. .TIED - a string expression which "ties" the parameter to other free or fixed parameters. Any expression involving constants and the parameter array P are permitted. Example: if parameter 2 is always to be twice parameter 1 then use the following: parinfo[2].tied = '2 * P[1]'. Since they are totally constrained, tied parameters are considered to be fixed; no errors are computed for them. [ NOTE: the PARNAME can't be used in expressions. ] Future modifications to the PARINFO structure, if any, will involve adding structure tags beginning with the two letters "MP". Therefore programmers are urged to avoid using tags starting with the same letters; otherwise they are free to include their own fields within the PARINFO structure, and they will be ignored. PARINFO Example: parinfo = replicate({value:0.D, fixed:0, limited:[0,0], $ limits:[0.D,0]}, 5) parinfo[0].fixed = 1 parinfo[4].limited(0) = 1 parinfo[4].limits(0) = 50.D parinfo[*].value = [5.7D, 2.2, 500., 1.5, 2000.] A total of 5 parameters, with starting values of 5.7, 2.2, 500, 1.5, and 2000 are given. The first parameter is fixed at a value of 5.7, and the last parameter is constrained to be above 50. COMPATIBILITY This function is designed to work with IDL 5.0 or greater. Because TIED parameters rely on the EXECUTE() function, they cannot be used with the free version of the IDL Virtual Machine. INPUTS: MYFUNCT - a string variable containing the name of an IDL function. This function computes the "model" Z values given the X,Y values and model parameters, as described above. X - Array of "X" independent variable values, as described above. These values are passed directly to the fitting function unmodified. Y - Array of "Y" independent variable values, as described above. X and Y should have the same data type. Z - Array of "measured" dependent variable values. Z should have the same data type as X and Y. The function MYFUNCT should map (X,Y)->Z. ERR - Array of "measured" 1-sigma uncertainties. ERR should have the same data type as Z. ERR is ignored if the WEIGHTS keyword is specified. START_PARAMS - An array of starting values for each of the parameters of the model. The number of parameters should be fewer than the number of measurements. Also, the parameters should have the same data type as the measurements (double is preferred). This parameter is optional if the PARINFO keyword is used (see MPFIT). The PARINFO keyword provides a mechanism to fix or constrain individual parameters. If both START_PARAMS and PARINFO are passed, then the starting *value* is taken from START_PARAMS, but the *constraints* are taken from PARINFO. RETURNS: Returns the array of best-fit parameters. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: BESTNORM - the value of the summed, squared, weighted residuals for the returned parameter values, i.e. the chi-square value. COVAR - the covariance matrix for the set of parameters returned by MPFIT. The matrix is NxN where N is the number of parameters. The square root of the diagonal elements gives the formal 1-sigma statistical errors on the parameters IF errors were treated "properly" in MYFUNC. Parameter errors are also returned in PERROR. To compute the correlation matrix, PCOR, use this example: PCOR = COV * 0 FOR i = 0, n-1 DO FOR j = 0, n-1 DO $ PCOR[i,j] = COV[i,j]/sqrt(COV[i,i]*COV[j,j]) or equivalently, in vector notation, PCOR = COV / (PERROR # PERROR) If NOCOVAR is set or MPFIT terminated abnormally, then COVAR is set to a scalar with value !VALUES.D_NAN. DOF - number of degrees of freedom, computed as DOF = N_ELEMENTS(DEVIATES) - NFREE Note that this doesn't account for pegged parameters (see NPEGGED). ERRMSG - a string error or warning message is returned. FTOL - a nonnegative input variable. Termination occurs when both the actual and predicted relative reductions in the sum of squares are at most FTOL (and STATUS is accordingly set to 1 or 3). Therefore, FTOL measures the relative error desired in the sum of squares. Default: 1D-10 FUNCTARGS - A structure which contains the parameters to be passed to the user-supplied function specified by MYFUNCT via the _EXTRA mechanism. This is the way you can pass additional data to your user-supplied function without using common blocks. By default, no extra parameters are passed to the user-supplied function. GTOL - a nonnegative input variable. Termination occurs when the cosine of the angle between fvec and any column of the jacobian is at most GTOL in absolute value (and STATUS is accordingly set to 4). Therefore, GTOL measures the orthogonality desired between the function vector and the columns of the jacobian. Default: 1D-10 ITERARGS - The keyword arguments to be passed to ITERPROC via the _EXTRA mechanism. This should be a structure, and is similar in operation to FUNCTARGS. Default: no arguments are passed. ITERPROC - The name of a procedure to be called upon each NPRINT iteration of the MPFIT routine. It should be declared in the following way: PRO ITERPROC, MYFUNCT, p, iter, fnorm, FUNCTARGS=fcnargs, $ PARINFO=parinfo, QUIET=quiet, ... ; perform custom iteration update END ITERPROC must either accept all three keyword parameters (FUNCTARGS, PARINFO and QUIET), or at least accept them via the _EXTRA keyword. MYFUNCT is the user-supplied function to be minimized, P is the current set of model parameters, ITER is the iteration number, and FUNCTARGS are the arguments to be passed to MYFUNCT. FNORM should be the chi-squared value. QUIET is set when no textual output should be printed. See below for documentation of PARINFO. In implementation, ITERPROC can perform updates to the terminal or graphical user interface, to provide feedback while the fit proceeds. If the fit is to be stopped for any reason, then ITERPROC should set the common block variable ERROR_CODE to negative value (see MPFIT_ERROR common block below). In principle, ITERPROC should probably not modify the parameter values, because it may interfere with the algorithm's stability. In practice it is allowed. Default: an internal routine is used to print the parameter values. MAXITER - The maximum number of iterations to perform. If the number is exceeded, then the STATUS value is set to 5 and MPFIT returns. Default: 200 iterations NFEV - the number of MYFUNCT function evaluations performed. NITER - the number of iterations completed. NOCOVAR - set this keyword to prevent the calculation of the covariance matrix before returning (see COVAR) NPRINT - The frequency with which ITERPROC is called. A value of 1 indicates that ITERPROC is called with every iteration, while 2 indicates every other iteration, etc. Note that several Levenberg-Marquardt attempts can be made in a single iteration. Default value: 1 PARINFO - Provides a mechanism for more sophisticated constraints to be placed on parameter values. When PARINFO is not passed, then it is assumed that all parameters are free and unconstrained. Values in PARINFO are never modified during a call to MPFIT. See description above for the structure of PARINFO. Default value: all parameters are free and unconstrained. PERROR - The formal 1-sigma errors in each parameter, computed from the covariance matrix. If a parameter is held fixed, or if it touches a boundary, then the error is reported as zero. If the fit is unweighted (i.e. no errors were given, or the weights were uniformly set to unity), then PERROR will probably not represent the true parameter uncertainties. *If* you can assume that the true reduced chi-squared value is unity -- meaning that the fit is implicitly assumed to be of good quality -- then the estimated parameter uncertainties can be computed by scaling PERROR by the measured chi-squared value. DOF = N_ELEMENTS(Z) - N_ELEMENTS(PARMS) ; deg of freedom PCERROR = PERROR * SQRT(BESTNORM / DOF) ; scaled uncertainties QUIET - set this keyword when no textual output should be printed by MPFIT STATUS - an integer status code is returned. All values other than zero can represent success. It can have one of the following values: 0 improper input parameters. 1 both actual and predicted relative reductions in the sum of squares are at most FTOL. 2 relative error between two consecutive iterates is at most XTOL 3 conditions for STATUS = 1 and STATUS = 2 both hold. 4 the cosine of the angle between fvec and any column of the jacobian is at most GTOL in absolute value. 5 the maximum number of iterations has been reached 6 FTOL is too small. no further reduction in the sum of squares is possible. 7 XTOL is too small. no further improvement in the approximate solution x is possible. 8 GTOL is too small. fvec is orthogonal to the columns of the jacobian to machine precision. WEIGHTS - Array of weights to be used in calculating the chi-squared value. If WEIGHTS is specified then the ERR parameter is ignored. The chi-squared value is computed as follows: CHISQ = TOTAL( (Z-MYFUNCT(X,Y,P))^2 * ABS(WEIGHTS) ) Here are common values of WEIGHTS: 1D/ERR^2 - Normal weighting (ERR is the measurement error) 1D/Z - Poisson weighting (counting statistics) 1D - Unweighted XTOL - a nonnegative input variable. Termination occurs when the relative error between two consecutive iterates is at most XTOL (and STATUS is accordingly set to 2 or 3). Therefore, XTOL measures the relative error desired in the approximate solution. Default: 1D-10 YFIT - the best-fit model function, as returned by MYFUNCT. EXAMPLE: p = [2.2D, -0.7D, 1.4D, 3000.D] x = (dindgen(200)*0.1 - 10.) # (dblarr(200) + 1) y = (dblarr(200) + 1) # (dindgen(200)*0.1 - 10.) zi = gauss2(x, y, p) sz = sqrt(zi>1) z = zi + randomn(seed, 200, 200) * sz p0 = [0D, 0D, 1D, 10D] p = mpfit2dfun('GAUSS2', x, y, z, sz, p0) Generates a synthetic data set with a Gaussian peak, and Poisson statistical uncertainty. Then the same function (but different starting parameters) is fitted to the data to see how close we can get. It is especially worthy to notice that the X and Y values are created as full images, so that a coordinate is attached to each pixel independently. This is the format that GAUSS2 accepts, and the easiest for you to use in your own functions. COMMON BLOCKS: COMMON MPFIT_ERROR, ERROR_CODE User routines may stop the fitting process at any time by setting an error condition. This condition may be set in either the user's model computation routine (MYFUNCT), or in the iteration procedure (ITERPROC). To stop the fitting, the above common block must be declared, and ERROR_CODE must be set to a negative number. After the user procedure or function returns, MPFIT checks the value of this common block variable and exits immediately if the error condition has been set. By default the value of ERROR_CODE is zero, indicating a successful function/procedure call. REFERENCES: MINPACK-1, Jorge More', available from netlib ( "Optimization Software Guide," Jorge More' and Stephen Wright, SIAM, *Frontiers in Applied Mathematics*, Number 14. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written, transformed from MPFITFUN, 26 Sep 1999, CM Alphabetized documented keywords, 02 Oct 1999, CM Added example, 02 Oct 1999, CM Tried to clarify definitions of X and Y, 29 Oct 1999, CM Added QUERY keyword and query checking of MPFIT, 29 Oct 1999, CM Check to be sure that X, Y and Z are present, 02 Nov 1999, CM Documented PERROR for unweighted fits, 03 Nov 1999, CM Changed to ERROR_CODE for error condition, 28 Jan 2000, CM Copying permission terms have been liberalized, 26 Mar 2000, CM Propagated improvements from MPFIT, 17 Dec 2000, CM Documented RELSTEP field of PARINFO (!!), CM, 25 Oct 2002 Add DOF keyword to return degrees of freedom, CM, 23 June 2003 Minor documentation adjustment, 03 Feb 2004, CM Fix the example to prevent zero errorbars, 28 Mar 2005, CM Defend against users supplying strangely dimensioned X and Y, 29 Jun 2005, CM Convert to IDL 5 array syntax (!), 16 Jul 2006, CM Move STRICTARR compile option inside each function/procedure, 9 Oct 2006 Add COMPATIBILITY section, CM, 13 Dec 2007 $Id:,v 1.2 2014/02/24 22:26:01 bdavis Exp $
NAME: MPFIT2DPEAK AUTHOR: Craig B. Markwardt, NASA/GSFC Code 662, Greenbelt, MD 20770 UPDATED VERSIONs can be found on my WEB PAGE: PURPOSE: Fit a gaussian, lorentzian or Moffat model to data MAJOR TOPICS: Curve and Surface Fitting CALLING SEQUENCE: yfit = MPFIT2DPEAK(Z, A [, X, Y, /TILT ...] ) DESCRIPTION: MPFIT2DPEAK fits a gaussian, lorentzian or Moffat model using the non-linear least squares fitter MPFIT. MPFIT2DPEAK is meant to be a drop-in replacement for IDL's GAUSS2DFIT function (and requires MPFIT and MPFIT2DFUN). The choice of the fitting function is determined by the keywords GAUSSIAN, LORENTZIAN and MOFFAT. By default the gaussian model function is used. [ The Moffat function is a modified Lorentzian with variable power law index. ] The two-dimensional peak has independent semimajor and semiminor axes, with an optional rotation term activated by setting the TILT keyword. The baseline is assumed to be a constant. GAUSSIAN A[0] + A[1]*exp(-0.5*u) LORENTZIAN A[0] + A[1]/(u + 1) MOFFAT A[0] + A[1]/(u + 1)^A[7] u = ( (x-A[4])/A[2] )^2 + ( (y-A[5])/A[3] )^2 where x and y are cartesian coordinates in rotated coordinate system if TILT keyword is set. The returned parameter array elements have the following meanings: A[0] Constant baseline level A[1] Peak value A[2] Peak half-width (x) -- gaussian sigma or half-width at half-max A[3] Peak half-width (y) -- gaussian sigma or half-width at half-max A[4] Peak centroid (x) A[5] Peak centroid (y) A[6] Rotation angle (radians) if TILT keyword set A[7] Moffat power law index if MOFFAT keyword set By default the initial starting values for the parameters A are estimated from the data. However, explicit starting values can be supplied using the ESTIMATES keyword. Also, error or weighting values can optionally be provided; otherwise the fit is unweighted. RESTRICTIONS: If no starting parameter ESTIMATES are provided, then MPFIT2DPEAK attempts to estimate them from the data. This is not a perfect science; however, the author believes that the technique implemented here is more robust than the one used in IDL's GAUSS2DFIT. The author has tested cases of strong peaks, noisy peaks and broad peaks, all with success. COMPATIBILITY This function is designed to work with IDL 5.0 or greater. Because TIED parameters rely on the EXECUTE() function, they cannot be used with the free version of the IDL Virtual Machine. INPUTS: Z - Two dimensional array of "measured" dependent variable values. Z should be of the same type and dimension as (X # Y). X - Optional vector of x positions for a single row of Z. X[i] should provide the x position of Z[i,*] Default: X values are integer increments from 0 to NX-1 Y - Optional vector of y positions for a single column of Z. Y[j] should provide the y position of Z[*,j] Default: Y values are integer increments from 0 to NY-1 OUTPUTS: A - Upon return, an array of best fit parameter values. See the table above for the meanings of each parameter element. RETURNS: Returns the best fitting model function as a 2D array. KEYWORDS: ** NOTE ** Additional keywords such as PARINFO, BESTNORM, and STATUS are accepted by MPFIT2DPEAK but not documented here. Please see the documentation for MPFIT for the description of these advanced options. CHISQ - the value of the summed squared residuals for the returned parameter values. CIRCULAR - if set, then the peak profile is assumed to be azimuthally symmetric. When set, the parameters A[2) and A[3) will be identical and the TILT keyword will have no effect. DOF - number of degrees of freedom, computed as DOF = N_ELEMENTS(DEVIATES) - NFREE Note that this doesn't account for pegged parameters (see NPEGGED). ERROR - upon input, the measured 1-sigma uncertainties in the "Z" values. If no ERROR or WEIGHTS are given, then the fit is unweighted. ESTIMATES - Array of starting values for each parameter of the model. If ESTIMATES is not set, then the starting values are estimated from the data directly, before fitting. (This also means that PARINFO.VALUES is ignored.) Default: not set - parameter values are estimated from data. GAUSSIAN - if set, fit a gaussian model function. The Default. LORENTZIAN - if set, fit a lorentzian model function. MOFFAT - if set, fit a Moffat model function. MEASURE_ERRORS - synonym for ERRORS, for consistency with built-in IDL fitting routines. NEGATIVE - if set, and ESTIMATES is not provided, then MPFIT2DPEAK will assume that a negative peak is present -- a valley. Specifying this keyword is not normally required, since MPFIT2DPEAK can determine this automatically. NFREE - the number of free parameters in the fit. This includes parameters which are not FIXED and not TIED, but it does include parameters which are pegged at LIMITS. PERROR - upon return, the 1-sigma uncertainties of the parameter values A. These values are only meaningful if the ERRORS or WEIGHTS keywords are specified properly. If the fit is unweighted (i.e. no errors were given, or the weights were uniformly set to unity), then PERROR will probably not represent the true parameter uncertainties. *If* you can assume that the true reduced chi-squared value is unity -- meaning that the fit is implicitly assumed to be of good quality -- then the estimated parameter uncertainties can be computed by scaling PERROR by the measured chi-squared value. DOF = N_ELEMENTS(Z) - N_ELEMENTS(A) ; deg of freedom PCERROR = PERROR * SQRT(BESTNORM / DOF) ; scaled uncertainties QUIET - if set then diagnostic fitting messages are suppressed. Default: QUIET=1 (i.e., no diagnostics) SIGMA - synonym for PERROR (1-sigma parameter uncertainties), for compatibility with GAUSSFIT. Do not confuse this with the Gaussian "sigma" width parameter. TILT - if set, then the major and minor axes of the peak profile are allowed to rotate with respect to the image axes. Parameter A[6] will be set to the clockwise rotation angle of the A[2] axis in radians. WEIGHTS - Array of weights to be used in calculating the chi-squared value. If WEIGHTS is specified then the ERR parameter is ignored. The chi-squared value is computed as follows: CHISQ = TOTAL( (Z-MYFUNCT(X,Y,P))^2 * ABS(WEIGHTS) ) Here are common values of WEIGHTS: 1D/ERR^2 - Normal weighting (ERR is the measurement error) 1D/Y - Poisson weighting (counting statistics) 1D - Unweighted The ERROR keyword takes precedence over any WEIGHTS keyword values. If no ERROR or WEIGHTS are given, then the fit is unweighted. EXAMPLE: ; Construct a sample gaussian surface in range [-5,5] centered at [2,-3] x = findgen(100)*0.1 - 5. & y = x xx = x # (y*0 + 1) yy = (x*0 + 1) # y rr = sqrt((xx-2.)^2 + (yy+3.)^2) ; Gaussian surface with sigma=0.5, peak value of 3, noise with sigma=0.2 z = 3.*exp(-(rr/0.5)^2) + randomn(seed,100,100)*.2 ; Fit gaussian parameters A zfit = mpfit2dpeak(z, a, x, y) REFERENCES: MINPACK-1, Jorge More', available from netlib ( "Optimization Software Guide," Jorge More' and Stephen Wright, SIAM, *Frontiers in Applied Mathematics*, Number 14. MODIFICATION HISTORY: New algorithm for estimating starting values, CM, 31 Oct 1999 Documented, 02 Nov 1999 Small documentation fixes, 02 Nov 1999 Documented PERROR for unweighted fits, 03 Nov 1999, CM Copying permission terms have been liberalized, 26 Mar 2000, CM Small cosmetic changes, 21 Sep 2000, CM Corrected bug introduced by cosmetic changes, 11 Oct 2000, CM :-) Added POSITIVE keyword, 17 Nov 2000, CM Removed TILT in common, in favor of FUNCTARGS approach, 23 Nov 2000, CM Added SYMMETRIC keyword, documentation for TILT, and an example, 24 Nov 2000, CM Changed SYMMETRIC to CIRCULAR, 17 Dec 2000, CM Really change SYMMETRIC to CIRCULAR!, 13 Sep 2002, CM Add error messages for SYMMETRIC and CIRCLE, 08 Nov 2002, CM Make more consistent with comparable IDL routines, 30 Jun 2003, CM Defend against users supplying strangely dimensioned X and Y, 29 Jun 2005, CM Convert to IDL 5 array syntax (!), 16 Jul 2006, CM Move STRICTARR compile option inside each function/procedure, 9 Oct 2006 Add COMPATIBILITY section, CM, 13 Dec 2007 Clarify documentation regarding what happens when ESTIMATES is not set, CM, 14 Dec 2008 $Id:,v 1.2 2014/02/24 22:26:01 bdavis Exp $
NAME: MPFITELLIPSE AUTHOR: Craig B. Markwardt, NASA/GSFC Code 662, Greenbelt, MD 20770 UPDATED VERSIONs can be found on my WEB PAGE: PURPOSE: Approximate fit to points forming an ellipse MAJOR TOPICS: Curve and Surface Fitting CALLING SEQUENCE: parms = MPFITELLIPSE(X, Y, start_parms, [/TILT, WEIGHTS=wts, ...]) DESCRIPTION: MPFITELLIPSE fits a closed elliptical or circular curve to a two dimensional set of data points. The user specifies the X and Y positions of the points, and an optional set of weights. The ellipse may also be tilted at an arbitrary angle. IMPORTANT NOTE: this fitting program performs simple ellipse fitting. It will not work well for ellipse data with high eccentricity. More robust answers can usually be obtained with "orthogonal distance regression." (See FORTRAN package ODRPACK on for more information). The best fitting ellipse parameters are returned from by MPFITELLIPSE as a vector, whose values are: P[0] Ellipse semi axis 1 P[1] Ellipse semi axis 2 ( = P[0] if CIRCLE keyword set) P[2] Ellipse center - x value P[3] Ellipse center - y value P[4] Ellipse rotation angle (radians) if TILT keyword set If the TILT keyword is set, then the P[0] is meant to be the semi-major axis, and P[1] is the semi-minor axis, and P[4] represents the tilt of the semi-major axis with respect to the X axis. If the TILT keyword is not set, the P[0] and P[1] represent the ellipse semi-axes in the X and Y directions, respectively. The returned semi-axis lengths should always be positive. The user may specify an initial set of trial parameters, but by default MPFITELLIPSE will estimate the parameters automatically. Users should be aware that in the presence of large amounts of noise, namely when the measurement error becomes significant compared to the ellipse axis length, then the estimated parameters become unreliable. Generally speaking the computed axes will overestimate the true axes. For example when (SIGMA_R/R) becomes 0.5, the radius of the ellipse is overestimated by about 40%. This unreliability is also pronounced if the ellipse has high eccentricity, as noted above. Users can weight their data as they see appropriate. However, the following prescription for the weighting may serve as a good starting point, and appeared to produce results comparable to the typical chi-squared value. WEIGHTS = 0.75/(SIGMA_X^2 + SIGMA_Y^2) where SIGMA_X and SIGMA_Y are the measurement error vectors in the X and Y directions respectively. However, this has not been robustly tested, and it should be pointed out that this weighting may only be appropriate for a set of points whose measurement errors are comparable. If a more robust estimation of the parameter values is needed, the so-called orthogonal distance regression package should be used (ODRPACK, available in FORTRAN at INPUTS: X - measured X positions of the points in the ellipse. Y - measured Y positions of the points in the ellipse. START_PARAMS - an array of starting values for the ellipse parameters, as described above. This parameter is optional; if not specified by the user, then the ellipse parameters are estimated automatically from the properties of the data. RETURNS: Returns the best fitting model ellipse parameters. Returned values are undefined if STATUS indicates an error condition. KEYWORDS: ** NOTE ** Additional keywords such as PARINFO, BESTNORM, and STATUS are accepted by MPFITELLIPSE but not documented here. Please see the documentation for MPFIT for the description of these advanced options. CIRCULAR - if set, then the curve is assumed to be a circle instead of ellipse. When set, the parameters P[0] and P[1] will be identical and the TILT keyword will have no effect. PERROR - upon return, the 1-sigma uncertainties of the returned ellipse parameter values. These values are only meaningful if the WEIGHTS keyword is specified properly. If the fit is unweighted (i.e. no errors were given, or the weights were uniformly set to unity), then PERROR will probably not represent the true parameter uncertainties. If STATUS indicates an error condition, then PERROR is undefined. QUIET - if set then diagnostic fitting messages are suppressed. Default: QUIET=1 (i.e., no diagnostics] STATUS - an integer status code is returned. All values greater than zero can represent success (however STATUS EQ 5 may indicate failure to converge). Please see MPFIT for the definitions of status codes. TILT - if set, then the major and minor axes of the ellipse are allowed to rotate with respect to the data axes. Parameter P[4] will be set to the clockwise rotation angle of the P[0] axis in radians, as measured from the +X axis. P[4] should be in the range 0 to !dpi. WEIGHTS - Array of weights to be used in calculating the chi-squared value. The chi-squared value is computed as follows: CHISQ = TOTAL( (Z-MYFUNCT(X,Y,P))^2 * ABS(WEIGHTS)^2 ) Users may wish to follow the guidelines for WEIGHTS described above. EXAMPLE: ; Construct a set of points on an ellipse, with some noise ph0 = 2*!pi*randomu(seed,50) x = 50. + 32.*cos(ph0) + 4.0*randomn(seed, 50) y = -75. + 65.*sin(ph0) + 0.1*randomn(seed, 50) ; Compute weights function weights = 0.75/(4.0^2 + 0.1^2) ; Fit ellipse and plot result p = mpfitellipse(x, y) phi = dindgen(101)*2D*!dpi/100 plot, x, y, psym=1 oplot, p[2]+p[0]*cos(phi), p[3]+p[1]*sin(phi), color='ff'xl ; Fit ellipse and plot result - WITH TILT p = mpfitellipse(x, y, /tilt) phi = dindgen(101)*2D*!dpi/100 ; New parameter P[4] gives tilt of ellipse w.r.t. coordinate axes ; We must rotate a standard ellipse to this new orientation xm = p[2] + p[0]*cos(phi)*cos(p[4]) + p[1]*sin(phi)*sin(p[4]) ym = p[3] - p[0]*cos(phi)*sin(p[4]) + p[1]*sin(phi)*cos(p[4]) plot, x, y, psym=1 oplot, xm, ym, color='ff'xl REFERENCES: MINPACK-1, Jorge More', available from netlib ( "Optimization Software Guide," Jorge More' and Stephen Wright, SIAM, *Frontiers in Applied Mathematics*, Number 14. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Ported from MPFIT2DPEAK, 17 Dec 2000, CM More documentation, 11 Jan 2001, CM Example corrected, 18 Nov 2001, CM Change CIRCLE keyword to the correct CIRCULAR keyword, 13 Sep 2002, CM Add error messages for SYMMETRIC and CIRCLE, 08 Nov 2002, CM Found small error in computation of _EVAL (when CIRCULAR) was set; sanity check when CIRCULAR is set, 21 Jan 2003, CM Convert to IDL 5 array syntax (!), 16 Jul 2006, CM Move STRICTARR compile option inside each function/procedure, 9 Oct 2006 Add disclaimer about the suitability of this program for fitting ellipses, 17 Sep 2007, CM Clarify documentation of TILT angle; make sure output contains semi-major axis first, followed by semi-minor; make sure that semi-axes are always positive (and can handle negative inputs) 17 Sep 2007, CM Output tilt angle is now in range 0 to !DPI, 20 Sep 2007, CM Some documentation clarifications, including to remove reference to the "ERR" keyword, which does not exist, 17 Jan 2008, CM Swapping of P[0] and P[1] only occurs if /TILT is set, 06 Nov 2009, CM Document an example of how to plot a tilted ellipse, 09 Nov 2009, CM Check for MPFIT error conditions and return immediately, 23 Jan 2010, CM $Id:,v 1.2 2014/02/24 22:26:01 bdavis Exp $
NAME: MPFITEXPR AUTHOR: Craig B. Markwardt, NASA/GSFC Code 662, Greenbelt, MD 20770 UPDATED VERSIONs can be found on my WEB PAGE: PURPOSE: Perform Levenberg-Marquardt least-squares fit to arbitrary expression MAJOR TOPICS: Curve and Surface Fitting CALLING SEQUENCE: MYFUNCT = 'X*(1-X)+3' parms = MPFITEXPR(MYFUNCT, XVAL, YVAL, ERR, start_parms, ...) DESCRIPTION: MPFITEXPR fits a user-supplied model -- in the form of an arbitrary IDL expression -- to a set of user-supplied data. MPFITEXPR calls MPFIT, the MINPACK-1 least-squares minimizer, to do the main work. Given the data and their uncertainties, MPFITEXPR finds the best set of model parameters which match the data (in a least-squares sense) and returns them in an array. The user must supply the following items: - An array of independent variable values ("X"). - An array of "measured" *dependent* variable values ("Y"). - An array of "measured" 1-sigma uncertainty values ("ERR"). - A text IDL expression which computes Y given X. - Starting guesses for all of the parameters ("START_PARAMS"). There are very few restrictions placed on X, Y or the expression of the model. Simply put, the expression must map the "X" values into "Y" values given the model parameters. The "X" values may represent any independent variable (not just Cartesian X), and indeed may be multidimensional themselves. For example, in the application of image fitting, X may be a 2xN array of image positions. Some rules must be obeyed in constructing the expression. First, the independent variable name *MUST* be "X" in the expression, regardless of the name of the variable being passed to MPFITEXPR. This is demonstrated in the above calling sequence, where the X variable passed in is called "XVAL" but the expression still refers to "X". Second, parameter values must be referred to as an array named "P". If you do not pass in starting values for the model parameters, MPFITEXPR will attempt to determine the number of parameters you intend to have (it does this by looking for references to the array variable named "P"). When no starting values are passed in, the values are assumed to start at zero. MPFITEXPR carefully avoids passing large arrays where possible to improve performance. See below for an example of usage. EVALUATING EXPRESSIONS This source module also provides a function called MPEVALEXPR. You can use this function to evaluate your expression, given a list of parameters. This is one of the easier ways to compute the model once the best-fit parameters have been found. Here is an example: YMOD = MPEVALEXPR(MYFUNCT, XVAL, PARMS) where MYFUNCT is the expression (see MYFUNCT below), XVAL is the list of "X" values, and PARMS is an array of parameters. The returned array YMOD contains the expression MYFUNCT evaluated at each point in XVAL. PASSING PRIVATE DATA TO AN EXPRESSION The most complicated optimization problems typically involve other external parameters, in addition to the fitted parameters. While it is extremely easy to rewrite an expression dynamically, in case one of the external parameters changes, the other possibility is to use the PRIVATE data structure. The user merely passes a structure to the FUNCTARGS keyword. The user expression receives this value as the variable PRIVATE. MPFITEXPR nevers accesses this variable so it can contain any desired values. Usually it would be an IDL structure so that any named external parameters can be passed to the expression. CONSTRAINING PARAMETER VALUES WITH THE PARINFO KEYWORD The behavior of MPFIT can be modified with respect to each parameter to be fitted. A parameter value can be fixed; simple boundary constraints can be imposed; limitations on the parameter changes can be imposed; properties of the automatic derivative can be modified; and parameters can be tied to one another. These properties are governed by the PARINFO structure, which is passed as a keyword parameter to MPFIT. PARINFO should be an array of structures, one for each parameter. Each parameter is associated with one element of the array, in numerical order. The structure can have the following entries (none are required): .VALUE - the starting parameter value (but see the START_PARAMS parameter for more information). .FIXED - a boolean value, whether the parameter is to be held fixed or not. Fixed parameters are not varied by MPFIT, but are passed on to MYFUNCT for evaluation. .LIMITED - a two-element boolean array. If the first/second element is set, then the parameter is bounded on the lower/upper side. A parameter can be bounded on both sides. Both LIMITED and LIMITS must be given together. .LIMITS - a two-element float or double array. Gives the parameter limits on the lower and upper sides, respectively. Zero, one or two of these values can be set, depending on the values of LIMITED. Both LIMITED and LIMITS must be given together. .PARNAME - a string, giving the name of the parameter. The fitting code of MPFIT does not use this tag in any way. However, the default ITERPROC will print the parameter name if available. .STEP - the step size to be used in calculating the numerical derivatives. If set to zero, then the step size is computed automatically. Ignored when AUTODERIVATIVE=0. This value is superceded by the RELSTEP value. .RELSTEP - the *relative* step size to be used in calculating the numerical derivatives. This number is the fractional size of the step, compared to the parameter value. This value supercedes the STEP setting. If the parameter is zero, then a default step size is chosen. .MPSIDE - the sidedness of the finite difference when computing numerical derivatives. This field can take four values: 0 - one-sided derivative computed automatically 1 - one-sided derivative (f(x+h) - f(x) )/h -1 - one-sided derivative (f(x) - f(x-h))/h 2 - two-sided derivative (f(x+h) - f(x-h))/(2*h) Where H is the STEP parameter described above. The "automatic" one-sided derivative method will chose a direction for the finite difference which does not violate any constraints. The other methods do not perform this check. The two-sided method is in principle more precise, but requires twice as many function evaluations. Default: 0. .MPMAXSTEP - the maximum change to be made in the parameter value. During the fitting process, the parameter will never be changed by more than this value in one iteration. A value of 0 indicates no maximum. Default: 0. .TIED - a string expression which "ties" the parameter to other free or fixed parameters as an equality constraint. Any expression involving constants and the parameter array P are permitted. Example: if parameter 2 is always to be twice parameter 1 then use the following: parinfo[2].tied = '2 * P[1]'. Since they are totally constrained, tied parameters are considered to be fixed; no errors are computed for them. [ NOTE: the PARNAME can't be used in a TIED expression. ] .MPPRINT - if set to 1, then the default ITERPROC will print the parameter value. If set to 0, the parameter value will not be printed. This tag can be used to selectively print only a few parameter values out of many. Default: 1 (all parameters printed) .MPFORMAT - IDL format string to print the parameter within ITERPROC. Default: '(G20.6)' (An empty string will also use the default.) Future modifications to the PARINFO structure, if any, will involve adding structure tags beginning with the two letters "MP". Therefore programmers are urged to avoid using tags starting with "MP", but otherwise they are free to include their own fields within the PARINFO structure, which will be ignored by MPFIT. PARINFO Example: parinfo = replicate({value:0.D, fixed:0, limited:[0,0], $ limits:[0.D,0]}, 5) parinfo[0].fixed = 1 parinfo[4].limited[0] = 1 parinfo[4].limits[0] = 50.D parinfo[*].value = [5.7D, 2.2, 500., 1.5, 2000.] A total of 5 parameters, with starting values of 5.7, 2.2, 500, 1.5, and 2000 are given. The first parameter is fixed at a value of 5.7, and the last parameter is constrained to be above 50. COMPATIBILITY This function is designed to work with IDL 5.0 or greater. Because this function uses the IDL EXECUTE() function, it will not work with the free version of the IDL Virtual machine. INPUTS: MYFUNCT - a string variable containing an IDL expression. The only restriction is that the independent variable *must* be referred to as "X" and model parameters *must* be referred to as an array called "P". Do not use symbol names beginning with the underscore, "_". The expression should calculate "model" Y values given the X values and model parameters. Using the vector notation of IDL, this can be quite easy to do. If your expression gets complicated, you may wish to make an IDL function which will improve performance and readibility. The resulting array should be of the same size and dimensions as the "measured" Y values. X - Array of independent variable values. Y - Array of "measured" dependent variable values. Y should have the same data type as X. The function MYFUNCT should map X->Y. ERR - Array of "measured" 1-sigma uncertainties. ERR should have the same data type as Y. ERR is ignored if the WEIGHTS keyword is specified. START_PARAMS - An array of starting values for each of the parameters of the model. The number of parameters should be fewer than the number of measurements. Also, the parameters should have the same data type as the measurements (double is preferred). This parameter is optional if the PARINFO keyword is used (see MPFIT). The PARINFO keyword provides a mechanism to fix or constrain individual parameters. If both START_PARAMS and PARINFO are passed, then the starting *value* is taken from START_PARAMS, but the *constraints* are taken from PARINFO. If no parameters are given, then MPFITEXPR attempts to determine the number of parameters by scanning the expression. Parameters determined this way are initialized to zero. This technique is not fully reliable, so users are advised to pass explicit parameter starting values. RETURNS: Returns the array of best-fit parameters. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: BESTNORM - the value of the summed, squared, weighted residuals for the returned parameter values, i.e. the chi-square value. COVAR - the covariance matrix for the set of parameters returned by MPFIT. The matrix is NxN where N is the number of parameters. The square root of the diagonal elements gives the formal 1-sigma statistical errors on the parameters IF errors were treated "properly" in MYFUNC. Parameter errors are also returned in PERROR. To compute the correlation matrix, PCOR, use this: IDL> PCOR = COV * 0 IDL> FOR i = 0, n-1 DO FOR j = 0, n-1 DO $ PCOR[i,j] = COV[i,j]/sqrt(COV[i,i]*COV[j,j]) If NOCOVAR is set or MPFIT terminated abnormally, then COVAR is set to a scalar with value !VALUES.D_NAN. DOF - number of degrees of freedom, computed as DOF = N_ELEMENTS(DEVIATES) - NFREE Note that this doesn't account for pegged parameters (see NPEGGED). ERRMSG - a string error or warning message is returned. FTOL - a nonnegative input variable. Termination occurs when both the actual and predicted relative reductions in the sum of squares are at most FTOL (and STATUS is accordingly set to 1 or 3). Therefore, FTOL measures the relative error desired in the sum of squares. Default: 1D-10 FUNCTARGS - passed directly to the expression as the variable PRIVATE. Any user-private data can be communicated to the user expression using this keyword. Default: PRIVATE is undefined in user expression GTOL - a nonnegative input variable. Termination occurs when the cosine of the angle between fvec and any column of the jacobian is at most GTOL in absolute value (and STATUS is accordingly set to 4). Therefore, GTOL measures the orthogonality desired between the function vector and the columns of the jacobian. Default: 1D-10 ITERARGS - The keyword arguments to be passed to ITERPROC via the _EXTRA mechanism. This should be a structure, and is similar in operation to FUNCTARGS. Default: no arguments are passed. ITERPROC - The name of a procedure to be called upon each NPRINT iteration of the MPFIT routine. It should be declared in the following way: PRO ITERPROC, MYFUNCT, p, iter, fnorm, FUNCTARGS=fcnargs, $ PARINFO=parinfo, QUIET=quiet, ... ; perform custom iteration update END ITERPROC must either accept all three keyword parameters (FUNCTARGS, PARINFO and QUIET), or at least accept them via the _EXTRA keyword. MYFUNCT is the user-supplied function to be minimized, P is the current set of model parameters, ITER is the iteration number, and FUNCTARGS are the arguments to be passed to MYFUNCT. FNORM should be the chi-squared value. QUIET is set when no textual output should be printed. See below for documentation of PARINFO. In implementation, ITERPROC can perform updates to the terminal or graphical user interface, to provide feedback while the fit proceeds. If the fit is to be stopped for any reason, then ITERPROC should set the common block variable ERROR_CODE to negative value (see MPFIT_ERROR common block below). In principle, ITERPROC should probably not modify the parameter values, because it may interfere with the algorithm's stability. In practice it is allowed. Default: an internal routine is used to print the parameter values. MAXITER - The maximum number of iterations to perform. If the number is exceeded, then the STATUS value is set to 5 and MPFIT returns. Default: 200 iterations NFEV - the number of MYFUNCT function evaluations performed. NFREE - the number of free parameters in the fit. This includes parameters which are not FIXED and not TIED, but it does include parameters which are pegged at LIMITS. NITER - the number of iterations completed. NOCOVAR - set this keyword to prevent the calculation of the covariance matrix before returning (see COVAR) NPEGGED - the number of free parameters which are pegged at a LIMIT. NPRINT - The frequency with which ITERPROC is called. A value of 1 indicates that ITERPROC is called with every iteration, while 2 indicates every other iteration, etc. Note that several Levenberg-Marquardt attempts can be made in a single iteration. Default value: 1 PARINFO - Provides a mechanism for more sophisticated constraints to be placed on parameter values. When PARINFO is not passed, then it is assumed that all parameters are free and unconstrained. Values in PARINFO are never modified during a call to MPFIT. See description above for the structure of PARINFO. Default value: all parameters are free and unconstrained. PERROR - The formal 1-sigma errors in each parameter, computed from the covariance matrix. If a parameter is held fixed, or if it touches a boundary, then the error is reported as zero. If the fit is unweighted (i.e. no errors were given, or the weights were uniformly set to unity), then PERROR will probably not represent the true parameter uncertainties. *If* you can assume that the true reduced chi-squared value is unity -- meaning that the fit is implicitly assumed to be of good quality -- then the estimated parameter uncertainties can be computed by scaling PERROR by the measured chi-squared value. DOF = N_ELEMENTS(X) - N_ELEMENTS(PARMS) ; deg of freedom PCERROR = PERROR * SQRT(BESTNORM / DOF) ; scaled uncertainties QUIET - set this keyword when no textual output should be printed by MPFIT STATUS - an integer status code is returned. All values other than zero can represent success. It can have one of the following values: 0 improper input parameters. 1 both actual and predicted relative reductions in the sum of squares are at most FTOL. 2 relative error between two consecutive iterates is at most XTOL 3 conditions for STATUS = 1 and STATUS = 2 both hold. 4 the cosine of the angle between fvec and any column of the jacobian is at most GTOL in absolute value. 5 the maximum number of iterations has been reached 6 FTOL is too small. no further reduction in the sum of squares is possible. 7 XTOL is too small. no further improvement in the approximate solution x is possible. 8 GTOL is too small. fvec is orthogonal to the columns of the jacobian to machine precision. WEIGHTS - Array of weights to be used in calculating the chi-squared value. If WEIGHTS is specified then the ERR parameter is ignored. The chi-squared value is computed as follows: CHISQ = TOTAL( (Y-MYFUNCT(X,P))^2 * ABS(WEIGHTS) ) Here are common values of WEIGHTS: 1D/ERR^2 - Normal weighting (ERR is the measurement error) 1D/Y - Poisson weighting (counting statistics) 1D - Unweighted XTOL - a nonnegative input variable. Termination occurs when the relative error between two consecutive iterates is at most XTOL (and STATUS is accordingly set to 2 or 3). Therefore, XTOL measures the relative error desired in the approximate solution. Default: 1D-10 YFIT - the best-fit model function, as returned by MYFUNCT. EXAMPLE: ; First, generate some synthetic data x = dindgen(200) * 0.1 - 10. ; Independent variable yi = gauss1(x, [2.2D, 1.4, 3000.]) + 1000 ; "Ideal" Y variable y = yi + randomn(seed, 200) * sqrt(yi) ; Measured, w/ noise sy = sqrt(y) ; Poisson errors ; Now fit a Gaussian to see how well we can recover expr = 'P[0] + GAUSS1(X, P[1:3])' ; fitting function p0 = [800.D, 1.D, 1., 500.] ; Initial guess p = mpfitexpr(expr, x, y, sy, p0) ; Fit the expression print, p plot, x, y ; Plot data oplot, x, mpevalexpr(expr, x, p) ; Plot model Generates a synthetic data set with a Gaussian peak, and Poisson statistical uncertainty. Then a model consisting of a constant plus Gaussian is fit to the data. COMMON BLOCKS: COMMON MPFIT_ERROR, ERROR_CODE User routines may stop the fitting process at any time by setting an error condition. This condition may be set in either the user's model computation routine (MYFUNCT), or in the iteration procedure (ITERPROC). To stop the fitting, the above common block must be declared, and ERROR_CODE must be set to a negative number. After the user procedure or function returns, MPFIT checks the value of this common block variable and exits immediately if the error condition has been set. By default the value of ERROR_CODE is zero, indicating a successful function/procedure call. REFERENCES: MINPACK-1, Jorge More', available from netlib ( "Optimization Software Guide," Jorge More' and Stephen Wright, SIAM, *Frontiers in Applied Mathematics*, Number 14. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written, Apr-Jul 1998, CM Added PERROR keyword, 04 Aug 1998, CM Added COVAR keyword, 20 Aug 1998, CM Added NITER output keyword, 05 Oct 1998 D.L Windt, Bell Labs,; Added ability to return model function in YFIT, 09 Nov 1998 Parameter values can be tied to others, 09 Nov 1998 Added MPEVALEXPR utility function, 09 Dec 1998 Cosmetic documentation updates, 16 Apr 1999, CM More cosmetic documentation updates, 14 May 1999, CM Made sure to update STATUS value, 25 Sep 1999, CM Added WEIGHTS keyword, 25 Sep 1999, CM Changed from handles to common blocks, 25 Sep 1999, CM - commons seem much cleaner and more logical in this case. Alphabetized documented keywords, 02 Oct 1999, CM Added QUERY keyword and query checking of MPFIT, 29 Oct 1999, CM Check to be sure that X and Y are present, 02 Nov 1999, CM Documented PERROR for unweighted fits, 03 Nov 1999, CM Removed ITERPROC='' when quiet EQ 1, 10 Jan 2000, CM Changed to ERROR_CODE for error condition, 28 Jan 2000, CM Updated the EXAMPLE, 26 Mar 2000, CM Copying permission terms have been liberalized, 26 Mar 2000, CM Propagated improvements from MPFIT, 17 Dec 2000, CM Correct reference to _WTS in MPFITEXPR_EVAL, 25 May 2001, CM (thanks to Mark Fardal) Added useful FUNCTARGS behavior (as yet undocumented), 04 Jul 2002, CM Documented FUNCTARGS/PRIVATE behavior, 22 Jul 2002, CM Added NFREE and NPEGGED keywords, 13 Sep 2002, CM Documented RELSTEP field of PARINFO (!!), CM, 25 Oct 2002 Add DOF keyword, CM, 31 Jul 2003 Add FUNCTARGS keyword to MPEVALEXPR, CM 08 Aug 2003 Minor documentation adjustment, 03 Feb 2004, CM Move STRICTARR compile option inside each function/procedure, 9 Oct 2006 Clarify documentation on user-function, derivatives, and PARINFO, 27 May 2007 Add COMPATIBILITY section, CM, 13 Dec 2007 $Id:,v 1.2 2014/02/24 22:26:01 bdavis Exp $
NAME: MPFITFUN AUTHOR: Craig B. Markwardt, NASA/GSFC Code 662, Greenbelt, MD 20770 UPDATED VERSIONs can be found on my WEB PAGE: PURPOSE: Perform Levenberg-Marquardt least-squares fit to IDL function MAJOR TOPICS: Curve and Surface Fitting CALLING SEQUENCE: parms = MPFITFUN(MYFUNCT, X, Y, ERR, start_params, ...) DESCRIPTION: MPFITFUN fits a user-supplied model -- in the form of an IDL function -- to a set of user-supplied data. MPFITFUN calls MPFIT, the MINPACK-1 least-squares minimizer, to do the main work. Given the data and their uncertainties, MPFITFUN finds the best set of model parameters which match the data (in a least-squares sense) and returns them in an array. The user must supply the following items: - An array of independent variable values ("X"). - An array of "measured" *dependent* variable values ("Y"). - An array of "measured" 1-sigma uncertainty values ("ERR"). - The name of an IDL function which computes Y given X ("MYFUNCT"). - Starting guesses for all of the parameters ("START_PARAMS"). There are very few restrictions placed on X, Y or MYFUNCT. Simply put, MYFUNCT must map the "X" values into "Y" values given the model parameters. The "X" values may represent any independent variable (not just Cartesian X), and indeed may be multidimensional themselves. For example, in the application of image fitting, X may be a 2xN array of image positions. Data values of NaN or Infinity for "Y", "ERR" or "WEIGHTS" will be ignored as missing data if the NAN keyword is set. Otherwise, they may cause the fitting loop to halt with an error message. Note that the fit will still halt if the model function, or its derivatives, produces infinite or NaN values. MPFITFUN carefully avoids passing large arrays where possible to improve performance. See below for an example of usage. USER FUNCTION The user must define a function which returns the model value. For applications which use finite-difference derivatives -- the default -- the user function should be declared in the following way: FUNCTION MYFUNCT, X, P ; The independent variable is X ; Parameter values are passed in "P" YMOD = ... computed model values at X ... return, YMOD END The returned array YMOD must have the same dimensions and type as the "measured" Y values. User functions may also indicate a fatal error condition using the ERROR_CODE common block variable, as described below under the MPFIT_ERROR common block definition. MPFIT by default calculates derivatives numerically via a finite difference approximation. However, the user function *may* calculate the derivatives if desired, but only if the model function is declared with an additional position parameter, DP, as described below. To enable explicit derivatives for all parameters, set AUTODERIVATIVE=0. When AUTODERIVATIVE=0, the user function is responsible for calculating the derivatives of the user function with respect to each parameter. The user function should be declared as follows: ; ; MYFUNCT - example user function ; P - input parameter values (N-element array) ; DP - upon input, an N-vector indicating which parameters ; to compute derivatives for; ; upon output, the user function must return ; an ARRAY(M,N) of derivatives in this keyword ; (keywords) - any other keywords specified by FUNCTARGS ; RETURNS - function values ; FUNCTION MYFUNCT, x, p, dp [, (additional keywords if desired)] model = F(x, p) ;; Model function if n_params() GT 2 then begin ; Create derivative and compute derivative array requested = dp ; Save original value of DP dp = make_array(n_elements(x), n_elements(p), value=x[0]*0) ; Compute derivative if requested by caller for i = 0, n_elements(p)-1 do if requested(i) NE 0 then $ dp(*,i) = FGRAD(x, p, i) endif return, resid END where FGRAD(x, p, i) is a model function which computes the derivative of the model F(x,p) with respect to parameter P(i) at X. Derivatives should be returned in the DP array. DP should be an ARRAY(m,n) array, where m is the number of data points and n is the number of parameters. DP[i,j] is the derivative of the ith function value with respect to the jth parameter. MPFIT may not always request derivatives from the user function. In those cases, the parameter DP is not passed. Therefore functions can use N_PARAMS() to indicate whether they must compute the derivatives or not. For additional information about explicit derivatives, including additional settings and debugging options, see the discussion under "EXPLICIT DERIVATIVES" and AUTODERIVATIVE in MPFIT.PRO. CONSTRAINING PARAMETER VALUES WITH THE PARINFO KEYWORD The behavior of MPFIT can be modified with respect to each parameter to be fitted. A parameter value can be fixed; simple boundary constraints can be imposed; limitations on the parameter changes can be imposed; properties of the automatic derivative can be modified; and parameters can be tied to one another. These properties are governed by the PARINFO structure, which is passed as a keyword parameter to MPFIT. PARINFO should be an array of structures, one for each parameter. Each parameter is associated with one element of the array, in numerical order. The structure can have the following entries (none are required): .VALUE - the starting parameter value (but see the START_PARAMS parameter for more information). .FIXED - a boolean value, whether the parameter is to be held fixed or not. Fixed parameters are not varied by MPFIT, but are passed on to MYFUNCT for evaluation. .LIMITED - a two-element boolean array. If the first/second element is set, then the parameter is bounded on the lower/upper side. A parameter can be bounded on both sides. Both LIMITED and LIMITS must be given together. .LIMITS - a two-element float or double array. Gives the parameter limits on the lower and upper sides, respectively. Zero, one or two of these values can be set, depending on the values of LIMITED. Both LIMITED and LIMITS must be given together. .PARNAME - a string, giving the name of the parameter. The fitting code of MPFIT does not use this tag in any way. However, the default ITERPROC will print the parameter name if available. .STEP - the step size to be used in calculating the numerical derivatives. If set to zero, then the step size is computed automatically. Ignored when AUTODERIVATIVE=0. This value is superceded by the RELSTEP value. .RELSTEP - the *relative* step size to be used in calculating the numerical derivatives. This number is the fractional size of the step, compared to the parameter value. This value supercedes the STEP setting. If the parameter is zero, then a default step size is chosen. .MPSIDE - the sidedness of the finite difference when computing numerical derivatives. This field can take four values: 0 - one-sided derivative computed automatically 1 - one-sided derivative (f(x+h) - f(x) )/h -1 - one-sided derivative (f(x) - f(x-h))/h 2 - two-sided derivative (f(x+h) - f(x-h))/(2*h) Where H is the STEP parameter described above. The "automatic" one-sided derivative method will chose a direction for the finite difference which does not violate any constraints. The other methods do not perform this check. The two-sided method is in principle more precise, but requires twice as many function evaluations. Default: 0. .MPMAXSTEP - the maximum change to be made in the parameter value. During the fitting process, the parameter will never be changed by more than this value in one iteration. A value of 0 indicates no maximum. Default: 0. .TIED - a string expression which "ties" the parameter to other free or fixed parameters as an equality constraint. Any expression involving constants and the parameter array P are permitted. Example: if parameter 2 is always to be twice parameter 1 then use the following: parinfo[2].tied = '2 * P[1]'. Since they are totally constrained, tied parameters are considered to be fixed; no errors are computed for them. [ NOTE: the PARNAME can't be used in a TIED expression. ] .MPPRINT - if set to 1, then the default ITERPROC will print the parameter value. If set to 0, the parameter value will not be printed. This tag can be used to selectively print only a few parameter values out of many. Default: 1 (all parameters printed) .MPFORMAT - IDL format string to print the parameter within ITERPROC. Default: '(G20.6)' (An empty string will also use the default.) Future modifications to the PARINFO structure, if any, will involve adding structure tags beginning with the two letters "MP". Therefore programmers are urged to avoid using tags starting with "MP", but otherwise they are free to include their own fields within the PARINFO structure, which will be ignored by MPFIT. PARINFO Example: parinfo = replicate({value:0.D, fixed:0, limited:[0,0], $ limits:[0.D,0]}, 5) parinfo[0].fixed = 1 parinfo[4].limited[0] = 1 parinfo[4].limits[0] = 50.D parinfo[*].value = [5.7D, 2.2, 500., 1.5, 2000.] A total of 5 parameters, with starting values of 5.7, 2.2, 500, 1.5, and 2000 are given. The first parameter is fixed at a value of 5.7, and the last parameter is constrained to be above 50. COMPATIBILITY This function is designed to work with IDL 5.0 or greater. Because TIED parameters rely on the EXECUTE() function, they cannot be used with the free version of the IDL Virtual Machine. INPUTS: MYFUNCT - a string variable containing the name of an IDL function. This function computes the "model" Y values given the X values and model parameters, as desribed above. X - Array of independent variable values. Y - Array of "measured" dependent variable values. Y should have the same data type as X. The function MYFUNCT should map X->Y. NOTE: the following special cases apply: * if Y is NaN or Infinite, and the NAN keyword is set, then the corresponding data point is ignored ERR - Array of "measured" 1-sigma uncertainties. ERR should have the same data type as Y. ERR is ignored if the WEIGHTS keyword is specified. NOTE: the following special cases apply: * if ERR is zero, then the corresponding data point is ignored * if ERR is NaN or Infinite, and the NAN keyword is set, then the corresponding data point is ignored * if ERR is negative, then the absolute value of ERR is used. START_PARAMS - An array of starting values for each of the parameters of the model. The number of parameters should be fewer than the number of measurements. Also, the parameters should have the same data type as the measurements (double is preferred). This parameter is optional if the PARINFO keyword is used (see MPFIT). The PARINFO keyword provides a mechanism to fix or constrain individual parameters. If both START_PARAMS and PARINFO are passed, then the starting *value* is taken from START_PARAMS, but the *constraints* are taken from PARINFO. RETURNS: Returns the array of best-fit parameters. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: BESTNORM - the value of the summed squared residuals for the returned parameter values. BEST_FJAC - upon return, BEST_FJAC contains the Jacobian, or partial derivative, matrix for the best-fit model. The values are an array, ARRAY(N_ELEMENTS(DEVIATES),NFREE) where NFREE is the number of free parameters. This array is only computed if /CALC_FJAC is set, otherwise BEST_FJAC is undefined. The returned array is such that BEST_FJAC[I,J] is the partial derivative of the model with respect to parameter PARMS[PFREE_INDEX[J]]. BEST_RESID - upon return, an array of best-fit deviates, normalized by the weights or errors. COVAR - the covariance matrix for the set of parameters returned by MPFIT. The matrix is NxN where N is the number of parameters. The square root of the diagonal elements gives the formal 1-sigma statistical errors on the parameters IF errors were treated "properly" in MYFUNC. Parameter errors are also returned in PERROR. To compute the correlation matrix, PCOR, use this example: PCOR = COV * 0 FOR i = 0, n-1 DO FOR j = 0, n-1 DO $ PCOR[i,j] = COV[i,j]/sqrt(COV[i,i]*COV[j,j]) or equivalently, in vector notation, PCOR = COV / (PERROR # PERROR) If NOCOVAR is set or MPFIT terminated abnormally, then COVAR is set to a scalar with value !VALUES.D_NAN. CASH - when set, the fit statistic is changed to a derivative of the CASH statistic. The model function must be strictly positive. WARNING: this option is incomplete and untested. DOF - number of degrees of freedom, computed as DOF = N_ELEMENTS(DEVIATES) - NFREE Note that this doesn't account for pegged parameters (see NPEGGED). It also does not account for data points which are assigned zero weight, for example if : * WEIGHTS[i] EQ 0, or * ERR[i] EQ infinity, or * any of the values is "undefined" and /NAN is set. ERRMSG - a string error or warning message is returned. FTOL - a nonnegative input variable. Termination occurs when both the actual and predicted relative reductions in the sum of squares are at most FTOL (and STATUS is accordingly set to 1 or 3). Therefore, FTOL measures the relative error desired in the sum of squares. Default: 1D-10 FUNCTARGS - A structure which contains the parameters to be passed to the user-supplied function specified by MYFUNCT via the _EXTRA mechanism. This is the way you can pass additional data to your user-supplied function without using common blocks. By default, no extra parameters are passed to the user-supplied function. GTOL - a nonnegative input variable. Termination occurs when the cosine of the angle between fvec and any column of the jacobian is at most GTOL in absolute value (and STATUS is accordingly set to 4). Therefore, GTOL measures the orthogonality desired between the function vector and the columns of the jacobian. Default: 1D-10 ITERARGS - The keyword arguments to be passed to ITERPROC via the _EXTRA mechanism. This should be a structure, and is similar in operation to FUNCTARGS. Default: no arguments are passed. ITERPROC - The name of a procedure to be called upon each NPRINT iteration of the MPFIT routine. It should be declared in the following way: PRO ITERPROC, MYFUNCT, p, iter, fnorm, FUNCTARGS=fcnargs, $ PARINFO=parinfo, QUIET=quiet, ... ; perform custom iteration update END ITERPROC must either accept all three keyword parameters (FUNCTARGS, PARINFO and QUIET), or at least accept them via the _EXTRA keyword. MYFUNCT is the user-supplied function to be minimized, P is the current set of model parameters, ITER is the iteration number, and FUNCTARGS are the arguments to be passed to MYFUNCT. FNORM should be the chi-squared value. QUIET is set when no textual output should be printed. See below for documentation of PARINFO. In implementation, ITERPROC can perform updates to the terminal or graphical user interface, to provide feedback while the fit proceeds. If the fit is to be stopped for any reason, then ITERPROC should set the common block variable ERROR_CODE to negative value (see MPFIT_ERROR common block below). In principle, ITERPROC should probably not modify the parameter values, because it may interfere with the algorithm's stability. In practice it is allowed. Default: an internal routine is used to print the parameter values. MAXITER - The maximum number of iterations to perform. If the number of calculation iterations exceeds MAXITER, then the STATUS value is set to 5 and MPFIT returns. If MAXITER EQ 0, then MPFIT does not iterate to adjust parameter values; however, the user function is evaluated and parameter errors/covariance/Jacobian are estimated before returning. Default: 200 iterations NAN - ignore infinite or NaN values in the Y, ERR or WEIGHTS parameters. These values will be treated as missing data. However, the fit will still halt with an error condition if the model function becomes infinite. NFEV - the number of MYFUNCT function evaluations performed. NFREE - the number of free parameters in the fit. This includes parameters which are not FIXED and not TIED, but it does include parameters which are pegged at LIMITS. NITER - the number of iterations completed. NOCOVAR - set this keyword to prevent the calculation of the covariance matrix before returning (see COVAR) NPEGGED - the number of free parameters which are pegged at a LIMIT. NPRINT - The frequency with which ITERPROC is called. A value of 1 indicates that ITERPROC is called with every iteration, while 2 indicates every other iteration, etc. Be aware that several Levenberg-Marquardt attempts can be made in a single iteration. Also, the ITERPROC is *always* called for the final iteration, regardless of the iteration number. Default value: 1 PARINFO - A one-dimensional array of structures. Provides a mechanism for more sophisticated constraints to be placed on parameter values. When PARINFO is not passed, then it is assumed that all parameters are free and unconstrained. Values in PARINFO are never modified during a call to MPFIT. See description above for the structure of PARINFO. Default value: all parameters are free and unconstrained. PERROR - The formal 1-sigma errors in each parameter, computed from the covariance matrix. If a parameter is held fixed, or if it touches a boundary, then the error is reported as zero. If the fit is unweighted (i.e. no errors were given, or the weights were uniformly set to unity), then PERROR will probably not represent the true parameter uncertainties. *If* you can assume that the true reduced chi-squared value is unity -- meaning that the fit is implicitly assumed to be of good quality -- then the estimated parameter uncertainties can be computed by scaling PERROR by the measured chi-squared value. DOF = N_ELEMENTS(X) - N_ELEMENTS(PARMS) ; deg of freedom PCERROR = PERROR * SQRT(BESTNORM / DOF) ; scaled uncertainties PFREE_INDEX - upon return, PFREE_INDEX contains an index array which indicates which parameter were allowed to vary. I.e. of all the parameters PARMS, only PARMS[PFREE_INDEX] were varied. QUERY - if set, then MPFIT() will return immediately with one of the following values: 1 - if MIN_VERSION is not set 1 - if MIN_VERSION is set and MPFIT satisfies the minimum 0 - if MIN_VERSION is set and MPFIT does not satisfy it Default: not set. QUIET - set this keyword when no textual output should be printed by MPFIT STATUS - an integer status code is returned. All values greater than zero can represent success (however STATUS EQ 5 may indicate failure to converge). It can have one of the following values: -18 a fatal execution error has occurred. More information may be available in the ERRMSG string. -16 a parameter or function value has become infinite or an undefined number. This is usually a consequence of numerical overflow in the user's model function, which must be avoided. -15 to -1 these are error codes that either MYFUNCT or ITERPROC may return to terminate the fitting process (see description of MPFIT_ERROR common below). If either MYFUNCT or ITERPROC set ERROR_CODE to a negative number, then that number is returned in STATUS. Values from -15 to -1 are reserved for the user functions and will not clash with MPFIT. 0 improper input parameters. 1 both actual and predicted relative reductions in the sum of squares are at most FTOL. 2 relative error between two consecutive iterates is at most XTOL 3 conditions for STATUS = 1 and STATUS = 2 both hold. 4 the cosine of the angle between fvec and any column of the jacobian is at most GTOL in absolute value. 5 the maximum number of iterations has been reached 6 FTOL is too small. no further reduction in the sum of squares is possible. 7 XTOL is too small. no further improvement in the approximate solution x is possible. 8 GTOL is too small. fvec is orthogonal to the columns of the jacobian to machine precision. WEIGHTS - Array of weights to be used in calculating the chi-squared value. If WEIGHTS is specified then the ERR parameter is ignored. The chi-squared value is computed as follows: CHISQ = TOTAL( (Y-MYFUNCT(X,P))^2 * ABS(WEIGHTS) ) Here are common values of WEIGHTS for standard weightings: 1D/ERR^2 - Normal weighting (ERR is the measurement error) 1D/Y - Poisson weighting (counting statistics) 1D - Unweighted NOTE: the following special cases apply: * if WEIGHTS is zero, then the corresponding data point is ignored * if WEIGHTS is NaN or Infinite, and the NAN keyword is set, then the corresponding data point is ignored * if WEIGHTS is negative, then the absolute value of WEIGHTS is used. XTOL - a nonnegative input variable. Termination occurs when the relative error between two consecutive iterates is at most XTOL (and STATUS is accordingly set to 2 or 3). Therefore, XTOL measures the relative error desired in the approximate solution. Default: 1D-10 YFIT - the best-fit model function, as returned by MYFUNCT. EXAMPLE: ; First, generate some synthetic data npts = 200 x = dindgen(npts) * 0.1 - 10. ; Independent variable yi = gauss1(x, [2.2D, 1.4, 3000.]) ; "Ideal" Y variable y = yi + randomn(seed, npts) * sqrt(1000. + yi); Measured, w/ noise sy = sqrt(1000.D + y) ; Poisson errors ; Now fit a Gaussian to see how well we can recover p0 = [1.D, 1., 1000.] ; Initial guess (cent, width, area) p = mpfitfun('GAUSS1', x, y, sy, p0) ; Fit a function print, p Generates a synthetic data set with a Gaussian peak, and Poisson statistical uncertainty. Then the same function is fitted to the data (with different starting parameters) to see how close we can get. COMMON BLOCKS: COMMON MPFIT_ERROR, ERROR_CODE User routines may stop the fitting process at any time by setting an error condition. This condition may be set in either the user's model computation routine (MYFUNCT), or in the iteration procedure (ITERPROC). To stop the fitting, the above common block must be declared, and ERROR_CODE must be set to a negative number. After the user procedure or function returns, MPFIT checks the value of this common block variable and exits immediately if the error condition has been set. By default the value of ERROR_CODE is zero, indicating a successful function/procedure call. REFERENCES: MINPACK-1, Jorge More', available from netlib ( "Optimization Software Guide," Jorge More' and Stephen Wright, SIAM, *Frontiers in Applied Mathematics*, Number 14. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written, Apr-Jul 1998, CM Added PERROR keyword, 04 Aug 1998, CM Added COVAR keyword, 20 Aug 1998, CM Added ITER output keyword, 05 Oct 1998 D.L Windt, Bell Labs,; Added ability to return model function in YFIT, 09 Nov 1998 Analytical derivatives allowed via AUTODERIVATIVE keyword, 09 Nov 1998 Parameter values can be tied to others, 09 Nov 1998 Cosmetic documentation updates, 16 Apr 1999, CM More cosmetic documentation updates, 14 May 1999, CM Made sure to update STATUS, 25 Sep 1999, CM Added WEIGHTS keyword, 25 Sep 1999, CM Changed from handles to common blocks, 25 Sep 1999, CM - commons seem much cleaner and more logical in this case. Alphabetized documented keywords, 02 Oct 1999, CM Added QUERY keyword and query checking of MPFIT, 29 Oct 1999, CM Corrected EXAMPLE (offset of 1000), 30 Oct 1999, CM Check to be sure that X and Y are present, 02 Nov 1999, CM Documented PERROR for unweighted fits, 03 Nov 1999, CM Changed to ERROR_CODE for error condition, 28 Jan 2000, CM Corrected errors in EXAMPLE, 26 Mar 2000, CM Copying permission terms have been liberalized, 26 Mar 2000, CM Propagated improvements from MPFIT, 17 Dec 2000, CM Added CASH statistic, 10 Jan 2001 Added NFREE and NPEGGED keywords, 11 Sep 2002, CM Documented RELSTEP field of PARINFO (!!), CM, 25 Oct 2002 Add DOF keyword to return degrees of freedom, CM, 23 June 2003 Convert to IDL 5 array syntax (!), 16 Jul 2006, CM Move STRICTARR compile option inside each function/procedure, 9 Oct 2006 Add NAN keyword, to ignore non-finite data values, 28 Oct 2006, CM Clarify documentation on user-function, derivatives, and PARINFO, 27 May 2007 Fix bug in handling of explicit derivatives with errors/weights (the weights were not being applied), CM, 03 Sep 2007 Add COMPATIBILITY section, CM, 13 Dec 2007 Add documentation about NAN behavior, CM, 30 Mar 2009 Add keywords BEST_RESIDS, CALC_FJAC, BEST_FJAC, PFREE_INDEX; update some documentation that had become stale, CM, 2010-10-28 Documentation corrections, CM, 2011-08-26 Additional documentation about explicit derivatives, CM, 2012-07-23 $Id:,v 1.2 2014/02/24 22:26:01 bdavis Exp $
NAME: MPFITPEAK AUTHOR: Craig B. Markwardt, NASA/GSFC Code 662, Greenbelt, MD 20770 UPDATED VERSIONs can be found on my WEB PAGE: PURPOSE: Fit a gaussian, lorentzian or Moffat model to data MAJOR TOPICS: Curve and Surface Fitting CALLING SEQUENCE: yfit = MPFITPEAK(X, Y, A, NTERMS=nterms, ...) DESCRIPTION: MPFITPEAK fits a gaussian, lorentzian or Moffat model using the non-linear least squares fitter MPFIT. MPFITPEAK is meant to be a drop-in replacement for IDL's GAUSSFIT function (and requires MPFIT and MPFITFUN). The choice of the fitting function is determined by the keywords GAUSSIAN, LORENTZIAN and MOFFAT. By default the gaussian model function is used. [ The Moffat function is a modified Lorentzian with variable power law index. (Moffat, A. F. J. 1969, Astronomy & Astrophysics, v. 3, p. 455-461) ] The functional form of the baseline is determined by NTERMS and the function to be fitted. NTERMS represents the total number of parameters, A, to be fitted. The functional forms and the meanings of the parameters are described in this table: GAUSSIAN# Lorentzian# Moffat# Model A[0]*exp(-0.5*u^2) A[0]/(u^2 + 1) A[0]/(u^2 + 1)^A[3] A[0] Peak Value Peak Value Peak Value A[1] Peak Centroid Peak Centroid Peak Centroid A[2] Gaussian Sigma HWHM% HWHM% A[3] + A[3] * + A[3] * Moffat Index A[4] + A[4]*x * + A[4]*x * + A[4] * A[5] + A[5]*x * Notes: # u = (x - A[1])/A[2] % Half-width at half maximum * Optional depending on NTERMS By default the initial starting values for the parameters A are estimated from the data. However, explicit starting values can be supplied using the ESTIMATES keyword. Also, error or weighting values can optionally be provided; otherwise the fit is unweighted. MPFITPEAK fits the peak value of the curve. The area under a gaussian peak is A[0]*A[2]*SQRT(2*!DPI); the area under a lorentzian peak is A[0]*A[2]*!DPI. Data values of NaN or Infinity for "Y", "ERROR" or "WEIGHTS" will be ignored as missing data if the NAN keyword is set. Otherwise, they may cause the fitting loop to halt with an error message. Note that the fit will still halt if the model function, or its derivatives, produces infinite or NaN values, or if an "X" value is missing. RESTRICTIONS: If no starting parameter ESTIMATES are provided, then MPFITPEAK attempts to estimate them from the data. This is not a perfect science; however, the author believes that the technique implemented here is more robust than the one used in IDL's GAUSSFIT. The author has tested cases of strong peaks, noisy peaks and broad peaks, all with success. Users should be aware that if the baseline term contains a strong linear component then the automatic estimation may fail. For automatic estimation to work the peak amplitude should dominate over the the maximum baseline. COMPATIBILITY This function is designed to work with IDL 5.0 or greater. Because TIED parameters rely on the EXECUTE() function, they cannot be used with the free version of the IDL Virtual Machine. INPUTS: X - Array of independent variable values, whose values should monotonically increase. Y - Array of "measured" dependent variable values. Y should have the same data type and dimension as X. NOTE: the following special cases apply: * if Y is NaN or Infinite, and the NAN keyword is set, then the corresponding data point is ignored OUTPUTS: A - Upon return, an array of NTERMS best fit parameter values. See the table above for the meanings of each parameter element. RETURNS: Returns the best fitting model function. KEYWORDS: ** NOTE ** Additional keywords such as PARINFO, BESTNORM, and STATUS are accepted by MPFITPEAK but not documented here. Please see the documentation for MPFIT for the description of these advanced options. AUTODERIV - Set to 1 to have MPFIT compute the derivatives numerically. Default is 0 - derivatives are computed analytically, which is generally faster. (Prior to Jan 2011, the default was 1) CHISQ - the value of the summed squared residuals for the returned parameter values. DOF - number of degrees of freedom, computed as DOF = N_ELEMENTS(DEVIATES) - NFREE Note that this doesn't account for pegged parameters (see NPEGGED). ERROR - upon input, the measured 1-sigma uncertainties in the "Y" values. If no ERROR or WEIGHTS are given, then the fit is unweighted. NOTE: the following special cases apply: * if ERROR is zero, then the corresponding data point is ignored * if ERROR is NaN or Infinite, and the NAN keyword is set, then the corresponding data point is ignored * if ERROR is negative, then the absolute value of ERROR is used. ESTIMATES - Array of starting values for each parameter of the model. The number of parameters should at least be three (four for Moffat), and if less than NTERMS, will be extended with zeroes. If ESTIMATES is not set, then the starting values are estimated from the data directly, before fitting. (This also means that PARINFO.VALUES is ignored.) Default: not set - parameter values are estimated from data. GAUSSIAN - if set, fit a gaussian model function. The Default. LORENTZIAN - if set, fit a lorentzian model function. MOFFAT - if set, fit a Moffat model function. MEASURE_ERRORS - synonym for ERRORS, for consistency with built-in IDL fitting routines. NAN - ignore infinite or NaN values in the Y, ERR or WEIGHTS parameters. These values will be treated as missing data. However, the fit will still halt with an error condition if the model function becomes infinite, or if X has missing values. NEGATIVE / POSITIVE - if set, and ESTIMATES is not provided, then MPFITPEAK will assume that a negative/positive peak is present. Default: determined automatically NFREE - the number of free parameters in the fit. This includes parameters which are not FIXED and not TIED, but it does include parameters which are pegged at LIMITS. NO_FIT - if set, then return only the initial estimates without fitting. Useful to find out what the estimates the automatic guessing algorithm produced. If NO_FIT is set, then SIGMA and CHISQ values are not produced. The routine returns, NAN, and STATUS=5. NTERMS - An integer describing the number of fitting terms. NTERMS must have a minimum value, but can optionally be larger depending on the desired baseline. For gaussian and lorentzian models, NTERMS must be three (zero baseline), four (constant baseline) or five (linear baseline). Default: 4 For the Moffat model, NTERMS must be four (zero baseline), five (constant baseline), or six (linear baseline). Default: 5 PERROR - upon return, the 1-sigma uncertainties of the parameter values A. These values are only meaningful if the ERRORS or WEIGHTS keywords are specified properly. If the fit is unweighted (i.e. no errors were given, or the weights were uniformly set to unity), then PERROR will probably not represent the true parameter uncertainties. *If* you can assume that the true reduced chi-squared value is unity -- meaning that the fit is implicitly assumed to be of good quality -- then the estimated parameter uncertainties can be computed by scaling PERROR by the measured chi-squared value. DOF = N_ELEMENTS(X) - N_ELEMENTS(PARMS) ; deg of freedom PCERROR = PERROR * SQRT(BESTNORM / DOF) ; scaled uncertainties QUIET - if set then diagnostic fitting messages are suppressed. Default: QUIET=1 (i.e., no diagnostics) SIGMA - synonym for PERROR (1-sigma parameter uncertainties), for compatibility with GAUSSFIT. Do not confuse this with the Gaussian "sigma" width parameter. WEIGHTS - Array of weights to be used in calculating the chi-squared value. If WEIGHTS is specified then the ERROR keyword is ignored. The chi-squared value is computed as follows: CHISQ = TOTAL( (Y-MYFUNCT(X,P))^2 * ABS(WEIGHTS) ) Here are common values of WEIGHTS: 1D/ERR^2 - Normal weighting (ERR is the measurement error) 1D/Y - Poisson weighting (counting statistics) 1D - Unweighted The ERROR keyword takes precedence over any WEIGHTS keyword values. If no ERROR or WEIGHTS are given, then the fit is unweighted. NOTE: the following special cases apply: * if WEIGHTS is zero, then the corresponding data point is ignored * if WEIGHTS is NaN or Infinite, and the NAN keyword is set, then the corresponding data point is ignored * if WEIGHTS is negative, then the absolute value of WEIGHTS is used. YERROR - upon return, the root-mean-square variance of the residuals. EXAMPLE: ; First, generate some synthetic data npts = 200 x = dindgen(npts) * 0.1 - 10. ; Independent variable yi = gauss1(x, [2.2D, 1.4, 3000.]) + 1000 ; "Ideal" Y variable y = yi + randomn(seed, npts) * sqrt(1000. + yi); Measured, w/ noise sy = sqrt(1000.D + y) ; Poisson errors ; Now fit a Gaussian to see how well we can recover the original yfit = mpfitpeak(x, y, a, error=sy) print, p Generates a synthetic data set with a Gaussian peak, and Poisson statistical uncertainty. Then the same function is fitted to the data. REFERENCES: MINPACK-1, Jorge More', available from netlib ( "Optimization Software Guide," Jorge More' and Stephen Wright, SIAM, *Frontiers in Applied Mathematics*, Number 14. MODIFICATION HISTORY: New algorithm for estimating starting values, CM, 31 Oct 1999 Documented, 02 Nov 1999 Small documentation fixes, 02 Nov 1999 Slight correction to calculation of dx, CM, 02 Nov 1999 Documented PERROR for unweighted fits, 03 Nov 1999, CM Copying permission terms have been liberalized, 26 Mar 2000, CM Change requirements on # elements in X and Y, 20 Jul 2000, CM (thanks to David Schlegel) Added documentation on area under curve, 29 Aug 2000, CM Added POSITIVE and NEGATIVE keywords, 17 Nov 2000, CM Added reference to Moffat paper, 10 Jan 2001, CM Added usage message, 26 Jul 2001, CM Documentation clarification, 05 Sep 2001, CM Make more consistent with comparable IDL routines, 30 Jun 2003, CM Assumption of sorted data was removed, CM, 06 Sep 2003, CM Add some defensive code against divide by zero, 30 Nov 2005, CM Add some defensive code against all Y values equal to each other, 17 Apr 2005, CM Convert to IDL 5 array syntax (!), 16 Jul 2006, CM Move STRICTARR compile option inside each function/procedure, 9 Oct 2006 Add COMPATIBILITY section, CM, 13 Dec 2007 Missed some old IDL 4 () array syntax, now corrected, 13 Jun 2008 Slightly more error checking for pathalogical case, CM, 11 Nov 2008 Clarify documentation regarding what happens when ESTIMATES is not set, CM, 14 Dec 2008 Add the NAN keyword, document how NAN, WEIGHTS and ERROR interact, CM, 30 Mar 2009 Correct one case of old IDL 4 () array syntax (thanks to I. Urra), CM, 25 Jan 2010 Improve performance by analytic derivative computation, added AUTODERIV keyword, W. Landsman, 2011-01-21 Move estimation code to its own function; allow the user to compute only the estimate and return immediately without fitting, C. Markwardt, 2011-07-12 $Id:,v 1.2 2014/02/24 22:26:01 bdavis Exp $
NAME: MPFIT AUTHOR: Craig B. Markwardt, NASA/GSFC Code 662, Greenbelt, MD 20770 UPDATED VERSIONs can be found on my WEB PAGE: PURPOSE: Perform Levenberg-Marquardt least-squares minimization (MINPACK-1) MAJOR TOPICS: Curve and Surface Fitting CALLING SEQUENCE: parms = MPFIT(MYFUNCT, start_parms, FUNCTARGS=fcnargs, NFEV=nfev, MAXITER=maxiter, ERRMSG=errmsg, NPRINT=nprint, QUIET=quiet, FTOL=ftol, XTOL=xtol, GTOL=gtol, NITER=niter, STATUS=status, ITERPROC=iterproc, ITERARGS=iterargs, COVAR=covar, PERROR=perror, BESTNORM=bestnorm, PARINFO=parinfo) DESCRIPTION: MPFIT uses the Levenberg-Marquardt technique to solve the least-squares problem. In its typical use, MPFIT will be used to fit a user-supplied function (the "model") to user-supplied data points (the "data") by adjusting a set of parameters. MPFIT is based upon MINPACK-1 (LMDIF.F) by More' and collaborators. For example, a researcher may think that a set of observed data points is best modelled with a Gaussian curve. A Gaussian curve is parameterized by its mean, standard deviation and normalization. MPFIT will, within certain constraints, find the set of parameters which best fits the data. The fit is "best" in the least-squares sense; that is, the sum of the weighted squared differences between the model and data is minimized. The Levenberg-Marquardt technique is a particular strategy for iteratively searching for the best fit. This particular implementation is drawn from MINPACK-1 (see NETLIB), and seems to be more robust than routines provided with IDL. This version allows upper and lower bounding constraints to be placed on each parameter, or the parameter can be held fixed. The IDL user-supplied function should return an array of weighted deviations between model and data. In a typical scientific problem the residuals should be weighted so that each deviate has a gaussian sigma of 1.0. If X represents values of the independent variable, Y represents a measurement for each value of X, and ERR represents the error in the measurements, then the deviates could be calculated as follows: DEVIATES = (Y - F(X)) / ERR where F is the function representing the model. You are recommended to use the convenience functions MPFITFUN and MPFITEXPR, which are driver functions that calculate the deviates for you. If ERR are the 1-sigma uncertainties in Y, then TOTAL( DEVIATES^2 ) will be the total chi-squared value. MPFIT will minimize the chi-square value. The values of X, Y and ERR are passed through MPFIT to the user-supplied function via the FUNCTARGS keyword. Simple constraints can be placed on parameter values by using the PARINFO keyword to MPFIT. See below for a description of this keyword. MPFIT does not perform more general optimization tasks. See TNMIN instead. MPFIT is customized, based on MINPACK-1, to the least-squares minimization problem. USER FUNCTION The user must define a function which returns the appropriate values as specified above. The function should return the weighted deviations between the model and the data. For applications which use finite-difference derivatives -- the default -- the user function should be declared in the following way: FUNCTION MYFUNCT, p, X=x, Y=y, ERR=err ; Parameter values are passed in "p" model = F(x, p) return, (y-model)/err END See below for applications with explicit derivatives. The keyword parameters X, Y, and ERR in the example above are suggestive but not required. Any parameters can be passed to MYFUNCT by using the FUNCTARGS keyword to MPFIT. Use MPFITFUN and MPFITEXPR if you need ideas on how to do that. The function *must* accept a parameter list, P. In general there are no restrictions on the number of dimensions in X, Y or ERR. However the deviates *must* be returned in a one-dimensional array, and must have the same type (float or double) as the input arrays. See below for error reporting mechanisms. CHECKING STATUS AND HANNDLING ERRORS Upon return, MPFIT will report the status of the fitting operation in the STATUS and ERRMSG keywords. The STATUS keyword will contain a numerical code which indicates the success or failure status. Generally speaking, any value 1 or greater indicates success, while a value of 0 or less indicates a possible failure. The ERRMSG keyword will contain a text string which should describe the error condition more fully. By default, MPFIT will trap fatal errors and report them to the caller gracefully. However, during the debugging process, it is often useful to halt execution where the error occurred. When you set the NOCATCH keyword, MPFIT will not do any special error trapping, and execution will stop whereever the error occurred. MPFIT does not explicitly change the !ERROR_STATE variable (although it may be changed implicitly if MPFIT calls MESSAGE). It is the caller's responsibility to call MESSAGE, /RESET to ensure that the error state is initialized before calling MPFIT. User functions may also indicate non-fatal error conditions using the ERROR_CODE common block variable, as described below under the MPFIT_ERROR common block definition (by setting ERROR_CODE to a number between -15 and -1). When the user function sets an error condition via ERROR_CODE, MPFIT will gracefully exit immediately and report this condition to the caller. The ERROR_CODE is returned in the STATUS keyword in that case. EXPLICIT DERIVATIVES In the search for the best-fit solution, MPFIT by default calculates derivatives numerically via a finite difference approximation. The user-supplied function need not calculate the derivatives explicitly. However, the user function *may* calculate the derivatives if desired, but only if the model function is declared with an additional position parameter, DP, as described below. If the user function does not accept this additional parameter, MPFIT will report an error. As a practical matter, it is often sufficient and even faster to allow MPFIT to calculate the derivatives numerically, but this option is available for users who wish more control over the fitting process. There are two ways to enable explicit derivatives. First, the user can set the keyword AUTODERIVATIVE=0, which is a global switch for all parameters. In this case, MPFIT will request explicit derivatives for every free parameter. Second, the user may request explicit derivatives for specifically selected parameters using the PARINFO.MPSIDE=3 (see "CONSTRAINING PARAMETER VALUES WITH THE PARINFO KEYWORD" below). In this strategy, the user picks and chooses which parameter derivatives are computed explicitly versus numerically. When PARINFO[i].MPSIDE EQ 3, then the ith parameter derivative is computed explicitly. The keyword setting AUTODERIVATIVE=0 always globally overrides the individual values of PARINFO.MPSIDE. Setting AUTODERIVATIVE=0 is equivalent to resetting PARINFO.MPSIDE=3 for all parameters. Even if the user requests explicit derivatives for some or all parameters, MPFIT will not always request explicit derivatives on every user function call. EXPLICIT DERIVATIVES - CALLING INTERFACE When AUTODERIVATIVE=0, the user function is responsible for calculating the derivatives of the *residuals* with respect to each parameter. The user function should be declared as follows: ; ; MYFUNCT - example user function ; P - input parameter values (N-element array) ; DP - upon input, an N-vector indicating which parameters ; to compute derivatives for; ; upon output, the user function must return ; an ARRAY(M,N) of derivatives in this keyword ; (keywords) - any other keywords specified by FUNCTARGS ; RETURNS - residual values ; FUNCTION MYFUNCT, p, dp, X=x, Y=y, ERR=err model = F(x, p) ;; Model function resid = (y - model)/err ;; Residual calculation (for example) if n_params() GT 1 then begin ; Create derivative and compute derivative array requested = dp ; Save original value of DP dp = make_array(n_elements(x), n_elements(p), value=x[0]*0) ; Compute derivative if requested by caller for i = 0, n_elements(p)-1 do if requested(i) NE 0 then $ dp(*,i) = FGRAD(x, p, i) / err endif return, resid END where FGRAD(x, p, i) is a model function which computes the derivative of the model F(x,p) with respect to parameter P(i) at X. A quirk in the implementation leaves a stray negative sign in the definition of DP. The derivative of the *residual* should be "-FGRAD(x,p,i) / err" because of how the residual is defined ("resid = (data - model) / err"). **HOWEVER** because of the implementation quirk, MPFIT expects FGRAD(x,p,i)/err instead, i.e. the opposite sign of the gradient of RESID. Derivatives should be returned in the DP array. DP should be an ARRAY(m,n) array, where m is the number of data points and n is the number of parameters. -DP[i,j] is the derivative of the ith residual with respect to the jth parameter (note the minus sign due to the quirk described above). As noted above, MPFIT may not always request derivatives from the user function. In those cases, the parameter DP is not passed. Therefore functions can use N_PARAMS() to indicate whether they must compute the derivatives or not. The derivatives with respect to fixed parameters are ignored; zero is an appropriate value to insert for those derivatives. Upon input to the user function, DP is set to a vector with the same length as P, with a value of 1 for a parameter which is free, and a value of zero for a parameter which is fixed (and hence no derivative needs to be calculated). This input vector may be overwritten as needed. In the example above, the original DP vector is saved to a variable called REQUESTED, and used as a mask to calculate only those derivatives that are required. If the data is higher than one dimensional, then the *last* dimension should be the parameter dimension. Example: fitting a 50x50 image, "dp" should be 50x50xNPAR. EXPLICIT DERIVATIVES - TESTING and DEBUGGING For reasonably complicated user functions, the calculation of explicit derivatives of the correct sign and magnitude can be difficult to get right. A simple sign error can cause MPFIT to be confused. MPFIT has a derivative debugging mode which will compute the derivatives *both* numerically and explicitly, and compare the results. It is expected that during production usage, derivative debugging should be disabled for all parameters. In order to enable derivative debugging mode, set the following PARINFO members for the ith parameter. PARINFO[i].MPSIDE = 3 ; Enable explicit derivatives PARINFO[i].MPDERIV_DEBUG = 1 ; Enable derivative debugging mode PARINFO[i].MPDERIV_RELTOL = ?? ; Relative tolerance for comparison PARINFO[i].MPDERIV_ABSTOL = ?? ; Absolute tolerance for comparison Note that these settings are maintained on a parameter-by-parameter basis using PARINFO, so the user can choose which parameters derivatives will be tested. When .MPDERIV_DEBUG is set, then MPFIT first computes the derivative explicitly by requesting them from the user function. Then, it computes the derivatives numerically via finite differencing, and compares the two values. If the difference exceeds a tolerance threshold, then the values are printed out to alert the user. The tolerance level threshold contains both a relative and an absolute component, and is expressed as, ABS(DERIV_U - DERIV_N) GE (ABSTOL + RELTOL*ABS(DERIV_U)) where DERIV_U and DERIV_N are the derivatives computed explicitly and numerically, respectively. Appropriate values for most users will be: PARINFO[i].MPDERIV_RELTOL = 1d-3 ;; Suggested relative tolerance PARINFO[i].MPDERIV_ABSTOL = 1d-7 ;; Suggested absolute tolerance although these thresholds may have to be adjusted for a particular problem. When the threshold is exceeded, users can expect to see a tabular report like this one: FJAC DEBUG BEGIN # IPNT FUNC DERIV_U DERIV_N DIFF_ABS DIFF_REL FJAC PARM 2 80 -0.7308 0.04233 0.04233 -5.543E-07 -1.309E-05 99 1.370 0.01417 0.01417 -5.518E-07 -3.895E-05 118 0.07187 -0.01400 -0.01400 -5.566E-07 3.977E-05 137 1.844 -0.04216 -0.04216 -5.589E-07 1.326E-05 FJAC DEBUG END The report will be bracketed by FJAC DEBUG BEGIN/END statements. Each parameter will be delimited by the statement FJAC PARM n, where n is the parameter number. The columns are, IPNT - data point number (0 ... M-1) FUNC - function value at that point DERIV_U - explicit derivative value at that point DERIV_N - numerical derivative estimate at that point DIFF_ABS - absolute difference = (DERIV_U - DERIV_N) DIFF_REL - relative difference = (DIFF_ABS)/(DERIV_U) When prints appear in this report, it is most important to check that the derivatives computed in two different ways have the same numerical sign and the same order of magnitude, since these are the most common programming mistakes. A line of this form may also appear # FJAC_MASK = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 This line indicates for which parameters explicit derivatives are expected. A list of all-1s indicates all explicit derivatives for all parameters are requested from the user function. CONSTRAINING PARAMETER VALUES WITH THE PARINFO KEYWORD The behavior of MPFIT can be modified with respect to each parameter to be fitted. A parameter value can be fixed; simple boundary constraints can be imposed; limitations on the parameter changes can be imposed; properties of the automatic derivative can be modified; and parameters can be tied to one another. These properties are governed by the PARINFO structure, which is passed as a keyword parameter to MPFIT. PARINFO should be an array of structures, one for each parameter. Each parameter is associated with one element of the array, in numerical order. The structure can have the following entries (none are required): .VALUE - the starting parameter value (but see the START_PARAMS parameter for more information). .FIXED - a boolean value, whether the parameter is to be held fixed or not. Fixed parameters are not varied by MPFIT, but are passed on to MYFUNCT for evaluation. .LIMITED - a two-element boolean array. If the first/second element is set, then the parameter is bounded on the lower/upper side. A parameter can be bounded on both sides. Both LIMITED and LIMITS must be given together. .LIMITS - a two-element float or double array. Gives the parameter limits on the lower and upper sides, respectively. Zero, one or two of these values can be set, depending on the values of LIMITED. Both LIMITED and LIMITS must be given together. .PARNAME - a string, giving the name of the parameter. The fitting code of MPFIT does not use this tag in any way. However, the default ITERPROC will print the parameter name if available. .STEP - the step size to be used in calculating the numerical derivatives. If set to zero, then the step size is computed automatically. Ignored when AUTODERIVATIVE=0. This value is superceded by the RELSTEP value. .RELSTEP - the *relative* step size to be used in calculating the numerical derivatives. This number is the fractional size of the step, compared to the parameter value. This value supercedes the STEP setting. If the parameter is zero, then a default step size is chosen. .MPSIDE - selector for type of derivative calculation. This field can take one of five possible values: 0 - one-sided derivative computed automatically 1 - one-sided derivative (f(x+h) - f(x) )/h -1 - one-sided derivative (f(x) - f(x-h))/h 2 - two-sided derivative (f(x+h) - f(x-h))/(2*h) 3 - explicit derivative used for this parameter In the first four cases, the derivative is approximated numerically by finite difference, with step size H=STEP, where the STEP parameter is defined above. The last case, MPSIDE=3, indicates to allow the user function to compute the derivative explicitly (see section on "EXPLICIT DERIVATIVES"). AUTODERIVATIVE=0 overrides this setting for all parameters, and is equivalent to MPSIDE=3 for all parameters. For MPSIDE=0, the "automatic" one-sided derivative method will chose a direction for the finite difference which does not violate any constraints. The other methods (MPSIDE=-1 or MPSIDE=1) do not perform this check. The two-sided method is in principle more precise, but requires twice as many function evaluations. Default: 0. .MPDERIV_DEBUG - set this value to 1 to enable debugging of user-supplied explicit derivatives (see "TESTING and DEBUGGING" section above). In addition, the user must enable calculation of explicit derivatives by either setting AUTODERIVATIVE=0, or MPSIDE=3 for the desired parameters. When this option is enabled, a report may be printed to the console, depending on the MPDERIV_ABSTOL and MPDERIV_RELTOL settings. Default: 0 (no debugging) .MPDERIV_ABSTOL, .MPDERIV_RELTOL - tolerance settings for print-out of debugging information, for each parameter where debugging is enabled. See "TESTING and DEBUGGING" section above for the meanings of these two fields. .MPMAXSTEP - the maximum change to be made in the parameter value. During the fitting process, the parameter will never be changed by more than this value in one iteration. A value of 0 indicates no maximum. Default: 0. .TIED - a string expression which "ties" the parameter to other free or fixed parameters as an equality constraint. Any expression involving constants and the parameter array P are permitted. Example: if parameter 2 is always to be twice parameter 1 then use the following: parinfo[2].tied = '2 * P[1]'. Since they are totally constrained, tied parameters are considered to be fixed; no errors are computed for them, and any LIMITS are not obeyed. [ NOTE: the PARNAME can't be used in a TIED expression. ] .MPPRINT - if set to 1, then the default ITERPROC will print the parameter value. If set to 0, the parameter value will not be printed. This tag can be used to selectively print only a few parameter values out of many. Default: 1 (all parameters printed) .MPFORMAT - IDL format string to print the parameter within ITERPROC. Default: '(G20.6)' (An empty string will also use the default.) Future modifications to the PARINFO structure, if any, will involve adding structure tags beginning with the two letters "MP". Therefore programmers are urged to avoid using tags starting with "MP", but otherwise they are free to include their own fields within the PARINFO structure, which will be ignored by MPFIT. PARINFO Example: parinfo = replicate({value:0.D, fixed:0, limited:[0,0], $ limits:[0.D,0]}, 5) parinfo[0].fixed = 1 parinfo[4].limited[0] = 1 parinfo[4].limits[0] = 50.D parinfo[*].value = [5.7D, 2.2, 500., 1.5, 2000.] A total of 5 parameters, with starting values of 5.7, 2.2, 500, 1.5, and 2000 are given. The first parameter is fixed at a value of 5.7, and the last parameter is constrained to be above 50. RECURSION Generally, recursion is not allowed. As of version 1.77, MPFIT has recursion protection which does not allow a model function to itself call MPFIT. Users who wish to perform multi-level optimization should investigate the 'EXTERNAL' function evaluation methods described below for hard-to-evaluate functions. That method places more control in the user's hands. The user can design a "recursive" application by taking care. In most cases the recursion protection should be well-behaved. However, if the user is doing debugging, it is possible for the protection system to get "stuck." In order to reset it, run the procedure: MPFIT_RESET_RECURSION and the protection system should get "unstuck." It is save to call this procedure at any time. COMPATIBILITY This function is designed to work with IDL 5.0 or greater. Because TIED parameters and the "(EXTERNAL)" user-model feature use the EXECUTE() function, they cannot be used with the free version of the IDL Virtual Machine. DETERMINING THE VERSION OF MPFIT MPFIT is a changing library. Users of MPFIT may also depend on a specific version of the library being present. As of version 1.70 of MPFIT, a VERSION keyword has been added which allows the user to query which version is present. The keyword works like this: RESULT = MPFIT(/query, VERSION=version) This call uses the /QUERY keyword to query the version number without performing any computations. Users of MPFIT can call this method to determine which version is in the IDL path before actually using MPFIT to do any numerical work. Upon return, the VERSION keyword contains the version number of MPFIT, expressed as a string of the form 'X.Y' where X and Y are integers. Users can perform their own version checking, or use the built-in error checking of MPFIT. The MIN_VERSION keyword enforces the requested minimum version number. For example, RESULT = MPFIT(/query, VERSION=version, MIN_VERSION='1.70') will check whether the accessed version is 1.70 or greater, without performing any numerical processing. The VERSION and MIN_VERSION keywords were added in MPFIT version 1.70 and later. If the caller attempts to use the VERSION or MIN_VERSION keywords, and an *older* version of the code is present in the caller's path, then IDL will throw an 'unknown keyword' error. Therefore, in order to be robust, the caller, must use exception handling. Here is an example demanding at least version 1.70. MPFIT_OK = 0 & VERSION = '' CATCH, CATCHERR IF CATCHERR EQ 0 THEN MPFIT_OK = MPFIT(/query, VERSION=version, $ MIN_VERSION='1.70') CATCH, /CANCEL IF NOT MPFIT_OK THEN $ MESSAGE, 'ERROR: you must have MPFIT version 1.70 or higher in '+$ 'your path (found version '+version+')' Of course, the caller can also do its own version number requirements checking. HARD-TO-COMPUTE FUNCTIONS: "EXTERNAL" EVALUATION The normal mode of operation for MPFIT is for the user to pass a function name, and MPFIT will call the user function multiple times as it iterates toward a solution. Some user functions are particularly hard to compute using the standard model of MPFIT. Usually these are functions that depend on a large amount of external data, and so it is not feasible, or at least highly impractical, to have MPFIT call it. In those cases it may be possible to use the "(EXTERNAL)" evaluation option. In this case the user is responsible for making all function *and derivative* evaluations. The function and Jacobian data are passed in through the EXTERNAL_FVEC and EXTERNAL_FJAC keywords, respectively. The user indicates the selection of this option by specifying a function name (MYFUNCT) of "(EXTERNAL)". No user-function calls are made when EXTERNAL evaluation is being used. ** SPECIAL NOTE ** For the "(EXTERNAL)" case, the quirk noted above does not apply. The gradient matrix, EXTERNAL_FJAC, should be comparable to "-FGRAD(x,p)/err", which is the *opposite* sign of the DP matrix described above. In other words, EXTERNAL_FJAC has the same sign as the derivative of EXTERNAL_FVEC, and the opposite sign of FGRAD. At the end of each iteration, control returns to the user, who must reevaluate the function at its new parameter values. Users should check the return value of the STATUS keyword, where a value of 9 indicates the user should supply more data for the next iteration, and re-call MPFIT. The user may refrain from calling MPFIT further; as usual, STATUS will indicate when the solution has converged and no more iterations are required. Because MPFIT must maintain its own data structures between calls, the user must also pass a named variable to the EXTERNAL_STATE keyword. This variable must be maintained by the user, but not changed, throughout the fitting process. When no more iterations are desired, the named variable may be discarded. INPUTS: MYFUNCT - a string variable containing the name of the function to be minimized. The function should return the weighted deviations between the model and the data, as described above. For EXTERNAL evaluation of functions, this parameter should be set to a value of "(EXTERNAL)". START_PARAMS - An one-dimensional array of starting values for each of the parameters of the model. The number of parameters should be fewer than the number of measurements. Also, the parameters should have the same data type as the measurements (double is preferred). This parameter is optional if the PARINFO keyword is used (but see PARINFO). The PARINFO keyword provides a mechanism to fix or constrain individual parameters. If both START_PARAMS and PARINFO are passed, then the starting *value* is taken from START_PARAMS, but the *constraints* are taken from PARINFO. RETURNS: Returns the array of best-fit parameters. Exceptions: * if /QUERY is set (see QUERY). KEYWORD PARAMETERS: AUTODERIVATIVE - If this is set, derivatives of the function will be computed automatically via a finite differencing procedure. If not set, then MYFUNCT must provide the explicit derivatives. Default: set (=1) NOTE: to supply your own explicit derivatives, explicitly pass AUTODERIVATIVE=0 BESTNORM - upon return, the value of the summed squared weighted residuals for the returned parameter values, i.e. TOTAL(DEVIATES^2). BEST_FJAC - upon return, BEST_FJAC contains the Jacobian, or partial derivative, matrix for the best-fit model. The values are an array, ARRAY(N_ELEMENTS(DEVIATES),NFREE) where NFREE is the number of free parameters. This array is only computed if /CALC_FJAC is set, otherwise BEST_FJAC is undefined. The returned array is such that BEST_FJAC[I,J] is the partial derivative of DEVIATES[I] with respect to parameter PARMS[PFREE_INDEX[J]]. Note that since deviates are (data-model)*weight, the Jacobian of the *deviates* will have the opposite sign from the Jacobian of the *model*, and may be scaled by a factor. BEST_RESID - upon return, an array of best-fit deviates. CALC_FJAC - if set, then calculate the Jacobian and return it in BEST_FJAC. If not set, then the return value of BEST_FJAC is undefined. COVAR - the covariance matrix for the set of parameters returned by MPFIT. The matrix is NxN where N is the number of parameters. The square root of the diagonal elements gives the formal 1-sigma statistical errors on the parameters IF errors were treated "properly" in MYFUNC. Parameter errors are also returned in PERROR. To compute the correlation matrix, PCOR, use this example: PCOR = COV * 0 FOR i = 0, n-1 DO FOR j = 0, n-1 DO $ PCOR[i,j] = COV[i,j]/sqrt(COV[i,i]*COV[j,j]) or equivalently, in vector notation, PCOR = COV / (PERROR # PERROR) If NOCOVAR is set or MPFIT terminated abnormally, then COVAR is set to a scalar with value !VALUES.D_NAN. DOF - number of degrees of freedom, computed as DOF = N_ELEMENTS(DEVIATES) - NFREE Note that this doesn't account for pegged parameters (see NPEGGED). It also does not account for data points which are assigned zero weight by the user function. ERRMSG - a string error or warning message is returned. EXTERNAL_FVEC - upon input, the function values, evaluated at START_PARAMS. This should be an M-vector, where M is the number of data points. EXTERNAL_FJAC - upon input, the Jacobian array of partial derivative values. This should be a M x N array, where M is the number of data points and N is the number of parameters. NOTE: that all FIXED or TIED parameters must *not* be included in this array. EXTERNAL_STATE - a named variable to store MPFIT-related state information between iterations (used in input and output to MPFIT). The user must not manipulate or discard this data until the final iteration is performed. FASTNORM - set this keyword to select a faster algorithm to compute sum-of-square values internally. For systems with large numbers of data points, the standard algorithm can become prohibitively slow because it cannot be vectorized well. By setting this keyword, MPFIT will run faster, but it will be more prone to floating point overflows and underflows. Thus, setting this keyword may sacrifice some stability in the fitting process. FTOL - a nonnegative input variable. Termination occurs when both the actual and predicted relative reductions in the sum of squares are at most FTOL (and STATUS is accordingly set to 1 or 3). Therefore, FTOL measures the relative error desired in the sum of squares. Default: 1D-10 FUNCTARGS - A structure which contains the parameters to be passed to the user-supplied function specified by MYFUNCT via the _EXTRA mechanism. This is the way you can pass additional data to your user-supplied function without using common blocks. Consider the following example: if FUNCTARGS = { XVAL:[1.D,2,3], YVAL:[1.D,4,9], ERRVAL:[1.D,1,1] } then the user supplied function should be declared like this: FUNCTION MYFUNCT, P, XVAL=x, YVAL=y, ERRVAL=err By default, no extra parameters are passed to the user-supplied function, but your function should accept *at least* one keyword parameter. [ This is to accomodate a limitation in IDL's _EXTRA parameter-passing mechanism. ] GTOL - a nonnegative input variable. Termination occurs when the cosine of the angle between fvec and any column of the jacobian is at most GTOL in absolute value (and STATUS is accordingly set to 4). Therefore, GTOL measures the orthogonality desired between the function vector and the columns of the jacobian. Default: 1D-10 ITERARGS - The keyword arguments to be passed to ITERPROC via the _EXTRA mechanism. This should be a structure, and is similar in operation to FUNCTARGS. Default: no arguments are passed. ITERPRINT - The name of an IDL procedure, equivalent to PRINT, that ITERPROC will use to render output. ITERPRINT should be able to accept at least four positional arguments. In addition, it should be able to accept the standard FORMAT keyword for output formatting; and the UNIT keyword, to redirect output to a logical file unit (default should be UNIT=1, standard output). These keywords are passed using the ITERARGS keyword above. The ITERPRINT procedure must accept the _EXTRA keyword. NOTE: that much formatting can be handled with the MPPRINT and MPFORMAT tags. Default: 'MPFIT_DEFPRINT' (default internal formatter) ITERPROC - The name of a procedure to be called upon each NPRINT iteration of the MPFIT routine. ITERPROC is always called in the final iteration. It should be declared in the following way: PRO ITERPROC, MYFUNCT, p, iter, fnorm, FUNCTARGS=fcnargs, $ PARINFO=parinfo, QUIET=quiet, DOF=dof, PFORMAT=pformat, $ UNIT=unit, ... ; perform custom iteration update END ITERPROC must either accept all three keyword parameters (FUNCTARGS, PARINFO and QUIET), or at least accept them via the _EXTRA keyword. MYFUNCT is the user-supplied function to be minimized, P is the current set of model parameters, ITER is the iteration number, and FUNCTARGS are the arguments to be passed to MYFUNCT. FNORM should be the chi-squared value. QUIET is set when no textual output should be printed. DOF is the number of degrees of freedom, normally the number of points less the number of free parameters. See below for documentation of PARINFO. PFORMAT is the default parameter value format. UNIT is passed on to the ITERPRINT procedure, and should indicate the file unit where log output will be sent (default: standard output). In implementation, ITERPROC can perform updates to the terminal or graphical user interface, to provide feedback while the fit proceeds. If the fit is to be stopped for any reason, then ITERPROC should set the common block variable ERROR_CODE to negative value between -15 and -1 (see MPFIT_ERROR common block below). In principle, ITERPROC should probably not modify the parameter values, because it may interfere with the algorithm's stability. In practice it is allowed. Default: an internal routine is used to print the parameter values. ITERSTOP - Set this keyword if you wish to be able to stop the fitting by hitting the predefined ITERKEYSTOP key on the keyboard. This only works if you use the default ITERPROC. ITERKEYSTOP - A keyboard key which will halt the fit (and if ITERSTOP is set and the default ITERPROC is used). ITERSTOPKEY may either be a one-character string with the desired key, or a scalar integer giving the ASCII code of the desired key. Default: 7b (control-g) NOTE: the default value of ASCI 7 (control-G) cannot be read in some windowing environments, so you must change to a printable character like 'q'. MAXITER - The maximum number of iterations to perform. If the number of calculation iterations exceeds MAXITER, then the STATUS value is set to 5 and MPFIT returns. If MAXITER EQ 0, then MPFIT does not iterate to adjust parameter values; however, the user function is evaluated and parameter errors/covariance/Jacobian are estimated before returning. Default: 200 iterations MIN_VERSION - The minimum requested version number. This must be a scalar string of the form returned by the VERSION keyword. If the current version of MPFIT does not satisfy the minimum requested version number, then, MPFIT(/query, min_version='...') returns 0 MPFIT(...) returns NAN Default: no version number check NOTE: MIN_VERSION was added in MPFIT version 1.70 NFEV - the number of MYFUNCT function evaluations performed. NFREE - the number of free parameters in the fit. This includes parameters which are not FIXED and not TIED, but it does include parameters which are pegged at LIMITS. NITER - the number of iterations completed. NOCATCH - if set, then MPFIT will not perform any error trapping. By default (not set), MPFIT will trap errors and report them to the caller. This keyword will typically be used for debugging. NOCOVAR - set this keyword to prevent the calculation of the covariance matrix before returning (see COVAR) NPEGGED - the number of free parameters which are pegged at a LIMIT. NPRINT - The frequency with which ITERPROC is called. A value of 1 indicates that ITERPROC is called with every iteration, while 2 indicates every other iteration, etc. Be aware that several Levenberg-Marquardt attempts can be made in a single iteration. Also, the ITERPROC is *always* called for the final iteration, regardless of the iteration number. Default value: 1 PARINFO - A one-dimensional array of structures. Provides a mechanism for more sophisticated constraints to be placed on parameter values. When PARINFO is not passed, then it is assumed that all parameters are free and unconstrained. Values in PARINFO are never modified during a call to MPFIT. See description above for the structure of PARINFO. Default value: all parameters are free and unconstrained. PERROR - The formal 1-sigma errors in each parameter, computed from the covariance matrix. If a parameter is held fixed, or if it touches a boundary, then the error is reported as zero. If the fit is unweighted (i.e. no errors were given, or the weights were uniformly set to unity), then PERROR will probably not represent the true parameter uncertainties. *If* you can assume that the true reduced chi-squared value is unity -- meaning that the fit is implicitly assumed to be of good quality -- then the estimated parameter uncertainties can be computed by scaling PERROR by the measured chi-squared value. DOF = N_ELEMENTS(X) - N_ELEMENTS(PARMS) ; deg of freedom PCERROR = PERROR * SQRT(BESTNORM / DOF) ; scaled uncertainties PFREE_INDEX - upon return, PFREE_INDEX contains an index array which indicates which parameter were allowed to vary. I.e. of all the parameters PARMS, only PARMS[PFREE_INDEX] were varied. QUERY - if set, then MPFIT() will return immediately with one of the following values: 1 - if MIN_VERSION is not set 1 - if MIN_VERSION is set and MPFIT satisfies the minimum 0 - if MIN_VERSION is set and MPFIT does not satisfy it The VERSION output keyword is always set upon return. Default: not set. QUIET - set this keyword when no textual output should be printed by MPFIT RESDAMP - a scalar number, indicating the cut-off value of residuals where "damping" will occur. Residuals with magnitudes greater than this number will be replaced by their logarithm. This partially mitigates the so-called large residual problem inherent in least-squares solvers (as for the test problem CURVI, curviex.htm). A value of 0 indicates no damping. Default: 0 Note: RESDAMP doesn't work with AUTODERIV=0 STATUS - an integer status code is returned. All values greater than zero can represent success (however STATUS EQ 5 may indicate failure to converge). It can have one of the following values: -18 a fatal execution error has occurred. More information may be available in the ERRMSG string. -16 a parameter or function value has become infinite or an undefined number. This is usually a consequence of numerical overflow in the user's model function, which must be avoided. -15 to -1 these are error codes that either MYFUNCT or ITERPROC may return to terminate the fitting process (see description of MPFIT_ERROR common below). If either MYFUNCT or ITERPROC set ERROR_CODE to a negative number, then that number is returned in STATUS. Values from -15 to -1 are reserved for the user functions and will not clash with MPFIT. 0 improper input parameters. 1 both actual and predicted relative reductions in the sum of squares are at most FTOL. 2 relative error between two consecutive iterates is at most XTOL 3 conditions for STATUS = 1 and STATUS = 2 both hold. 4 the cosine of the angle between fvec and any column of the jacobian is at most GTOL in absolute value. 5 the maximum number of iterations has been reached 6 FTOL is too small. no further reduction in the sum of squares is possible. 7 XTOL is too small. no further improvement in the approximate solution x is possible. 8 GTOL is too small. fvec is orthogonal to the columns of the jacobian to machine precision. 9 A successful single iteration has been completed, and the user must supply another "EXTERNAL" evaluation of the function and its derivatives. This status indicator is neither an error nor a convergence indicator. VERSION - upon return, VERSION will be set to the MPFIT internal version number. The version number will be a string of the form "X.Y" where X is a major revision number and Y is a minor revision number. NOTE: the VERSION keyword was not present before MPFIT version number 1.70, therefore, callers must use exception handling when using this keyword. XTOL - a nonnegative input variable. Termination occurs when the relative error between two consecutive iterates is at most XTOL (and STATUS is accordingly set to 2 or 3). Therefore, XTOL measures the relative error desired in the approximate solution. Default: 1D-10 EXAMPLE: p0 = [5.7D, 2.2, 500., 1.5, 2000.] fa = {X:x, Y:y, ERR:err} p = mpfit('MYFUNCT', p0, functargs=fa) Minimizes sum of squares of MYFUNCT. MYFUNCT is called with the X, Y, and ERR keyword parameters that are given by FUNCTARGS. The resulting parameter values are returned in p. COMMON BLOCKS: COMMON MPFIT_ERROR, ERROR_CODE User routines may stop the fitting process at any time by setting an error condition. This condition may be set in either the user's model computation routine (MYFUNCT), or in the iteration procedure (ITERPROC). To stop the fitting, the above common block must be declared, and ERROR_CODE must be set to a negative number. After the user procedure or function returns, MPFIT checks the value of this common block variable and exits immediately if the error condition has been set. This value is also returned in the STATUS keyword: values of -1 through -15 are reserved error codes for the user routines. By default the value of ERROR_CODE is zero, indicating a successful function/procedure call. COMMON MPFIT_PROFILE COMMON MPFIT_MACHAR COMMON MPFIT_CONFIG These are undocumented common blocks are used internally by MPFIT and may change in future implementations. THEORY OF OPERATION: There are many specific strategies for function minimization. One very popular technique is to use function gradient information to realize the local structure of the function. Near a local minimum the function value can be taylor expanded about x0 as follows: f(x) = f(x0) + f'(x0) . (x-x0) + (1/2) (x-x0) . f''(x0) . (x-x0) ----- --------------- ------------------------------- (1) Order 0th 1st 2nd Here f'(x) is the gradient vector of f at x, and f''(x) is the Hessian matrix of second derivatives of f at x. The vector x is the set of function parameters, not the measured data vector. One can find the minimum of f, f(xm) using Newton's method, and arrives at the following linear equation: f''(x0) . (xm-x0) = - f'(x0) (2) If an inverse can be found for f''(x0) then one can solve for (xm-x0), the step vector from the current position x0 to the new projected minimum. Here the problem has been linearized (ie, the gradient information is known to first order). f''(x0) is symmetric n x n matrix, and should be positive definite. The Levenberg - Marquardt technique is a variation on this theme. It adds an additional diagonal term to the equation which may aid the convergence properties: (f''(x0) + nu I) . (xm-x0) = -f'(x0) (2a) where I is the identity matrix. When nu is large, the overall matrix is diagonally dominant, and the iterations follow steepest descent. When nu is small, the iterations are quadratically convergent. In principle, if f''(x0) and f'(x0) are known then xm-x0 can be determined. However the Hessian matrix is often difficult or impossible to compute. The gradient f'(x0) may be easier to compute, if even by finite difference techniques. So-called quasi-Newton techniques attempt to successively estimate f''(x0) by building up gradient information as the iterations proceed. In the least squares problem there are further simplifications which assist in solving eqn (2). The function to be minimized is a sum of squares: f = Sum(hi^2) (3) where hi is the ith residual out of m residuals as described above. This can be substituted back into eqn (2) after computing the derivatives: f' = 2 Sum(hi hi') f'' = 2 Sum(hi' hj') + 2 Sum(hi hi'') (4) If one assumes that the parameters are already close enough to a minimum, then one typically finds that the second term in f'' is negligible [or, in any case, is too difficult to compute]. Thus, equation (2) can be solved, at least approximately, using only gradient information. In matrix notation, the combination of eqns (2) and (4) becomes: hT' . h' . dx = - hT' . h (5) Where h is the residual vector (length m), hT is its transpose, h' is the Jacobian matrix (dimensions n x m), and dx is (xm-x0). The user function supplies the residual vector h, and in some cases h' when it is not found by finite differences (see MPFIT_FDJAC2, which finds h and hT'). Even if dx is not the best absolute step to take, it does provide a good estimate of the best *direction*, so often a line minimization will occur along the dx vector direction. The method of solution employed by MINPACK is to form the Q . R factorization of h', where Q is an orthogonal matrix such that QT . Q = I, and R is upper right triangular. Using h' = Q . R and the ortogonality of Q, eqn (5) becomes (RT . QT) . (Q . R) . dx = - (RT . QT) . h RT . R . dx = - RT . QT . h (6) R . dx = - QT . h where the last statement follows because R is upper triangular. Here, R, QT and h are known so this is a matter of solving for dx. The routine MPFIT_QRFAC provides the QR factorization of h, with pivoting, and MPFIT_QRSOL;V provides the solution for dx. REFERENCES: Markwardt, C. B. 2008, "Non-Linear Least Squares Fitting in IDL with MPFIT," in proc. Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XVIII, Quebec, Canada, ASP Conference Series, Vol. XXX, eds. D. Bohlender, P. Dowler & D. Durand (Astronomical Society of the Pacific: San Francisco), p. 251-254 (ISBN: 978-1-58381-702-5) Link to NASA ADS: Link to ASP: Refer to the MPFIT website as: MINPACK-1 software, by Jorge More' et al, available from netlib. "Optimization Software Guide," Jorge More' and Stephen Wright, SIAM, *Frontiers in Applied Mathematics*, Number 14. (ISBN: 978-0-898713-22-0) More', J. 1978, "The Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm: Implementation and Theory," in Numerical Analysis, vol. 630, ed. G. A. Watson (Springer-Verlag: Berlin), p. 105 (DOI: 10.1007/BFb0067690 ) MODIFICATION HISTORY: Translated from MINPACK-1 in FORTRAN, Apr-Jul 1998, CM Fixed bug in parameter limits (x vs xnew), 04 Aug 1998, CM Added PERROR keyword, 04 Aug 1998, CM Added COVAR keyword, 20 Aug 1998, CM Added NITER output keyword, 05 Oct 1998 D.L Windt, Bell Labs,; Made each PARINFO component optional, 05 Oct 1998 CM Analytical derivatives allowed via AUTODERIVATIVE keyword, 09 Nov 1998 Parameter values can be tied to others, 09 Nov 1998 Fixed small bugs (Wayne Landsman), 24 Nov 1998 Added better exception error reporting, 24 Nov 1998 CM Cosmetic documentation changes, 02 Jan 1999 CM Changed definition of ITERPROC to be consistent with TNMIN, 19 Jan 1999 CM Fixed bug when AUTDERIVATIVE=0. Incorrect sign, 02 Feb 1999 CM Added keyboard stop to MPFIT_DEFITER, 28 Feb 1999 CM Cosmetic documentation changes, 14 May 1999 CM IDL optimizations for speed & FASTNORM keyword, 15 May 1999 CM Tried a faster version of mpfit_enorm, 30 May 1999 CM Changed web address to, 14 Jun 1999 CM Found malformation of FDJAC in MPFIT for 1 parm, 03 Aug 1999 CM Factored out user-function call into MPFIT_CALL. It is possible, but currently disabled, to call procedures. The calling format is similar to CURVEFIT, 25 Sep 1999, CM Slightly changed mpfit_tie to be less intrusive, 25 Sep 1999, CM Fixed some bugs associated with tied parameters in mpfit_fdjac, 25 Sep 1999, CM Reordered documentation; now alphabetical, 02 Oct 1999, CM Added QUERY keyword for more robust error detection in drivers, 29 Oct 1999, CM Documented PERROR for unweighted fits, 03 Nov 1999, CM Split out MPFIT_RESETPROF to aid in profiling, 03 Nov 1999, CM Some profiling and speed optimization, 03 Nov 1999, CM Worst offenders, in order: fdjac2, qrfac, qrsolv, enorm. fdjac2 depends on user function, qrfac and enorm seem to be fully optimized. qrsolv probably could be tweaked a little, but is still <10% of total compute time. Made sure that !err was set to 0 in MPFIT_DEFITER, 10 Jan 2000, CM Fixed small inconsistency in setting of QANYLIM, 28 Jan 2000, CM Added PARINFO field RELSTEP, 28 Jan 2000, CM Converted to MPFIT_ERROR common block for indicating error conditions, 28 Jan 2000, CM Corrected scope of MPFIT_ERROR common block, CM, 07 Mar 2000 Minor speed improvement in MPFIT_ENORM, CM 26 Mar 2000 Corrected case where ITERPROC changed parameter values and parameter values were TIED, CM 26 Mar 2000 Changed MPFIT_CALL to modify NFEV automatically, and to support user procedures more, CM 26 Mar 2000 Copying permission terms have been liberalized, 26 Mar 2000, CM Catch zero value of zero a(j,lj) in MPFIT_QRFAC, 20 Jul 2000, CM (thanks to David Schlegel ) MPFIT_SETMACHAR is called only once at init; only one common block is created (MPFIT_MACHAR); it is now a structure; removed almost all CHECK_MATH calls for compatibility with IDL5 and !EXCEPT; profiling data is now in a structure too; noted some mathematical discrepancies in Linux IDL5.0, 17 Nov 2000, CM Some significant changes. New PARINFO fields: MPSIDE, MPMINSTEP, MPMAXSTEP. Improved documentation. Now PTIED constraints are maintained in the MPCONFIG common block. A new procedure to parse PARINFO fields. FDJAC2 now computes a larger variety of one-sided and two-sided finite difference derivatives. NFEV is stored in the MPCONFIG common now. 17 Dec 2000, CM Added check that PARINFO and XALL have same size, 29 Dec 2000 CM Don't call function in TERMINATE when there is an error, 05 Jan 2000 Check for float vs. double discrepancies; corrected implementation of MIN/MAXSTEP, which I still am not sure of, but now at least the correct behavior occurs *without* it, CM 08 Jan 2001 Added SCALE_FCN keyword, to allow for scaling, as for the CASH statistic; added documentation about the theory of operation, and under the QR factorization; slowly I'm beginning to understand the bowels of this algorithm, CM 10 Jan 2001 Remove MPMINSTEP field of PARINFO, for now at least, CM 11 Jan 2001 Added RESDAMP keyword, CM, 14 Jan 2001 Tried to improve the DAMP handling a little, CM, 13 Mar 2001 Corrected .PARNAME behavior in _DEFITER, CM, 19 Mar 2001 Added checks for parameter and function overflow; a new STATUS value to reflect this; STATUS values of -15 to -1 are reserved for user function errors, CM, 03 Apr 2001 DAMP keyword is now a TANH, CM, 03 Apr 2001 Added more error checking of float vs. double, CM, 07 Apr 2001 Fixed bug in handling of parameter lower limits; moved overflow checking to end of loop, CM, 20 Apr 2001 Failure using GOTO, TERMINATE more graceful if FNORM1 not defined, CM, 13 Aug 2001 Add MPPRINT tag to PARINFO, CM, 19 Nov 2001 Add DOF keyword to DEFITER procedure, and print degrees of freedom, CM, 28 Nov 2001 Add check to be sure MYFUNCT is a scalar string, CM, 14 Jan 2002 Addition of EXTERNAL_FJAC, EXTERNAL_FVEC keywords; ability to save fitter's state from one call to the next; allow '(EXTERNAL)' function name, which implies that user will supply function and Jacobian at each iteration, CM, 10 Mar 2002 Documented EXTERNAL evaluation code, CM, 10 Mar 2002 Corrected signficant bug in the way that the STEP parameter, and FIXED parameters interacted (Thanks Andrew Steffl), CM, 02 Apr 2002 Allow COVAR and PERROR keywords to be computed, even in case of '(EXTERNAL)' function, 26 May 2002 Add NFREE and NPEGGED keywords; compute NPEGGED; compute DOF using NFREE instead of n_elements(X), thanks to Kristian Kjaer, CM 11 Sep 2002 Hopefully PERROR is all positive now, CM 13 Sep 2002 Documented RELSTEP field of PARINFO (!!), CM, 25 Oct 2002 Error checking to detect missing start pars, CM 12 Apr 2003 Add DOF keyword to return degrees of freedom, CM, 30 June 2003 Always call ITERPROC in the final iteration; add ITERKEYSTOP keyword, CM, 30 June 2003 Correct bug in MPFIT_LMPAR of singularity handling, which might likely be fatal for one-parameter fits, CM, 21 Nov 2003 (with thanks to Peter Tuthill for the proper test case) Minor documentation adjustment, 03 Feb 2004, CM Correct small error in QR factorization when pivoting; document the return values of QRFAC when pivoting, 21 May 2004, CM Add MPFORMAT field to PARINFO, and correct behavior of interaction between MPPRINT and PARNAME in MPFIT_DEFITERPROC (thanks to Tim Robishaw), 23 May 2004, CM Add the ITERPRINT keyword to allow redirecting output, 26 Sep 2004, CM Correct MAXSTEP behavior in case of a negative parameter, 26 Sep 2004, CM Fix bug in the parsing of MINSTEP/MAXSTEP, 10 Apr 2005, CM Fix bug in the handling of upper/lower limits when the limit was negative (the fitting code would never "stick" to the lower limit), 29 Jun 2005, CM Small documentation update for the TIED field, 05 Sep 2005, CM Convert to IDL 5 array syntax (!), 16 Jul 2006, CM If MAXITER equals zero, then do the basic parameter checking and uncertainty analysis, but do not adjust the parameters, 15 Aug 2006, CM Added documentation, 18 Sep 2006, CM A few more IDL 5 array syntax changes, 25 Sep 2006, CM Move STRICTARR compile option inside each function/procedure, 9 Oct 2006 Bug fix for case of MPMAXSTEP and fixed parameters, thanks to Huib Intema (who found it from the Python translation!), 05 Feb 2007 Similar fix for MPFIT_FDJAC2 and the MPSIDE sidedness of derivatives, also thanks to Huib Intema, 07 Feb 2007 Clarify documentation on user-function, derivatives, and PARINFO, 27 May 2007 Change the wording of "Analytic Derivatives" to "Explicit Derivatives" in the documentation, CM, 03 Sep 2007 Further documentation tweaks, CM, 13 Dec 2007 Add COMPATIBILITY section and add credits to copyright, CM, 13 Dec 2007 Document and enforce that START_PARMS and PARINFO are 1-d arrays, CM, 29 Mar 2008 Previous change for 1-D arrays wasn't correct for PARINFO.LIMITED/.LIMITS; now fixed, CM, 03 May 2008 Documentation adjustments, CM, 20 Aug 2008 Change some minor FOR-loop variables to type-long, CM, 03 Sep 2008 Change error handling slightly, document NOCATCH keyword, document error handling in general, CM, 01 Oct 2008 Special case: when either LIMITS is zero, and a parameter pushes against that limit, the coded that 'pegged' it there would not work since it was a relative condition; now zero is handled properly, CM, 08 Nov 2008 Documentation of how TIED interacts with LIMITS, CM, 21 Dec 2008 Better documentation of references, CM, 27 Feb 2009 If MAXITER=0, then be sure to set STATUS=5, which permits the the covariance matrix to be computed, CM, 14 Apr 2009 Avoid numerical underflow while solving for the LM parameter, (thanks to Sergey Koposov) CM, 14 Apr 2009 Use individual functions for all possible MPFIT_CALL permutations, (and make sure the syntax is right) CM, 01 Sep 2009 Correct behavior of MPMAXSTEP when some parameters are frozen, thanks to Josh Destree, CM, 22 Nov 2009 Update the references section, CM, 22 Nov 2009 1.70 - Add the VERSION and MIN_VERSION keywords, CM, 22 Nov 2009 1.71 - Store pre-calculated revision in common, CM, 23 Nov 2009 1.72-1.74 - Documented alternate method to compute correlation matrix, CM, 05 Feb 2010 1.75 - Enforce TIED constraints when preparing to terminate the routine, CM, 2010-06-22 1.76 - Documented input keywords now are not modified upon output, CM, 2010-07-13 1.77 - Upon user request (/CALC_FJAC), compute Jacobian matrix and return in BEST_FJAC; also return best residuals in BEST_RESID; also return an index list of free parameters as PFREE_INDEX; add a fencepost to prevent recursion CM, 2010-10-27 1.79 - Documentation corrections. CM, 2011-08-26 1.81 - Fix bug in interaction of AUTODERIVATIVE=0 and .MPSIDE=3; Document FJAC_MASK. CM, 2012-05-08 $Id:,v 1.2 2014/02/24 22:26:01 bdavis Exp $
NAME: mptsout PURPOSE: write a table of MPTS data and errors from the edge along with GPI average CATEGORY: MPTS, MDSplus CALLING SEQUENCE: mptsout, shot, r1=r1, r2=r2, t1=t1, t2=t2, outfile=outfile INPUTS: shot - MDSplus shot number, i.e, ID. KEYWORDS: (all Optional) r1 - starting radius (cm) for printed values (default=120 cm) r2 - starting radius (cm) for printed values (default=156 cm) t1 - Starting x-value desired (typically time, in seconds). Defaults to 0.3 s t2 - Ending x-value desired. Defaults to 0.9 s outFile - name defaults to 'MPTS_'+shot+'.txt' EXAMPLE: IDL> for shot=138844,138847 do mptsout, shot HISTORY: Written 04-Jun-2013 by Bill Davis for Stewart Zweben
NAME: mptssurface PURPOSE: A graphical interface for plotting shaded surfaces of NSTX Multi-point Thomson Scattering data (MPTS) from MDSplus. Summary plots of Ip, D-alpha, Neutral Beam and RF input power, and stored energy (W-mhd from EFIT). Times of NB and RF heating are indicated on the surfaces by darker shading. Different controls are provided to change the viewing angle and other plot parameters. Projection of data maxima vs. radius may be projected on the "back wall". (For critical accuracy of values, especially on the edges, please check with the Thomson diagnosticians personally.) CATEGORY: 3-D Plotting, MDSplus, NSTX, Widgets CALLING SEQUENCE: mptssurface, shot INPUT PARAMETERS: shot - MDSplus shot # KEYWORD PARAMETERS: autoRefresh - if set, will automatically refresh when MDSplus event MPTS_REFRESH is declared refreshEvent - default is 'MPTS_REFRESH' warning - if=0, no widgets will be popped for warnings charsize - character size of plots (DEFAULT=2) density - if set, will display Density instead of Temperature initially contour - if=0, will not overplot contours on the surface project - if=1, will project maxima of variable vs. radius on "back wall" GROUP: The widget ID of the widget that calls mptssurface. When this keyword is specified, the death of the caller results in the death of mptssurface. BLOCK: Set this keyword to have XMANAGER block when this application is registered. By default the Xmanager keyword NO_BLOCK is set to 1 to provide access to the command line if active command line processing is available. Note that setting BLOCK for this application will cause all widget applications to block, not only this application. For more information see the NO_BLOCK keyword to XMANAGER. LIMITATIONS: Some liberties have been taken "massaging" the data from MDSplus to make nice looking surfaces, such as median smoothing with more on the edges, and interpolating between time points and radii of the raw data. mptssurface does not accept all of the keywords that the IDL command SURFACE does. EXAMPLE: IDL> mptssurface, 142000, /project MODIFICATION HISTORY: 06-Jun-2013 made shades work when zooming in 01-Aug-2011 Added Kelvin keyword for presentation to non-physicists 30-Nov-2010 Added color shading for other variables onto surface plot. 11-Nov-2010 Added contours and projection of maxima on back wall 28-Oct-2010 improved data filtering per Ben LeBlanc and Ahmed Diallo 22-Oct-2010 converted from MPTSsurface for Joel Hosea 20-May-04 Better message when no analysis data, or times out-of-range 10-Feb-03 Made shaded surface the default [BD] 25-Feb-02 List shot date and time on plot [BD] 01-Feb-01 Added "Copy Plot to Tek Window" option 14-Sep-00 Added min & max R options & better shot buttons. [BD] 29-Aug-00 Made from RSI xsurface [BD] Created from a template written by: Steve Richards, January, 1991.
NAME: NNET.PRO PURPOSE: Neural network classifier. This is a standard 3-layer back-propagation net. CALLING SEQUENCE: NNET, bias_hid, w_hid, bias_out, w_out, input, h_output, $ output, first, second, third INPUTS: bias_hid - Bias weights on the hidden neurons (DP vector [n_hid]). w_hid - weights between input & hidden layers (DP array [n_in,n_hid]). bias_out - Bias weights on the output neurons (DP vector [n_out]). w_out - weights between hidden & output layers (DP array [n_hid,n_out]). input - input values (DP vector [n_in]). OUTPUTS: h_output - computed values of hidden layer neurons (DP vector [n_hid]). output - computed values of output neurons (DP vector [n_out]). first - index of output neuron with highest value. second - index of second place neuron. third - index of third place neuron (if there are more than two output neurons). KEYWORD PARAMETERS None. EXAMPLE: IDL> nnet, bias_hid, w_hid, bias_out, w_out, input, hout, output - input is the pattern you want to classify. Must be a normalized float or DP vector or the same size as the training patterns used to train the weights. HISTORY: Version 1.0 T. Beck Advanced Computer Concepts, Inc. 21 Apr 1999
NAME: OnAlpha PURPOSE: Tests for running on an alpha computer. You can specify the the desired Alpha computer. Optionally beeps, and prints a message and returns an error if not on the desired Alpha computer. CATEGORY: OS Specific CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> OK = OnAlpha('KEES') INPUTS: (Optional) compWanted - string of VMS alpha system, e.g., 'mel' (default='KEES') KEYWORD PARAMETERS: (Optional) NOBEEP - if set, no beep when not on desired alpha QUIET - if set, no message is printed to the terminal OUTPUTS: OK = If = 1, then on desired alpha, else 0 out COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> OK = onAlpha( ) NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 30-May-00 Since Multinet recently added places, remove need for it. 20-Oct-99 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: onComputer PURPOSE: Return 1 if on the specified computer. First uses enironmental variable HOST has the computer name. CATEGORY: System CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> OK = onComputer( computerName ) INPUTS: computerName - name of computer (best not to have domain included) this not case sensitive. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: var - Environmental variable to check for computer name. (defaults to 'HOST'). If HOST not defined, will still work on Linux HLP - When set, help information is printed. verbose - if set, will print many informational messages debug - if set, debug output will be printed OUTPUTS: OK = 1 if environmental variable "camac_server" is non-blank EXAMPLE: NOTES: When the routine is called with no parameters, or with the keyword hlp set, help information is printed. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 08-Jan-2009 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: oplotsep PURPOSE: Overplot separatrix and limiter onto grid with GPI images already drawn. Works with 2010 NSTX shots. CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> oplotsep, shot, time, fit=fit INPUTS: shot - NSTX shot number time - shot time in seconds KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Inputs: manifold - show manifold sepColor - color you want separatrix drawn in, 'e.g. 'green' DEFAULT = 'white' charsize - size of characters on plot verbose - if set, will print many informational messages debug - if set, debug output will be printed OUTPUTS: xLim_out - x pixels for drawing limiter zLim_out - z pixels for drawing limiter outXsep - x values of separatrix to plot in camera viewport outZsep - z values of separatrix to plot in camera viewport rsep - r values of right half of separatrix zsep - z values of right half of separatrix status - if odd, then success EXAMPLE: IDL> nx = 64 & ny = 80 IDL> x = findgen( nx )+1 & y = findgen( ny )+1 IDL> in_pos = [.1,.4,.9,.9] ; draw in top part of screen, say IDL> Right_Aspect, x, y, IN_POS=in_pos, POSITION=out_pos IDL> plot, x, y, /nodata, pos=out_pos IDL> tvimage, 255-bytscl(dist(nx,ny)), x, y, position=getpos() IDL> plot, x, y, /nodata, pos=out_pos, /noerase ; redraw ticks IDL> oplotsep, 139442, 0.4, position=out_pos if image expanded: IDL> mag = 3 IDL> nx = 64*mag & ny = 80*mag IDL> x = findgen( nx )+1 & y = findgen( ny )+1 IDL> x = x/mag & y = y/mag IDL> window, xsize=nx, ysize=ny IDL> image = 255-bytscl(dist(nx,ny)) IDL> pos = [0,0,1,1] IDL> plot, x, y, /nodata, pos=pos IDL> tvimage, image, x, y IDL> oplotsep, 139442, 0.4 IDL> IDL> IDL> MODIFICATION HISTORY: 13-Sep-2013 use ph7_projection for R,Z to i,j conversion WRITTEN 19-Mar-2013 by Bill Davis for Stewart Zweben
NAME: OS_FAMILY PURPOSE: Return the current operating system as in !VERSION.OS_FAMILY CATEGORY: OS Specific CALLING SEQUENCE: result = OS_FAMILY() INPUTS: None OUTPUTS: result - scalar string containing one of the four values 'Windows','MacOS','vms' or 'unix' NOTES: OS_FAMILY is assumed to be 'unix' if !VERSION.OS is not 'windows', 'MacOS' or 'vms' To make procedures from IDL V4.0 and later compatibile with earlier versions of IDL, replace calls to !VERSION.OS_FAMILY with OS_FAMILY(). PROCEDURES CALLED: function tag_exists REVISION HISTORY: Written, W. Landsman
NAME: PARCHECK PURPOSE: To check that a procedure has been called with the minimum of allowed number of parameters. CATEGORY: Error checking CALLING SEQUENCE: PARCHECK,NPARM,MINPARMS,CALLINGPRO PARAMETERS: NPARM (REQ) (I) (0) (I) required input scalar giving the number of parameters in the procedure call (i.e. n_params(0)). MINPARMS (REQ) (I) (0 1) (I) If scalar, the minimum number of parameters needed for the procedure to execute properly. If an array, it represents the allowed numbers of parameters (e.g. if 3,4 or 6 parameters are allowed, then set minparms([0,1,2]) = [3,4,6] ). CALLINGPRO (REQ) (I) (0) (S) Required string giving the name of the calling procedure. EXAMPLES: To determine if procedure pro, which contains a call to parcheck has the minimum number of parameters (i.e. 4): PARCHECK,N_PARAMS(),4,'PRO' If the same procedure can have 4,5,7, or 8 parameters then use: PARCHECK,N_PARAMS(),[4,5,7,8],'PRO' PROCEDURE: The input parameters to PARCHECK are first checked themselves using PCHECK. If MINPARMS is a scalar it is compared to NPARM. If NPARM < MINPARMS, then an error message is printed and the procedure returns to the main level. If MINPARMS is a vector, then NPARM is subtracted from each value of MINPARMS and the resulting vector is checked for zeroes. If no values are zero, then error messages are printed and the program returns to the main level. MODIFICATION HISTORY : Mar 30 1987 cag gsfc initial program Apr 1987 rwt gsfc add vector input for parameters Mar 15 1988 cag gsfc add vax rdaf-style prolog Jul 12 1989 jtb gsfc converted to sun/unix idl Nov 2 1989 rwt gsfc correct print format syntax May 10 1991 PJL GSFC corrected prolog format Jun 21 1991 gra casa cleaned up; tested SUN, DEC, VAX; updated prolog. Jun 28 1991 PJL GSFC added npar test; tested on SUN and VAX; updated prolog
NAME: PLOTTSwall PURPOSE: This procedure will plot the fitted profiles of electron temperature and density from the NSTX Multi-Pulse Thomson Scattering (MPTS) diagnostic. CALLING SEQUENCE: PLOTTSwall,TS1[,TS2] INPUTS: TS1 = structure containing Thomson data for shot TS2 = structure containing Thomson data for second shot (optional) KEYWORDS: (INPUT) Tplot = vector of times to plot profiles (default = all times, multiple times: first time pt.) T2plot = plot times for second shot (default to first time of Tplot if not specified) /Plot_IP = if=0, do not have Ip plot on graph /NB = if set, add neutral beam power to time history plot /RF = if set, add HHFW power to time history plot /MHD = if set, add Mirnov trace to time history /Vloop = if set, add loop voltage to time history plot /Mld = if set, add microwave line density to time history /HA = if set, add hydrogen alpha signal to time history /USXR = if set, add ultra-soft x-ray signal to time history /Wmhd = if set, add EFIT Total energy (Wmhd) to time history /Tf = if set, add TF current to time history /Qmin = if set, add qmin to time history /Q95 = if set, add q95 to time history Temax = value of maximum Te to plot [ keV] Nemax = value of maximum Ne to plot [1e13 /cm^3] Pemax = value of maximum Pe to plot [kPa] Nelmax = value of maximum NeL to plot [1e15 /cm^2] Temin = value of minimum Te to plot [ keV] Nemin = value of minimum Ne to plot [1e13 /cm^3] Pemin = value of minimum Pe to plot [kPa] Nelmin = value of minimum NeL to plot [1e15 /cm^2] Big = make single large plot of : 1 - Te, 2 - Ne, 3 - Pe, 4 - time history /CHI = if set, changes plotting defaults to values appropriate to lower temperature plasmas /Nospline = set to connect data with straight lines instead of splines. Rrange = two element vector to set radial range of plot [Rmin, Rmax] Chrsz = sets size of characters in plot /Fancy = sets Font to Triplex Roman Tmax = set maximum value of time in plot Pk = set Te(t) to peak value of spline Efit = value of EFIT tree to use '1,2,3,4,5' (OUTPUT) Rescale = ratio of axis scales on time history plot Pt = actual times selected for profile plots P2t = actual time selected for second shot ADDITIONAL FEATURES: In the last plot, the time history of the line density from integrating the Thomson data is displayed as a series of solid symbols (circles). If multiple times are plotted, they are color coded to symbols on the line density plot. The time history of the central electron temperature is also plotted. When using multiple shots, data from the first shot will be plotted with solid lines, the second shot's data will be dashed. EXAMPLES: RESTRICTIONS: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 04-Jun-2013 add Plot_Ip keyword 13-Dec-2010 adjust shifts of colored labels for other device types 02-Aug-2010 color code Y-axes labels 30-Jul-2010 modified from by Bill Davis to pass _extra keyword on plot 4. Written by R. E. Bell, PPPL, 2000 Added CHI and NoSpline keywords, REB, 29-Aug-2001 Added Wmhd keyword, changed mhd scaling, REB, 26-Feb-2002 Updated TS function , REB, 31-Jan-2003 Modified treatement of MHD plot, REB, 31-Jan-2003 Modified to designate EFIT tree to use with EFIT keyword. REB 20-Oct-2003 Added X windows adjustment to 'Z' plot type, REB 17-Nov-2003 Fixed bugs in timing for multiple shots, REB 17-Nov-2003 Added keyword T2plot for selecting distinct time for second shot, REB 31-Mar-2006 Added valid array to ts function, REB 12-Dec-2008
NAME: progressw PURPOSE: show progress bar until done, or the user clicks the STOP button. USE: customize for your use for progress indications. CATEGORY: Demo; Real Time applications CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> done = progressw( seconds ) INPUTS: seconds - total seconds for finish KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Optional: print - if set, will print time elapsed waitSeconds - seconds to wait (pause) after a timer event is fielded default = 1/2 second. xsize - length in pixels of progress bar ysize - width in pixels of progress bar group_leader - higher level widget to place this on top of OUTPUTS: done - 1, if time expired, or 0 if user hit STOP COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> done = ProgressW( 20 ) ; seconds expected for motor to run IDL> IF NOT done THEN stopmotor RELATED ROUTINE: BarometerW NOTES: Only works on X. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 19-Jul-00 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: REMOVE PURPOSE: Contract a vector or up to 7 vectors by removing specified elements CATEGORY: Arrays CALLING SEQUENCE: REMOVE, index, v1,[ v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7] INPUTS: INDEX - scalar or vector giving the index number of elements to be removed from vectors. Duplicate entries in index are ignored. An error will occur if one attempts to remove all the elements of a vector. INPUT-OUTPUT: v1 - Vector or array. Elements specifed by INDEX will be removed from v1. Upon return v1 will contain N fewer elements, where N is the number of values in INDEX. OPTIONAL INPUT-OUTPUTS: v2,v3,...v7 - additional vectors containing the same number of elements as v1. These will be contracted in the same manner as v1. EXAMPLES: (1) If INDEX = [2,4,6,4] and V = [1,3,4,3,2,5,7,3] then after the call IDL> remove,index,v V will contain the values [1,3,3,5,3] (2) Suppose one has a wavelength vector W, and three associated flux vectors F1, F2, and F3. Remove all points where a quality vector, EPS is negative IDL> bad = where( EPS LT 0, Nbad) IDL> if Nbad GT 0 then remove, bad, w, f1, f2, f3 METHOD: If more than one element is to be removed, then HISTOGRAM is used to generate a 'keep' subscripting vector. To minimize the length of the subscripting vector, it is only computed between the minimum and maximum values of the index. Therefore, the slowest case of REMOVE is when both the first and last element are removed. REVISION HISTORY: Written W. Landsman ST Systems Co. April 28, 1988 Cleaned up code W. Landsman September, 1992 Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 Major rewrite for improved speed W. Landsman April 2000
NAME: SIMP PURPOSE: Does Simpson numerical integration on an array of y values. CATEGORY: CALLING SEQUENCE: i = simp(y, h) INPUTS: y = array of y values of function. in h = separation between evenly spaced x values. in KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: i = value of integral. out COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: R. Sterner, 19 Dec, 1984. Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. Copyright (C) 1984, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.
NAME: TABINV PURPOSE: To find the effective index of a function value in an ordered vector. CALLING SEQUENCE: TABINV, XARR, X, IEFF INPUTS: XARR - the vector array to be searched, must be monotonic increasing or decreasing X - the function value(s) whose effective index is sought (scalar or vector) OUTPUT: IEFF - the effective index or indices of X in XARR real or double precision, same # of elements as X RESTRICTIONS: TABINV will abort if XARR is not monotonic. (Equality of neighboring values in XARR is allowed but results may not be unique.) This requirement may mean that input vectors with padded zeroes could cause routine to abort. PROCEDURE: A binary search is used to find the values XARR(I) and XARR(I+1) where XARR(I) < X < XARR(I+1). IEFF is then computed using linear interpolation between I and I+1. IEFF = I + (X-XARR(I)) / (XARR(I+1)-XARR(I)) Let N = number of elements in XARR if x < XARR(0) then IEFF is set to 0 if x > XARR(N-1) then IEFF is set to N-1 EXAMPLE: Set all flux values of a spectrum (WAVE vs FLUX) to zero for wavelengths less than 1150 Angstroms. IDL> tabinv, wave, 1150.0, I IDL> flux( 0:fix(I) ) = 0. NOTES: Users of V5.3 or later can use a faster version of available at which makes use of the VALUE_LOCATE() intrinsic function. FUNCTIONS CALLED: ISARRAY() REVISION HISTORY: Adapted from the IUE RDAF January, 1988 More elegant code W. Landsman August, 1989 Mod to work on 2 element decreasing vector August, 1992 Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997
NAME: temidplanesep PURPOSE: Find the electron temperature at the midplane separatrix by interpolating from NSTX MPTS data CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> te = temidplanesep(shot, time ) INPUTS: shot = NSTX shot number time - seconds after T0 desired KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Inputs: fit - fit to use to find separatrix (def='EFIT02') sep - major radius (m) of the separatrix at the midplane for this shot & time (will compute if not set) plot - if set, will plot debug info verbose - if set, will print many informational messages debug - if set, debug output will be printed Outputs: status - if odd, then success OUTPUTS: Te - electron temperature in KeV EXAMPLE: IDL> print, temidplanesep( 139442, time=0.29 ) 0.013571366 NOTES: Interpolates MPTS data (which might be only every 16 msec) to the desired time, and then interpolates in space. For the separatrix location (with a typical time base of 25 msec), smooth by 3 and take the nearest point. MODIFICATION HISTORY: WRITTEN 29-Oct-2013 by Bill Davis, PPPL, for Stewart Zweben
NAME: testcmd PURPOSE: test batch execution CATEGORY: Example, Batch INVOCATION: $ IDL Where might contain: testcmd, key='key input', file='newfile.txt' exit WRITTEN by Bill Davis, 23-Apr-99
NAME: truns_get PURPOSE: List info (in a database) on NSTX TRANSP runs (to a screen or file) CATEGORY: TRANSP, Database CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> truns_get, shotyear=shotyear, shotnumber=shotnumber, runID=runID, $ rundate=rundate, runby=runby, $ outFile=outFile INPUTS: (none required) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: (all optional) shotyear - e.g., '2001' shotnumber - e.g., 105535 runID - e.g., 01 rundate - run date (YYYYMMDD), e.g., 20010802 runby - person, e.g. 'KAYE' outFile - string (if not present, data listed to screen) OUTPUTS: data to screen or file, if specified COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> truns_get, shotYear=2001 ; all 2001 NSTX TRANSP runs to screen IDL> truns_get, rundate=20010911 MODIFICATION HISTORY: 25-May-2005 Switched double and single quotes in queries to work on RHEL. 30-Jan-2002 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL Based on a program by Stan Kaye.
NAME: TVIMAGE PURPOSE: This purpose of TVIMAGE is to enable the TV command in IDL to be a completely device-independent and color-decomposition- state independent command. On 24-bit displays color decomposition is always turned off for 8-bit images and on for 24-bit images. The color decomposition state is restored for those versions of IDL that support it (> 5.2). Moreover, TVIMAGE adds features that TV lacks. For example, images can be positioned in windows using the POSITION keyword like other IDL graphics commands. TVIMAGE also supports the !P.MULTI system variable, unlike the TV command. TVIMAGE was written to work especially well in resizeable graphics windows. Note that if you wish to preserve the aspect ratio of images in resizeable windows, you should set the KEEP_ASPECT_RATIO keyword, described below. TVIMAGE works equally well on the display, in the PostScript device, and in the Printer and Z-Graphics Buffer devices. The TRUE keyword is set automatically to the correct value for 24-bit images, so you don't need to specify it when using TVIMAGE. AUTHOR: FANNING SOFTWARE CONSULTING: David Fanning, Ph.D. 1645 Sheely Drive Fort Collins, CO 80526 USA Phone: 970-221-0438 E-mail: Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming: CATEGORY: Graphics display. CALLING SEQUENCE: TVIMAGE, image INPUTS: image: A 2D or 3D image array. It should be byte data. x : The X position of the lower-left corner of the image. This parameter is only recognized if the TV keyword is set. If the Y position is not used, X is taken to be the image "position" in the window. See the TV command documenation for details. y : The Y position of the lower-left corner of the image. This parameter is only recognized if the TV keyword is set. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: BACKGROUND: This keyword specifies the background color. Note that the keyword ONLY has effect if the ERASE keyword is also set or !P.MULTI is set to multiple plots and TVIMAGE is used to place the *first* plot. ERASE: If this keyword is set an ERASE command is issued before the image is displayed. Note that the ERASE command puts the image on a new page in PostScript output. _EXTRA: This keyword picks up any TV keywords you wish to use. HALF_HALF: If set, will tell CONGRID to extrapolate a *half* row and column on either side, rather than the default of one full row/column at the ends of the array. If you are interpolating images with few rows, then the output will be more consistent with this technique. This keyword is intended as a replacement for MINUS_ONE, and both keywords probably should not be used in the same call to CONGRID. KEEP_ASPECT_RATIO: Normally, the image will be resized to fit the specified position in the window. If you prefer, you can force the image to maintain its aspect ratio in the window (although not its natural size) by setting this keyword. The image width is fitted first. If, after setting the image width, the image height is too big for the window, then the image height is fitted into the window. The appropriate values of the POSITION keyword are honored during this fitting process. Once a fit is made, the POSITION coordiates are re-calculated to center the image in the window. You can recover these new position coordinates as the output from the POSITION keyword. MARGIN: A single value, expressed as a normalized coordinate, that can easily be used to calculate a position in the window. The margin is used to calculate a POSITION that gives the image an equal margin around the edge of the window. The margin must be a number in the range 0.0 to 0.333. This keyword is ignored if the POSITION or OVERPLOT keywords are used. It is also ignormed when TVImage is executed in a multi-plot window, EXCEPT if it's value is zero. In this special case, the image will be drawn into its position in the multi-plot window with no margins whatsoever. (The default is to have a slight margin about the image to separate it from other images or graphics. MINUS_ONE: The value of this keyword is passed along to the CONGRID command. It prevents CONGRID from adding an extra row and column to the resulting array, which can be a problem with small image arrays. NOINTERPOLATION: Setting this keyword disables the default bilinear interpolation done to the image when it is resized. Nearest neighbor interpolation is done instead. This is preferred when you do not wish to change the pixel values of the image. This keyword must be set, for example, when you are displaying GIF files that come with their own non-IDL color table vectors. NORMAL: Setting this keyword means image position coordinates x and y are interpreted as being in normalized coordinates. This keyword is only valid if the TV keyword is set. OVERPLOT: Setting this keyword causes the POSITION keyword to be ignored and the image is positioned in the location established by the last graphics command. For example: Plot, Findgen(11), Position=[0.1, 0.3, 0.8, 0.95] TVImage, image, /Overplot POSITION: The location of the image in the output window. This is a four-element floating array of normalized coordinates of the type given by !P.POSITION or the POSITION keyword to other IDL graphics commands. The form is [x0, y0, x1, y1]. The default is [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0]. Note that this can be an output parameter if the KEEP_ASPECT_RATIO keyword is used. TV: Setting this keyword makes the TVIMAGE command work much like the TV command, although better. That is to say, it will still set the correct DECOMPOSED state depending upon the kind of image to be displayed (8-bit or 24-bit). It will also allow the image to be "positioned" in the window by specifying the coordinates of the lower-left corner of the image. The NORMAL keyword is activated when the TV keyword is set, which will indicate that the position coordinates are given in normalized coordinates rather than device coordinates. Setting this keyword will ensure that the keywords KEEP_ASPECT_RATIO, MARGIN, MINUS_ONE, MULTI, and POSITION are ignored. OUTPUTS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: Unless the KEEP_ASPECT_RATIO keyword is set, the displayed image may not have the same aspect ratio as the input data set. RESTRICTIONS: If the POSITION keyword and the KEEP_ASPECT_RATIO keyword are used together, there is an excellent chance the POSITION parameters will change. If the POSITION is passed in as a variable, the new positions will be returned in the same variable as an output parameter. If a 24-bit image is displayed on an 8-bit display, the 24-bit image must be converted to an 8-bit image and the appropriate color table vectors. This is done with the COLOR_QUAN function. The TVIMAGE command will load the color table vectors and set the NOINTERPOLATION keyword if this is done. Note that the resulting color table vectors are normally incompatible with other IDL-supplied color tables. Hence, other graphics windows open at the time the image is display are likely to look strange. EXAMPLE: To display an image with a contour plot on top of it, type: filename = FILEPATH(SUBDIR=['examples','data'], 'worldelv.dat') image = BYTARR(360,360) OPENR, lun, filename, /GET_LUN READU, lun, image FREE_LUN, lun TVIMAGE, image, POSITION=thisPosition, /KEEP_ASPECT_RATIO CONTOUR, image, POSITION=thisPosition, /NOERASE, XSTYLE=1, $ YSTYLE=1, XRANGE=[0,360], YRANGE=[0,360], NLEVELS=10 To display four images in a window without spacing between them: !P.Multi=[0,2,2] TVImage, image, Margin=0 TVImage, image, Margin=0 TVImage, image, Margin=0 TVImage, image, Margin=0 !P.Multi = 0 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: David Fanning, 20 NOV 1996. Fixed a small bug with the resizing of the image. 17 Feb 1997. DWF. Removed BOTTOM and NCOLORS keywords. This reflects my growing belief that this program should act more like TV and less like a "color aware" application. I leave "color awareness" to the program using TVIMAGE. Added 24-bit image capability. 15 April 1997. DWF. Fixed a small bug that prevented this program from working in the Z-buffer. 17 April 1997. DWF. Fixed a subtle bug that caused me to think I was going crazy! Lession learned: Be sure you know the *current* graphics window! 17 April 1997. DWF. Added support for the PRINTER device. 25 June 1997. DWF. Extensive modifications. 27 Oct 1997. DWF 1) Removed PRINTER support, which didn't work as expected. 2) Modified Keep_Aspect_Ratio code to work with POSITION keyword. 3) Added check for window-able devices (!D.Flags AND 256). 4) Modified PostScript color handling. Craig Markwart points out that Congrid adds an extra row and column onto an array. When viewing small images (e.g., 20x20) this can be a problem. Added a Minus_One keyword whose value can be passed along to the Congrid keyword of the same name. 28 Oct 1997. DWF Changed default POSITION to fill entire window. 30 July 1998. DWF. Made sure color decomposition is OFF for 2D images. 6 Aug 1998. DWF. Added limited PRINTER portrait mode support. The correct aspect ratio of the image is always maintained when outputting to the PRINTER device and POSITION coordinates are ignored. 6 Aug 1998. DWF Removed 6 August 98 fixes (Device, Decomposed=0) after realizing that they interfere with operation in the Z-graphics buffer. 9 Oct 1998. DWF Added a MARGIN keyword. 18 Oct 1998. DWF. Re-established Device, Decomposed=0 keyword for devices that support it. 18 Oct 1998. DWF. Added support for the !P.Multi system variable. 3 March 99. DWF Added DEVICE, DECOMPOSED=1 command for all 24-bit images. 2 April 99. DWF. Added ability to preserve DECOMPOSED state for IDL 5.2 and higher. 4 April 99. DWF. Added TV keyword to allow TVIMAGE to work like the TV command. 11 May 99. DWF. Added the OVERPLOT keyword to allow plotting on POSITION coordinates estabished by the preceding graphics command. 11 Oct 99. DWF. Added automatic recognition of !P.Multi. Setting MULTI keyword is no longer required. 18 Nov 99. DWF. Added NOINTERPOLATION keyword so that nearest neighbor interpolation is performed rather than bilinear. 3 Dec 99. DWF Changed ON_ERROR condition from 1 to 2. 19 Dec 99. DWF. Added Craig Markwardt's CMCongrid program and removed RSI's. 24 Feb 2000. DWF. Added HALF_HALF keyword to support CMCONGRID. 24 Feb 2000. DWF. Fixed a small problem with image start position by adding ROUND function. 19 March 2000. DWF. Updated the PRINTER device code to take advantage of available keywords. 2 April 2000. DWF. Reorganized the code to handle 24-bit images on 8-bit displays better. 2 April 2000. DWF. Added BACKGROUND keyword. 20 April 2000. DWF. Fixed a small problem in where the ERASE was occuring. 6 May 2000. DWF. Rearranged the PLOT part of code to occur before decomposition state is changed to fix Background color bug in multiple plots. 23 Sept 2000. DWF. Removed MULTI keyword, which is no longer needed. 23 Sept 2000. DWF. Fixed a small problem with handling images that are slices from 3D image cubes. 5 Oct 2000. DWF. Added fix for brain-dead Macs from Ben Tupper that restores Macs ability to display images. 8 June 2001. DWF. Fixed small problem with multiple plots and map projections. 29 June 2003. DWF. Converted all array subscripts to square brackets. 29 June 2003. DWF. Removed obsolete STR_SEP and replaced with STRSPLIT. 27 Oct 2004. DWF. Small modification at suggestion of Karsten Rodenacker to increase size of images in !P.MULTI mode. 8 December 2004. DWF. Minor modifications on Karsten Rodenacker's own account concerning margination and TV behaviour. 8 December 2004. KaRo
NAME: updateNstxStatus PURPOSE: Update the NSTX Status Web page CATEGORY: Web, NSTX CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> updateNstxStatus, outTxt=outTxt, headline=headline, username=username, $ Output='UpdateWith', YourEmail='', PagePassword='', INPUT KEYWORDS: Required: outTxt - status of NTX, can be up to 20 lines headline - a one-line Summary of status username - name of person making update (for email); can be followed by (Real Name) Optional: WithEmail - if 'no', will not send email EmailAddress - where to send e-mail. Defaults to '830 Meeting' PagePassword - if e-mail is sent, this is required outFile - web page, DEFAULT='/w/' maxLength - max length of status field title - title of information. DEFAULT='NSTX Status:' XMLfile - name of XML file for RSS News Feeds, DEFAULT='/w/' logfile - name of log file. DEFAULT='/local/nstxops/web/log/updateNstxStatus.log' debug - if set prints debugging info verbose - if set prints lots of info status - if odd, successful OUTPUTS: writes an html file, ntsxstatus.html, to a web-accessible directory. Also can email specified recipients. METHOD: Gets data for fields (like outTxt) to be updated from updatenstxstatus.html (via and creates the web page nstxstatus.html (by writing the HTML from this IDL routine). So people can receive automatic updates, an XML file is created for linking an RSS feed to: the java script, refresh.js, by Peter Gehrig and Urs Dudli, is used for refreshing nstxstatus.html COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: (this is usually called from the nstxupdatestatus.html web page via a perl script) IDL> updatenstxstatus, outTxt='NSTX is down', WithEmail='yes', $ username='bdavis', PagePassword='Masa', /debug MODIFICATION HISTORY: 20-Jul-2011 Changed URL for COE logbook, per Paul Sichta 07-Jan-2009 need some blank lines in PNG file for Firefox to show all. 13-Aug-2008 Add a Headline field. Update XML file with content. 08-Aug-2008 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: VT100 PURPOSE: Define the TEK and VT100 commands for use in IDL. Especially useful for MAC users who use Versaterm or users who otherwise want to do Tektronix plots while connected to their UNIX platform of choice. CATEGORY: Misc CALLING SEQUENCE: VT100 INPUT PARAMETERS: NONE OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: NONE KEYWORDS: NONE OUTPUTS: NONE COMMON BLOCKS: NONE SIDE EFFECTS: NONE RESTRICTIONS: If you want to use the TEK command, you need to issue the VT100 command first. PROCEDURE: CODE TYPE: modeling, analysis, control CODE SUBJECT: operation, handling, edge, rf, transport, equilibrium EASE OF USE: can be used with existing documentation OPERATING SYSTEMS: UNIX of all flavors EXTERNAL CALLS: NONE RESPONSIBLE PERSON: Ray Jong DATE OF LAST MODIFICATION: 01/19/99 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Created by Michael D. Brown, LLNL
NAME: whichComputer PURPOSE: Return name of Linux computer you are running on. First uses enironmental variable HOST, then uname -n CATEGORY: System CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> computerName = whichComputer( ) INPUTS: none required KEYWORD PARAMETERS: var - Environmental variable to check for computer name. (defaults to 'HOST'). If HOST not defined, will still work on Linux debug - if set, debug output will be printed OUTPUTS: computerName - name of computer (best not to have domain included) EXAMPLE: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 07-Apr-2010 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: writecamavg PURPOSE: For camera files that exist for a particular shot, check for \CAMERAS::TOP.FC_n.RAWDATA:FRAMES_MAX and \CAMERAS::TOP.FC_n.RAWDATA:FRAMES_AVG (tags \PH7_n_FMAX and \PH7_n_FAVG) and write them if need be. CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> writecamavg, camera, year=year, shot1=shot1, shot2=shot2 INPUTS: camera = integer from 1-7 KEYWORDS: year - if shot1 and shot2 not entered, use this. (Defaults to current year) shot1 shot2 tree - defaults to 'cameras' checkDir - if set, will work from a list of the expected directory, rather than calling FindCamFiles for every file (recommended) writeMax - if not = 0, will try write max intensity vs. time waveforms writeAve - if not = 0, will try write ave intensity vs. time waveforms force - if=1, will write maxInt and aveInt, even if they are in the tree verbose - if set, will print many informational messages debug - if set, debug output will be printed EXAMPLE: IDL> writeCamAvg, 2, year=2010, /checkDir, /debug ; rewrite max for some shots: IDL> writeCamAvg, 7, shot1=139025, shot2=140569, /force, writeAve=0, /checkDir, /debug IDL> writeCamAvg, 2, shot1=140528, shot2=140569, /checkDir, /verb MODIFICATION HISTORY: --------------------- 27-Jul-2011 option to just use a file_search of conventional directory when checking for files (keyword CheckDir) 25-Jul-2011 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: XY2RmRsep PURPOSE: transform pixel locations (say, from a Fast 2-D Camera image) to distance from the Separatrix and distance along field line parallel to flux lines CATEGORY: Plasma Analysis CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> XY2RmRsep, shot, time, RmRsep, DistAlong INPUTS: shot = NSTX or CMOD shot number time = time in seconds after shot for which values are desired KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Inputs: fit - EFIT/LRDFIT indication, e.g., EFIT02 timeOffset - time to add to input time to be consistant with EFIT time show - if set, plot, separatrix, and distance values nx = # of pixels in X direction (default=64) ny = # of pixels in Y direction (default=64 if shot # for CMOD, else 80) cm - if set, distances will be in centimeters, rather than pixels verbose - if set, will print many informational messages debug - if set, debug output will be printed Outputs: status - if odd, then success OUTPUTS: RmRsep - distance from the Separatrix in pixels DistAlong - distance along field line from lower left, in pixels EXAMPLE: IDL> time = .2 ; in seconds IDL> shot = 1100824017 IDL> shot = 138234 IDL> XY2RmRsep, shot, time, RmRsep, DistAlong MODIFICATION HISTORY: WRITTEN 21-Jun-2012 by Bill Davis, PPPL, for Stewart Zweben
Category: NSTX
[List of Routines]
NAME: nstxcorner PURPOSE: write NSTX in upper left-hand corner of a plot CATEGORY: NSTX, Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> nstxcorner MODIFICATION HISTORY: 21-Aug-00 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: nstxlogo PURPOSE: draw NSTX logo in upper left-hand corner of a plot CATEGORY: NSTX, Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> nstxlogo KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Optional Keywords: CHARSIZE -Character size of NSTX characters (def=1.5) XLOC - X location of middle of logo, in normal coordinates YLOC - Y location of middle of logo, in normal coordinates iBar - if set, draw center stack as an "I" rather than ")(" right -if set, drawn on the right blue - if set, color table value for NSTX text red - if set, color table value for bars and circles bottom - if set, drawn on the bottom EXAMPLE: IDL> !y.omargin=[0,1.5] IDL> plot,indgen(11) IDL> nstxlogo LIMITATONS: This was designed to work with the default IDL font (-1). NOTES: You will probably want to leave extra room at the top of your plot, e.g. IDL> !y.omargin=[0,1.5] MODIFICATION HISTORY: 30-Jan-2015 use NSTX-U if shot number > 144500 18-Dec-2009 Added Center keyword 25-Feb-03 Made circles same font as others 14-May-01 Changed the look - no X. 01-Nov-00 Cleaned up location. Default size to 1.5 21-Aug-00 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: nstxlogs_get PURPOSE: Get info on NSTX shots from the ENTRIES table in the NSTXLOGS database CATEGORY: NSTX, Database CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> info = nstxlogs_get(shot=shot, rundate=rundate, username=username, $ xp=xp ) INPUTS: (none required) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: (all optional) rundate - run date (YYYYMMDD), e.g., 20010802 shot - e.g., 105535 text - text that is contained in the entry topic - per Logbook, e.g., "SESSION LEADER", "PHYS OPS", "CHI", "EFIT", "IMPURITIES" 'MAGNETCIS" ETC. username - person, e.g. 'KAYE' xp - Experimental proposal number, e.g., 917 (see outFile - string (if not present, data listed to screen) quiet - if set, will not print things to screen status - if an even number, then there was a problem. OUTPUTS: info - structure containing columns from ENTRIES table data to screen or file, if desired NOTES: Will need red permission for NSTX databases (send email request to dbadmin) and sybase files. Source /p/nstxusr/util/setup/mkmdsplusdbfile.csh EXAMPLE: IDL> info = nstxlogs_get( shot=130000 ) IDL> info = nstxlogs_get( rundate=20060621 ) MODIFICATION HISTORY: 17-Sep-2009 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: nstx_xp PURPOSE: return the NSTX XP for an NSTX shot CATEGORY: NSTX, Database CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> xp = nstx_xp( shot ) INPUTS: shot - e.g., 105535 KEYWORD PARAMETERS: none OUTPUTS: xp - Experimental proposal associated with shot NOTES: Will need read permission for NSTX databases (send email request to dbadmin) and sybase files. Execute /p/nstxusr/util/setup/mkmdsplusdbfile.csh EXAMPLE: IDL> print, nstx_xp( 130000 ) 829 MODIFICATION HISTORY: 17-Sep-2009 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: plot1sig PURPOSE: plot 1 NSTX signal for many shots stacked vertically CATEGORY: NSTX, X-Y Plotting, MDSplus EXAMPLE: IDL> shots = [ 111827, 111875, 111876, 112075, 112137 ] IDL> signame = '\wf::ip' IDL> plot1sig, shots, signame=signame IDL> Post script version: IDL> shots=[112175,112171,112172] IDL> !p.charsize=1.7 IDL> setup_ps, file='', printer='postscript' IDL> device,set_font='Helvetica' IDL> signames='\passivespec::bayc_dalf_haifa' IDL> plot1sig,shots,0.,.6,signames=signames,tweenspace=.05 IDL> unsetup_ps MODIFICATION HISTORY: 19-May-2004 Added _extra keyword and fixed ymaxes bug 19-Apr-2004 Written by Bill Davis for Stan Kaye
NAME: plot7 PURPOSE: plot 7 (or any number) NSTX signals on the same x-axis CATEGORY: NSTX, X-Y Plotting, MDSplus USE: IDL> plot7, shot [, t1, t2] to make 5 plots of same signal and different shots: IDL> shots = [ 111827, 111875, 111876, 112075, 112137 ] IDL> plot1sig,shots,signame='\wf::ip' KEYWORDS: all optional, but you won't like the defaults :-) signames labels units scale ymins ymaxes tweenspace - fraction of screen between plots in vertical nospace - if set, overrides tweenspace to make plots abut vertically MODIFICATION HISTORY: 19-May-2004 Added _extra keyword & don't reverse incoming shot list 19-Apr-2004 Added support for many shots, and one signal. 11-Jan-01 Added ymin & ymax and made variables optional keywords 06-Oct-00 Written by Bill Davis for Franco Paoletti
Category: Plotting
[List of Routines]
NAME: betterticklabels PURPOSE: Tick labels are made a little cleaner. E.g., shorter exponentials, no unnecessary trailing zeroes, accurate numbers when tick values are small differences between large numbers, etc. CATEGORY: Plotting, Graphics EXAMPLE: IDL> plot, y, ytickformat='betterticklabels' EXAMPLE A - Make a dummy plot call so can determine Tick Max: IDL> COMMON betterticklabels_common, yticklabels IDL> plot, y, ytick_get=yticklabels, ytickname=replicate(' ',30) IDL> AXIS, YAXIS=1, YRANGE=!y.crange, ytickformat='betterticklabels' IDL> dum = TEMPORARY(yticklabels) ; so doesn't affect later calls HISTORY: 03-Mar-2008 slight mod to handle floating point comparison 03-Aug-2006 fixed for values less than 2.e-6 15-Apr-04 be able to return xtick values and x tic labels (NOT DEBUGGED) 15-Oct-01 shift y axis labels if !p.font=0 (helps with some 3-D plots) 11-Jan-01 shift y-axis labels if on TEK and !p.font=0 09-Oct-00 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: CLEANPLOT PURPOSE: Reset all system variables (!P,!X,!Y,!Z) to their default values CATEGORY: Plotting EXPLANATION: Reset all system variables (!P,!X,!Y,!Z) which are set by the user and which affect plotting to their default values. CALLING SEQUENCE: Cleanplot INPUTS: None OUTPUTS: None SIDE EFFECTS: The system variables that concern plotting are reset to their default values. A message is output for each variable changed. The CRANGE, S, WINDOW, and REGION fields of the !X, !Y, and !Z system variables are not checked since these are set by the graphics device and not by the user. PROCEDURE: This does NOT reset the plotting device. This does not change any system variables that don't control plotting. RESTRICTIONS: If user default values for !P, !X, !Y and !Z are different from the defaults adopted below, user should change P_old etc accordingly MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written IDL Version 2.3.0 W. Landsman & K. Venkatakrishna May '92 Handle new system variables in V3.0.0 W. Landsman Dec 92 Assume user has at least V3.0.0 W. Landsman August 95 V5.0 has 60 instead of 30 TICKV values W. Landsman Sep. 97 Change !D.N_COLORS to !D.TABLE_SIZE for 24 bit displays W. Landsman April 1998
NAME: CLEARPLT PURPOSE: This procedure will clear or zero all or a selection of the system plot variables CATEGORY: Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: clearplt,/all ;clear the !p, !x, !y, !z clearplt,/x,/z ;clear the !x and !z variables clearplt,/x ;only clear the !x variable clearplt,/x,/invert ;clear all except the !x INPUTS: KEYWORDS: x,y,z,p = clear the appropriate variable all = clear all, this is equivalent to /x,/y,/z,/p invert = invert the logic. Clear all unselected variables. Therefore "clearplt,/all,/invert" does nothing. OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: none. SIDE EFFECTS: The sytem plot variables are changed. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 20-Apr-99 [BD] more things cleared for !P Written by: Trevor Harris, Physics Dept., University of Adelaide, July, 1990.
NAME: compw PURPOSE: Plot two signals and the difference. CATEGORY: Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: compw compw, xsize=800, ysize=600 compw, shot=120200, sig1='\wf::ipf2l', sig2='\wf::ipf2u' compw, shot=120200 compw,sig1='\operations::bdot_l1dmivvhn1_raw',shot=110091, $ t1=.4, t2=.41 COMMON BLOCKS: USE: NOTES: Your display may have to be set to 256 colors to see the crosshairs. see to setup XTC. LIMITATIONS: You need IDL version 5, or greater to run this application. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 03-Dec-2007 read widget fields when plot button clicked. Reset cross-hair dimensions when window resized 29-Nov-2007 Change plot & oplot to vplot & voplot [BD] 08-May-2003 Created from FireTips test [BD]
NAME: fancy_title PURPOSE: write a title at top of screen, with option to use Hershey fonts CATEGORY: Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> fancy_title, mytitle INPUTS: mytitle = whatever you want as the main plot title. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Keywords: right - When set, print at right of screen (else center) fancy - if set, use Hershey fonts line - if set, drop the title down by this number of lines. bottom - if set, at bottom of screen (else top) yloc - location of text in pixels xloc - location of text in pixels nudgeup - fraction of a line to nudge up title in Y direction charcolor charsize charthick OUTPUTS: none EXAMPLE: IDL> !Y.OMARGIN=[0,1] IDL> plot,indgen(100) IDL> fancy_title, 'This is my title' NOTES: You'll probably want a little more room at the top of your plots, e.g. IDL> !Y.OMARGIN=[0,1] MODIFICATION HISTORY: 11-Jun-2010 added nudgeUp keyword 19-Sep-2008 reduce font size if title won't fit on screen 21-Sep-00 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: GA_PlotW PURPOSE: Plot widget for "table" of data, or input X & Y arrays. CATEGORY: Plotting, GA Plot Objects KEYWORDS: indicesPlot - indices to plot (plot if =1). Same 1st dimension as Y (if Y is 2-D) if just 1 dimension, and Y is two, use same mask for all y's. psym - many options. psym=7 is no symbols 0 is circle 1 is square 2 is diamond 3 is triangle 4 is upside down triangle 5 is 4-point star 6 is 5-point star color - can be an index 0-255, or common color name, like 'red' linestyle xrange yrange PlotLabels xtitle ytitle title xsize ysize flagLegend - if=0, do not make a legend EXAMPLE: objRef = GA_PlotW( xdata=indgen(5), ydata=[1,3,5,4,2] ) or table=strarr(3,8) table[0,*]= ['time','0.01','0.02','0.03','0.04','0.05','0.06','0.07'] table[1,*]= ['Ip', '1.0', '1.1', '1.3', '1.6', '1.6', '1.5', '1.3' ] table[2,*]= ['Bt', '.7', '.71', '.73', '.76', '.75', '.65', '.59' ] objRef = GA_PlotW( table=table ) or objRef = GA_PlotW(table=['Bt', '.7', '.71', '.73', '.76'] ) or to make a scatter plot with a y=y line through it: x=findgen(100) noise = randomn(seed,100)*(x+20)/10 y=(x+noise ) > 0 objRef = GA_PlotW( xdata=x, ydata=transpose([[y],[x]]), plotnum=[0,0], $ psymbol=[10,7], linestyle=[6,0] ) LIMITATIONS: "Marking" points on a plot will select correspongind row in table, if called "properly," as from, but this only works for the last table created. MODIFICATION HISTORY 28-Jul-2011 enhanced keywords, like color and psym. 21-Mar-2003 Allow for indices array to plot different xranges. (Can then have different ranges have different colors, etc.) 10-Dec-2002 Written by Bill Davis. Based on various object-oriented plotting codes from General Atomics.
NAME: getpos PURPOSE: Get the values for the POSITION keyword after a plot CATEGORY: Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> pos = getpos() INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Inputs: window - window wanted verbose - if set, will print many informational messages debug - if set, debug output will be printed OUTPUTS: pos = position returned COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> plot, indgen(100) IDL> pos = getpos( ) NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 20-Mar-2013 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: gridplot PURPOSE: Widget for plotting a grid of data from MDSplus or gadat This is an interactive version of ShotLoop. If at GA, assume that access will be through gadat only. When a plot on the grid is clicked on, it is expanded into a separate window. CATEGORY: Plotting, MDSplus, Example, GA CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> gridplot or IDL> gridplot,tmin=2000,tmax=2002, SigFileName='mysigs.txt' INPUTS: none required FILES: lastshot.txt - if this file (or that specified by ShotFileName keyword) is found, will initilize shot number to that read from the first line of this file. If this file can not be found in the directory from which you are running, or in the IDL_PATH, the initial shot number will be set to the current machine shot minus 3. mdsplussig.txt - if this file (or that specified by SigFileName keyword) is found, will read signalnames from it KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Optional Keywords: nSmooth - smoothing parameter to use when plotting data nRows - # of rows of plots (default to 6) nCols - # of colomns of plots (default to # signals/nrows) printer - printer to send plots to (else goes to the default printer) tmin - default plotting minimum for x-axis. (MDS in sec; GA in msec) tmax - default plotting maximum for x-axis. ShotFileName - File for storint last shot processed (default: lastshot.txt) SigFileName - Signal names in the file will be plotted when you click on "Plot All." The names should be one per row (default='mdsplusssig.txt') sizeofplot - (2-element Real Array) x & y size of graphics area on widget (but you are forced to stay on the screen). OUTPUTS: none from routine COMMON BLOCKS: gp_SetupParams, gp_Info, gp_GridData, gp_widgetIDs EXAMPLE: MAJOR FUNCTIONS and PROCEDURES: PLOT: X-Y plotting. NOTES: PlotOne and PlotSomething are routines shared in common with ShotLoop. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: WMD, PPPL, April, 1999 for Hiro Takahashi work at General Atomics
NAME: keybrdanim PURPOSE: Animate frames of plots with keyboard controls. Plot commands can be passed into the routine. By default a vertical dashed red line shows the time. Keyboard controls over animation: 'H': See this Help 'P' or: Toggle Pause 'C': Continue 'F': Faster 'S': Slower 'R' or '>' or : move forward 1 frame 'L' or '<' or : move backward 1 frame 'J' or : Jump forward 10 frames 'B' or : move backward 10 frames 'M': Mouse-click time desired 'Q': to quit CATEGORY: Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> keybrdanim, x, y INPUTS: x - abscissa array for plotting y - ordinate array for plotting KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Inputs: plotCmd - a string array to execute. To have something indexed by the loop variable, use iFr. Defaults to: ["PLOT, x, y, _extra=_extra", $ "OPLOT, [x[ifr], x[ifr]], !y.crange, line=2,"] nframes - # of points to plot. Defaults to # of points in X plotCmd - a string array of plot commands. Defaults to xsize - horizontal size of plot window, Default = 640 ysize - vertical size of plot window, Default = 480 pauseInit - Initial time to pause between frames. Default = 0.2 loops - # of times to loop through the animation. Default = 10 load - if set, will call mk_color to load colors. Default = 1. verbose - if set, will print many informational messages debug - if set, debug output will be printed any other keywords will be passed to the PLOT command via the _extra keyword. OUTPUTS: none (just plot window) EXAMPLE: IDL> cmd =["PLOT, x, y, xtitle='Sec', title='plot title'", $ "OPLOT, [x[ifr], x[ifr]], !y.crange, line=2, color=colorsearch('red')", $ "xyouts, .12, 0.92, 'Shot 999999', /norm, charsize=2"] IDL> keybrdanim, x, y, plotCmd=cmd NOTES: The Z-buffer is used for plotting and then results copied to plot window for for smooth animations. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 19-Jul-2010 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: labeleveryothertick PURPOSE: Only label every other major tic mark. The format of the numbers is customized. CATEGORY: Plotting, Graphics EXAMPLE 1 - Make a dummy plot call so can determine Tick Max: IDL> COMMON betterticklabels_common, yticklabels IDL> plot, y, ytick_get=yticklabels, ytickname=replicate(' ',30) IDL> AXIS, YAXIS=1, YRANGE=!y.crange, ytickformat='labeleveryothertick' IDL> dum = TEMPORARY(yticklabels) ; so doesn't affect later calls EXAMPLE 2 - Just take what you get (still pretty good): IDL> plot, y, ytickformat='labeleveryothertick' HISTORY: 09-Oct-00 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: linesout PURPOSE: Write lines out to an X window. Works like xyouts, but uses line #'s (from the top) and /right if you want to right justify text. CATEGORY: Plotting, Strings CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> linesout, text, line=line INPUTS: text - text string to write to window KEYWORD PARAMETERS: line - line # location, starting with 1 at the top (default=1) right - if set, text will be right-justified, rather than left center - if set, will center line (default to left justify). charsize - character size of text (default to !p.charsize or 1) dropshadow - if set, make a drop shadow of thick=3 text thickDropShadow - thickness of drop shadow (default to 1, or 2 if /highlight) color - color of text dscolor - color of drop-shadow text (defaults to black or white) bottom - if set, write lines from bottom, instead of top. OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> !p.color=mk_color('black') IDL> !p.backround=mk_color('white') IDL> plot,indgen(11) IDL> linesout, 'Hi Mom', line=2, /right, /dropshadow, charsize=2, $ color=mk_color('black'), dscolor=mk_color('red') NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 24-Oct-2006 added bottom, xpos, ypos, thickDropShadow, & highlight keyword 25-Aug-2005 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: mplottitle PURPOSE: write a plot title with NSTX label and a list of shots on left CATEGORY: Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> mplottitle, screenTitle, shots, HLP=hlp, $ COLORS=colors, LOGO=logo, $ CHARMAG=charMag, TopMargin=TopMargin, RIGHT=right, $ INSIDE=inside, XPOS=xPos INPUTS: screenTitle = whatever you want as the main plot title. shots = array of shot numbers. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: HLP - When set, help information is printed. colors - color indices of each shot number (default = !p.color) logo - Characters to draw above shot list. Default = '=NSTX= TopMargin - in characters, extra space to shift down the characters right - if set, labels put on left inside - if set, lists shots inside plot box xPos - xPos, in Device Coordinates, for left side of shot list (overrides /RIGHT & /INSIDE) OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLES: IDL> !Y.OMARGIN=[0,1] IDL> plot,indgen(100) IDL> mplottitle, 'This is my title', [100523,100544] IDL> plot,indgen(100) IDL> cs=mk_color(/load, /quiet) IDL> colors=[,,,, cs.magenta] IDL> mplottitle,' ', shots, colors=colors, logo='Shots:', $ charMag=1.35, topMargin=0.5 NOTES: You'll probably want a little more room at the top of your plots, e.g. IDL> !Y.OMARGIN=[0,1] MODIFICATION HISTORY: 19-Jan-06 Added psym keyword 01-Oct-01 Added keywords for inside & right [BD] 21-Sep-99 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
Name: MULTIPLOT Purpose: Create multiple plots with shared axes. Category: Plotting Explanation: This procedure makes a matrix of plots with *SHARED AXES*, either using parameters passed to multiplot or !p.multi in a non-standard way. It is good for data with one or two shared axes and retains all the versatility of the plot commands (e.g. all keywords and log scaling). The plots are connected with the shared axes, which saves space by omitting redundant ticklabels and titles. Multiplot does this by setting !p.position, !x.tickname and !y.tickname automatically. A call (multiplot,/reset) restores original values. Note: This method may be superseded by future improvements in !p.multi by RSI. For now, it's a good way to gang plots together. CALLING SEQUENCE: multiplot[pmulti][,/help][,/initialize][,/reset][,/rowmajor] Examples: multiplot,/help ; print this header. ; Then copy & paste, from your xterm, the following lines to test: x = findgen(100) ; MULTIPLOT t=exp(-(x-50)^2/300) ; ------------------------- erase ; | | | u=exp(-x/30) ; | | | y = sin(x) ; | UL plot | UR plot | r = reverse(y*u) ; | | | !p.multi=[0,2,2,0,0] ; | | | multiplot ; y------------------------- plot,x,y*u,title='MULTIPLOT' ; l| | | multiplot & plot,x,r ; a| | | multiplot ; b| LL plot | LR plot | plot,x,y*t,ytit='ylabels' ; e| | | multiplot ; l| | | plot,x,y*t,xtit='xlabels' ; s------------------------- multiplot,/reset ; xlabels wait,2 & erase ; TEST multiplot,[1,3] ; H------------------------ plot,x,y*u,title='TEST' ; E| plot #1 | multiplot ; I------------------------ plot,x,y*t,ytit='HEIGHT' ; G| plot #2 | multiplot ; H------------------------ plot,x,r,xtit='PHASE' ; T| plot #3 | multiplot,/reset ; ------------------------ ; PHASE multiplot,[1,1],/init,/verbose ; one way to return to single plot % MULTIPLOT: Initialized for 1x1, plotted across then down (column major). Optional Inputs: pmulti = 2-element or 5-element vector giving number of plots, e.g., multiplot,[1,6] ; 6 plots vertically multiplot,[0,4,2,0,0] ; 4 plots along x and 2 along y multiplot,[0,4,2,0,1] ; ditto, except rowmajor (down 1st) multiplot,[4,2],/rowmajor ; identical to previous line Optional Keywords: help = flag to print header initialize = flag to begin only---no plotting, just setup, e.g., multiplot,[4,2],/init,/verbose & multiplot & plot,x,y reset = flag to reset system variables to values prior to /init default = flag to restore IDL's default value for system variables rowmajor = flag to number plots down column first (D=columnmajor) verbose = flag to output informational messages Outputs: !p.position = 4-element vector to place a plot !x.tickname = either '' or else 30 ' ' to suppress ticknames !y.tickname = either '' or else 30 ' ' to suppress ticknames !p.noerase = 1 Common blocks: multiplot---to hold saved variables and plot counter. See code. Side Effects: Multiplot sets a number of system variables: !p.position, !p.multi, !x.tickname, !y.tickname, !P.noerase---but all can be reset with the call: multiplot,/reset Restrictions: 1. If you use !p.multi as the method of telling how many plots are present, you have to set !p.multi at the beginning each time you use multiplot or call multiplot with the /reset keyword. 2. There's no way to make an xtitle or ytitle span more than one plot, except by adding spaces to shift it or to add it manually with xyouts. 3. There is no way to make plots of different sizes; each plot covers the same area on the screen or paper. Procedure: This routine makes a matrix of plots with common axes, as opposed to the method of !p.multi where axes are separated to allow labels. Here the plots are joined and labels are suppressed, except at the left edge and the bottom. You tell multiplot how many plots to make using either !p.multi (which is then reset) or the parameter pmulti. However, multiplot keeps track of the position by itself because !p.multi interacts poorly with !p.position. Modification history: 14-Dec-00 Account for !x.omargin and !x.ymargin [Bill Davis, PPPL] write, 21-23 Mar 94, Fred Knight ( alter plot command that sets !x.window, etc. per suggestion of Mark Hadfield (, 7 Apr 94, FKK add a /default keyword restore IDL's default values of system vars, 7 Apr 94, FKK modify two more sys vars !x(y).tickformat to suppress user-formatted ticknames, per suggestion of Mark Hadfield (qv), 8 Apr 94, FKK Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997
NAME: ovplot PURPOSE: Just like oplot, except it calls vcomp to "visually compress" an array for faster delivery of graphs at the expense of CPU time. All data spikes should be retained. CATEGORY: Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: ovplot, time, data, _extra=_extra KEYWORDS Just like for oplot COMMON BLOCKS: none EXAMPLE: IDL> vplot, time, data, title='whatever', xrange=[0,2] IDL> ovplot, time, data/2. NOTES: VComp assumes equally spaced data, but might be OK for some cases. Probably want to use VPlot for first plot, but not necessary. LIMITATIONS: This is compuationally intensive, so is not appropriate for all applications, but for I/O-bound plotting can speed up 10x or more. Will return y points for each x -- the min & max values. IF nFinal GE N_ELEMENTS(inData)*2 will just return inputs MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 20-May-01 by Bill Davis
NAME: plot0check PURPOSE: Plots blank axis if no data in !x.range or !y.range CATEGORY: Plotting, X-Y Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> plot0check, x, y, ... INPUTS: x, y, .. = just like on the PLOT command. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Keywords: OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL>plot0check, x, y, line=1,color=1, /ylog NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 03-Oct-02 recover if x & y not right dimensions in 2-D plotting 18-May-01 Use Vcomp for "visual compression" if more points than resolution 20-Nov-00 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: PLOTCOLORFILL PURPOSE: Plots colorful bar charts CATEGORY: Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: PLOTCOLORFILL, x, y, COLOR=col, BOTTOM=bot, WIDTH=wid, ... DESCRIPTION: PLOTCOLORFILL plots a colorful vertical bar chart. This may be useful in cases where two dimensions of information need to be conveyed in one plot. [ I use it to show total intensity as a function of time on the vertical axis, and temperature is coded with color. ] Most aspects of the bars are configurable. The color is specified by an array of colors, one for each bar. [ Alternatively, a single color for the entire plot can be given. ] Also, one color can be designated as transparent. Stacked bar charts can be constructed using two calls to PLOTCOLORFILL. See the example. INPUTS: X, Y - Two arrays which give the X and Y position of the points. In this style of plot, the x values should be monotonically increasing, but not necessarily monospaced (see WIDTH). OPTIONAL INPUTS: NONE INPUT KEYWORD PARAMETERS: COLOR - an array giving the color of each bar, or alternatively a scalar color for all of the bars. The current color table is not changed. Default is color "1" BOTTOM - normally the bottom of the bars is set to be zero. You may either specify a scalar bottom value for all of the bars, or an array giving the bottom of each bar individually. See the example to see how stacked bar charts can be constructed with this keyword. WIDTH - sets the width of each bar, globally or individually. Bars are centered on the "X" value, and extend 0.5 * WIDTH to either side. Default is to assume monospacing, using the separation between the first two x values. TRANSPARENT - designates a color which is "transparent". Any bars with this color are simply not plotted. Default is no transparent color. PANEL, SUBPANEL - An alternate way to more precisely specify the plot and annotation positions. See SUBCELL. Default is full-screen. POSITION - Position of the bar chart in normal coordinates. Overrides position given by PANEL/SUBPANEL. XRANGE, YRANGE - gives plot range for each dimension, as for other plot commands. Default is range of data. Other keywords are passed to the plot command directly. OUTPUTS: NONE PROCEDURE: EXAMPLE: Stacked barcharts can be constructed by first making one chart with a flat bottom, and then a second chart whose bottom is top of the first. x = findgen(30) y1 = x^2 y2 = 400.-x c1 = bindgen(30)*3+1b c2 = 100b-bindgen(30)*3+1b plotcolorfill, x, y1, color=c1, bottom=0. plotcolorfill, x, y1+y2, color=c2, bottom=y1, /noerase SEE ALSO: PLOTPAN EXTERNAL SUBROUTINES: SUBCELL, DEFSUBCELL, PLOTPAN AUTHOR: Craig B. Markwardt, NASA/GSFC Code 662, Greenbelt, MD 20770 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written, CM, 1997
NAME: PLOTHIST PURPOSE: Plot the histogram of an array with the corresponding abcissa. CATEGORY: Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: plothist, arr, xhist, yhist, [, BIN=, /FILL, /NOPLOT, /OVERPLOT, PEAK=, ...plotting keywords] INPUTS: arr - The array to plot the histogram of. It can include negative values, but non-integral values will be truncated. OPTIONAL OUTPUTS: xhist - X vector used in making the plot ( = lindgen( N_elements(h)) * bin + min(arr) ) yhist - Y vector used in making the plot (= histogram(arr/bin)) OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: BIN - The size of each bin of the histogram, scalar (not necessarily integral). If not present (or zero), the bin size is set to 1. /NOPLOT - If set, will not plot the result. Useful if intention is to only get the xhist and yhist outputs. /OVERPLOT - If set, will overplot the data on the current plot. User must take care that only keywords valid for OPLOT are used. PEAK - if non-zero, then the entire histogram is normalized to have a maximum value equal to the value in PEAK. If PEAK is negative, the histogram is inverted. /FILL - if set, will plot a filled (rather than line) histogram. The following keywords take effect only if the FILL keyword is set: FCOLOR - color to use for filling the histogram /FLINE - if set, will use lines rather than solid color for fill (see the LINE_FILL keyword in the POLYFILL routine) FORIENTATION - angle of lines for fill (see the ORIENTATION keyword in the POLYFILL routine) FPATTERN - the pattern to use for the fill (see the PATTERN keyword in the POLYFILL routine) FSPACING - the spacing of the lines to use in the fill (see the SPACING keyword in the POLYFILL routine) Any input keyword that can be supplied to the PLOT procedure (e.g. XRANGE, LINESTYLE) can also be supplied to PLOTHIST. EXAMPLE: Create a vector of random 1000 values derived from a Gaussian of mean 0, and sigma of 1. Plot the histogram of these values with a bin size of 0.1 IDL> a = randomn(seed,1000) IDL> plothist,a, bin = 0.1 MODIFICATION HISTORY: 09-Feb-2012 fixed use of xrange 08-Feb-2012 added ymax output keyword Written W. Landsman January, 1991 Add inherited keywords W. Landsman March, 1994 Use ROUND instead of NINT W. Landsman August, 1995 Add NoPlot and Overplot keywords. J.Wm.Parker July, 1997 Add Peak keyword. J.Wm.Parker Jan, 1998 Add FILL,FCOLOR,FLINE,FPATTERN,FSPACING keywords. J.Wm.Parker Jan, 1998 Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman 21-Jan-1998
NAME: plotnormal PURPOSE: plot a normal curve on top of a histogram of data CATEGORY: Plotting, Statistics, GUI CALLING SEQUENCE: plotnormalw, data, BinSize=binsize, barFraction=barFrac, $ title=title, NormalOverlay=NormalOverlay, $ WindowTitle=WindowTitle, GROUP_LEADER=group_leader, $ XSIZE=xsize_in, YSIZE=ysize_in, xtitle=xtitle, ytitle=ytitle, $ _extra=_extra INPUTS: data - 1-d array OUTPUTS: plot in graphics widget KEYWORDS: barFraction - fraction of interval over which bar is drawn (0-1) (default=0.5) BinSize - The size of each bin of the histogram, scalar (not necessarily integral). If not present (or zero), the bin size is set to 1. NormalOverlay - if set, overlay a curve of the normal distribution EXAMPLE: IDL> data=randomN(seed, 100) IDL> plotnormalw, data, binsize=.5 MODIFICATION HISTORY: 25-Apr-2003 don't try to plot null values (as defined by SQL, too) March, 2003 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: plotnshots PURPOSE: make scope-like plots with overlays from multiple shots. CATEGORY: Plotting USAGE: IDL> plotnshots, shots, t1=t1, t2=t2, signames=signames, $ tweenspace=tweenSpace, labels=labels, $ titles=titles, scales=scales, $ rightSpace=rightSpace, leftSpace=leftSpace, colSpace=colSpace, $ pcharsize=pcharsize, bgtime=bgtime, ncols=ncols, nrows=nrows, $ biglabel=biglabel, nSmooth=nSmooth, $ SigUnits=SigUnits, topLabel=topLabel, zeroPlot=zeroPlot, $ yMins=yMins, yMaxes=yMaxes, SERVERNAMES=serverNames, noLogo=noLogo, $ anyProblem=anyProblem, sameXlabels=sameXlabels METHOD: Reads in all requested shots for a signal, so can autoscale plot correctly. One big 1-D array created by appending new signals, so signals with different # of points, sampling rate, etc., will work. EXAMPLE: IDL> plotnshots, [104500,104501], $ signames=['\wf::ip','\engineering::ip1'] LIMITATIONS: If max of X-data is > 100, assume not time and plot separately. HISTORY: 17-Feb-2015 fix when # pts in X differs from # in Y by small percentage 30-Jan-2015 add code to handle EFITx trees where x is not a number 14-Jan-2015 add code for plotting 2 signals with no time base 09-Oct-2012 added EveryOther keyword for Y-axes 24-Jul-2012 a serious bug fixed when plotting a row or column of 1 2-D signal against another with different axes. 05-May-2011 added ability to call user-written IDL routines in place of signal names. 26-May-2010 added xstart, xdelta, xInTimeFormat keywords for HH:MM display option 26-Apr-2010 check for availability of SIGMATH TDI before usings make order of plots from scope like in scopes 22-Apr-2010 added dateOnPlot and showMissingTags keywords 31-Aug-2009 fixed logic when some tree names missing and multiple shots [BD] 15-Nov-2008 if ymins or ymaxes are a scalar, use for all signals [BD] 03-Jul-2008 put plot order back to list of devices, and to scope order changed "tween" space to be constant. 19-May-08 Fixed xticklen and xgridstyle use 07-Nov-07 add option to have TOPLABEL='NONE' for no plot titles 03-Oct-07 added /noshot keyword to EvalScopeTitle call 10-Aug-07 if t2 < t1, set=t1 01-May-07 Added keyword 'ShowAllXvalues' to label all X axes 06-Apr-07 get right default axis if plotting second dimension of 2-D array 07-Mar-07 continued _extra keyword into all plotting routines, so things thick=3 in the Expert Entry field on the web tools will work. 28-Jul-06 remove auto scale if limits 1.e-5 difference 01-Mar-06 set default to be suppresserrors=0 because typos causing confusion. changed MISSING DATA label 30-Jan-06 (re-)fixed specifed colors for multiple shots. 27-Jan-06 use x signal from scope, if present 06-Sep-2005 added SuppressError keyword 03-Aug-2005 allow colors to be input as an array or executable string 20-May-02 - In autoscale X, force all x-axis to plot on largest x scale. also changed value indicating time (actually, meaning ranges won't be used) changed from 100 to 300. 02-Jul-01 - convert from plot2shots, and plot 2-D images when 1 shot 28-Jun-01 - added anyProblem keyword, and sameXlabels keyword to allow forcing time axis ticknames on plot 18-May-01 - added vplot & ovplot for "visual compression" 06-Mar-01 - added Yrange & made t1 & t2 be arrays 06-Feb-02 - put back ability to display 2-D
NAME: plotnsigs PURPOSE: make scope-like plots with overlays from multiple signals. this is the version of plotnshots that overlays different signals on the same axes CATEGORY: Plotting USAGE: IDL> plotnsigs, shots, t1=t1, t2=t2, signames=signames, $ tweenspace=tweenSpace, labels=labels, $ titles=titles, scales=scales, $ rightSpace=rightSpace, leftSpace=leftSpace, colSpace=colSpace, $ pcharsize=pcharsize, bgtime=bgtime, ncols=ncols, nrows=nrows, $ biglabel=biglabel, nSmooth=nSmooth, $ SigUnits=SigUnits, topLabel=topLabel, zeroPlot=zeroPlot, $ yMins=yMins, yMaxes=yMaxes, SERVER=server, noLogo=noLogo, $ anyProblem=anyProblem, sameXlabels=sameXlabels METHOD: Reads in all requested shots for a signal, so can autoscale plot correctly. One big 1-D array created by appending new signals, so signals with different # of points, sampling rate, etc., will work. EXAMPLE: IDL> plotnsigs, [104500,104500,104501,104501], $ signames=['\wf::ip','\engineering::ip1','\wf::ip','\engineering::ip1'] LIMITATIONS: If 2-D data, will just take the first row for multiple plots. If max of X-data is > 100, assume not time and plot separately. HISTORY: 30-Jan-2015 add code to handle EFITx trees where x is not a number 15-Aug-2013 had to do more work on labels and many plots in a frame 01-Aug-2013 fix bug on last right axis when many shots on a frame Allow use of ctb -1 for a better rainbow pallete. 25-Jul-2013 when many shots and many sigs, by default, make a frame for each sig with all the shots. 07-Nov-07 add option to have TOPLABEL='NONE' for no plot titles 31-Jul-07 created from plotnshots [BD]
NAME: plotSig1vsSig2 PURPOSE: plot 1 MDSplus signal vs. another CATEGORY: Plotting USAGE: IDL> plotSig1vsSig2, shots, t1=t1, t2=t2, signames=signames, $ labels=labels, $ titles=titles, scales=scales, $ rightSpace=rightSpace, leftSpace=leftSpace, colSpace=colSpace, $ pcharsize=pcharsize, $ biglabel=biglabel, nSmooth=nSmooth, $ SigUnits=SigUnits, topLabel=topLabel, zeroPlot=zeroPlot, $ yMins=yMins, yMaxes=yMaxes, SERVER=server, noLogo=noLogo, $ anyProblem=anyProblem, sameXlabels=sameXlabels EXAMPLE: IDL> plotSig1vsSig2, 116116, signames=['\wf::ip','\wf::itf'] LIMITATIONS: HISTORY: 30-Jan-2015 add code to handle EFITx trees where x is not a number 06-Mar-06 Added HH:MM output option. Also, make title Y vs. X. 09-Sep-05 Converted from plotnshots [BD]
NAME: PlotSummary4 PURPOSE: Plot vs. time a summary of a shot (Ip, D-alpha, Pinj, Wmhd) in a small frame CATEGORY: Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> PlotSummary4, shot INPUTS: shot - shot # (defaults to current shot) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Optional Keywords: tois - times of interest at which a dashed vertical line will be drawn xsize - ysize - verbose - debug - labelShot - signames - pos - minIP - x1 - y1 - xfrac - yFrac - charsize - charThick - thick - xmargin - widthFactor - if set, ysize = xsize * widthFactor OUTPUTS: NONE COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> plotsummary4, 119923 NOTES: is an upgrade of this routine. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 13-Mar-2008 handle missing ptot 04-Mar-2008 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL, for Stan Kaye
NAME: plotsummary PURPOSE: Plot vs. time a summary of a shot (Ip, D-alpha, Pinj) in a small frame CATEGORY: Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> plotsummary, shot INPUTS: shot - shot # (defaults to current shot) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Optional Keywords: tois - times of interest at which a dashed vertical line will be drawn xsize - ysize - verbose - debug - labelShot - signames - pos - minIP - x1 - y1 - xfrac - yFrac - charsize - charThick - thick - xmargin - widthFactor - if set, ysize = xsize * widthFactor OUTPUTS: NONE COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> plotsummary, 119923 NOTES: Used in animation generators, amoung others. Has thicker lines than is an upgrade of this routine. MODIFICATION HISTORY: pre-2008 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: PLOTSYM PURPOSE: Define useful plotting symbols not in the standard !PSYM definitions. CATEGORY: Plotting EXPLANATION: After a symbol has been defined with PLOTSYM, a plotting command should follow with either PSYM = 8 or !P.PSYM = 8 (see USERSYM) CALLING SEQUENCE: PLOTSYM, PSYM,[ PSIZE, /FILL, THICK=] INPUTS: PSYM - The following integer values of PSYM will create the corresponding plot symbols 0 - circle 1 - downward arrow (upper limit), base of arrow begins at plot value value 2 - upward arrow (lower limt) 3 - 5 pointed star 4 - triangle 5 - upside down triangle 6 - left pointing arrow 7 - right pointing arrow 8 - square Arrows are defined such that their base begins at their origin. OPTIONAL INPUTS: PSIZE - Size of the plotting symbol in multiples of the default size (default PSIZE=1). Does not need to be an integer OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORD: FILL - Parameter indicating whether to fill the symbol (see USERSYM) The default is 0, unfilled symbol. Does not affect arrows or character symbols. THICK - Thickness of unfilled symbols. Default is 1. OUTPUTS: None EXAMPLES: Plot Y vs. X with filled stars as the symbol, twice the default size IDL> PLOTSYM, 3 ,2, /FILL ;Plotting symbol is a filled star, ;twice default size IDL> PLOT,X,Y,PSYM=8 ;Set PSYM = 8 to get star symbol Now plot Y vs. X with an open circle as the symbol IDL> PLOTSYM, 0 ;Plotting symbol is a circle IDL> PLOT,X,Y,PSYM=8 METHOD: Appropriate X,Y vectors are used to define the symbol and passed to the USERSYM command. REVISION HISTORY 27-Jan-2010 added circle, square, triangle, arrow, and size keywords 25-Feb-2005 added keyword usersym, for sending to Legend, for example [BD] Written W. Landsman June 1992 18-JAN-1996 Added a square symbol, HCW. 98Aug20 Added keyword thick parameter - RCB.
NAME: RESETPLT PURPOSE: This procedure will reset all or a selection of the system plot variables to their initial values CATEGORY: Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: resetplt,/all ;clear the !p, !x, !y, !z resetplt,/x,/z ;clear the !x and !z variables resetplt,/x ;only clear the !x variable resetplt,/x,/invert ;clear all except the !x INPUTS: KEYWORDS: x,y,z,p = clear the appropriate variable all = clear all, this is equivalent to /x,/y,/z,/p invert = invert the logic. Clear all unselected variables. Therefore "clearplt,/all,/invert" does nothing. OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: none. SIDE EFFECTS: The sytem plot variables are changed. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Trevor Harris, Physics Dept., University of Adelaide, July, 1990.
NAME: roundedAxisLimits PURPOSE: Find "nice" axis values, like IDL plot routine does. CATEGORY: Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: v = roundedAxisLimits(x1,x2) INPUTS: x1 = Range minimum. in x2 = Range maximum. in KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: v = 2-element array of "nice" axis limits. out COMMON BLOCKS: LIMITATION: IDL> print,roundedaxislimits(0.0,.11) 0.00000 0.120000 OK, but IDL> print,roundedaxislimits(0.0,.12) 0.00000 0.125000 why not 0.12? NOTES: includes routines copyrighted by Johns Hopkins University (see below) MODIFICATION HISTORY: 26-Jul-04 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: screen_title PURPOSE: write a plot title with shot date and time and NSTX label CATEGORY: Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> screen_title, mytitle, ishot INPUTS: mytitle = whatever you want as the main plot title. ishot = shot number. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Keywords: noShot - if set, do not plot shot number noTime - if set, do not plot time charsize - character size logo - if = 0 will not put logo on plot nstx - if - 0 will not put =NSTX= logo on plot, vs. just NSTX ALIGNMENT - alignment of title. Default to 0.5 (centered) HLP - When set, help information is printed. OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> !Y.OMARGIN=[0,1] IDL> plot,indgen(100) IDL> screen_title, 'This is my title', 100523 NOTES: You'll probably want a little more room at the top of your plots, e.g. IDL> !Y.OMARGIN=[0,1] MODIFICATION HISTORY: 13-Aug-2009 fixed logic for 17-Sep-2008 added logo and alignment keywords 30-Jun-2008 added charsize and NSTX keywords 21-Sep-00 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: stackplot PURPOSE: An example of X-window widgets for plotting some GA data CATEGORY: Plotting, Example, Widgets, GA CALLING SEQUENCE: stackplot USE: If you have a file named mdsplussig.txt in the directory from which you are running IDL, signal names in the file will be plotted when you click on "My Signals." The names should be one per row. MAJOR FUNCTIONS and PROCEDURES: PLOT: X-Y plotting. SMOOTH: Smooths data and overplots. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: WMD, PPPL, March, 1997 based on RSI's Forecast example 26-Jan-99 Modified for using MDS at PPPL by Bill Davis 21-Oct-97 WMD Simplified for IDL class example at GA 15-Apr-97 WMD Changed for remote plotting test
NAME: vaxis PURPOSE: shell around AXIS procedure that sees if number of minor y tick marks need to be reduced, and if the number of y tick labels need to be cut in half. CATEGORY: Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> vaxis, /yaxis INPUTS: if /yaxis not set, will just call AXIS routine with whatever inputs are passed KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Optional: yminor - as in plot command yrange - as in plot command ystyle - as in plot command yTickFormat - defaults to 'LabelEveryOtherTick' debug - if set, will print things and stop in routine OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: vplot_local EXAMPLE: IDL> a=mk_color() IDL> x=findgen(100) IDL> y=sin(x/8*4)*exp(x/30) IDL> pos=[.1,.77,.9,.9] IDL> plot,x,y,ystyle=8, pos=pos, yTickFormat='LabelEveryOtherTick', yminor=2 IDL> vaxis, yaxis=1,/debug ;;; , yTickFormat='LabelEveryOtherTick' NOTES: 15-Aug-2013 fixed large major Y tick marks WRITTEN 29-Oct-2007 By Bill Davis, PPPL.
NAME: vcomp PURPOSE: "visually compress" (resample) an array for faster plotting of lines. All data spikes should be retained. Will return y points for each x -- the min & max values. IF nFinal GE N_ELEMENTS(inData)*2 will just return inputs CATEGORY: Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: VComp, inTime, inData, outTime, outData, NFINAL=4096 KEYWORDS Optional: NFINAL - # of points to "compress" to. Defaults to estimated # of pixels on x axis COMMON BLOCKS: none EXAMPLE: IDL> vcomp, inTime, inData, outTime, outData, NFINAL=4096 NOTES: assumes equally spaced data, but might be OK for some cases. LIMITATIONS: This doesn't work precisely when: 1) only points are drawn, rather than connecting lines, 2) the X values are not monotonically increasing, or 3) even if X intervals are not constant (although errors would probably be subtle). MODIFICATION HISTORY: 26-Jul-2004 NINT() introduced a bug in some cases; now fixed 17-May-2004 Bug fixed: not going to full time range 22-Apr-2004 If POS being used, x.margin irrelevant, so assume 0 Written 10-Nov-99 by Bill Davis
NAME: vgds_title PURPOSE: write a plot title with shot date and time and NSTX label CATEGORY: Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> vgds_title, mytitle, ishot INPUTS: mytitle = whatever you want as the main plot title. ishot = shot number. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Keywords: noShot - if set, do not plot shot number noTime - if set, do not plot time TopMargin - in characters, extra space to shift down the characters HLP - When set, help information is printed. OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> !Y.OMARGIN=[0,1] IDL> plot,indgen(100) IDL> vgds_title, 'This is my title', 100523 NOTES: You'll probably want a little more room at the top of your plots, e.g. IDL> !Y.OMARGIN=[0,1] MODIFICATION HISTORY: 21-Sep-99 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: vplot PURPOSE: Just like plot, except it calls vcomp to "visually compress" an array for faster delivery of graphs at the expense of CPU time. All data spikes should be retained. CATEGORY: Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: vplot, time, data, _extra=_extra KEYWORDS Just like for plot (except you need both X & Y) xIsHHMM - plot x axis as time in HH:MM format (assume time in hours) xWithSeconds - plot x axis as time in HH:MM:SS format (assume time in hours) COMMON BLOCKS: vplot_local EXAMPLE: IDL> vplot, time, data, title='whatever', xrange=[0,2] NOTES: VComp assumes equally spaced data, but might be OK for some cases. Use oVPlot for overplotting. LIMITATIONS: This is compuationally intense, so is not appropriate for all applications, but for I/O-bound plotting can speed up 10x or more. Will return y points for each x -- the min & max values. IF nFinal GE N_ELEMENTS(inData)*2 will just return inputs MODIFICATION HISTORY: 05-Jul-2011 If axes are small, reduce number of tick marks, but use defaults if close. If aspect ratio is long, adjust ticklengths for vertical and horizontal axes. 14-Apr-2010 create window if none in use, so can do scaling. [BD] 16-Apr-2009 Removed xTickFormat='betterTickLabels' when want HH:MM.. 11-Feb-2008 fixed bug for 30-Oct-2007 improve number of tick marks, and length. 08-May-2006 added logic if _extra contains range, but both equal 03-Mar-2006 add xIsHHMM keyword 26-Jul-04 make so plots "nice" range, like IDL default, if 15-Apr-04 handle when no additional paramters entered add keyword for xtick_get (seem to need to specify explicitly) Written 20-May-01 by Bill Davis
NAME: webplotsum PURPOSE: Plot vs. time a summary of a shot in a small frame Ip, D-alpha, stored energy, NB & RF power are plotted. CATEGORY: Plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> webplotsum, shot INPUTS: shot - shot # (defaults to current shot) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Optional Keywords: tois - times of interest at which a dashed vertical line will be drawn xsize - ysize - verbose - debug - labelShot - signames - pos - minIP - x1 - y1 - xfrac - yFrac - charsize - charThick - thick - xmargin - widthFactor - if set, ysize = xsize * widthFactor noLoad - if set, do not load a color table, even if colorsearch returns a bad status markTime - time at which to draw a vertical dashed line on graph OUTPUTS: NONE COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> webplotsum, 119923 NOTES: Used in, amoung others MODIFICATION HISTORY: 29-Jan-2015 moved right label logic below defaults for signame 26-Feb-2014 have right label contain "& kJ" only if one signame has "WMHD" in it. 22-Jan-2014 users confused when no beams and RF in red. Always be in green. Also, make it so Prf can not be offscale. 20-Oct-2010 for MSE calibration, check for beam data, so can have time include it, even if plasma current is too low 17-Aug-2010 compute X tick length based on position array 27-May-2010 fixed bug when last signals not there, was returning before plotting. 07-Apr-2010 tweaked tick length & number of minor tick marks 02-Apr-2010 added lColor keyword for index color of dashed line 18-Dec-2009 add keyword noLoad and don't use mk_color if not necessary 29-Sep-2009 display Pnb and Prf, if present 07-Apr-2009 use \pnb+\prf if \ptot not there. 13-Mar-2008 handle missing ptot 04-Mar-2008 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL, for Stan Kaye
Category: Printing
[List of Routines]
NAME: LIST_PRINTER_UNIX PURPOSE: LIST available printers from lpstat -a CATEGORY: Printing, Unix SYNTAX: IDL> printers=list_printer_unix(desc) EXAMPLES: (see example in mk_pdmenu) INPUTS: None OUTPUTS: PRINTERS - printer que names Opt. Outputs: DESC - description of each printer (doesn't work for printcap.lprng) KEYWORDS: printcap - the printcap file to query (INPUT) ERR - error messages (OUTPUT) COMMON: LIST_PRINTER_UNIX - contains last reading of printcap file Restrictions: Unix only. History 22-Feb-2012 use "lpstat-a" for discovering printers 12-May-2005 Made to work for Red Hat Enterprise Linux where names end with colon [BD] 13-Jan-2003 added printcap.lprng to file search and remove blank printer names. If file=printcap.lprng, also look for printer names as first character of line. [Bill Davis] Version 1, 8-Aug-1995, D M Zarro . Written Version 2, 1 July 1996, S.V.H.Haugan (UiO) Added PSLASER/PSCOLOR/PSCOLOR2 environmentals check. 1-Nov-2000, Kim Tolbert - Previously only worked for unix machines with /etc/printcap file for printers (DEC, ?). Added check for /etc/printers.conf (Sun) also. 18-Dec-2001, Kim Tolbert. Some unix (linux) allows pipe symbol (|) in lp definition (like :lp=|/usr/share/printconf/jetdirectprint:\) so have to look for names in lines with | but no colon in first column. Also, names can be in lines with |, or lines with : (if not in first column), so append result of both kinds of search instead of doing one or the other. Also, eliminate all comment lines first
NAME: PPPL_Printers PURPOSE: return an array of strings of printer descriptions at PPPL CATEGORY: Printing CALLING SEQUENCE: printer_list = PPPL_Printers() INPUTS: StartShot - shot number to start from in KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Inputs: FILENAME - name of file to read printer descriptions from an example of an entry in the file is: crc-color - Color printer in B152 JUSTPRINTERS - if set, just return the names of the printers OUTPUTS: printer_list - String Array EXAMPLE: printer_list = PPPL_Printers() COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: On VMS, the file read is PRINTERS_VMS.txt, on Unix it is PRINTERS_UNIX.txt. Returns a blank for other systems. If environmental variable local_idl_dir is defined, this routine will look for the file in this area MODIFICATION HISTORY: 18-May-2004 add 'not implemented' for windows, and which not working 09-Jun-2003 If not on Unix or VMS, return a blank. 26-Mar-1999 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: PS_FORM PURPOSE: This function displays a form the user can interactively manipulate to configure the PostScript device driver (PS) setup. The function returns a structure of keywords that can be sent directly to the DEVICE command via its _EXTRA keyword CATEGORY: Printing, Device Drivers, Hardcopy Output, PostScript Output PROCEDURE: This is a pop-up form widget. It is a modal or blocking widget. Keywords appropriate for the PostScript (PS) DEVICE command are returned. The yellow box in the upper right hand corner of the form represents the PostScript page. The green box represents the "window" on the PostScript page where the graphics will be drawn. Use your LEFT mouse button to move the plot "window" around the page. Use your RIGHT mouse button to draw your own plot window on the page. The CREATE FILE and ACCEPT buttons are meant to indicate slightly different operations, although this is sometimes confusing. My idea is that PS_FORM is a *configuration* dialog, something the user displays if he or she wants to change the way the PostScript device is configured. Thus, in many of my widget programs if the user clicks a "Write PostScript File" button, I just go ahead and write a PostScript file without displaying the form. (I can do this because I always keep a copy of the current device configuration in my info structure.) To get to the form, the user must select a "Configure PostScript Device" button. At that time, the user might select the ACCEPT button to just change the PostScript device configurations. Or the user can select the CREATE FILE button, which both accepts the configuration *and* creates a PostScript file. If you find the CREATE FILE button confusing, you can just edit it out of the form and use the ACCEPT button for the same purpose. HELP: formInfo = PS_FORM(/Help) USAGE: The calling procedure for this function in a widget program will look something like this: info.ps_config = PS_FORM(/Initialize) ... formInfo = PS_FORM(Cancel=canceled, Create=create, $ Defaults=info.ps_config, IF NOT canceled THEN BEGIN IF create THEN BEGIN thisDevice = !D.Name Set_Plot, "PS" Device, _Extra=formInfo Enter Your Graphics Commands Here! Device, /Close Set_Plot, thisDevice ENDIF info.ps_config = formInfo ENDIF OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: XOFFSET -- Optional xoffset of the top-level base of PS_Form. Default is to try to center the form on the display. YOFFSET -- Optional yoffset of the top-level base of PS_Form. Default is to try to center the form on the display. INPUT KEYWORD PARAMETERS: BITS_PER_PIXEL -- The initial configuration of the bits per pixel button. BLOCKING -- Set this keyword to make this a blocking widget under IDL 5.0. (All widget programs block under IDL 4.0.) COLOR -- The initial configuration of the color switch. DEFAULTS -- A stucture variable of the same type and structure as the RETURN VALUE of PS_FORM. It will set initial conditions. This makes it possible to start PS_FORM up again with the same values it had the last time it was called. For example: mysetup = PS_FORM() newsetup = PS_FORM(Defaults=mysetup) NOTE: Using the DEFAULTS keyword will nullify any of the other DEVICE-type keywords listed above (e.g., XSIZE, ENCAPSULATED, etc.) ENCAPSULATED -- The initial configuration of the encapsulated switch. FILENAME -- The initial filename to be used on the form. HELP -- Prints a helpful message in the output log. INCHES -- The initial configuration of the inches/cm switch. INITIALIZE -- If this keyword is set, the program immediately returns the "localdefaults" structure. This gives you the means to configue the PostScript device without displaying the form to the user. I use this to write a PostScript file directly and also to initialize my info structure field that contains the current PostScript form setup. Passing the setup structure into PS_FORM via the DEFAULTS keyword gives my PS_FORM a program "memory". info.ps_setup = PS_FORM(/Initialize) LANDSCAPE -- The initial configuration of the landscape/portrait switch. LOCALDEFAULTS -- A structure like the DEFAULTS structure. Used if the "Local Defaults" button is pressed in the form. This gives you the opportunity to have a "local" as well as "system" default setup. If this keyword is not used, the procedure PS_Form_Set_Personal_Local_Defaults is called. Use this procedure (see below) to define your own local defaults. XOFFSET -- The initial XOffSet of the PostScript window. YOFFSET -- The initial YOffSet of the PostScript window. XSIZE -- The initial XSize of the PostScript window. YSIZE -- The initial YSize of the PostScript window. OUTPUT KEYWORD PARAMETERS CANCEL -- This is an OUTPUT keyword. It is used to check if the user selected the "Cancel" button on the form. Check this variable rather than the return value of the function, since the return value is designed to be sent directly to the DEVICE procedure. The varible is set to 1 if the user selected the "Cancel" button. Otherwise, it is set to 0. CREATE -- This output keyword can be used to determine if the user selected the 'Create File' button rather than the 'Accept' button. The value is 1 if selected, and 0 otherwise. RETURN VALUE: formInfo = { PS_FORM_INFO, $ xsize:0.0, $ ; The x size of the plot xoff:0.0, $ ; The x offset of the plot ysize:0.0, $ ; The y size of the plot yoff:0.0 $ ; The y offset of the plot filename:'', $ ; The name of the output file inches:0 $ ; Inches or centimeters? color:0, $ ; Color on or off? bits_per_pixel:0, $ ; How many bits per image pixel? encapsulated:0,$ ; Encapsulated or regular PostScript? landscape:0 } ; Landscape or portrait mode? MAJOR FUNCTIONS and PROCEDURES: None. Designed to work originally in conjunction with XWindow, a resizable graphics window. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: David Fanning, RSI, March 1995. Given to attendees of IDL training courses. 19-Dec-02 fix for vms directories [Bill Davis] Modified to work when grapics device set to PostScript: 6 May 95. Modified to configure initial conditions via keywords: 13 October 95. Modified to load personal local defaults if LocalDefaults keyword not used: 3 Nov 95. Found and fixed bits_per_pixel error in Local Defaults setting procedure: 3 Nov 95. Modified to produce initial plot box with the same aspect ratio as the current graphics window. (XSIZE or YSIZE keywords overrule this behavior.) 22 Apr 96. Fixed annoying behavior of going to default-sized plot box when selecting the Landscape or Portrait option. Now keeps current plot box size. 22 Apr 96. Made the size and offset text widgets a little bigger and changed the size and offset formatting from F4.2 to F5.2 to accomodate larger plot box sizes. 29 Apr 96. Fixed a bug in the filename text widget that caused a crash when a CR was hit. 3 Sept 96. Added the Initialize keyword to immediately return the "localdefaults" structure. 27 Oct 96. Fixed another problem with the BITS_PER_PIXEL keyword. 27 Oct 96. Made the return value a named structure of the name PS_FORM_INFO. 3 Nov 96. Discovered and fixed a problem whereby YOFFSET was set incorrectly if LOCALDEFAULTS was used instead of DEFAULTS keyword. 3 Nov 96. Fixed bug in how Portrait mode was set using YSIZE and XSIZE keywords. 25 Nov 96. Fixed a bug in how YOFFSET was calculated when in Landscape mode. 27 Nov 96. Fixed a memory leak with the local defaults pointer. 25 Jan 97. Added the CREATE keyword and modified the appearance of the form. 22 Apr 97. Modifed subroutine names to avoid confusion. 22 Apr 97. Fixed a bug I introduced when I added the CREATE keyword. 23 Apr 97. Modified the program for IDL 5. 30 May 97, DWF. Fixed Inches to CM exclusive button problem. 30 May 97, DWF. Fixed a problem when the widget is killed with the mouse. 30 May 97. DWF Added a Select Filename button. 12 Oct 97. Modified program layout slightly. 12 Oct 97. Added valid directory/file error checking for the filename. 12 Oct 97. DWF Added further support for IDL 5 modal functionality. 20 Oct 97. DWF AUTHOR: FANNING SOFTWARE CONSULTING David Fanning, Ph.D. 2642 Bradbury Court Fort Collins, CO 80521 USA Phone: 970-221-0438 E-mail: Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming:
NAME: screendump PURPOSE: Postscript file from an IDL window, whether 8- or 24-bit graphics CATEGORY: Printing, 24-bit graphics CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> screendump, filename, Encapsulated=encapsulated INPUTS: filename (or will be prompted) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Keywords: Encapsulated - if set, will get encapsulated postscript Right_Aspect - if set, will maintain aspect ration of window OUTPUTS: just the output file MODIFICATION HISTORY: 09-May-02 Added bits_per_pixel=8 when not true color [BD] still not working in 24-bit color (???) 27-Jun-02 Added Right_Aspect keyword [BD] 07-Mar-02 Added landscape determination [BD] ?? Written by David Fanning,
NAME: setup_ps PURPOSE: open postscript file and set system variables for postscript device CATEGORY: Printing CALLING SEQUENCE: SETUP_PS, name, PRINTER=printer INPUTS: (Optional) name - name of file (defaults to IDL) (if no extention, will add .ps) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Optional Inputs: PRINTER - printer to send file to (else will be default printer) NOTE: if PRINTER begins with postscript', file will not be sent to a printer PORTRAIT - If set, print is in portrait mode FONT - font for printing, e.g., TIMES, HELVETICA, AVANTGARDE, BKMAN, BOLD, PALATINO, ZAPFCHANCERY, NARROW (Default is Times) COLOR - if set, postscript will be in color AspectRatio - if set, Ascpect ratio of image is maintained CharMagnification - magnify !p.charsize (or, if !p.charsize=0, use as charsize) xsize - size in inches (defaults to page size -1.5) ysize - size in inches (defaults to page size -1.5) tt_font bold OUTPUTS: none CALLING EXAMPLE: printer = 'picasso color printer' ; or printer = 'postscript color ' ; or printer = 'b143 Laserwriter in B143' ; or printer = 'default printer' ; setup_ps,'myplot', PRINTER=printer plot,indgen(11) ; any number of plot commands unsetup_ps ; send to printer and back to X RELATED ROUTINES: unsetup_ps SIDE EFFECTS: System variables are changed until unsetup_ps is called. NOTE: If you haven't already, you may wish to plot on a white background, e.g., IDL> !p.background=MK_COLOR('white') IDL> !p.color=MK_COLOR('black') MODICATION HISTORY: 30-Oct-2009 default to COLOR if postscript output 07-May-08 fixed when /ASPECTRATIO made plot bigger than one dimension 19-Apr-04 Added Filename keyword 03-Aug-01 Append .ps to output filename if not specified 04-Apr-01 make max paper width 8.25 to account for A4 paper size. make margins 3/4" (rather than 1") 21-May-99 Added Font keyword (default changed to Times) [BD] 1-Apr-99 Added Portrait Keyword [BD] 12-Feb-99 Write file in the login area. Don't send to D4D area. [BD] Printer can have "color" after the name (following a space) 27-Jan-99 BD - change y.margin settings 10/15/97 BD - Removed bold fonts and set to landscape mode 10/13/97 TBT - Added phaser5 6/11/97 TBT - took out printer from discolor and added as a keyword 5/22/97 TBT - added phaser4 & phaser4_trans & hpdj2 5/21/97 TBT - added include discolor to get printer passed in. 5/21/97 Ted Terpstra - Put in color printer check & added phaser2 and phaser3 to the list. 5-16-95 K. Greene -- When setting up output file name, check operating system. VMS cannot use Unix format.
NAME: spawnprint PURPOSE: Spawn command on VMS or Unix to print a Postscript file CATEGORY: Printing CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> spawnprint, filename, printer=printer INPUTS: filename (or will be prompted) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Keywords: printer - else will go to the default printer NOTE: if PRINTER begins with postscript', file will not be sent to a printer OUTPUTS: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: 07-Mar-02 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: unsetup_ps PURPOSE: close a postscript file (opened by setup_ps) and re-set system variables for previous device. CATEGORY: Printing, Cross-platform Printing of Plots CALLING SEQUENCE: UNSETUP_PS, name, PRINTER=printer INPUTS: (Optional) name - name of file without extenstion (defaults to IDL) (extention will always be .ps) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Inputs: PRINTER - printer to send file to (only the string before the first blank is used). The printer may have been specified in the call to SETUP_PS, else the default is used printer. NOTE: if PRINTER='postscript', file will not be sent to a printer NOHEADER - if set, -h is inserted in lpr command OUTPUTS: none CALLING EXAMPLE: printer = 'picasso color printer' ; or printer = 'postscript color ' ; or printer = 'b143 Laserwriter in B143' ; or printer = 'default printer' ; setup_ps,'myplot', PRINTER=printer plot,indgen(11) ; any number of plot commands unsetup_ps ; send to printer and return to X RELATED ROUTINES: setup _ps MODICATION HISTORY: 30-Oct-2009 changed NoHeader string on lp command to "-o nobanner" 05-Feb-03 added keyword NoHeader 12-Feb-99 If printer = 'postscript' or 'file', don't send to a printer. If printer = 'default', send to the default printer (i.e., none specified) Write file in the login area. 27-Jan-99 adapt for SunOS; change y.margin settings [BD] 14-Oct-97 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: unsetup_tek PURPOSE: undo system variables from setup_tek call. CATEGORY: Printing, Cross-platform plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: UNsetup_tek INPUTS: (Optional) name - name of file without extenstion (defaults to idl) (extention will always be .tek) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: none CALLING EXAMPLE: setup_tek plot,indgen(11) ; any number of plot commands unsetup_tek ; send to printer and back to X RELATED ROUTINES: setup_tek LIMITATIONS If using the CH_ crosshair routines, will need to call the following after this routine: IDL> CH_SET, yourGraph, NewX=!x,NewY=!y,NewP=!p MODICATION HISTORY: 13-Feb-06 add XTC calls 08-May-01 call CH_SET, if user calling cross-hair routines 26-Oct-00 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: unsetup_xpc PURPOSE: Close plots file opened with setup_xpc, and send to the X-windows Plot Controller (XPC) by figuring out next file in the sequence it is looking for. CATEGORY: Printing, Cross-platform plotting CALLING SEQUENCE: UNsetup_xpc INPUTS: (Optional) name - name of file without extenstion (defaults to idl) (extention will always be .tek) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: none CALLING EXAMPLE: setup_xpc PLOT, indgen(11) ; any number of plot commands XYOUT, .2, .3, 'This is a Label' unsetup_xpc ; send to printer and back to X RELATED ROUTINES: setup_xpc LIMITATIONS If using the CH_ crosshair routines, will need to call the following after this routine: IDL> CH_SET, yourGraph, NewX=!x,NewY=!y,NewP=!p NOTE: This, in conjunction with unsetup_xpc, is supposed to be a replacement for XPC. MODICATION HISTORY: 18-Nov-2009 Written by Bill Davis
Category: Programming
[List of Routines]
NAME: ADD_TAG PURPOSE: Add a new tag to the structure. NOTE: if you want to add more than one tag at once, use ADD_TAGS CATEGORY: Programming CALLING SEQUENCE: add_tag, oldstruct, tagname, tagValue, newstruct, structyp=structyp INPUTS: oldstruct: The original structure (or array of structures) tagname: string containing the new tag name tagValue: the initial value of the new tag, e.g. fltarr(5) or [3,5,6], or 0L, etc. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: structyp: a string with the name of the new structure. if already defined an error is printed. OUTPUTS: newstruct: The structure with the new tag it it. OPTIONAL OUTPUT NONE CALLED ROUTINES: COMBINE_STRUCTS REVISION HISTORY: 25-OCT-2000, Judith Racusin.
NAME: ARRAY_EQ PURPOSE: Return TRUE if two arrays are equal, else false. CATEGORY: Programming CALLING SEQUENCE: logical=ARRAY_EQ(array1,array2) INPUTS: bigArray - an array of numbers to look in littleArray - an array to look for matches in bigArray OUTPUTS: logical - 0/1 COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 17-May-99 WMD Written
NAME: BELL PURPOSE: Ring terminal bell. CATEGORY: Programming, Sound, Errors CALLING SEQUENCE: bell, [n] INPUTS: n = number of rings (def=1). in KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: R. Sterner, 20 Oct, 1989. Copyright (C) 1989, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.
NAME: CAST PURPOSE: Generalized type casting. Converts variables whose type code is out of the range [LOW,HIGH] into this range. CATEGORY: Programming, type conversion CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = CAST( X, [LOW [,HIGH]]) INPUTS: X Numerical, arbitrary, or a character representation of a number(s). LOW Number representing a type code, range (1:9). If greater than 9, it is set to 9. If less then 1, or not given, it is set to 1. OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: HIGH Type code, same as LOW. Default value is 9. If provided and less then LOW, it is set to LOW. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /FIX Switch. If set, the output is filtered through FPU_FIX, eliminating floating underflow errors. OUTPUTS: If the type of X is < LOW, CAST returns X converted to type LOW. If the type of X is > HIGH, CAST returns X converted to type HIGH. Otherwise CAST returns X. OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: None. RESTRICTIONS: 1) An attempt to convert a string which is NOT a character representation of a number into a numeric type will yield error. 2) X cannot be a structure or pointer, but can be a structure element. 3) The value 8 for either LOW or HIGH is not allowed (since it corresponds to structure type). Value of 10 and above is ignored. PROCEDURE: Identifies the type of X, and if out of the range given by [LOW,HIGH] calls the proper conversion routine using the system routine CALL_FUNCTION. Also uses FPU_FIX and ISNUM from MIDL. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Created 25-DEC-1991 by Mati Meron. Modified 15-JUN-1995 by Mati Meron to accept the new DOUBLECOMPLEX type. Modified 25-SEP-1998 by Mati Meron. Underflow filtering added.
NAME: COMBINE_STRUCTS PURPOSE: takes two arrays of structures str1,str2 which have the same number of elements but possibly different tags and makes another structure which has the same number of elements but the tags of both str1,str2 and has their respective tags values copied into it CATEGORY: Programming CALLING SEQUENCE combine_structs, struct1, struct2, newstruct, structyp=structyp INPUTS: struct1,struc2: The two structures to be combined. If structure arrays, Must contain the same number of structs. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: structyp: a string with the name of the new structure. if already defined the program will crash. Author Dave Johnston UofM
NAME: DATATYPE PURPOSE: Datatype of variable as a string (3 char or spelled out). CATEGORY: Programming CALLING SEQUENCE: typ = datatype(var, [flag]) INPUTS: var = variable to examine. in flag = output format flag (def=0). in KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Keywords: /DESCRIPTOR returns a descriptor for the given variable. If the variable is a scalar the value is returned as a string. If it is an array a description is return just like the HELP command gives. Ex: datatype(fltarr(2,3,5),/desc) gives FLTARR(2,3,5) (flag always defaults to 3 for /DESC). OUTPUTS: typ = datatype string or number. out flag=0 flag=1 flag=2 flag=3 flag=4 UND Undefined 0 UND UND BYT Byte 1 BYT BIT(8) INT Integer 2 INT SMALLINT LON Long 3 LON INTEGER FLO Float 4 FLT FLOAT DOU Double 5 DBL Double COM Complex 6 COMPLEX COMPLEX STR String 7 STR CHARACTER STC Structure 8 STC STC DCO DComplex 9 DCOMPLEX DCOMPLEX COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by R. Sterner, 24 Oct, 1985. Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. RES 29 June, 1988 --- added spelled out TYPE. R. Sterner, 13 Dec 1990 --- Added strings and structures. R. Sterner, 19 Jun, 1991 --- Added format 3. R. Sterner, 18 Mar, 1993 --- Added /DESCRIPTOR. R. Sterner, 1995 Jul 24 --- Added DCOMPLEX for data type 9. 23-Jun-2009 BD added Unit, Long54, Ulong64. 28-FEB-2011 BD Added flag=4 for types used by SQL Copyright (C) 1985, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.
NAME: get_delim PURPOSE: returns file delimiter that is appropriate to VMS, UNIX or Windows CATEGORY: Programming CALLING SEQUENCE: delim=get_delim() INPUTS: none OUTPUTS: delim=':' if VMS, '\' if Windows, '/' otherwise PROCEDURE: checks !version.os system variable MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written DMZ (ARC) May 1992 Modified DMZ(SAC) Sept 1997 - added Windows
NAME: GREEK PURPOSE: This function returns the string needed to draw the specified greek character using either the vector graphics font no. 4, or PostScript font 9. If (! eq 'PS') and (!p.font eq 0), then the PostScript font will be used. Otherwise, the vector font will be used. CATEGORY: Programming CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = GREEK(Name) INPUTS: Name - String specifying the greek character name. Valid inputs are: alpha, beta, gamma, delta, epsilon, zeta, eta, theta iota, kappa, lambda, mu, nu, xi, omicron, pi, rho, sigma, tau, upsilon, phi, chi, psi, omega Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Zeta, Eta, Theta Iota, Kappa, Lambda, Mu, Nu, Xi, Omicron, Pi, Rho, Sigma, Tau, Upsilon, Phi, Chi, Psi, Omega Although not greek, the following characters are also valid (but will only work with the 'default' font !3): angstrom, Angstrom, degrees, plus_minus KEYWORDS: FORCE_PS - Set to use PostScript font, regardless of the value of ! and !p.font. PLAIN - Set to just return Name in plain text. APPEND_FONT - Set to append the characters specifying a 'default' font: !3. That is, if this keyword is set, then the command Result=GREEK(theta,/APPEND_FONT) will return the string '!9q!3' for PostScript and '!4h!3' for vector fonts. OUTPUTS: Result - The string containing the specified greek character. EXAMPLE: Result=GREEK(theta) In this case, Result='!9q' if ! is 'PS' and !p.font is 0; otherwise, Result='!4h' MODIFICATION HISTORY: David L. Windt, Bell Labs, September 1998.
NAME: int_defined PURPOSE: see if a value is defined and is an integer CATEGORY: programming CALLING SEQUENCE: logical = INT_DEFINED( whatever ) INPUTS: whatever - any IDL variable in KEYWORD PARAMETERS none OUTPUTS: logical - 1 if an integer, 0 if not (or if not defined) EXAMPLE: COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 1999 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: ISARRAY PURPOSE: Tests if the argument is an array. CATEGORY: Programming CALLING SEQUENCE: flag = isarray(a) INPUTS: a = variable to test. in KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: flag = test result: 0 if not array, else non-zero. out COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: R. Sterner 20 Mar, 1986. Checked for undefined variables. RES 25 Aug, 1989. Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab. Copyright (C) 1986, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.
NAME: ISNUM VERSION: 3.0 PURPOSE: Checks whether the input is a number. CATEGORY: Programming. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = ISNUM(X) INPUTS: X Arbitrary, doesn't even have to exist. OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: /DOUBLE Switch. If set the result is 1 only if X is DOUBLE or DCOMPLEX. /COMPLEX Switch. If set the result is 1 only if X is COMPLEX or DCOMPLEX. TYPE Optional output. See below. OUTPUTS: Returns 1 if X is number, 0 otherwise. Output type is byte. OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: TYPE The name of the variable to receive the numeric code of the type of X. Included for convenience to save an additional call to TYPE. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: None. RESTRICTIONS: None. PROCEDURE: Straightforward. Using TYPE from MIDL. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 19-Jul-2009 added U types [Bill Davis] Created 15-JUN-1995 by Mati Meron. Modified 5-MAY-1996 by Mati Meron. Added keywords DOUBLE, COMPLEX and TYPE.
NAME: LEGEND PURPOSE: Create an annotation legend for a plot. CATEGORY: Programming, 2-D Plotting EXPLANATION: This procedure makes a legend for a plot. The legend can contain a mixture of symbols, linestyles, Hershey characters (vectorfont), and filled polygons (usersym). A test procedure,, shows legend's capabilities. Placement of the legend is controlled with keywords like /right, /top, and /center or by using a position keyword for exact placement (position=[x,y]) or via mouse (/position). CALLING SEQUENCE: LEGEND [,items][,keyword options] EXAMPLES: The call: legend,['Plus sign','Asterisk','Period'],psym=[1,2,3] produces: ----------------- | | | + Plus sign | | * Asterisk | | . Period | | | ----------------- Each symbol is drawn with a plots command, so they look OK. Other examples are given in optional output keywords. lines = indgen(6) ; for line styles items = 'linestyle '+strtrim(lines,2) ; annotations legend,items,linestyle=lines ; vertical legend---upper left items = ['Plus sign','Asterisk','Period'] sym = [1,2,3] legend,items,psym=sym ; ditto except using symbols legend,items,psym=sym,/horizontal ; horizontal format legend,items,psym=sym,box=0 ; sans border legend,items,psym=sym,delimiter='=' ; embed '=' betw psym & text legend,items,psym=sym,margin=2 ; 2-character margin legend,items,psym=sym,position=[x,y] ; upper left in data coords legend,items,psym=sym,pos=[x,y],/norm ; upper left in normal coords legend,items,psym=sym,pos=[x,y],/device ; upper left in device coords legend,items,psym=sym,/position ; interactive position legend,items,psym=sym,/right ; at upper right legend,items,psym=sym,/bottom ; at lower left legend,items,psym=sym,/center ; approximately near center legend,items,psym=sym,number=2 ; plot two symbols, not one legend,items,/fill,psym=[8,8,8],colors=[10,20,30]; 3 filled squares INPUTS: items = text for the items in the legend, a string array. For example, items = ['diamond','asterisk','square']. You can omit items if you don't want any text labels. OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: linestyle = array of linestyle numbers If linestyle[i] < 0, then omit ith symbol or line to allow a multi-line entry. psym = array of plot symbol numbers. If psym[i] is negative, then a line connects pts for ith item. If psym[i] = 8, then the procedure usersym is called with vertices define in the keyword usersym. If psym[i] = 88, then use the previously defined user symbol vectorfont = vector-drawn characters for the sym/line column, e.g., ['!9B!3','!9C!3','!9D!3'] produces an open square, a checkmark, and a partial derivative, which might have accompanying items ['BOX','CHECK','PARTIAL DERIVATIVE']. There is no check that !p.font is set properly, e.g., -1 for X and 0 for PostScript. This can produce an error, e.g., use !20 with PostScript and !p.font=0, but allows use of Hershey *AND* PostScript fonts together. N. B.: Choose any of linestyle, psym, and/or vectorfont. If none is present, only the text is output. If more than one is present, all need the same number of elements, and normal plot behaviour occurs. By default, if psym is positive, you get one point so there is no connecting line. If vectorfont[i] = '', then plots is called to make a symbol or a line, but if vectorfont[i] is a non-null string, then xyouts is called. /help = flag to print header /horizontal = flag to make the legend horizontal /vertical = flag to make the legend vertical (D=vertical) box = flag to include/omit box around the legend (D=include) clear = flag to clear the box area before drawing the legend delimiter = embedded character(s) between symbol and text (D=none) colors = array of colors for plot symbols/lines (D=!P.color) textcolors = array of colors for text (D=!P.color) margin = margin around text measured in characters and lines spacing = line spacing (D=bit more than character height) pspacing = psym spacing (D=3 characters) charsize = just like !p.charsize for plot labels charthick = just like !p.charthick for plot labels thick = array of line thickness numbers, if used, then linestyle must also be specified box_color=color for the box position = data coordinates of the /top (D) /left (D) of the legend normal = use normal coordinates for position, not data device = use device coordinates for position, not data number = number of plot symbols to plot or length of line (D=1) usersym = 2-D array of vertices, cf. usersym in IDL manual. (D=square) /fill = flag to fill the usersym /left = flag to place legend snug against left side of plot window (D) /right = flag to place legend snug against right side of plot window If /right,pos=[x,y], then x is position of RHS and text runs right-to-left. /top = flag to place legend snug against top of plot window (D) /bottom = flag to place legend snug against bottom of plot window /top,pos=[x,y] and /bottom,pos=[x,y] produce same positions. If LINESTYLE, PSYM, VECTORFONT, THICK, COLORS, or TEXTCOLORS are supplied as scalars, then the scalar value is set for every line or symbol in the legend. Outputs: legend to current plot device OPTIONAL OUTPUT KEYWORDS: corners = 4-element array, like !p.position, of the normalized coords for the box (even if box=0): [llx,lly,urx,ury]. Useful for multi-column or multi-line legends, for example, to make a 2-column legend, you might do the following: c1_items = ['diamond','asterisk','square'] c1_psym = [4,2,6] c2_items = ['solid','dashed','dotted'] c2_line = [0,2,1] legend,c1_items,psym=c1_psym,corners=c1,box=0 legend,c2_items,line=c2_line,corners=c2,box=0,pos=[c1(2),c1(3)] c = [c1(0)c2(2),c1(3)>c2(3)] plots,[c(0),c(0),c(2),c(2),c(0)],[c(1),c(3),c(3),c(1),c(1)],/norm Useful also to place the legend. Here's an automatic way to place the legend in the lower right corner. The difficulty is that the legend's width is unknown until it is plotted. In this example, the legend is plotted twice: the first time in the upper left, the second time in the lower right. legend,['1','22','333','4444'],linestyle=indgen(4),corners=corners ; BOGUS LEGEND---FIRST TIME TO REPORT CORNERS xydims = [corners(2)-corners(0),corners(3)-corners(1)] ; SAVE WIDTH AND HEIGHT chdim=[!d.x_ch_size/float(!d.x_size),!d.y_ch_size/float(!d.y_size)] ; DIMENSIONS OF ONE CHARACTER IN NORMALIZED COORDS pos = [!x.window(1)-chdim(0)-xydims(0) $ ,!y.window(0)+chdim(1)+xydims(1)] ; CALCULATE POSITION FOR LOWER RIGHT plot,findgen(10) ; SIMPLE PLOT; YOU DO WHATEVER YOU WANT HERE. legend,['1','22','333','4444'],linestyle=indgen(4),pos=pos ; REDO THE LEGEND IN LOWER RIGHT CORNER You can modify the pos calculation to place the legend where you want. For example to place it in the upper right: pos = [!x.window(1)-chdim(0)-xydims(0),!y.window(1)-xydims(1)] Common blocks: none Procedure: If keyword help is set, call doc_library to print header. See notes in the code. Much of the code deals with placement of the legend. The main problem with placement is not being able to sense the length of a string before it is output. Some crude approximations are used for centering. Restrictions: Here are some things that aren't implemented. - An orientation keyword would allow lines at angles in the legend. - An array of usersyms would be nice---simple change. - An order option to interchange symbols and text might be nice. - Somebody might like double boxes, e.g., with box = 2. - Another feature might be a continuous bar with ticks and text. - There are no guards to avoid writing outside the plot area. - There is no provision for multi-line text, e.g., '1st line!c2nd line' Sensing !c would be easy, but !c isn't implemented for PostScript. A better way might be to simply output the 2nd line as another item but without any accompanying symbol or linestyle. A flag to omit the symbol and linestyle is linestyle[i] = -1. - There is no ability to make a title line containing any of titles for the legend, for the symbols, or for the text. Side Effects: Modification history: 10-Aug-07 add debug keyword. Don't die if more lines than labels. [BD] 01-Mar-99 squeeze legend closer to top [Bill Davis] write, 24-25 Aug 92, F K Knight ( allow omission of items or omission of both psym and linestyle, add corners keyword to facilitate multi-column legends, improve place- ment of symbols and text, add guards for unequal size, 26 Aug 92, FKK add linestyle[i]=-1 to suppress a single symbol/line, 27 Aug 92, FKK add keyword vectorfont to allow characters in the sym/line column, 28 Aug 92, FKK add /top, /bottom, /left, /right keywords for automatic placement at the four corners of the plot window. The /right keyword forces right-to-left printing of menu. 18 Jun 93, FKK change default position to data coords and add normal, data, and device keywords, 17 Jan 94, FKK add /center keyword for positioning, but it is not precise because text string lengths cannot be known in advance, 17 Jan 94, FKK add interactive positioning with /position keyword, 17 Jan 94, FKK allow a legend with just text, no plotting symbols. This helps in simply describing a plot or writing assumptions done, 4 Feb 94, FKK added thick, symsize, and clear keyword Feb 96, W. Landsman HSTX David Seed, HR Wallingford, allow scalar specification of keywords, Mar 96, W. Landsman HSTX added charthick keyword, June 96, W. Landsman HSTX DM, allow choosing of color for box
NAME: maxstruct PURPOSE: find the maximum of a structure (ignores structures within the input structure) CATEGORY: Programming, Math EXAMPLE: IDL> structure = { a: 2.3, b:10, c:[2.1,22.3], d:'Hi Mom' } IDL> print, maxstruct(structure) 22.3000 IDL> structure2 = { a: 2.3, b:10, c:[2.1,99], d:'Hi Mom' } IDL> structure = [structure, structure2] IDL> print, maxstruct(structure) 99.0000 IDL> inStruc = {a:77., b:88., c:101.} IDL> structure = { a: 2.3, b:10, c:[2.1,22.3], d:'Hi Mom', e:inStruc } IDL> print, totstruct(structure) 101.000 NOTES: will not consider values in sub-structures MODIFICATIONS 25-Mar-2008 handles arrays of structures, and go into nested structures [BD] 01-Dec-2006 Ignore non-numeric structure elements [BD]
NAME: minmax PURPOSE: print the min and the max of an array CATEGORY: programming CALLING SEQUENCE: minmax, a INPUTS: a- an array in KEYWORD PARAMETERS OUTPUTS: none (just printing to IDL session) EXAMPLE: COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 1998 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: Msg_Bell PURPOSE: Print a message to the IDL session and ring a bell CATEGORY: Programming. Terminal Outpout CALLING SEQUENCE: Msg_Bell, msg, nrings INPUTS: msg - string to print to the IDL session nrings - (OPTIONAL) # of times to ring KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: EXAMPLE: COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 1997 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: NEARESTI_ARRAY PURPOSE: Return indices of big input array closest to the values in the little input array. CATEGORY: Programming, Search, Arrays CALLING SEQUENCE: i=NEARESTI_ARRAY(bigArray,littleArray) INPUTS: bigArray - an array of numbers to look in littleArray - an array to look for matches in bigArray OUTPUTS: ret_indices - the indices of bigarray closest to values of littleArray COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 09-Oct-2009 make loop index a LONG 17-Jul-97 WMD Written
NAME: NEARESTI PURPOSE: Return index of input array closest to the value of "pt" CATEGORY: Programming, Search CALLING SEQUENCE: i=NEARESTI(array,pt) INPUTS: array - an array of numbers pt - a number OUTPUTS: iclosest - the index of the array value closet to "pt" COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: limited by precision. e.g., IDL> print, nearesti([2,3], 2.5000001) 0 MODIFICATION HISTORY: 16-Jul-02 WMD Handle really big "pt" 03-Dec-99 WMD make input a scalar, if necessary 17-Jul-97 WMD more like Harris Library version - faster 29-Mar-88 WMD Written
NAME: PRONAME PURPOSE: This function retrieves the name of the currently active procedure. CATEGORY: Programming INPUTS: none OUTPUT: The output is a string containing the name of the procedure KEYWORD: pr0; set kw to genetae a prompt corresponding to proname. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 16-Aug-2010 fixed a case where name was 3rd word 10-Apr-2007 Added prompt 'pr0' keyword [BPL] 20-Aug-07 add checks for array length (when window too narrow, array elements are not right) Written by B.P. LeBlanc following a hint by Bill Davis, 01-DEC-2006
NAME: PTR_FREE_RECURSIVELY PURPOSE: This routine when passed a pointer will free up any memory associated with that pointer. This includes structures, which could contain pointers, or other structures which could in turn contain more pointers. It also destroys objects it comes across. It can also cope with null pointers that are found on its travels. CATEGORY: programming CALLING SEQUENCE: Ptr_Free_Recursively, AValidPointer INPUTS: InitialPointer: The pointer whose 'heap memory hierachy' will be freed. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None. OUTPUTS: None. COMMON BLOCKS: None, of course. SIDE EFFECTS: Well as far as I can see, there are none. But please try and find them so I can improve the program. RESTRICTIONS: The program will destroy any objects it meets but if the cleanup methods for those objects are not tight then there will be leakage. There are no restrictions on the number of levels of referencing - the routine is totally general. Also you must have my modified version of coyotelist (DWF). EXAMPLE: First you have to have a valid pointer and while obviously your hierachy doesn't have to be as complictated as this, the example shows just what it can do. ThisPointer = Ptr_New( [Ptr_New(), $ Ptr_New({h:'hello', point0:ptr_new(ptr_new(ptr_new($ {string:'hello', point1:ptr_new(),point2:ptr_new('hello')}))), $ point3:ptr_new(), b:'bye'}), $ Ptr_New('Hello'), $ Ptr_New({Object:Obj_New('Coyotelist'), Point4:Ptr_New(), $ Point5:[ptr_new('hello'),ptr_new('bye')]}) $ ]) Ptr_Free_Recursively, ThisPointer ............and all your memory will be gone. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Phil Aldis March 3rd, 1999: Fixed the last few bugs and attempted to make the comments a bit clearer. PJA AUTHOR: Philip Aldis 14 Milton Road, Bentley Heath, B93 8AA. Phone: 0044 1564 773437
NAME: rem_elem PURPOSE: return subscripts of input array remaining after elements in a second array are removed CATEGORY: Programming INPUT PARAMETERS: inarray - array to search/remove from remarray - array of elements to search/remove from inarray OUTPUT PARAMETERS: count - number of elements (subscripts) returned CALLING SEQUENCE: ss = rem_elem(inarray,remarray) ; subscripts remaining or -1 HISTORY: slf, 20-jan-1993 slf, 7-feb-1993 - documentation carification and variable name change
NAME: sameType PURPOSE: make two variables the same numerical type CATEGORY: Programming CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> sametype, x, y INPUTS: inputs - numerical scalars or arrays (not for structures or strings) OUTPUTS: inputs are re-typed, as needed MODIFICATION HISTORY: 30-Jan-2007 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: SIZE_STRUCT PURPOSE: Obtain the size in bytes of an IDL structure definition. CATEGORY: Programming CALLING SEQUENCE: bytes = size_struct( structure ) examples: print, size_struct( "fdq_sdf" ) INPUTS: structure = a structure variable or a string giving the structure name as known by IDL (help,/struct,variable). /PRINT = to print all sub structure sizes. inputs/outputs used recursively: struct = the structure VARIABLE currently analyzed. Max_Field_Size = size of the largest field found in structure. RESULT: Function returns the total size in bytes of a structure element. EXPLANATION: For most applications this function is superceded by use of the /LENGTH keyword to the intrinsic N_TAGS function introduced in IDL V2.3.0 PROCEDURE: Strategy is to call size_struct recursively if structure contains sub-structures. Otherwise just add up the field sizes. MODIFICATION HISTORY: written 1990 Frank Varosi STX @ NASA/GSFC (using align_struct). Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997
NAME: totstruct PURPOSE: find the total of numerical values in a structure (handles structures within the input structure) CATEGORY: Programming, Math EXAMPLE: IDL> structure = { a: 2.3, b:10, c:[2.1,22.3], d:'Hi Mom'} IDL> print, totstruct(structure) 36.7 IDL> structure2 = { a: 2.3, b:10, c:[2.1,99], d:'Hi Mom' } IDL> structure = [structure, structure2] IDL> print, totstruct(structure) 99.0000 IDL> inStruc = {a:77., b:88., c:101.} IDL> structure = { a: 2.3, b:10, c:[2.1,22.3], d:'Hi Mom', e:inStruc } IDL> print, totstruct(structure) 302.700 NOTES: will not consider values in sub-structures MODIFICATIONS 25-Mar-2008 handles arrays of structures, and go into nested structures [BD] 01-Dec-2006 Ignore non-numeric structure elements [BD]
NAME: TYPE VERSION: 3.0 PURPOSE: Finds the type class of a variable. CATEGORY: Programming. CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = TYPE(X) INPUTS: X Arbitrary, doesn't even need to be defined. OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None. OUTPUTS: Returns the type of X as a long integer, in the (0,9) range. OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: None. RESTRICTIONS: None. PROCEDURE: Extracts information from the SIZE function. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Created 15-JUL-1991 by Mati Meron.
Category: Smoothing
[List of Routines]
NAME: AMEDIAN PURPOSE: Works the same as MEDIAN, but the effect tapers off at the edges. CATEGORY: Smoothing, Math CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = AMEDIAN( ARRAY, WIDTH ) INPUT PARAMETERS: ARRAY = One or two-dimensional array to be median filtered. WIDTH = Width of the median filter box. OPTIONAL KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: None. RESTRICTIONS: ARRAY must be one or two-dimensional. PROCEDURE: A larger array is constructed with the border filled with the reflected edges of the original array. Then MEDIAN is applied to this larger array, and the area corresponding to the original array is returned as the result of the function. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 26-Oct-2010 added edge keyword 15-Jul-2008 for True Color images (dimensioned [3,xsize,ysize]), smooth over each color. 12-Jun-01 Made work for 1 dimension of 2 being small. [BD] 21-Feb-01 Just return array if width < or = 1. [BD] WRITTEN by William Thompson, February 1993.
NAME: medsmoothedge PURPOSE: Median smoothing of an array, including handling edges. CATEGORY: Smoothing CALLING SEQUENCE: SMarray - medsmoothedge( ARRAY, WINDOW_WIDTH ) INPUTS: ARRAY - The array to be smoothed WINDOW_WIDTH - The full width of the window over which the median is determined for each point. OUTPUT: SMarray - smoothed array SUBROUTINES CALLED: MEDIAN, to find the median, and smoothedge PROCEDURE: Each point is replaced by the median of the nearest WINDOW of points. the rows aroung the edge, which are not smoothed by MEDIAN, are replaced by those from calling (so are not median-smoothed) REVISION HISTORY: 28-Aug-2012 Written by Bill Davis.
NAME: MEDSMOOTH PURPOSE: Median smoothing of a vector, including point near it's ends. CATEGORY: Smoothing, Math CALLING SEQUENCE: SMOOTHED = MEDSMOOTH( VECTOR, WINDOW_WIDTH ) INPUTS: VECTOR = The vector to be smoothed WINDOW = The full width of the window over which the median is determined for each point. OUTPUT: Function returns the smoothed vector SUBROUTINES CALLED: MEDIAN, to find the median PROCEDURE: Each point is replaced by the median of the nearest WINDOW of points. The width of the window shrinks towards the ends of the vector, so that only the first and last points are not filtered. These points are replaced by forecasting from smoothed interior points. REVISION HISTORY: Written, H. Freudenreich, STX, 12/89 H.Freudenreich, 8/90: took care of end-points by shrinking window.
NAME: poly_smooth PURPOSE: Reduce noise in 1-D data (e.g. time-series, spectrum) but retain dynamic range of variations in the data by applying a least squares smoothing polynomial filter, also called the Savitzky-Golay smoothing filter. The low-pass filter coefficients are computed by effectively least-squares fitting a polynomial in moving window, centered on each data point, so the new value will be the zero-th coefficient of the polynomial. Approximate first derivates of the data can be computed by using first degree coefficient of each polynomial, and so on. The filter coefficients for a specified polynomial degree and window width are computed independent of any data, and stored in a common block. The filter is then convolved with the data array to result in smoothed data with reduced noise, but retaining higher order variations (better than averaging). CATEGORY: Smoothing, Math CALLING SEQUENCE: spectrum = poly_smooth( data, width, DEGREE=4 ) INPUTS: data = 1-D array, such as a spectrum or time-series. width = total number of data points to use in filter convolution, (default = 5, using 2 past and 2 future data points), must be larger than DEGREE of polynomials, and a guideline is make WIDTH between 1 and 2 times the FWHM of desired features. KEYWORDS: DEGREE = degree of polynomials to use in designing the filter via least squares fits, (default DEGREE = 2), and the higher degrees will preserve sharper features. NLEFT = # of past data points to use in filter convolution, excluding current point, overrides width parameter, so that width = NLEFT + NRIGHT + 1. (default = NRIGHT) NRIGHT = # of future data points to use (default = NLEFT). DERIV_ORDER = order of derivative desired (default = 0, no derivative). COEFFICIENTS = optional output of the filter coefficients applied, but they are all stored in common block for reuse, anyway. RESULTS: Function returns the data convolved with polynomial filter coefs. COMMON BLOCKS: common poly_smooth, degc, nlc, nrc, coefs, ordermax PROCEDURE: As described in Numerical Recipies, sec.14.8, Savitsky-Golay filter. Matrix of normal eqs. is formed by starting with small terms and then adding progressively larger terms (powers). The filter coefficients of up to derivative ordermax are stored in common, until the specifications change, then recompute coefficients. Coefficients are stored in convolution order, zero lag in the middle. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written, Frank Varosi NASA/GSFC 1993.
NAME: quickdespike PURPOSE: Quick way (execution-wise) to remove single-element spikes. CATEGORY: Smoothing CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> smoothedData = despike( data ) INPUTS: input = 1-D or 2-D data array. KEYWORDS spike - value that is considered a spike (or higher) DEFAULT= 3 times the difference between the average and the minimum. downward - if = 0, will not check for downward spikes lowest - for downward pointing spikes, fraction of points to check for ones "percent" below this value (DEFAULT=0.333) percent - (see above) DEFAULT = 1% replacement - value to replace spikes with EXAMPLE: IDL> mdsopen, 'usxr', 130000 IDL> y=mdsvalue('\USXR_HUP_00:RAW') IDL> d=quickdespike( y, spike=20 ) IDL> plot,y IDL> oplot,d,color=mk_color('red') To test: IDL> s = quickdespike( /plot ) To test not needing despiking: IDL> d = replicate(20,100)+randomu(seed,100)*5 IDL> s= quickdespike( d, /plot ) NOTE: if keyword "spike" not present, will use a value 3 times as large as the difference between the average and the minimum. Since this is not so good if there are no spikes, the maximum of the data set must be 4 times this, otherwise, just use 0.9*2^16. spikes way below the average will just be flipped around before removing ones above. The identification of ones below are not as good. Test your data !!! MODIFICATION HISTORY: 27-Oct-2010 added REPLACEMENT keyword 15-Mar-2010 cleaned up 30-Sep-2009 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: resample PURPOSE: Resample a vector with triangular smoothing. CATEGORY: Smoothing CALLING SEQUENCE: smallerVector = resample( VECTOR, nth ) INPUTS: VECTOR = The vector to be smoothed nth = The full width of the window over which the median is determined for each point (if even, use window+1). OUTPUT: Function returns every nth point of the smoothed input vector KEYWORDS: Indices - Optionally returned. Indices of resulting vector Guass - if set, will do psuedo-gaussian weighting, rather than triagular SUBROUTINES CALLED: PROCEDURE: Each point is replaced by triangular weighting of the nearest WINDOW of points. The width of the window shrinks towards the ends of the vector. LIMITATION: This type of looping is inherently slow in IDL. Should make a FORTRAN routine based on BDAVIS$:[IDL.MDS.FOR]BCSMOOTH.FOR or interpwf.for & use a CALL_EXTERNAL REVISION HISTORY: Written, Bill Davis. 23-Mar-00
NAME: SMOOTH2 PURPOSE: Do multiple smoothing. Gives near Gaussian smoothing. CATEGORY: Smoothing CALLING SEQUENCE: b = smooth2(a, w) INPUTS: a = array to smooth (1,2, or 3-d). in w = smoothing window size. in KEYWORD PARAMETERS: EDGE_TRUNCATE - as in SMOOTH OUTPUTS: b = smoothed array. out COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: R. Sterner. 8 Jan, 1987. Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. RES 14 Jan, 1987 --- made both 2-d and 1-d. RES 30 Aug, 1989 --- converted to SUN. R. Sterner, 1994 Feb 22 --- cleaned up some. 25-Apr-00 Added EDGE_TRUNCATE keyword. [BD] 06-Jul-2009 for RGB images, smooth component separately [BD] limit smoothing width to dimension of data Copyright (C) 1987, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.
NAME: smoothedge PURPOSE: smooth a 2-D array using /edge_truncate, but then smooth the remaining rows and columns within width/2 of the edge even more. CATEGORY: Smoothing CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> smarray = smoothedge( array, nsmooth ) INPUTS: array - a 2-D array. (If 2-D array, will just call smooth) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Inputs: any keywords will be passed directly to IDL smooth routine nsmooth - a number passed to smooth routine OUTPUTS: smarray - smoothed array EXAMPLE: array = dist(100,100)+randomu(seed,100,100)*20 !p.multi=[0,2,0] thcont, array thcont, smoothedge(array, 11) NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 28-Aug-2012 smooth corners, as well 04-May-2009 WRITTEN by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: smoothtruecolor PURPOSE: smooth a true color array 1 component at a time. CATEGORY: Smoothing CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> smarray = smoothTrueColor( array, nsmooth ) INPUTS: array - a 3xNXxNY array. (If 2-D array, will just call smooth) nsmooth - a number passed to smooth routine KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Inputs: any keywords will be passed directly to IDL smooth routine OUTPUTS: smarray - smoothed array EXAMPLE: array = dist(100,100)+randomu(seed,100,100)*20 array = [[array], [array], [array]] array = reform( array, 3, 100, 100 ) !p.multi=[0, 2,0] thcont, array thcont, smoothtruecolor(array, 11) NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 09-Nov-2011 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: trismooth PURPOSE: Triangular smoothing of a vector, including points near the ends. CATEGORY: Smoothing CALLING SEQUENCE: SMOOTHED = trismooth( VECTOR, WINDOW_WIDTH ) INPUTS: VECTOR = The vector to be smoothed WINDOW_WIDTH = The full width of the window over which the weighted average is determined for each point (if even, use window+1). KEYWORDS: GAUSS - if set, weighting is gaussian, rather than triangular OUTPUT: Function returns the smoothed vector SUBROUTINES CALLED: PROCEDURE: Each point is replaced by triangular weighting of the nearest WINDOW of points. The width of the window shrinks towards the ends of the vector. REVISION HISTORY: Written, Bill Davis. 23-Mar-00, per Michael Bell
Category: Strings
[List of Routines]
NAME: BreakString PURPOSE: Break a string up and return a string array CATEGORY: Strings CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> str_array = BreakString(longString) INPUTS: longString = a string of words KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Optional Keywords: MAXLENGTH - Maximum length of array elements of output (else=72) DELIMITER - delimiter, else ' ' (see WORDARRAY for multispace delmiters') COMPRESS - if set, squeeze out extra imbedded blanks OUTPUTS: str_array = returned array of strings out COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> line = '\ENGINEERING::OPERATIONS.PC_OH_BR_1_CUR_1' IDL> newLines = BreakString( line, MAXLENGTH=25, DELIM=':' ) NOTES: Can be used as a replacement for obsolete str_sep routine MODIFICATION HISTORY: 31-Jan-02 bug fix and speed improvement 1-Apr-99 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: breaktext PURPOSE: break up (justify) text so lines not longer than a certain length. CATEGORY: strings CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> newText = breakText( text ) INPUTS: text - string array or scalar KEYWORD PARAMETERS: maxLength - number of characters per line (DEFAULT=72) delim - what to break lines with (default is a line feed) OUTPUTS: string array returned EXAMPLE: text = ['This is the first line this is the second', ' ', $ '123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 '] wrapped = breaktext( text, delim=' ', maxlength=25 ) text = strconcat(replicate('blah ', 200) wrapped = breaktext( text, delim=' ', maxlength=73 ) NOTE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 14-Aug-2008 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: charSize2Fit PURPOSE: compute charsize for a string to fit in horizontal # of pixels CATEGORY: strings CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> charsize= charsize2fit( charstr, pixels) INPUTS: charstr - character string to plot pixels - # of horizontal pixels character string must fit into KEYWORD PARAMETERS: nchars - overrides charstr size OUTPUTS: charsize - character size that can be used in call to xyouts EXAMPLE: IDL> pixels = 100 IDL> window,/fr, xsize=pixels, ysize=100 IDL> charstr='Hi to all you folks out there' IDL> xyouts, 0,.5, charStr, charsize=charsize2fit( charstr, pixels ) 25-Jul-2012 added nchars keyword WRITTEN 06-Jul-2012 by Bill Davis
NAME: delfromlist PURPOSE: delete ith element from a list CATEGORY: Strings, Lists CALLING SEQUENCE: newList = delfromlist( list, idel ) INPUTS: list - string array in idel - integer (starting at 0) of line not wanted in idel may also be an array of indices. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: newList: string array without ith line EXAMPLE: IDL> list=['a','b','c','d'] IDL> print,delfromlist(list,1) a c d COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 11-Feb-2014 "list" now a reserved word, so use square brackets 09-Dec-02 Works when deletion index is an array Written 03-Mar-99 by Bill Davis
NAME: findAllChar PURPOSE: Find all appearances of a character in a scalar string CATEGORY: Strings CALLING SEQUENCE: positions = findAllChar( ST, CHAR ) INPUTS: ST - scalar String CHAR- Character to find KEYWORDS Optional: nFound - # of occurences of CHAR EXAMPLE: IDL> a = "I call that 'fun'" IDL> print, findAllChar(a, "'") 12 16 REVISIONS HISTORY Written Bill Davis, July, 2007
NAME: GETTOK PURPOSE: Function to retrieve the first part of the string until the character char is encountered. CATEGORY: Strings CALLING SEQUENCE: token = gettok( st, char ) INPUT: char - character separating tokens, scalar string INPUT-OUTPUT: st - (scalar) string to get token from (on output token is removed) OUTPUT: token - scalar string value is returned EXAMPLE: If ST is 'abc=999' then gettok(ST,'=') would return 'abc' and ST would be left as '999' HISTORY version 1 by D. Lindler APR,86 Remove leading blanks W. Landsman (from JKF) Aug. 1991 Add TABCHAR keyword, so token = gettok( st, '@', TABCHAR='@') will just treat tabs as delimiters.
NAME: GETWRD PURPOSE: Return the n'th word from a text string. CATEGORY: Strings CALLING SEQUENCE: wrd = getwrd(txt, n, [m]) INPUTS: txt = text string to extract from. in n = word number to get (first = 0 = def). in m = optional last word number to get. in KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Keywords: LOCATION = l. Return word n string location. DELIMITER = d. Set word delimiter (def = space & tab). /LAST means n is offset from last word. So n=0 gives last word, n=-1 gives next to last, ... If n=-2 and m=0 then last 3 words are returned. /NOTRIM suppresses whitespace trimming on ends. NWORDS=n. Returns number of words in string. OUTPUTS: wrd = returned word or words. out COMMON BLOCKS: getwrd_com NOTES: Note: If a NULL string is given (txt="") then the last string given is used. This saves finding the words again. If m > n wrd will be a string of words from word n to word m. If no m is given wrd will be a single word. n<0 returns text starting at word abs(n) to string end If n is out of range then a null string is returned. See also nwrds. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Ray Sterner, 6 Jan, 1985. R. Sterner, Fall 1989 --- converted to SUN. R. Sterner, Jan 1990 --- added delimiter. R. Sterner, 18 Mar, 1990 --- added /LAST. R. Sterner, 31 Jan, 1991 --- added /NOTRIM. R. Sterner, 20 May, 1991 --- Added common and NULL string. R. Sterner, 13 Dec, 1992 --- Made tabs equivalent to spaces. R. Sterner, 4 Jan, 1993 --- Added NWORDS keyword. Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. Copyright (C) 1985, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.
NAME: labelfit PURPOSE: determine character size to make a label fit in a space CATEGORY: Strings CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> newCharSize= labelfit( label, width=width ) INPUTS: width - pixels to fit label into charsize - starting charactersize (max) Default=3 minsize - minimum character size allowed pad - # of blank characters to allow around string (default=2) RETURNED: shortLabel - if charsize needs to be less than minsize to fit everything, make a short label that fits EXAMPLES: IDL> print, labelfit('Hi mom', width=40, charsize=20 ) 5.80002 IDL> label = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' IDL> print, labelfit(label, width=400 ) 1.65000 IDL> print, labelfit(label, width=400, minsize=2, shortLabel=shortLabel ) 2.00000 IDL> help,shortlabel SHORTLABEL STRING = '...jklmnopqrstuvwxyz' MODIFICATION HISTORY: 15-Sep-2011 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: lastchar PURPOSE: return last character of a string CATEGORY: Strings CALLING SEQUENCE: lastchar = lastchar( str ) INPUTS: str - scalar String KEYWORDS EXAMPLE: IDL> dir ='/u/bdavis IDL> if lastchar(dir) ne getdelim() then dir=dir+getdelim() REVISIONS HISTORY Written by Bill Davis, 11-Oct-2007
NAME: nonAlphaNum PURPOSE: find position of first character which are not alphanumeric (0-9, a-z, A-Z & _) if none found, returns strlen(input) CATEGORY: Strings, Character Search CALLING SEQUENCE: pos = nonAlphaNum( mdsSigName ) MODIFICATION HISTORY: 2001 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: nonNumber PURPOSE: find position of first character which is not a number (0-9). if none found, returns -1. CATEGORY: Strings, Character Search CALLING SEQUENCE: pos = nonNumber( mdsSigName ) EAMPLE: IDL> a='user/core.3889' IDL> print,nonnumber(a,/reverse) 9 IDL> print,strmid(a,0,nonnumber(a,/reverse)+1) user/core. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 01-Nov-2004 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: numberPos PURPOSE: find position of first character which is a number if none found, returns strlen(input) CATEGORY: Strings, Character Search CALLING SEQUENCE: pos = numberPos( mdsSigName ) MODIFICATION HISTORY: 15-Jul-2008 Written by Bill Davis
NAME: NWORDS PURPOSE: Return the number of words in the given text string or string array. CATEGORY: Strings CALLING SEQUENCE: n = nwords(txt) INPUTS: txt = text string to examine. in KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Keywords: DELIMITER = d. Set delimiter character (def = space). OUTPUTS: n = number of words found. out COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: Notes: See also getwrd. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 20-Feb-2006 if string is a Delete Character, don't count as a word. (Sometimes returned from database apps.) 20-Apr-2004 if a non-character, return number of array elements 09-Jun-2000 do not count blank or null elements in an array Bill Daivs, Sep. '97, made to handle string arrays R. Sterner, 7 Feb, 1985. Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. RES 4 Sep, 1989 --- converted to SUN. Copyright (C) 1985, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.
NAME: padstrings PURPOSE: pad column widths so each text field takes up same amount of space. Remove any tabs. CATEGORY: Strings CALLING SEQUENCE: newStrArray = padstrings( strArrar, minWidth=minWidth ) INPUTS: strArrar - Array of strings KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Inputs: minWidth - minimum width of string, default to max in strArray right - if set, will pad with blanks on right, rather than on left OUTPUTS: outArray - string array with smaller elements padded with blanks EXAMPLE IDL> in=['bbkbbk', 'dd', 'eeeeebbbbbb','dldl'] IDL> out = strArray( in ) IDL> for k=0,3 do help, out[k]STRING = ' bbkbbk' STRING = ' dd' STRING = 'eeeeebbbbbb' STRING = ' dldl' MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 26-Mar-2010 by Bill Davis
NAME: REMCHAR PURPOSE: Remove all appearances of character (char) from string (st) CATEGORY: Strings CALLING SEQUENCE: REMCHAR, ST, CHAR INPUTS: ST - String from which character will be removed. CHAR- Character to be removed from string. EXAMPLE: If a = 'a,b,c,d,e,f,g' then IDL> remchar,a, ',' will give a = 'abcdefg' REVISIONS HISTORY Written D. Lindler October 1986 Test if empty string needs to be returned W. Landsman Feb 1991
NAME: REPCHR PURPOSE: Replace all occurrences of one character with another in a text string. CATEGORY: Strings CALLING SEQUENCE: new = repchr(old, c1, [c2]) INPUTS: old = original text string. in c1 = character to replace. in c2 = character to replace it with. in default is space. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: new = edited string. out COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: R. Sterner. 28 Oct, 1986. Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab. RES 1 Sep, 1989 --- converted to SUN. R. Sterner, 27 Jan, 1993 --- dropped reference to array. Copyright (C) 1986, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.
NAME: REPSTR PURPOSE: Replace all occurences of one substring by another. CATEGORY: Strings EXPLANATION: Meant to emulate the string substitution capabilities of text editors CALLING SEQUENCE: result = repstr( obj, in, out ) INPUT PARAMETERS: obj = object string for editing, scalar or array in = substring of 'obj' to be replaced, scalar OPTIONAL INPUT PARMETER: out = what 'in' is replaced with, scalar. If not supplied then out = '', i.e. 'in' is not replaced by anything. KEYWORDS: INSENSITIVE - if set, then replace string regardless of case ("in" will go in without any case changes) OUTPUT PARAMETERS: Result returned as function value. Input object string not changed unless assignment done in calling program. PROCEDURE: Searches for 'in', splits 'obj' into 3 pieces, reassembles with 'out' in place of 'in'. Repeats until all cases done. EXAMPLE: If a = 'I am what I am' then print,repstr(a,'am','was') will give 'I was what I was'. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 18-Nov-2008 added keyword INSENSITIVE 14-Sep-04 made to work! Bill Davis Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 Accept vector object strings, W. Landsman HSTX, April, 1996 Written by Robert S. Hill, ST Systems Corp., 12 April 1989.
NAME: sqlfixspecialchars PURPOSE: Encapsulate special characters so they can work in SQL text insertions The special characters are '%', '^', '$', '*', '@', '#', '(', '!', ')', '?' CATEGORY: Strings CALLING SEQUENCE: new = sqlfixspecialchars(old) INPUTS: old = original text string. in c2 = character to replace it with. in default is space. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: replace - if set, replace any special characters with an underscore numerical - if set, replace numerical signs '-', '+', '*', and '/' OUTPUTS: new = edited string. out EXAMPLE: IDL> in_string = 'high $ jog $ !' IDL> print,fixspecialchars(in_string) high '$$' jog '$$' '!!' COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: uses MODIFICATION HISTORY: 22-May-2015 BD replace numerical operators with characters. 06-Mar-2007 written by Bill Davis
NAME: StrArraySame PURPOSE: Returns TRUE if two strings, or string arrays, are identical, else FALSE CATEGORY: Strings CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = StrArraySame( STRING1, STRING1 ) INPUTS: STRING1 & STRING1 Character strings. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: IGNORECASE - if set then ignore case in comparison OUTPUTS: Returns 1 if the words in two strings, or string arrays are identical, else 0. e.g. 'ece1 ece2' is considered equal to ['ece1','ece2'] OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: None. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: None. RESTRICTIONS: None. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Created 19-Sep-97 by Bill Davis
NAME: strconcat PURPOSE: Concatenate a string array into single string, or a matrix of strings into a string array. CATEGORY: Strings CALLING: string = strconcat( string_array ) INPUTS: string_array = array of strings or numbers, if numbers they will be converted to strings before concatenating. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Optional: delim - string to insert between parts of array (default to null) OUTPUT: Function returns a single string. HISTORY: 16-Nov-2004 add delim keyword Written: Frank Varosi NASA/GSFC 1994.
NAME: STREP PURPOSE: Edit a string by position. Precede, Follow, Replace, Delete. CATEGORY: Strings CALLING SEQUENCE: newstring = strep(string,cmd,p,ss,[iflg]) INPUTS: string = string to edit. in cmd = edit command: in 'P' = precede position p with substring ss. 'F' = follow position p with substring ss. 'R' = replace text starting at position p with text from substring ss. 'D' = delete N characters starting at position p. The calling sequence for this command is slightly different: IFLG = STREP(string,'D',p,n,[iflg]) Where n = number of characters to delete. p = character position to use. in 0 = first char. Any number larger than the string length = last char. ss = substring to use. For 'D' command in n is used instead of ss. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: iflg = 0 for a successful edit, out iflg = -1 for an error and no change to string. newstring = edited string. out COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by R. Sterner, 27 Dec, 1984. Converted to SUN 13 Aug, 1989 --- R. Sterner. Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. Copyright (C) 1984, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.
NAME: STRESS PURPOSE: String edit by sub-string. Precede, Follow, Delete, Replace. CATEGORY: Strings CALLING SEQUENCE: new = stress(old,cmd,n,oldss,newss,ned) INPUTS: old = string to edit. in cmd = edit command: in 'P' = precede. 'F' = follow. 'D' = delete. 'R' = replace. n = occurrence number to process (0 = all). in oldss = reference substring. in oldss may have any of the following forms: 1. s a single substring. 2. s... start at substring s, end at end of string. 3. ...e from start of string to substring e. 4. s...e from subs s to subs e. 5. ... entire string. newss = substring to add. Not needed for 'D' in KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: ned = number of occurrences actually changed. out new = resulting string after editing. out COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: Notes: oldss and newss may be arrays. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by R. Sterner, 6 Jan, 1985. Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. RES --- 23 May, 1988 fixed a bug in SSTYP = 2. Converted to SUN 13 Aug, 1989 --- R. Sterner. (FOR loop change). --- 8 Dec, 1992 added recursion so that OLDSS and NEWSS may be arrays T.J.Harris, University of Adelaide. Copyright (C) 1985, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.
NAME: strmatch PURPOSE: check for string match to a wild card specification CATEGORY: Strings USAGE: result=strmatch(str,spec) INPUT: str string spec wild card specification OUTPUT: 1 if STR matches SPEC 0 if STR does not match SPEC LIMITATIONS: Currently the only wild card character is asterisk, "*" which matches 1 or more arbitrary characters. EXAMPLE: print,strmatch('string','st*ng') ; => 1 print,strmatch('string','*st*ng') ; => 0 print,strmatch('string','*t*ng') ; => 1 print,strmatch('string','st*ng*') ; => 0 print,strmatch('string','st*n*') ; => 1 AUTHOR: Paul Ricchiazzi jan94 Institute for Computational Earth System Science University of California, Santa Barbara
NAME: STRNUMBER PURPOSE: Function to determine if a string is a valid numeric value. CATEGORY: Strings CALLING SEQUENCE: result = strnumber(st,val) INPUTS: st - string OUTPUTS: 1 is returned as the function value if the string st has a valid numeric value, otherwise, 0 is returned. OPTIONAL OUTPUT: val - (optional) value of the string. real*8 WARNING: Note that (as of Version 2.0.10) a blank string (e.g. " ") is not a valid numeric value, although an empty string ("") is. HISTORY: version 1 By D. Lindler Aug. 1987
NAME: STRPARSE VERSION: 3.0 PURPOSE: Parses the string LINE using the characters in DELIM as delimiters. Puts individual pieces into consecutive locations in LIST. CATEGORY: Strings CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = STRPARSE( LINE, DELIM [, LIST]) INPUTS: LINE Character string. DELIM Character string. Each Character of DELIM is used as a delimiter. OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: None. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: None. OUTPUTS: Returns the number of pieces found minus one i.e. the index of the last element of LIST if LIST is provided. If LINE is a null string or not a string, the function returns -1l. OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: LIST Character array. If name is provided, the pieces of LINE resulting from the parsing process are returned in consecutive locations in LIST. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: None. RESTRICTIONS: None. PROCEDURE: Straightforward. Using the function TYPE from MIDL. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 11-Feb-2014 "list" now a reserved word, so use square brackets Created 15-JUL-1991 by Mati Meron.
NAME: strwhere PURPOSE: a "where" operator for strings matching a set of string wild cards CATEGORY: Strings, Searching USAGE: result = strwhere( starr, wildcard ) result = strwhere( starr, wildcard, nfound ) INPUT: starr an array of strings wildcard wild card specifier composed of regular and special characters. The special characters are asterisk '*' and vertical bar '|'. The asterisk matches any number of characters the vertical bar indicates an "or" operation between different wild card specifications. KEYWORD INPUT: orchar character used to indicate "or" wildcard operation. (default = '|') notequal - if set, return indices where values are NOTEQUAL ignoreCase - if set, will ignore case OUTPUT: result an index array such that starr(result) = those elements of STARR that match the wild card specification in WILDCARD EXAMPLE: f=findfile(/home/paul/arm/arese/bsrn/sgpbsrnC1.a1.*.cdf) clrdays='*1018*|*1022*|*1030*' print,f(strwhere(f,clrdays)) AUTHOR: Paul Ricchiazzi 14 Jan 97 Institute for Computational Earth System Science University of California, Santa Barbara REVISIONS: 20-Dec-04 added notEqual and ignoreCase keywords 22-Apr-03 if no matches, see if need to strip quotes from wildcard 03-Jan-03 Replace sep_str with breakstring [Bill Davis] 21-Jan-00 Make work for no matches. Add nfound. [Bill Davis]
NAME: textlines PURPOSE: Form lines of text for outputing (say, in a table form). If formats are not input, then guess about good formatting for variables of different types. CATEGORY: STRINGS, Output CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> lines = textlines( arg01, arg02, arg03, arg04, ... ) INPUTS: inputs = up to 40 scalars or arrays (of same length) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Optional Inputs: formats - array of formats for each column tabs - if =0 then will put a space between each column, rather than a tab debug - if set, debug output will be printed Optional Output: getFormat OUTPUTS: lines - string array of formatted output EXAMPLE: arg01 = [1,2,3] & arg02=['a','b','c'] arg03 = [0.1,0.2,0.3] & arg04 =arg01 lines = textlines( arg01, arg02, arg03, arg04, /debug ) MODIFICATION HISTORY: 20-Dec-2007 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: where_arr PURPOSE: Return the subscripts where a given set of values equal the values in the input array. It is basically an expansion of IDL where in which the condition to match can be an array. CATEGORY: Strings, Searching CALLING SEQUENCE: ss = where_arr(full_arr, sub_arr) ss = where_arr(a, b) ss = where_arr(a, b, count) ss = where_arr(a, b, count, /notequal) - invert sense ss = where_arr(a, b, count, /map_ss) INPUT: full_arr- The complete array which is to be searched sub_arr - The subset array of the values to search "full_arr" of KEYWORD PARAMETERS: notequal - if set, return indices where values are NOTEQUAL map_ss - If set, then return the index in the "sub_arr" where first occurance of the element exists in the "full_arr" The length of the output is the same as "full_arr" OUTPUT: returns the subscripts where "sub_arr" occurrs in "full_arr". If there are no matches, return a -1. OPTIONAL OUTPUT: count - The number of matches HISTORY: Written 30-Apr-91 by M.Morrison 1-Jul-94 (SLF) - add NOTEQUAL keyword 14-Nov-97 (MDM) - Added /MAP_SS keyword 09-Mar-98 (JSN) - change loop from integer to long
NAME: WORDARRAY PURPOSE: Convert text string or string array to a 1-d array of words. CATEGORY: Strings CALLING SEQUENCE: wordarray, instring, outlist INPUTS: instring = string or string array to process. in KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Keywords: IGNORE=string of characters to ignore (array allowed). These characters are removed before processing. Ex: wordarray,in,out,ignore=',;()' wordarray,in,out,ignore=[',',';','(',')'] DELIMITERS = word delimiter characters, like IGNORE. /WHITE means include white space (spaces,tabs) along with the specified delimiters. OUTPUTS: outlist = 1-d array of words in instring. out COMMON BLOCKS: NOTES: Words are assumed delimited by given delimiters (defaults are spaces and/or tabs) Non-delimiters are returned as part of the words. Delimiters not needed at the front and end of the strings. See commalist for a near inverse. MODIFICATION HISTORY: R. Sterner, 29 Nov, 1989 BLG --- Modified June 22,1991 to include tabs as delimiters R. Sterner, 11 Dec, 1992 --- fixed to handle pure white space. R. Sterner, 27 Jan, 1993 --- dropped reference to array. R. Sterner, 1998 Apr 1 --- Added DELIMITER. Modified IGNORE. Copyright (C) 1989, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.
Category: Utility
[List of Routines]
NAME: arrayMask PURPOSE: Return an array mask where values are 1 if within the drawn polygon and 0 if outside. CATEGORY: Utility CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> mask=arrayMask( fullx, fully, x, y ) INPUTS: fullx - full X array of data fully - full y array of data x - x coordinates of polygon to enclose y - y coordinates of polygon to enclose OUTPUTS: mask - array dimensioned same as fullX and fullY containing 1's and 0's. EXAMPLE: IDL> fullx = findgen(65) IDL> fully = findgen(65) IDL> x = [10,10,20,20] IDL> y = [10,30,30,10] IDL> mask=arrayMask( fullx, fully, x, y ) WRITTEN 03-Dec-2009 by Bill Davis
NAME: convangle PURPOSE: convert angle from one scheme to another. For example, some routines have 0 horizontally to the left, with angles increasing in a clockwise direction. and others have zero to the right, with angles increasing in a counter-clockwise direction. CATEGORY: Utility CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> angle_out = convangle(angle_in) INPUTS: angle_in - input angle KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Inputs: degIn - if set, assume input angle is in degrees (DEFAULT) degOut - if set, assume output angle is in degrees (if not set, same as degIn) radIn - if set, assume input angle is in radians radOut - if set, assume output angle is in radians zeroLeft - if set, zero degrees is horizontally to the left zeroRight - if set, zero degrees is horizontally to the right minDeg - minimum # of degrees to return, if angle < this, add 180 degrees maxDeg - maximum # of degrees to return , if angle > this, subtract 180 degrees verbose - if set, will print many informational messages debug - if set, debug output will be printed OUTPUTS: angle_out - converted angle, based on keywords. EXAMPLES: IDL> print, convangle( !PI/2, /radIn, /degOut ) 90.0000 IDL> print, convangle( 45, /degIn, /InZeroLeft, /OutZeroRight ) 135 IDL> print, convangle( !PI/4, /radIn, /InZeroLeft, /OutZeroRight, /degOut ) 135.000 IDL> print, convangle( 110, /degIn, /InZeroLeft, /OutZeroRight ) 70 IDL> print, convangle( 30, /degIn, /InZeroRight, /OutZeroLeft ) 150 IDL> print, convangle( 30*!PI/180, /radIn, /InZeroRight, /OutZeroLeft, /degOut ) 150.000 IDL> print, convangle( 30*!PI/180, /radIn, /InZeroRight, /OutZeroLeft )*180/!PI 150.000 IDL> print, convangle( 20, /degIn, /InZeroLeft, /OutZeroright, maxDeg=135 ) -20 IDL> print, convangle( 120, /degIn, /InZeroLeft, /OutZeroright, maxDeg=135 ) 60 IDL> print, convangle( 230, /degIn, /InZeroLeft, /OutZeroright, minDeg=-45 ) 130 NOTES/LIMITATIONS: if zero degrees is to the left, assume positive angles in Clockwise dir if zero degrees is to the right, assume positive angles in Counter-Clockwise dir MODIFICATION HISTORY: 06-Feb-2013 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: domainName PURPOSE: Return TCP/IP domain name from Unix systems CATEGORY: Utility, OS-specific CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> thisDomain = domainName() INPUTS: None KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: thisDomain = e.g., pppl or (depends on system setup) COMMON BLOCKS: NONE NOTES: This can take from 0.3-0.5 seconds the first time it is called. If called from VMS, will print a warning (once) and return some.vms.system as the domain name. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 26-Sep-2007 Not working for Linux, so added code 16-Apr-99 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: drawnstxinsides PURPOSE: Provide a drawnstxinsides for IDL routines to be used by others CATEGORY: Utility CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> drawnstxinsides, shot=shot INPUTS: none required KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Inputs: shot - if set, insides will be drawn for the corresponding shot range OUTPUTS: none EXAMPLE: IDL> window, /free, xsize=300, ysize=600 IDL> cs=mk_color(/load, table=13) IDL> tree = 'EFIT01' IDL> shot = 121048 IDL> mdsopen, tree, shot IDL> zt = mdsvalue('\'+tree+'::z') IDL> rt = mdsvalue('\'+tree+'::r') IDL> r = rt(*,0) & z = zt(*,0) IDL> right_aspect, r, z, POSITION=position IDL> plot, r, z, POSITION=position, /nodata IDL> drawnstxinsides, shot=shot EASIER: window,/fr cs=mk_color(/load, table=13) r=[0,2.15] z=[-2.2,2.2] right_aspect, r, z, POSITION=position plot, r, z, POSITION=position, /nodata drawnstxinsides TO ZOOM IN ON LLD, FOR EXAMPLE: drawnstxinsides, r=[0.3,1.1], z=[-2.0,-1.2] drawnstxinsides, r=[0.4,1.0], z=[-1.8,-1.4],ystyle=1,xstyle=1 TO SEE NSTX-U geometry: IDL> drawnstxinsides, shot=930050 MODIFICATION HISTORY -------------------- 05-Jan-2015 BD added nstxu keyword to force NSTX-U geometry 05-Jan-2015 BD added shot, so can draw NSTX-U tiles (if shot > 144500) Devon Battaglia modified code in plot_tiles_nstxu 18-Dec-2014 BD to support NSTX-U, have another file for coil structure 26-May-2010 BD added keywords Z and Radius to allow clipping plot 12-May-2010 BD added keyword antenna (default=1) to plot RF antenna 23-Mar-2010 BD don't load colors or make window if Z buffer, so works with Web Tools. 15-Mar-2010 BD changed name so as not to conflict with original 01-Mar-2010 Add LLD; draw plot window if !d.window = -1 17-Dec-2009 Add beam keyword (used in Beam armor? Written by Bill Davis
NAME: ERROR_MESSAGE PURPOSE: The purpose of this function is to have a device-independent error messaging function. The error message is reported to the user by using DIALOG_MESSAGE if widgets are supported and MESSAGE otherwise. In general, the ERROR_MESSAGE function is not called directly. Rather, it is used in a CATCH error handler. Errors are thrown to ERROR_MESSAGE with the MESSAGE command. A typical CATCH error handler is shown below. Catch, theError IF theError NE 0 THEN BEGIN Catch, /Cancel ok = Error_Message() RETURN ENDIF Error messages would get into the ERROR_MESSAGE function by throwing an error with the MESSAGE command, like this: IF test NE 1 THEN Message, 'The test failed.' AUTHOR: FANNING SOFTWARE CONSULTING David Fanning, Ph.D. 1645 Sheely Drive Fort Collins, CO 80526 USA Phone: 970-221-0438 E-mail: Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming: CATEGORY: Utility. CALLING SEQUENCE: ok = Error_Message(the_Error_Message) INPUTS: the_Error_Message: This is a string argument containing the error message you want reported. If undefined, this variable is set to the string in the !Error_State.Msg system variable. KEYWORDS: ERROR: Set this keyword to cause Dialog_Message to use the ERROR reporting dialog. Note that a bug in IDL causes the ERROR dialog to be used whether this keyword is set to 0 or 1! INFORMATIONAL: Set this keyword to cause Dialog_Message to use the INFORMATION dialog instead of the WARNING dialog. Note that a bug in IDL causes the ERROR dialog to be used if this keyword is set to 0! TITLE: Set this keyword to the title of the DIALOG_MESSAGE window. By default the keyword is set to 'System Error' unless !ERROR_STATE.NAME equals "IDL_M_USER_ERR", in which case it is set to "Trapped Error'. TRACEBACK: Setting this keyword results in an error traceback being printed to standard output with the PRINT command. Set to 1 (ON) by default. Use TRACEBACK=0 to turn this functionality off. OUTPUTS: Currently the only output from the function is the string "OK". RESTRICTIONS: The WARNING Dialog_Message dialog is used by default. EXAMPLE: To handle an undefined variable error: IF N_Elements(variable) EQ 0 THEN $ ok = Error_Message('Variable is undefined') MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: David W. Fanning, 27 April 1999. Added the calling routine's name in the message and NoName keyword. 31 Jan 2000. DWF. Added _Extra keyword. 10 February 2000. DWF. Forgot to add _Extra everywhere. Fixed for MAIN errors. 8 AUG 2000. DWF. Adding call routine's name to Traceback Report. 8 AUG 2000. DWF. Added ERROR, INFORMATIONAL, and TITLE keywords. 19 SEP 2002. DWF. Removed the requirement that you use the NONAME keyword with the MESSAGE command when generating user-trapped errors. 19 SEP 2002. DWF. Added distinctions between trapped errors (errors generated with the MESSAGE command) and IDL system errors. Note that if you call ERROR_MESSAGE directly, then the state of the !ERROR_STATE.NAME variable is set to the *last* error generated. It is better to access ERROR_MESSAGE indirectly in a Catch error handler from the MESSAGE command. 19 SEP 2002. DWF. Change on 19 SEP 2002 to eliminate NONAME requirement did not apply to object methods. Fixed program to also handle messages from object methods. 30 JULY 2003. DWF. Removed obsolete STR_SEP and replaced with STRSPLIT. 27 Oct 2004. DWF. Made a traceback the default case without setting TRACEBACK keyword. 19 Nov 2004. DWF. Added check for window connection specifically for CRON jobs. 6 May 2008. DWF.
NAME: findDisks PURPOSE: return a list of disks shown in the df command on Linux CATEGORY: Utility CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> opt = findDisks(dfcmd=dfcmd, nskip=nskip, Ignore=Ignore) INPUTS: none required KEYWORD PARAMETERS: dfcmd - command to list disks. Default = 'df' nskip - number of lines to skip in df output, Default = 2 Ignore - disks to ignore. Default to '' debug - if set, debug output will be printed OUTPUTS: opt = string array of disks EXAMPLE: IDL> print, findDisks( ignore=['/', '/dev/shm'] ) NOTES: Only tested on Linux MODIFICATION HISTORY: 19-Juln-2008 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
Name: FIND_FONT Purpose: Select a Unix hardware font for IDL graphics. Category: Utility, Fonts Usage: myfont = FIND_FONT( /courier, size=24 ) WIDGET_CONTROL, default_font=myfont Input: None required. Optional Keywords: /HELVETICA Select a Helvetica font (default) /TIMES Select a Times font /PALATINO Select a Palatino font /COURIER Select a Courier font /BOLD Select a bold font (default is no bold) /ITALIC Select and italic font (default is no italics) SIZE If set to a named variable, sets the font size (default=12) NAME If set to a named variable, returns the font name selected Revised: 04-Oct-02 Return a font, so can set in a widget program [BD] 17-OCT-1997 Liam Gumley, CIMSS/SSEC Created Example: myfont = FIND_FONT( /courier, size=24 ) WIDGET_CONTROL, default_font=myfont
NAME: monitorjob PURPOSE: Monitor an IDL job, and restart it if not present CATEGORY: Utility CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> monitorjob, delay=delay, job=job INPUTS: none required (will be prompted for job name, if not a keyword) KEYWORD PARAMETERS: delay - delay in seconds between checks (default to 60) job - name of IDL batchfile for spawning job to monitor. For the job file, just include the call to the procedure e.g., /u/bdavis/cvs/idl_cvs/ OUTPUTS: NONE EXAMPLE: (from the directory with IDL> monitorjob, job='batchmdsw' MODIFICATION HISTORY: 09-Jun-2006 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: nodename PURPOSE: Return nodename on Linux computer CATEGORY: Utility, OS-specific CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> node = nodename(parts=parts, domain=domain) INPUTS: none KEYWORD PARAMETERS: parts - parts of name between periods domain - everything after first '.' OUTPUTS: nodename, e.g. COMMON BLOCKS: nodename_local EXAMPLE: IDL> opt = nodename( /HLP ) LIMITATIONS: Just tested on Redhat Linux NOTES: since spawn operation is slow, save node name in common for subsequent calls. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 26-Sep-2007 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: nodesearch PURPOSE: Search MDS Plus Trees for a node CATEGORY: Utility CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> result=nodesearch(searchnode, path=path]) INPUTS: searchnode and optional variable to return an array of full paths containing node name KEYWORD PARAMETERS: fullpath OUTPUTS: status of function COMMON BLOCKS: none EXAMPLE: IDL> result=nodesearch('xray', fullpath=path) NOTES: tree must be open before nodesearch can be called will return 0 if node is found and -1 if it is not found in the current tree MODIFICATION HISTORY: 01-Dec-00 Added capability for wildcards in search string 7-Feb-00 Written by Dana Mastrovito, PPPL
NAME: pingplot PURPOSE: plot ping times to various computers (from sunfire13, probably). CATEGORY: Utility CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> pingplot, ymax=100 INPUTS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: (optional inputs) infile - file produced by running from a cron job. defaults to pingload_yyyymmdd.txt (e.g., pingload_20080218.txt) dir - directory to find file (defaults to /u/bdavis/cvs/idl_cvs) the following 3 all limit the y-axis: yrange - 2-element array ymax - scalar limit - scalar (same as ymax) daysAgo - how many days ago to get data to plot host - for label of title (defaults to sunfire13) verbose - if set, will print many informational messages debug - if set, debug output will be printed, and will stop before exiting OUTPUTS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> pingplot, ymax=10 IDL> date2ymd,systime(),y,m,d, dateString=longDateString IDL> filename = 'ping'+longDateString+'.jpg' IDL> mk_jpeg, filename=filename IDL> spawn, 'lpr -Pb143-x8550dt '+ filename MODIFICATION HISTORY: WRITTEN 08-Feb-2008 by Bill Davis
NAME: print_path PURPOSE: prints component directories of an IDL path string. CATEGORY: Utility, Programming CALLING SEQUENCE: print_path, PATHS [ /NoCurrent] INPUTS: PATHS = A string containing one or more directory paths. The individual paths are separated by commas, although in UNIX, colons can also be used. In other words, PATHS has the same format as !PATH, except that commas can be used as a separator regardless of operating system. IF not present, uses !PATH A leading $ can be used in any path to signal that what follows is an environmental variable, but the $ is not necessary. (In VMS the $ can either be part of the path, or can signal logical names for compatibility with Unix.) Environmental variables can themselves contain multiple paths. OUTPUT: The result of the function is a string array of directories. Unless the NOCURRENT keyword is set, the first element of the array is always the null string, representing the current directory. All the other directories will end in the correct separator character for the current operating system. OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORD: /NOCURRENT = If set, then the current directory (represented by the null string) will not automatically be prepended to the output. PROCEDURE CALLS: Functions: BREAK_PATH() REVISION HISTORY:
NAME: pwd PURPOSE: print the current working directory CATEGORY: Utility, Programming OUTPUT: cwd directory name string. if present in argument list directory string is not printed to terminal. AUTHOR: Paul Ricchiazzi jan93 Institute for Computational Earth System Science University of California, Santa Barbara
Name: SELECT_FONT Purpose: Select a Unix hardware font for IDL graphics. Category: Utility, Fonts Usage: SELECT_FONT Input: None required. Optional Keywords: /HELVETICA Select a Helvetica font (default) /TIMES Select a Times font /PALATINO Select a Palatino font /COURIER Select a Courier font /BOLD Select a bold font (default is no bold) /ITALIC Select and italic font (default is no italics) SIZE If set to a named variable, sets the font size (default=12) NAME If set to a named variable, returns the font name selected Revised: 17-OCT-1997 Liam Gumley, CIMSS/SSEC Created Notes: (1) This procedure currently only works on Unix IDL platforms. (2) The NAME value returned by SELECT_FONT can be used to set the default widget font by the command Example: !P.MULTI=[0,1,2,0,0] PLOT,INDGEN(10) SELECT_FONT,/BOLD PLOT,INDGEN(10) NOTE: this version is only for Unix at the moment
NAME: TEMPLATE PURPOSE: Provide a template for IDL routines to be used by others CATEGORY: Utility CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> opt = template(shot) INPUTS: shot = NSTX shot number KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Inputs: HLP - When set, help information is printed. tree - MDSplus tree sig - MDSplus signal to look for in current shot xsize - horizontal size of X window ysize - vertical size of X window xpos - initial X position of lower left of X window in pixels ypos - initial Y position of lower left of X window in pixels charsize - size of characters on plot verbose - if set, will print many informational messages debug - if set, debug output will be printed Outputs: status - if odd, then success OUTPUTS: opt = returned value out COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> opt = TEMPLATE( /HLP ) NOTES: When the routine is called with no parameters, or with the keyword hlp set, help information is printed. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 20-Oct-2015 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: badpar PURPOSE: (one line) Validate an input parameter against valid entries. DESCRIPTION: This is a general parameter checking function for validating input quantities in other procedures and functions. This routine will generate an error message indicating what is wrong with the item. Example of use: pro foo,array if badpar(array,[4,5],2,CALLER='foo') then return . . code for foo . . end This would cause an immediate return to the routine that called foo with an error message if the input was not either floating or double and 2 dimensional. As of IDL v3.0, these are the recognized type codes (see 1-218 in reference guide). Type Code Data Type ---- ----------------------------- 0 Undefined 1 Byte 2 Integer 3 Longword integer 4 Floating point 5 Double-precision floating 6 Complex floating 7 String 8 Structure CATEGORY: Utility CALLING SEQUENCE: val = badpar(param,goodtype,goodrank) INPUTS: param - IDL variable to validate. goodtype - Scalar or vector of type codes that are valid. goodrank - Scalar or vector of valid ranks. OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: CALLER - String identifying the calling routine. DEFAULT - Value to return in param if undefined and undefined allowed. DIMEN - Dimensions of variable. NPTS - Total number of elements in variable. RANK - Rank of variable. TYPE - Type of variable. OUTPUTS: Return value is true if the parameter is bad. False if good. COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: using the font keywords makes resizing very slow and inaccurate RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 03-Feb-03 Added FIT, FILE, and WID keywords. Made font work [BD] 3/24/93 - Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory. 4/27/93 - MWB, added TYPE and DEFAULT keywords.
NAME: webdisplay PURPOSE: Display web pages from IDL for Help, or other purposes. CATEGORY: Utility CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> webdisplay, url INPUTS: url = URL to display. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: OUTPUTS: NONE COMMON BLOCKS: NONE MODIFICATION HISTORY: 06-Jan-03 At PPPL, will find "hidden" netscape on Linux 16-Apr-99 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: WHICH PURPOSE: Like Unix which, prints the path of an IDL routine. CATEGORY: Utility CALLING SEQUENCE: Which, Name INPUTS: Name: The string containing the name of the procedure. If no '.' in name, ".pro" is appended. Under Unix, Name may be "*" to get information on first routine to satisfy match. KEYWORDS: PRINT: If set, this keyword sends the output of WHICH to the default printer. Under Unix, if PRINT is a string, it is interpreted as a shell command used for output with the documentation from WHICH providing standard input (i.e. PRINT="cat > junk"). OUTPUT: returns full path of file found; will return null string if none found QUIET: If set, no printing to IDL session is done UNIX KEYWORDS: DIRECTORY: The directory to search. If omitted, the current directory and !PATH are used. MULTI: If set, this flag allows printing of more than one file if the requested module exists in more than one directory in the path and the current directory. VMS KEYWORDS: FILE: If this keyword is set, the output is left in the file "userlib.doc", in the current directory. PATH: An optional directory/library search path. This keyword uses the same format and semantics as !PATH. If omitted, !PATH is used. OUTPUTS: Documentation is sent to the standard output unless /PRINT is specified. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: Output is produced on terminal or printer. RESTRICTIONS: The DIRECTORY and MULTI keywords are ignored under VMS. The FILE and PATH keywords are ignored under Unix. EXAMPLE: To obtain documentation for the User's Library function DIST, enter: Which, 'DIST', output=fullpathname For a graphical interface to WHICH, see the procedure XDL. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 13-Apr-99 Allow findind files on VMS if not in libraries [BD] Converted from IDL DOC_LIBRARY by Bill Davis, March, 1999 optionally return path in keyword OUTPUT. Added QUIET keyword. allow extentions other than .pro allow uppercase finds. Written, DMS, Sept, 1982. Added library param, Jul 1987. Unix version, DMS, Feb, 1988. New VMS version, DMS, Dec. 1989 Wrapper procedure to call the correct version under Unix and VMS, AB, Jan 1990 Added support for DOS, SNG, Dec, 1990 Added support for Macintosh, DJE, Nov, 1994
NAME: writeLog PURPOSE: Provide a writeLog for IDL routines to be used by others CATEGORY: Utility CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> writeLog, logfile, msg, logWindowID=logWindowID INPUTS: logfile - logfile for output (DEFAULT='logfile.txt') msg - string to put in log KEYWORD PARAMETERS: time - if set then add time stamp to the output message nLines - lines for each message (def=1, meaning no blank lines) verbose - if set, will echo message to screen with print command OUTPUTS: none COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> writeLog, 'mylogfile.txt', 'All is well', /time, /verbose NOTES: used in some auto-restart programs for nstxops MODIFICATION HISTORY: 20-Mar-2007 print blank lines when /verbose. Write every line of msg on separate line 14-Aug-2006 just return if log file not writable 07-Dec-2005 added nLines keyword Oct-2005 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
Category: Widgets
[List of Routines]
NAME: CW_FIELD_BD PURPOSE: This widget cluster function manages a data entry field widget. The field consists of a label and a text widget. CW_FIELD's can be string fields, integer fields or floating-point fields. The default is an editable string field. CATEGORY: Widgets CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = CW_FIELD_BD(Parent) INPUTS: Parent: The widget ID of the widget to be the field's parent. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: TITLE: A string containing the text to be used as the label for the field. The default is "Input Field:". VALUE: The initial value in the text widget. This value is automatically converted to the type set by the STRING, INTEGER, and FLOATING keywords described below. UVALUE: A user value to assign to the field cluster. This value can be of any type. UNAME: A user supplied string name to be stored in the widget's user name field. FRAME: The width, in pixels, of a frame to be drawn around the entire field cluster. The default is no frame. RETURN_EVENTS: Set this keyword to make cluster return an event when ais pressed in a text field. The default is not to return events. Note that the value of the text field is always returned when the WIDGET_CONTROL, field, GET_VALUE=X command is used. ALL_EVENTS: Like RETURN_EVENTS but return an event whenever the contents of a text field have changed. COLUMN: Set this keyword to center the label above the text field. The default is to position the label to the left of the text field. ROW: Set this keyword to position the label to the left of the text field. This is the default. XSIZE: An explicit horizontal size (in characters) for the text input area. The default is to let the window manager size the widget. Using the XSIZE keyword is not recommended. YSIZE: An explicit vertical size (in lines) for the text input area. The default is 1. STRING: Set this keyword to have the field accept only string values. Numbers entered in the field are converted to their string equivalents. This is the default. FLOATING: Set this keyword to have the field accept only floating-point values. Any number or string entered is converted to its floating-point equivalent. INTEGER: Set this keyword to have the field accept only integer values. Any number or string entered is converted to its integer equivalent (using FIX). For example, if 12.5 is entered in this type of field, it is converted to 12. LONG: Set this keyword to have the field accept only long integer values. Any number or string entered is converted to its long integer equivalent (using LONG). FONT: A string containing the name of the X Windows font to use for the TITLE of the field. FIELDFONT: A string containing the name of the X Windows font to use for the TEXT part of the field. NOEDIT: Normally, the value in the text field can be edited. Set this keyword to make the field non-editable. OUTPUTS: This function returns the widget ID of the newly-created cluster. COMMON BLOCKS: None. PROCEDURE: Create the widgets, set up the appropriate event handlers, and return the widget ID of the newly-created cluster. EXAMPLE: The code below creates a main base with a field cluster attached to it. The cluster accepts string input, has the title "Name:", and has a frame around it: base = WIDGET_BASE() field = CW_FIELD(base, TITLE="Name:", /FRAME) WIDGET_CONTROL, base, /REALIZE MODIFICATION HISTORY: 01-Jun-2006 added double keyword [BD] 11-Mar-2004 Added ALIGN_CENTER & ALIGN_RIGHT [BD] July 2001 CT, RSI, Fix bug in previous mod. If user passes in a numeric VALUE but forgets to set the /FLOAT, we still need to convert to a string before passing onto WIDGET_TEXT. March 2001: CT, RSI, Pass keywords directly into WIDGET_BASE, without assigning default values, since the defaults are handled by WIDGET_BASE. Avoids assigning defaults if user passes in undefined variables. Written by: Keith R. Crosley June 1992 KRC, January 1993 -- Added support for LONG integers. AB, 7 April 1993, Removed state caching. JWG, August 1993, Completely rewritten to make use of improved TEXT widget functionality ACY, 25 March, 1994, fix usage of FRAME keyword KDB, May 1994, Initial value =0 would result in a null text field. Fixed keyword check.
NAME: CW_FIELD PURPOSE: This widget cluster function manages a data entry field widget. The field consists of a label and a text widget. CW_FIELD's can be string fields, integer fields or floating-point fields. The default is an editable string field. CATEGORY: Widgets CALLING SEQUENCE: Result = CW_FIELD(Parent) INPUTS: Parent: The widget ID of the widget to be the field's parent. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: TITLE: A string containing the text to be used as the label for the field. The default is "Input Field:". VALUE: The initial value in the text widget. This value is automatically converted to the type set by the STRING, INTEGER, and FLOATING keywords described below. UVALUE: A user value to assign to the field cluster. This value can be of any type. UNAME: A user supplied string name to be stored in the widget's user name field. FRAME: The width, in pixels, of a frame to be drawn around the entire field cluster. The default is no frame. RETURN_EVENTS: Set this keyword to make cluster return an event when ais pressed in a text field. The default is not to return events. Note that the value of the text field is always returned when the WIDGET_CONTROL, field, GET_VALUE=X command is used. ALL_EVENTS: Like RETURN_EVENTS but return an event whenever the contents of a text field have changed. COLUMN: Set this keyword to center the label above the text field. The default is to position the label to the left of the text field. ROW: Set this keyword to position the label to the left of the text field. This is the default. XSIZE: An explicit horizontal size (in characters) for the text input area. The default is to let the window manager size the widget. Using the XSIZE keyword is not recommended. YSIZE: An explicit vertical size (in lines) for the text input area. The default is 1. STRING: Set this keyword to have the field accept only string values. Numbers entered in the field are converted to their string equivalents. This is the default. FLOATING: Set this keyword to have the field accept only floating-point values. Any number or string entered is converted to its floating-point equivalent. INTEGER: Set this keyword to have the field accept only integer values. Any number or string entered is converted to its integer equivalent (using FIX). For example, if 12.5 is entered in this type of field, it is converted to 12. LONG: Set this keyword to have the field accept only long integer values. Any number or string entered is converted to its long integer equivalent (using LONG). FONT: A string containing the name of the X Windows font to use for the TITLE of the field. FIELDFONT: A string containing the name of the X Windows font to use for the TEXT part of the field. NOEDIT: Normally, the value in the text field can be edited. Set this keyword to make the field non-editable. OUTPUTS: This function returns the widget ID of the newly-created cluster. COMMON BLOCKS: None. PROCEDURE: Create the widgets, set up the appropriate event handlers, and return the widget ID of the newly-created cluster. EXAMPLE: The code below creates a main base with a field cluster attached to it. The cluster accepts string input, has the title "Name:", and has a frame around it: base = WIDGET_BASE() field = CW_FIELD(base, TITLE="Name:", /FRAME) WIDGET_CONTROL, base, /REALIZE MODIFICATION HISTORY: 27-Nov-2013 trying to fix bug in CW_FIELD_SET 01-Jun-2006 added double keyword [BD] 11-Mar-2004 Added ALIGN_CENTER & ALIGN_RIGHT [BD] July 2001 CT, RSI, Fix bug in previous mod. If user passes in a numeric VALUE but forgets to set the /FLOAT, we still need to convert to a string before passing onto WIDGET_TEXT. March 2001: CT, RSI, Pass keywords directly into WIDGET_BASE, without assigning default values, since the defaults are handled by WIDGET_BASE. Avoids assigning defaults if user passes in undefined variables. Written by: Keith R. Crosley June 1992 KRC, January 1993 -- Added support for LONG integers. AB, 7 April 1993, Removed state caching. JWG, August 1993, Completely rewritten to make use of improved TEXT widget functionality ACY, 25 March, 1994, fix usage of FRAME keyword KDB, May 1994, Initial value =0 would result in a null text field. Fixed keyword check.
NAME: DIALOG_MENU PURPOSE: A modal (blocking) dialog widget to display a selectable menu. The dialog must be dismissed by selecting a menu item before execution of the calling program can continue. TYPE: FUNCTION CATEGORY: WIDGETS CALLING SEQUENCE: result = DIALOG_MENU (menu_items) INPUTS: menu_items: STRARR of menu items KEYWORD PARAMETERS: TITLE: The menu title. Use STRARR for multi-line titles. XSIZE, YSIZE: x, y size of the widget. XPOSITION, YPOSITION: The position of the upper left corner of the dialog, relative to the upper left corner of the screen. SCROLL: Adds a scroll bar X_SCROLL_SIZE: Size of x scroll region, if /SCROLL is set Y_SCROLL_SIZE: Size of y scroll region, if /SCROLL is set DIALOG_PARENT: Set this keyword to the widget ID of a widget over which the message dialog should be positioned. When displayed, the DIALOG_MENU dialog will be positioned over the specified widget. Dialogs are often related to a non-dialog widget tree. The ID of the widget in that tree to which the dialog is most closely related should be specified. If this keyword is not specified, the default placement of the menu is the center of the screen (window manager dependent). INDEX: Optionally return the index of the selected item instead of the item's text. The index of the first menu_item is zero. CANCEL: STRING label for the 'Cancel' button (default = 'Cancel') OUTPUTS: result: String of selected menu_item, or integer index if INDEX keyword is used, starting at index = 0 COMMON BLOCKS: NONE SIDE EFFECTS: Creates a modal widget. RESTRICTIONS: None known. DEPENDENCIES: NONE EXAMPLES: result = DIALOG_MENU (['Item 1', 'Item 2', 'Item3'], $ TITLE = 'Select an Item') MODIFICATION HISTORY: 22-Jul-2009 added Alt button [BD] 15-Jul-2009 added didCancel keyword 06-Jul-2009 added Cancel button [BD] v1.04: RSM, May 1998 Added XPOSITION, YPOSITION keywords. Removed the UL, LL, UR, LR keywords. Changed WIDTH keyword to XSIZE, and added YSIZE keyword. These bring the widget in line with common IDL widget size and position keywords. THESE CHANGES WILL BREAK OLD CODE THAT USED ANY OF THESE KEYWORDS! v1.03: RSM, Mar 1998 If not using /SCROLL, removed the sub-base for the menu buttons so that they span the full width of the top level base. v1.02: RSM, Mar 1998 Changed to return selected item's text, not index (index can now be returned with the INDEX keyword). v1.01: RSM, Mar 1998 Fixed error when used with a modal toplevel base. v1.0: Written,, November 1997.
NAME: pdsurface PURPOSE: This routine provides a graphical interface to the SURFACE and SHADE_SurfRangeACE commands. Different controls are provided to change the viewing angle and other plot parameters. The command used to generate the resulting surface plot is shown in a text window. CATEGORY: Widgets. CALLING SEQUENCE: pdsurface, Data INPUT PARAMETERS: Data: The two-dimensional array to display as a wire-mesh or shaded surface. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP: The widget ID of the widget that calls pdsurface. When this keyword is specified, the death of the caller results in the death of pdsurface. BLOCK: Set this keyword to have XMANAGER block when this application is registered. By default the Xmanager keyword NO_BLOCK is set to 1 to provide access to the command line if active command line processing is available. Note that setting BLOCK for this application will cause all widget applications to block, not only this application. For more information see the NO_BLOCK keyword to XMANAGER. SIDE EFFECTS: The XMANAGER is initiated if it is not already running. RESTRICTIONS: pdsurface does not accept any of the keywords that the IDL command SURFACE does. PROCEDURE: Create and register the widget with the XMANAGER and then exit. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 20-May-04 Better message when no analysis data, or times out-of-range 10-Feb-03 Made shaded surface the default [BD] 25-Feb-02 List shot date and time on plot [BD] 01-Feb-01 Added "Copy Plot to Tek Window" option 17-OCT-00 Added Max Power Density to plot option. 14-Sep-00 Added min & max R options & better shot buttons. [BD] 29-Aug-00 Made from RSI xsurface [BD] Created from a template written by: Steve Richards, January, 1991.
NAME: PickPlot PURPOSE: This function allows the user to interactively pick a plot file. It will be plotted in a separate window. Postscript files (with a "ps" extenstion will go to a gv window, and others will be plotted with xv. CATEGORY: Widgets. CALLING SEQUENCE: pickplot KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FILE: A string value for setting the initial value of the selection. Useful if there is a default file PsPlotFILE: Name of file to copy clicked-on files to. "gv --watch" will be looking for this file to change, so will effectively plot the file clicked. Defaults to '~/' PATH: The initial path to select files from. If this keyword is not set, the current directory is used. FILTER: A string value for filtering the files in the file list. This keyword is used to reduce the number of files to choose from. The user can modify the filter unless the FIX_FILTER keyword is set. Example filter values might be "*.ps" or "*.pdf". TITLE: A scalar string to be used for the window title. If it is not specified, the default title is "Select File" GROUP: The widget ID of the widget that calls PICKFILE. When this ID is specified, a death of the caller results in the death of the PICKFILE widget application. OUTPUTS: Copies selected file to ~/, which "gv --watch" is looking for to plot. COMMON BLOCKS: None. NOTES: This probably only works on Linux/Unix. You probably want the following line in your ~/.Xresources file: gv.watchFileFrequency: 501 this will make gv check for file changes ever 501 ms, rather than 1000 ms. SIDE EFFECTS: This function initiates the XMANAGER if it is not already running. RESTRICTIONS: PICKFILE does not recognize symbolic links to other files in UNIX. PickFile (probably) only works on Linux/Unix systems where gv is in the PATH. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written 28-Oct-2009 by Bill Davis, PPPL. Based on
NAME: strucedit PURPOSE: Widget to edit a structure of scalars from an IDL save file. The names of the input fields are the names of the structure elements. CATEGORY: Widgets, structures CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> strucedit INPUTS: input = whatever. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: Optional Keywords: inStrc - IDL structure of variables to edit labels - labels for input fields. If not specifie, name of variable will be used. savefile - name of IDL save file with initial structure not used if inStrc input specified, if neither user will be prompted for a file name. title - title of widget GROUP_LEADER - This widget is destroyed if it's GL is destroyed OUTPUTS: a new IDL save file is created LIMITATIONS: Will only work on a structure containing scalars. Does not ask any "are you sure" type of questions. COMMON BLOCKS: NONE EXAMPLE: IDL> strucedit, savefile='/u/bdavis/SpecFit/modespecstrc.sav' or IDL> strucedit, instrc={a:0, b:1.0, c:'label name'}, $ labels=['Value of A', 'Value of B'] NOTES: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 29-Apr-2005 Written by Bill Davis, PPPL
NAME: SURF_CONTOUR PURPOSE: The purpose of this program is to demonstrate how to create a shaded surface and coutour plot in the same object graphics window. The contour plot should be able to be translated independently of the surface. AUTHOR: FANNING SOFTWARE CONSULTING David Fanning, Ph.D. 2642 Bradbury Court Fort Collins, CO 80521 USA Phone: 970-221-0438 E-mail: Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming: CATEGORY: Widgets, IDL 5 Object Graphics. CALLING SEQUENCE: SURF_CONTOUR, data, x, y REQUIRED INPUTS: None. Fake data will be used if no data is supplied in call. OPTIONAL INPUTS data: A 2D array of surface data. x: A vector of X data values. y: A vector of Y data values. OPTIONAL KEYWORD PARAMETERS: _EXTRA: This keyword collects otherwise undefined keywords that are passed to the surface initialization routine. GROUP_LEADER: The group leader for this program. When the group leader is destroyed, this program will be destroyed. XTITLE: A string used as the X title of the plot. YTITLE: A string used as the Y title of the plot. ZTITLE: A string used as the Z title of the plot. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: None. RESTRICTIONS: None. EXAMPLE: To use this program with your data, type: IDL> Surf_Contour, data MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by David Fanning, 20 September 98.
NAME: usingXwindows PURPOSE: Prompt user for switching Plot device to X. CATEGORY: Widgets, X-windows CALLING SEQUENCE: IDL> OK = usingXwindows() COMMON BLOCKS: NONE USE: Called in case a user was using Tektronix graphics, or the Postscript device and forgot to SET_PLOT,'X' before using widgets, etc. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Aug-00 Written [BD]
NAME: viewtext PURPOSE: View a string, or string array, of text in a scrollable text widget. DESCRIPTION: CATEGORY: Widgets CALLING SEQUENCE: viewtext, text [, KEYWORDS] INPUTS: text : String (scalar, 1-D or 2-D array) of text to be displayed. OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: KEYWORD PARAMETERS: EXIT = Label for exit button. Default is 'Dismiss'. FONT = Font to use for the text. Default is '8x13'. GROUP = Group Leader. TITLE = Title of widget. XSIZE = Width of text. Default is 80 characters. YSIZE = Length of text. Default is 40 lines. OUTPUTS: COMMON BLOCKS: SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: PROCEDURE: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 23-Feb-2005 if LASTPRINTER in private common defined, use that. pop dialog box on which printer HARDCOPY went to. 3-Feb-03 /FIT keyword and made resizable. 08-Jun-00 Added support for VMS (Bill Davis) Written by Doug Loucks, Lowell Observatory, May, 1993. 1/7/94, DWL, Added Hardcopy button. 8/25/94, DWL, Minor mods. 96/07/02, MWB, changed YSIZE default to 40 lines.
NAME: WIDGET_BOTTOM PURPOSE: Move a widget to the bottom of the screen or base widget. CATEGORY: Widgets. CALLING SEQUENCE: WIDGET_BOTTOM, ID INPUTS: ID ID of the widget to be centered. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: PARENT ID of an existing widget over which the input widget should be centered. OUTPUTS: None. EXAMPLE: base = widget_base() label = widget_label(base, value='Hello world') WIDGET_BOTTOM, base widget_control, base, /realize MODIFICATION HISTORY: Created by Bill Davis 14-Apr-06. Added yborder and xborder. Based on WIDGET_BOTTOM Written by:
NAME: XcdEdit PURPOSE: A table editor modified from XVAREDIT for ppcc c.d file. CATEGORY: Widgets CALLING SEQUENCE: XcdEdit, filename INPUTS: filename = The file to be edited. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: NAME = The NAME of the variable. This keyword is overwritten with the structure name if the variable is a structure. GROUP = The widget ID of the widget that calls XcdEdit. When this ID is specified, a death of the caller results in a death of XcdEdit. X_SCROLL_SIZE = The X_SCROLL_SIZE keyword allows you to set the width of the scrolling viewport in columns. Default is 4. Y_SCROLL_SIZE = The Y_SCROLL_SIZE keyword allows you to set the height of the scrolling viewport in rows. Default is 4. OUTPUTS: VAR= The variable that has been edited, or the original when the user Quits from the file menu. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: Initiates the XManager if it is not already running. RESTRICTIONS: None known. PROCEDURE: Create and register the widget and then exit. If the user selects "save", the values in the editor are written to the file passed in, otherwise, they are ignored. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Steve Richards, February, 1991 Modified: September 96, LP - rewritten with TABLE widget Converted from by Bill Davis, Oct. 1998 07-Oct-98 BD Took out check for "commit" because it was always wrong.
NAME: XCOLORS PURPOSE: The purpose of this routine is to interactively change color tables in a manner similar to XLOADCT. No common blocks are used so multiple copies of XCOLORS can be on the display at the same time (if each has a different TITLE). XCOLORS has the ability to notify a widget event handler, an object method, or an IDL procedure if and when a new color table has been loaded. Brewer color tables can also be accessed from this program, if the file fsc_brewer.tbl can be found somewhere in your IDL path. AUTHOR: FANNING SOFTWARE CONSULTING David Fanning, Ph.D. 1645 Sheely Drive Fort Collins, CO 80526 USA Phone: 970-221-0438 E-mail: Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming: CATEGORY: Widgets, Object, Command line. CALLING SEQUENCE: XCOLORS INPUTS: None. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: BLOCK: If this keyword is set, the program will try to block the IDL command line. Note that this is only possible if no other widget program is currently blocking the IDL command line. It is much more reliable to make XCOLORS a modal widget (see the MODAL keyword), although this can generally only be done when XCOLORS is called from another widget program. BREWER: Set this keyword if you wish to use the Brewer Colors, as explained in this reference: The Brewer color table file, fsc_brewer.tbl must be found somewhere in your IDL path for this option to be available. The file can be downloaded here. Note that if this file is found, the Brewer colors are automatically added to the program as an option. In this case, the BREWER keyword just makes sure this is the initial user choice. BOTTOM: The lowest color index of the colors to be changed. COLORINFO: This output keyword will return either a pointer to a color information structure (if the program is called in a non-modal fashion) or a color information structure (if the program is called in modal or blocking fashion). The color information structure is an anonymous structure defined like this: struct = { R: BytArr(!D.Table_Size), $ ; The current R color vector. G: BytArr(!D.Table_Size), $ ; The current G color vector. B: BytArr(!D.Table_Size), $ ; The current B color vector. NAME: "", $ ; The name of the current color table. INDEX: 0, $ ; The index number of the current color table. TYPE: "", $ ; The type of color table (e.g, BREWER or IDL). REVERSED: 0B } ; Set to 1 if the color table is reversed. If a pointer to the structure is obtained, you will be responsible for freeing it to prevent memory leakage: XColors, ColorInfo=colorInfoPtr Print, "Color Table Name: ", (*colorInfoPtr).Name Ptr_Free, colorInfoPtr Note that that Name field will be "Unknown" and the Index field will be -1 until a color table is actually selected by the user. You are responsible for checking this value before you use it. When called in modal or blocking fashion, you don't have to worry about freeing the pointer, since no pointer is involved: XColors, /Block, ColorInfo=colorInfoData Help, colorInfoData, /Structure Print, "Color Table Name: ", colorInfoData.Name DATA: This keyword can be set to any valid IDL variable. If the variable is defined, the specified object method or notify procedure will be passed this variable via a DATA keyword. This keyword is defined primarily so that Notify Procedures are compatible with the XLOADCT way of passing data. It is not strictly required, since the _EXTRA keyword inheritance mechanism will allow passing of *any* keyword parameter defined for the object or procedure that is to be notified. DRAG: Set this keyword if you want colors loaded as you drag the sliders. Default is to update colors only when you release the sliders. Use of this keyword is greatly discouraged. _EXTRA: This keyword inheritance mechanism will pick up and pass along to any method or procedure to be notified and keywords that are defined for that procedure. Note that you should be sure that keywords are spelled correctly. Any mis-spelled keyword will be ignored. FILE: A string variable pointing to a file that holds the color tables to load. The normal colors1.tbl file is used by default. GROUP_LEADER: The group leader for this program. When the group leader is destroyed, this program will be destroyed. INDEX: The index of the color table to start up. If provided, a color table of this index number is loaded prior to display. Otherwise, the current color table is used. Set this keyword if you wish to have the index number of the event structure correct when the user CANCELs out of the progam. MODAL: Set this keyword (along with the GROUP_LEADER keyword) to make the XCOLORS dialog a modal widget dialog. Note that NO other events can occur until the XCOLORS program is destroyed when in modal mode. NCOLORS: This is the number of colors to load when a color table is selected. NOSLIDERS: If this keyword is set, the color stretch and color gamma sliders are not displayed. This would be appropriate, for example, for programs that just load pre-defined color tables. NOTIFYID: A 2-column by n-row array that contains the IDs of widgets that should be notified when XCOLORS loads a color table. The first column of the array is the widgets that should be notified. The second column contains IDs of widgets that are at the top of the hierarchy in which the corresponding widgets in the first column are located. (The purpose of the top widget IDs is to make it possible for the widget in the first column to get the "info" structure of the widget program.) An XCOLORS_LOAD event will be sent to the widget identified in the first column. The event structure is defined like this: event = {XCOLORS_LOAD, ID:0L, TOP:0L, HANDLER:0L, $ R:BytArr(!D.TABLE_SIZE < 256), G:BytArr(!D.TABLE_SIZE < 256), $ B:BytArr(!D.TABLE_SIZE < 256), INDEX:0, NAME:""} The ID field will be filled out with NOTIFYID[0, n] and the TOP field will be filled out with NOTIFYID[1, n]. The R, G, and B fields will have the current color table vectors, obtained by exectuing the command TVLCT, r, g, b, /Get. The INDEX field will have the index number of the just-loaded color table. The name field will have the name of the currently loaded color table. Note that XCOLORS can't initially tell *which* color table is loaded, since it just uses whatever colors are available when it is called. Thus, it stores a -1 in the INDEX field to indicate this "default" value. Programs that rely on the INDEX field of the event structure should normally do nothing if the value is set to -1. This value is also set to -1 if the user hits the CANCEL button. (Note the NAME field will initially be "Unknown"). Typically the XCOLORS button will be defined like this: xcolorsID = Widget_Button(parentID, Value='Load New Color Table...', $ Event_Pro='Program_Change_Colors_Event') The event handler will be written something like this: PRO Program_Change_Colors_Event, event ; Handles color table loading events. Allows colors be to changed. Widget_Control,, Get_UValue=info, /No_Copy thisEvent = Tag_Names(event, /Structure_Name) CASE thisEvent OF 'WIDGET_BUTTON': BEGIN ; Color table tool. XColors, NColors=info.ncolors, Bottom=info.bottom, $, NotifyID=[,] ENDCASE 'XCOLORS_LOAD': BEGIN ; Update the display for 24-bit displays. Device, Get_Visual_Depth=thisDepth IF thisDepth GT 8 THEN BEGIN WSet, info.wid ...Whatever display commands are required go here. For example... TV, info.image ENDIF ENDCASE ENDCASE Widget_Control,, Set_UValue=info, /No_Copy END NOTIFYOBJ: A vector of structures (or a single structure), with each element of the vector defined as follows: struct = {XCOLORS_NOTIFYOBJ, object:Obj_New(), method:''} where the Object field is an object reference, and the Method field is the name of the object method that should be called when XCOLORS loads its color tables. ainfo = {XCOLORS_NOTIFYOBJ, a, 'Draw'} binfo = {XCOLORS_NOTIFYOBJ, b, 'Display'} XColors, NotifyObj=[ainfo, binfo] Note that the XColors program must be compiled before these structures are used. Alternatively, you can put this program, named "" (*three* underscore characters in this name!) in your PATH: PRO XCOLORS_NOTIFYOBJ__DEFINE struct = {XCOLORS_NOTIFYOBJ, OBJECT:Obj_New(), METHOD:''} END Or, you can simply define this structure as it is shown here in your code. "Extra" keywords added to the XCOLORS call are passed along to the object method, which makes this an alternative way to get information to your methods. If you expect such keywords, your methods should be defined with an _Extra keyword. If you set the /OBJECT_DATA keyword, write your XColors notification routine with an XCOLORS_INFO keyword. This will return the same structure defined for the COLORINFO keyword above to your object method. NOTIFYPRO: The name of a procedure to notify or call when the color tables are loaded. If the DATA keyword is also defined, it will be passed to this program via an DATA keyword. But note that *any* keyword appropriate for the procedure can be used in the call to XCOLORS. For example, here is a procedure that re-displays and image in the current graphics window: PRO REFRESH_IMAGE, Image=image, _Extra=extra, WID=wid IF N_Elements(wid) NE 0 THEN WSet, wid TVIMAGE, image, _Extra=extra END This program can be invoked with this series of commands: IDL> Window, /Free IDL> TVImage, image, Position=[0.2, 0.2, 0.8, 0.8] IDL> XColors, NotifyPro='Refresh_Image', Image=image, WID=!D.Window Note that "extra" keywords added to the XCOLORS call are passed along to your procedure, which makes this an alternative way to get information to your procedure. If you expect such keywords, your procedure should be defined with an _Extra keyword as illustrated above. OBJECT_DATA: Set this keyword if you wish color information to be supplied to your object notification method via an XCOLORS_DATA keyword. This keyword is ignored unless the NOTIFYOBJ keyword is also used. The color information is supplied as a structure and is defined in the COLORINFO keyword definition above. REVERSE: If this keyword is set, the color table is reversed and the Reverse Color Table button is set on. TITLE: This is the window title. It is "Load Color Tables" by default. The program is registered with the name 'XCOLORS:' plus the TITLE string. The "register name" is checked before the widgets are defined. If a program with that name has already been registered you cannot register another with that name. This means that you can have several versions of XCOLORS open simultaneously as long as each has a unique title or name. For example, like this: IDL> XColors, NColors=100, Bottom=0, Title='First 100 Colors' IDL> XColors, NColors=100, Bottom=100, Title='Second 100 Colors' XOFFSET: This is the X offset of the program on the display. The program will be placed approximately in the middle of the display by default. YOFFSET: This is the Y offset of the program on the display. The program will be placed approximately in the middle of the display by default. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: Colors are changed. Events are sent to widgets if the NOTIFYID keyword is used. Object methods are called if the NOTIFYOBJ keyword is used. This program is a non-blocking widget. RESTRICTIONS: None. EXAMPLE: To load a color table into 100 colors, starting at color index 50 and send an event to the widget identified at info.drawID in the widget heirarchy of the top-level base, type: XCOLORS, NCOLORS=100, BOTTOM=50, NOTIFYID=[info.drawID,] MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: David W. Fanning, 15 April 97. Extensive modification of an older XCOLORS program with excellent suggestions for improvement by Liam Gumley. Now works on 8-bit and 24-bit systems. Subroutines renamed to avoid ambiguity. Cancel button restores original color table. 23 April 1997, added color protection for the program. DWF 24 April 1997, fixed a window initialization bug. DWF 18 June 1997, fixed a bug with the color protection handler. DWF 18 June 1997, Turned tracking on for draw widget to fix a bug in TLB Tracking Events for WindowsNT machines in IDL 5.0. DWF 20 Oct 1997, Changed GROUP keyword to GROUP_LEADER. DWF 19 Dec 1997, Fixed bug with TOP/BOTTOM reversals and CANCEL. DWF. 9 Jun 1998, Fixed bug when using BOTTOM keyword on 24-bit devices. DWF 9 Jun 1998, Added Device, Decomposed=0 for TrueColor visual classes. DWF 9 Jun 1998, Removed all IDL 4 compatibility. 21 Oct 1998, Fixed problem with gamma not being reset on CANCEL. DWF 5 Nov 1998. Added the NotifyObj keyword, so that XCOLORS would work interactively with objects. DWF. 9 Nov 1998. Made slider reporting only at the end of the drag. If you want continuous updating, set the DRAG keyword. DWF. 9 Nov 1998. Fixed problem with TOP and BOTTOM sliders not being reset on CANCEL. DWF. 10 Nov 1998. Fixed fixes. Sigh... DWF. 5 Dec 1998. Added INDEX field to the XCOLORS_LOAD event structure. This field holds the current color table index number. DWF. 5 Dec 1998. Modified the way the colorbar image was created. Results in greatly improved display for low number of colors. DWF. 6 Dec 1998. Added the ability to notify an unlimited number of objects. DWF. 12 Dec 1998. Removed obsolete Just_Reg keyword and improved documetation. DWF. 30 Dec 1998. Fixed the way the color table index was working. DWF. 4 Jan 1999. Added slightly modified CONGRID program to fix floating divide by zero problem. DWF 2 May 1999. Added code to work around a Macintosh bug in IDL through version 5.2 that tries to redraw the graphics window after a TVLCT command. DWF. 5 May 1999. Restore the current window index number after drawing graphics. Not supported on Macs. DWF. 9 Jul 1999. Fixed a couple of bugs I introduced with the 5 May changes. Sigh... DWF. 13 Jul 1999. Scheesh! That May 5th change was a BAD idea! Fixed more bugs. DWF. 31 Jul 1999. Substituted !D.Table_Size for !D.N_Colors. DWF. 1 Sep 1999. Got rid of the May 5th fixes and replaced with something MUCH simpler. DWF. 14 Feb 2000. Removed the window index field from the object notify structure. DWF. 14 Feb 2000. Added NOTIFYPRO, DATA, and _EXTRA keywords. DWF. 20 Mar 2000. Added MODAL, BLOCK, and COLORINFO keywords. DWF 20 Mar 2000. Fixed a slight problem with color protection events triggering notification events. DWF. 31 Mar 2000. Fixed a problem with pointer leakage on Cancel events, and improved program documentation. DWF. 17 Aug 2000. Fixed a problem with CANCEL that occurred only if you first changed the gamma settings before loading a color table. DWF. 10 Sep 2000. Removed the requirement that procedures and object methods must be written with an _Extra keyword. DWF. 5 Oct 2000. Added the File keyword to LOADCT command, as I was suppose to. DWF. 5 Oct 2000. Now properly freeing program pointers upon early exit from program. DWF. 7 Mar 2001. Fixed a problem with the BLOCK keyword. DWF. 12 Nov 2001. Renamed Congrid to XColors_Congrid. DWF. 14 Aug 2002. Moved the calculation of NCOLORS to after the draw widget creation to fix a problem with !D.TABLE_SIZE having a correct value when no windows had been opened in the current IDL session. DWF. 14 Aug 2002. Fixed a documentation problem in the NOTIFYID keyword documentation that still referred to !D.N_COLORS instead of the current !D.TABLE_SIZE. DWF. 27 Oct 2003. Added INDEX keyword. DWF. 29 July 2004. Fixed a problem with freeing colorInfoPtr if it didn't exist. DWF. 5 December 2005. Added NOSLIDERS keyword and performed some small cosmetic changes. DWF. 27 Sep 2006. Fixed a problem in which XCOLORS set device to indexed color mode. DWF. 14 May 2008. Added ability to read the Brewer Color Table file, if available. DWF 8 July 2008. Small change in how the program looks for the Brewer file. DWF. 1 October 2008. Added a button to switch from either BREWER color tables to IDL color tables, depending upon which is showing currently. The button ONLY appears if the file fsc_brewer.tbl can be found somewhere in the IDL distribution. DWF. 7 October 2008. Whoops! The 1 Oct change wasn't as simple as that. Fixed problems with destroy and restarting the program with respect to keywords that are set, etc. DWF. 12 October 2008. Changed license to BSD Open Software License. DWF. 21 October 2008. Found a problem with MODAL operations that I fixed. However, that led to problems with how I was switching from IDL to Brewer colors and visa versa, so I changed that mechanism, too. 21 October 2008. Added OBJECT_DATA keyword so that I can get additional information about the state of the color table tool into object methods. DWF. 12 April 2009. Add REVERSE keyword and Reverse Color Table button. DWF. 28 April 2009. In looking for a Brewer color table file, I replaced all FILE_WHICH commands with FIND_RESOURCE_FILE commands. DWF.
NAME: XFONT_4 PURPOSE: XFONT_4 is a modal widget for selecting and viewing an X Windows font. CATEGORY: Widgets, Fonts CALLING SEQUENCE: Selected_font = XFONT_4() INPUTS: No explicit inputs. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: GROUP: The widget ID of the widget that calls XFONT_4. When this ID is specified, a death of the caller results in a death of XFONT_4. PRESERVE: If set, XFONT_4 saves the server font directory in common blocks so that subsequent calls to XFONT_4 start-up much faster. If not set, the common block is cleaned. OUTPUTS: A string containing the font name. If nothing is selected, or the CANCEL button is pressed, a null string is returned. COMMON BLOCKS: XFONT_4_COM. SIDE EFFECTS: Initiates the XManager if it is not already running. Resets the current X Window font. RESTRICTIONS: The current X window font is manipulated without being restored. PROCEDURE: Create and register the widget and then exit. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Modified from a template written by: Hans-Joachim Bothe, CreaSo GmbH, November, 1991, by DMS, RSI, November, 1992. 1 July 1995, AB, Fixed sizing of toggle buttons.
NAME: XPC PURPOSE: This function allows a user to interactively pick a postscript file from a list that can be scrolled. The file will be plotted in a separate gv window. CATEGORY: Widgets, postscript CALLING SEQUENCE: XPC KEYWORD PARAMETERS: scratchDir - defaults to /u/$USER/tmpdir (or value of $TMPDIR) programs running on different computers will have differnt areas. This must be the same used by the plotting-control software, NODELETE - if set, files in sractchDir (from previous invocation) are not deleted when application is started. TITLE: A scalar string to be used for the window title. GROUP: The widget ID of the widget that calls xpc. When this ID is specified, a death of the caller results in the death of the xpc widget application. NFILES - # of files to show at one time in window (def=10) filter - search filter for plots to show in window (def=XPC_*.ps) psPlotFile - file with plotting application keeps plotting (def=scratchDir+'/') psApp - file plotting application (def="gv") appSwitch - switch for file plotting application (def="--watch") updateTime - time in seconds between checks to see if list needs refreshed (def=0.5) ext - file extensions to look for (def='ps') OUTPUTS: Copies selected file to/, which "gv --watch" is looking for to plot. OPTIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLES: USER - username. TMPDIR - default to '$USER/.XPC' XPC_SCRATCH - directory for postscript files; defaults to $TMPDIR/XPC_scratch/ XPC_SCRATCH_NFILES - if not found, defaults to 10 files (these are postscript filesand are not deleted when the program exits) PROCEDURE: a program that plots like: IDL> setup_xpc IDL> plot, indgen(111) IDL> ... IDL> unsetup_xpc ; graphics won't show up until this is called setup_xpc will startup XPC, if not running, which will, in turn, startup gv if it is not running on the same computer. Unfortunately, it is not easy to tell if XPC is running on the same computer in another IDL process. the postscript file written to in the above example is (by default). When XPC sees one of these, it copies it to, so gv automatically replots it, and renames it to, where nnn is one more than the highest number of the files XPC_*.ps. NOTES: You probably want the following line in your ~/.Xresources file to get the gv program to refresh ever 1/2 second (default is every 1 second): gv.watchFileFrequency: 501 this will make gv check for file changes ever 501 ms, rather than 1000 ms. The Help display will tell you how to get color buttons in this widget. RESTRICTIONS: xpc only works on Linux/Unix systems where gv is in the PATH. MODIFICATION HISTORY: 20-Aug-2013 exclude searches for gv that include libexec 09-Jul-2011 don't use /local, so can be used from different computers 18-Nov-2009 Written by Bill Davis for Eric Fredrickson
NAME: XVAREDIT PURPOSE: This routine provides an editor for any IDL variable. CATEGORY: Widgets CALLING SEQUENCE: XVAREDIT, VAR INPUTS: VAR = The variable that is to be edited. KEYWORD PARAMETERS: NAME = The NAME of the variable. This keyword is overwritten with the structure name if the variable is a structure. GROUP = The widget ID of the widget that calls XVarEdit. When this ID is specified, a death of the caller results in a death of XVarEdit. X_SCROLL_SIZE = The X_SCROLL_SIZE keyword allows you to set the width of the scrolling viewport in columns. Default is 4. Y_SCROLL_SIZE = The Y_SCROLL_SIZE keyword allows you to set the height of the scrolling viewport in rows. Default is 4. OUTPUTS: VAR= The variable that has been edited, or the original when the user selects the "Cancel" button in the editor. COMMON BLOCKS: None. SIDE EFFECTS: Initiates the XManager if it is not already running. RESTRICTIONS: None known. PROCEDURE: Create and register the widget and then exit. If the user selects "accept", the values in the editor are written to the variable passed in, otherwise, they are ignored. MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written by: Steve Richards, February, 1991 Modified: September 96, LP - rewritten with TABLE widget 07-Oct-98 BD Took out check for "commit" because it was always wrong.