The EPICS Channel Access Archive Viewer program displays EPICS Process Variables collected from the NSTX EPICS system, over 300 points trended (at least) once per minute, 24/7. This includes machine measurement points such as vacuum pressure, thermocouples, computer status, shot number, TIV status... Many of these points are also stored in MDSplus 'eng_trend' trees using the shot number of YYYYMMDD, using different names/tags.
Since it is a java program, it should run on Windows, Mac , and unix .... I've only built this on the linux cluster (e.g. nstxpool). There used to be a web-start version available from ORNL, but this no longer works. I hope to make this available again using an PPPL web server during the summer 2008. The software is listed as 'unsupported' on the the EPICS extensions web page.
Using the Archive Viewer on the Linux cluster
To use the ArchiveViewer on the unix cluster, login as usual (be sure to X11-forward) and then:
1) module load nstx/epics (if not already done during your login process).
2) ArchiveViewer (case dependant)
3) After the window opens, connect to the NSTX Archive Viewer database:
File->New_Connection, then copy and paste the string below in :
- On the main window, poke the "Search" box. Enter a search string (e.g. highk). An * will list all names. Poke the Add box on the Search Dialog window.
- Go back to the main ArchiveViewer window,then poke plot. The plot should appear on the tab "JFreeChart For Time Plots". (use H for hours, d for days).
- You can save your channel list & other settings in a (xml) file, which you can later open using File->Open.
4) After you select the records, time range etc do a 'Save As' and then the next time you start the program, use the 'Open Recent' menu option to select this configuration file.
Complete List of EPICS PVnames and their Descriptions (as of 27Jan2007)
Vacuum points begin with vm_ .
Gas Injection: gs_
Thermocouples/temperatures : tc_ .
Directions for (no longer available) Java Web Start, for a PC.
Page last edited 05June2008 by Paul Sichta