Detailed Procedure to Create EPICS Displays using MEDM


P. Sichta

Revision 1.0 10SEP98 P. Sichta


Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction

2.0 References

3.0 Aliases, Environmental Variables, and Permissions

4.0 Creating Displays


1.0 Introduction

This procedure provides a detailed description of how the use the Motif Editor and Display Manager (MEDM) to create and manage EPICS displays for NSTX. MEDM is one of several tools used in the EPICS community for working with displays.


2. 0 References

    1. NSTX-WBS6-CA, General Procedure to Create Applications for EPICS
    2. NSTX-WBS6-AD, Application Development Environment for CI&C.
    3. MEDM Users Manual, K. Evans, EPICS www at ANL/APS



3. 0 Aliases, Environmental Variables, Paths, and Permissions

Aliases used :

Environmental Variables : None

Paths : The Unix user’s search path must include : /epics/system/epics/epicsExtensions/bin/solaris

Permissions : Anyone can run MEDM but only Unix accounts in the group ‘staff’ have write permission in the online directories.

4. 0 Creating EPICS Displays

MEDM can be started from any directory :

/nstx : medm


/nstx/epicapps/xxApp/op/display .
