Thirteenth Meeting of the NSTX PAC
September 30 - October 1, 2002


The NSTX Program and Project achieved better than expected progress during FY02 relative to key research milestones, which are guided by the IPPA 5-year objectives for the ST. Also, the President has requested additional support from Congress for operating the large facilities, providing an opportunity for advancing our research program, if Congress appropriates the funds. This progress and opportunity for increased operation has impacted the planning of the FY03 research campaign and the development of the NSTX 5-year plan. I therefore ask the PAC to advise me on the following questions:

1) Do the FY03 research goals and facility plans take advantage of the FY02 progress and the opportunity for increased run time? Do they address the IPPA 5-year objectives for the ST in an appropriate manner?

The NSTX Team has started to develop a draft 5-year plan, the formal review of which is scheduled for June 2003. This plan should address the IPPA 10-year objectives for the ST. Though the details of the 5-year plan remain to be developed, I ask the PAC to advise me on the direction the plan is taking:

2) Are the key elements of the NSTX 5-year research goals, diagnostic upgrade, physics analysis, and facility upgrades appropriate in addressing the IPPA 10-year objectives for the ST, taking into account the possible future development path for ST's?
Department of Energy Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Princeton University