From: Jonathan Menard [] Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 11:58 PM To: NSTX TSG Leaders Subject: Preparation of FY2012 NSTX research milestones - your TSG's chance for input. Attachments: Milestone_template_v1.doc; Milestone_template_v1.ppt; Milestone_titles.doc To: NSTX TSG leaders January is a busy month! In addition to PAC prep, this month we are working on the NSTX field work proposal (FWP) which defines the NSTX FY2010-12 research objectives for NSTX/PPPL for OFES. FY2010-11 milestones are already defined by last year's FWP (you used these at the research forum), but we need to develop milestones for FY2012, since the way the major upgrade schedule is shaping up, we will almost certainly be running in FY12. To provide an open process for this, there will be a milestone discussion meeting next Monday at 2PM following the NSTX physics meeting. (3hrs are scheduled for this meeting.) If you and/or your TSG members want to propose a milestone idea, this is your chance. It is ok to NOT propose an idea, and if you do, limit yourself to 2 max per TSG. 0-1 per TSG is best. Overall, we need 3 baseline milestones and 2 incremental. For those who want to contribute, please use the attached template (.doc is FY11 Li milestone, .ppt is stripped version) and try to fill out 1 sentence for each of the 7 elements for your idea. This way the milestone will magically write itself ;) Of course, I will come prepared with some ideas. Please see attached "titles" list to remind yourself of the milestones we are already doing in FY10-11. Read the 5 year plan for ideas if you are drawing a blank. Hold a TSG meeting or e-mail spam-fest to discuss within your TSG as needed. Draft choices need to be selected by Jan 12 to be presented at the Jan 13 research council meeting, and we have another week or two after that to iterate. Solid ideas need to be ready by time of beginning of PAC dry runs (week of Jan 18), and final ideas by time of PAC meeting for PAC and FWP. Finally - sending in your ideas early would be much appreciated, and would aid the selection process. Thanks! Jon -- Dr. Jonathan E. Menard NSTX Program Director MS41 C-Site LSB B329 Princeton Plasma Physics Lab P.O. Box 451 Princeton, NJ 08543 USA E-mail: Phone: (609) 243-2037 FAX: (609) 243-2222