Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation
Oak Ridge National Laboratory


REV. 0
DATE: 05/20/96


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        This procedure prescribes qualifications for Auditors and Lead
        Auditors participating in Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
        technical audits.  It also establishes lead auditor certification


        A.  DOE Order 5700.6C, Quality Assurance

        B.  Y/QD-15, "LMES Quality Program Description"

        C.  X-QA-1, "Quality Assurance Program"

        D.  X-AD-7, "ORNL Records Management"

        E.  QA-18.1, "Independent Assessments"


        This procedure applies to all ORNL organizations
        performing technical audits in accordance with QA-18.1, 
        "Independent Assessments"


        A.  Audit - A planned and documented activity performed to
            determine by investigation, examination, or evaluation of
            objective evidence the adequacy of and compliance with
            established procedures, instructions, drawings, and other
            applicable documents and the effectiveness of implementation.

            NOTE: An audit should not be confused with surveillance or
                  inspection activities performed for the sole purpose
                  of process control or product acceptance.

        B.  Auditor - a qualified individual who performs any portion
            of an audit, including lead auditors, technical specialists,
            and others such as management representatives and auditor-in-

        C.  Auditor Examiner - an individual appointed by the ORNL
            Quality Director to administer the requirements of
            qualification of lead technical audit personnel.  The auditor
            examiner is responsible for certifying and recertifying
            personnel who lead technical audits within ORNL.

        D.  Lead Auditor - an individual qualified to organize and
            direct an audit, report audit findings and observations, and
            evaluate corrective action.


        A.  Auditor qualifications shall include

            1.  quality experience or training commensurate with the
                scope, complexity, or special nature of the activities to
                be audited as well as a working knowledge of applicable
                quality assurance procedures for implementing the audit
                and reporting results;

            2.  training and/or orientation in the

                a.  quality assurance requirements, fundamentals,
                    characteristics, objectives, organization,
                    performance, and reporting of results of technical

                b.  methods of examining, questioning, and evaluating, and
                    documenting audit findings;

                c.  methods of evaluating corrective actions and closing
                    out findings; and

            3.  on-the-job training, guidance, and counseling under the
                direct supervision of the Lead Auditor; practical training
                includes training in audit planning, performing,
                reporting, and corrective action follow-up.

                NOTE: The Lead Auditor shall ensure audit team
                      members' qualifications.

        B.  Lead Auditor qualifications shall include verifiable evidence
            that a minimum of ten credits have been accumulated under the
            following scoring system:

            1.  Education (four credits maximum)

                a.  associate's degree in engineering, physical and life
                    sciences, business management, mathematics, or quality
                    assurance = two credits; or

                b.  associate's degree in other field = one credit; or

                c.  bachelor's degree in engineering, physical and life
                    sciences, business management, mathematics, or quality
                    assurance = three credits; and

                d.  bachelor's degree in other field = two credits; or

                e.  postgraduate degree in engineering, physical and life
                    sciences, business management, mathematics, or quality
                    assurance = one additional credit.

                    NOTE:  Physical sciences includes degrees in
                           Environmental, Safety, and Health fields.

            2.  Experience (nine credits maximum)

                a.  technical or management experience in engineering,
                    manufacturing, construction, operation, or
                    maintenance = one credit for each full year with a
                    maximum of five credits for this aspect of experience;

                b.  two years of this experience in the nuclear field =
                    one additional credit; or

                c.  two years of this experience in quality assurance,
                    environmental, safety, or health = two additional
                    credits; or

                d.  two years of this experience in auditing = three
                    additional credits; or

                e.  two years of this experience in nuclear quality
                    assurance, environmental, safety, or health = three
                    additional credits; or

                f.  two years of this experience in nuclear quality
                    assurance, environmental, safety, or health auditing =
                    four additional credits.

            3.  Other professional credentials (two credits maximum)

                Certification of competency in engineering, science, or
                quality assurance specialties issued and approved by a
                state agency or a national professional or technical

            4.  Rights of management (two credits maximum)

                NOTE: The lead auditor's organizational management may
                      grant up to two credits for other performance
                      factors applicable to auditing that may not be
                      described explicitly in this procedure.
                      Examples of the factors are leadership, sound
                      judgment, maturity, analytical ability,
                      tenacity, and past performance.

            5.  Lead auditor communication skills

                The ability to communicate effectively, both in writing
                and orally, shall be attested to in writing by the
                applicant's supervisor or manager.

            6.  Lead auditor audit participation

                A minimum of five technical-related audits shall be
                performed within three years preceding the date of
                qualification.  One of the audits shall be a technical
                audit of a nuclear facility and shall be performed within
                one year preceding qualification.

            7.  Lead auditor examination

                Prospective lead auditors shall be tested and shall pass
                as appropriate, a written, oral, or practical examination
                that evaluates the comprehension of knowledge received in
                training.  Lead auditor examinations administered, passed,
                and documented by ORNL not more than two years
                prior to application are acceptable to meet the
                examination requirement for certification.  Other
                previously passed lead auditor examinations may be
                acceptable at the discretion of the auditor examiner.

            8.  Lead Auditor maintenance of qualifications

                a.  Lead auditor maintenance of qualifications shall
                    include one or more of the following:

                    (1) participation in the audit process; or

                    (2) documented review and study of codes, standards,
                        procedures, etc., related to quality assurance
                        programs and/or program auditing as directed by
                        the ORNL Auditor Examiner; or

                    (3) participation in training programs; and

                    (4) annual assessment of the lead auditor's
                        performance (assessments shall be documented).

                b.  Requalification as a lead auditor is required if
                    qualifications are not maintained for a period of two
                    years.  These cases may, at the discretion of the
                    ORNL Quality Director, require

                    (1) retraining in accordance with Sect. V.D. of this

                    (2) retesting in accordance with to Sect. V.C.7. of
                        this procedure; and

                    (3) participation as an auditor in at least one
                        nuclear quality assurance audit.

        C.  Audit training courses

            Training courses should include the following based on the
            needs of each prospective auditor or lead auditor:

            1.  knowledge and understanding of environmental, safety,
                health, and quality applicable codes, standards,
                regulations, and regulatory guides;

            2.  structure and implementation of ORNL quality
                assurance programs;

            3.  applicable ORNL requirements;

            4.  auditing techniques;

            5.  audit planning for activities affecting quality, design,
                purchasing, fabrication, handling, shipping, storage,
                cleaning, erection, installation, inspection, testing,
                statistics, nondestructive evaluation, maintenance,
                repair, operation, modification of nuclear facilities or
                associated components, and safety aspects of the nuclear
                facility; and

            6.  practical training that includes the elements of the audit
                activity as described in QA-18.1, "Independent Assessments."


        A.  ORNL Quality Director

            1.  establishes the standards to ensure that technical
                auditors are suitably knowledgeable in auditing methods
                and are suitably proficient in the applicable duties and
                responsibilities by overviewing the Auditor and Lead
                Auditor Qualification System;

            2.  appoints an ORNL Auditor Examiner to administer
                the requirements for certification of lead auditors and to
                approve lead auditor training lesson plans and
                certification examinations; and

            3.  appoints the chairman of the ORNL Quality
                Training Review Board to administer the development of
                lesson plans and training course examinations (as opposed
                to certification examinations) for auditor training and
                orientation and lead auditor training.

        B.  Organization Quality Manager

            1.  schedules auditor orientation and training;

            2.  coordinates personnel to take a lead auditor training
                course and a lead auditor examination;

            3.  conducts an annual evaluation of lead auditor records and
                makes recommendations for recertification; and

            4.  maintains the organization's file of auditor and lead
                auditor qualifications for Sect. VI.B.1, 2, and 3.

        C.  ORNL Auditor Examiner

            1.  administers the requirements of qualification of lead
                technical audit personnel;

            2.  reviews applications for lead auditor certification;

            3.  certifies and recertifies personnel who lead technical
                audits within ORNL;

            4.  advises the ORNL Quality Training Review Board
                on content of auditor and lead auditor training and
                training course examinations;

            5.  reviews and approves lead auditor training lesson plans
                and lead auditor examinations recommended by the ORNL
                Quality Training Review Board; and

            6.  maintains a file of lead auditor qualifications and

        D.  Prospective Lead Auditor

            provides personal history documentation attesting to
            qualification as an auditor or lead auditor and participates
            in the training process.


        A.  Organization Quality Manager

            1.  completes Sects. 1 through 4 of Form UCN-17679
                for each prospective lead auditor,

            2.  ensures lead auditor training attended by the prospective
                lead auditors and submits Form UCN-17679 to the ORNL
                auditor examiner,

            3.  receives lead auditor certifications from the ORNL
                Auditor Examiner and maintains a file on the
                organization's auditors and certified lead auditors, and

            4.  evaluates lead auditor qualification and lead auditor
                certification on a yearly basis and forwards Form UCN-
                17679 with recommendations for any needing recertification
                to the Auditor Examiner.

        B.  Lead Auditor/Prospective Lead Auditor

            1.  provides backup personal/education history to the
                organization quality manager,

            2.  attends a lead auditor training course,

            3.  participates in the audit process under the supervision of
                a certified lead auditor,

            4.  completes experience requirements for lead auditor
                qualification, and

            5.  provides update information on experience and
                qualifications to the organization quality manager.

        C.  ORNL Auditor Examiner

            1.  oversees and administers the lead auditor examinations as

            2.  evaluates certification examination results (as opposed to
                training course examinations) to determine each
                prospective lead auditor's ability and comprehension to
                apply the proper auditing technique or practice;

            3.  verifies Sect. 3 and completes Sect. 5 of Form UCN-17679
                for each prospective lead auditor;

            4.  certifies the successful lead auditors using Form UCN-
                17679 (Sect. 6) and distributes copies to the new lead
                auditors and their respective organization quality

            5.  receives updated Form UCN-17679 and the recommendation for
                recertification, recertifies the lead auditor as
                appropriate, and places the Form UCN-17679 (Sects. 6
                and 7) in the applicable file; and

            6.  maintains a file of all organizations' lead auditors.


        Records of personnel qualifications for lead auditors shall be
        maintained by the ORNL Auditor Examiner.  Examples of
        these records are copies of diplomas, resumes, professional
        licenses, training certifications, audit plans for audit
        participation, auditor certification form, etc., that support the
        certification process.  These records are quality assurance
        records and shall be retained in accordance with approved records
        and disposition schedules.

Approved by: [J. H. Swanks]                              
             Associate Director
             Operations, Environment, Safety, and Health
             Oak Ridge National Laboratory

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