Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation
Oak Ridge National Laboratory


REV. 0
DATE: 05/20/96


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Date Printed:_________________________ Verifier:__________________________

     I.  PURPOSE

         This procedure identifies the requirements necessary to 
         establish and implement an inspection program in support of 
         Lockheed Martin Energy Research, Inc., activities. The inspection 
         program will identify and verify conformance of items and 
         services to documented specifications, instructions, procedures, 
         and drawings; provide for independence of inspection personnel; 
         and set forth inspector qualification requirements in accordance 
         with ORNL criteria and appropriate codes.


         A.  DOE Order 5700.6C, Quality Assurance

         B.  Y/QD-15, "LMES Quality Program Description"

         C.  X-QA-1, "ORNL Quality Assurance Program"

         The provisions of this procedure apply to all ORNL
         organizations involved in activities where inspection is used to
         verify implementation of specified requirements. Inspection is
         applicable to critical and complex safety systems and equipment, 
         safety-class items, permits and vital missions, research and 
         development, facilities operations, manufacturing, processing 
         and production, product qualification, and site remediation, 
         construction, and installation. Inspections shall be performed 
         for items important to the business success of ORNL. 
         Inspection planning, in-process, in-service, receipt, reinspection,
         source, and final inspections, and specification of acceptance 
         criteria are further addressed.


         A.  Complex Item - item with quality characteristics, not wholly
             visible in the end item, for which contractual conformance must
             be established progressively through precise measurements, tests,
             and controls that are applied to the item individually or in
             conjunction with other items during purchasing, manufacturing,
             assembly, and functional operation.

         B.  Critical Application - an application in which the failure of the
             item could cause personal injury, injure the environment, or
             jeopardize security or any vital ORNL mission.

         C.  Inspection - examination or measurement to verify whether an item
             or activity conforms to specified requirements.

         D.  Inspection Plan - a document identifying frequency of inspection,
             characteristics to be inspected, inspection methods, data to be
             recorded, and acceptance criteria.

         E.  Noncomplex Item - item with quality characteristics for which
             simple inspection and testing of the end product are sufficient
             to determine conformance to contractual requirements.

         F.  Noncritical Application - any application other than a critical


         A.  General

             1.  Organizational responsibilities for inspection shall be
                 described and documented.

             2.  Inspection plans or procedures shall be developed with the
                 assistance of the quality assurance organization, engineering,
                 or other appropriate organizations, as necessary.

             3.  Results from final inspections shall be evaluated and
                 documented, and their level of conformance to specified
                 requirements shall be determined by responsible management.

             4.  Inspection practices associated with ORNL activities
                 shall be periodically audited to ensure proper implementation
                 and adequacy.

             5.  Procedures developed to implement the ORNL
                 inspection program shall provide criteria for determining when
                 inspections are required and shall define how inspections are

         B.  Inspection Planning

            1.   Inspection activities shall be planned, executed, and
                 documented in terms of inspection types (e.g., receiving, in-
                 process, in-service, reinspection, source hardware, process,
                 or final inspection necessary to verify quality of work

            2.   Planning documentation shall identify characteristics,
                 personnel qualifications, inspection frequency, mandatory hold
                 points, inspection methods, acceptance criteria, and data to
                 be recorded and shall provide for recording objective evidence
                 of inspection results.

            3.   Inspection plans shall be developed, reviewed, approved, and
                 issued before initiating inspection activities and shall then
                 be controlled in accordance with quality records requirements.

            4.   Criteria shall be provided for determining the accuracy
                 requirements and calibration status of inspection equipment
                 and instrumentation.

            5.   Required tests shall be identified and (as appropriate)
                 monitored or witnessed with reference to the test procedure.

            6.   Sampling procedures, when required, shall be made available
                 to inspection personnel trained in their proper use. If a
                 sample is used to verify acceptability of a group of items,
                 the sampling procedure shall be based on recognized standard

            7.   Procedural provisions shall be established to prevent work
                 from proceeding beyond established hold points until it is
                 reviewed or inspected by a designated individual.

            8.   Procedural provisions shall be established for indirect
                 control through monitoring of processing methods, equipment,
                 and personnel when direct inspection is impossible or
                 disadvantageous. Both inspection and process monitoring shall
                 be provided when necessary for adequate control.

            9.   Combined inspection and process monitoring methods, when used,
                 shall be performed systematically to ensure that the specified
                 requirements for control of the process and quality of the
                 item are achieved throughout the process.

           10.   Where required, controls shall be established and documented
                 for the coordination and sequencing of these activities at
                 established inspection points during successive stages of the
                 conducted process or construction.

      C.   Inspection Personnel: organizational provisions shall be made to
           ensure that

            1.   inspection personnel do not report directly to the immediate
                 supervisors responsible for performing the work being

            2.   each person who verifies conformance of work activities for
                 the purpose of acceptance is qualified to perform the assigned
                 inspection task in accordance with ORNL procedure
                 X-QA-1, "ORNL Quality Assurance Program";

            3.   inspections by persons receiving on-the-job training are
                 performed under the direct observation  and supervision of a
                 qualified individual;

                 NOTE:   verification of conformance shall be performed by a
                         qualified individual until trainees achieve
                         qualification; and

            4.   personnel performing inspection activities requiring specific
                 qualifications such as education, experience, or certification
                 to codes or standards shall have received appropriate training
                 and certification. This information shall be documented in
                 accordance with X-QA-1.

      D.   Inspection Program Implementation

            1.   Inspection plans shall be reviewed by the appropriate
                 organization for each identified inspection activity and shall
                 include the following, as applicable:

                 a.  referenced drawings, specifications, purchase orders,
                     process or flow sheets, travelers, or any document
                     identifying characteristics to be inspected or to be
                     obtained for use during inspection;

                 b.  inspection frequency or the time of process verification
                     and related schedule;

                 c.  data to be recorded;

                 d.  identification of the inspection method;

                 e.  identification of quantitative acceptance criteria;

                 f.  identification of mandatory hold points and witnessing by
                     third parties;

                 g.  consent to waive specified hold points and recording of
                     consent before continuation of work beyond the designated
                     hold points;

                 h.  identification of documents to become quality assurance

                 i.  reinspection or retest to verify acceptability following
                     modifications, repairs, or replacements of items that have
                     previously received final inspection;

                 j.  required in-service inspection or surveillance of
                     structures, systems, or components that is planned and
                     executed by or for the organization responsible for
                     operation; and

                 k.  development and implementation of inspection methods to
                     verify that the characteristics of an item remain within
                     specified limits. Inspection methods shall include
                     evaluations of performance capability of essential
                     emergency and safety systems and equipment, verification
                     of calibration and integrity of instruments and instrument
                     systems, and verification of maintenance, as appropriate.

              2.   Records shall include, as a minimum, the following

                   a.  identification of item inspected, examined, or tested
                       (part number, prototype, production model, or other

                   b.  date of the inspection, examination, or test;

                   c.  equipment used, with identification numbers and
                       calibration status, as applicable;

                   d.  results or acceptability;

                   e.  signature of inspector, or other identifier such as
                       stamp number;

                   f.  signature of person(s) evaluating the results;

                   g.  reference to documented procedures or instructions;

                   h.  any separate inspection, evaluation, and technical
                       documentation (charts, recording, or film); and

                   i.  reference to any deviation or nonconformance reports

              3.   Reporting of inspection results shall identify the

                   a.  any inspections made (and documented) at specified hold
                       points, indicating whether compliance with acceptance
                       criteria has been achieved; and

                   b.  a review of records for adequacy and completeness,
                       including records of previous inspections and
                       nonconformances, before final disposition of each item
                       or service. The preparation, review, and approval by
                       authorized personnel of the final inspection report
                       shall certify that all required acceptance criteria have
                       been achieved.

Approved by: [J. H. Swanks]                              
             Associate Director
             Operations, Environment, Safety, and Health
             Oak Ridge National Laboratory

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Updated:Wednesday, 12-Feb-97 13:02:26 EST(npn)