Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation
Oak Ridge National Laboratory


REV. 0
DATE: 05/20/96


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      This standard identifies the requirements necessary to establish
      and implement a test control program in support of ORNL, activities.
      The test control program will verify that items or systems 
      conform to the specified requirements, will determine functional 
      characteristics, and will demonstrate satisfactory performance.


      A.  DOE Order 5700.6C, "Quality Assurance"

      B.  Y/QD-15, "LMES Quality Program Description"

      C.  X-GP-8, "Control and Calibration of M&TE at ORNL"

      D.  X-AD-7, "ORNL Records Management"

      E.  X-QA-8, "Quality Assurance for ORNL Computer Software"


      This standard applies to prototype qualification testing,
      production testing, proof testing before installation, vendor
      testing, construction acceptance testing, preoperational testing,
      operational testing, receipt acceptance testing, and in-service
      testing. Computer program testing is addressed in X-QA-8,
      "Quality Assurance for ORNL Computer Software."



      A.  General

          1.  Tests required to verify conformance of an item, prototype,
              production model, subsystem, or system to specified
              requirements and to demonstrate satisfactory performance
              shall be defined through Test Plans (TP) and executed
              accordingly. Characteristics to be tested shall be
              specified in an Engineering Specification, TP, Purchase
              Requisition, or other documents.

          2.  Test and acceptance criteria, unless otherwise designated,
              shall be specified or approved by the organization
              responsible for designing the item to be tested.

          3.  When an organization performs its own testing, personnel
              with the organization should not test their own work for

          4.  Test results shall be documented and their conformance to
              acceptance criteria shall be evaluated.

          5.  Tests required to collect data, such as for siting or
              design input, shall be planned, executed, documented, and

      B.  Test Plan

          A TP shall be prepared and shall include a sequential listing
          of vendor tests, construction acceptance tests, receiving
          tests, and other designated preoperational tests to be
          performed before operating division start-up testing when
          required by the project or program quality assurance plans or
          other documents. The TP shall identify the items to be tested
          and corresponding test procedures, schedule requirements,
          responsibilities for conducting tests, reporting requirements,
          and records retention requirements.

      C.  Test Procedures

          Test procedures shall include or reference the test objectives
          and provisions for the test prerequisites, the types of test
          equipment to be used, the monitoring to be performed, the test
          acceptance criteria, and the environmental conditions to be

      D.  Test Prerequisites

          1.  The test prerequisites shall include the following (as

              a. calibrated instruments,

              b. appropriate equipment,

              c. trained personnel,

              d. condition of the test equipment and the item to be

              e. suitable environmental conditions, and

              f. provisions for data acquisition and recording.

          2.  Appropriate sections of American Society for Testing
              Material methods, supplier manuals, equipment maintenance
              instructions, approved drawings, or national standards or
              codes (such as American National Standards
              Institute/American Society of Mechanical Engineers) may be
              used instead of specially written test procedures when
              agreed upon or specified in the TP. In these cases,
              adequate instructions shall be included to ensure the
              required quality of work.

      E.  Test Results

          The testing organization shall document the results in
          accordance with specified or established procedures. The
          organization responsible for accepting the item shall evaluate
          the test results (unless otherwise designated). The disposition
          of the item shall be according to the acceptance criteria.

      F.  Test Records

          The test records shall, at a minimum, identify and contain the

           1. identification of the item tested (part number, prototype,
              production model, or other information as required);

           2. date of the test;

           3. test equipment used, with identification numbers and
              calibration status in accordance with X-GP-8;

           4. type of observation;

           5. test results, test anomalies, and test acceptability;

           6. actions taken in connection with any noted deviations;

           7. signatures of persons evaluating the test results and the
              disposition of the item;

           8. signature of personnel performing the test or
              identification of the data recorder;

           9. identification of personnel monitoring the test, where

          10. reference to documented test procedures or instructions;

          11. individuals evaluating test results.


      Test records will become quality assurance records and as such
      shall be retained in accordance with X-AD-7, "ORNL Records

Approved by: [J. H. Swanks]                              
             Associate Director
             Operations, Environment, Safety, and Health
             Oak Ridge National Laboratory

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Updated:Wednesday, 12-Feb-97 13:01:50 EST(npn)