Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation
Oak Ridge National Laboratory


REV. 0
DATE: 07/01/96


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      This procedure establishes the requirements to ensure that quality, 
      environmental, safety, health, security, and other technical 
      requirements are included in ORNL, procurement documents. 
      Applicable design bases and other requirements necessary
      to ensure adequate quality shall be included or referenced
      in documents for the procurement of items and services.


      A.  DOE Order 5700.6C, Quality Assurance, 08/21/91

      B.  Y/QD-15, Rev. 2, "Quality Program Description," May 1995

      C.  ORNL ESS-QA-7.0, "Control of Purchased Items and Services"

      D.  ORNL ESS-QA-10.0, "Inspection"

      E.  ORNL ESS-QA-11.0, "Test Control"

      F.  ORNL Procedure ESP-PC-151, "Basic
          Procurement Procedures"

      G.  ORNL Procedure X-GP-16, "Procurement of Critical Application/
          Safety-Class Items and Services"


      The provisions of this procedure apply to all ORNL organizations 
      authorized to procure critical application items and services and
      complex items through the use of procurement documents.
      Applicable controls from this procedure should also be
      considered for items or services of high value or those
      associated with milestones.


      A.  Complex Items - items that have quality
          characteristics, not wholly visible in the end item,
          for which contractual conformance must be established
          progressively through precise measurements, tests, and
          controls that are applied to the item individually or
          in conjunction with other items during purchasing,
          manufacturing, assembly, and functional operation.

      B.  Critical Application - an application in which the
          failure of the item or service could cause personal
          injury, harm the environment, or jeopardize security
          or a vital ORNL mission.

      C.  Noncomplex Items - items with quality characteristics
          for which simple inspection and testing of the end
          product are sufficient to determine conformance to
          contractual requirements.

      D.  Noncritical Application - any application other than a
          critical application.

      E.  Procurement Document - drawings, specifications,
          special provisions, or other instructions used to
          define requirements of the services, equipment, or
          supplies to be procured.

      F.  Purchase Requisition - the document used to initiate a
          procurement action.

      G.  Quality Reviewer - Quality Assurance Specialist assigned to 

      H.  Specification - a document that is a part of or
          attached to a requisition and specifies requirements
          for the procurement, including as applicable: scope,
          design documents, specific codes and standards,
          supplier quality assurance program requirements,
          personnel qualification and certification, materials,
          fabrication, inspection and tests, item
          identification, packaging, shipping, handling,
          documentation, and records. When the specification is
          attached, it shall be referenced in the body of the
          Purchase Requisition by unique identification and

      I.  Subcontract - the term applied to documents used by
          ORNL for the procurement of services or

      J.  Functional Discipline Specialist - a technical
          representative (subject matter expert) from
          Environmental, Safety, and Health, Engineering,
          Safeguards and Security, or another appropriate
          technical organization.

      K.  Division Technical Reviewer (DTR) - a responsible
          technical person with specifically delegated authority
          from the Division/Program Manager to approve the
          organization's procurement packages for technical


      A.  Generators of purchase requisitions and associated
          specification documents for critical application or
          complex items and services shall ensure that
          appropriate technical and quality reviews for adequacy
          of requirements are performed as defined in this
          standard, in ORNL Procedure ESP-PC-151,
          "Basic Procurement Procedures," and in ORNL
          Procedure X-GP-16, "Procurement of Critical Application/
          Safety-Class Items and Services." Technical reviewers and
          quality reviewers shall maintain a record indicating
          approval of the requisition and associated procurement
          documents for these two categories of items and services.

      B.  Procurement planning activities (e.g., supplier
          selection, offer evaluations, subcontractor
          performance monitoring, control of nonconformances,
          and acceptance of items and services) shall be
          conducted for critical application and complex items
          and services in accordance with ORNL
          standards ESS-QA-7.0, "Control of Purchased Items and
          Services"; ESS-QA-10.0, "Inspection"; and ESS-QA-11.0,
          "Test Control." Generators of purchase requisitions
          shall ensure that these requirements are evaluated for
          applicability to the item or service being procured. A
          formal system shall be established to ensure that the
          applicability evaluation is performed utilizing
          assigned Division Technical Reviewers and Procurement
          Quality (or other designated QAS) personnel.

      C.  All subcontracts for critical application or complex
          items and services, including subcontracts for
          environmental, safety, health, security, and
          analytical laboratory services, shall be monitored for
          performance in accordance with the requirements of
          ORNL standards ESS-QA-7.0, "Control of
          Purchased Items and Services," and ESS-QA-10.0,
          "Inspection." Performance monitoring plans shall be
          developed to provide instructions for performing
          supplier monitoring activities (e.g., receiving
          inspection, source surveillance, supplier audits, and
          supplier data package evaluations).

      D.  Only approved critical application and complex items should 
          be purchased through the Accelerated Vendor Inventory
          Delivery (AVID) agreements without the involvement of ORNL
          Procurement Quality Engineering and placement of the
          supplier and distributor into ORNL Supplier
          Evaluation Program.


      A.  General

          Applicable design bases and the requirements necessary
          to ensure adequate provisions for quality,
          environmental, safety, health, and security shall be
          included or referenced in procurement documents. (See

      B.  Procurement Document Content Requirements

          Procurement documents shall include provisions for

          1. Scope of work - include a statement identifying
             and defining the scope of work to be performed by
             the supplier.

          2. Technical Requirements - specify and include all
             applicable technical requirements.

             a.  Specified Requirements - specify requirements
                 by referencing specific drawings, procedures,
                 instructions, specifications, and nationally
                 recognized codes, standards, or regulations
                 (including the specific section or options to
                 be applied); indicate the appropriate
                 revisions describing the items or services to
                 be furnished.

             b.  Test, Inspection, and Acceptance Requirements
                 - identify all tests, inspections, and
                 acceptance requirements for supplier
                 performance monitoring and for evaluation by
                 the purchaser.

             c.  Special Requirements for Environmental,
                 Safety, Health, and Security - identify and
                 specify the applicable environmental, health,
                 safety, and security requirements and include
                 these requirements in the technical
                 specification or as an addendum to it.

          3. Procurement documents for critical applications,
             items or services and complex items shall have an
             independent quality review to determine that all
             quality requirements have been included.

          4. Procurement documents shall state the requirements
             for the supplier or the supplier's subcontractor's
             quality assurance program. The supplier's quality
             assurance program shall provide the controls
             necessary to ensure that the procured item or
             service (for all program requirements) will meet
             or exceed the specified quality requirements,
             which shall also be incorporated into their
             subtier procurement documents.

          5. Right of Access - Procurement documents shall
             provide requirements for ORNL access to
             the supplier and, if applicable, to the facilities
             of the supplier's subcontractors. Right of access
             is accomplished by standard forms (subcontractor
             "terms and conditions") used routinely by
             Procurement. Procurement documents shall also
             specify that records shall be made available or
             provided to ORNL for purposes of
             performing surveys, audits, surveillances, tests,
             inspection reviews, status determinations, and
             engineering or contract discussions.

          6. Documentation Requirements - identify the supplier
             documentation and required data for submitting the
             documents for information, review, or approval by
             the purchaser at all tiers. Identify the
             documentation involving quality assurance records
             to be maintained by the supplier, including
             retention periods and prescribed disposition

          7. Nonconformances - purchaser's requirements for
             reporting, approving, and dispositioning
             nonconformances shall be included in the
             procurement documents.

          8. Spare and Replacement Parts - procurement
             documents shall include  specific identifications
             and shall specify the technical and quality
             assurance data required when spare and replacement
             parts, assemblies, or service options are

          9. Equipment Operability and Maintainability -
             identify and specify the training, maintenance
             documentation, and support services needed in the
             technical data. These data may also be included as
             line items on the requisition.

      C.  Procurement Document Review and Changes

          1. Purchase requisitioners, generators, or the
             designated technical reviewers shall review the
             procurement documents and their changes before
             forwarding to purchasing and shall ensure that the
             review is documented. This review is to ensure
             that the appropriate technical, quality assurance,
             and contractual provisions are included in the
             procurement documents so that items and services
             will meet the specified requirements. Reviews of
             changes in procurement documents shall include
             appropriate requirements such as scope of work,
             technical requirements, quality assurance program
             requirements, right of access, documentation
             identification, nonconformances, and spare or
             replacement parts. Review consideration also shall
             include determination of additional or modified
             design criteria and analysis of exceptions or
             changes specified by the supplier and the effect
             such changes may have on the intent of the
             procurement documents or the quality of the item
             or service to be furnished. Such reviews shall be
             performed by qualified personnel with access to
             pertinent information.

          2. Procurement document changes shall be subject to
             the same depth of review and control as used in
             preparing the original document.


      A.  Procurement Initiator (Requester)

          1. establishes the quality assurance parameters
             applicable to the procurement documents by
             specifying the definition of items or services on
             requisitions, including drawings, specifications
             test, inspections, and acceptance requirements as
             deemed applicable (routine or special inspection
             codes should be designated, and on special
             inspection codes the appropriate inspection group
             shall be identified);

          2. specifies, to the extent deemed necessary,
             supplier quality assurance program requirements,
             nonconformance reporting and approval methods and
             documentation required for information, review,
             approval, retention, or shipment including
             submittal times;

          3. ensures that procurement documents receive an
             independent quality review for all critical
             applications and complex items and services, and
             that this activity is documented;

          4. ensures that changes in documents are included in
             the procurement documents and that the changes are
             subjected to the same review as the original
             documents; and

          5. ensures that spare and replacement parts and
             requirements are specified where applicable.

      B.  Procurement

          1. ensures that all specified information involving
             the procurement documents is incorporated into the
             procurement package transmitted to the supplier;

          2. incorporates right of access and inspection coding
             into the procurement documents;

          3. transmits and receives procurement documentation,
             including any changes, to and from the supplier
             and the initiator;

          4. reviews procurement documents for contractual
             clarity; and

          5. ensures (as appropriate) suspect/counterfeit parts 
             information has been included in procurement documents.


      Quality assurance records shall be retained in accordance
      with ORNL Procedure X-AD-7, "Records Management" for approved
      records and disposition schedules.


      Suspect/Counterfeit Parts Caution




   Numerous suspect/counterfeit parts are infiltrating the
   United States market. Parts suspected of being counterfeit
   are fasteners, flanges, piping, circuit breakers, and
   numerous other items. Suspect/counterfeit parts are not to
   be confused with nonconforming parts. Suspect/counterfeit
   parts are parts willfully manufactured or refurbished to
   inferior specifications and sold as meeting National or
   higher level specifications. Nonconforming parts are parts
   which deviate from specified requirements as a result of a
   supplier's process being out of control. To prevent
   suspect/counterfeit parts from entering ORNL
   facilities, special precautions must be taken when ordering
   critical application and safety items. The procurement
   provisions of this procedure and ESS-QA-7.0, "Control of
   Purchased Items and Services," and X-GP-16 should be fully implemented.
   Emphasis shall be placed on selecting qualified suppliers,
   developing clearly defined technical specifications and
   drawings, and utilizing source surveillance and/or receipt
   inspection to monitor supplier performance.

   Items found to be suspect/counterfeit should be handled as

      1.  segregate and retain all suspect/counterfeit items
          under lock and key;

      2.  advise supervision of the discovery;

      3.  if suspect/counterfeit items are installed in received
          product destined for a critical or safety related
          application, do not operate the unit until disposition
          is made of the suspect/counterfeit items;

      4.  contact the Site Suspect/Counterfeit Coordinator for
          further notification and instructions on reporting;

      5.  initiate a Nonconformance Report and Occurrence Report.

Approved by: [J. H. Swanks]                              
             Associate Director
             Operations, Environment, Safety, and Health
             Oak Ridge National Laboratory

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Updated: Wednesday, 12-Feb-97 13:28:36 EST(npn)