Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation
Oak Ridge National Laboratory


REV. 0
DATE: 05/20/96


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        This procedure identifies the requirements for establishing and
        implementing a system for controlling purchased items and services
        to ensure conformance to specified requirements.


        A.  DOE Order 5700.6C, Quality Assurance

        B.  Y/QD-15, "LMES Quality Program Description"

        C.  ESS-QA-4.0, "Procedure Document Control"

        D.  X-GP-16, "Procurement of Critical Application/Safety-Class 
            Items and Services"


        The provisions of this procedure apply to all ORNL organizations
        that purchase and maintain items and services that have critical 
        applications or are complex items as defined in Sect. IV. 
        Applicable controls from this standard should also be considered 
        for items or services of high value or those associated with 


        A.  Complex Items - items that have quality characteristics,
            not wholly visible in the end item, for which contractual
            conformance must be established progressively through precise
            measurements, tests, and controls that are applied to the item
            individually or in conjunction with other items during
            purchasing, manufacturing, assembly, and functional operation.

        B.  Critical Application - an application in which the failure
            of the item or service could cause personal injury, harm the
            environment, or jeopardize security or a vital ORNL

        C.  Noncomplex Items - items with quality characteristics for
            which simple inspection and testing of the end product are
            sufficient to determine conformance to contractual

        D.  Noncritical Application - any application other than a
            critical application.


        A.  This document becomes effective 60 days after approval
            signature date.

        B.  Procurement Planning

            1.  Planning shall be initiated and documented as early as
                practicable (e.g., conceptual design phase), but not later
                than at the start of those procurement activities that
                must be controlled to ensure interface compatibility and a
                uniform approach to the procurement process.

            2.  Planning shall result in the documented identification of
                methods to be used in procurement activities and shall
                determine what is to be accomplished, how and when it is
                to be accomplished, and by whom.

            3.  Procurement planning shall provide for the integration of
                and result in documented methods for

                a.  preparation, review, and change control of procurement

                b.  selection of suppliers;

                c.  evaluation and award of bids;

                d.  control of supplier performance (e.g., scheduling,
                    qualification of personnel, penalty/award contracts);

                e.  evaluation and verification of supplier activities
                    (source surveillance, inspection, or audits),
                    including provisions for the notification of hold and
                    witness points;

                f.  control of nonconformances;

                g.  corrective action;

                h.  acceptance of items or services; and

                i.  quality assurance records.

        C.  Supplier Selection

            1.  Suppliers shall be selected based on an evaluation of
                their capability to provide items or services in
                accordance with procurement practices and Department of
                Energy (DOE) policies before the award of the contract.

            2.  The Procurement Organization shall coordinate, with affected
                organizations, the determination of a supplier's
                capability and the evaluation and selection of suppliers.

            3.  ORNL's Office of Quality Programs and Inspection (OQP&I)
                shall ensure the supplier's quality assurance capability
                and the evaluation of the results are documented.

            4.  Measures for the evaluation and selection of a supplier
                shall be documented based on

                a.  the supplier's current capability and an evaluation of
                    the supplier's performance history on similar

                b.  the supplier's current quality records, supported by
                    documented qualitative and quantitative evidence of
                    the supplier's performance; or

                c.  a direct evaluation (by survey) of the supplier's
                    facilities, equipment, personnel, and implemented
                    quality assurance program to determine technical and
                    quality capability.

        D.  Bid Evaluation

            1.  shall determine the extent of conformance to procurement
                requirements and shall be documented;

            2.  team members shall be identified and this information

            3.  shall be based on any one, or combination of, the

                a.  supplier's technical expertise, manufacturing
                    capabilities, quality assurance program, availability
                    and qualifications of personnel, and past performance;

                b.  supplier's exceptions and proposed alternatives to the
                    requirements; and

                c.  a visit to the supplier's facility by a team
                    consisting of  Engineering, Quality, Procurement, and
                    Auditors (as an example); and

            4.  quality deficiencies found during the bid evaluation shall
                be resolved before awarding the contract.

        E.  Supplier Performance Evaluation

            1.  measures shall be established, when needed, to verify the
                supplier's performance through

                a.  establishing an understanding between the purchaser
                    and supplier of the provisions and specifications of
                    the procurement documents,

                b.  requiring the supplier to identify planning techniques
                    and processes for meeting contractual requirements,

                c.  reviewing supplier documents as they are generated to
                    ensure compliance with procurement requirements,

                d.  identifying and processing necessary change

                e.  establishing a method of exchanging information
                    between ORNL and the supplier, and

                f.  establishing the extent of source surveillance and
                    inspection activities.

            2.  Verification activities by ORNL shall be
                performed as early as practicable. However, procurement
                documents shall contain an annotation to the supplier that
                ORNL verification activities do not relieve the
                supplier of his responsibility for attaining the required

                a.  Extent of activities - to which verification
                    activities are applied shall be based on the
                    supplier's past quality performance and the relative
                    importance, quantity, and complexity of the item or
                    service procured.

                    Supplier activities shall be verified, inspected,
                    audited, or witnessed by qualified personnel.

                b.  Records - activities performed to verify conformance
                    to requirements shall be recorded; and the results of
                    source surveillances, audits, receiving inspections,
                    nonconformances, dispositions, deviations, waivers,
                    and corrective actions shall be documented and
                    controlled as quality assurance records.

                    Supplier quality-related documentation shall be
                    evaluated to determine the effectiveness of the
                    supplier's quality assurance program.

        F.  Control of Supplier-Generated Documents

            Methods shall be established and implemented for

            1.  controlling and approving supplier-generated documents;

            2.  identifying in the subcontract the supplier-generated
                documents to be submitted to ORNL for review or

            3.  reviewing supplier-submitted documents by program/project
                personnel and quality, and;

            4.  establishing measures to acquire, process, and record
                evaluations of technical, inspection, and test data
                against acceptance criteria.

        G.  Change Control

            Measures to control changes in procurement documents shall be
            established, implemented, and documented in accordance with
            ORNL requirements for document control.

        H.  Acceptance of Items and Services

            1.  The supplier shall verify that the items or services
                furnished conform to procurement requirements.

            2.  When documentation is required by code, regulation, or
                contractual requirements, suppliers shall provide to
                ORNL documented evidence of an item's
                conformance to procurement requirements as stipulated in
                the contractual agreement or before the item is installed
                or used.

            3.  Items may be accepted from a supplier in accordance with
                one or more of the following methods:

                a.  Certificate of Conformance - procedures the supplier
                    must follow in filling out, reviewing, and approving
                    the certificate shall be described in the supplier's
                    quality assurance program. The supplier's conformance
                    and certification system shall be verified either
                    during  the performance of audits or during the
                    inspection and test of the delivered items.

                    The minimum criteria for certificates of conformance
                    shall include the following:

                    (1) purchased item (e.g., by purchase order number);

                    (2) procurement requirements met for the purchased
                        item such as codes, standards, and other
                        specifications along with approved changes,
                        waivers, or deviations;

                    (3) any procurement requirements not met, along with
                        the method to resolve the nonconformances; and

                    (4) name and signature of the person responsible for
                        the quality assurance function, as described in
                        the supplier's or ORNL quality assurance

                b.  Source Verification

                    (1) An item's conformance to requirements shall be
                        verified at the supplier's location at intervals
                        consistent with the importance and complexity of
                        the item or service.

                    (2) Surveillance plans shall be developed to monitor,
                        witness, observe, inspect, examine, or test items
                        at predetermined points.

                    (3) Documented evidence of source surveillance
                        acceptance shall be provided to the item-receiving
                        destination, to ORNL Purchasing, and to
                        the supplier.

                c.  Receiving Inspection

                    (1) procedures or instructions shall be provided to
                        ensure that delivered items are inspected
                        according to requirements, taking into account
                        source verification, audit activities, and
                        demonstrated quality performance when receiving
                        inspection is used.

                    (2) tests shall be performed according to established
                        procedures and instructions, and the following
                        features shall be verified:

                        (a) proper configuration;

                        (b) item identification;

                        (c) dimensional, physical, and other

                        (d) freedom from shipping damage;

                        (e) cleanliness; and

                    (3) shall be coordinated with a review of any supplier
                        documentation that must be furnished before site
                        inspection and acceptance.

                d.  Post-Installation Testing (PIT)

                    The requester (ORNL) and supplier shall mutually establish
                    the requirements and acceptance documentation when PIT
                    is used.

            4.  Services from a supplier shall be accepted by any one or
                more of the following:

                a.  technical verification of the deliverables produced;

                b.  surveillance or audit of the activity; and

                c.  review of documents for objective evidence of
                    conformance to procurement document requirements, such
                    as those for certifications, stress tests, and

        I.  Control of Supplier Nonconformances

            1.  All nonconforming supplier items submitted for ORNL
                acceptance shall be accompanied by a written
                "Request for Waiver or Deviation," Form UCN-13816.
                ORNL shall evaluate and approve or disapprove the

            2.  Nonconformance documentation furnished by the supplier
                shall include the nonconformance notice Form UCN-13816,
                the specific nonconforming characteristic(s) and the
                related specification requirement, the supplier's
                evaluation and recommended disposition (e.g., use-as-is or
                repair) with technical justification, and the proposed
                corrective action to prevent recurrences and the
                dispositioning authority's signature.

            3.  Nonconformances that result in an item being scrapped or
                reworked shall be documented and internally dispositioned
                followed by verification of the implementation of the

            4.  The supplier shall be required to notify ORNL of
                nonconformances when any of the following occur:

                a.  technical or material requirements are violated;

                b.  requirements in supplier documents approved by ORNL
                    are violated;

                c.  nonconformances that cannot be corrected by continuing
                    the original manufacturing process except by reworking
                    or repairing the item; or

                d.  the item does not meet original requirements, even
                    though it can be restored to a fully functional

            5.  Records of supplier-submitted nonconformances shall be

        J.  Commercial Grade Items

            1.  As an acceptable alternate to other requirements of this
                standard, the use of commercial grade items in a design
                shall require

                a.  identification of the commercial grade item in an
                    approved design output document,

                b.  verification and documentation that the item is
                    suitable to perform the intended function as a 

                c.  verification and documentation that the item will meet
                    design requirements applicable to both the replaced
                    item and its application,

                d.  source evaluation in accordance with requirements
                    defined in this document, and

                e.  identification of the commercial grade item in the
                    purchase order by supplier's published product
                    description and catalog number.

            2.  Receipt inspection of commercial grade items shall verify

                a.  shipping damage did not occur,

                b.  the item received was the item ordered,

                c.  the inspection or test is done according to
                    ORNL requirements to ensure conformance to
                    published requirements, and

                d.  applicable documentation was received and is accepted.


        A.  ORNL Organization Managers

            ensure that the requirements of Sect. V. of this document are
            being implemented.

        B.  OQP&I Manager

            1.  provide guidance and assistance in the implementation of
                Sect. V. of this document, and

            2.  ensure that audits and surveillances are performed to
                validate that these requirements have been implemented and


        Quality assurance records shall be retained in accordance with
        X-AD-7, "Records Management" for approved records 
        inventory and disposition schedules.


        Suspect/Counterfeit Parts Caution



        Numerous suspect/counterfeit parts are infiltrating the United
        States market. Parts suspected of being counterfeit are fasteners,
        flanges, piping, circuit breakers, and numerous other items.
        Suspect/counterfeit parts are not to be confused with
        nonconforming parts. Suspect/counterfeit parts are parts willfully
        manufactured or refurbished to inferior specifications and sold as
        meeting National or higher level specifications. Nonconforming
        parts are parts which deviate from specified requirements as a
        result of a suppliers process being out of control. To prevent
        suspect/counterfeit parts from entering ORNL facilities,
        special precautions must be taken when ordering critical
        application and safety items. The procurement provisions of this
        procedure and ESS-QA-4.0, "Procurement Document Control," 
        and X-GP-16 should be fully implemented. Emphasis shall be placed 
        on selecting qualified suppliers, developing clearly defined 
        technical specifications and drawings, and utilizing source 
        surveillance and/or receipt inspection to monitor supplier 

        Items found to be suspect/counterfeit should be handled as

          1.  segregate and retain all suspect/counterfeit items under
              lock and key;

          2.  advise supervision of the discovery;

          3.  if suspect/counterfeit items are installed in received
              product destined for a critical or safety related
              application, do not operate the unit until disposition is
              made of the suspect/counterfeit items;

          4.  contact the Site Suspect/Counterfeit Coordinator for further
              notification and instructions on reporting; and

          5.  initiate a Nonconformance Report and Occurrence Report.

Approved by: [J. H. Swanks]                               
             Associate Director
             Operations, Environment, Safety, and Health
             Oak Ridge National Laboratory

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Wednesday, 12-Feb-97 13:06:28 EST(npn)