Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation
Oak Ridge National Laboratory


REV. 0
DATE: 05/20/96


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     I.  PURPOSE

         This standard defines the requirements and actions necessary to
         ensure that only correct and accepted items are used or installed
         within Oak Ridge National Laboratory, facilities.  Items that
         do not conform to specified standards shall be identified and
         controlled to prevent their inadvertent use.


         A.  DOE Order 5700.6C, Quality Assurance

         B.  Y/QD-15, "LMES Quality Program Description"

         C.  ESS-QA-7.0, "Control of Purchased Items and Services"


         This standard applies to items that are procured or fabricated
         for projects, programs, and activities that must meet ORNL
         requirements (see ESS-QA-7.0).




         A.  Each ORNL organization shall implement a
             system for ensuring that items are properly identified and
             controlled.  The system shall also ensure that the identification
             is maintained on the items or in documents traceable to the
             items, or the identification is maintained in a manner that
             ensures an item's identification is established and maintained.
             The identification shall be maintained from the initial receipt,
             manufacturer assembling, and development (reference software) of
             the item through its subsequent inventory, installation, and use.
             Provisions shall be made for the identification as required by
             codes, standards, specifications, or procedures where
             traceability requirements such as grade of material, heat, batch,
             lot, part, serial number, or records of specified inspections or
             tests must be retrievable.

         B.  Physical identification, visible on the item, shall be used as
             much as possible.  Markings shall be applied with materials and
             methods that provide clear and legible identification without
             detrimentally affecting the function or use of the item.

             If physical identification of an item is impractical or
             insufficient, then tags, records, containers, physical
             separation, procedural control, or other means shall be employed.

         C.  Provisions shall be made for controlling item identification
             consistent with the planned duration and condition of storage,
             such as

             1.  maintaining or replacing physical identification or markings
                 and identification records damaged during handling or because
                 of aging,

             2.  protecting the identification on items subject to excessive
                 deterioration from environmental exposure, and

             3.  updating records.

         D.  When identified items such as raw materials or samples are
             subdivided, identification shall be transferred to each of the
             parts, and the markings shall not be obliterated or hidden by
             fabrication, surface treatment, or coatings unless other means of
             identification are substituted.

         E.  Items with a limited calendar or operating life or number of
             cycles shall be identified and controlled to preclude their
             inadvertent use after their operating life has expired.  When
             possible, the expiration date shall be noted on the item's
             marking or label, or else records shall be maintained with this
             information.  These records shall be referenced and updated for
             item issuance or before use, as appropriate.

         F.  When specifications include special identification or
             traceability requirements, the program and project quality
             assurance plan and specific implementing procedures shall include
             the applicable requirements and shall also provide requirements
             for identification and traceability control.

Approved by: [J. H. Swanks]                              
             Associate Director
             Operations, Environment, Safety, and Health
             Oak Ridge National Laboratory

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Updated:Wednesday, 12-Feb-97 13:03:32 EST(npn)