Lockheed Martin Energy Research, Inc.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory


REV. 0
DATE: 07/01/96


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Date Printed:_________________________ Verifier:__________________________

 PURPOSE               This procedure describes the ORNL corrective
                       action program (including reporting, tracking, and
                       trending) for conditions determined to be adverse to
                       safety, health, operations, quality, security, or the
 APPLIES TO            This procedure applies to all ORNL Sites and 
                       Organizations.  This procedure is written to
                       allow for direct implementation.
                       It applies to corrective actions generated in response
                       to external assessments, site/division/program
                       assessments, and reportable occurrences
                       (Category 1 - 3).
                       It is not applicable to divisional self-assessments,
                       and nonconformances unless specified by Site
                       Classified audit findings.  Unclassified Controlled
                       Nuclear Information (UCNI) and Classified information
                       will not be entered on documents generated by this
                       procedure.  Questions regarding the classification of
                       information must be reviewed by an Authorized
                       Derivative Classifier PRIOR to entry in the Energy
                       Systems Action Management System (ESAMS) or on
                       corrective action documentation.
                       It does not apply to Occupational Safety and Health
                       Administration (OSHA) noncompliances. 
                       This procedure is effective 30 days after approval and
                       applies to all existing open issues and those
                       identified after the effective date of this procedure.
                       The requirements of this procedure are not retroactive
                       to actions closed prior to the effective date of this
 OTHER                 o   X-AD-7, ORNL Records Management
 NEEDED                o   ORNL Guide ESS-MS-131, Integrated Resource
                           Management Systems
                       o   OP-301, Occurrence Reporting and Notification
                       o   ESP-QA-16.2, Root Cause Analysis
                       o   ESP-QA-16.3, Lessons Learned and Alerts System
                       o   ESS-QA-16.4, Energy Systems Action Management
                           System (ESAMS)
 WHAT TO DO            NOTE 1:  Appendix A, Corrective Action Process
                       flowdown provides graphical representation of this
                       NOTE 2:  Assignment of responsibilities for
                       occurrences is made in accordance with OP-301,
                       Occurrence Reporting and Notification.
                       A.  Initial Assignment of Responsibility
     Assessments       1.  Receives audit reports and other assessment
     Manager               documentation from auditing/assessing
                       2.  Coordinates review of assessment documentation to
                           identify and incorporate factual accuracy comments,
                           if applicable.
                       3.  Determines the preliminary assignment of
                           responsibility for the issue, i.e., Responsible
                       4.  Coordinates the review of issues for risk priority
                           in accordance with ESS-MS-131, Integrated
                           Resource Management System, and site specific
                       5.  Forwards the assessment documentation, 
                           risk/priority analysis, and the preliminary 
                           assignment of responsibility, to the 
                           Corrective Action Support Staff.
                       B.  Notification of Assignment
     Corrective        1.  Enters the assessment and issue information into
     Action Support        the Energy Systems Action Management System 
                       2.  Initiates a request for the Responsible Manager to
                           perform an initial review of the issue.
                       C.  Initial Review of Issue
     Responsible       1.  Performs an initial review of the issue including
     Manager               the following:
                           a.  Confirms the factual accuracy of the issue by
                               concurring that the issue describes a condition
                               which requires corrective action.
                           b.  Accepts responsibility for implementing or
                               coordinating the implementation of corrective
                           c.  Assigns a responsible person to develop a
                               corrective action plan response, as
                           d.  Identifies any issues corrected during the
                               audit or assessment.
                       2.  Responds to the Corrective Action Support Staff
                           (normally within 7 calendar days) to either concur
                           with the initial assignment or to provide written
                           justification for nonconcurrence with the
                           assignment of responsibility or the factual 
                           accuracy of the issue.
                       3.  If factual accuracy of the issue is disputed,
                           requests reevaluation of the issue by the lead
                           the person conducting the surveillance.
                       4.  If the preliminary assignment of responsibility
                           is disputed, then
                           requests reevaluation of the assignment of
     Corrective        5.  Closes any issues corrected during the audit or
     Action Support        assessment.
                       6.  If the Responsible Manager does not respond,
                           considers the assignment of responsibility made by
                           the Assessments Manager to be accurate.
                       D.  Nonconcurrence With Assignment or Factual
     Corrective        1.  If the Responsible Manager does not concur with
     Action Support        the factual accuracy or the assignment of
     Staff                 responsiblity, then
                           notifies the Assessments Manager.
     Assessments       2.  Coordinates reevaluation of the assignment or the
     Manager               factual accuracy.
     Assessments       3.  If reevaluation does not result in satisfactory
     Manager/              resolutions, then
     Responsible           escalates the disputed issue to the ORNL Quality
     Manager               Director.

     Quality           4.  Evaluates the escalated quality issue and provides
     Director              a documented decision within 15 working days.
     Quality           5.  If resolution cannot be reached, then
     Manager/              escalates the disputed issue, in writing, to the
     Responsible           Associate Director, Operations, Environment, 
     Manager               Safety and Health.
     Associate         6.  Resolves the issue and provides a written decision
     Director              within 15 working days.
     Assessments       7.  Assigns responsibility based on the resolution.

                       E.  Opening Issues
     Corrective        1.  Opens the issue in ESAMS.
     Action Support
     Staff             2.  Generates an ESAMS Corrective Action Plan action for
                           the issue.
                           This directs the Responsible Individual to analyze
                           the issue and to develop a corrective action plan
                           response (normally within 30 calendar days).
                       F.  Analysis of Issue
     Responsible        1.  Performs review of the issue including the
     Person                 following:
                            a.  Conducts a review to identify similar,
                                previously identified issues and the current
                                status of these issues.
                            b.  Identifies the functional category of the
                                issue in accordance with Appendix G,
                                Functional Category Codes.

                            c.  Evaluates the risk/priority of the issue, in
                                accordance with ESS-MS-131.
                        2.  Evaluates the issue for significance based on the
                            criteria given in Appendix B, Definitions.
                        3.  Determines the direct cause and contributing
                            The direct cause is the action or action sequence
                            that caused the deviation from expected behavior
                            or performance.
                        4.  If the issue is significant, then
                            identifies the root cause, in accordance wtih
                            ESP-QA-16.2, Root Cause Analysis.
                            Root cause is the most basic causal factor or
                            factors that, if corrected or removed, would have
                            prevented the direct cause from developing and
                            the issue from occurring.
                        5.  Determines the extent and the potential
                            applicability of the issue for Lessons Learned.
                            a.  If the issue includes examples, then
                                defines the population that contains the
                                cited examples,
                                ensures that the corrective action addresses
                                the scope of the issue.
                            b.  If the issue potentially applies to
                                operations in other organizations or at other
                                facilities, then
                                develops a Lessons Learned or an Alert, in
                                accordance with ESP-QA-16.3, Lessons
                                Learned and Alerts System.
                        6.  Identifies what actions will correct both the
                            effects and the direct cause of the issue.
                            a.  If corrective actions cannot be promptly
                                implemented, then
                                determines the immediate mitigation actions 
                                to temporarily control the issue and prevent
                                further deviations or hazardous conditions.
                            b.  Uses pre-existing actions, currently in
                                progress to correct similar issues, as a
                                means of correcting the issue for which the 
                                plan is being developed.

                        7.  If root cause analysis is performed, then
                            determines the preventive actions that will
                            correct the root cause.
                        8.  Designates any issue meeting the following criteria
                            as a Quick Fix
                            o  Corrected during the audit or assessment.
                            o  Can be corrected within 30 calendar days from
                               the date of notification using existing
                        9.  Designates any issue for which resources are not
                            available or which has a low risk/priority as
                            On-Hold; provides justification for placing the
                            issue On-Hold.
                       10.  Considers the calendar date for closure of
                            corrective actions based on priorities and
                       G.   Quick Fix Issues
                       NOTE 1:  This section is not applicable to
                       Reportable Occurrences.
                       NOTE 2:  Quick Fix issues do not require a formal
                       Corrective Action Plan.
     Responsible       1.  Ensures entry of a summary of the Quick Fix
     Person                activity into ESAMS.
                       2.  Ensures the results of Lessons Learned, Generic
                           Implications and Root Cause reviews are entered
                           in ESAMS.
                       3.  If the completion of the Quick Fix activities
                           occur within the 30 calendar days, then
                           a.  Prepares the evidence package for the issue.
                           b.  Ensures the entry of completion status (CO)
                               for the issue into ESAMS.
                           c.  Go To Section N.3 for verification and
                               closure of the issue.
                       4.  If Quick Fix activities cannot be completed
                           within 30 calendar days of notification of
                           responsibility, then
                           Go To Section I of this procedure, to develop a
                           detailed Corrective Action Plan.
                       H.  On-Hold Status
                       NOTE:  This section is not applicable to Reportable
     Responsible       1.  Ensures the entry of justification for placing the
     Person                issue On-Hold in the ESAMS Status Comments for
                           Open status.
                       2.  Ensures the generation of the report. See
                           Appendix C, Energy Systems Action Management
                           System Corrective Action Plan (CP) Report.
                       3.  Obtains validation for placing on-hold as per the
                           following guidelines:
                           o  High priority issues will be validated by a
                              representative of the responsible organization
                              and by a designated representative of the
                              Quality organization.
                           o  Medium and low priority issues will be
                              validated by an independent designee 
                              identified by the Responsible Manager.
                       4.  Forwards the signed/approved ESAMS CP Report to
                           the Corrective Action Support Staff.
                       5.  Reviews On-Hold issues/actions annually and
                           disposition as follows:
                           a.  Restores to active status.
                           b.  Retains in On-Hold status.
                           c.  Evaluates for cancellation after 2 years in
                               On-Hold status.
                       6.  Restores On-Hold issues to active status using
                           Appendix E, Energy Systems Action Management
                           System (ESAMS) Change Request.
                       7.  Cancels On-Hold issues using Appendix E.
                       I.  Developing a Corrective Action Plan
     Responsible       1.  Lists all actions along with the responsible
     Person                individual and the scheduled date for closure.
                       2.  Considers the document or evidence requirements for
                           each action.
                       3.  Coordinates the responsibilities with the
                           responsible individuals.
                       4.  If supporting actions by another organization
                           or division are needed, then
                           obtains documented acceptance of responsibility.
                       5.  If coordination of responsiblity for supporting
                           actions cannot be resolved, then
                           escalates as per Section D of this procedure.

                       6.  Ensures entry of the actions into ESAMS with
                           "Partial" status.
                       7.  Ensures entry of the results of Lessons Learned,
                           Generic Concerns, and Root Cause reviews into
                           ESAMS, where applicable.
                       8.  Coordinates an independent validation of the plan
                           with technical experts and/or Quality organization
                           personnel utilizing the following guidelines or as
                           specified by site criteria:
                           o  High priority issues and category 1 and 2
                              occurrences will be validated by a
                              representative of the responsible organization
                              and by a designated representative of the
                              Quality organization.
                           o  Medium and low priority issues and category 3
                              occurrences will be validated by an
                              independent designee identified by the
                              Responsible Manager.
     Validator         9.  Validates the proposed corrective actions for the
     and/or                following:
     Expert                o  Interim actions are adequate, where required.

                           o  Actions are appropriate to correct and prevent
                              recurrence of the issue.
                           o  Actions specifically address the system,
                              feature, or program element cited in the issue.
                           o  All applicable requirements; root cause, generic
                              concerns, and lessons learned reviews, are
                           o  Actions are achievable, closeable, and can be
                           o  The corrective action plan is correctly
                              processed, including attachments, correct
                              numbering, cross-references, and signatures.
     Responsible      10.  Ensures the generation of ESAMS CP Report or 
     Person                Final Occurrence Report as appropriate.
                      11.  Forwards the signed/approved ESAMS CP Report or the
                           Final Occurrence Report to the Corrective Action
                           Support Staff.
                      12.  If the issue is an occurrence, then
                           forwards the signed/approved Final Occurrence
                           Report to the Occurrence Reporting Staff/Facility
     Occurrence       13.  Transmits the final report of corrective actions
     Reporting             for occurrences to the Occurrence Reporting and
     Staff/Facility        Processing System (ORPS).
                       J.  Opening Actions
     Corrective        1.  Closes the ESAMS Corrective Action Plan action,
     Action Support        upon receipt of the approved action plan.
                       2.  Opens the corrective actions in ESAMS, or places
                           On-Hold, as appropriate.
                       3.  If external review or appproval is required,
                           initiates a request for the auditing or assessing
                           organization to approve the Corrective Action
                       K.  Corrective Action Implementation
     Responsible       1.  Monitors the implementation of the corrective
     Person                actions to ensure that the actions are implemented
                           according to the plan and the schedule is
                       2.  If corrective actions are not implemented
                           according to schedule, then
                           prepares an ESAMS Change Request to do one of the
                           o   revise the schedule
                           o   revise the action description
                           o   reassign responsibility for the action.
                       3.  If responsibility is reassigned to another
                           organization, then
                           obtains documented acceptance of responsibility from
                           the assignee.
                       4.  If the action is to be placed On-Hold, canceled,
                           or restored to active status after being placed
                           On-Hold, then
                           prepares an ESAMS Change Request to change the
                           status of the action.
                       5.  Provides justification for the status change.
                       6.  Obtains validation and approval for changes at the
                           same level as for the original plan.
                       7.  Forwards the signed ESAMS Change Request to the
                           Corrective Action Support Staff.
                       L.  Corrective Action Completion
     Responsible       1.  Prepares the evidence package for each action,
     Person                using the guidelines in Appendix F, Guidelines for
                           Evidence Package Compilation.
                       2.  Ensures entry of the completion status (CO) for
                           the action into ESAMS.
                       3.  Obtains verification for the action.
     Verifier          4.  Performs verification of the action using a graded
                           approach with the following as the recommended
                           minimum requirement:
                           o   Low Priority - line organization review of 
                               evidence package.
                           o   Medium Priority and Category 3 Occurrences -
                               independent line organization verification of
                               evidence package.
                           o   High Priority and Category 1 & 2 Occurrences -
                               independent quality field verification.
                       5.  Signs the report as shown in Appendix D, Energy
                           Systems Action Management System Corrective
                           Action (CA) Report, indicating completion of
                           verification activities.
     Responsible       6.  Forwards the signed ESAMS CA Report and the Evidence
     Person                Package to the Corrective Action Support Staff.
                       M.  Corrective Action Closure
     Corrective        1.  Closes each action upon receipt of the Evidence
     Action Support        Package for the action.
                       2.  If the action is in response to a reportable
                           occurrence, then authorizes closure of the
                           action in ORPS.
                       3.  Forwards the Evidence Package to file.
                       N.  Issue Review and Verification
                       NOTE:  The purpose of reviewing and verifying the
                       issue is to ensure that the individual actions remain
                       valid to collectively resolve the issue after the
                       interval from the time the plan was issued until the
                       last action was closed.
     Corrective        1.  When the last action is closed, then
     Action Support        requests the Responsible Manager to review the
     Staff                 completed Evidence Package for the issue.
     Responsible       2.  Ensures that the action plan, as completed, is
     Manager               verified as being effective in correcting and
                           preventing recurrence of the issue.
     Verifier          3.  Verifies the issue using a graded approach with the
                           following as the recommended minimum requirement:
                           o  Low Priority - line organization review of 
                              evidence package.
                           o  Medium Priority and Category 3 Occurrences -
                              independent line organization verification of
                              evidence package.
                           o  High Priority and Category 1 & 2 Occurrences and
                              Quick Fixes - independent quality field
                       4.  Signs the ESAMS CP Report indicating verification.
     Responsible       5.  Provides a signed ESAMS CP Report to the Corrective
     Manager               Action Support Staff.
     Corrective        6.  Closes the issue in ESAMS upon receipt of the signed
     Action Support        ESAMS CP Report.
                       7.  If external verification is required, then
                           initiates a request for external verification.
                       8.  If external verification fails, then
                           notifies the Responsible Manager,
                           reopens the issue and corrective actions.
                       O.  Corrective Action Status Reporting and Trending
     Corrective        1.  Prepares monthly reports upon request, showing the
     Action Support        status of corrective actions.
                       2.  Reviews corrective action status to identify trends
                           and similar root causes and notifies management of
                           any identified trends.
                       3.  Provides corrective action and root cause
                           performance indicator data upon request.
 RECORDS               NOTE:  All records required to document the
                       identification, validation, implementation, completion,
                       verification and closure of corrective actions will be
                       maintained in the corrective action Evidence Package.
                       These records shall be maintained in accordance with
                       approved records inventory and disposition schedules.
     Responsible       1.  Prepares documentation to be included in Evidence
     Person                Packages in accordance with IO-101, Records
                           Management, and the following:
                           a.  Ensures that all information is legible.
                           b.  Marks or highlights applicable sections of
                           c.  Includes approved and/or issued copies only.
                               Drafts are unacceptable unless specifically
                               identified as drafts in the action step.
                           d.  Ensures ESAMS CA Reports, ESAMS CP Reports, and
                               ESAMS Corrective Action Change Requests are
                               signed and dated.
                           e.  Includes the cover page, signature page, the
                               applicable sections of the document, and the
                               transmittal letter, as appropriate.

                      Appendix A.  Corrective Action Process

                      Appendix B.  Definitions
                      Appendix C.  Energy Systems Action Management System
                                   (ESAMS) Corrective Action Plan (CP) Report
                      Appendix D.  Energy Systems Action Management System
                                   (ESAMS) Corrective Action (CA) Report
                      Appendix E.  Energy Systems Action Management System
                                   (ESAMS) Corrective Action Change Request
                      Appendix F.  Guidelines for Evidence Package
                      Appendix G.  Functional Category Codes

Appendix A


Appendix A (continued)

                                     APPENDIX B
 ESAMS Corrective Action Report (CA) - A report which summarizes the
 ESAMS action status.
 ESAMS Corrective Action Closure (CL) - The status of an action when
 the Corrective Action Support Staff receives objective evidence that the
 action is complete and has been verified.
 ESAMS Corrective Action Completion (CO) - The status of an action when
 all specified work has been performed and documented and the action is
 ready for verification.
 ESAMS Corrective Action Plan Report (CP) - A report which summarizes
 the status of all actions in an action plan.
 Evidence Package - Documentation that the work specified by the action
 has been completed and was effective in correcting and preventing
 recurrence of the problem.
 Issue - Generic term for problems, deficiencies, findings, concerns,
 alerts, observations, and other conditions requiring evaluation for
 corrective action.  These terms are identified as different ESAMS Action
 Item Types.  Issues are classified as internal: i.e., those identified by
 Energy Systems and its organizational subdivisions, and external; i.e.,
 those identified by organizations external to Energy Systems, including
 Martin Marietta Corporate, the Department of Energy and the State of
 Quick Fix - Issues which can be completed and closed within 30
 calendar days using existing resources and with no impact on schedules.
 Risk/Priority - The evaluation of the consequences and the probability
 of occurrence of a problem based on the Energy Systems risk and priority
 methodology.  The following Risk/Priority category designations will be
             Risk Rank        Score         Occurrences
             High             >100          Category 1 & 2
             Medium           50-100        Category 3
             Low              <50
 Significance - Significant deficiencies are those meeting one of the
 following criteria:
     o    Any item with a high Risk/Priority.
     o    Any item which is reportable under DOE Order O232.1.
     o    Any condition which merits increased management attention.
     o    Programmatic breakdowns identified by adverse trends or other
     o    Repetitive or deliberate violations of procedure or falsification
          of documentation.
     o    A problem which has recurred after being corrected with a formal
          Corrective Action Plan.
 Validation - An independent review performed to ensure that planned
 corrective actions address causes of issues, will prevent recurrence of
 issues, and can be accomplished and documented as scheduled.
 Verification - An evaluation to determine that an action or action
 plan was actually completed and was effective in correcting a problem.







                                    APPENDIX F
 Evidence Packages are compiled for each corrective action which is
 specified in the Corrective Action Plan response, as well as for issues
 placed on-hold or addressed via Quick Fix activities.  Collection of
 objective evidence should begin as soon as the action is identified as one
 which will correct or mitigate the issue.  The contents of the Evidence
 Package are considered QA records.  The following guidelines should be
 used when compiling evidence.
 Evidence associated with the Issue:
 1.  Copy of the initial issue description and any associated response
 2.  Initial signed and dated ESAMS Corrective Action Plan Report or Final
     Occurrence Report.
 3.  Signed and dated ESAMS Change Requests for changes or revisions to 
     the action plan.
 4.  Root Cause analysis documentation, if performed.
 5.  Signed and dated ESAMS Corrective Action Plan Report indicating closure
     and verification for all corrective actions performed to address the
 6.  Supporting evidence to document the closure of a Quick Fix issue.
 7.  Documentation to justify canceling or placing an issue On-Hold.
 8.  Table of contents for information contained in the Evidence Package.
 Evidence associated with each Corrective Action:
 1.  Copy of the signed and dated ESAMS Corrective Action Reports(s) which
     document the action(s).
 2.  Signed and dated ESAMS Change Requests for changes to the 
     corrective action schedule, status, or content.
 3.  Signed and dated ESAMS Corrective Action Plan Report indicating closure
     and verification of the corrective action.
 4.  Supporting evidence to document closure of the corrective action:
     Examples:  a.  Revisions or changes to a procedure will include:
                    o  Procedure cover page showing revision date and
                        revision level
                    o   Signature page, signed and dated
                    o   Pages with pertinent paragraphs highlighted.  For
                        comparison purposes, include comparable pages prior to
                        the revision.
                b.  If training was performed, include:
                    o   Attendee roster including date of training,
                        instructor, and title of training,
                    o   Lesson information or official course identification.
                c.  Development of a functional charter will include a signed
                    and dated copy of the charter.
                d.  Documentation of staffing increases will include:
                    o   Position descriptions or charters
                    o   Old and new organization charts
                    o   Signed and dated approved staffing requisition
                    o   Pertinent correspondence related to actual staff
                e.  Physical changes in equipment or facilities will include,
                    as applicable:
                    o   Photographs
                    o   Approved drawings
                    o   Procurement records
                    o   Associated correspondence.
                f.  Documented test results.
                g.  Surveillance results to indicate results of monitoring
                    performed on on-going activities.
 5.  Documentation to justify canceling or placing a corrective action
 6.  Table of contents for information contained in the Evidence Package.

                            APPENDIX G


AQ	Air
AS	Aviation Safety
AX	Auxiliary Systems
BI	Biota
CO	Communications
CS	Criticality Safety
DP	Directive Process
EA	Experimental Activities
EM	Environmental Monitoring
EN	Environmental
EP	Emergency Preparedness
ES	Explosive Safety
FP	Fire Protection
FR	Facility Safety
FS	Firearms Safety
GW	Groundwater
HM	Hazardous Materials
HS	Health & Safety
IH	Industrial Hygiene
IR	Incident Reporting Trend Analysis
IW	Inactive Waste Sites
MA	Maintenance
MG	Management
MI	Management Information Systems
MN	Mission
MS	Medical Services
NE	NEPA Implementation
NS	Nuclear Safety
OA	Organization and Administration
OP	Operations
OS	Occupational Safety
OV	Oversight
PB	Planning & Budgeting
PO	Policy & Procedures
PP	Personnel Protection
PT	Packaging and Transportation
PU	Public Protection
QA	Quality Assurance
RE	Resources
RM 	Radioactive Materials
RP	Radiological Protection
SA	Self-Assessment/Correction Action
SE	Sediment
SO	Soil
SS	Security/Safety Interface
ST	Special Topics
SW	Surface Water
TC	Training and Certification
TS	Technical Support
WM	Waste Management
WS	Worker Safety

Approved by: [J. H. Swanks]                              
             Associate Director
             Operations, Environment, Safety, and Health
             Oak Ridge National Laboratory

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Updated:Wednesday, 12-Feb-97 13:00:07 EST(npn)