Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation
Oak Ridge National Laboratory


REV. 0
DATE: 11/12/96


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PURPOSE               This procedure specifies a uniform method by which
                      ORNL meets the Independent Assessment (Criterion 10)
                      requirements of DOE Order 5700.6C, "Quality Assurance," 
                      section 9.b(3)(b), and 10 CFR 830.120, "Quality
                      Assurance," section (c)(3)(ii).

APPLIES TO            This procedure applies to all ORNL organizations that 
                      lead, sponsor or participate in independent audits and 
                      assessments. Independent assessments are conducted to 
                      measure item quality and process effectiveness and to 
                      promote improvement. The organization performing
                      independent assessments will have sufficient authority 
                      and freedom from the line organization to carry out its 
                      responsibilities. Persons conducting independent
                      assessments will be technically qualified and 
                      knowledgeable in the areas assessed.

                      Financial audits are exempt from this procedure.

OTHER                 o  ESP-QA-2.4, "Qualification of Technical Audit
DOCUMENTS                Personnel"
                      o  QA-16.1, "Corrective Action Program"

                      o  OP-301, "Occurrence Notification and Reporting"

                      o  UCN-19153, "ORNL Assessment Record"

WHAT TO DO         A. Program Management

   Quality            1. Provide oversight related to the need,
   Director              implementation, and conduct of independent

                      NOTE: Assessment Program Manager refers to a
                            position responsible for leading and
                            coordinating independent assessment program
                            activities, such as Manager, Technical
                            Assessment Group; Section Head, Quality
                            Assurance; Management Assessment Manager;
                            Department Head, Quality Assurance; and
                            Environmental, Safety, & Health Managers.

   Assessment         2. Develop and implement an independent assessment
   Program Manager       program for the organization.

                      3. Coordinate the identification and prioritization
                         of needs for independent assessments.

                      4. Coordinate preparation of the organization's
                         fiscal-year independent assessment schedule to
                         be signed by the organization manager and issued
                         prior to the first day of each fiscal year.

                      5. Issue and maintain the fiscal-year, ORNL-level
                         assessment schedule.

                      6. Coordinate long-term planning (for next 3 years)
                         of independent assessment needs, and issues
                         long-term plan prior to the first day of each
                         fiscal year.

                      7. Review and approve the assessment plans developed
                         by the team leaders for each assessment.

                      8. Provide oversight and support to the organization's 
                         independent assessment teams.

                   B. Assessment Preparation

                      NOTE: The team leader will be an ORNL certified lead
                            auditor in accordance with ESP-QA-2.4, 
                            "Qualification of Technical Audit Personnel."

   Team Leader        1. Issue an assessment notification to the assessed
                         management prior to the assessment.

                      2. Select the assessment team members.

                         Each assessment team will be composed of assessors 
                         and technical specialists as needed to properly staff
                         the team.  These team members will be qualified in 
                         accordance with ESP-QA-2.4 and technically 
                         knowledgeable in the areas assessed. The team leader 
                         and team members cannot be responsible for the work
                         being assessed.

                      3. Verify and document the qualifications of each
                         team member.

                      4. Arrange for team member training when needed.

                      5. Develop the assessment plan to include:

                         o  Identification of the organization(s)

                         o  Purpose and scope

                         o  Team members

                         o  Scheduled start and completion dates

                         o  Applicable requirement documents such as
                            Department of Energy (DOE) orders, federal
                            regulations, and ORNL procedures

                      6. Forward the assessment plan to the Assessment
                         Program Manager for review and approval.

   Assessment         7. Review and approve the assessment plan.
   Program Manager

   Team Leader        8. Issue the assessment plan to the assessed
                         management prior to the assessment.

                      9. Meet with team members to review the assessment
                         plan and assignments.

                     10. Assign team members to prepare specific

                         There is no specific format required for a

   Team Member       11. Develop checklist(s) items for assigned area(s).

   Team Leader       12. Approve checklist(s).

                     13. Make arrangements for facility access and
                         coordinate required resources with assessed

                   C. Assessment Performance

   Team Leader        1. Manage the assessment team activities and

                      2. Conduct a pre-assessment meeting with the team
                         members and the assessed management to:

                         o  Provide introductions and initiate lines of

                         o  Clarify purpose and scope of the assessment

                         o  Identify documentation needed by the
                            assessment team

                         o  Identify key personnel that the assessors plan
                            to interview and areas to which they will need

                         o  Specify administrative facilities or services
                            needed for the assessment team's use

                         o  Present a schedule for conduct of the

                      3. Conduct periodic team meetings to review
                         progress and identify issues, as appropriate.

                      4. Conduct periodic meetings with the assessed
                         management to discuss identified issues, as

   Assessed           5. Provide the assessment team with reasonable
   Management            access to facilities, personnel, and records
                         needed to conduct the assessment.

   Team Member        6. Evaluate the assessed management's compliance
                         level with each checklist(s) item.

                      7. Record basis of conclusion on the checklist(s)
                         for compliance and non-compliance assessments.

                      8. IF a checklist(s) item is not evaluated, THEN
                            indicate on the checklist(s) that the item was
                            not evaluated.

                      NOTE 1:  A "finding" is a direct violation of a
                               requirement.  Findings require corrective

                      NOTE 2:  An "observation" is a condition that could
                               be improved or strengthened.  An observation 
                               is not a requirement violation; it is a method 
                               by which opportunities for managerial or
                               programmatic improvements may be identified.  
                               Observations require documented evaluation or 
                               identification of planned corrective actions.

                      NOTE 3:  Findings and observations will be documented in 
                               the ORNL Issues Management System and handled in
                               accordance with QA-16.1, "Corrective Action

                      NOTE 4:  A "proficiency" may be either an exemplary
                               practice or an area of performance excellence 
                               that the team feels should be brought to the 
                               attention of management. Proficiencies do not 
                               require a response.

                      NOTE 5:  Forms other than UCN-19153, "ORNL Assessment 
                               Record" may be used to document findings,
                               observations, and proficiencies if the minimum 
                               information in UCN-19153 is recorded on the

                      9. Document findings, observations, and proficiencies 
                         on Form UCN-19153 in accordance with the Appendix
                         A, "ORNL Assessment Record - Sample."

                     10. IF the team member finds that a finding or
                         observation has previously been entered into
                         the ORNL Issues Management System
                         has appropriate progress on an adequate corrective 
                         action plan, then record the corresponding Action 
                         Item Identification Number on the checklist and
                         do not report this as a new finding or observation.

                     11. Review UCN-19153 for occurrence criteria that
                         may be reportable to the DOE and convey this
                         information to the assessed management as soon
                         as possible.

   Assessed          12. Evaluate and report potential occurrences in
   Management            accordance with OP-301, "Occurrence Notification
                         and Reporting."

   Team Member       13. Transmit UCN-19153 to the team leader for review
                         and approval.

   Team Leader       14. Review and approve UCN-19153.

                     15. Transmit UCN-19153 to the assessed management
                         for review of factual accuracy.

   Assessed          16. Review UCN-19153 for factual accuracy.

   Team Leader       17. Resolve factual accuracy review comments.

                     18. If the team leader is unable to resolve
                         conflicts or professional differences of opinion
                         between team members and assessed management
                         concerning finding/observation records, then
                         escalate the disputed issue to the ORNL Assessment 
                         Program Manager or ORNL Quality Director, as

                     19. Conduct and lead the post-assessment meeting
                         between team members and the assessed

                         The post-assessment meeting contains:

                         o  A summary of top issues with an overview of
                            areas assessed

                         o  A review of main findings, observations, and

                         o  The schedule for issuance of the assessment

                     20. Ensure all final UCN-19153 forms are signed.

                   D. Assessment Reporting

   Team Leader        1. Prepare an assessment report.

                         The report includes:

                         o  Executive summary

                         o  Summary of main issues

                         o  Purpose and scope

                         o  List of team members

                         o  List of personnel interviewed or contacted
                            during the assessment

                         o  UCN-19153 forms

                      2. Forward the assessment report to the Assessment
                         Program Manager for approval.

   Assessment         3. Approve the assessment report and return to the
   Program Manager       Team Leader for distribution.

   Team Leader        4. Distribute the assessment report to the assessed
                         management and to the Assessment Program Manager
                         within 30 days of the post-assessment meeting,
                         and other organizations, or individuals, as

                      5. Collect completed checklists from team members
                         and maintain them with assessment records.

   Assessed           6. Document responses to findings and observations
   Management            in the ORNL Issues Management System
                         in accordance with QA-16.1, "Corrective Action


   Assessment         1. Create and maintain the following records
   Program Manager       according to established ORNL records
                         management practices and approved records
                         inventory and disposition schedules:

                         o  Assessment notification

                         o  Team member qualification documentation

                         o  Assessment plan

                         o  Assessment report

                         o  Completed assessment checklists

                         o  Transmittal letters, as appropriate.

APPENDIX          Instructions for Completing Assessment Record

Approved by: [J. H. Swanks]                              
             Associate Director
             Operations, Environment, Safety, and Health
             Oak Ridge National Laboratory

APPENDIX A INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING ASSESSMENT RECORD 1. Assessment Title - The title of the assessment. 2. Assessment Identification Number - The unique identification of the assessment "S-104." 3. Assessment Date - The time during which the assessment was conducted. 4. Subject - The subject of the finding, observation, or proficiency, such as "Equipment and Pipe Labeling". 5. Assessment Record Number - The assigned identification number for the finding, observation, or proficiency. 6. Category Identification - Mark as either a finding, observation, or proficiency. 7. Description of Finding/Observation/Proficiency - A concise description of the finding, observation, or proficiency. 8. Requirement(s) - The source document(s), including specific section, where the violated requirement is located. 9. Discussion - Space available for supporting evidence or more detailed explanation of the finding, observation, or proficiency. 10. Contact(s)/Location(s) - The person(s) interviewed or contacted and/or the location(s) of the finding, observation, or proficiency during the assessment. 11. Accepted By - The person appointed by the assessed organization to accept organizational ownership of the finding, observation or proficiency, by signing the "ORNL Assessment Record" form. Acceptance means the responsible organization accepts ownership of the finding, observation or proficiency. It does not mean the person signing the form accepts personal responsibility for the applicable corrective action. 12. Assessed Organization - The assessed unit. 13. Team Member(s)/Team Leader - Name(s) are printed. 14. Team Leader - Name is signed. 15. Date Identified - The date when the finding, observation, or proficiency was discovered.

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Updated:Wednesday, 12-Feb-97 12:58:09 EST(npn)