Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation
Oak Ridge National Laboratory


REV. 0
DATE: 05/20/96


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Date Printed:_________________________ Verifier:__________________________

PURPOSE            This procedure provides direction for reporting
		   nonconforming items and services using ORNL
		   Procedure QA-15.1, "Preparation of a Nonconformance

APPLIES TO         This procedure applies to all purchased or in-house
		   fabricated items and services that do not conform to
		   specifications or requirements.  (Amplification may be
		   found in QA-15.1, Sect. A.5.)

OTHER		   o  QA-15.1, "Preparation of Nonconformance Report"
NEEDED             o  UCN-11457, "Nonconformance Report Form"

                   NOTE: All referenced forms and tags are available from the
		   ORNL QA Office or through any ORNL QA specialist or

WHAT TO DO         A. Identification and Documentation

 Employee          1. Notifies the appropriate project or line manager when an
 Identifying	      item or service does not appear to conform to
 Nonconformance	      specifications or requirements.

 Project/Line      2. Segregates and tags, where practical, suspect item(s)
 Manager	      with "Hold" tag(s) (UCN-10858).  "Reject" tags
		      (UCN-10859) may be applied to clearly nonconforming items.

                   3. Contacts their QA specialist (QAS) for assistance in
		      dispositioning and documenting nonconforming item(s) or

 Project/Line      4. Prepare Nonconformance Report (UCN-11457) in accordance
 Manager 	      with QA-15.1.
 and QAS
                   5. Ensure that dispositioning material review board, if
		      required, consists of, as a minimum, the project or line
		      manager, design engineer (if a designed item),
		      customer/user (if other than the project or line manager)
		      and assigned QAS.

 Project/Line      B. Corrective Action
 and QAS           1. Remove initial tagging, if necessary, and apply
		      appropriate tag(s) consistent with item disposition.

                      a. Use "Reject" tag if item is rejected and/or scrapped.
                      b. Use "Approval for Alternate Use" tag (UCN-10857) if
			 item is to be used in an alternative application.

                   2. Ensure that any repaired or reworked items are
		      reinspected or retested consistent with the original or
		      modified requirements.

                   3. Ensure that drawings and other applicable documents are
		      revised when applicable to reflect modifications or
		      accepted deviations.

RECORDS            Nonconformance Reports and associated documentation are
		   retained in accordance with approved records inventory and
		   disposition schedules under X-AD-7, "ORNL Records

Approved by: [J. H. Swanks]                              
             Associate Director
             Operations, Environment, Safety, and Health
             Oak Ridge National Laboratory

The Primary Information Contact (PIC) for this document and Functional Policy Manager (FPM) for this policy area are listed below if you have questions, comments or suggestions. E-mail forms are provided for your convenience. Please include title, URL, or other document descriptor in your message.

PIC - M. L. Gildner FPM - P. B. Hoke Directives Coordinator
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Updated:Wednesday, 12-Feb-97 12:56:15 EST(npn)