Fast Camera thumbnails 129600-129699

Charles Bush ( is the Responsible Physicist on this Diagnostic. was used to create these pages

e.g., to create 5 html pages of 100 shots each between shots 118200 and 118699:

IDL> for j=118200, 118699, 100 do fcthumbnails, j, /verbose

As of June, 2006, these pages are not generated automatically.

(The times are from the Survey Database for ramp-up, flattop, max Ip and the times half-way between.)

Shot 129648, at 50, 120, 185, 219, 250 ms:

Shot 129649, at 50, 115, 185, 217, 250 ms:

Shot 129650, at 50, 115, 175, 213, 250 ms:

Shot 129651, at 50, 150, 250, 324, 398 ms:

Shot 129652, at 50, 130, 214, 232, 250 ms:

Shot 129653, at 50, 150, 250, 354, 460 ms:

Shot 129654, at 50, 115, 180, 214, 250 ms:

Shot 129655, at 50, 110, 175, 212, 250 ms:

Shot 129656, at 50, 115, 150 ms:

Shot 129657, at 50, 115, 175, 215, 250 ms:

Shot 129661, at 50, 115, 185, 217, 250 ms:

Shot 129662, at 50, 115, 180, 216, 250 ms:

Shot 129663, at 50, 115, 180, 216, 250 ms:

Shot 129664, at 50, 140, 228, 239, 250 ms:

Shot 129665, at 50, 140, 228, 239, 250 ms:

Shot 129666, at 50, 140, 226, 238, 250 ms:

Shot 129667, at 50, 150, 250, 265, 281 ms:

Shot 129668, at 50, 140, 231, 240, 250 ms:

Shot 129676, at 50, 150, 250, 276, 303 ms:

Shot 129677, at 50, 115, 180, 215, 250 ms:

Shot 129678, at 50, 150, 250, 274, 299 ms:

Shot 129691, at 50, 125, 201, 225, 250 ms:

Shot 129693, at 50, 125, 199, 224, 250 ms:

Shot 129694, at 50, 124, 199, 224, 250 ms:

Shot 129695, at 50, 131, 211, 231, 250 ms:

Shot 129696, at 50, 125, 199, 225, 250 ms:

Shot 129697, at 50, 125, 200, 225, 250 ms:

page created by Bill Davis, PPPL Tue Jun 17 11:12:20 2008.