Miro Camera thumbnails 130200-130299

Lane Roquemore is the Responsible Physicist on this Diagnostic.

mirothumbnails.pro was used to create these pages

e.g., to create 5 html pages of 100 shots each between shots 118200 and 118699:

IDL> for j=130200, 130799, 100 do mirothumbnails, j, /verbose

Shot 130242, at 207, 282, 364, 660, 911, 938 ms:

Shot 130277, at 197, 267, 335, 509, 754, 822 ms:

Shot 130281, at 282, 299, 340, 493, 596, 619 ms:

Shot 130282, at 276, 352, 378, 409, 523, 568 ms:

Shot 130283, at 202, 250, 260, 311, 493, 668 ms:

Shot 130284, at 209, 311, 374, 443, 522, 694 ms:

Shot 130285, at 203, 233, 275, 429, 478, 556 ms:

Shot 130286, at 395, 431, 510, 621, 719, 749 ms:

Shot 130287, at 250, 285, 423, 558, 800, 802 ms:

Shot 130288, at 420, 486, 518, 654, 692, 749 ms:

Shot 130289, at 250, 268, 413, 416, 451 ms:

Shot 130290, at 210, 232, 250, 390, 413, 686 ms:

Shot 130292, at 279, 339, 465, 550, 663, 764 ms:

Shot 130293, at 191, 297, 394, 451, 479, 644 ms:

Shot 130295, at 209, 343, 432, 464, 752, 775 ms:

Shot 130296, at 250, 282, 412, 414, 453 ms:

Shot 130298, at 250, 270, 372, 435, 560, 572 ms:

page created by Bill Davis, PPPL Thu Aug 7 16:15:35 2008.