Miro Camera thumbnails 130400-130499

Lane Roquemore is the Responsible Physicist on this Diagnostic.

mirothumbnails.pro was used to create these pages

e.g., to create 5 html pages of 100 shots each between shots 118200 and 118699:

IDL> for j=130200, 130799, 100 do mirothumbnails, j, /verbose

Shot 130400, at 201, 206, 250, 333, 483, 1188 ms:

Shot 130405, at 182, 233, 397, 508, 993, 1187 ms:

Shot 130406, at 223, 1244, 1332 ms:

Shot 130407, at 231, 839, 1115, 1188 ms:

Shot 130408, at 211, 581, 921, 1136, 1302 ms:

Shot 130409, at 146, 238, 286 ms:

EF="http://nstxops.pppl.gov:2462/?RoutineToCall=logbook_options&Output=listing&include=on&order=down&shot1=130408">Shot 130408, at 211, 250, 581, 921, 981, 1136 ms:

Shot 130409, at 146, 189, 238, 250, 286 ms:

Shot 130410, at 152, 217, 223, 250, 403, 485 ms:

Shot 130411, at 215, 250, 440, 463, 699, 948 ms:

Shot 130412, at 333, 450, 620, 670, 924, 1177 ms:

Shot 130413, at 250, 310, 312, 329, 352 ms:

Shot 130414, at 144, 233, 250, 276, 328, 351 ms:

Shot 130415, at 205, 220, 244, 250, 265, 292 ms:

Shot 130416, at 234, 301, 836, 1056, 1121, 1426 ms:

Shot 130417, at 142, 193, 250, 284, 316, 335 ms:

Shot 130418, at 292, 599, 808, 885, 948, 1013 ms:

Shot 130419, at 250, 1393, 1496, 1498 ms:

Shot 130420, at 151, 195, 202, 241, 286, 314 ms:

Shot 130421, at 250, 318, 320, 389 ms:

Shot 130422, at 165, 432, 519, 626, 649, 1239 ms:

Shot 130423, at 165, 426, 553, 735, 900, 1326 ms:

Shot 130424, at 600, 641, 728, 1079, 1271, 1330 ms:

Shot 130425, at 282, 413, 493, 1174, 1238, 1324 ms:

Shot 130426, at 159, 161, 250, 1033 ms:

Shot 130427, at 152, 153, 250, 936, 1036 ms:

Shot 130428, at 216, 217, 250 ms:

Shot 130429, at 166, 200, 275, 724, 814, 915 ms:

Shot 130430, at 143, 174, 183, 208, 236, 250 ms:

Shot 130431, at 201, 356, 475, 536, 647, 967 ms:

Shot 130432, at 207, 348, 408, 903, 1019, 1162 ms:

Shot 130433, at 250, 664, 667, 691 ms:

Shot 130434, at 250, 341, 367, 403, 405 ms:

page created by Bill Davis, PPPL Thu Aug 7 16:14:03 2008.