Miro Camera thumbnails 130700-130799

Lane Roquemore is the Responsible Physicist on this Diagnostic.

mirothumbnails.pro was used to create these pages

e.g., to create 5 html pages of 100 shots each between shots 118200 and 118699:

IDL> for j=130200, 130799, 100 do mirothumbnails, j, /verbose

Shot 130705, at 133, 348, 387, 423, 466, 498 ms:

Shot 130706, at 333, 353, 415, 446, 504, 536 ms:

Shot 130708, at 147, 196, 214, 218, 248, 250 ms:

Shot 130710, at 250, 301, 339, 350, 423, 427 ms:

Shot 130711, at 250, 274, 397, 415, 419 ms:

Shot 130713, at 343, 379, 408, 437, 451, 509 ms:

Shot 130715, at 198, 250, 432, 456, 459, 469 ms:

Shot 130718, at 209, 250, 265, 292, 561, 566 ms:

Shot 130719, at 205, 304, 333, 369, 475, 492 ms:

Shot 130721, at 210, 223, 250, 273, 567 ms:

Shot 130722, at 204, 243, 250, 566 ms:

Shot 130724, at 201, 218, 250, 260, 291, 566 ms:

Shot 130725, at 206, 462, 541, 691, 800 ms:

Shot 130727, at 208, 217, 248, 250, 635, 799 ms:

Shot 130728, at 208, 312, 629, 701, 799 ms:

Shot 130729, at 209, 248, 300, 630, 930, 1135 ms:

Shot 130730, at 209, 586, 671, 1002, 1153 ms:

Shot 130732, at 74, 94, 147, 212, 434, 521 ms:

Shot 130733, at 219, 250, 624, 766, 901, 952 ms:

Shot 130735, at 230, 247, 291, 317, 347, 389 ms:

page created by Bill Davis, PPPL Thu Aug 7 16:29:07 2008.