Miro Camera thumbnails 133400-133499

Lane Roquemore is the Responsible Physicist on this Diagnostic.

mirothumbnails.pro was used to create these pages

e.g., to create 5 html pages of 100 shots each between shots 130200 and 130799:

IDL> for j=130200, 130799, 100 do mirothumbnails, j, /verbose

As of Nov., 2009, these pages are not generated automatically.

(The times are from the findpeaks.pro routine, with more times added from the Survey Database, if needed.)

Shot 133404, at 595, 750 ms:

Shot 133405, at 591, 677, 717, 818, 829 ms:

Shot 133444, at 198, 271, 524, 592, 592 ms:

Shot 133445, at 211, 272, 486, 523 ms:

Shot 133446, at 250, 270, 366, 471, 647 ms:

Shot 133447, at 250, 261, 453, 596, 789 ms:

Shot 133448, at 212 ms:

Shot 133449, at 212 ms:

Shot 133450, at 332, 515, 656, 717 ms:

Shot 133451, at 403, 600, 733, 1000 ms:

Shot 133452, at 304, 359, 715 ms:

Shot 133453, at 47, 516, 682, 778 ms:

Shot 133454, at 250, 281, 452, 558, 649 ms:

Shot 133455, at 272, 474, 589, 654 ms:

Shot 133456, at 321, 455, 592, 660 ms:

Shot 133457, at 268, 302, 374, 455, 457 ms:

Shot 133459, at 265, 483, 567, 764 ms:

Shot 133460, at 221, 515, 653, 713 ms:

Shot 133461, at 370, 391, 557, 622 ms:

Shot 133462, at 147, 178, 411, 492, 493 ms:

Shot 133463, at 272, 607, 697, 821, 875 ms:

Shot 133464, at 287, 468, 549, 672, 677 ms:

Shot 133465, at 236, 472, 596, 671, 673 ms:

Shot 133466, at 216, 640, 707, 754, 916 ms:

Shot 133467, at 269, 621, 690, 831, 832 ms:

Shot 133468, at 287, 406, 570, 689, 706 ms:

Shot 133469, at 234, 325, 427, 697 ms:

Shot 133470, at 231, 350, 674, 724, 725 ms:

Shot 133471, at 193, 250, 377, 645, 734 ms:

Shot 133472, at 343, 615, 692, 742, 817 ms:

Shot 133473, at 278, 363, 699, 989, 999 ms:

Shot 133474, at 404, 553, 853, 915, 916 ms:

Shot 133475, at 192, 250, 709, 760, 1000 ms:

Shot 133476, at 212, 401, 653, 681, 682 ms:

Shot 133477, at 250, 395, 528, 691, 760 ms:

Shot 133478, at 250, 480, 709, 802 ms:

Shot 133480, at 427, 598, 717, 857, 858 ms:

page created by Bill Davis, PPPL Thu Dec 10 15:44:23 2009.