Miro Camera thumbnails 133600-133699

Lane Roquemore is the Responsible Physicist on this Diagnostic.

mirothumbnails.pro was used to create these pages

e.g., to create 5 html pages of 100 shots each between shots 130200 and 130799:

IDL> for j=130200, 130799, 100 do mirothumbnails, j, /verbose

As of Nov., 2009, these pages are not generated automatically.

(The times are from the findpeaks.pro routine, with more times added from the Survey Database, if needed.)

Shot 133600, at 281, 413, 453, 705 ms:

Shot 133601, at 230, 330, 358, 359, 379 ms:

Shot 133602, at 228, 341, 413, 457 ms:

Shot 133603, at 235, 250, 377, 379, 381 ms:

Shot 133671, at 8, 8, 35, 53 ms:

Shot 133672, at 7, 8, 48, 53 ms:

Shot 133673, at 7, 8, 53, 53 ms:

Shot 133674, at 7, 8, 53, 53 ms:

Shot 133676, at 7, 8, 36, 53 ms:

Shot 133677, at 8, 8, 53 ms:

Shot 133678, at 7, 8, 53 ms:

Shot 133679, at 7, 8, 60 ms:

Shot 133680, at 8, 8, 60 ms:

Shot 133682, at 8, 8, 34, 60 ms:

Shot 133683, at 7, 8, 35, 60 ms:

Shot 133686, at 7, 60 ms:

Shot 133687, at 10, 60 ms:

Shot 133688, at 10, 60 ms:

Shot 133689, at 10, 60 ms:

Shot 133690, at 7, 8, 60 ms:

Shot 133691, at 7, 8, 60 ms:

Shot 133692, at 7, 8, 60 ms:

Shot 133693, at 8, 8, 60 ms:

Shot 133694, at 8, 8, 60 ms:

Shot 133695, at 8, 20, 33, 50, 56 ms:

Shot 133697, at 7, 8, 18, 29, 50 ms:

Shot 133698, at 8, 8, 60 ms:

Shot 133699, at 8, 8, 60 ms:

page created by Bill Davis, PPPL Thu Dec 10 15:45:01 2009.