At the left of Fig. 8 is a typical image from the GPI diagnostic of a ~25 cm x 30 cm region just above the outer midplane of NSTX, where the radial direction is approximately horizontal and the vertical direction is approximately poloidal (i.e. perpendicular to the local radial and toroidal directions). The outward radial direction is to the right, and the ion diamagnetic and ion grad-B drift directions are downward. The D????????emission is the vertical orange band just inside (i.e. left of) the magnetic separatrix shown by the dashed line (the separatrix was calculated from EFIT02). The projection of the RF antenna limiter is shown by the dotted line, the GPI gas manifold is shown by the vertical solid line just outside the RF antenna, and the poloidal band ± 10 pixels around the vertical center (between the horizontal red lines) is used to evaluate the radial profile of GPI emission. The small 1.5 cm x 1.5 cm square centered 1 cm inside the separatrix is the region used in Sec. 2.5 to evaluate the turbulence variations during the puff. At the right of Fig. 8 is the time dependence of the radial profile of the GPI light within the vertical band at the left, evaluated from just before the start of the puff for a time of ~80 msec, along with the separatrix (black dashed line). This contour plot was averaged over ~1 msec in time to smooth out the turbulence. The peak of the GPI signal emission profile moves only about 1 cm radially during the duration of the puff.