GPI Data Summary for 138748

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(Help on these pages) (List all pages) Grade: B

Logbook entries

spaul XP 1002 IMPURITIES Jun 21 2010
Enormous impurity accumulation from .4 to .5 s. Begins on both edges and flows inward at .43 s.
amclean XP 1002 BOUNDARY PHYSICS Jun 21 2010
Fast 2-color IR camera data good: 22.125 us integration time, detector bias=31. Good data. Initial delay is present, but data looks nice.
Bay E GIS: 2000 Torr, 300/200 ms (start/duration). Missed NBI source B, short shot.
dbattagl XP 1002 PHYS OPS Jun 21 2010
Start divertor gas injection. Also add GPI gas puff. - No Source B, shot ends by 500 ms

GPI Comments

bdavis Nov 21 2013 10:14:55
Gap is too large. ELM later on
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If you have questions or comments on this data, please send email to szweben or bdavis.

page created by Bill Davis, PPPL Tue Feb 25 16:31:56 2014.