GPI Data Summary for 138847

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(Help on these pages) (List all pages) Grade: A+

Logbook entries

spaul XP -70 IMPURITIES Jun 23 2010
Lower metals Zeff despite lower electron density. Metals Zeff only .08 as late as 0.95 sec and total Prad ramps up to 0.9 MW. Central power density only .13 MW/m^3.
adiallo XP -70 PHYS OPS Jun 23 2010
Increase Ip to 1 MA. CS 1350. A:40:800 B:80:140 and 200:1100 Good shot. Density slightly lower than ref 138550.

GPI Comments

bdavis Nov 21 2013 10:18:35
Ripples after blobs
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page created by Bill Davis, PPPL Thu Mar 6 16:20:37 2014.