GPI Data Summary for 141911

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Logbook entries

dbattagl XP 1036 SESSION LEADER Oct 13 2010
- Still have a really poor RF pulse NEXT: Go to outer gap request from 141908. NOTE: May turn SPAs on and go back to 141908 if this shot doesn't work
gtaylor XP 1036 RF Oct 13 2010
180 degree phasing Deuterium Antenna settings from 141807 Request 800 kW 250-450 ms Ip=900 kA Bt=4.5 kG Got only 50 ms from 350 to 400 ms Did not get source 4 on this shot
mueller XP 1036 PHYS OPS Oct 13 2010
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(times in microseconds:)

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If you have questions or comments on this data, please send email to szweben or bdavis.

page created by Bill Davis, PPPL Thu Mar 6 16:32:13 2014.