GPI Data Summary for 142008

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Logbook entries

dbattagl XP 1036 SESSION LEADER Oct 15 2010
Result: No LH, density is a little high Next: Going to 1MW RF
adiallo XP 1030 PHYS OPS Oct 15 2010
Li dropper=100 mg Reverting to gas programming PVZ3 141997. Good
gtaylor XP 1036 RF Oct 15 2010
180 degree antenna phasing settings from shot 141917 Deuterium discharge with Ip = 900 kA Bt = 4.5 kG Some helium added on this shot Requesting 200 kW/source for 200-500 ms with RF waveform from 141917 0.5 Prf for 50 ms, then Prf for rest of pulse Lithium powder before this shot Got requested pulse until 380 ms with 1-1.1 MW in high power phase
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If you have questions or comments on this data, please send email to szweben or bdavis.

page created by Bill Davis, PPPL Tue Feb 25 16:46:41 2014.