Miro Camera thumbnails 137600-137699

Lane Roquemore is the Responsible Physicist on this Diagnostic.

mirothumbnails.pro was used to create these pages

e.g., to create 5 html pages of 100 shots each between shots 130200 and 130799:

IDL> for j=130200, 130799, 100 do mirothumbnails, j, /verbose

As of Nov., 2009, these pages are not generated automatically.

(The times are from the findpeaks.pro routine, with more times added from the Survey Database, if needed.)

Shot 137600, at 310, 354, 418, 555 ms:

Shot 137601, at 215, 375, 430, 545 ms:

Shot 137602, at 231, 331, 770, 892, 893 ms:

Shot 137603, at 293, 364, 759, 760, 894 ms:

Shot 137604, at 297, 767, 875, 896 ms:

Shot 137605, at 356, 774, 821, 884 ms:

Shot 137606, at 228, 250, 378, 772 ms:

Shot 137607, at 316, 794, 898, 914 ms:

Shot 137608, at 600, 710, 817, 818 ms:

Shot 137609, at 265, 407, 409, 496, 648 ms:

Shot 137610, at 381, 714, 715, 832, 849 ms:

Shot 137611, at 157, 303, 679, 711 ms:

Shot 137612, at 213, 250, 738, 739, 802 ms:

Shot 137613, at 299, 354, 689, 719 ms:

Shot 137614, at 695, 762, 810 ms:

Shot 137615, at 261, 376, 422, 425 ms:

Shot 137616, at 197, 375, 377, 682, 683 ms:

Shot 137617, at 140, 468, 507, 508, 600 ms:

Shot 137618, at 146, 273, 329, 389 ms:

Shot 137619, at 196, 342, 582, 703, 756 ms:

Shot 137620, at 249, 482, 770, 890 ms:

Shot 137621, at 254, 402, 495, 499, 652 ms:

Shot 137622, at 373, 586, 751, 752, 864 ms:

Shot 137623, at 262, 365, 402, 502, 733 ms:

Shot 137642, at 127, 135, 142, 250, 424 ms:

Shot 137643, at 213, 369, 578, 882 ms:

Shot 137651, at 292, 312, 396, 566, 567 ms:

Shot 137652, at 199, 421, 488, 545, 546 ms:

Shot 137655, at 292, 383, 502, 560 ms:

Shot 137656, at 220, 221, 434, 559, 612 ms:

Shot 137657, at 223, 339, 395 ms:

Shot 137658, at 170, 250, 274, 335, 838 ms:

Shot 137659, at 398, 489, 675, 752 ms:

Shot 137661, at 74, 189, 254, 381, 422 ms:

Shot 137662, at 190, 217, 262, 263, 278 ms:

Shot 137663, at 187, 216, 250, 288, 290 ms:

Shot 137664, at 185, 250, 270, 271 ms:

Shot 137665, at 223, 250, 286, 288, 302 ms:

Shot 137666, at 313, 316, 379, 463, 503 ms:

Shot 137667, at 198, 224, 275, 276, 291 ms:

Shot 137668, at 230, 265, 356, 447, 448 ms:

Shot 137669, at 188, 237, 412, 446 ms:

Shot 137670, at 250, 277, 278 ms:

Shot 137671, at 164, 196, 256, 291 ms:

Shot 137672, at 215, 282, 350, 372, 382 ms:

Shot 137673, at 218, 279, 319, 320, 364 ms:

Shot 137696, at 240, 241, 812, 814, 828 ms:

Shot 137697, at 251, 856, 857, 893, 894 ms:

Shot 137698, at 264, 265, 305, 989 ms:

Shot 137699, at 633, 761, 799, 1005, 1006 ms:

page created by Bill Davis, PPPL Thu Oct 21 10:27:33 2010.