Miro Camera thumbnails 137800-137899

Lane Roquemore is the Responsible Physicist on this Diagnostic.

mirothumbnails.pro was used to create these pages

e.g., to create 5 html pages of 100 shots each between shots 130200 and 130799:

IDL> for j=130200, 130799, 100 do mirothumbnails, j, /verbose

As of Nov., 2009, these pages are not generated automatically.

(The times are from the findpeaks.pro routine, with more times added from the Survey Database, if needed.)

Shot 137800, at 210, 266, 469, 696, 697 ms:

Shot 137801, at 271, 654, 746, 760 ms:

Shot 137802, at 208, 258, 326, 392, 393 ms:

Shot 137803, at 206, 241, 317, 318, 331 ms:

Shot 137804, at 280, 359, 457, 545 ms:

Shot 137805, at 305, 306, 342, 366, 379 ms:

Shot 137806, at 319, 320, 555, 556, 657 ms:

Shot 137807, at 234, 285, 469, 608, 610 ms:

Shot 137808, at 226, 538, 676, 725, 735 ms:

Shot 137809, at 26, 37, 44, 50, 61 ms:

Shot 137810, at 242, 337, 576, 683, 887 ms:

Shot 137811, at 240, 404, 478, 535, 769 ms:

Shot 137812, at 250, 268, 553, 785, 1018 ms:

Shot 137813, at 210, 431, 504, 507 ms:

Shot 137814, at 228, 571, 851, 871 ms:

Shot 137815, at 220, 288, 391, 464, 500 ms:

Shot 137816, at 325, 529, 635, 710, 1023 ms:

Shot 137817, at 229, 523, 534, 684, 692 ms:

Shot 137818, at 106, 221, 409, 547 ms:

Shot 137819, at 239, 240, 660, 944, 945 ms:

Shot 137820, at 211, 276, 417, 481, 745 ms:

Shot 137821, at 243, 472, 528, 571, 572 ms:

Shot 137822, at 106, 208, 397, 527, 543 ms:

Shot 137823, at 223, 276, 331, 615, 616 ms:

Shot 137824, at 242, 457, 553, 637 ms:

Shot 137825, at 239, 628, 740, 950 ms:

Shot 137826, at 209, 330, 472, 575, 576 ms:

Shot 137827, at 235, 276, 523, 633 ms:

Shot 137828, at 426, 489, 945, 985 ms:

Shot 137829, at 215, 292, 532, 656, 657 ms:

Shot 137830, at 422, 630, 639, 700, 708 ms:

Shot 137831, at 240, 241, 449, 513, 664 ms:

Shot 137832, at 293, 502, 631, 665 ms:

Shot 137833, at 210, 426, 480, 550 ms:

Shot 137834, at 243, 510, 620, 655, 656 ms:

Shot 137835, at 240, 407, 500, 550 ms:

Shot 137836, at 178, 193, 416, 474 ms:

Shot 137837, at 50, 119, 187, 189, 190 ms:

Shot 137839, at 222, 308, 309, 542, 654 ms:

page created by Bill Davis, PPPL Thu Oct 21 10:28:40 2010.