Miro Camera thumbnails 137900-137999

Lane Roquemore is the Responsible Physicist on this Diagnostic.

mirothumbnails.pro was used to create these pages

e.g., to create 5 html pages of 100 shots each between shots 130200 and 130799:

IDL> for j=130200, 130799, 100 do mirothumbnails, j, /verbose

As of Nov., 2009, these pages are not generated automatically.

(The times are from the findpeaks.pro routine, with more times added from the Survey Database, if needed.)

Shot 137957, at 9, 26, 37, 51, 65 ms:

Shot 137958, at 155, 184, 192, 205, 300 ms:

Shot 137959, at 14, 39, 47, 181, 289 ms:

Shot 137960, at 39, 81, 144, 231, 281 ms:

Shot 137961, at 50, 145, 250, 321, 332 ms:

Shot 137962, at 185, 223, 236, 251, 296 ms:

Shot 137963, at 0, 137, 187, 292, 357 ms:

Shot 137964, at 198, 238, 285, 309, 336 ms:

Shot 137965, at 0, 200, 245, 284, 349 ms:

Shot 137966, at 102, 201, 250, 352, 357 ms:

Shot 137967, at 50, 93, 250, 275, 276 ms:

Shot 137968, at 284, 303, 362, 437, 579 ms:

Shot 137969, at 50, 220, 250, 294, 295 ms:

Shot 137970, at 19, 204, 321, 342, 363 ms:

Shot 137971, at 28, 121, 299, 354, 397 ms:

Shot 137972, at 50, 201, 250, 508 ms:

Shot 137973, at 189, 533, 543, 585, 940 ms:

Shot 137974, at 267, 513, 571, 639, 680 ms:

Shot 137975, at 84, 253, 469, 582, 681 ms:

Shot 137976, at 34, 129, 202, 479, 678 ms:

Shot 137977, at 226, 249, 365, 388, 451 ms:

Shot 137978, at 50, 183, 222, 250, 332 ms:

Shot 137979, at 134, 216, 279, 312, 398 ms:

Shot 137982, at 36, 257, 337, 705, 753 ms:

Shot 137983, at 416, 499, 796, 866, 876 ms:

Shot 137992, at 50, 250, 263, 358, 635 ms:

Shot 137993, at 273, 305, 734, 753, 848 ms:

Shot 137994, at 323, 492, 687, 753, 1002 ms:

Shot 137995, at 0, 300, 734, 877, 908 ms:

Shot 137996, at 0, 263, 531, 681, 728 ms:

Shot 137997, at 346, 527, 605, 705, 847 ms:

Shot 137998, at 128, 217, 250, 318, 352 ms:

Shot 137999, at 394, 537, 668, 871, 965 ms:

page created by Bill Davis, PPPL Thu Oct 21 10:29:27 2010.