Miro Camera thumbnails 139900-139999

Lane Roquemore is the Responsible Physicist on this Diagnostic.

mirothumbnails.pro was used to create these pages

e.g., to create 5 html pages of 100 shots each between shots 130200 and 130799:

IDL> for j=130200, 130799, 100 do mirothumbnails, j, /verbose

As of Nov., 2009, these pages are not generated automatically.

(The times are from the findpeaks.pro routine, with more times added from the Survey Database, if needed.)

Shot 139900, at 83, 210, 250, 251, 308 ms:

Shot 139901, at 399, 472, 590, 652, 780 ms:

Shot 139902, at 226, 236, 237, 382, 533 ms:

Shot 139903, at 263, 342, 393 ms:

Shot 139904, at 228, 241, 352, 435, 437 ms:

Shot 139905, at 321, 527, 700, 821, 879 ms:

Shot 139906, at 242, 402, 497, 498 ms:

Shot 139907, at 222, 247, 274, 344 ms:

Shot 139908, at 242, 385, 386, 554, 554 ms:

Shot 139909, at 197, 215, 254, 255, 315 ms:

Shot 139910, at 228, 235, 250, 326, 326 ms:

Shot 139912, at 237, 280, 359, 492 ms:

Shot 139913, at 309, 346, 404, 534 ms:

Shot 139914, at 248, 303, 346, 371, 419 ms:

Shot 139915, at 206, 287, 287, 417, 418 ms:

Shot 139948, at 240, 380, 450, 486 ms:

Shot 139949, at 389, 455, 521, 627, 627 ms:

Shot 139950, at 385, 592, 612, 814, 815 ms:

Shot 139951, at 395, 577, 675, 723 ms:

Shot 139952, at 324, 496, 605, 958, 973 ms:

Shot 139953, at 161, 201, 250, 355, 398 ms:

Shot 139954, at 202, 299, 300, 352, 377 ms:

Shot 139955, at 167, 244, 290, 329, 330 ms:

Shot 139956, at 365, 365, 462, 804, 997 ms:

Shot 139957, at 369, 603, 878, 997 ms:

Shot 139958, at 407, 741, 804, 806 ms:

Shot 139959, at 255, 347, 379, 446 ms:

Shot 139961, at 250, 281, 370, 370, 406 ms:

Shot 139962, at 344, 396, 522, 523, 577 ms:

Shot 139963, at 527, 850, 997 ms:

Shot 139964, at 314, 325, 454, 471, 472 ms:

Shot 139965, at 178, 250, 295, 426, 426 ms:

Shot 139966, at 618, 721, 777, 838 ms:

Shot 139967, at 143, 230, 291, 327, 327 ms:

Shot 139968, at 669, 755, 755, 814, 817 ms:

Shot 139969, at 142, 230, 230, 270, 410 ms:

Shot 139970, at 239, 297, 356, 387, 388 ms:

Shot 139971, at 199, 259, 433, 433, 474 ms:

Shot 139972, at 400, 469, 503, 582, 583 ms:

Shot 139973, at 297, 352, 425, 590, 590 ms:

Shot 139974, at 297, 309, 381, 716, 718 ms:

Shot 139976, at 293, 373, 464 ms:

Shot 139980, at 307, 385, 548, 675 ms:

Shot 139981, at 405, 611, 679, 681 ms:

Shot 139982, at 302, 688, 688, 718, 746 ms:

Shot 139983, at 391, 419, 631, 674, 713 ms:

Shot 139984, at 301, 393, 668, 694, 718 ms:

Shot 139985, at 306, 307, 450, 654, 663 ms:

Shot 139986, at 250, 271, 326, 393 ms:

Shot 139987, at 292, 322, 505, 584, 585 ms:

Shot 139988, at 181, 250, 256, 400, 904 ms:

Shot 139989, at 257, 461, 485, 901, 902 ms:

Shot 139990, at 257, 509, 609, 905 ms:

Shot 139991, at 418, 430, 611, 805, 833 ms:

Shot 139992, at 251, 617, 810, 900, 901 ms:

Shot 139993, at 433, 627, 808, 904 ms:

Shot 139994, at 587, 765, 825, 997 ms:

Shot 139995, at 426, 478, 632, 651 ms:

Shot 139996, at 368, 614, 995, 995 ms:

Shot 139997, at 355, 611, 648, 808 ms:

Shot 139998, at 373, 607, 640, 670 ms:

Shot 139999, at 290, 382, 562, 640 ms:

page created by Bill Davis, PPPL Thu Oct 21 10:51:41 2010.