Miro Camera thumbnails 140300-140399

Lane Roquemore is the Responsible Physicist on this Diagnostic.

mirothumbnails.pro was used to create these pages

e.g., to create 5 html pages of 100 shots each between shots 130200 and 130799:

IDL> for j=130200, 130799, 100 do mirothumbnails, j, /verbose

As of Nov., 2009, these pages are not generated automatically.

(The times are from the findpeaks.pro routine, with more times added from the Survey Database, if needed.)

Shot 140300, at 57, 215, 332, 468, 470 ms:

Shot 140301, at 199, 425, 470, 476, 555 ms:

Shot 140302, at 191, 268, 382, 478, 479 ms:

Shot 140303, at 50, 250, 469 ms:

Shot 140304, at 183, 284, 354, 477, 478 ms:

Shot 140305, at 58, 180, 459, 459, 484 ms:

Shot 140306, at 51, 214, 325, 326, 357 ms:

Shot 140308, at 56, 212, 265, 375, 437 ms:

Shot 140309, at 51, 283, 340, 483 ms:

Shot 140310, at 52, 53, 307, 358, 453 ms:

Shot 140311, at 53, 186, 450, 477 ms:

Shot 140312, at 50, 51, 382, 476, 477 ms:

Shot 140313, at 57, 316, 368, 450, 471 ms:

Shot 140329, at 101, 109, 173, 622, 623 ms:

Shot 140330, at 110, 267, 379, 634 ms:

Shot 140331, at 309, 374, 458, 695 ms:

Shot 140332, at 191, 328, 602, 638, 638 ms:

Shot 140333, at 113, 323, 563, 646, 647 ms:

Shot 140334, at 94, 162, 250, 348, 442 ms:

Shot 140335, at 149, 250, 282, 357, 508 ms:

Shot 140336, at 105, 176, 250, 274, 537 ms:

Shot 140337, at 169, 235, 306, 411, 509 ms:

Shot 140338, at 106, 172, 177, 412, 457 ms:

Shot 140339, at 103, 149, 250, 590 ms:

Shot 140340, at 106, 255, 516, 552 ms:

Shot 140341, at 173, 209, 230, 250 ms:

Shot 140342, at 50, 353, 458, 468, 541 ms:

Shot 140343, at 244, 388, 451, 553, 643 ms:

Shot 140344, at 369, 434, 523, 540, 581 ms:

Shot 140345, at 239, 479, 549, 550, 643 ms:

Shot 140346, at 214, 271, 338, 534 ms:

Shot 140347, at 415, 459, 475, 516 ms:

Shot 140348, at 233, 307, 354, 446, 499 ms:

Shot 140349, at 67, 223, 280, 355, 448 ms:

Shot 140350, at 50, 150, 250, 324, 398 ms:

Shot 140351, at 50, 250, 276, 395, 514 ms:

Shot 140352, at 289, 433, 434, 480 ms:

Shot 140353, at 234, 329, 572, 637, 648 ms:

Shot 140354, at 50, 56, 250, 476, 642 ms:

Shot 140355, at 216, 446, 562, 647, 647 ms:

Shot 140356, at 474, 491, 642, 672 ms:

Shot 140372, at 486, 544, 544, 994, 995 ms:

Shot 140375, at 271, 366, 469, 786 ms:

Shot 140376, at 264, 369, 480, 506, 507 ms:

Shot 140377, at 269, 516, 746, 901, 901 ms:

Shot 140378, at 264, 448, 702, 914, 916 ms:

Shot 140379, at 265, 281, 376, 902, 903 ms:

Shot 140380, at 265, 814, 877, 905 ms:

Shot 140381, at 377, 729, 750, 894, 896 ms:

Shot 140382, at 274, 313, 618, 710, 711 ms:

Shot 140383, at 209, 464, 622, 660 ms:

Shot 140384, at 292, 350, 421, 658, 659 ms:

Shot 140385, at 272, 466, 502, 658, 659 ms:

Shot 140388, at 333, 504, 583, 904, 905 ms:

Shot 140389, at -2147483648 ms:

Shot 140390, at 267, 446, 807, 900 ms:

Shot 140391, at 255, 516, 600, 896 ms:

Shot 140392, at 277, 489, 786, 898, 899 ms:

Shot 140393, at 273, 499, 808, 898, 899 ms:

Shot 140394, at 262, 459, 781, 902, 905 ms:

Shot 140395, at 250, 514, 694, 908, 910 ms:

Shot 140396, at 217, 298, 299, 371, 440 ms:

Shot 140398, at 273, 312, 337, 362 ms:

Shot 140399, at 291, 367, 430, 430 ms:

page created by Bill Davis, PPPL Thu Oct 21 10:56:44 2010.