Miro Camera thumbnails 140500-140599

Lane Roquemore is the Responsible Physicist on this Diagnostic.

mirothumbnails.pro was used to create these pages

e.g., to create 5 html pages of 100 shots each between shots 130200 and 130799:

IDL> for j=130200, 130799, 100 do mirothumbnails, j, /verbose

As of Nov., 2009, these pages are not generated automatically.

(The times are from the findpeaks.pro routine, with more times added from the Survey Database, if needed.)

Shot 140500, at 140, 202, 370, 460, 460 ms:

Shot 140501, at 223, 273, 289, 423, 441 ms:

Shot 140502, at 207, 225, 330, 366, 381 ms:

Shot 140503, at 57, 139, 230, 336, 337 ms:

Shot 140504, at 202, 205, 299, 351, 387 ms:

Shot 140505, at 141, 228, 250, 274 ms:

Shot 140506, at 650, 701, 701, 761 ms:

Shot 140507, at 52, 229, 230, 250, 267 ms:

Shot 140508, at 209, 297, 437, 648, 649 ms:

Shot 140509, at 306, 371, 519, 626, 627 ms:

Shot 140510, at 290, 371, 538, 629, 656 ms:

Shot 140511, at 382, 482, 483, 519, 523 ms:

Shot 140512, at 314, 353, 565, 661, 662 ms:

Shot 140513, at 245, 250, 260, 270, 290 ms:

Shot 140514, at 271, 366, 474, 638 ms:

Shot 140515, at 250, 253, 296, 316, 402 ms:

Shot 140516, at 581, 581, 609, 636, 639 ms:

Shot 140517, at 250, 285, 405, 525, 526 ms:

Shot 140518, at 250, 373, 514, 542, 596 ms:

Shot 140519, at 250, 336, 415, 495, 540 ms:

Shot 140520, at 250, 387, 391, 434, 437 ms:

Shot 140521, at 250, 293, 350, 407, 416 ms:

Shot 140522, at 50, 150, 250, 286, 366 ms:

Shot 140523, at 50, 150, 250, 396, 400 ms:

Shot 140524, at 250, 291, 471, 474, 476 ms:

Shot 140525, at 250, 359, 444, 493, 591 ms:

Shot 140526, at 250, 334, 417, 434, 438 ms:

Shot 140530, at 710, 825, 920, 993, 998 ms:

Shot 140531, at 222, 240, 246, 250 ms:

Shot 140532, at 324, 646, 788, 998 ms:

Shot 140533, at 210, 636, 979, 997 ms:

Shot 140534, at 216, 384, 660, 673, 673 ms:

Shot 140535, at 218, 482, 609, 694, 710 ms:

Shot 140536, at 390, 709, 780, 781 ms:

Shot 140537, at 268, 390, 534, 656, 997 ms:

Shot 140538, at 351, 570, 702, 758, 760 ms:

Shot 140539, at 503, 553, 707, 811, 912 ms:

Shot 140540, at 772, 888, 980, 997 ms:

Shot 140541, at 280, 427, 822, 997 ms:

Shot 140542, at 212, 250, 408, 997 ms:

Shot 140543, at 298, 414, 775, 997 ms:

Shot 140544, at 821, 921, 997 ms:

Shot 140545, at 738, 998 ms:

Shot 140546, at 370, 919, 997 ms:

Shot 140547, at 288, 432, 682, 998 ms:

Shot 140548, at 543, 851, 932, 997 ms:

Shot 140549, at 284, 696, 773, 997 ms:

Shot 140550, at 202, 250, 457, 687, 997 ms:

Shot 140551, at 391, 998 ms:

Shot 140552, at 399, 621, 996, 997 ms:

Shot 140553, at 272, 296, 487, 997 ms:

Shot 140554, at 245, 250, 269, 288, 306 ms:

Shot 140555, at 207, 213, 253, 254, 294 ms:

Shot 140556, at 434, 592, 868, 997 ms:

Shot 140557, at 245, 361, 410, 1211 ms:

Shot 140558, at 379, 702, 898, 1086, 1087 ms:

Shot 140559, at 328, 417, 480, 567, 686 ms:

Shot 140560, at 227, 614, 813, 969, 1221 ms:

Shot 140562, at 484, 640, 749, 1212, 1212 ms:

Shot 140563, at 442, 679, 812, 1096, 1099 ms:

Shot 140564, at 115, 131, 131, 148 ms:

Shot 140565, at 403, 480, 634, 1069, 1070 ms:

Shot 140566, at 482, 744, 985, 1212 ms:

Shot 140567, at 275, 677, 814, 1104, 1105 ms:

Shot 140568, at 301, 301, 431, 774, 972 ms:

page created by Bill Davis, PPPL Thu Oct 21 10:59:50 2010.