Miro Camera thumbnails 140700-140799

Lane Roquemore is the Responsible Physicist on this Diagnostic.

mirothumbnails.pro was used to create these pages

e.g., to create 5 html pages of 100 shots each between shots 130200 and 130799:

IDL> for j=130200, 130799, 100 do mirothumbnails, j, /verbose

As of Nov., 2009, these pages are not generated automatically.

(The times are from the findpeaks.pro routine, with more times added from the Survey Database, if needed.)

Shot 140701, at 255, 370, 396, 494 ms:

Shot 140702, at 886, 997 ms:

Shot 140703, at 164, 198, 211, 231, 250 ms:

Shot 140704, at 217, 283, 521, 595, 609 ms:

Shot 140705, at 421, 521, 718, 804, 805 ms:

Shot 140706, at 192, 336, 441, 547 ms:

Shot 140707, at 190, 352, 387, 505, 505 ms:

Shot 140708, at 363, 418, 419, 590 ms:

Shot 140709, at 184, 278, 625, 626, 641 ms:

Shot 140710, at 255, 351, 488, 771, 810 ms:

Shot 140711, at 504, 890, 890, 962, 995 ms:

Shot 140712, at 363, 423, 561, 561, 997 ms:

Shot 140713, at 314, 425, 434, 506, 889 ms:

Shot 140714, at 422, 685, 864, 997 ms:

Shot 140715, at 273, 345, 486, 486, 997 ms:

Shot 140716, at 169, 216, 250, 283, 566 ms:

Shot 140717, at 292, 361, 481, 638, 691 ms:

Shot 140718, at 51, 506, 507, 627, 791 ms:

Shot 140719, at 302, 596, 842, 997 ms:

Shot 140720, at 179, 250, 281, 757, 781 ms:

Shot 140721, at 181, 269, 816, 915 ms:

Shot 140722, at 327, 495, 665, 997 ms:

Shot 140723, at 474, 549, 593, 962, 997 ms:

Shot 140724, at 334, 433, 559, 640 ms:

Shot 140725, at 546, 609, 716, 798, 813 ms:

Shot 140726, at 152, 177, 201, 250, 293 ms:

Shot 140727, at 396, 570, 942, 998 ms:

Shot 140729, at 383, 547, 997 ms:

Shot 140730, at 809, 920, 997 ms:

Shot 140731, at 514, 620, 710, 821 ms:

Shot 140733, at 275, 610, 810, 881, 882 ms:

Shot 140734, at 706, 810, 907, 997 ms:

Shot 140735, at 510, 607, 910, 997 ms:

Shot 140736, at 310, 407, 423, 997 ms:

Shot 140737, at 716, 824, 865, 997 ms:

Shot 140738, at 206, 308, 375, 997 ms:

Shot 140739, at 334, 414, 517, 697, 698 ms:

Shot 140740, at 190, 667, 859, 997 ms:

Shot 140741, at 348, 472, 473, 598, 947 ms:

Shot 140742, at 304, 513, 673, 755, 756 ms:

Shot 140743, at 270, 379, 399, 400, 423 ms:

Shot 140745, at 512, 616, 708, 998 ms:

Shot 140746, at 263, 495, 728, 998 ms:

Shot 140747, at 237, 328, 370, 381 ms:

Shot 140748, at 332, 409, 477, 531, 531 ms:

Shot 140749, at 281, 406, 447, 519, 962 ms:

Shot 140750, at 50, 150, 250, 438, 441 ms:

Shot 140751, at 288, 364, 444, 536, 537 ms:

Shot 140752, at 289, 392, 393, 422, 422 ms:

Shot 140753, at 276, 442, 578, 605, 610 ms:

Shot 140779, at 43 ms:

Shot 140789, at 8, 13, 30 ms:

Shot 140799, at 8, 9, 11, 12, 14 ms:

page created by Bill Davis, PPPL Thu Oct 21 11:02:39 2010.