Miro Camera thumbnails 140900-140999

Lane Roquemore is the Responsible Physicist on this Diagnostic.

mirothumbnails.pro was used to create these pages

e.g., to create 5 html pages of 100 shots each between shots 130200 and 130799:

IDL> for j=130200, 130799, 100 do mirothumbnails, j, /verbose

As of Nov., 2009, these pages are not generated automatically.

(The times are from the findpeaks.pro routine, with more times added from the Survey Database, if needed.)

Shot 140901, at 8, 10, 12, 15, 17 ms:

Shot 140902, at 8, 10, 13, 15, 17 ms:

Shot 140903, at 7, 105 ms:

Shot 140906, at 7, 98, 105 ms:

Shot 140909, at 7, 198, 198, 218, 255 ms:

Shot 140911, at 7, 149, 164, 238, 239 ms:

Shot 140912, at 7, 166, 186, 250 ms:

Shot 140920, at 8, 10, 13, 15, 18 ms:

Shot 140921, at 7, 192, 192, 235, 249 ms:

Shot 140923, at 8, 10, 13, 15, 18 ms:

Shot 140924, at 8, 10, 13, 16, 18 ms:

Shot 140925, at 8, 10, 13, 16, 18 ms:

Shot 140926, at 7, 157 ms:

Shot 140927, at 7, 8, 157 ms:

Shot 140928, at 7, 114, 156, 157 ms:

Shot 140929, at 8, 17, 27, 35, 44 ms:

Shot 140930, at 7, 8, 111, 132, 140 ms:

Shot 140931, at 7, 157 ms:

Shot 140932, at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 ms:

Shot 140934, at 7, 157 ms:

Shot 140935, at 8, 18, 29, 50, 60 ms:

Shot 140936, at 7, 150, 157 ms:

Shot 140937, at 7, 102, 157 ms:

Shot 140942, at 8, 18, 29, 39, 50 ms:

Shot 140943, at 8, 18, 29, 39, 50 ms:

Shot 140944, at 7, 8, 18, 29, 50 ms:

Shot 140945, at 11, 20, 36, 42, 49 ms:

Shot 140947, at 8, 20, 32, 41, 50 ms:

Shot 140956, at 339, 380, 975, 999 ms:

Shot 140957, at 260, 438, 532, 598, 598 ms:

Shot 140958, at 284, 389, 465, 537, 539 ms:

Shot 140959, at 399, 471, 531, 534, 600 ms:

Shot 140960, at 339, 753, 882, 923, 999 ms:

Shot 140961, at 325, 454, 533, 566, 568 ms:

Shot 140962, at 233, 246, 247, 250, 281 ms:

Shot 140963, at 226, 248, 250, 290, 389 ms:

Shot 140964, at 322, 361, 426, 426, 491 ms:

Shot 140965, at 203, 215, 215, 245, 250 ms:

Shot 140966, at 251, 432, 988, 999 ms:

Shot 140967, at 431, 528, 600, 659, 808 ms:

Shot 140968, at 716, 938, 983, 999 ms:

Shot 140969, at 695, 763, 763, 872, 898 ms:

Shot 140970, at 595, 662, 662, 732, 817 ms:

Shot 140971, at 580, 857, 888, 999 ms:

Shot 140972, at 561, 600, 600, 668, 797 ms:

Shot 140973, at 208, 238, 262, 318, 358 ms:

Shot 140974, at 507, 699, 737, 737, 845 ms:

Shot 140975, at 135, 216, 273, 290, 303 ms:

Shot 140976, at 503, 766, 863, 863, 999 ms:

Shot 140990, at 240, 249, 278, 475, 999 ms:

Shot 140991, at 204, 329, 854, 854, 999 ms:

Shot 140992, at 208, 264, 892, 999 ms:

Shot 140993, at 748, 881, 963, 999 ms:

Shot 140994, at 287, 337, 567, 611 ms:

Shot 140995, at 213, 254, 299, 303, 319 ms:

Shot 140996, at 139, 230, 288, 329, 329 ms:

Shot 140997, at 200, 255, 285, 513, 528 ms:

Shot 140998, at 212, 324, 528, 584, 862 ms:

Shot 140999, at 241, 242, 282, 445, 490 ms:

page created by Bill Davis, PPPL Thu Oct 21 11:04:13 2010.