Miro Camera thumbnails 141100-141199

Lane Roquemore is the Responsible Physicist on this Diagnostic.

mirothumbnails.pro was used to create these pages

e.g., to create 5 html pages of 100 shots each between shots 130200 and 130799:

IDL> for j=130200, 130799, 100 do mirothumbnails, j, /verbose

As of Nov., 2009, these pages are not generated automatically.

(The times are from the findpeaks.pro routine, with more times added from the Survey Database, if needed.)

Shot 141100, at 492, 588, 719, 999 ms:

Shot 141101, at 679, 871, 871, 999 ms:

Shot 141102, at 616, 710, 710, 867, 999 ms:

Shot 141103, at 198, 400, 464, 683, 995 ms:

Shot 141104, at 338, 486, 538, 605, 656 ms:

Shot 141105, at 459, 491, 491, 642, 651 ms:

Shot 141107, at 209, 269, 360, 452, 493 ms:

Shot 141108, at 344, 364, 495, 555 ms:

Shot 141109, at 196, 467, 493, 558, 567 ms:

Shot 141110, at 204, 267, 320, 480 ms:

Shot 141111, at 259, 259, 391, 516, 791 ms:

Shot 141114, at 361, 590, 921, 966 ms:

Shot 141115, at 358, 540, 545, 769, 854 ms:

Shot 141116, at 355, 649, 770, 771, 841 ms:

Shot 141124, at 282, 282, 999 ms:

Shot 141125, at 269, 528, 656, 999 ms:

Shot 141126, at 571, 664, 706, 823, 888 ms:

Shot 141127, at 695, 771, 895, 895 ms:

Shot 141128, at 88, 204, 244, 258, 259 ms:

Shot 141129, at 270, 448, 526, 590, 591 ms:

Shot 141130, at 636, 683, 752, 792, 836 ms:

Shot 141131, at 209, 250, 287, 409, 410 ms:

Shot 141132, at 285, 286, 547, 635, 999 ms:

Shot 141133, at 272, 517, 641, 999 ms:

Shot 141135, at 264, 668, 669, 802, 803 ms:

Shot 141137, at 394, 473, 473, 999 ms:

Shot 141138, at 439, 576, 879, 999 ms:

Shot 141139, at 208, 479, 763, 999 ms:

Shot 141140, at 292, 707, 711, 999 ms:

Shot 141141, at 272, 403, 644, 991, 995 ms:

Shot 141142, at 647, 650, 836, 836, 999 ms:

Shot 141143, at 264, 264, 713, 819, 999 ms:

Shot 141146, at 283, 283, 655, 656, 865 ms:

Shot 141147, at 253, 254, 970, 999 ms:

Shot 141148, at 231, 456, 522, 999 ms:

Shot 141149, at 165, 250, 273, 277, 706 ms:

Shot 141150, at 170, 230, 250, 435, 500 ms:

Shot 141175, at 209, 529, 577, 717, 854 ms:

Shot 141176, at 262, 373, 789, 877, 999 ms:

Shot 141177, at 438, 686, 786, 815, 856 ms:

Shot 141178, at 584, 621, 667, 748, 768 ms:

Shot 141179, at 204, 230, 267, 310, 355 ms:

Shot 141182, at 711, 999 ms:

Shot 141183, at 381, 570, 599, 627, 651 ms:

Shot 141184, at 207, 494, 601, 672, 672 ms:

Shot 141185, at 121, 217, 250, 277, 577 ms:

Shot 141186, at 684, 807, 808, 867, 999 ms:

Shot 141187, at 797, 797, 900, 900, 999 ms:

Shot 141188, at 605, 701, 778, 784, 868 ms:

Shot 141189, at 232, 250, 488, 591, 629 ms:

Shot 141190, at 307, 434, 526, 682, 704 ms:

Shot 141191, at 238, 800, 802, 999 ms:

Shot 141192, at 290, 384, 449, 459, 510 ms:

Shot 141193, at 251, 457, 544, 673, 673 ms:

Shot 141194, at 241, 348, 494, 542, 577 ms:

Shot 141195, at 253, 253, 329, 418, 419 ms:

Shot 141196, at 328, 399, 399, 434, 435 ms:

Shot 141197, at 229, 230, 283, 375, 461 ms:

Shot 141198, at 243, 288, 372, 373, 421 ms:

Shot 141199, at 222, 280, 554, 724, 833 ms:

page created by Bill Davis, PPPL Thu Oct 21 11:06:03 2010.