Miro Camera thumbnails 141500-141599

Lane Roquemore is the Responsible Physicist on this Diagnostic.

mirothumbnails.pro was used to create these pages

e.g., to create 5 html pages of 100 shots each between shots 130200 and 130799:

IDL> for j=130200, 130799, 100 do mirothumbnails, j, /verbose

As of Nov., 2009, these pages are not generated automatically.

(The times are from the findpeaks.pro routine, with more times added from the Survey Database, if needed.)

Shot 141519, at 442, 508, 687, 916, 916 ms:

Shot 141520, at 208, 449, 641, 642, 961 ms:

Shot 141521, at 281, 471, 999 ms:

Shot 141522, at 702, 879, 1045, 1213, 1213 ms:

Shot 141523, at 450, 552, 721, 843, 844 ms:

Shot 141524, at 261, 261, 449, 677, 927 ms:

Shot 141525, at 208, 626, 687, 1148, 1148 ms:

Shot 141526, at 250, 627, 749, 1203, 1209 ms:

Shot 141531, at 277, 429, 695, 749, 859 ms:

Shot 141532, at 480, 692, 836, 951, 952 ms:

Shot 141533, at 207, 322, 357, 440, 441 ms:

Shot 141534, at 829, 832, 1038, 1078, 1157 ms:

Shot 141535, at 321, 847, 848, 1090, 1116 ms:

Shot 141536, at 268, 650, 831, 919, 920 ms:

Shot 141537, at 226, 264, 778, 1213, 1216 ms:

Shot 141538, at 768, 850, 935, 1086, 1095 ms:

Shot 141539, at 485, 741, 742, 862, 972 ms:

Shot 141542, at 250, 533, 841, 1008, 1016 ms:

Shot 141543, at 122, 257, 305, 316, 338 ms:

Shot 141544, at 272, 335, 481, 489 ms:

Shot 141545, at 221, 302, 329, 398, 399 ms:

Shot 141546, at 127, 215, 258, 259, 282 ms:

Shot 141547, at 304, 332, 478, 515, 515 ms:

Shot 141548, at 122, 232, 288, 294, 340 ms:

Shot 141549, at 244, 301, 362, 403, 403 ms:

Shot 141550, at 223, 282, 464, 663, 708 ms:

Shot 141551, at 287, 287, 427, 579, 916 ms:

Shot 141552, at 616, 680, 776, 861, 863 ms:

Shot 141553, at 0, 218, 307, 405, 464 ms:

Shot 141554, at 123, 349, 436, 511, 511 ms:

Shot 141555, at 243, 389, 446, 517, 518 ms:

Shot 141559, at 462, 1067, 1067, 1179 ms:

Shot 141560, at 309, 515, 559, 600, 603 ms:

Shot 141561, at 211, 329, 380, 381, 392 ms:

Shot 141576, at 209, 483, 684, 722, 723 ms:

Shot 141577, at 843, 845, 1033, 1069, 1070 ms:

Shot 141578, at 294, 373, 419, 438, 439 ms:

Shot 141579, at 196, 226, 229, 259, 305 ms:

Shot 141580, at 295, 479, 570, 659, 666 ms:

Shot 141581, at 273, 432, 466, 600, 600 ms:

Shot 141582, at 313, 334, 586, 598, 598 ms:

Shot 141583, at -2147483648 ms:

Shot 141584, at 260, 286, 465, 586, 597 ms:

Shot 141585, at 129, 280, 450, 648, 649 ms:

Shot 141586, at 136, 245, 348, 437, 437 ms:

Shot 141587, at 233, 278, 372, 585, 601 ms:

Shot 141588, at 204, 258, 311, 650, 651 ms:

Shot 141589, at 206, 284, 370, 653, 653 ms:

Shot 141590, at 119, 292, 338, 468, 468 ms:

Shot 141591, at 296, 433, 546, 647, 647 ms:

Shot 141592, at 239, 314, 520, 663, 665 ms:

Shot 141593, at 255, 273, 286, 473, 666 ms:

Shot 141594, at 344, 344, 415, 452, 452 ms:

Shot 141595, at 267, 343, 425, 652, 653 ms:

Shot 141596, at 209, 279, 358, 587, 587 ms:

Shot 141598, at 139, 250, 298, 300, 300 ms:

Shot 141599, at 46, 132, 205, 300, 300 ms:

page created by Bill Davis, PPPL Thu Oct 21 11:10:35 2010.