Miro Camera thumbnails 142100-142199

Lane Roquemore is the Responsible Physicist on this Diagnostic.

mirothumbnails.pro was used to create these pages

e.g., to create 5 html pages of 100 shots each between shots 130200 and 130799:

IDL> for j=130200, 130799, 100 do mirothumbnails, j, /verbose

As of Nov., 2009, these pages are not generated automatically.

(The times are from the findpeaks.pro routine, with more times added from the Survey Database, if needed.)

Shot 142100, at 7, 167, 180 ms:

Shot 142101, at 7, 78, 156, 157, 180 ms:

Shot 142102, at 7, 8, 149, 149, 176 ms:

Shot 142103, at 7, 180 ms:

Shot 142104, at 7, 8, 119, 145, 180 ms:

Shot 142106, at 7, 8, 177, 178, 180 ms:

Shot 142107, at 8, 8, 158, 159, 180 ms:

Shot 142109, at 7, 161, 161, 180 ms:

Shot 142110, at 7, 152, 153, 180 ms:

Shot 142111, at 7, 82, 180 ms:

Shot 142113, at 7, 151, 180 ms:

Shot 142114, at 8, 9, 158, 158, 180 ms:

Shot 142137, at 120 ms:

Shot 142138, at 8, 13, 19, 24, 30 ms:

Shot 142139, at 7, 120 ms:

Shot 142140, at 7, 120 ms:

Shot 142141, at 8, 32, 50, 74, 98 ms:

Shot 142142, at 7, 8, 120 ms:

Shot 142143, at 7, 8, 120 ms:

Shot 142144, at 7, 120 ms:

Shot 142145, at 7, 8, 74, 120 ms:

Shot 142146, at 7, 8, 64, 120 ms:

Shot 142147, at 7, 8, 88, 120 ms:

Shot 142148, at 7, 8, 67, 120 ms:

Shot 142165, at 7, 8, 60 ms:

Shot 142166, at 7, 8, 60 ms:

Shot 142167, at 7, 8, 46, 60 ms:

Shot 142168, at 7, 150 ms:

Shot 142172, at 213, 382, 456, 472 ms:

Shot 142173, at 290, 509, 618, 618, 703 ms:

Shot 142174, at 280, 477, 558, 999 ms:

Shot 142175, at 146, 281, 415, 485 ms:

Shot 142176, at 307, 464, 807, 896, 896 ms:

Shot 142177, at 218, 284, 402, 816, 816 ms:

Shot 142178, at 210, 471, 912, 999 ms:

Shot 142179, at 218, 488, 684, 975, 999 ms:

Shot 142180, at 458, 708, 902, 905, 999 ms:

Shot 142181, at 205, 421, 999 ms:

Shot 142182, at 424, 940, 999 ms:

Shot 142183, at 229, 280, 538, 579, 580 ms:

Shot 142184, at 249, 465, 551, 589 ms:

Shot 142185, at 291, 384, 449, 579, 579 ms:

Shot 142186, at 260, 508, 594, 999 ms:

Shot 142187, at 220, 351, 486, 486, 551 ms:

Shot 142188, at 205, 402, 767, 809, 809 ms:

Shot 142189, at 212, 473, 668, 746, 746 ms:

Shot 142190, at 477, 569, 651, 725 ms:

Shot 142191, at 214, 373, 647, 982, 999 ms:

Shot 142192, at 294, 614, 739, 941, 999 ms:

Shot 142193, at 311, 897, 897, 999 ms:

Shot 142194, at 408, 849, 850, 912, 912 ms:

Shot 142195, at 541, 650, 783, 810, 813 ms:

Shot 142196, at 594, 595, 712, 858, 862 ms:

Shot 142197, at 446, 528, 642, 800, 802 ms:

Shot 142198, at 660, 861, 941, 999 ms:

Shot 142199, at 199, 240, 272, 272, 319 ms:

page created by Bill Davis, PPPL Thu Oct 21 13:29:31 2010.