What's in this directory Last Edited: 18-March-2014 These directories are for studying edge turbulence in NSTX using Gas Puff Imaging (GPI) Fast Camera data. The shots used here are only those with the fastest framing rate during the 2010 run. /w/nstx.pppl.gov/htdocs/nstx/Software/GPI/aaaWHATS_HERE.txt Main pages: ---------- GPI_2010_Top_Shots.mht - created from spreadsheet with just the "best" shots based on Stewart's criteria of no MHD, no transitions, no good Bt/Ip ratio, etc. The columns have been rearranged, mode, grade, Li amounts added. This was created by saving the Excel spreadsheet as a "single file html" doc. Then, text before "" were deleted. Everything deleted between and . Deleted all occurrences of 3D. Fixed an apparent continuation mark: the equal sign at the end of "windows-125" and brought up the 2"> from the following line. Then, headings and other links need to be added. gpihelp.html - explanations of how figures were generated. Directory Contents --------- -------- BigSheets just pages with large # of GPI thumbnails for the shot. BigSums Summary (Ip, Da, Heating) plots for the shot with GPI overlayed. BigThumbs big (~100) GPI thumbnails displayed in the FCnnnnnn.html pages. BlobBins directory of jpegs of V-pol bins vs. R-Rsep for FCnnnnnn.html pages. BlobBinsGT15 directory of jpegs of V-pol bins vs. R-Rsep for blobs with a normalized height > 1.5 for gpivelplots.html BlobBinsLT15 directory of jpegs of V-pol bins vs. R-Rsep for blobs with a normalized height < 1.5 for gpivelplots.html BlobTracks directory of Blob Track jpegs GPIcont color contours of center averages of GPI R vs. time, along with the location of the separatrix, according to EFIT02. GPIcontBestFit as GPIcont, but with "best fit," in which LRDfits are shown if available. These are referenced in GPIcompFit.html. MptsPlots color contours of MPTS T and Ne near the edge, vs, time, plus GPI average trace. Old probably obsolete things. Pages the Summary pages (FCnnnnnn.html) with composite of all the plots in the subdirectories here. QT QuickTime movies +/- 2 msec around GPI average peak. QTthumb thumbnails of the last Jpeg displayed in QT movies, for use on the FCnnnnnn.html pages. Thumbs Older format with pages showing all shots with handful of thumbnails. images work directory for images used in the web pages. Other files: ----------- BigSheets.html - Navigational page for quickly browsing thumbnails from the 2010 Gas Puff Imaging data. comments.txt file of comments entered by users from the pages. This file can be edited manually, like to delete or edit a comment. GPI_2010_Top_Shots.txt - file of start and end of main GPI signal, with many columns, like startTime, EndTime, peaktime, maxVal, and XP. GPIcompFit.html - comparison of plasma edge calculations (overlayed on GPIcont images) for GPI shots in which there were LRDfits, as well as EFIT02. gpivelplots.html - plots of average poloidal and radial velocities vs. different shot conditions, like heating power, plasma current, density, etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The IDL files used to generate the various plots and movie used on these pages all at once are in /u/bdavis/GPI.