XMP002 Day 0 Plasma Operation D. Gates
104757 104758 104759 104760 105003 105005 105006 105007 105008 105009 105010 105011 105012 105013 105014 105015 105016 105017 105018 105019 105020 105021 105022 105023 105024 105025 105026 105027 105028 105029 105030 105031 105348 105349 105350 105351 105352
XMP003 Magnetics Calibration J. Menard
104725 104726 104727 104728 104729 104730 104731 104732 104733 104734 104740 104741 104742 104743 104744 104745 104746 104747 104748 104749 104750 104751 104752 104753 105840 105841 105842 105843 105844 105845 105846 105847 105848 105849 105850 105851 105852 105853 105854 105858 105859 106055 106056 106057 106058 106059 106060 106061 106062 106063 106064 106065
XMP004 Center column bakeout H. Kugel
XMP005 Control System Commissioning D. Gates
XMP006 Initial Operation of HHFW System J.R. Wilson
XMP007 Test CHI PS into a plasma load. R. Raman
XMP008 Solid Target Boronization H. Kugel
XMP009 Boronization H. Kugel
104864 104865 104868 104869 104870 104871 104872 104873 104874 104875 104876 104877 104878 104879 104880 104881
XMP010 NBI target development M. Bell
XMP011 Calibration Density Scan C. Skinner
XMP012 EBW T. Bigelow
106068 106069 106070 106071 106072 106073 106074 106075 106076 106077 106078 106079 106080 106081 106082 106083 106084 106085 106086 106087 106088 106089 106090 106091 106092 106093 106094 106095 106096 106097 106098 106099 106100 106101
XMP013 Growing Plasma Startup M. Bell
XMP014 Development for Early HHFW J. Menard
XMP015 High Current Operation of NSTX D. Gates
XMP016 Plasma Boronization H. Kugel