This page will search the ENTRIES table in the NSTX Logbook database (NSTXLOGS). (for output in table form, see searchlogbookcomments.html; For a simpler version of this page, see logbook.html.)
Optionally limit to: username= (e.g., KAYE; blank returns all users) Include all entries with TOPIC='PHS OPS', 'SESSION LEADER', or 'RF'.
xp= (e.g., 5; blank returns all) topics to display: ALL: (if checked, ignores boxes below) BOLOMETRY: BOUNDARY PHYSICS: CHI: CONDITIONING: EFIT: ENGINEERING: FIDA: HYBRID: IMPURITIES: MAGNETICS: MHD: MPTS: MSE: PCS: PHYS OPS: RF: SESSION LEADER:
Optionally limit the Search to Rundate (yyyymmdd) to e.g., 20080229; 0=today
Suppress plot thumbnails
(Output will appear in a separate window entitled "Search Results from the NSTX Logbook")
( Shots corresponding to various NSTX XPs are online.)
Other Logbook queries are available elsewhere. Or you may prefer the brief tabular output from searchlogbookcomments.html.
(Return to the NSTX MDSplus Shot Search Tool)