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mdsPlotList: Web Tool for Plotting Signals OR Listing MDSplus Data for NSTX (20-signal version).

mdsplotfileinput.php is a version that reads your inputs from a file!

You can also combine plots from different servers.

mdsMultiSig: for Plotting Multiple MDSplus Signals on the same Frame. (example) (20-signal version). You may also use the version that reads and writes inputs from a file.

mdsplotfast.html should provide the fastest Web Tool plotting for signals from multiple shots.
Or try the version that reads inputs from a file.

mdsSignals_clean: NSTX MDSplus Signal Plotting (doesn't remember previous settings)
mdsPlot1: NSTX MDSplus Plotting Tool (for various "canned" plots)
mdsScopeAdj: NSTX MDSplus Adustable Scope Plotting Tool (plots in a new window) ( BEST for scopes)
mdsScope_clean: NSTX MDSplus Scope Plotting Tool (doesn't remember previous settings)
mdsCrossPlot: Plot One MDSplus Signal vs. Another. Optionally display X-axis as HH:MM.
Flux Cross-sections: NSTX EFIT/LRDfit Flux and Thomson Data Plotting
MPTSplots (or mptsColorCont (example)): NSTX Multi-point Thomson Data Plotting
Create NSTX Fast Camera Movies, from 1 or 2 cameras with optional overlays of MDSplus signals.
NSTX RGA Trend Data (example)
NSTX-U Filter Scope Plotting Tool
List NSTX-U Neutron Totals

See What's New for more details on recent changes.

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last modified 12-Aug-2016