Installalling EPICS MEDM on your PC.

Directions to install and run MEDM on a PC running Windows.


Note 29NOV2006  P. Sichta:  The instructions below are obsolete.  See Sichta or John Dong for assistance.  A *free* x-server 'Cygwin/X' is an alternative to Exceed.  It requires and extra step to get startmedm going, but avoids the expense and licensing needs for Exceed.


Rev 06 23JAN03 ps

Required Software:
1) Microsoft Windows98, or newer operating system.
2) Exceed 6.0 or later. Other x-servers may work. Works with ReflectionX.
3) EPICS_Win32 folder , or PPPL-burned CD-ROM containing EPICS_Win32 folder.

1) If not already done, install Exceed or ReflectionX according to the manufacturer's instructions.

2) Insert the PPPL-written CD-ROM, or copy the EPICS_Win32 folder to your PC from :


3) Open the (downloaded) EPICS_Win32 folder and move the file EPICSEx33-win32.exe to your desktop.

4) Double-click the EPICSEx33-win32.exe icon on your desktop to install a suite of EPICS applications on your computer.

5) Delete the EPICSEx33-win32.exe file from your desktop; It is no longer needed.

6) Copy the folder EPICS_Win32\NSTX to C: to make the directory C:\NSTX. If you already have a C:\NSTX folder on your PC, then see Appendix A, note 5.

7) Navigate to C:\NSTX\epics and make a shortcut to the file C:\NSTX\epics\Exceed_StartMEDM.bat or ReflX_StartMEDM.bat (depends on your X-server program. See your site's EPICS system administrator for other X-Servers) , and then move the shortcut to your PC's desktop. You may change the label and the ICON for the shortcut... see Appendix A, note 4.

8) Double-click the desktop's StartMEDM shortcut icon to launch the medm program with access to the NSTX displays.

9) If you make your own medm displays be sure to save them in the C:\NSTX\epics\medm_displays directory.


Appendix A - Additional Details

1) MEDM has no licensing restrictions.
2) In the C:\NSTX\epics folder, the medm_displays folder was manually ftp'd from the NSTX epicsrv computer. So, your medm display pages will not keep current with all the displays on epicsrv. See your EPICS system administrator if this is a problem and/or for an update.
3) Use the right mouse button to rename the desktop shortcut to StartMEDM.
4) To change the shortcut icon for StartMEDM:
    a) Right-mouse click over the shorcut and select Properties.
    b) Poke the Change Icon button.
    c) Poke the Browse button.
    d) Browse to C:\Program Files\EPICS WIN32 Extensions  and select medm.exe.
    e) Poke the Open button.
    f) Poke the OK button on the Change Icon window..
    g) Poke the OK button on the StartMEDM Properties window.
5) If you already have a C:\NSTX folder on your PC, then copy the folder EPICS_Win32\NSTX\epics into tour C:\NSTX directory to make the folder C:\NSTX\epics.



Page edited 29NOV2006  by Paul Sichta []