StripTool was develeped by Chris Larrieu of the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility.
The text below is from StripTool 2.4.beta7 (June 1999).
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Hi everybody, The new version of StripTool, a real-time graphing tool, is now available. There are currently two versions of the application: one using Channel Access and another using CDEV. They are named StripTool_CA and StripTool_CDEV respectively. Both reside in the /cs/op/bin directory, and are accessible from the right mouse button in VUE (remember that you must be on an ops machine to start a channel access client from the right mouse button, or if you are on a development machine you must properly set the environment variable EPICS_CA_ADDR_LIST. I believe the value should be If you don't feel like reading anymore, but want to check out the program, just type "/cs/op/bin/StripTool_CA" at the prompt. After a few moments the main window will appear. In the top left corner you'll see a text entry box. Make sure it has the input focus by clicking over it. Then type a channel name like CCT20N or iocin1:memfree, and hit enter. Or drag a signal name from medm, etc. into the text box, then click the "connect" button. If Channel Access can find the signal (or if cdev can find the device when you're using the CDEV version), the graph window will pop up and start graphing. Some random notes: (1) StripTool needs 14 private color cells. Some notorious programs, like netscape and Framemaker, will gobble up as many private color cells as they can at startup, leaving none for other apps. So if you want to run netscape at the same time as StripTool, start StripTool first. (2) You may find that sometimes when you maximize the graph window, the program will terminate with a "bad alloc" message. I'm working on correcting this so that insufficient-memory conditions are handled more gracefully. I'm not sure what causes this problem, but suspect it may have something to do with applications allocating off-screen display memory and not freeing it. Whether this is an application error or an X-server error is not immediately apparent. (Any ideas?) (3) The only visual difference between the Channel Access and cdev versions is that the latter cannot access a channel's default precision field, and therefore all devices have the same initial precision. You can still set this value yourself, however, and save/load it to/from a configuration file. (4) Two of the functions are as yet unimplemented: Printing and Data Snapshot. These are in progress. For the time being, QuickPrint works very nicely. (5) This code is still being tested. If you have any problems, comments, or suggestions please let me know. (6) I hope you find this program useful :) (7) If you have any interest in customizing real-time graphing for a particular program, let me know. In writing this program, I have designed it primarily as a real-time graphing API, where the Channel Access and CDEV applications are very simple clients of the graphing package, so it is fairly reusable. Basically, to write your own application, you provide the functions to connect/disconnect names with your data sources. In your main() procedure, you initialize the Strip sub-system, give it your connect/disconnect routines and any file descriptors from which your process reads, then pass control to the API. When a connection is established for a particular curve, you provide a function which the Strip can call to get its current value. **************** More Information **************** To start the application, just type StripTool_XX, optionally followed by a configuration file to load, e.g. StripTool /cs/op/lib/stripTool/CTF. If you don't specify a config file, or if the file you give contains no curve information, you'll get a window (it might be pretty big if your default font size is large) consisting of five separate frames, each displaying info and controls for various aspects of the application. There is also a menu bar along the top. Before describing the various controls, I'd like to list all the user- selectable settings. All of the following parameters can be manipulated dynamically from the control window, or can be loaded from and saved to configuration files. A Configuration file can be loaded at any time, and the information it contains will be applied immediately upon being read. User-definable parameters: * Timing + x-axis timespan + data sample interval + graph redraw interval * Colors + graph foreground, background + grid colors + legend text color + curve colors * Graph attributes + x, y grid-line on/off + y-axis label color + data line-width + x, y axis no. hash marks * Curve attributes (unique to each curve) + name + engineering units + value precision + scale min, max + pen/plot status === MENU === FILE LOAD CONFIGURATION (1) select file name (2) specify attribute mask (specify combination of Timing, Colors, Options, and Curves) SAVE CONFIGURATION (1) select file name (2) specify attribute mask (specify combination of Timing, Colors, Options, and Curves) EXIT PROGRAM shut down the application WINDOW GRAPH displays, and raises the graph window UNCONNECTED SIGNALS (1) lists which requested names are not attached to a data source. (2) allows user to select items from the list then free the resources being used by the app for the unresolved names, by clicking "Free Selected" HELP nothing, as yet. === Controls Dialog === SIGNAL CONNECTION FRAME PLOT NEW SIGNAL This is where you enter the name of a signal to plot. You can hit enter or press the "connect" button to initiate a connection attempt. While the name is unresolved, it will appear highlighted. Once a connection is established, the name will disappear from the box, and status information for the corresponding curve will appear in the Curves frame to the right. If no connection is established within a certain period of time, a window will pop up showing all of the currently unresolved names. Each unresolved name uses resources which can not be reused until they are freed. You can free an unresolved curve by selecting its name and clicking on the "Free Selected" button. Doing so will also cause the window to go away. If you want to keep waiting for a connection, click on the "Keep Waiting" button. TIME CONTROLS (you must click the "Modify" button at the bottom of this frame to edit any of the displayed values. Once you have finished modifying, you can click the "Update" or "Cancel" button to apply or discard your changes) TIME SPAN Specifies in Hours:Minutes:Seconds how much time's worth of data you want to view at one time. DATA SAMPLE INTERVAL How often, in seconds, data should be sampled. GRAPH REDRAW INTERVAL How often, in seconds, the graph should be updated. GRAPH OPTIONS COLOR BUTTONS Pressing these buttons will pop up a color editor window. You can change the color by increasing or decreasing the red, green, blue components, using the corresponding sliders. You can also pick a color name from the X color database by clicking the "names" button. X,Y GRID LINES Pressing the toggle button will switch the visibility of the grid lines on the graph. Y AXIS LABEL COLOR Selected Curve: the color of the value labels will correspond with the color of the curve whose min/max values are on displayed on the axis. Foreground: the color of the values labels will be the same as the default graph foreground. DATA LINE WIDTH Moving the slider will change the thickness of the plotted lines. X,Y AXIS HASH MARKS Pressing the "Modify" button at the bottom of the frame will allow you to modify these values. You can then click "Update" or "Cancel" to apply or discard your changes. The values indicate how many hash marks will be drawn along the X and Y axes. CURVES Each plotted curve has a row entry in this frame. The columns of each row indicate the Name, color, penstatus, plot status, precision, scale min and scale max for the curve. COLOR Click on this button to change the curve's color. PEN STATUS Toggling this button will cause the curve's data to start or stop being collected/drawn. PLOT STATUS Toggling this button will either hide or show the curve. PRECISION This indicates how many decimal points to show when displaying values for the curve. MIN/MAX These two fields indicate the lower and upper values of the curve's y-axis. For example, if a curve has a sampled value of 1, and its min is 0, and its max is 2, then that sample point will appear in the middle of the vertical axis. MODIFY Clicking this button will allow you to alter the settings for precision, min, and max. You then click the button again to apply your changes. REMOVE This button allows you to delete the current curve, stop plotting it, and free all the resources it uses. APPLICATION CONTROLS SHOW STRIPCHART Will raise and display the graph window. CLEAR STRIPCHART Clears all data from the graph, and frees all resources used by the curves. DISMISS Undisplays the controls dialog. Note that you cannot dismiss this window if it's the only one currently visible (otherwise the process would still be running but there would be no way top interact with it!). END PROGRAM Terminates the program. === Graph Window === This window is resizable using the window manager resize conventions. You can stretch horizontally, vertically, minimize, and maximize. The legend along the right of the window displays the names, units, and min/max values for all plotted curves. The corresponding colors distinguish the curves from each other. The vertical axis displays values associated with one curve at a time (unless, of course, all curves have the same min/max values). To select which curve's min/max are diplayed on the y-axis, click that curve's box in the legend, using the left mouse button. Clicking the right mouse button over the graph window will pop up a menu: CONTROLS Raises and displays the controls dialog window. PRINT/SNAPSHOT These features are currently unimplemented. DUMP Dumps all the data for the visible curves to a file which you specify in a file selection box. The file format consists of a column of timestamps, followed by a column of corresponding values for each curve. An entry of "???" indicated that the curve has no valid data for that\ sample. DISMISS Undisplays the graph window. Note that you cannot dismiss this window if it's the only one currently visible (otherwise the process would still be running but there would be no way top interact with it!). QUIT Terminates the program.
Page edited 02JUN99 by Paul Sichta