============================================================================ P. Sichta 01NOV2002 LabVIEW Help info to permit Internet Explorer to update the html page periodically. The published html doc is usually kept in this directory: C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 6.1\www Use a text editor to modify the html source file to include the following: ============================================================================ Embedding a Front Panel Image in an Existing HTML Document You can use the Web Publishing Tool to create an HTML document and embed static or animated images of the front panel. However, embedded animations will not work in browsers other than Netscape unless you add the following tag in the HEAD element of the HTML page: Where CONTENT is the number of seconds before the page will auto-refresh. Note To display VI front panels on the Web, the VIs must be in memory on your computer. Use the following syntax to embed static or animated images of the front panel in an existing HTML document, where web.server.addr is the address of the LabVIEW Web Server, .command is .snap for static images and .monitor for animated images, and VI_Name is the name of the VI . A question mark separates the URL from the VI name. Parameters in brackets [ ] are optional. You can add the following parameters to specify attributes for the image. VI_Name Name of the VI front panel to view. Encode the VI name according to standard URL naming conventions. For example, replace nonalphanumeric characters with %xx, where xx is the hexadecimal value of the character. You also can use a plus (+) sign to replace spaces. type Image type, either PNG or JPEG. If no type is specified, the default is png. If your browser does not support PNG, the default is jpeg. depth Depth of the color in the image. depth can be 1, 4, 8, or 24 bits. If no depth is specified, the default is the color depth of your monitor. quality Image quality and memory size of the JPEG front panel image. This parameter is applicable only when type is jpeg. quality can be between 0 and 100. If no quality is specified, the default is 80. compression Compression level used for compressing PNG images. This parameter is applicable only when type is png. compression can be between –1 and 9, where 0 indicates no compression and 9 indicates maximum compression. Compression levels 3 through 6 perform as well as level 9 and perform fewer calculations than level 9. If no compression is specified, the default is –1, which uses the optimal compression level between 0 and 9. refresh Maximum age in seconds of a cached image. If a cached image is older than refresh seconds, a new image is generated. full Specifies whether to return the image of all controls or just the part visible in the window. Set full to on to indicate all controls and off to indicate the window content. If no full is specified, the default is off. lifespan (Animated images only) Number of seconds the front panel animation lasts. Setting lifespan to 0 makes the animation continue until the browser cancels it. If no lifespan is specified, the default is 60.