If your X-display device supports millions of colors (24-bit color), you have some options. If you have less than 24-bit color, you should set your display to 256 colors. NOTE: Thousands of colors, i.e., 16-bit color, should NOT be used with IDL!
Invoking the PPPL routine MK_COLOR *BEFORE* any window creation in an IDL session will, as a default, limit the number of colors in that session to 60 (see mk_color.pro for a complete description of this routine). This way, you can have 3-4 IDL sessions going, and not get flashing (on the NSTX Control Room X-terminals this is recommended since they do not support millions of colors).
IDL> dummy=mk_color('yellow')This can go in your idl startup file (on Unix the default name is ~/.idl_startup),.
If you just have an IDL window for Help, or for simple x-y plots, you can invoke the following when entering the IDL session:
IDL> dummy=mk_color(max=12)
To set your Mac, go under the apple...Control_Panels...Monitors, and select millions of colors (thousands of colors, i.e., 16-bit color, should NOT be used with IDL!), and set eXodus (Settings...Server_Settings...Advanced_Settings...Colors) to "same as Monitor." You should then be able to have many color maps without flashing (you may get a benign message about "Unsupported X Windows visual").
Other issues arise when running with 24-bit color, such as having to replot things after changing the color map, etc. Even with millions of colors, I would still recommend:
IDL> dummy=mk_color(max=256)For one of the best descriptions on the ins and outs of color use in IDL see http://www.dfanning.com/documents/tips.html#UsingColors.
alias netscape 'netscape -ncols 64 -no-about-splash &'If your X-windows management is from a Unix host, another way to limit the number of colors IDL defaults to is to have the following lines in your .Xresources file:
idl.gr_visual: PseudoColor idl.colors: 60If your X-windows management is from a VMS host, these lines would be in the .XDEFAULTS file in your DECW$DEFAULTS directory. E.g., for username JSMITH, this file would be JSMITH$:[DECW$DEFAULTS].XDEFAULTS.
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