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I can't log into nstxpool. What do I have to do? |
You have to be in the Unix group "nstx". At the Unix/Linux prompt, type "groups" to see if nstx is one of the groups you are in. If not, send e-mail to unixadmin@pppl.gov.
Path variables are different on the nstxpool and portal computers so you may have to update your login scripts for RedHat Enterprise Linux.
Is NoMachine the best thing to use to log into the Linux cluster? |
NX NoMachine has become very popular here for accessing the Linux cluster. After you disconnect and reconnect later, even from a different location, your Linux desktop and all the windows are in the state you left them (assuming the Linux computer was not rebooted). See NX Suppport for instructions.
I don't like using X-windows; how can I use the MDSplus tools? |
You can read data into IDL, from a terminal session, and plot with Tektronix graphics (see below). NOTE THAT VERSATERM DOES NOT WORK AT PPPL, as of February, 2006, SINCE TELNET IS CONSIDERED INSECURE!!!
You may want to use some of the Web Tools available.
I'm having problems with my X-terminal or X-emulator. What should I check? |
The most common problem on a unix/Linux system is not having your DISPLAY variable set properly. Many forms of remote login automatically handle "X-forwarding" for you (e.g.,ssh); if not, you need to set the environmental variable DISPLAY yourself. If you receive an error similar to the following when trying to run an X-windows application like scope,
Error: Can't open display:You need to set your environmental variable DISPLAY:
setenv DISPLAY where.to.plot:0.0(replace "where.to.plot" with your network name or TCP/IP number, e.g.,
Another typical problem is "access control," i.e., the computer that tries to send an X-window must be allowed to display it on your screen. Many X-terminals require that access control from specific nodes be granted explicitly. On your Unix login computer you may grant access using xhost or xauth (see the man pages for these). Type xhost at the Unix system prompt with no arguments to see if access control is enabled, and which clients are authorized. If you want to authorize the display of X-windows from europa.pppl.gov, for example, you could include the following in your login script (e.g., ~/.login when using the csh or tcsh shells):
xhost europa.pppl.gov
If you are using eXodus on a Macintosh for X-windows emulation, read these eXodus tips. MacOS X users can run X-windows applications under X11, much as they would from an X-terminal. Be sure to use -Y when ssh-ing, e.g., in an X11 window (NOT at terminal window):
ssh -Y myusername@portal.pppl.gov
For PC's running Exceed, read these Exceed tips.
Why, in an xterm session under Mac OS X, does the delete key return the cursor to the beginning of the line instead of deleting the character to the left? |
You could control-click in the xterm window and unselect "Backarrow Key BS/DEL" in the popup menu, but you will have to do this for every window. Better to add the following to your .Xdefaults file on the Mac.
xterm.*backarrowKey: falseIf you don't know how to edit this file, you can type the following at the command line prompt in an X11 xterm window:
echo "xterm.*backarrowKey: false" >> ~/.XdefaultsIf you get an error that the .Xdefaults file does not exist, type:
echo "xterm.*backarrowKey: false" > ~/.Xdefaults(">>" appends to a file, while ">" creates or overwrites an existing file)
Restart your window manager (or exit X11 and restart it), and the Backspace key will delete to the left. If this problem occurs in other X-window applications, like netscape, you may wish to leave off the "xterm." in the command.
How do I program my Logitech 3-button mouse to work in X11 on the Mac? |
The middle and right buttons on a Logitech mouse will often function properly WITHOUT installing the Logitech mouse drivers. If you have installed the driver, and the middle and right mouse buttons do not work properly in X windows, bring up the Logitech control panel from System Preferences, and
(if your middle mouse button is not working on your PC, you might look at this site: http://www.digconsys.com/mouse.html and download the "Middle Mouse Button" software.
How can I view my Tektronix plots made in IDL? |
Tektronix graphics is an old standard, and you should avoid using it, if possible. For setup, see http://w3.pppl.gov/~pshare/help/xtc.html
On Linux, in an xterm window, assuming you have loaded idl, via, say, "module load nstx/mdsplus"
IDL> setup_tek,/xtc IDL> (plot commands) IDL> unsetup_tekAn xtc window will come for you (one per host computer), if it is not there. Bring up the List Box to scroll the plots, send to a file, print, etc.
(On VMS, you have to bring up your xtc window first, so type "setup xtc" and "xtc&")
Alternately, from the current version of IDL, you can send Tektronix output to a file and print it, or edit it on your Mac (perhaps read it in VersaTerm and save it as a Pict file?):
EUROPA$ setup idl tek EUROPA$ IDL IDL> fileout='IDL_' + screen + '.TEK' IDL> device, file=fileout IDL> (plot commands) IDL> device, /CLOSE
How do I print my plots? |
Plots can be printed from Scope. Under the Customize menu, select "Print..." and choose your printer (or a Postscript file for later printing or editing.) Then under the Print menu, select "Print All."
mdsscope.html, mdsplotlist.html, and mdsplot1.html, now have an option for producing Postscript output files (a check box near the Send button).
Plots can be printed from IDL. See setup_ps.pro. Excellent information on Postscript printing is available at the David Fanning web site.
What about making Powerpoint slides? |
You can save plots as Postscript files, read them into Adobe Illustrator, and save with a Preview Mode. Then insert these into Powerpoint files. Gif and Jpeg files can also be written from IDL, or saved from output from web tools , and inserted into Powerpoint documents, though these are bit-mapped, and do not look as nice, in general.
Do I have to learn a new editor? |
Any editor will do. Read about Nedit on the NSTX-U Software Applications Page.
How do I find out the current shot number? |
EUROPA$ tcl show current nstxIn IDL:
IDL> print, lastshot()From X-windows, you may wish to run the Shotclock .
How do I find out the date of a certain shot? |
IDL> print, mdsshotdate(108880)
I need to use UNIX for something; how do I learn it? |
If you know VMS, read Unix for VMS Users. There are many web pages on learning Unix. NSTX-U users may wish to customize their Unix environment -- see $NSTXUSR/util/init_files/AAA_Whats_Here.txt on the PPPL Unix Cluster.
How do I transfer or copy Scope files from VMS to linux? |
There are two utilities on VMS to transfer scope files:
PortASingleScopeFile.com and PortScopeFiles.com
To use either utility, first 'Set Default' to the VMS directory where the scope file(s) are located.
To transfer a single scope file:
PortASingleScopeFile SAMPLE.SCOPE If your linux username is different from your VMS username, you can enter your linux username as a 2nd argument. The Scope file will be transferred to your home directory on nstxpool in lower case. Please note that if a scope file of that same name already exists in your home area, it will be overwritten.
To transfer all of the scope files in the VMS directory:
PortScopeFiles "/u/scopedirectory" where "/u/scopedirectory" is the linux destination directory (must be in double quotes) The destination directory must already exist. The filenames will be in lowercase. If a scope file by that name already exists in the destination directory, it will be overwritten! Example: EUROPA$ PortScopeFiles "/u/gzimmer/scopes" If your VMS username differs from your linux one, enter linux un as 2nd argument GZIMMER:*.SCOPE -> gzimmer@/u/gzimmer/scopes Number of Scope Files: 11 ... etc...For both versions: - You will be prompted for your linux (domain) password. - The filename will be converted to lowercase! - If your linux username is different than your VMS username, you can enter your linux username as the 2nd argument.
How do I transfer or copy IDL files from VMS to linux? |
There are two utilities on VMS to transfer IDL files:
PortASingleIDLFile.com and PortIDLFiles.com
To use either utility, first 'Set Default' to the VMS directory where the IDL file(s) are located.
To transfer a single IDL file:
PortASingleIDLFile SAMPLE.IDL If your linux username is different from your VMS username, you can enter your linux username as a 2nd argument. The IDL file will be transferred to your home directory on nstxpool in lower case. Please note that if an IDL file of that name already exists in your home area, it will be overwritten.
To transfer all of the IDL files in the VMS directory:
PortIDLFiles "/u/idldirectory" where "/u/idldirectory" is the linux destination directory (must be in double quotes) The destination directory must already exist. The filenames will be in lowercase. If an IDL file by that name already exists in the destination directory, it will be overwritten! Example: EUROPA$ PortIDLFiles "/u/gzimmer/idlfiles" If your VMS username differs from your linux one, enter linux username as a 2nd argument GZIMMER:*.IDL -> gzimmer@/u/gzimmer/idlfiles Number of IDL Files: 11 ... etc...For both versions: - You will be prompted for your linux (domain) password. - The filename will be converted to lowercase! - If your linux username is different than your VMS username, you can enter your linux username as the 2nd argument.
How do I transfer or copy files between UNIX and VMS? |
At PPPL, VMS directories are mounted on Unix for many users.. For example, if you wish to copy zweben$:[spec]gould.pro from VMS to your current Unix directory:
sunfire11% cp /v/zweben/spec/gould.pro .The mounting of VMS directories on Unix is NOT automatic; if you want your directories mounted on Unix, send email to vmsadmin. Note that files must be world readable, so any Unix users will have read-access to these files.
Another method, which would work from off-site, is to use scp. To copy a scope file from VMS to $NSTXUSR/util/scopes/ on the PPPL Unix Cluster:
scp <your VMS username>@europa.pppl.gov:<vms path to scope file> $NSTXUSR/util/scopes/<a unique file name> Password:(your VMS password)The VMS path must be quoted, and the target spelled out, e.g.,
scp yourname@europa.pppl.gov:"auser7:[bdavis]bdtest.scope" $NSTXUSR/util/scopes/bdtest.scope
From VMS to Linux, username tcarroll would copy foo.txt from the current directory to Linux by:
$ scp2 foo.txt "tcarroll@nstxpool::/u/tcarroll"/translate_vmsTo pull a VMS file to Linux when the file has "$" in the name, enclose in single quotes,
scp -rv gtchilin@birch:'NSTX$MODELS$:[PASSIVESPEC]PASS*' /nstxdata/new/models/(Note the double colons after the Linux host.)
How do I most easily transfer files between UNIX and my Mac? |
Connect to server smb://samba1.ppppl.gov/<username> where "<username>" is your Unix username.
How do I most easily transfer files between VMS and my Mac? |
How do I most easily transfer files between VMS and my PC? |
How do I easily transfer files between UNIX and my PC? |
WinSCP works well (see above), otherwise, probably the easiest way is to:
This may only work for your home directory. For other directories, if "SSH Secure File Transfer" is on your PC, you might find it at
Start...Programs...SSH Secure Shell...Secure File Transfer Client.This should bring up a two-pane window. Then:
How do I create an Xterm window directly on VMS from Exceed? |
You first have to put the following line in your login.com file on VMS:
$ makexterm :== @decw$examples:decterm.comThen, in the Xstart window in Exceed, with "Secure Shell" as the Method, put makexterm in the Command box (you can't put the real command in directly because Exceed substitutes your IP address for @).
How can I have jobs run automatically on UNIX? |
Use the NSTX-U Batch Facility.
What tools are on the PC? |
Most things, except CAMAC control. Some diagnostics are based on PCs, typically using PCI-based data acquisition modules. Routines are available to communicate with the MDSplus server for NSTX. See IDLonPC.html for instructions on licensing IDL on PPPL PC's.
How do I get IDL on the PC? |
See if the version you want is on our FTP site , or download it from Exelis. See IDLonPC.html.
How do I install IDL on the Mac? |
See IDLonMACOSX.html for instructions on installing and licensing IDL on PPPL Mac's.
How do I install MDSplus and jScope on the Mac? |
See MDSplusOnMACOSX.html for installing MDSplus, including jScope and jTraverser, on PPPL Mac's.
See jScope_PPPL_Linux.txt for more information on jScope. Here is a local jScope example. jScope has good a Help file.
How do I install MDSplus on the PC? |
Download the appropriate version at http://www.mdsplus.org . In the left-hand panel, click on Software and then Downloads, and answer questions. See MDSplus Registry Variables for installing PPPL-specific environmental varables, like paths to data trees.
You will also want to add C:\Program Files\MDSplus\IDL to your IDL_PATH variable, if you will access MDSplus via IDL. (In IDL, go to Preferences...Path).
What tools are on Linux? |
Most things, except CAMAC control for the diagnostic highways. We hope to make every thing work on Linux soon.
I'm away from the Lab; what can I do from the Web? |
You may use the Web Tools, if you authenticate at the firewall.
For that matter, you may use X-windows if you authenticate, although some people find this rather slow and cumbersome.
What is the difference between the "physics network" and the "engineering network"? |
The Engineering Network is behind an additional firewall, so can not be access by default from any lab x-terminal. Control of NSTX-U power supplies, for example, is done from the Engineering Network. The Scientific Network has most diagnostic equipment on it and is more "open." DSO ports in the control room are blue for the Physics Network and red for the Engineering Network.
What is ssh and why should I use it? |
It is a Unix program/shell for secure connections (It is also available on most other platforms, such as Mac OSX, Windows XP, and VMS). If you were to use telnet instead, your password (and everything else) is in "clear text" over network lines, and can be read by anyone with a network sniffer. In response to DOE mandates, telnet has been discontinued at PPPL.
Why do I get "X connection to ... broken (explicit kill or server shutdown)"?. |
In addition to standard Exceed and ssh problems, this can occur on PCs with Exceed versions 11 & 12. Contact unixadmin for a patch. Quick fixes are to check your disk quota and to "ssh portal" within your xterm window before trying to bring up any other windows.
What is that authentication information? What if I have problems using the SecurID badge? |
Read about Authenticating at the PPPL Firewall.
If you have trouble with your SecurID badge, you should visit Lena Scimeca in B160.
Where can I sit in the NSTX-U Control Room? |
Some stations are used by "regulars" in the Control Room, and it is best not to commandeer those, unless you ask the normal occupant. Some seats are used less than half the time, and since there are a limited number of seats, those need to be used by less frequent Control Room users and by visiting scientists (as a courtesy, ask people in the area if they know if anyone is using that terminal today). Although not always up-to-date, a typical Control Room seating arrangement is on-line. Seats unlabeled or marked for "Visitor" are open to all, as are seats marked "Programmer."
Naturally, it is better to use a terminal that no one is logged into, but sometimes people forget to log off, so you may need to log them off (if people don't want you to do this, they should leave a note on the terminal).
Ethernet ports in the white DSO boxes should be "alive" if they are not covered by tape. Laptops can be plugged into these ports. If you need another port activated, contact the PPPL Help Desk at x-2275.
Wireless network access is available in the Control Room. See below.
In the future, more stations will be available in the extension control room -- send questions or requirements to Paul Sichta.
Can I use wireless internet access in the NSTX-U Control Room? |
Users can sit anywhere they want in the control room and get a wireless connection. Please note the following:
How do I view pdf, ps (postscript), powerpoint, avi or jpeg files on the Linux cluster? |
How can I fix my miscolored X11 cursor on Intel Macs? |
How can I get my buttons colored in IDL widgets like dbaccess? |
You have to load the conventionally named X-resources into your ~/.Xresources file:
xrdb -merge $NSTXUSR/util/init_files/idlcolors.XresourcesThis only has to be done once, unless the .Xresources file gets overwritten.
Why can't my IDL session find PPPL .pro routines, like fcplayer.pro ? |
Even though you may have done a "module load nstx", your IDL_PATH environmental variable does not point to the area with these files, or perhaps there is a name conflict with something earlier in the path. An IDL startup file, pointed to with the environmental variable IDL_STARTUP may also cause path problems. To see if this is the case, execute the following before getting into IDL:
source /p/nstxops/util/setup/cleanidl.csh
Why do I get "setenv: Too many arguments" when I source a bunch of shell scripts? |
While the following syntax within a .cshrc file, for example, is valid:
setenv IDL_PATH {$IDL_PATH}:+~/myidl/Sourcing several files that add to a path can cause the "Too many arguments" error.
setenv IDL_PATH "{$IDL_PATH}":+~/myidl/
How do I share windows on my Control Room Mac with the NSTX-U Display Wall? |
setenv DISPLAY nstxwindowspc:0.0then, any X-window you create from that X-session will be displayed on the Wall.
How do I share windows on my Control Room PC with the NSTX-U Display Wall? |
setenv DISPLAY nstxwindowspc:0.0then, any X-window you create from that X-session will be displayed on the Wall.
How do I unzip or un-tar files on my PC? |
What computer permissions and environmental variables does a new user need to access NSTX-U data on Linux? |