NSTX S/W Site Map
This site map outline should only be considered a general guide.
NSTX home
NSTX Software home
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I set up my computer account to use NSTX software?
How do I know what data exist?
How do I look at data?
Do I have to restore data?
How do I find out about how the machine was running for a certain shot?
What if I want to add my own comments about a shot?
For a particular diagnostic, how do I find out which shots have data?
What were the first and last shots for a run day? for an XP?
What is MDSplus? What are these "tags" and "nodes"?
How do I make my own Scope layout files?
What "canned" plotting, data display and other IDL routines are there?
Is there a way I can let other physicists know about my tags?
NSTX Data Acquisition
NSTX Data Analysis
Do I have to use IDL to analyze the data? If I decide to learn IDL, where do I start?
What TRANSP runs have been done, and how do I look at them?
Is there anything like MINGL and LOCUS?
What sort of relational database tools are there?
How do I know when the between shot EFIT analysis is finished?
My program needs the electron temperature and the plasma current as well as my own data, and I want it to run automatically every shot. How do I do that?
How can I get postscript files from the WebTools plots?
I want to put the results of my analysis in the tree, too. How do I do that?
What is TDI and why do I care? Is there a list of useful TDI functions?
Who else uses MDSplus?
I don't have an X-terminal; how can I use the MDSplus tools?
I'm having problems with my X-terminal or X-emulator. What should I check?
How can I view my Tektronix plots made in IDL?
How do I print my plots?
What about making Powerpoint slides?
Do I have to learn a new editor?
How do I find out the current shot number?
How do I find out the date of a certain shot?
I hate VMS; what can I do from UNIX?
I love VMS; what can I do there?
I need to use VMS for something; how do I learn it?
I need to use UNIX for something; how do I learn it?
What tools are on the PC?
What tools are on the Mac?
What tools are on Linux?
I'm away from the Lab; what can I do from the Web?
What is the difference between the "physics network" and the "engineering network"?
What is ssh and why should I use it?
What is that authentication information? What if I have problems using the SecureID badge?
Where can I sit in the NSTX Control Room?
Error Messages
Web Tools list
NSTX MDSplus Plotting Tool
NSTX MDSplus Scope Plotting Tool
NSTX MDSplus Signal Plotting
data values in spreadsheet-compatible format
MDSpuls Shot Search
TRANSP Run Listings
Setting up TRANSP runs
Digraph List
CAMAC Status & Configuration
NSTX Controls Software Information
Web Traverser
MDSplus Signals and their Labels
daily shot list 2001
daily shot list 2000
daily shot list 1999
SHOT LISTS overview
Unix & VMS tools
MHD Physics Analysis (EFIT)
S/W Overview
layout of the NSTX tree
List of NSTX Trees
shot cycle schematic
PPPL IDL routines
Diagnostic info
S/W Details
How to Setup IDL at PPPL
General Atomics' web page on eXodus
Limiting "Flashing" when using IDL at PPPL
Simple Colors in IDL
Fanning Consulting IDL Pages
downloading IDL Help to your Mac
Introduction to IDL
Using IDL for more advanced Plotting
web-based help on user-written routines used at PPPL
web-based access to old VMS Help at PPPL
valuable IDL sites
MDSplus access for NSTX
PDF files on MDSplus
MDSplus Home Page at C-MOD
MDSplus at DIII-D
MDSplus Resource Page at U-Washington
TCL list of available commands
TCL Examples
TDI command classes or index
TDI Examples
Creating a private MDSplus tree
Creating and using physical subtrees
MDSplus Access from IDL
Database usage
Supporting CAMAC
MDS Servers
Error messages/problems
Logbook documentation on the web
Logbook manual
Accessing NSTX Meetings Remotely via RealPlayer or ShowStation
How to Setup IDL and X-windows at PPPL
many user-written IDL routines
Edited 089-Aug-2013 by:
Bill Davis